Itt: post your fighting game mains

itt: post your fighting game mains
I'll start

Attached: mika.jpg (769x899, 161K)

Other urls found in this thread:!6zZznAJJ!cbn0YRuWB_EyKKZgp_mehhNm01GZgRetwwcbRWRpnNk

Fucking lobbies when

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At ease loseh

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Mika mains never last. They'll always end up as Wagner, Eltnum, or, in rare cases, a Waldstein.

what are some other games where i can play characters with giant gauntlets? only thing that comes to mind is senran kagura

Attached: 20180415183320_1.jpg (1920x1080, 483K)

Post the gif. You know the one.

>those hands


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Attached: Negan_T7.jpg (1366x2048, 415K)

>tfw have bad character crisis in every fightan game
>always end up with a pool of 3, never settle on 1 true main

Attached: 1436799103843.gif (500x750, 896K)

Rate my taste
>Guilty Gear Xrd
>Dragon Ball Fighterz

Attached: Axl_GGXrd_Portrait.png (1055x1280, 866K)

Sakura is my waifu, but Ibuki is my main in literally every game she's in

Attached: 56f393d1308a904f0f91d7765b177ffe.jpg (1200x1800, 155K)

d'vorah is my bugfu. too bad they made her look awful in mk11. probably won't buy because of that.

Attached: 540.gif (540x450, 1.63M)

Blueku point/Broly/Gohan

Carmine for UNIST.

Attached: 6c5ce7b689b2ee65c47865d12f2b0b0a.jpg (700x1200, 80K)

>ff2's you

Attached: ZUGuIhI.png (1382x1319, 212K)

>Dead on PC


Attached: Ramlethal-img.png (1129x1255, 430K)

Jobhan lul

While I agree, his DP is really good and his mix up with 214L/M/H is insanely good. You can fake people into thinking they have advantage or recovered before you and punish with DP or 214L.

Hazama in BB
Nova/Taskmaster/Vergil in UMVC3

Attached: Hyde2.jpg (500x707, 90K)

I've been messing around with Hyde in Under Night looking for a main, but he might be too dull ultimately so I'm looking at Waldstein as well.


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Naurot hands down

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I can't decide between learning the game with Eltnum or Wagner.

Eltinum has sick active reload and is generally hype
Wagner is unga bunga

I went for the unga bunga because she seemed easier to learn and I like paladin characters

Try both.

Attached: D1A6-4pVsAAiSfr.jpg (680x584, 75K)

Eltnum's pretty unga too.
Insane frame traps all day leading to ludicrous damage.

Attached: 2451a941bd28e7663ce0f161c7992ad4.jpg (919x1200, 178K)

I don't understand why Eltnum deserves as much damage as she gets.

Attached: fwsfsef.gif (255x167, 111K)

or Akatsuki.

Attached: Phonon-7.png (139x371, 5K)

How dedicated are you to your main?
A friend of mine made the crochet plush for christmas :>

Attached: Fortune2.png (1080x1620, 2.65M)

MK11 will be Shao Khan
Videl/16/Cooler, might switch out 16, he's not pulling me through like he used to.
Pic related

Attached: Sol_image_rev.png (864x1143, 256K)

Attached: Profile-merkava.png (1199x2017, 1.18M)

Riptor is my main, but I've been picking up this ugly fuck a lot lately. RNG stance switching is nuts.

Attached: Eyedol_Hero_Art_4K_No_Logo.jpg (3840x2160, 3.14M)

Is KI still active? I've been thinking of picking it up, maybe next steam sale.

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Attached: file.png (428x543, 361K)

It's still very active, the one caveat is that Steam ranked is a ghost town, as there's no crossplay with Win10/Xbone ranked. Unranked (exhibition, lobbies) are crossplay, but there's no direct invite system or lobby codes in place, so whoever you match up with is left to chance. I'd still recommend it on that basis, and it drops to $10 pretty regularly.

Is King a real human being with a Jaguar mask or is he actually a Jaguar with a human body?


