I want to go back to when I had hope
I want to go back to when I had hope
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If you paper cut my urethra with a laminated envelope and make me fuck a lemon, through all that pain, the pain of what MGSV could have been will still shine through and make me sink into a plateau of sorrow.
Let me suffer now
t. 600 hours
MGSV actually turned out better than I expected. I remember expressing concern about the game's direction way back in 2014 and being attacked by anal-blasted hype-gluttons here. For the most part my concerns were right, but the story was more interesting than I expected. The presentation was also shittier than I expected, to be fair.
>t. 600 hours
you're like a little baby, 1688 hours here, no regrets
I remember "shitposting" a lot back then warning you guys about V but no one listened.
What story?
>1700 hours
Such a lust for unfinished video games
that fucking red bad trailer
kojimbo really know to hook people, if only we knew how bad it really was.
MGSV has a fair bit of plot, it's just relegated to the sidelines for most of the game, and almost all the juicy stuff is in the tapes.
too be fair it's mostly from MGO3 and FOBs, single player must be close to 300 hours
fun to play but god is the story shit
>chode talker
worst character
I keep seeing people say it's unfinished
I'm out of the loop, only started playing the MGS series recently and finished 4 like a week ago, what about 5 is unfinished?
Get out. Leave this thread while you still can. Finish the series on your own terms.
the second half of the game repeats missions from the first but on higher difficulties. Also, there are several plot points that aren't concluded and later konami released an unfinished cutscene to give closure to one of the plotlines after release.
It's easily one of the most soulless AAA games ever made. They didn't even try, and what they did do wasn't even close to finished.
I'm almost all single player
Doing FOB's made me uncomfortably anxious, though I did have a couple go's where I did a clean sweep
I literally couldn't cram it into one post user. Even if I could I just dont have that kind of time. I dont have the screencap of the Konami employee who explained a ton of the stuff that didnt get finished, but if someone here does it would be great
It was absolutely legit to from how detailed and specific everything was. Remember how when you are given the bionic arm in a cut-scene it has no pinky finger but when you play it has it? It was going to be an interchangeable tool to give you minor buffs(faster lockpicking among other things) that would help you out
Also there was going to be like 3 more areas at least, one of which being a densely populated large military base where the concrete camo would have actually fulfilled a purpose, another being Camp Omega from GZ
Fair enough
Was expecting to see young solid snake, young gray fox or sniper wolf but we got mantis and liquid instead. Not a total loss but still kinda sad.
>vocal cord parasites
fucking nonsense.
>using soulless unironically
>doge meme
The first chapter is great. But at this point they just randomly kill off 3/4 of your staff so that you can't develop any of the cool gear or upgrade your current shit as you either slog through boring side-ops or repeat the missions you've already done but harder - just so you can progress the increasingly nonsensical plot that doesn't actually end properly.
The best part about this game was Ground Zero which isn't even included in this game.
Naomi and Gray Fox have such an important connection with Big Boss. I can't fucking believe we didn't see any of it. Kojima deliberately had us play as Venom to just fuck with us one last time.
>Doing FOB's made me uncomfortably anxious, though I did have a couple go's where I did a clean sweep
I just used to go full rambo to steal resourses, nuke and snatch the cuties
>getting mad at the truth
NPC poster
And there are people looking forward to DS and are planning on buying it. I can't loathe them enough, they're complete idiots.
>NPC poster
>post wojak
it's like you can only communicate with maymays
>we will never have big boss and solid snake interractions in fox engine
>what about 5 is unfinished
The most obvious exclusion is the conclusion to Eli's plotline, mission 51. I suspect that Chapter 2 in general was intended to have more unique missions, even if those missions weren't going to be anymore story-relevant than most other missions in the game. Battle Gear also culminates in an anticlimactic way. Kojima suggested it was removed from being playable in the world because of balancing -- and I believe that -- but I also think that that balancing would have been achieved with more time. Africa as a map also seems undercooked in comparison to Afghanistan. There are some highlights in Africa, but most of the good stuff is in Afghanistan.
Aside from that, who knows? The story, Kingdom of the Flies aside, is pretty obviously what it was intended to be. I think the core gameflow is exactly what it was intended and promised to be, too. But how short it came from Kojima's vision we'll probably never know.
