>game has raw and elemental damage
>raw is always superior
>elemental is garbage unless you use a very specific set and hit in a very specific hitzone
what's the point?
>game has raw and elemental damage
>raw is always superior
>elemental is garbage unless you use a very specific set and hit in a very specific hitzone
what's the point?
What game does this?
dual blades, insect glaives, sns are definitely better elemental
>raw is always superior
except that's wrong, and you don't even need a set
In MHGU, elemental works really well aganist monsters weal to that type. Also blast elemental with SNS or DS are better than raw
Monster Hunter series
That just means every weapon except those has absolutely zero reason for having elemental weapons. Its retarded, bad design when raw already has the advantage of being equally effective against any enemy.
>gameplay is super fun
>community is ruined by min-maxing assholes
I'm saying those weapons are always better elemental but there are some other weapons that are still pretty equivalent with raw like charge blade and swaxe.
super smash brothers, Richter has a very small advantage over Simon despite being almost exactly the same, because his holy water is neutral, which means that fire pikmin don't resist it, while Simon's is fire, so they do.
Yes but every weapon should be like that. And unless shit is different in world swaxe and charge blade don't give a fuck about element. You just use power/impact phial and whatever has the highest raw.
Dude, it's extra damage.
Bring a weapon an enemy is weak to, do more damage to them by hitting them in their weak points. Simple stuff. Even with the only thing changing between 2 choices being the elements, based on the monster that means an extra 20 x 1.2 damage per hit vs an extra 20 x0.2 damage per hit.
>he doesnt use elemental weapons with impact vials
>he doesnt use hidden element
I use high-element weapons in MH even though they mostly suck. I like to pretend they're cursed magical relics or some shit
Remember elemental HBG? I do.
>tfw when obliterating a downed water weak monster with an infinite stamina charge
I bet you believe the item descriptions too.
>not using dragon element against elders
Name one multiplayer that this doesn't apply too.
Unless you're speed-running, you really don't gotta worry much. I use weapons almost purely on their aesthetic.
I play LS and work toward what I think are the best LS of each element and swap between them by the monster. But the entire time I'm also working toward the best endgame raw weapon, which usually replaces everything else when it's complete.
I don't care if you think I'm playing wrong. I have fun. I should get to making that huntress on MHGU. Haven't played since I got my big dick crown on my initial hunter.
In almost every MH game element is completely worthless except on rapid hit weapons and with a special setup. And even then, there are usually raw/status setups that can compete with them except on monsters with massive elemental hitzones and weaknesses. The actual elemental damage and hitzone of the monster is fucking tiny compared to raw damage hitzones. Pull up Kiranico and look, most raw weakpoints are 30-40% while element usually caps at 25%-30% and is on weird parts of the monster. I think the only time elemental damage has impressed me is running a water LBG for gravios family.
You can use elemental weapons with impact phials, the elemental part is just contributing almost nothing to your damage.
>wasting skill points on hidden element
>one is always superior except when it isn't
>what is the point of choices
kill yourself
I miss adept LBG rapid-fire piercing elemental shots.
That was the most ludicrous bullshit ever, especially on those bigger enemies. Lining up elemental weak points was so goddamn satisfying, and less ammo management between hunts.
Fighting games with hardcoded matchup advantages are cancer.
I think Jojo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle had something like that.
>game has many elemental damage
>70% of enemies are resistant to fire
>game has a lot of fire damage dealing enemies
>best armor is weak to fire
This sounds like MH world problems
Just don't get hit lmao
Elemental LBG exist for a reason user.
Super gimmicky, hard to pull and expensive as shit status gunning >>> Elemental gunning > Normal gunning > any other kind of ammo.
I remember in 2nd gen Tigrex used to deal dragon damage with all of its attacks and every good armor was deathly weak to dragon, so Land of Tremors was one shots even if you were a blademaster.
If we are talking about world Ele defense values on armor hardly matter anyways.
All-Star Battle probably had fanservice as its highest priority though
I don't know about World but in 4U you'd use Fatalis or Dalamadur glaives 95% of the time
Gunning is high risk high reward you retard, blademasters can simply sponge hits and chug a potion but gunners are lucky if they survive a single hit.
>high reward
>99% of hbg
Blow it out your ass you wannabe TAutist.
Yeah, high reward.
>no healing items consumed
>fun, stylish and clean
>easy and safe when mastered
>pretty consistent kill times
>part breaking all day bro
>everyone will send you friend requests for how awesome you are
>guns are fucking cool
>capture and tracking are super easy to put
Only risk is that fuck ups are punished hard.
Elemental damage in MH is king for rapid attacking weapons which have shitty motion values. Elemental damage does a flat value independent of motion value. A 100raw GS with 30 thunder on a level 3 would do 100+30. A 100raw DB with 30 thunder doing demon dance would be 8+8, 8, 8, 6, 20+20 = 78 raw on 7 hits, + 7×30 = 288total. You want to apply hitzones and 20% of 30 = 6, 7×6 = 42, 78+42 = 120, so its 1.53× more damage than 100 raw without element.
>completely worthless except on RAPID HIT WEAPONS
Read user, READ. My point is there is no reason elemental weapons shouldn't be better for every weapon type. Its retarded it should go:
Using a elemental weapon monster is weak to > using a raw weapon > using an elemental weapon a monster isn't weak to. For every single weapon type. Otherwise every weapon other than the the highest raw, highest sharpness weapon is pointless. There is no reason to design a bunch of elemental greatswords and hammers that are worse than any weapon with higher raw damage. Raw weapons already have the benefit of always being a decent choice, the jack of all trades weapon type shouldn't beat specialized options in any game. Its retarded.
