How did Capcom get so based? What GOTY-tier game are they making next?
How did Capcom get so based? What GOTY-tier game are they making next?
hopefully a good fighting game. Capcom has been on fire for everything except that.
DD2 is also next but realistically it would take a couple of years for development compared to a fightan
Most Likely due to rumors & such
> 1. Mega Man Legends 3 (Switch Exclusive)
> 2. Mega Man X9
> 3. Breath of Fire Reboot
> 4. Dragons Dogma 2
> 5. Dino Crisis Reboot/Remake
It will be one of these or a completely original IP
It will go back to shit. Thats just how the cycle goes.
Reminder Capcom said they are making game that even fans will be confused to hear they're making.
I wonder what it could be.
One of their FGC-related social media dweebs has been teasing Marvel vs. Capcom 4 lately, hopefully the next one can actually remake the models and animations instead of slapping more realistic models onto cartoony caveman animations
Dead Rising reboot. That first game was brimming with potential, even if you didn’t like it. Just because Capcom Vancouver drove it into the ground doesn’t mean there isn’t gold there worth mining.
I hope it goes for the same comic-book style as 3. If needed, drop Marvel and find some other big name license.
After so many train wrecks I guess they realized they actually had people with talent.
>kusoge that appeals to the lowest common denominator
>a remake. a great remake, but still a remake
>a wonderful game
It's progression, I'll give them that. Bring back Mahvel and make MH Portable 5.
I know a lot of people would be mad it isn't Dino Crisis or MML3 but I really want another Lost Planet.
>MH Portable 5.
>he still can't accept that World is MH5
go back to "playing" your cinematic experience
How is MH World if I don’t like multiplayer?
you can play solo. It's a great game.
MegaMan Legends
World was a heap of poor design decisions. Can't really say for the others since I never was a fan of those franchises.
Solo is still very fun and I'd argue often easier.
I just finished DMC5, user.
>portable series = main series
They're two different series, silly.