>we got mantis and liquid instead
That was pretty fucking stupid, to be fair. I think Gray Fox could've been integrated in a more natural way than Baby Mantis and Liquid (he's one of the few fanwank requests I think could've been good), but his absence is better than being Null'd again I guess.
Venom is Gray Fox
>play gam
>song go wohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh from trailers
>song say words that gill :DDDDD
>when playing game
holy fug :DDDD
I want to get back the time I spent on this boring ass game, its one of the few games I regret wasting my life on.
Later nothing, it came with the special edition.
Not only were the final two missions of Chapter 2 cut, there is evidence showing there would be a Chapter 3 that was cut entirely. Also everything else everyone here is saying.
Did game would have been better with the real Big Boss. I felt cheated and lied to. I blame Kojima
>inb4 thats how venom felt
I couldnt give a shit about venom. He liked being big boss.
I don't think there was really anything left to say or do with Big Boss. In that sense another prequel was a mistake to begin with.
I have a feeling Chapter 3 would've just been the postgame content Chapter 2 ended up being. I doubt there was a big piece of story we didn't get.
>he wants to play as BiBo when he can be venom
Except for, you know, that whole unfinished cutscene?
>I don't think there was really anything left to say or do with Big Boss. In that sense another prequel was a mistake to begin with
Except to make the game we thought we were playing. Having Big Boss go nuclear and become the evil fuck at the end of mg2 would have been fantastic. Instead he left Venom to do some better shit
You're probably right, but I could hope we might actually get some sort of arc that showed Venom devolving into a bad guy that ended with Solid Snake showing up. How fucking wild would it have been for Solid to speak only one line at the very end and the VA is David Hayter after all that controversy before release?
The ruse.
Venom is shit. He is weaker then Big Boss, has no real personality, has a worse design and is a fake.
The fuck is this?
Why do people like this franchise so much when only the first and third games are great? 2 is a bait and switch and the only good part is the exposition dump at the end. 4 is a boring movie with too much cheesy fan service and ugly brown graphics, only good part is the cemetery scene. 5 is unfinished and another bait and switch.
I got 15 hours and I dropped as soon as I realize the game would play the same every mission
made me lmao thanks
A mod replacing liquid and Big Boss because people think Big Boss is a small guy dispite him being 6 ft 3
Mission 51? Sure, but that wouldn't have constituted an entire chapter.
>Except to make the game we thought we were playing.
I never wanted that game to begin with. We already know why Big Boss does what he does. MGSV sort of delivers on the shift between PW Big Boss and MG1 Big Boss anyway, it's just left to the background. MSF gets wrecked and Big Boss realizes that trying to passively exist in the world's affairs isn't enough, and instead seeks to create Outer Heaven so he has more control over the world's conflicts.
It's not fair bros, I want to go back too ;_;
>Why do people like this franchise so much when only the first and third games are great?
Because you're wrong.
Are you a console cuck? I feel sorry for you guys, at least PC bros can mod the game and fix all the nonsense. Feels good, MGSV is actually nice on the PC
But I can play bloddborne after V and you cant
I have a Bloodborne machine, I lug it out of the closet and plug it into my second monitor whenever I want to replay the game.
Console cuck
I didn't realize there was a mod to get the story back in.
I can start up a Huey inside my own house and fly it and you can't
maybe the real MGSV is the friends we made along the way
>back in
It was never there to begin with, but the gameplay can be improved and Venom removed altogether
Sounds like something that fag would say
While I do like having something like IH, gameplay was never really too much of a problem.
Disabling fultoning, lowering the health for you and the enemy to realistic one shot = kill levels, removing the tranq weapons, and nvgs and shit, and adding random enemy patrols + armor, helicopters, ect at all times, makes the game soooooo much better.
I cannot play default MGSV as a health regenerating unkillable Snake with magical parachute powers.
It actually kind of bothers me how, due to the lack of multiple save slots, MGSV is the only game without difficulty modes. A Hard or Extreme difficulty would probably eliminate a lot of the game's problems. Imagine if MGSV had European Extreme mode.
I still dont know if it was a patch, or Infinite Heaven that gave me the option to start missions with NO weapons in slots. That should have been there from the start, too.
The trailers were so good. Ground Zeroes was fantastic. What the fuck happened man.
