He's too hard.
He's too hard
that's what she said ahahahhaa
Beat him on my third try, and I'm terrible at souls games.
dmcv is better
I had more trouble with the Dancer.
How? Unless he uses the AoE attacks, his moveset is rendered entirely useless because you can roll infinitely. Same for all other bosses that don't have lingering hitboxes or AoE attacks. If it's a dude with a sword/weapon, you can cheese the fuck out of him by spamming roll and attacking once and then roll roll roll roll and attack once, etc. If you want extra cheese on your Dark Rolls 3 experience, equip a dagger and use the dash weapon art for even more i-frames on your stupid roll, except now it's a sneaky dash animation and it kind of costs some MP.
PONTIFFS HATE HIM! learn how to trivialize a boss with one weird trick!
Pontinfinite Staminavahn dabbing on shitters will never get old
Stay as close as you can to him and keep moving left, dodging when you need to, use parries
During a second phase use wide horizontal attacks to kill his shadow and damage him
He's not that hard desu
>let Madden/FIFA playing coworker borrow DS3
>2.5 months later still hasn't played it or offered to give it back
I used phantoms through all of DS3. I don't even feel bad, they gave half the bosses meme HP. Who cares
Learn how to parry pleb
should have never given it to him, those games are made to be addicting and will never let you clear your backlog
foooking dooode
Just get him to his second stage and the fight becomes 1000x easier. Way less aggressive and uses easily avoidable big damage moves instead of endless combos and the clone telegraphs all his attacks neatly, don’t even need to parry
Based Pontiff BTFOing shitters
I got stuck on him but finally beat him when I learned you can hug him with your shield up while circlestrafing and like 70% of his attacks will go over your head, the rest will be blocked