Baba sometimes isn't You thread

Baba sometimes isn't You thread

Attached: 1552552058639.png (247x299, 2K)

Other urls found in this thread:!qNI3wAyI!gQkA-sWOJ_H-eFXEK_sRNCWG08buW-DEy0uzoX8-X68

just solved this one, what a weird solution
I've gained a whole new understanding of collisions in this game

Attached: 2019-03-16_Baba_Is_You_01-52-19_.png (353x310, 15K)

It'll come up again too, so you best remember
"Oh yeah, this impenetrable block is penetrable if it's the one moving and not me"
Kinda retarded logic

Cool game, but does anyone find it hard to play for more than 15 minutes at a time? I feel like half of the solutions Im coming up with are just from me fucking around.

It actually makes sense and follows the rules, it's just very obtuse about it.
The player isn't tangible without other modifiers and PUSH objects (Text is always PUSH) can be moved onto your tile, it's just that the player moving into PUSH moves them and stops you from being the one to occupy them.

it isn't that the block is impenetrable-- it would be stop/shut if that were the case. The block has the Push modifier, which gets checked for before movement can occur. In the case of Prison, the block gets pushed before the other Baba can attempt to push it and thus it moves onto the same tile. The fucked thing is it breaks the 4th wall a bit by getting into semantics fo what object is "checked" first rather than it happing all at the same time.

However, this same idea is used when getting moving objects to push a block in two directions on the same turn (so like, once to the right and then upward). It's the exact same concept.

The game's definitely at its best played in short bursts of a couple of levels at a time once you get to the harder stuff, otherwise it starts losing its charm pretty fast amidst the frustration.
Unless you're some kind of god or crazy into puzzle games.

>spend almost an hour on forest-13 catch
>make zero progress
>cave and look it up
How the fuck was I supposed to know that was even possible without just randomly stumbling across it?

I had to look that up. I didnt think collission worked like that.

It makes perfect sense, you just had to realize it. Not-X is Y means everything that isn't X is Y.

I realize there's completely solid logic behind it, it's just very abstract compared to standard block pushing logic so it's easy to forget about

>It makes perfect sense, you just had to realize it.
Yes, it makes sense, but I never would have even considered it as a possibility or attempted it. Especially sense plenty of other combinations that I thought should work just don't for no explicable reason.

This is why the game is perfect for the Switch.

A first step.

Attached: Steam_2019-03-16_03-11-33.png (942x81, 15K)

Baba is my favorite gay vidya character

Attached: Babasexual.jpg (510x179, 12K)

That interaction's admittedly more intuitive if you have a background in programming.

Sorry bud that one's on you for not experimenting. Prison I agree is pretty bad but when you get stuck you just gotta analyze every physically possible set of rules you can create on a stage and try mashing them all together until you discover something.

What the fuck is "Shift" I see that it can push teleporter objects, but it also pushed it while standing on it?

shift is a conveyor belt tile


If another object overlaps an object with Shift, that object gets pushed in the direction the object with Shift is facing. Has precedence over Tele but not Stop or Push.
Think of it as a conveyor belt.

Does anyone know what's up with level '?'
The one that's just baba and a flag?
Is it just there to serve as a bonus point to anyone who finds it, or what?

Does this game have an undo feature?


Z or LB

great thanks

This is probably the coolest puzzle game I've played in recent years.

Or backspace.

There should be "two." One undoes one at a time (which you can hold to rewind multiple moves). There's also the restart option.

>rocky road
this is some fuckin horseshit dude

Attached: 1552633153528.gif (200x200, 1.89M)

I just finished that one
if you want a hint only text you move is "push"

You should think about why there's no visible rules. Go left.

Am I retarded?

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1080, 74K)

Pull is ambiguous, but multiple options with a "pull" contextual will move together if you pull them in a line.

Hint: You can set up 'pull-chains', and these can get quite long

Am I on the right track with trying to push a chain of words down as I walk into the teleporter to swap what I am currently am, and then change block to "x is text" to create the win condition?

Attached: shobOdW.png (1252x705, 28K)

I forget exactly what I did but it involved some method of getting teleported to the right side while still maintaining the Push and Tele rules.

>Even with hints, it still took me a minute to realize
Timing is everything I guess.
What I ended up doing was Box is You, turn myself to Flag as I step onto the Teleporter, then make Box is Text when it's in the enclosed space, move in there myself, arrange words, and then Keke is Box.
And then I redid the whole thing with Flag instead of Box because Box is Stop.

This game is charming. It begs for a level editor or mod support, though.

Attached: 1512548091428.gif (557x605, 817K)

Level editor's in the works and already mostly created as what the dev used to create the levels himself, just has to tweak it a bit to make it accessible.

I've seen the dev's twitter posts, he has a level editor that he used for all the levels so I'm sure he'll release it soon
probably just isn't user-friendly enough to be released

A level editor is in the works. In the game files, there's even a folder called 'editor' with lua scripts inside

>unironic shilling
>but the game seems good
i'll..allow it

you can easily mod the objects

Attached: Baba Mod.jpg (1626x873, 173K)

Attached: eatshit.png (135x131, 15K)

pretty good game lads, playing a pirated version right now. Anybody know how long the game will take to beat? I might purchase it depending on large the game is.

Attached: 1.png (411x454, 34K)

i got it on the Eshop but i got a error before it finished the purchase , took my money but the game isn't downloading
Nintendo what the fuck

Nobody can really say because it depends on how fast you are at solving the puzzles. If you're great at it it's only a couple hours, if you're not it's a couple dozen.

Depends on how big brain you are.
As mentioned earlier, the game is best enjoyed in small bursts once it gets harder. This means that it's likely to last for a while.

It depends on how good you are at puzzles, but I've got around 110 cleared levels in 17 hours.
A scan of the game files shows that there are assets for a little over 300 levels.

I'm at 8 hours and 80 puzzles completed
there's over 300 puzzles I think (going by what's in the data folder)
definitely at least 20 hours of gameplay if you're going for 100%

Need Baba fan art and lewds

I see, I guess I will probably pick it up. Thanks gents.

Attached: dnsTwKv.jpg (525x503, 58K)

>the music stops if you push the "you" part in "baba is you"

Attached: 1514485901110.png (249x250, 144K)

The music stops whenever You have no control.

The music stops if you've ever locked yourself into a state where you can't move.

