Why do people hate Brutal DOOM again?
Why do people hate Brutal DOOM again?
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Corruption of Boomer Doom into Zoomer Doom 2016
It embraces a vision of Doom that isn't true to what makes the game special.
Non-fans perceive Doom as "MANLY SPACE MARINE RIPS DEMONS IN HALF, UNNNNNNNNNNGH" but there's also level navigation and charm in subtlety. Brutal Doom just tries to give people what they expect without any of the thoughtfulness.
doom for kids
The mod itself is... ok, not great but it does the job it sets out to do. It's more of mouthbreathers that want EVERY wad to be compatible with it or claim this is what id would've done if they had the "technology".
Bandwagon, plain and simple. Thing is popular so Yea Forums hates thing.
The same people who hate Brutal Doom tend to love Hdoom, which is even less faithful to the core gameplay, but it's le epic ironic weeb xDDD so it hits that zoomer ironyboner sweet spot.
Why is Doom Slayer such a pissant about story? He shuts up Hayden before I can find out what the fuck is happening, as if mauling demons doesn't need exposition. What an impatient child.
I'm willing to admit I didn't know this existed until now. Will it work with Doomsday Engine?
Probably not, what does? You'd have to design 3D textures for all the unique elements.
Because they turned him into le invincible gamer icon meme
i think it was due to crediting assets from other mods and the fact the creator is a douche or something along those lines
i dont remember really
The most annoying thing I find about Brutal Doom and their fanboys is that they don't want to consider any other Doom where there isn't "ripping and tearing", clusterfuck of shit on screen and useless over the top weapons. Having 30 different useless weapons, useless voice acting, and bunch of useless features and just bunch of sh.it on screen is not Doom sorry. Guess what, Doom isn't about being like Serious Sam or Painkiller or any other "area" shooter filled with clusterfuck of shit all over the level. It's about solid, enjoyable shooting packed with amazingly well made levels. Brutal Doom literally annihilates everything that's good about Doom. The guy who makes the mod even remakes the original levels to the point where it looks like shit. But people these days just love games where you hold your left mouse button and that's it... Doom is not like that at all.
Reminder that the creator of brutal doom managed to get himself kicked out of every DooM community forum for basically attacking anyone who didn't fellate his ego. he also claims that ID stole his mod design with DooM 4
*not crediting
Take it from his perspective:
He has been fighting demons for... let's say ages right? He tried defending his home dimension and the Argent D'nur after they opened a portal to hell. He's taken it upon himself to defend everyone from the demon hordes. Then suddenly, a robot fucking bastard opens up a portal just so he can steal energy from hell and awakens Doomslayer to clean up his mess while trying to justify everything. If I was Doomslayer, I would be doing the same thing.
>Fuck you and fuck your Argent
Because the userbase hardly ever branches out from it to try other things, and on the occasion they do slap other wads together will blame the other authors for things breaking when it's usually Mark's wonky programming that's responsible.
Because Sgt.Mark is yanderedev clone, except that his mod actually got released.
I mean, stolen assets, shitty code that leads to disgusting performance and it being unreadable, fanbase composed entirely out of edgy teens, both are autistic douches.
I love Doom 2016 and I think brutal doom is a piece of shit
Press X to Stop Gameplay and Show a Cutscene of your character doing something ~~AWESOME~~ while you watch!
If I wanted to watch a movie I'd watch a fucking movie, thanks.
>amazingly well made levels
The level where the Cyberdemon and the Spider mastermind fight eachother is on par with babbys first memewad.
The castle level is bum.
Suburbs is BIG bum.
*i don't like change
The game designer, John Romero himself, said that they'd have made Doom like Brutal Doom if the technology allowed it at the time.
No excuse.
t. Mark
v19 was ok, after that it just got bloated and memetic
Gotcha! is a great level and there's more to it than the fight. It's in there entirely for your entertainment.
>Sandy's levels are the worst
Everybody knows this.