Seeing all the stupid shit in Tekken as of recent, I would be totally convinced he's a Leopard-thing.

He's a hero to the children.

give me ALL the bonks mika bros

Big hand loli is best loli.

Attached: MikaBongo.gif (456x404, 326K)


Attached: i15231837082.gif (492x492, 107K)

Dudley ( street fighter 3d strike )
Bridget and Milia rage ( guilty gear X2 )

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Vanessa, King and Kula

Attached: 1546101287700.jpg (719x1111, 113K)

Who else but the Dandy Man?
Soul Calibur VI
Tekken 7
SFV for the little time I played it
>R. Mika

Attached: slayer overdrive.gif (500x281, 1.29M)

Attached: 1474719559881.png (1280x800, 818K)

>DragonBall FighterZ
Trunks/Freeza/Broly But I hate this game, so I don't play it anymore.
>Garou: Mark of the Wolves
Still Rock, even though he's bad
>Melty Blood
Aoko or Miyako
>Persona 4: Arena
>Persona 4: Arena Ultimax
Beowulf and Big Band (Skullbois)
>Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
Ibuki, Yang, and Sean
>Street Fighter V
Bison and Sakura But I hate this game, too
>Tekken 7
Leo But I hate this game, too
>Them's Fighting Herds
>Vampire Savior
My wife, Lei Lei

Attached: eba.jpg (1057x1200, 223K)

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My nigga.

Attached: enkidu dab.png (350x271, 111K)

Japanese sword girl

Attached: 1510822418016.png (927x752, 88K)

Her huge sword looks soft and squeezable

You'll get cut. Don't touch

Kula will fit right in the UNIST roster.

Attached: ewLi4hZ.jpg (754x1200, 120K)

Attached: man of culture.jpg (680x383, 34K)

Imagine the handjob

She's got thrusters on her palm, I don't recommend it.

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Attached: 01_Business Casual by TheDevicer.png (1024x938, 666K)

In 2 & 3 though

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Attached: Image - Vergil's Win Pose.png -.png (1024x1024, 435K)


Attached: joe the condor quote.jpg (500x281, 33K)

I actually don't play fighting games, I just take the cute/sexy girls and play them as angry bitchbreakers or mewling paper tigers on F-List.

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Attached: fightan game mains.png (1854x616, 1.08M)

looks like you have a type

I never thought about it but I guess so

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Attached: Yama.gif (458x750, 819K)

snekboi in BB
Oreo in UNIEL
Kolin in SFV
Jacko in GG
Sumireko in 2hu 14.5

Attached: Terumi_214D.png (841x563, 138K)

The guardian of the galaxy, The Animal, Big Dave Vatista

Attached: 1524162980828.jpg (2303x3248, 685K)

I still main her. Merk is my secondary.

Attached: XDelet this.png (240x240, 49K)


Attached: Mika and four Bonkers.png (675x750, 50K)

I wish they didn't change her so much in 5.

Attached: Juri-chan.jpg (896x694, 52K)

Jive is trash but this purple boy makes it worth playing.

Attached: Shit Farter 5.jpg (738x1079, 165K)

Attached: XD bonking at incredibly hihg speed.gif (100x100, 13K)

Wolverine will always be my main

Attached: MvCI.jpg (508x655, 117K)

No, not Heroines I just like this art by Ogura. Also Kula and Vanessa.


Chaos and Hilda

Attached: Heroine-sylvie.png (806x1156, 677K)

Everyone hates me I know, I just like being weird

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Do people still hate zoners? I remember years back the amount of just rage and hate that people harbored for even the smallest projectile, now everyone's just cool with it. What happened?

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Maybe they finally learned how to deal with them.

Attached: Hocus-poke-you.png (823x936, 284K)

Is it too late to get into UNIST?

no though you'll never be as good as the Japanese
why do you want to though

it's too late to get into any anime game

Attached: DkFYcR0U0AEhDAe.0.jpg (1200x800, 121K)

Some of them have big ass weaknesses though. Nobody's really going to complain about Hilda, Arakune or Robo-fortune.