It's a good punchline

user IS gay

i could make baba lewds if you wanted


what do you think, user

>Dead End in forest #13
I knew the "Not Push" surrounded by fences was a hint, I'm ashamed at how long it took to figure it out

I dunno user

Attached: Machine is off.png (401x367, 155K)

Attached: 1.png (521x392, 289K)

Oh dear god, no.

favorite zone?
I'm really enjoying Forest so far, only 3 puzzles left
the solutions are much quicker to execute than they are to figure out and some are really clever

I've mostly got the brainpower for the extra puzzles, but theres a few where the mechanic hasn't been explained properly. I wish there was some kinda hint system that wasn't a complete walkthrough

I like the ones in the alphabet area.

Just solved this one
First turn yourself into two of the same thing, place one past the teleporter, then take over the remaining object.
Turn the two objects into text, then do 'Text Is You'.
Bump against the walls to make your remaining object into whatever can reach the win condition in the top right.

Why there is no mobile version of this game? Unironically it would fit perfectly

Its on switch

Prison was fucking retarded. I pray that its the worst puzzle in the game.

I don't give a single fuck about your shitty onions console

>not calling it a shitch
nintens0ys falseflagging is hilarious

how do i into space-8?
shit is way too open i have no idea how to get into the right side without making everything stars and thus defeat

Wait wait wait
brainlets thought this was a bugged level?

fucking creatures with less than 140 IQ don't deserve to live

Attached: Baba is FUCKING EASY 4.jpg (1920x1080, 329K)

No it isn't
you're the retarded one
you stumble on the behavior you need to solve it many times before you reach that level
KYS niggerbrain

user is stop

>this guy again
pls stop coming here

Attached: stop.png (238x237, 2K)

Anyone with less than 140 IQ shouldn't even be playing this game or posting in this thread

Attached: Mensa IQ Result.jpg (1779x885, 155K)

Where's the torrent?

gf is real

howd i do?

you bitch-ass faggot where's your fucking pride
you'd rather cheaters be playing this game than someone like me who solves the puzzles without asking for the solutions from other people
ALSO hints are for pussyfaggots

Good person is you

that's fucking atrocious sprite work
bad mod 0/100

ALSO I would rather spend hours mentally masturbating my brain cells to squeeze out a solution than to lower myself to the level of dishonest homo sapiens by trying to skirt around a conversation about the solution as if that wouldn't count as cheating yourself

She is real, But doesn't love you.

as if the original sprites are any better

Attached: serious steam avatar.png (325x325, 89K)

Low effort is more charming than effort+failure

>Aesthetically pleasing minimalism
>Minimalism ruining poor quality spritework
You is defeat

Wow nice fucking philosophy especially when you're playing a puzzle game

you is shit taste

Alright fags, just like with Rain World, all your shilling has convinced me to try it out. I blind 100%ed The Witness so i expect to assrape this game to death. Will report back.

How to solve your post
Text IS Gone

game is fun and smart
you is enjoy

can lolipedos post for 5 minutes without reminding everyone their disgusting fetish?

If you're bad at art and your goal isn't to make art but to make a video game, yes. Wasting effort for something you aren't skilled at to try to inject anime waifus into your game is unappealing.

if you have more than 140 IQ you probably can, unlike plenty of the imebeciles that have been posting here and on previous threads


Think-outside-of-the-box puzzle games are the worst

This is still a think-in-the-box puzzle game
the box just isn't always clearly shown to you

Im 30 minutes in.

1. The music is a jam.
2. This outside of the box shit is fun as hell
3. this game makes me feel smart, havent gotten stuck yet .... YET


You're supposed to improve yourself BEFORE trying to get other people to consume your work. If you put on a concert a week after you first started learning to play the piano, nobody is going to come to it.

I repeat, nothing you do in this game is outside of the box. You just don't see the actual box.

I think I'm going to buy this game. But do I get it on Switch or PC?
I think I'm going to stream it, and it turns out I can use my elgato HD60 S to stream both. My PC is powerful enough (6700k and 1080ti) to handle me having the game on a virtual HDMI feed recording and uploading to twitch whilst I use my Displayport to preview the video feed and play the game. (Just tested it. It will be really handy since if I need anything desktop related I can simply just alt+tab out of the game and move my mouse back to the main monitor and nothing of the main monitor gets grabbed)
Of course I can just screen capture and use OBS to stream the area of the screen but that can lock me down, and I have a 4k monitor so it's kind of awkward. With the elgato I can simply fullscreen the preview and play that way. The latency isn't too bad. I only feel it with Tetris 99.
But Switch is even simpler I just plug it in, load the game up, make sure the preview is working, and then just update the info and press start streaming.
But you guys think this game will get a level editor and mods on PC? That's the dilemma here.

no you dumbass
you sound like a bitch who's never tried in his life because you're afraid of what others will think
enough of your self-defeating mentality

Buy it on switch, pirate it on PC

Hello anons, i just started. I tried Win is You, how do i solve this? I know you can leave the walls

Attached: Screenshot10-24-51.png (1301x665, 45K)

make a + sign

Push fag and win outside wall and positiob fag above is and win below is

>solving a way out
>solving it another time to get the end
i feel smart but also kinda stupid that it took me so long. don't use walkthroughs to do it, i know you can do it without them.

Alright, go make an album and try to sell it. Don't spend time trying to improve before you do it, just go do it. See how that goes.

I'm not telling you to give up and be self-defeating, user. I'm telling you the opposite: Improve yourself.

Ohhh a single iIs works for 2 things? Well that explains things

That's a good idea user. I think I'll do that. Then my bro can just log into my account and play it on his switch another time. (We game share quite often. Well mostly me letting him play my games. Don't bother me if I'm not on the console/account at the time)

It depends, there are some where I spent an hour and in the end caved and looked it up and felt good about it because the puzzle required me to use game mechanics in a way that I simply would never have considered or tried on my own.

>puzzle game

No thanks

the syntax is usually Object + linking verb + verb
Objects are the texts that don't have shaded squares
So in this case, what you want to do is Flag + IS + Win

>level's layout is actually a hint
This game is fucking incredible

Who the fuck is even making games in Fusion anymore

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>not enjoying the highest form of being challenged in a videogame

Ok so far, Prison and Concrete Goals are the most bull shit levels in this game. Prison was doable, but the way the game uses the same words in different ways randomly is such bullshit and Concrete Goals has an insane solution. I've beaten about 60 levels but had to cheat on 3 of them so far and those were two of em.

So what exactly does "baba is sink" mean? The water here kills me but i see no "water is sink" or something

Attached: Screenshot10-32-31.png (678x253, 12K)

>you just don't see the box
Stop typing you fucking idiot

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geimu is hard blya. felt giga smart when it was all rolling on easy. now feel proportionately dumbe. will try later after frustrations die down.

heckin puzzle games eh. I missed this. haven' thad it since the witness, but this is harder. gotta try that sausage roll thing some day.