I agree, it's just I see that more as improving on something rather than fixing a problem, which for me was was more rooted in the story.
>people still dont get MGSV
It's weird how you can't choose to go without weapons, yeah. If anything, the game should reward you for going OSP.
>The only reason you dont like a unfinished game with a shit story and empty open world is because you dont get the message
There is nothing to get it's unfinished trash. The part that is finished isn't even good.
MGS5 made me realize just how much Kojima shares in common with JJ Abrams. They're both the PT Barnums of their fields in that they know how to drum up hype for hollow products.
This is why I'm not excited for Death Stranding. We've seen multiple trailers and have seen almost no gameplay since the game's E3 2016 reveal. 90 percent of the trailers have been mysterious cinematic bullshit and the other 10 percent is just characters walking through different places to show off the graphics.
It's been almost 3 years since the original reveal and we don't know anything about DS's core minute-to-minute gameplay loop.
MGSV is a mess with some shitty ideas but I wouldn't call it hollow. It's still pretty good.
>muh unfinished
Even if it were "complete", the fundamental design and writing would still be terrible. The open-world would still be a sterile lobby in which you get to run a very long time to your next instanced mission. The characters would still be boring and apathetic to the happenings of their own story.
>It's been almost 3 years
Oh God, it really has...
Kojima is beginning to pull an Elon Musk on us. I can't wait for him to cancel Death Stranding and become a regular Twitter shitposter and appear on the Joe Rogan show.
>just started the game for the first time last week
>about 30 hours in now
>problems all over the place
>tfw nearly every single reviewer said this was a 10/10 masterpiece
There's other people here who noticed the bullshit from the beginning of playing right? I mean the game isn't "awful" and I'm still having fun with it but geez there's just too many things wrong here to blame solely on Konami. It feels like Kojima has turned full fledge autistic narcissist after my playtime so far.
I watched a video about the cut content and intended true ending. youtube.com
A lot of the problems stem from things that otherwise the game doesn't push into the limelight.
Having a good MB staff layout has a bunch of positive effects on practically everything, from response time of supply drops and helicopter pickup (which, by the way, has to be manually customized and manually equipped with better engines since they cost more each use if you wanted to jew out) and several separate skills get upgrades depending on who you take out into the mission soldier-wise.
I can only assume you mean a lot of the tertiary shit, because two people I've known have had problems with stuff like that because they never got enough researchers or staff to do anything decent, or ended up playing a hard FOB event with shitty gear.
At least, in the end, if you get bored, there's MGO3. It's worth trying out but you should know there's a massive fucking hill with it since the balance is fucked. Anyone who's max level has an absurd advantage against others thanks to more unlocked feats and access to different builds - whereas you start with two premade classes and can't even make your own until rank 4. That being said, MGO3 was a refreshing retake when I got bored of all singleplayer content, especially since it can either be a shitty unbalanced match or flow so well it may as well be a new metal gear game. Protip: take it slow in mp, you can usually dedicate yourself to annihilating a target by sneaking around if you learn the maps and aren't on rush mode.
>There's other people here who noticed the bullshit from the beginning of playing right?
I predicted most of the game's issues from the game demos before it came out. It's clear to me that KojiPro thought the freedom and open environments alone would be enough to sustain interest in the game -- and for some people I'm sure it does. For me though I tend to lose interest in it between the meatier missions. The game really needed more stuff like the oil refinery and the Soviet central base. Even with its problems I think it's a good game, though. My biggest fundamental gripe with it is that it sometimes feels more like a slicker Splinter Cell than Metal Gear. The snappier pacing was definitely lost in all the concessions to modern design trends.
is mgo still alive?
The game's already been data mined to death, we already have the best mods available. At best you can remove Venom and play as Big Boss and insert your own head canon, or just ignore the story altogether. There is no other option.
I want to fuck Big Boss!
>People keep saying that the Medic is no way like Big Boss
He's another Big Boss. He is just as strong as the one that came first and he talks like Big Boss, at least in the tapes. He is just as charismatic as Big Boss and he is able to survive and withstand 40+ years of war just like Big Boss could.
Medic was the most trusted and highly skilled soldier on Mother Base next to the first Big Boss.
The Medic is another Big Boss, and the game proves it and says it outright n your face. You have to submit to the idea someday.
>40+ years of war
Who knows when Medic joined the Army? He's at least 3 years older according to the canon.
