>Killing npcs that attack you gives you a bad ending
Killing npcs that attack you gives you a bad ending
Other urls found in this thread:
>bad guy had an understandable motive
>game kills npcs before you do
>Hey player did you know killing people is morally wrong
>theres never an exception
>nope, if you kill this one dude who will almost certainly comeback to burn down our wives and rape our churches you will be no better than him
>jeez guys aren't we deep
>do you feel enlightened yet?
>violence is always wrong guise ;)
What else?
Ha, he does a really good job of actually looking like he's stabbing the guy, something about the stabbing motion. How's he do that?
>mods deleting Spyro threads because kiwi
>antagonist murders countless people and personally ass rapes your mom
>if u kill them youll be just like them!
suck my cock
>Stealth Game
>You are punished/shamed for using non-lethal takedowns on guards
Getting real fucking tired of this
the knife is an actor
Haha I know right? Its probably like a knife that retracts into the hilt.
Probably a stage knife. When pressed against something the "blade" retracts back into the handle giving the illusion of stabbing
>guards kill innocent npcs for defending themselves against scripted attackers
The prop blade retracts into the handle when pressed against a surface, letting you "stab" someone realistically
I love how Iji did this.
>party members threaten to leave if you kill said enemy too much
"If you kill your enemies, they win."
>be forced into using the white phosphor
>"What? but I don't wan't to go that route. This seems too heavy handed"
>few hours later
>go to Melbourne
>vic fags think im some kind of hardcunt cos im from a farm
>girl in my course actually tries to start shit with me because "your family kills for a living"
I swear cities (where video games get made) breed this kind of pussy philosophy. Theres a difference between cruelty and killing out of necessity.
meat and milk are luxuries, definitely not necessity
>Join a group of villains known for their cruelty and power
>Final boss is one of their leaders in front their equivalent of the Legion of Doom.
>Beat the shit out of them and humiliate them, then start torturing them in front of the other council members and their allies
>It gets to the point where it becomes so brutal that even the other villains are uncomfortable, with one of them snapping the guy’s neck just to end their suffering after which you take their place on the council.
>This is considered to be the good ending
You just gotta put your faith in God ;)
>>You are punished/shamed for using non-lethal takedowns
Good. Stop being a pussy and kill the fuckers.
You are supposed to be a fucking ghost user and leave close to no traces of you even being there, it's a stealth game after all
>killing NPCs that replace you gives you a bad ending
Did you know that her SJW cunt mother came out and said that Ebba actually wanted the western world to be invaded by brown hordes?
>playing new Vegas
>npcs fighting off in the distance
>quest lost
That's the only time it's actually acceptable tho. It's a sneaking mission, you're not there to massacre everyone.
>level description is "..."
fuck me i forgot the image
Not really, you can kill a lot of people, just not everyone, because if you kill the entire city's guards obviously the city will descend into chaos, giving you a bad ending.
In this case it's really annoying, not only you need not to kill a lot of very bad people, you have to do a lot of random stupid shit, Metro Exodus has easier requirements for the good ending that at least makes more sense.
>you're not there to massacre everyone
They can't spot me if they are all dead
I prefer Metro's Last Light bad ending, even though it's not cannon
>get random message about important quest character death
>character spend his entire in an enclosed area with no possible way to get harmed
What the fuck Lt Hayes, stop dying
>See clearly thermal signatures that are not hostile
>Try to repeatedly climb down as I've blown my way through more enemies then there were at that camp.
>Game cheats and makes me do it.
It's not clever, game.It cheapens the moment. I don't feel back for blowing away pixels, you make me feel bad by making me choose between the hard way and the easy way.
Yeah but that's what women want anyway. Ever notice how they particularly latch on to cultures known to have pre-dispostions for violence and deny the fuck out of it like Pit "mammas" do for their dogs?
They want to be invaded, have men kill each other over them and then fuck the winner, just like how Chimps do it.
>racist character is portrayed as evil
what gayme
somebody answer this guy.
>can't help but silently agree with the villains motives
Seconding this, confirmed for luxury, there is no survival reason to eat meat in 2019 in a first world country, you kill and eat animals for no reason other than your own convenience and pleasure. It's a free country and no one can stop you, but at least stop lying to yourself.
Side note I'm not a vegetarian
Kek and I bet you voted for Pauline Hanson last election? The stuttering moron perfectly reflects country retards like yourself
>I'm sorry
I mean, I guess we could all just live off of watered down gruel and it'd be 'surviving'. Some people want to actually live though. How are you not a vegetarian, or even a vegan if you cry over farm animals? Life isn't fair for anything. Especially not in nature.
I agree with one of his goals.
Your argument is fucking stupid for a few reasons. Firstly you just implied any meal without meat is water down gruel, which is just straight up wrong and you know it, vegetarian meals are usually just as good as ones with meat.
Secondly "some people actually want to live" eating meat is literally so important to you that if you went without it for a year you might as well die cause that's not considered living? How fucking addicted to meat are you? Humans are the only animals on earth that drink milk after infancy, and the only animals that drinks milk from another species, if you drink milk and think it's a healthy thing you should drink you've literally been brainwashed, cow's milk is for calves and nothing else.
And lastly what we're doing isn't natural, growing things and throwing them in a blender minutes after birth isn't nature it's an abomination. Just like how the diamond industry fooled everyone into thinking diamonds are valuable and the only way to propose to a girl is with a ring worth 3 months salary, the meat industry has normalised the mass slaughter of billions of things. Which as you'll see in a few decades as population grows is not sustainable at the rate we are consuming.
Again, I eat meat sometimes but at least when I do I acknowledge I'm being a selfish cunt.
Why did you end a statement with a question mark? You might want to tighten up your shit before you project or you might bust some shit, retard
*b12 deficiency intensifies*
He was a retard, if he had a bone to pick with Muslims he should have gone to a European country where they actually cause problems, he squandered his chance to make a difference.
Postal 3,ironically
those chicks want your dick guaranteed
Nu-Prey only does this if you kill a bunch of mindcontrolled suicide bomb characters, and even then it's not enough to force the bad ending unless you were actively farming them/killing named ones on purpose on top of other bad shit.