Sink = upon overlapping with an object, the object with sink property and the other object are destroyed.

Baba is sink means baba sinks when he collides with another object

Witness was alot easier because witness is all about following rules while this game is all about following rules TO manipulate rules

You could fuck with it to find out, I think that's more fun than just asking the solution. The game was designed for you to figure out what stuff does as you go.

If something has sink, then another object occupying its space causes both objects to disappear, unless one of them has float and the other does not.

you're the fucking idiot here since you think you're doing anything "outside the box" when all the tools you can use are inside the level itself

Sink means baba dies when he comes in contact with a water tile

So what exactly happens when i combine an Object with another Object?

Like for example Fag is Win and Wall ?

>thinking "outside the box" has anything to do with the level space

i guess thinking outside the box was never a thing before videogames were invented

>So what exactly happens when i combine an Object with another Object?
Then all Fags will turn into walls and touching them will cause you to win, and since you are a wall you're already touching one, so you'll win.

Equivalent to
Fag is Win
Thus turning Fag into Wall and removing your win condition. Come on, user, you can do better.

you can easily do that ingame to see for yourself

but if you're impatient

Fag turns into a wall, and since Fag no longer exists, there's no Win object currently

Am i a Wall-let? Half my solutions have been to make myself into all the walls and just bruteforce my way to a win

just wait till you reach the more restrictive levels

If it works it ain't stupid

t. Wallet

Attached: Am-Leather-Bi-Fold-Brown-Genuine-Leather-Hand-Crafted-Wallet-For-Men-and-Boys-1.jpg (1307x1500, 463K)


You're held to a different standard because the context of your work is different. The game the designer supplied to us is good and his artwork only exists to serve the game so it isn't relevant whether it's good or not. It only needs to be serviceable. You, however, do not have a game to supply to us. You only have your art. Your art is being critically judged as art because in this context you are nothing other than an artist.

In short:
>guy A designs thing X'
>thing X' is good
>guy B designs thing Y'
>thing Y' is bad
>wtf my Y' is better than his Xʸ

Attached: baba is hot.png (414x583, 49K)

Attached: 1552549302761.jpg (570x406, 48K)

Except the purpose of my original post was not to supply art. It was to tell people that they can mod the sprites on their own
So you're automatically wrong and typed all that pseudo-intellectual bullshit for nothing

user is retard, pls help

Attached: ss+(2019-03-16+at+11.56.28).png (1519x875, 52K)


You're right

Start with Box is Keke

oo I was overthinking it thanks

Wait what, this is actually a game and not just a shitpost?
I'm in. Where I find it?

For the sake of argument, I'm going to say I'm bisexual and I know you're joking around, but I am so god damn tired with how obsessed gay people are with being gay and how they have to sexualize every little thing in one way or another. Life is so much more than what hole you prefer and who you think you love and it scares me that the worlds going to shit but all people seem to care about is this meaningless bullshit.
We should be born into this world and have hope for the future and society making leaps of progress but instead we spend our energy hating one another over personal preferences that shouldn't matter to anyone but themselves.
I'm not taking this out on you by the way, just wanted to rant.

I presume irony and being likable in any way isn't your strong point.

lol what a gay

Attached: (you).jpg (343x144, 7K)

I like the original art because it conceptually matches with the sinister ruse of simplicity the game presents when everything about it is far more complex and sometimes pretty dark solutions.

Doesn't bother me. I'm just saying that "gays" are annoying as fuck. Call me whatever you want

Gay people are obsessed with gayness because they subconsciously know they're dead-ends that have wasted the sacrifice of ever single one of their human and non-human ancestors to reach this point with him/her
It's like how a dying worm goes wild if you give it a salt bath

dont worry about it, I think bisexuals are better than gays because at least you're still attracted to the opposite sex

They don't blatantly clash with each other by adding an outline and multiple colors to one object for no reason, so yeah, it is better

I bet you think trannies are okay too. Jump off a cliff retard.

no I don't
why would you think I'm OK with trannies?
trannies are worse than gays
gays don't pretend to be actual women/men

I don't have anything against any of them except the loud obnoxious ones like you

Pretty sure baba is trans, she can switch between bodies. Take this transphobia to /pol/

actual switching bodies not body mutilation.

BABA is always BABA. The only thing that's trans IS YOU

Attached: 1552552328815.png (485x399, 4K)

based. Trannies btfo.

Being retarded on purpose is still being retarded

baba is kill


Attached: Screenshot11-46-37.png (1699x950, 77K)


Attached: navnav.gif (800x600, 49K)

this isn't the one where i discovered it (i think one of the first secret levels on the island?) - but i did discover by complete accident

>haha look at him go
>*phases through wall*

Thats a rabbit
Baba is a BaBa

>the chasm levels
oh fuck yes
do "ALL" and "WORD" and the others show up in worlds before the chasm?

Attached: fast erection switch.webm (720x404, 127K)

its cool dude its off

push the rock over the crab using something else that's also pushable

Shut the fuck up. If you're going to be pedantic, then you literally can never think outside of the box because you're stuck in reality. You're not smart.

I tried that like this but i always get stuck somehow

Attached: Screenshot11-54-03.png (1229x864, 46K)

you need to push the rock past the crab then change into it

The next part may just give it away completely so spoilers (genuinely i felt like a retard because it blew my mind and i had no idea why i hadn't been doing it):

Rock is push vertically

You have two stuntman bikers, one of them is jumping over a 5 foot gap and the other is jumping over 30 pickup trucks. If their bikes are the same, which one is likelier to end up in the hospital?
If you are more easily impressed by a challenging goal rather than a successful execution, your taste is fucking shit, case closed faggot.

you're on the right track, but not quite there. use verticality, somehow.
last post deleted because it had horrible advice

Attached: retard hazard.png (349x427, 168K)

I purchased the game from Humble and unfortunately it's giving me a Steam key in addition to the DRM-free download I wanted.
Does this mean that Steam has taken a cut of the dosh somehow?

Why do kids these days give up so easily instead of thinking about the solution more? And this isn't Layton-level bullshit because here, you can move things around to try all sorts of combinations and shit.
the fuck is the point of playing a puzzle game if you're gonna cheat?

I don’t say this often, but rent free

Can anyone explain the worldmap to me? Why is 00 in a different color than 01,02 ...
Are there secrets or some shit?