I play elemental SnS in pretty much every MH game, Divine Exodus is my swordfu.
dunno if anythings changed with the Arch Tempereds but it was Diablos for raw or the paralysis glaive from goldslut for support.
But what's the point of making elemental weapons better to begin with? It just ends up being more routine micro-management that gets in the way of the actual fighting, I don't know why there are elements in the first place.
what about other important factors like slots and FASHION
Too bad that sword was way worse than Alatreon Star and the game had very little in the way of dragon weakness.
you don't HAVE to use them
>why give you more incentive to grind monsters in this game about fighting monsters over and over
Thats the point of the game user. Thats why Raw weapons should exist, to give you a weapon you can use against anything that will be decently effective. But someone who takes the time to make a special fire weapon and fire attack set should be rewarded for it.
What about them?
Is this still an issue in MHW?
elemental weapons outside of Bow aren't good in MHW until the AT Kulve update
>Thats the point of the game user.
Seems kind of antithetical to recent design choices. They have done a great job of minimizing the grind for actual materials and outright removing the the best grind system the series ever had. The game absolutely showers you in rare drops, and if you still don't have enough you have a bunch of quests literally weighted toward handing them out.
If thats the case building elemental gear should be even less of an issue
>play FU
>start off using LS
>pretty good, but burns through sharpness
>upgrades cap off early into LR, and you're stuck at Green well until the end of LR
I thought it was supposed to be an issue? You're gonna have to pick a side here, either the grind is good and the game should strive toward emphasizing it with elemental weapons that aren't trivial to obtain or you make raw the only thing that matters because there is no grind anyway, and all you're removing is the tedium of switching gear all the time.
Why even bother using any other weapon type than the one with the greatest output? waste of time even putting lesser weapons in, really
>full spirit gauge increases your sharpness
>going below green doesn't even matter until you can get Supremacy Blade which has a fuckton of green and the same damage as a mid-HR LS
git gud
>No one but some gimmick speedrunners use element
>Nerf element damage from gen to gu
>Set an element damage cap in world
they're literally smoking crack
>make literally half of the end game weapons dragon element
>with a healthy and varied selection therein, such as "more raw than dragon" or "more dragon than raw"
stupid fucking gooks
>it's a goddamn monster hunter thread without shitposting
Can we talk about this glorious motherfucker? Why is his fight so fun? Is it his honest gameplay? His over the top flashy moves? His spit polished star destroyer hanger bay floor hitboxes? Ooh, how about that cool af looking armor that triggers TA fags.
I really think he is the pinnacle of elder dragon fights.
I see a lot of comments saying "Just because its not deeps doesn't mean its bad" but to me its more like they dont give you a reason to use element. Whats more fun is not creating 4 endgame weapons each with a specific set to match the element, and casual players wont do that as well. If its not like "wow this is crazy! im shredding this lightning-weak monster!" why would you ever give up just having a simple "general" set for a given weapon? Marginal boost of damage at the cost of making entirely new sets, memorizing bizarre hitzones for the 3 weapons elemental is "good" with is the muh deeps option
>wow this thread has no shitposts
>better rectify that immediately
every goddamn thread
Definitely the best elder dragon to fight, but I generally hate fighting them (especially in older games). I'm okay with shaggy and nergigante though. Most of the other ones are spectacle fights that don't translate to good ones (amatsu, alatreon, fucking kusha) while kusha and teo will instant charge you if you blink.
I just wanna talk about Valstrax and every thread gets nuked by bing spam. Is it that fucking hard?
Nergigante feels more like a mid tier monster than an elder dragom. You so much as cough on his spikes and crying on the floor. Blangonga and Shogun are more threatening than this pussy who prays on dragons that are already on death's door.
>raw is always superior
Except that's completely wrong. Elemental works better on faster weapons like db and bow. It only struggles on slow weapons, which benefit more from raw. Do you even play?
The point is variety, options, teamplay.
A good example Is Silverwind Nargacuga. With Mind's eye and a Thunder weapon, one person can concentrate on hitting the wings while everyone else trips each other up all trying to hit the body, given that raw is practically useless against the wings. You're rewarded for going the extra mile and in turn feel like an asset to the team.
Elements are also a little more complicated than simple extra damage.
Element only trumps raw after hard minmaxing for element on speedruns. Raw will still outclass element for general use at every other stage of the game.
But since you play the game, you already knew that. Right?
Might as well just use blast or explosive shots for that.
I unironically love its weapons. Bye bye whetstones.
where da rooms at
Ferrari dragon
Its not though because if you use an equivalent tier raw weapon you do as much or more damage with half the required skills support. I mean I'm an SnS main so I love my elemental builds, don't get me wrong, but MH has yet to not fuck over elemental builds
I can't stand the elemental cap in World
For me, once weapons get into the 300 damage area one starts getting diminishing returns & most weapons become equally viable (it starts to become more a question of sharpness / slots). A lot of the good elemental weapons maxed out have 290ish raw so you feel a small tradeoff, but its still negligible IMO.
People suck off Neset weapons but their sharpness sucks dude.
If there isn't one thing in GU that consistently pisses me off its how many armor are weak to fire and if it isn't fire its dragon and/or thunder.
Go make Chad Valstrax's armor. drop below 2/3 HP and you get 50 res to all elements.