Buying a $60 dollar 3DS port thats 10 hours long

>buying a $60 dollar 3DS port thats 10 hours long


Attached: 1552588348732.png (1322x905, 392K)

>Link's Awakening
>10 hours long
a bit generous

>wario land VB remake
oh god please

Yike! Sneedy coper! Sneed feeder based repdilled! Repdilled and based! Sneed Coper feed seed! Lion of Panjshir


Especially when most have played it multiple times.

Why should I believe a word this dude says when the Wario Land VB remake is clearly fake?

>caring this much about what other people do with their money and time

Infinite yikes

goddamn that WatioWare comp sounds too good to be true.

I don't understand why you made this thread. WarioWare Gold has been released and we know this Zelda remake is on Switch.

can you cut out everything but the highlighted lines? obviously they're the only important things since you went to so much effort to emphasise them.

It was aight except they ruined the art style

Attached: 984px-WarioWare_Gold_NA_cover.png (984x899, 1.19M)

Where have you been?

Attached: H2x1_3DS_WarioWareGold_image1600w.jpg (1600x800, 495K)

>buying something you enjoy

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Link's Awakening is a near perfect gaming experience and one of my most favorite video games ever.

I'm so excited to be getting a luxurious gorgeous remake which I can play on my TV and in handheld form. Feels good being a Switch owner, let me tell you.

Attached: zelda-triforce-heroes-developers-photo_1920.0.0.jpg (1200x800, 81K)

but Link's Awakening can already be played on TV and handheld form

Yeah, you have fun with that.

I normally play LA at least once a year. I not going to play it this year. I'm holding out for that gorgeous Switch remake. Its gonna be so good.

but you could just use the super gameboy or the gamecube player...

Attached: kokiri child.png (400x410, 147K)

Have fun with that fucking set up lol. Let me know how you get on connecting a 20 year old system to a modern TV.

Or I could just use my CRT?

>I could just use my CRT?

So let me get this straight, you're telling me I should get a 20 year old system and a fucking CRT TV, hook that ungodly monster up in my tasteful classy livingroom - with fucking controller cables trailing all over the fucking carpet and me sitting about 5ft from the TV - just to play an old school rom.


I can play the new gorgeous looking remake on my brand new Switch, looking great on my 65" TV in all its HD goodness, with all the QOL improvements and the ability to just pick it up and take it anywhere with me seamlessly.

Hmmmm.... its a tough one.

Holy shit what

pleb...dear lord

>Links Awakening is 10 hours Lomg

Really makes me think

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Why 3DS version canceled?

It could have revive the console

3DS version would have been way better than that shit on Switch

if i remember correctly that leak also mention new Advance Wars game

wowzer mark, where's the shadow deleting of this post already?

The amount of mental gymnastics hoops you have to jump through to convince yourself that this remake is bad is staggering.

Go and enjoy your GameBoy player on your CRT TV my man. But don't get upset because people are raving about the remake when it hits Switch.

Im not that guy, just saying I can use a CRT if I wanted. I don't even have a gameboy player, I'd rather play GBA games on my 3DS. And I'll probably get the LA remake too, it looks good to me.