When I played GZ I immediately knew something was wrong when I saw all the fictitious military equipment. Anyone else?
>tfw mgs v was so disappointing it killed my passion for gaming
Havent been hyped for a game since
I never really gave a fuck about that and it was surprising to me that so many people did. I remember a lot of people complaining at the time, though.
TPP ruined my life and I want it back.
I was that way for a while but it came roaring back with DMC5 which delivered far better.
>there will never be another metal gear solid game
>but the story was more interesting than I expected
you must have been expecting paint to dry
There's a slight difference in tone depending on whether Suthers is playing BB or VS. BB has a little more emotion in his voice. Also, he's more prone to dry wit.
Quiet > Sniper Wolf
What the fuck is this retardation? MGS has always had more advanced technology than what was allowed at the time IRL.
In the MGS universe we had:
>Mechs, cyber-augmentation, laser rifles by 1994
>Mechs,cyborg-exoskeletons that can fire plasma blasts from their hands and bring the dead back to life, nanomachine systems complicated enough to alter human biology on the fly by 2005
>Power armor, mass-produced mechs and super AIs by 2009
>All of the nanomachine bullshit and incredible technology of MGS4 by 2014
and yet people still think its out of place for Big Boss to have a fancy projector in 1974
MGSV could have been fixed by having a more focused story structure and at most one or two dollops of fanservice like Grey Fox and Naomi being rescued by Venom in Africa.
What could have been
>Just as charismatic
You don’t actually believe that do you?
Redpills hard to swallow:
>Metal Gear Solid 2 is a far more streamlined game and far better story that doesn't feel like a collection of setpieces
>Peace Walker is the worst game in the franchise
>Phantom Pain is third best game in the franchise
*Metal Gear Solid 2 is a far more streamlined game than Metal Gear Solid 3
>i want to go back to when i had hope
>just for them to crush my hopes all over again
People who like MGSV legit have low IQs.
Reminder that they had to present chapter 3 as a slideshow on a bonus DVD
>"Facts do not exist, there are only interpretations."
>- Friedrich Nietzsche
what the fuck did he mean by this?
Fuck the MGSV portrayed in the trailers was such kino, I can't believe how badly the story turned out
>hey you know that descent into darkness that everyone wants to see
>What if instead we made a game solely to explain the body double situation that literally no one cares about
none of these are hard to swallow
The body double showed that BB willing to do anything to achieve his dreams. He was droppen in a world in which every major power wanted him dead and was actively hunting for him, he took on the role of the most hated man in the theatre of war.
Venom Snake then spends years building up Outer Heaven, he got hurt on multiple occasions and nearly died several times, he lost the only person he was legitimately close and in love with due to a dangerous parasite. He fought a genocidal Hungarian and stopped a giant mech that would ruin warfare forever. He spends his time in South-Africa and Afghanistan in severe political turmoil, fighting Russians trying to spread communism, and then South Africans trying to maintain apartheid, and Africans who deploy children to mine and defend mining diamonds.
An he isn't afraid to get his hands dirty either, he deploys child soldiers, he murders everyone infected with the virus, leaving a bloody trail of destruction is unavoidable, and you develop and build weapons that are as dangerous as the ones you've destroyed. Then against all odds he creates Outer Heaven, while his friends know damn well he isn't BB and don't actually care about him, and just wait until they can go back to the real Big Boss. And then Solid Snake is send in to kill you by the real BB, but not before you hastily find out you're not BB, you're just a random soldier and you'll never know your real identity and you'll die as BB.
Big Boss doesn't care to tell you and so you'll never find out. You hear guns going off outside as your Outer Heaven is coming down, and BB doesn't even care to inform him of anything that really happens.
You look at your face in the mirror and you see a bloody monster, you smash the glass and walk out knowing that there is no more way out of this for you.
It bothers me ever so slightly because it detaches MGS from the real world and into a parallel reality that's almost like ours but not quite. It makes all the politics and real human issues the game touches feel diluted.
And what really kills me is that because of the apparently convoluted way THE FOX ENGINE works, not even PC mods could fix it, which I was originally counting on.