Attached: Knob.gif (100x100, 26K)

Because I played 400 hours of GG last year until I realized that the 20 active players were years ahead of me. The mechanics were great tho.

Imagine Mika, but naked.

My guy!

Attached: You can't escape!.gif (289x132, 154K)

Attached: 57915075247b8a31353c12_display.gif (58x111, 31K)

How is Melty Blood? I saw some gameplay of it on youtube and it looks cool and I already heard it's free, is it good for a newfaggot at fighting games?

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>she's never coming back
>nor is my monkey fighter
Guess I'll be playing VF5LR for the rest of eternity.

Attached: eileen-v5.jpg (1500x2000, 781K)

Linnes shorts

Attached: FANG.png (372x399, 242K)

Don't make fun of her height user.

Glorious spats

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I fucking hate all drunken master style characters, they are so hard to read.

That's literally the whole point of drunken fist.

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Good taste

Attached: 72012354_p7.jpg (1000x1000, 285K)

I bounce around a lot of characters in a lot of different games, but I guess the one consistent character I have is Kanji in P4A.

How do you fix insane character crisis that's been lasting for years?

Attached: 1544417589750.jpg (600x338, 49K)

>Old SF
>New age SF
Tina / Lei Fang
>Goober Gear

>Guilty Gear
Pic related
>Tekken 7

Attached: 1549837177589.jpg (433x650, 55K)

Attached: Mika alt.png (1212x1338, 746K)

Doesn't mean they are the most annoying to fight against.


Guile, Dudley


Donkey Kong

Sophi, Geralt


Attached: __mika_under_night_in_birth_drawn_by_suzuna_najaran__8720c8863c15912aa312dcc9eadc074f.jpg (700x988, 86K)


Attached: Kain-garou.jpg (900x1200, 147K)

>Only time I've ever tried learning a fighting game was Xrd
>Really dug Sol, not just because he has a neat design, but because he's the tutorial character
>Start actually getting the hang of things with the tutorials
>Try and go through the story mode
>Proceed to get my ass handed to me
>Immediately forget all the shit I learned and just start button mashing desperately
Maybe fighting games just aren't for me.

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Captain falcon

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Attached: D1vBuArUYAE1yK1.jpg (2800x2702, 460K)

The only fighting game I really got into was UMvC3 because my roommate had it and two sticks. I really liked using Wesker, Akuma, and Vergil. He started getting pissed when I was beating him consistently

Attached: 1544961050199.gif (250x250, 1.89M)

as punishment did he suck your dick?

My fellow ninja.

Attached: chipp.jpg (170x297, 9K)

Attached: Hb-lin2016.png (800x1131, 588K)

not everyone is a faggot user.

with the gif you posted it was heavily implied that you suck megadick

I play Chipp a bit on the side as well, but I've never been very good with him even though I've always liked him. Jump Installs have always been too tough for me to do consistently and I feel like I'm gimping myself playing Chipp while not making use of them.

Attached: 1543171233122.jpg (1280x1848, 635K)

Attached: gen-sf4-style.jpg (1000x1180, 134K)


Yeah you definitely need to make use of jump installs. I screw up sometimes, but I'm starting to get the hang of it.

UNIST - Orie
BlazBlue - Mai
BBTAG - Orie/Mai
DFCI - Tatsuya
SFIV - Sagat
MvC3 - Wolverine, Strider, Vergil

Attached: 607077.png (1792x1008, 1.53M)

Dandy as fuck

Attached: Venom_REV.png (318x500, 138K)

Attached: 1530345200263.jpg (2550x3900, 3.77M)

>Street Fighter pre IV
>Street Fighter IV
>Guilty Gear
Jam or Baiken
>Persona 4 Arena
Akihiko. Rise in Ultimax
Nu or Kononoe
Enkidu but I've been using Eltnum a lot lately
>DragonBall Fighterz
Yamcha/Nappa/Tien. I really wanted to use Beerus but I suck using him and he's pretty bad in itself so. Shit sucks.

