
ITT: soul

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Now post the GBA version.

i think im gonna be sick

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Kirby's Adventure is a really impressive NES game, it probably establishes one of the best visual themes and aesthetics of any game on the console. Probably my only criticism of the game is the design choices where the devs put too many enemies on screen causing lag/slowdown based on the NES architecture(4 or more actors on the same horizontal line/screen at the same time) but they knocked this game out of the park.

Somebody in an earlier thread suggested Nightmare in Dreamland's tilesets are so different because it was supposed to be an original game, then changed to a remake later in development. Like the Zelda Oracles games but in reverse. I don't know if that's true but fuck remakes regardless

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>that unique sprite right after the clash with the Nightmare Orb

There is a 3DS version that fixes that issue

Attached: logride_kirb.webm (800x532, 1.14M)

Whats up with Kirby and his huge amount of soul?

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didn't even have the fucking islands
also notice they're covered in snow

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Wait so... old graphics = soul?

no, super mario 64 has more soul than most NES / SNES games

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I agree that the original's graphics are way better, but gameplay-wise the original Adventure is the worst in the franchise, and Nightmare pretty much completely fixes it.

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Did anyone else cry at the end of Kirby's Adventure or was it just me

the last boss and ending was kino
i loved how king Dee dee shoots kirby into the sky without hesitation to fight nightmare because he knows its the only chance of saving dreamworld, and then he joins kirby in the night sky after the fight

Attached: kirbyfallsoffstar1.webm (822x720, 1.92M)

that's some kojima level's of detail

also you can see a small pixel of kirby flying away from the moon as it explodes

Attached: kirby_destroys_moon.webm (600x480, 387K)

I don't get it...

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You can't normally slide with that suit but it still has a sprite for it just in case

It's a really esoteric detail both from a dev and a player standpoint
Normally when you have that powerup, you can't slide down hills, but they thought to include a sprite solely for the case where you happened to already be mid-slide when you got the powerup

>that star allies remix

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Thanks, frens.


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i don geddit

>but gameplay-wise the original Adventure is the worst in the franchise
Do you enjoy speaking out of your ass?

fuck how did i not know about this

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