My little punk ass bitch ass faggot little brother got pissed at me and deleted all my epic Smash replays. How do I get my revenge, lads?
My little punk ass bitch ass faggot little brother got pissed at me and deleted all my epic Smash replays...
forcefully take his anal virginity
Get Yea Forums to raid his minecraft server
Your little brother won. All you can do is accept it.
Sit him down and have a genuine conversation about how his actions made you feel without being accusatory.
First tell us what you did to piss him off that much
like your smash replays were any good. I bet you only save the ones you win in to make yourself feel good. Try saving the ones you lose in so you can watch your mistakes and improve. That is the true path of the warrior.
Dick punch
Teabag him irl
consider yourself lucky, he deleted them because you suck
suck his dick to show dominance
I insulted the replays he made because they were all spiking a lvl 6 CPU with Donkey Kong.
at least he didn't force you to shower
>little brother has thing he is proud about
>op tells him it's shit, throws him into kiddie rage
>op comes complaining to Yea Forums
Op is a fag
A thread died for this
ha ha fooled you are i didn't ever have a little brother RETARDS
Dress him up in girl clothes and bully his dick
shit in his handbag. he must be as much of a mincing fruit as you so he'll have one.
play a grown up game
You could try moving out. That'd show him.
Say that you're not mad, and that you're just disappointing
>lol I was only pretending to be fucking retarded lol I'm so smart
Poop inside his pillow case or under his sheets so it smears all over when he goes to lay down. Also you could piss in a cup and leave it under his bed so it reeks of piss around that area. Or take little bits of poop and put them in the very front of the inside of his shoes where it'll smear when he puts them on.
Or stash some turds in his jacket pockets, maybe soak his shoe-laces in piss or something.