Attached: 1549996474713.jpg (748x748, 50K)

Attached: 256 XDs bonking.gif (1600x1600, 2.39M)

Give me my YRC butterflies and more damage you cowards

Attached: 1537130696719.jpg (640x480, 128K)

is there a template for this image ?

1. Akatsuki Blitzkampf: Kanae
2. BlazBlue: Hakumen
3. Persona 4 Arena Ultimax: Junpei
4. Melty Blood: Kouma
5. Rival Schools: Akira

In order of how much I like playing them. In other games I always try to find anyone as close to any of these five as possible.
Happy it took me like 10 minutes to get the 6C loop super combo after not having played for months.

Attached: Akatsuki Bk - 2.webm (640x480, 2.41M)

>that timer
Is that a Divergence Meter?

Attached: 1528892068828.png (1000x562, 864K)

>Guilty Gear Xrd

Attached: GGXRD_Faust_5K.png (1064x877, 119K)

You'll have to pirate the good version, but everyone does that. Don't use the steam version. Rebeats make the game fun to play at lower levels too so you should have a good time learning. Try and see if you like it. It's not like it's costing you anything but time.

Definitely not

>Soul calibur

Attached: 1523906734252.jpg (200x275, 18K)

Tekken 7
>King, Katrina
>Terry, Vanessa, Robert
>Brad, El Blaze

That happens to everyone, user. You have to be willing to suck for a while.

Yup. You will need to use GIMP, though (the open source equivalent to Photoshop). Here:!6zZznAJJ!cbn0YRuWB_EyKKZgp_mehhNm01GZgRetwwcbRWRpnNk

No, it is in fact a really nice moment because people are starting to jump in due to it becoming a main stage EVO game.

Attached: 1531506928612.png (1257x926, 861K)


Attached: coils.png (290x358, 8K)

Looks like it's time to oil up!

Attached: 2BC37F31-A0DB-4834-8715-90A2605CFAA2.jpg (678x960, 92K)

thanks man

I'm right here

Attached: 1552485088417.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

>Melty Blood
The Mika Returna

Also trying to get into Parasoul in SG.

Attached: 1552279906574.jpg (1288x1758, 184K)

>Guilty Gear
>3rd Strike

dumb waifufag


Attached: IMG_20190302_135331.jpg (1296x1862, 189K)

dumb waifufag

I really don't give a fuck about what you just said but could you do me a favor and post more of her armpits? Thanks.

>implying mika art exists

Attached: Zangief_Real.png (1000x1330, 1.09M)

Ded gaems don't count.

Shiki Ryougi

Attached: lee.webm (298x360, 46K)

My waifu
>Tekken 7
Dragunov, Josie and Julia
Cammy, Necalli
>Guilty Gear

Attached: kasumi-doa3-conceptsketches.jpg (2362x2362, 552K)

Slightly off topic:
How the fuck do i beat story mode Lee vs Alisa on the hardest difficulty in tekken7?

Attached: MIKAfinal.gif (500x500, 278K)

>anime girls

Attached: (You).png (970x1730, 504K)

Zamasu, Beerus , Yamcha
Been a while since I played but
Peacock, Squigly, Parasoul


>Guilty Gear
>Tekken 7
Not sure yet, thinking of maining Chaos
Trunks/Goku Black/Zamasu

Attached: 1548256452964.png (259x224, 17K)

Attached: Bao-2001.jpg (700x1024, 193K)

