I'm getting sick and tired of these fucking japs

I'm getting sick and tired of these fucking japs.

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>Japanese can't deal with dual sticks

halo sucks

They were literally just fucking with them, they don't want a gaijin console in their homeland.

Isn't that illegal?

The hard thing is right though. If you watch a Japanese playthrough of RE2 remake on standard you'll see enemies die 1 shot less average.

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They also couldn't deal with dual nukes

>X is the letter of death
They don't even use the Latin alphabet what the fuck? This and the black color thing seem like they are just trying to fuck over the gaijin

You didn't know? The Japanese were notorious for not being able to into dual sticks for quite some time. They can't wrap their heads around move the character and camera at the same same time and it makes them shit at fps'

Most of the Japanese are normalfags who play shit on their phone. The actual diehard players over there are niche, like anywhere else


context you fig

Based Japs lying just so the shitty M*crosoft gaylo/cawadooty machine would fuck off from their market

Based Sony/Nintendo corporate sabotage. Very sneaky.

Xbox is a stupid name anyway. Omg X is so cool, we need more X - Xboxxx X OneTwo ZX XxXScroprionXxX

Being the prime producer of video game consoles/electronics and the early days of youtube showing videos of nips acing rhythm arcade games fostered the belief that they are superhuman when it comes to vidya games.
They're average, if not complete shit, at games outside of their genre comfort zone.
First person, fast paced games took a while to take off in moonland since it induced motion sickness in a demographic that have grown used to third person games.

Let's hear your cool console name then ,pal

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the GameSphere

Big Green Boy

The Nintendo

I thought white was the color of death in Japan?

>black is the color of death

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>not basically a slow death, not only for themselves, but for society at large

it's apt really

>X is the letter of death
>what is し

it's a joke, this interview never even happened

I'm interested in the 'easier version' of Halo they made for japs. Is it actually a seperate versions of the game for that market or were changes made to the game worldwide?

>Seething Xnigger
Even they knew your shit was garbage back then

what a terribly written/cropped article. who is "japan"? they didn't get feedback from the entire fucking country. was it microsoft's japanese branch? random surveys? retarded white expats living in japan spouting cultural memes to look smart to other gaijin? it sure as hell sounds like the last part.

The Game Dame
It's a console shaped as a voluptuous woman

>it's OK when Sony has a black console
They were fucking with him

>get horny
>try fuck my console
>break the disc drive trying to jam my dick inside
O/10 would not play