Attached: Screenshot11-59-32.png (829x624, 52K)

Nah ur retarded

Im not the one asking for solutions to fucking video game puzzles that are designed to have solutions

no, it' just on different background and is grouped separately from the rest of the levels because it doesn't fit into the structure that the rest of the intro levels form
but that blue dot really is different from the rest
>says the guy who can't into easy puzzles

>says the guy who can't into easy puzzles
hey man that wasnt even me :(

okay i'm a fucking brainlet and can't figure out tiny isle

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I enjoy puzzle games. I dont enjoy them enough however to waste too much time on a single puzzle. Id rather move on. Time is valuable

Some people don't enjoy challenging themselves, or are physically incapable of just putting it down, picking a different level, and coming back later. Why those people would get a game like this is beyond me.

>I enjoy puzzle games, but only when the puzzles are easy enough for me
I find your point of view repulsive.

try something completely different from how you solve the previous level, with pushing the win around and all.

>the fuck is the point of playing a puzzle game if you're gonna cheat?
if it was that simple, cheats wouldn't be a major staple of videogaming

Where's the mega?


It's like I'm watching some faggot say, "Heh, I don't need to know Algebra, just lemme skip it. I'm sure I can handle Differential Equations just fine!"

Where is the free version?

puzzle cant be boiled down to "easy vs. hard" some puzzles will be easier for some and some will be harder for some

>Using this kind of flawed argument
jesus're not even worth responding to properly

Im gonna ask for a solution for every single puzzle just to anger your autistic loser ass lmao

>Time is valuable, so I'll go play a video game!!!
KYS retard

Hence "for me". The entire point of a puzzle game is to figure out the dang puzzles. If you're cheating you are robbing yourself of part of the game.

>Using this kind of flawed response
jesus're not even worth responding to properly

go ahead, you'll just be proving me right on calling you stupid

gladly this is a level based puzzle game and cheating one level has no effect whatso-fucking-ever on the rest of the game

100% THIS

If you say you've tried everything but still haven't solved the fucking puzzle, then OBVIOUSLY you haven't tried EVERYTHING after all

>he thinks interactions or maneuvers you need to figure out in earlier levels won't come into play in later levels
LOL @ this idiot


Attached: baba is baba is baba is baba is baba is baba is baba is baba is baba is baba is baba is baba is baba (972x980, 77K)

remove empty is baba first and foremost

I beat the game already user. Also i was talking moreso about the fact that for me personally some of the puzzles in the first 50% of the game were much harder than many of the puzzles in the last 50% of the game.

i want baba on my dick


You'll never be able to do that level yourself now. It's lost to you forever because of your absolute need to see the credits roll.

If that's true then that's going to be disappointing when I get there.

>you totally dont learn interactions if you cheat
user please. Chill with your elitism bullshit


Attached: baba overload.png (1508x1018, 123K)

i'm sure i'll survive user

that's not how it works you fucking dumbass.

The difficulty spike is all over the place in this game. I can get stuck on a single puzzle and then absolutely blow the fuck out of the next 10 that come along. It doesn't just increase in difficulty linearly, its all about what sort of things your brain is good at figuring out vs what it isn't. Some of the puzzles anons on here struggled with I fucking blew past, while i'm sure some i'm stuck on others breezed through.

>it's elitism if I'm expected to earn my way through!
Woah get a hold of yourself there, Chang Wang

Sure. You'd survive either way. That doesn't really justify it.

Listen you autistic fucko, its not my fault if getting assistance doesn't rob me of all joy because i'm not an autist. You can stop coming into these threads and causing yourself to sperg out at any time.

that's only because your IQ fluctuates throughout the day
you should strive to maintain a consistently high level of IQ always

It’s more along the lines of being gay is their defining characteristic, just like how a bikeys characteristic is just that, people on \v\ like vidya but as soon as you identify as a gamer you’re a fag

Its a 150mb indie pixel puzzler that barely anyone gives a fuck about. Your mummy isnt gonna give you a trophy for beating the game by yourself you insecure fag.

>I didn't solve the puzzle, but somehow I claim I got joy from it!
Weird flex, but you do you, retard

That's a good point, except I can't pirate it on the switch.

Who's sperging out? All I've said is that part of the game is figuring the puzzles out for yourself, and the only one you're doing a disservice to by cheating is yourself. Of course not everybody gives a shit about that.

What game is it?

There is nothing to justify user. If i wanted i could write a bot to brute force solve the game for me and maybe that would be more fun to me than actually playing the game. You dont get to tell people how to have fun with videogames. Not everyone is you. Not everyone agrees with you. Get over it. Grow up.

Repressed homo detected

Artificial Academy 2.

lol @ this fucking projection

I disagree.
A lot of the difficulty comes from the fact that there are a lot of different ways to do interact with things and go crazy with the rules.
The puzzles don't always require the same ways.

Take that puzzle, it requires a few different things you didn't do in its previous, easier version. If you get stuck on the same ideas and don't experiment then you won't go anywhere.

It's not much harder than the normal version; it's just testing your knowledge of different game mechanics, which is fucking with you.

Hint: try transubstantiation

all this @-posting makes me assume you're a hyper-zoomer who really prides himself on playing puzzle games instead of fortnite like the rest of the kids in your class.

image is the final frame before winning

now can someone tell me how the FUCK you're supposed to beat wireless connection

Attached: 20190316004843_1.jpg (1600x908, 126K)

Rain World

yes, yes, keep revealing and projecting more of your insecurities at me, you sad little cheater

user is (You)

I thought the game was cute but probably forgettable at first.
Then I reached volcano.
Then this happened.
I love this game.

Attached: Baba is Legion.png (1920x1080, 83K)

>tell me how the FUCK you're supposed to beat wireless connection
Man if you can't do that, you'll absolutely not get the one after and will have to ask the solution to that too

I'm sorry, did I miss the part where we weren't discussing the viewpoint that cheating in a puzzle game isn't robbing you of part of it? My bad, guess I was just talking to someone who wanted to fling shit.