Little Mac, K. Rool, Dedede
3rd Strike: Alex- IV: Gouken, Oni- V: Alex, Birdie
Scorpion, Reptile
Potemkin, Faust
Merkava, Waldstien, Mika
Chie/Merkava, Akihiko/Waldstien, Kanji/Tager
Bane, Raphael, Scarecrow
>Playstation All Stars
Radec, Sir Dan
Jiren/Broly/Cooler, Base Vegeta/Piccolo/Beerus
>Killer Instinct
Rash, RAAM, Kilgore
>Lethal League
Latch, Grid
>Rivals of Aether
Kragg, Shovel Knight
Big Band/Beowulf/Peacock (basic ass bitch shit)
U3: Ghost Rider/Viewtiful Joe/Dormammu, Wright/West/Taskmaster- Infinite: Sigma/Ghost Rider, Venom/West
>Tekken 7
Heihachi, Geese, Negan
HFtF: Iggy, Jotaro- ASB: Fugo, Okuyasu, Josuke- EoH: Diego
>Tatsunoko vs Capcom
Alex/West, Joe/Karas, PTX
>KoF 14
King of Dinos/Geese/Terry or Angel
>J-Stars VV+
Jonathon, Tsuna, Oga

Attached: 20081215_093714000_iOS.jpg (443x265, 56K)

I wanna see a normal girl in real life carrying something 2 heavy gloves like that like, I get it its fantasy but, Jeez.

Mika has retard strength

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will we see bonks at EVO Mikabros?

Attached: 1538592257827.gif (1080x1080, 451K)

Attached: 0.jpg (1536x2048, 482K)

If the Japanese are heading to evo you probably won't see any in the top 8.Though I'm sure there will be a few in the pools and maybe me and my terrible Yuzu.

Don't yell at me.

Attached: QPortraitSFIII3rd.jpg (1600x1600, 150K)

How do you even play that many games? Are you really good at any?

hmm. your main looks very intersting.

the majority of the fags that posted in here played a game once or twice but still posted their mains for it

Attached: mains.png (1733x1351, 2.72M)

Top 1500 on Steam for DBFZ (But that doesn't really matter very much since majority players are PS4), just got Cross Tag 2 days ago and have about 8 hours in it, most of the other ones I played in their heyday and usually got to higher ranks but now just play them with my friends when we want to, major ones right now being UNIST, GG, Soulcal,UMvC3, SFV, IJ2, Smash and soon gonna get back into Skullgirls.
Only one that really falls into that category is Burning Blood because no one played that fuckin game. Actually had more playtime in TvC online than Burning Blood. Rest have solid amounts in them.

Attached: 2019-03-16 (1).png (297x112, 54K)

Enkidudes raise up

Attached: Enkidu3C.gif (250x250, 97K)

Attached: Iwaslazyaboutmakingthissoitlooksbad.jpg (2310x4818, 1.13M)

Hey mate, you got a template by chance?


Attached: 1532526096835.jpg (438x337, 35K)

Found this after a quick archive search.

Attached: 1477995355769.jpg (2310x4213, 655K)


Attached: download (87).jpg (226x223, 7K)

Attached: Bonk Cake.png (1979x2516, 2.72M)

Attached: 1533445623874.jpg (1000x1361, 144K)

Why do people post party game characters instead of actual fighting game ones

I want to eat cake frosting out of her navel

>smash is a game
>you fight in it
i rest my case

Get in line.

Counterstrike is a game
Humans fight in it!?!

I make my case

fuck you user axl alone makes your taste megabased already and you know it.


Doctor Wiggles.

Attached: DRB-TTT2.jpg (1620x1800, 338K)

you guys are cool
being honest, from KOF to DBZ is just shit and giggles for me, but they're all fun games and I had to fill some blank space

Attached: 1550686911474.png (1047x802, 970K)

>ctrl+f Akuma
>only 5 results
Come on Akuma bros
lp + lp -> lk +hp

Attached: shun-goku-satsu-gif-1.gif (322x195, 337K)

just finished mine, I didn't play lot of versus but it was still fun to do

Attached: My mains versus low res.png (2000x3059, 3.49M)

Patrician reporting in

Attached: IMG_3851.gif (500x281, 351K)

You have the basic whit background available too, if you prefer it. Also,
>I didn't play lot of versus
That means you have played Versus? Where?

Attached: 1530410538631.jpg (500x281, 17K)

From one Bloody Roar player (Stun Main) to another, I'm sorry Konami sucks so much dick.

