>he doesn't play as the race native to the province the title is set in
N'wah's and Milkdrinkers
>he doesn't exclusively play an Imperial and spread the influence of the Empire, putting those savage and backwards greyskins and snowniggers in their place
>he doesn't play exclusively as a khajiit
>he doesn't play as an australian
I always play as a Nord.
It made being the worst thing to ever happen to the dungmer extra sweet.
>The Nerravarine is an Ashskin
yeah keep telling yourself that and asking Ulfric for handouts ashnigger
this cat has a disturbingly subtle human quality to it
I refuse to play as a gypsy.
man i kinda hate how Skyrim's popularity made everyone think Khajiits were travelling gypsy people or bandits,like i don't remember there being any normal Khajiit citizens,even in Solitude a mostly Imperial city
>gonna have to be a nigger in ESVI
>he hasn't seen the Planemeld
If that is the direction they are going it is time to take a break from TES.
why wasn't he in Dragonborn DLC,were they afraid of possible backlash because of wife-daughter-consort-things?
Memeing aside, I'm interested in Hammerfell, if Bethesda doesn't completely fuck it up a magic desert and expansive coastal cities doesn't sound bad at all.
Plus, despite being nogs, the Redguards have pretty interesting lore.
I always support the natives though.
Even if we got a game in Summerset and they made the story about making an army to go invade the other provinces I'd still support the Altmer.
because he's a mary sue
Neloth wasn't an absolute asshole to everybody not a Telvanni, rather just a quirky douche.
Probably couldn't do the same here without changing the whole incest fuckparty.
one of his lines was "the lesser races call us Dark Elves" wow how did Bethesda get away with this?
>when you have to reinstall all your mods
Always a nord or dunmer.
To be fair. Khajiit in Morrowind were 99% slaves and 100% reprobates. Khajiit in Oblivion were mostly bandits, couriers, or trouble making mages. Khajiit have always been shit outside of Elsweyr.
Skyrim’s racial attitude as a whole regressed thanks to the majority of nords, it makes sense even if has bad consequences.
You actually get away with quite a lot if you at least pretend not to give a shit.
Khajiit are shit in general though.
They respect (even worship in one case) criminals as long as they're smart about it.
They are the dungmer of the mannish races.
Both of them delved into things beyond their ken and ended up destroying their homeland.
Them both being the stupidest of their group (man and mer) and being dark skinned may go over like a turd in a punchbowl if people make the connection.
Best to avoid Hammerfell like the plague.
>he doesn't do 'what if' scenarios, like playing as the nerevarine if he was the dragonborn instead or vice versa
Probably off doing something more important
he's probably the oldest living person on tamriel
He was probably busy being ded.
> He isn't ded
Morrowind went out of its way to let you know he was ded.
>tfw happened to me a few days ago
Wasn't Daggerfall in a region set between Hammerfell and High Rocks? How do you think they'll recon the warp of the west?
They won't, it's not necessary.
Warp in the West is described as a simple miracle in the in-game lore, official term is a Dragonbreak, of which there have been a few instances.
The largest long-term effect of TWITW is that it put an end to the constant state of war in High Rock, Hammerfell wasn't much impacted.
I honestly wonder if they have actually considered this possibility and its the impact on the games reception. As silly as it may sound gaming companies should take racial nonsense in consideration for pragmatic reasons even if they keep it a secret.
This why I hope it is High Rock + Hammerfell.so you start as a Breton for a more seemingly "neutral" race for most of the audience, even if you still do have the normal race options so the younger audience wouldn't scream that "you have to play as a black guy".
Less internet hysteria that way.
Why are there 3 Morrowind threads on Yea Forums today?
This is a general TES thread, I hope.
Also the Hlaalu did nothing wrong.
There is noway they can win if they set it in Hammerfell.
It will be too little or too much of something to people who like to whine about shit.
They should just avoid Hammerfell at all costs.
Not worth it.
It’s gonna be so goddamn hilarious when we get a Hammerfall game and you play as a Nord who turns out to be the Redguardian messiah.
>he doesn’t have separate save files for each and every combination of race, gender, and playstyle for each game
i do on my first playthrough, then i play altmer whenever i do a modded full run, jerk elf is the best
Why aren't you playing morrowind mp Yea Forums? Dont you have friends to play with?
I used to have this, canon playthrough was a province native, save file for ewxh other for different playstyles based on their lore, Breton spellsword, Redguard dual-wield, Dunmer destruction magic, Argonian poison alchemist/assassin etc.
Don't have time for that anymore though.
Divayth Fyr was probably dead by the time Dragonborn took place desu.