>lmao'ing @ this fag hahahahahaha projecting projecting projecting, look i learned a new world, projecting projecting projecting why dont you EARN it user its all about what you EARN by playing videogames

this is what you sound like

>try level for several hours
>"guys, i'm stuck on [level]"
>"try [hint]"
>"wow, thanks, i don't think i'd have ever thought of that myself"
>understanding and appreciation of the game deepens, i am allowed to move on and experience more of the game with an expanded skillset and am able to tackle more puzzles in the future

>meanwhile some autistic user on an image board reees because i'm apparently robbing myself of an experience by not sitting there for another 20 hours and never playing the rest of the game

no that's what you sound like since you thought all that up and typed it for all of us to see

>equating hints with asking for full-blown solutions

Dont mind them user. It's pretty standard for puzzle fags. It was much worse when The Witness released

>the person who asks gets to decide if people answer with hints or full solutions

man can you atleast spend half a second thinking about what you're saying before posting?!qNI3wAyI!gQkA-sWOJ_H-eFXEK_sRNCWG08buW-DEy0uzoX8-X68

This game is fucking stupid retarded and I would have refunded it if I wasn't stuck on various levels for 3 hours.

Its just further proof that your ability at playing puzzle games is inversely proportional to your social skills. If you beat Baba is You in under 3 hours then you propably have the social skills of a roadkill.

>buying puzzle games

Don't download this it makes mustard ransomware

baba is very confused right now at little pond and evaporating river

Attached: 1547612410043.png (466x469, 236K)

What the fuck does "melt" and "hot" mean?

Literally what the fuck is the difference you actual autist

here, let me retype it with solution instead of hint, because you seem so spastic that you probably can't comprehend what i'm saying:

>try level for several hours
>"guys, i'm stuck on [level]"
>"try [solution]"
>"wow, thanks, i don't think i'd have ever thought of that myself"
>understanding and appreciation of the game deepens, i am allowed to move on and experience more of the game with an expanded skillset and am able to tackle more puzzles in the future

>meanwhile some autistic user on an image board reees because i'm apparently robbing myself of an experience by not sitting there for another 20 hours and never playing the rest of the game

whatever is set as melt gets destroyed by whatever is hot

things that are melt disappear when they touch things that are hot

I fucking love this game but every single time I enter a "control two or more character's at the same time" level I feel like turning it off and never playing it again.


People usually want hints that are more specific than something like "The answer might not be obvious at first"

Attached: 196217-professorlayton_narrowweb__300x642_0.jpg (320x320, 7K)

Can someone post the worldmap at 100% so i can get a grasp at how big this game is?

Fucking this.

The word logic style puzzles are satisfying as fuck but fuck the pixel frame perfect "IS MOVE" gayness, always take a good hour long break when i reach these puzzles.


Attached: Screenshot_29.png (1911x1075, 98K)

I think the frustrating part for me is that The Witness, for example, is designed around you learning the rules of the game as you play it. Asking for hints from other people who are who-knows-where in the game compared to your progress or knowledge level (especially here, where people will just give out solutions when you weren't even asking for them) is basically asking to be told something you were supposed to find out yourself, which is taking a shit on that entire part of the game's design. It's like having a story element spoiled - it's not going to destroy your enjoyment of the game, but you're certainly going to lose some of the impact, whether you realize it or not.

My main problem with the witness was mostly that you could be stuck on a simple puzzle for eternity simply because you cant find whereever the fuck the tutorial version of that puzzle is hidden on the island. I feel like the games tutorial area could have used examples for all puzzle types except the arrows obviously and not just black vs white and dots

Baba is you is propably tied with the witness as my #1 puzzle game of all time. Game is creative as hell

Things can move through DEFEAT if they aren't you.

The game is not about precision use MOVE

When in doubt, turn everything into YOU

I am up next guys , wish me luck !

Attached: win.png (862x513, 15K)

The Witness was at its best when you just needed to apply rules to find smart solutions. It was at its worst when it went the "waste your time for 5 hours while looking around for the last environmental puzzle/audio-tape you're missing"

this game is exposing me as a retard, but Iom having a blast

The dumb checklist stuff is so optional that there aren't even achievements for them, and you don't even get anything for doing it. Shit, one of the environmental puzzles is a like 40 minute lecture that as I recall boils down to "sometimes the fun is in the hunt". There's not really any reason to do that stuff if you don't enjoy it.

I really love PRISON, it's a fun level with the amount of horrible fuckery you can get up to.

Attached: Prison is Break.png (1920x1080, 116K)

works fine on my machine user

Attached: blastoise.jpg (500x500, 79K)

Good luck Umaruposter.

I can't into wireless connection

Nevermind i figured it out. I thought i had to get fag and win to me with the robot and cog, didnt think about just pushing is and and over to the other side

alot of the levels are like that, where the solution is simpler than whatever you're thinking

Shit that's clever.

Attached: push.png (870x519, 11K)

It's pretty fucking amazing how it keeps getting more and more complex.

Attached: 1361917046417.gif (153x113, 334K)

What the fuck is this shit

Attached: Screenshot01-50-11.png (1680x904, 72K)

honestly it took me forever to to it vertically, there was just some sort of mental block where it had to be horizontal

haha have fun with that, I got stuck there for a bit
but it's actually quite simple since alot of moves aren't possible

Why is this game so expensive?
It looks like it should be a free flash game.

It has a shitload of content.

because its priced fairly. If we charged by quality this should be 60 and most AAA games should be 5

much simpler than it seems

all blocks are vulnerable to sink

hol up

Attached: 20190316130304_1.jpg (1920x1080, 196K)

just finished that level
you're close
don't give up

because penny priced indie games don't work anymore, people don't give a shit about them anymore. no matter if you sell the game for 1$ or 15$ you still have the same potential audience to buy the game.

Was glitching into the "Wall" block to separate it from the stop the intended solution? If so then thats insane

Attached: Screenshot02-07-02.png (774x684, 46K)

Doubt it, I'd have bought it if it was cheaper. It's not really in the impulse range anymore.

has anyone done "skull house"

please share , I'm dumb as shit

I honestly don't understand how this setup lead to a self-replicating key

I've "won" the level but i don't understand why so its not really a win and i'm sure i'll be confused in the future

Attached: 20190316130840_1.jpg (1920x1080, 195K)

dude the solution is in the golden plate in front of you

>baba is you

it's not a glitch, you encounter that same behavior plenty of times before you reach that level

Baba is neither push nor stop. This means that you can push things onto Baba.

Shut the fuck up, KEKE IS SLEEP

Attached: zzz.png (57x85, 439)

>Box has a Key and a Box inside of it
>Opening the Box lets you gain 1 Key and 1 Box
>The new box has the same contents as the old box

Yeah but the key just turned into another key every time i pushed it past a door - unless that set up also logically allows they key to have a box which as a key? But the box is no longer weak so it wouldn't break.

t. brainlet

and now i'm on this and just as stumped

Attached: 20190316132247_1.jpg (1920x1080, 158K)

I unironically passed all my math exams doing just that. Directly looking at the solution before even starting to think, understanding the steps to get to it and including them in my solving/deduction tools.