>a character from that game's timeline happens to get stuck in UNIST's

Attached: 1523307636147.png (700x680, 121K)

I appreciate a character with less intricate combo strings and not as execution heavy as say byakuya or Seth.

Also I can unga bunga b tatsu if all else fails

Attached: Akatsuki_214x.png (562x283, 94K)

sorry I just meant that I didn't play many versus fighting games

Attached: w0nBJ.png (1003x983, 533K)

FighterZ: Android 21/Goku Black/Broly
Smash: Bowser or Inkling. Can't decide between them.

Attached: Majin.Android.21.full.2409789.gif (600x738, 2.82M)

KoFXIV was a good game and Xanadu was the most fun new character KoF has had since Oswald.

Attached: Xanadu.jpg (1920x1080, 381K)

i like to think fightans are currently growing and that perhaps we'll see it making a comeback, but yeah, fuck konami

>*presses buttons in your face*

Attached: 1530968516943.jpg (1024x1024, 418K)

Oh, ok. I thought you somehow had the chance to try Granblue Fantasy Versus.

>Fav character and main in general
Terumi BBCF
>Random mains
Kazuya T7
Geese Howard in Kof Games
Akuma and Bison in SF games

Attached: 1544265z7785.gif (384x430, 102K)

If you can't tell the difference between implying and inferring you're too young to be here.

> 3rd Strike

Ken and Dudley

> Darkstalkers

John Talbain

> USF4

never learned the game well enough I just fuck around in it. I play a ton of characters at a scrubby level

> umvc3

same story

> sfv

when I still played this shit game I started as a Ken main, gravitated towards Geif cuz he was the only character that made the game feel like street fighter, but when arcade edition came out and they nerfed him, I dropped the game


Goku Blue, Broly, Trunks

> Tekken 7

I don't play this often, but King is such a sick character, so I only play him

> not fighting games, but smash

melee: Marth and Sheik

PM: Marth, Sheik, and Ivysaur

Brawl: Ike and Link

WiiU/3DS: Mewtwo, Corrin

Ultimate: Haven't gotten the game but played it at a friend's house. Richter, Cloud, Pichu, Chrom

jesus christ

stop it with

this retarded shit



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Forever and always. Except in MvC2 because I have no idea how to make her work in that game.

Attached: b2fa6739e12361c1b4b395b8a486a5a9.jpg (540x768, 215K)

Attached: Lord and Savior Mika.png (502x671, 380K)

nop but I want to play it as much as you

Attached: 1552432497364.jpg (1709x1007, 140K)

My drunken brother! Got any tips? I keep failing with his stances against skilled players.

>Mika-chan desu, yoroshiku!

Attached: 1551237621045m.jpg (1024x576, 96K)

If all else fails, CHESTO.

Nina, Mature, Millia, Valentine, Parasoul
I need more girls with mean faces

Attached: __mature_the_king_of_fighters_drawn_by_hankuri__72c292442928d34784c4b1fdbd8c42a1.jpg (467x700, 57K)

Most likely not. Still a contender for bottom tier next to Enkidu. Hope you like fireswords, whips and spiderwebs.

I need to finally start and finish one of those main templates. For now I'll just say my favorites are Maxima, Nemesis, Hakan, King (Tekken), and Big Band.

Maxima mains are all based in my book. If you ever take DBFZ seriously, and want to keep going with Zamasu, I'd recommend running Gotenks and Jiren with him. Zamasu is one of those few non-big bodies that really clicked with me, and that team has a lot of cool synergy. If Jiren isn't your speed, Yamcha works just as well, but Zamasu/Gotenks shell is mandatory to maximize effectiveness.

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Damn I wish I could play Mature and Valentine, but I've yet to find a game where I find its best girl fun to play. I always end up maining monsters and muscle mountains outside of stuff like Arcana Heart where there's no option for that and Smash where Palutena clicked with me back in 4 which paid off in Ultimate.

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Man CHESTO and Eltum really fit nicely in Unist they are both great


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