Just bought it tonight with Skyrim VR and I have already vomited twice. I feel like I just woke up from a night of binge drinking. Any tips to get over this VR sickness? I really don't want to return it.

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play games that don't have you moving around with the stick

>he bought it for the wrong game
Dude it's literally only good for Tetris Effect and Beat Saber

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Im using the DS4

Im actually impressed with it, but the controls are making me sick.

Motion sickness in common person is mostly caused by 2 things.
Ear canal problem and blood thickness.
For the first problem, if you're sure you don't have any problem with your ear canal, you need to make your brain "get used" with the concept of "moving stationarily", i.e. activity where you're moving without actually moving, like skateboarding, sliding/watersliding, etc. Do you recall ever doing these stuff while you're small?"

For the second cause, thick blood can be solved with healthier diet and exercise, this one is easier, basically just go get healthier.

Lastly, there's medication for motion sickness. You can take some medicine before doing activity that will cause you to get one, but let's try to not rely on medicine if you can.

Thanks, I am going to try candied ginger, more water and I hear having a fan blowing helps. My diet is pretty solid desu, but I am just coming off a cold so I haven't been eating.

If you aint hitting atleast 90 fps on 90 hz youre gonna have a bad time with the blurring. Psvr is a mistake

It looks fine, but slightly blurry. It looks like I am staring through a screen window. I have the PS4 Pro so I hear it helps.

You have to accustom your brain to it. Enable every possible comfort setting on Skyrim (blacking out edges of vision while moving and everything else), then just slowly walk around. Don't use smooth turning, that shit is brutal, only snap turning. Avoid strafing. It's might take a few sessions over several days, but eventually your brain will get used to it, and you'll be fine sprinting full speed
Also try out different games that have different types of movement (flying, racing) that might help too. Just don't push through sickness. take a break once you start getting queazy then jump back in

Thanks for the input user. I think I have it in smooth turning and I have been strafing like a bastard. I will switch it up.

Imagine being this big of a zoomer faggot. Back in my days, the more a platfrom fucked you up, the better it was.

Is Gorn on PSVR? You gotta get Superhot at any rate

1. Get a better VR HMD for PC with better tracking
2. Try playing some tamer shit without locomotion where you move around with the stick.
3. Play till you feel you're getting sick or similar, then take a break and try again later, don't force yourself.
4. Try some shit like ginger or whatever.
Should fix it in a few weeks to a month.

Yeah man you can’t jump right into advanced shit you have to train your brain to understand that what you are seeing isn’t real. Have to start off slow because if you fuck up your brain will associate VR with feeling sick and it will never get better.

I've found the problem.

motion sickness is not exclusive to PSVR

Low frame rates are almost exclusive to Sony consoles. Both Vive and Rift have set 90 FPS as their standard. The fucking PS4 "Pro" barely reaches 30 FPS. You get what you pay for.

Return it

You are genetically inferior and can't handle VR.

Use the teleport movement, they are designed for weak stomach'd people.

>vomit over tucking VR

I swear, white peoples have the weakest stomachs. My wife, my friends, her friends, all of them puke over the littlest of things. My wife isn’t bulimic but when her food doesn’t settle too well, she knows how to throw it right up on command.. What’s up with that?

it's inherently flawed

I don’t think the virtual boy was better than anything.

Beat Saber

PSVR is running at 60fps, and also frame rates is not the main cause of motion sickness