I was also the most time-efficient way to proceed.

t. physicist

This games difficulty is so retardedly all over the place

i think it depends on what your brain is good at thinking about to be honest.

Some levels others have struggled on and I found easy, and vice versa. Sometimes i'll get stuck on a single level for hours then breeze through 6 levels after it.

i just did 'skull is ghost'

Sadly, this. I showed this game to her and now she loves baba. She cannot stop comparing me in bed to him. I just want my life back.

Keke is love and has baba.

Also box is you and has box

Baba is Slugcat
They're clearly in the same universe. Whether baba represents pre-apocalypse or post-enlightenment RW is up for debate.

I thought of that but don't know how i'd manoeuvre it

I just realised why.

the box breaks like 20 times because you create a loop (weak and spawns with key on top of it). Key just stacks on top of each other, so you're actually pushing shitloads of keys, not just a single one.


keke and me is love and has baba

Attached: keke.png (304x110, 2K)

Who's best girl: Keke, Me, Ghost, or Baba?


Attached: best girl.png (336x292, 7K)

for people who have done overworld 8-10
>level is baba
is there a way to go back to this level? i never solved it the normal way

This level is stumping me a bit.
Do "Is" and "You" have to co-move?
If I could swap them so they're horizontal, I have a solve.
Also, if the map had 2 more empty spaces at the top, I'd have a solve because I could shunt [X is You and Open] directly above Win, open it, and then push it down wards to make [X is You and Win].
I could also win if I could find some way to turn all 3 of {baba, flag, key} into the same symbol.
It's obviously solvable but I'm not connecting the dots.

Attached: pond.png (870x519, 19K)

Baba is you and key. Then touch water.

X is You and Y does not work because Y is not You and thus does not have control.

>Yea Forums now likes indiepixelshit
What happened?


Try to make a phrase using win as the last word.

turn either the key or the flag into another baba and then use that baba to destroy 1 water block to the left of Win

Yea Forums likes actual good videogames
what a shocker

Yes, obviously X is You and Win is a solve if you can build it and push it into the spot.
But if you've used 1 guy to bridge the water, you can't shove "X is You" over to the right without breaking the Is and You apart.
And you don't have the space to build it above the Win to start with.

I'll try it but I don't see how to turn the "is you" sideways.

>Baba is you and open


Attached: 1552609731832.jpg (1299x735, 97K)

shut up

(eerie wind noises)


Attached: moved.png (870x519, 18K)

If you can't build it above the win, then there's only one direction from which you can build the phrase.

Ah I see now. Thanks.

Attached: I see.png (870x519, 18K)

so, what the fuck does it mean when you say water is open or shut?

If an Open object tries to move into a Shut object, both objects are destroyed.

Flag is Open and win

I got that. Took me a bit before I realised what I was meant to do.
These puzzles are quite tricky and I like that.


Attached: impossible.png (1519x870, 26K)

Shut = a door, Open = a Key
Combine the 2 and both terminate

this thread is full of brainlets

agreed but it fits the style

This Fall shit is fucking with my head

Attached: Screenshot03-55-50.png (1587x912, 71K)

You can do it user, I believe in you.

You need to keep cloud as stop while also making baba stop.

Tell me about it.
I know I need to get this cog across the river to destroy one of the skulls, but I can't figure out how to do that.

Attached: river.png (870x519, 14K)

Well you obviously cant stop water from being hot or cog from melting

So there really is only 1 way to get the cog across

if you need an additional tip other than


Sink something into the water that you don't need.

I'm a retard, sorry. I get it now.

And it's gone.
I forgot you could push words into things to sink them.

Attached: water is sink.png (870x519, 14K)

How do you solve it with NOT ROCK IS PUSH though? I've tried several approaches and none of them were constructive, I haven't needed that phrase in my solution at all.

This game makes me feel like an absolute galaxy brain. I keep overthinking the puzzles where the solution is Baba is Win and I end up wasting turns seeing if there's other ways to solve it. Good shit.

How come i only ever see the easy levels posted here
Is v really so dumb they can't even finish these levels on their own?

Different user, but I had trouble on this puzzle too. It was tough one but I figured it out.

Attached: brain power 10mil.png (1616x862, 20K)


I'm pretty sure i have to do something by putting text below the northern wall and do some slideroo but i can't figure out the order in which to do things... Also that weird crevice in the top right corner is fishy and might be part of the solution.

Attached: love is out there.png (1920x1080, 105K)

something something "has"

an object can [has](leave after death) multiple objects in it

That i knew already, there were a couple puzzles i did before where using this was necessary. I'll try duplicating boxes and keys though, probably the only thing i didn't try.

>Thread still up
God bless.

Found it.
Box has Key and Box

Is tiny isle the ultimate brainlet filter?

unga bunga

Attached: 1552634353436.png (224x120, 2K)

This one took me a while. Very light hint: You have to abuse game mechanics a little. The words you have there can produce something unexpected if you find the correct combination.

you can but you're just a pussy

i got the gist of wireless connection right away but it's very time consuming, probably one of the most boring levels.

the level is trying to teach you how the direction of something with the MOVE propriety works.

by default they move up and down, and the win condition is obviously to the right, so find out how to make stuff move horizontally


gf is open

You do code, right

>rost ckop
what did he mean by this?


Make a shit game called AGEN and have it flop


Attached: 1550571018873.jpg (1068x1056, 116K)


Can you spoil the solution for me?
I've been stuck on that level for two days now and couldn't find a solution anywhere else, getting kinda desperate at this point

Worth full price? This looks sick.

It's pretty quick and easy though? Not really sure what would take all that long

if you think stephen's sausage roll is worth full price, then this is too.

Nigga its 10 bucks and ive already gotten 15 hours out of it

I downloaded it from a link in a thread a couple days ago but I feel like I've put $15 worth into it and I still haven't finished it so i'll probably end up buying it. You can download the "jam build" and give it a try as well

Attached: OC.png (475x330, 7K)

Heavy spoilers here: You start with Baba and Rock that you can control and use to pass the door and water. However, two controllable guys are not enough to beat this so you need to figure out a way to create a third one out of nothing.

Solution here: Try to make an object be two things at once. E.g. Rock is Baba horizontally and Rock is Key vertically, where Rock is the last piece you put in.

...fuck me.

>10 bucks

Isn't it 15?

Tbh that was one of the less fair ones since you have to find a new interaction that the game doesn't teach you. I feel like the levels get more fair later on, harder too but less bs.