3>1>introduction to teenage level deep: sons of liberty
>you smash the glass and smirk because you accept your role and love it
From the outset Metal Gear's continuity existed based off of fictional countries and global nuclear disarmament at the end of the Cold War. Stop being a whining nostlagiafaggot
Call it cope, but it wasn’t a terrible experience to play through, even if it wasn’t the next gold standard we expected. It was obviously held back by Xbox 360 and Ps3 releases with their technical limitations. It’s such a shame we don’t even get a sequel trying to fix things or just reimagining Metal Gear 1 or something.
>>hey you know that descent into darkness that everyone wants to see
That was Snake Eater and Peace Walker.
I enjoyed Phantom Pain.
*>You smash the glass and smirk because you're finally aware of what BB did to you
I have 500 hours and my sister has 700.
Why was this game such dissapointment, and how did it keep so many people playing for so long?
Maybe it was a reaction to the fact that the game wasn't finished, so we kept playing with the hopes of achieving that?
t. brainlet
MGSV was a copy of MGS2
List the similarities.
Small errors in detail stand out more tha macro ones, you casual pissbabby.
Directed by Hideo Kojima.
That’s not even a good argument, but the real reason for your complaints is that firearm companies started to demand compensation for using their product’s likeness in all video games when before they were simply ignorant/dismissive of artistic representations.
The most fun I had in this game was the mission Backup, Back Down. It’s where there’s a bunch of apcs traveling in a wide area that you must destroy. The best part is trying to get all the apcs, hidden hostages, and two tanks and a helicopter, all in a non leather non enemy alerting way. Well I never figured out how to take down helicopters non leathally but you don’t get punished for it by shooting it down. The toughest part is trying to shoot down the chopper stealthily as it takes a handful of rockets and a specific part of the map to hide from its search patterns. If every mission could offer that in a miraculously different way every time, this game might’ve been perfect
>he lost the only person he was legitimately close and in love with due to a dangerous parasite
>He fought a genocidal Hungarian and stopped a giant mech that would ruin warfare forever
>he deploys child soldiers
So since we know its all a lie.......
is Miller or Venom just Ocelot undercover?
>People trying to decrypt the ending of MGSV as if it was an overcomplex plot fabricated
You're fucking retarded. Massive Medic gets a tape recorded by the OG Big Boss, and he hears that he's another Big Boss, acting out and helping each over under one identity.
Later, Massive Medic comes back to the mirror and realizes how much of a demon he is by operating on the battlefield. He then picks up the back of the tape, which is just an allusion meant to interest the player into looking up the first Metal Gear game, and puts it in the cassette player. After he crushed the mirror, he erased all of his guilt and saw himself as "Big Boss" and accepted his role as a warmongering villain, proceeding to go with Outer Heaven, which is inherently a massively evil scheme alone, and does it out of the love for his role and his love for the OG Big Boss alone.
The whole point of the success of both Big Bosses is literally due to their charisma, soldiers around the world in the Metal Gear universe seek the magical myth, and said soldiers who have seen both of them in person are enlightened by their presence alone.
Meanwhile, Yea Forums seeks the man and wishes to fuck both of them.
It's never happening user, just accept it.
Imagine the shit we could have had by now if Konami wasnt completely retarded, all those remakes in fox engine, cool spin offs or finished MGSV. All we have now is Survive and its fucking horrible.
MGSV was good though.
Man remember how intense the trailers were ? Those speeches from Kaz...all wasted on nothing.
I fucking hate how Kojima made Venom to be some random dude and how instead of taking advantage of the game to let us recruit Sniper Wolf, Gray Fox, etc, we spend time with that fucking slut Quiet.
>Wanting more MGS4-style fanwank
Poops already ruined Gray Fox anyway.
No thats gonna be death stranding
It actually makes sense for MGSV to have fanwank. Gray Fox, Sniper Wolf, Ocelot, all were with Big Boss during the 80's.
Not to mention Solidus and Raiden were having fun during Liberia's civil war in the 80's as well
No he isnt. He lost to a rookie solid Snake and he does nothing in the tapes. He just sounds like big boss
He didnt create outer heaven. The real Big Boss did
>5'6 vs 6 ft +
I would say Venom is only charismatic because he is strong. Being Medic he was no one
No it doesnt. They all were with the real Big Boss since he was with the us military and takes them back with him. Except for ocelot
I like this game. Now what.
Best gameplay in the series. Storyfags go play Gone Home.