Post your best youtube video, everyone else rate it. Fuck recommended videos, fuck the algorithms...

Post your best youtube video, everyone else rate it. Fuck recommended videos, fuck the algorithms, I want to see videos Yea Forums made. No matter how shitty.

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How'd i do

There's too many channels. How do you even build a community these days? I see these people with hundreds of videos and streams with 0 views and ask myself how heykeep going when literally nobody is watching them. Its like watching literal mental patients talking to themselves.

I still can't believe I made this shit lmfao

Does it have to be video game related?

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i’ve been saving a bunch of CSGO footage to try and make a vid because I think player interactions can be hilarious. Can any of you guys recommend solid backing tracks from things like video game OSTs?

Nobody from Yea Forums that does well on youtube stays here, and I don't blame them.

Made this a while ago. Still pretty good in parts but if I could change anything it'd be removing the cringy opening at the beginning with the names.

you're not chad marco

>he makes youtube vids
Yikes, times to give up on the youtuber dream, buddy.
It's not a real job with a stable income.

what if you do it for fun?

I like talking about VHS tapes. Some people say I'm ok.

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I really have started to hate Disney and its trend toward monopolizing the American entertainment industry.
>So here's a shitty meme compilation of reviewers shitting in Captain Marvel

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Then you have autism and need to get a real hobby.

Captain marvel is shit? What a hot new opinion! Where do I sub to your patreon?

>these are the kind of people i share a board with
holy fucking shit

You're sitting in a room with a bunch of 15 year olds user.

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Is that considered a good speed for that game? I don't follow speedruns.

I don't know what you mean by best so I'll just post one of the only ones I put a meager amount of work into with a fuckin' PS4.

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Could I get some feedback? I'm not very good at editing but I'm trying to learn new ways to use vegas so I can improve.

it's not a proper category for pokemon 2bh, there's only a hand full of runners who have even attempted a 124 run

it's a fun run though imo; interesting routing and i think it's impressive to still be able to perform frame-perfect inputs first time six hours into a session

How do you not know what best means?

got a hearty laugh out of me, good job user

It could mean ratings, views, production value, or just plain personal preference.
The video is shit quality, but I think the editing is a little fun for a stupid playthrough of a game everyone's played. I still need to record all the parts for chapter 2, but I'm really lazy.

Other than some personal turboautist shit that gets me like Japanese pronunciations, it's pretty nice. I'd say try to liven up the pace a bit. You have a good voice and you speak well, but it drags a little bit sometimes. I know a lot of people try to pretend that talking fast is a replacement for wit and personality, but just kicking it up a tiny bit would work great for you.

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The devs have since updated the game and this video is a little irrelevant now but fuck it, I got 300,000 views.

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>Post your best youtube video

I do talky/casty/something to listen to while you play video games or work, but here: I did a 17 minute thing on what I thought BOTW could have done better and I'm really proud of it.
I'm not anybody to write home about, but I've got some jokes, got some things to say, and I don't do skits, lets plays, or "gaming news". I also do all my own art and that makes me happy.

Kenny! You make me want to reviews 2000's era anime, Kenny! I love your stuff!
Do more videos where you play the anime on the x-box huge television, Kenny. Also just keep making more videos? I don't see anything wrong with what you do beyond just maintaining your momentum- you've shown up in the algorithm like twice now.

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>The last game Iwata gifted mankind before his soul was trapped in the game and reincarnated into a Digimon by the mad sorcerer: Eiji Aonuma
I already like you.

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>you've shown up in the algorithm like twice now.
I'd like to keep that momentum but I cant keep taking days off from work to do anime videos on youtube.

>all that work and only 12 subs
This is why I hate youtube.

Just post it you coward.

wannabe e-celebs are not videogames

Fuck it why not. I'm absolute garbage. Here's my best vid.

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GTA4 is much better than GTA5 and this video proves it.
Only zoomers and fanboys disagree.

Liked your video on digibro.

>there was some thread long ago about creating really dumb burgers in some shitty flash game
>make a dumb video instead of screenshotting my creation like other anons

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thanks pal

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>Spend 20 minutes rendering a video.
>It renders as a static black screen for 7 minutes
Thanks Vegas.

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never fails to make me laugh

>Goes through the effort to cook the patty perfectly
>Doesn't even put it in the burger
Nice touch

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How many subs do you think you need before you should start a patron? Seems like its always a bad idea.

When you get comment asking how else they can support you.

If nobody asks, then you're not ready for a Patreon yet.

>How many subs do you think you need before you should start a patron? Seems like its always a bad idea.

I wana say 10-15k.

unless you're doing something that requires actual effort, don't start one.

How do you feel about being famous now Kenny?

>As of March 2018, there's been no game that has done to metroidvania what undertale did for RPG's
>Hollow Knight release date: February 2017

I remember this video. It's great.
>19 million views
Now THIS I don't remember. What the fuck

Anthony Fantano gave me a shout out on Instagram for this:

>12,000 subs

Perhaps in terms of making the genre more appealing to a broader audience. But HK has no meta. It doesn't examine metroidvania's conventions the way undertale examines the conventions of jrpgs. A year out from this review, I'd argue ESA gets closer to that.

>THE Fupoo
>the-guy-that-draws-porn-of-roll-from-the-megaman-series Fupoo

I regret not reading who uploaded this vid back then. Small world.

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I literally saw your video in reccomended last week and clicked on it. Saw another one earlier today too.
Thanks commenting btw. That shit gets me everytime.

I'm sorry, and I'm also not.

Do you think people would get upset if I redid an old video? I want to re edit the two lensman videos into one so I can correct the mistake about mst3k. That really bothered me when I found out they're not even made by the same person.

Literally my only video.

Woah, I actually saw your video once. Thinking about doing a Natinal Dex run myself. Liked the sprite checklist

Sorry, let me rephrase that: A 'consistent' following of at least 10-15k people, with lots of activity in the comment section, and a decent video viewing retainer ratio. It helps to have a lot of people, yeah, but it's works way better to have loyal viewers and fans who actually value what you do and keep coming back for more.

Like, Kenny doesn't think he's WORLD STAR material: But I'm pretty confident if he started a patreon he could at least see himself getting 40-60 smackaronies for each video he poops out on one of those "pay a buck every time I upload something".

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Go for it. Nobody cares.

I want to impregnate her

>Post a video I made on youtube with hours of effort
>no views
>Some specific way to make it work but its all trial and error, mostly being the later
>Numerous comments
>Didn't even make it

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It's almost like people are braindead idiots and the vast majority of them like the lowest common denominator jokes and references repeated over and over again. Look at pretty much any popular meme on this website, for example.

delfino plaza theme is nice but it's overused i think