This is bullshit. This is actually bullshit.

I can't tell if I'm retarded or not, but this is as far as I can get in Keep Out!.

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1080, 89K)

you're on the right track

you're doing good, now keep going

i'm pretty sure baba is sheep
baba vaguely resembles a rabbit but based on the name, sheep seems more likely

I can't believe Baba is fucking dead

Attached: 1537171339870.jpg (1908x3188, 1.49M)

It's clearly a cat

Attached: 1552669704740.png (1920x1080, 11K)

oh yeah, i probably got confused by the longer level with a slightly more complicated setup
mostly annoying because you have to make stuff face the desired direction while having all the shit in the right spot and make stuff stop moving at the right time, plus basically doing the exact same thing two or three times with no added difficulty

looks like the creature from the LABO house

If you do every puzzle in order and do the extra ones too, you encounter that mechanic much earlier


I get the feeling I'm overthinking this.

Attached: push.png (870x519, 27K)

Attached: 1530218058018.png (500x430, 47K)

instead of thinking about how to solve a puzzle i spent my time tinkering in GIMP. goddamnit

Attached: FUN IS LIE.png (117x49, 563)

You're not.
Also, hint.
You must change orientation.

Happiness IS a warm gun, Baba

>You're not.
Welp. Here's hoping this works the way I'm planning it to.

Attached: here we go.png (870x519, 27K)

You're not, this one is fucking horrible.

Turns out it works perfectly but I need to set it up further back.
I guess all I needed was the encouragement that I wasn't overthinking it.

I don't like the levels that require abusing tricks in the mechanics you almost never use anywhere else
The funnest levels are the ones where the words do zanier shit

do you mean make one go up/down? I just did it without needing to do that

>Keke is Push, Baba is Move, You
>Baba Pushes Keke down, then right, then You become Keke again
you know, I never even thought of that solution.
I used the 3 Baba to rotate Keke is You from Vertical to Horizontal and then had them push the whole line across, push the Flag line all the way in, then push Baba is You in between the two to make Keke is Win.

I can't remember the last time i had so much fun with a puzzle game.

>the chasm is beating my ass
>look up walkthrough
>"Unfortunately, [level i'm on] is one that we have yet to find the solution for."
goddamn alley, goddamn rocks and water, goddamn it all

>Saw people having trouble with Supermarket earlier
>Do it first try
>Come back to this
>Instantly see the solution
Wew lad.

Oh that'd probably work too. I hadn't considered rotating the Keke is You using them; that'd have worked as well.
I figured I needed to chance from Keke is You to Keke is Push, get shunted down then right, then change back to Keke is You.
Also to have the Baba disengage its movement once it returned control back to me.

Attached: success.png (870x519, 27K)

Rock is you?

you can also just do this is

Attached: 2019031613112000-EAD9CDD267F449963C89657382E411AE.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

Attached: god_is_dead.png (1200x1200, 15K)

Good to know there's so many solutions.

God did I suffer with this, but I won't claim the solution wasn't amusing.

Attached: snap.jpg (1920x1080, 188K)

I need a hint for supermarket, I'm crazy stumped

You don't have to leave Belt is Up in the right room.

That helped, user. Cheers

evaporating river and tiny pond are officially unsolvable

Attached: 1542124946908.gif (487x560, 898K)

Retarded fucking Frogposter.


>Not Baba Is You
At last, I see.


>tfw you solve tiny isle


I think your post stimulated my frogposting brain and I solved evaporating river right after, thanks

Well that's Ending 1 done.

Tiny Isle:
If you can't bring the [Win] out, and you can't put the [You] in, then you'll have to find another way to reach the win.
Protip: ? is ? and win
Evaporating river:
Well you clearly need to sink something in the river.
What can you move? You can move the cog and baba, but you need those. There must be something else you can move.

Attached: noob ending.png (870x519, 38K)

Is there porn of it yet?

I fucking did it the hard way. You move Keke is You horizontal and then push it over in a specific way so that Keke is Win (vertically). It takes a lot of specific movement fuckery to get it that way. I am pretty sure your way was the intended since it seems to be the most simple one.

Oh, so Keke doesn't even cross. That would work as well.
That's no less than 4 different solutions to the same level.

just position the level select cursor over baba and not over a white line.

Rock is both Word and Push

>Rock is both Word and Push
*blocks your path*

Attached: literally.png (154x165, 2K)

Reminder for all you people who got hooked on puzzle games after this one:
Check out the DROD games. Start with Gunthro's Epic Blunder. Literally the most versatile and brain bending puzzle games to ever exist and that they aren't more well known is a criminal shame

Attached: DROD_King_Dugan_Logo.png (493x196, 181K)

Sink the rock to make it not Push


>baba with infinite levels
Just had a mario maker "easy/medium/raped to death by japs" system and I'm in.

some of these shits are killing my brain. I just did the letters in the ruins after about 3 or 4 hours I dont think I was supposed to do them until way later.

This can't be the intended solution because I didn't teleport S H I T

Attached: bad win.png (861x508, 13K)

Also, Baba is GOAT

Attached: drod reeee.png (135x173, 51K)

keke > baba

me > all

Attached: lirerally a sachiko koshimizu.png (29x41, 283)

-in puzzle games it doesn't matter if the solution is intended or not, it's actually better if there are multiple solutions
-could be a red herring, not sure since i didn't do that one yet

That has pieces of the obvious solution, but is definitely not it.

But there are quite a few levels where you can win through extradimensional fuckery, which is quite nice.

I don't get why everyone goes for the most complicated solutions for that level when I did it with this setup.

Attached: 20190316113906_1.jpg (854x480, 44K)

Can we get another unique solution?

Sometimes people don't see certain pathways but see others instead, which this game highly encourages.

Also some of the horribly over-complicated solutions you can get up to are a ton of fun.

I see now what I was meant to do.

Attached: proper solve.png (870x519, 13K)

man the baba deeplore is crazy

Holy crap, what an amazing solution. The fact that keke happens to touch the flag at the exact point it becomes win makes me so hard

I love this game but man, I've already gotten stuck on some levels. But for the most part its good to push on because figuring out one puzzle can help you backtrack and solve another you were stuck on because you didn't realise a particular mechanic of the game at that time.
Its a good thing I only stream to myself because if anyone was actually watching they'd get like 20 minutes of me flying through levels, and 20 minutes of me fiddling about trying to figure what the fuck I'm supposed to do on one particular level.

Okay, there are at least 3 ways to solve it then.
I did a different way than both of your methods.

It's some of the really simple levels too, isn't it?