At least I killed him for his Daedric stuff
Post your best guesses as to the plot of TES VI
>Play as a patriotic Nordling fighting for the freedom of his nation
>"You were caught crossing the border, same as us"
Bravo, Todd
>They should just avoid Hammerfell at all costs.
Depends how you introduce it. Like I said it would be both provinces for the bigger map/content. The game title wouldn't be the province but something like similar to Oblivion.
You start somewhere at the border between the two and the default race is Breton.
It would be a shame to waste Hammerfell.
Also, if they truly knew their audience they would put some attractive Redguard and Orc girls as followers/companions.
Sorry but i only play Altmers
Speaking of which, have you heard of the high elves?
get alternative start mod
>Playing a useful idiot Nordling fighting for the ((((Altmer)))
The Hero of Kvatch ascends and goes on a rampage after doing all the hard work in Oblivion only to have the credit stolen by the emperor's bastard child.
Reminder the the Queen of Nigger Elves is a literal SLUT for BIG KHAJIIT COCK.
They should honestly bring Kematu back as a companion, he was a bro
Hammerfell, you're the HoonDing, the "make-way God", you "make-way" by pushing out an increasingly desperate and violent Empire trying to regain its lost territory.
Based on rumored Redfall title. Game sees the Empire in shambles and sets up a second Thalmor push to destroy the towers, one of which is in Valenwood, which is the ESVII setting.
I only play argonians in morrowind to spite everyone I come across
>he actually believes (((imperial))) propaganda
Top fucking KEK
Hist getting ready to survive another kalpa ending.
Numidium is coming back.
The Hist need you to collect pieces of Urs mecha to fight Numidium.
Giant mecha battle
>the orcs literally worship a pile of shit
Dumb brainlet.
Same journal you're citing literally says a few sentences later that Ulfric winning is to be avoided, they want a continuous war.
Stormcloak victory means more Talos worship, which means a stronger Talos to aid the races of men (and their allies) against the mer.
Set it High Rock and have a Hammerfell DLC.
If it is set in Hammerfell someone will be very offended by something.
Most likely both ends of the spectrum will find something to be outraged about.
He didn't read the dossier.
the people that get mad about shit like that dont play the games
>Play Breton
>Genocide every *rc
The war is never over greenskin fucks
>got a huge install full of about 50 or so mods, everything works perfectly, no crashe at all, runs smoother than the vanilla game
>backup my game folder so i can easily reinstall whenever i want
>delete game to make space, sometime later i reinstall by copy+pasting game folder
>game crashes on main menu because i forgot to backup the ini files as well
This is why I could never accept or get into TESO.
Bretons and Redguards working with the Orcs? Fucking bullshit makes less sense than the Dunmer letting their lizard slaves be allies.
Yeah, it's obvious the alliances were formed purely because of geographical convenience. It'd be interesting to see who would have allied with who if not for that.
Every fucking thread we get this guy who brings this up who clearly doesn't remember what the dossier actually said
V: Third Worst Humans
IV: Actually Decent
III: Elf Niggas
II: French Humans (Worst)
I: Takes place in 5 different provinces
Wake me up when Black Marsh gets a game.
If I was a nord I would still ally dunmer, if you know what I'm saying.
Probably something lame, but my hopes? They make it like Daggerfall where we get to play in both High Rock and Hammerfell (but all of them this time, not just a third of each), and the plot is based more around politics and intrigue rather than stopping a big bad who wants to destroy the world. The plot would focus around war and politics similar to the civil war in Skyrim, and you'd get to either defend Hammerfell from the Empire and Thalmor to maintain their independance and get High Rock to secede from the Empire as well, or alternatively work to keep High Rock loyal to the Empire while fighting to conquer Hammerfell for them again. The rumored title "Redfall" could refer to either the fall of the Empire in it's entirety, or the Empire descending upon Hammerfell from High Rock. Depending on Skyrim's civil war outcome we could either end up with an Empire consisting of four provinces or one that's been destroyed in it's entirety, with nothing left of it but Cyrodiil itself.
Getting to fight for the Dominion would also be pretty neat
dunmer are the only good mer
>daedra worshippers
you spit in the face of our ancestors
no matter what kind of mer wrote this post can safely be called gay
Always play a dunmer refugee who likes nords, if you know what I'm saying.
yeah, brunhilde and olga know that I lay the DDD (dangerous dunmer dick)
best house Reporting
I usually play female dunmer but why not, a dunmer mage getting some loving from Lydia sound good too.
its canon that the nerevarine absolutely nu-Tribunal's pussies
the dunmer are the chad race