I've flown through some of the real brutal ones, but then I'll get to a really fucking easy level and just get walled for 20 minutes straight.

I'm fucking stumped

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 56K)

Sink kills the sink item too
Anything that isn't FLOAT will sink

Yeah. I got stuck for ages on the level with the pillars and the flag being stuck in a square of death.
The solution was as simple as pushing a line of the pillars though the death wall and then turning them into baba and then grab the flag.
I think I did another harder level with that gimmick and I smacked my head and was like oh! Of course! And I went back and redid it first attempt.

thanks, didn't think of using the text
forgot all the mechanics overnight lel

Shocked and delighted at how long-lived, civil, and fun the Baba threads have been for the last few days. Everyone always says Yea Forums is beyond hope but I always knew you guys were still capable of good wholesome threads like these

It's a lambcat

Here's a thing that strikes me as odd - usually you have to assign certain properties to objects before they are able to interact with the world. However, what's the deal with SHIFT? In this level, ROCKET is STOP and STAR is nothing but STAR at first. However, if STAR gets SHIFTed without being PUSH, it's somehow still strong enough to push the text blocks.

Also - am I correct to assume that the solution to this lies within the fact that ROCKET is STOP and STAR isn't and I'm somehow supposed to use this difference to my advantage?

Attached: star rocket.png (1920x1080, 676K)

Babas are distant genetic ancestors of slugcats

Fuck this level.

What is the trick here? Is it turning rock into leaf, then tele as you undo the tele and give the push property to leaf, only to push ghost onto a carfully positioned leaf? Is my may of thinking even doable?

Attached: ghost guard.png (1920x1080, 63K)

shift is basically force to move, and move is change position while pushing away pushable shit

text is inherently PUSH, it's hardcoded in. That's why Baba doesn't have to be Push or Stop to push text around.
There's a level in Volcanic Cavern that really messed me up because one of the stated rules is Text is NOT Push

you're close
rock is leaf, then leaf is push, add tele to leaf at the last moment, sink a leaf in foliage then carry the key using tele-leafs until you can push the ghost to the key

>accidentally baba is you'd the entire goddamn game by apparently setting enter as back button in control settings
fug, I was almost at the end

Well, i knew i had to do some shit like that. I found the mechanic on my own but didn't know what to do of it until i finally chanced something out. Thanks.

I love how one of the first levels with this shit described in your spoiler is literally called broken

This is probably my favorite solution to anything i've seen so far. I actually looked it up later and everyone who's posted walkthroughs for the game has done it in a completely different way.

Attached: baba.gif (540x305, 3.81M)

i did
>wall is shut
>star is open
>open a piece of wall with star
>key is win

>not doing door is win for maximum style

yeah that's the solution that i saw most people use, but for some reason that didn't come to me at all, i think it's because I didn't understand that objects that were "shut" could be opened with "key". This is still super early on in the game, and I hadn't (and still haven't) wrapped my head around how objects work with commands yet

I hate puzzles that have only one single solution that requires moving shitloads of text around, especially if it also ends up being a tedious fucking slide puzzle.
I want to 100% the game, but these uncreative filler levels are just cancer.

Attached: 1540314705970.gif (500x375, 482K)

That would have been beautiful, oh my god

I feel the game has a lot of amazingly designed levels to counterbalance that.

This baffled me at first too, but it's kind of like how if you have a KEKE that is MOVE then he will still push text around even if he is not PUSH or STOP. SHIFT just forces a mini-MOVE.

>evaporating river and tiny pond are officially unsolvable
Think outside the box user.
How can you reach the Flag text? You need to push it but there are skulls in the way, there is a way to remove one of those.

If you can't bring the win out, you need to find a way to make something something WIN without moving it. You have enough pieces for that.

This was legit the only level I had to take out a piece of paper and work it out. The solution I found only used 2 Baba's so they could have made the level even more evil.

I used a trick from Prison to solve this involving using 2 Ghosts and then doing the Ghost is Tele thing with the Is.

But Door is Stop.

I went in expecting nothing.
I came out mindblown.
Thanks you fags.
Wall is you.

Attached: 1541365811180.png (417x439, 224K)

It’s a very fat slug cat.

>Slugcat is Fat

>forest of fall
>already struggling with levels, have to sometimes take a break and come back later to solve one
it's gonna get much worse isn't it

Attached: 51c.png (202x216, 40K)

Glad the game seems to be popular, the dev will get tons of dosh and make Environmental Station Alpha 2 even better

Anyone here know how to solve Depths-3?
I don't even know what word I need to LEVEL IS, even if I could find enough junk to push up the skull chute.

I found forest of fall to be quite the difficulty spike as well. I'm on deep forest, and the first few levels are somewhat easier.

Bumping thread just to say this game rocks (is win)

You instinctively want to open a door with a key, but in reality you only need to remove something SHUT with something OPEN. That's when I thought the game was going to be good.

There's not enough space to do island the way you propose. If the pond was one square lower it'd work outn

user is brainlet

Attached: Untitled2.png (1422x815, 49K)

What intrigues me most is how many fucking mechanics this game actually has if you combine them all

user will get it eventually if he stays calm and focused!
You can't push the key, but you need to get it to the ghost. Is there another way to move objects without pushing them?

Roses are red.
Violets are blue
Flag is win
Baba is you.

I've reached a point where I can't progress because my brain's gone on strike and won't solve any more puzzles but I don't want to stop.

Attached: example-52475.jpg (1024x1024, 66K)

Take breaks. Literally sleep on it. It's a puzzle game, no point in rushing.

This one fucked me up when I found the solution to getting out of the top left room

I was stuck at the same level for quite a long time until i got a hunch, see

Nap is Good.

No seriously, taking breaks makes you solve puzzles.

If you don't want to stop playing, something I've found to be pretty fun is to go back to some of the more exploitable levels and try to beat them in the craziest ways you can find.
Like BABA IS LEGION shenanigans.

Spoiler: his protip is litterally the solution

Attached: tiny_isle.png (761x441, 25K)

This game is amazing, but makes my brain hurt.

You're pretty much there already user

Thread is Bump

I just bought this on Switch and after playing the first two sections I have no regrets paying 15 bux for it. Just did the poem level, good shit.
From the screenshots I've seen it only gets crazier from here.



I'm in garden-4. Can someone explain to me why "TEXT on ROCK is KEKE" with TEXT being on the rock changes my TEXT into keke and the rock disappears, while "TEXT on ROCK is KEKE" with KEKE being on the rock converts my KEKE into keke with the rock still being in there?