How do you make friends in online video games and video game based communities Yea Forums?
How do you make friends in online video games and video game based communities Yea Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
By having lickable armpits
Yea Forums is too autistic to make 'friends' without sucking dick
Pretend to be a girl
i wish i knew
How would i go about doing this, if it helps me make friends online?
just be yourself
very carefully
Can I be friends with you? I like reimu too
cringe and yikespilled
kys loser
You have to interact with them
I feel it was easier before every website got replaced by the big social media sites. Now I've been stuck with the same group of fags that get mad at the stupidest shit but fuck it's all I got
But people never really want to engage or continue after a match. It's just a passing thing. I really want to make friends online to talk to and play vidya with regularly.
add them moron and start talking to them
Don't you have friends IRL to do these things?
not everyone will want to be your friend user
if you just interact with people more often im sure youll make a few
People just add me or invite me to parties. I don't really actively try to collect friends but I end up acquiring them anyway.
>touhou poster is a tranny loving incel
Like fucking clockwork.
epic smug anime girl my dude
I dont.
I mute everyone and disable chat if possible.
Yes, but i live quite far away from them so only see them sparingly. I work pretty much on my own so it's very lonely and my social interaction is basically Yea Forums and phone calls.
Do you not think it's abit wierd to add random people from a match? I hate to sound like a baby but i'd be rather nervous doing something like that incase they decline or react badly.
Anyone else want friends but feel like continuously having to engage in fake small talk every day just to make yourself seem interesting to each other is a maintenance that's too much of a pain in the ass, even knowing this is hypocritical of you?
>Love live poster having the fucking audacity to make this post
el oh el
>Do you not think it's abit wierd to add random people from a match?
this is how I made friends online by simple talking to them. you're behind a computer screen so I don't see why someone declining or reacting badly would affect you.
thx m8
I'm the exact same. I honestly can't be arsed making small talk or connecting with people unless it's to meet up, hang out or for something that i actually care about. I'm not going to sit and make small talk when i can shitpost online or drink lots of beer and play VR.
Essentially you're selfish and inconsiderate, but so is everyone else so don't worry about it user.
I live far from my friends too. But talk with them regularly and play one or two times a week.
Is this the fucking touhou thread or faggot thread
tell me now
same thing
>talk to them ingame
>add them / invite them next game
its only weird if you add them out of the blue with no previous interaction
Thanks anons! Maybe i can find a friend today by adding someone in a steam game and see if they want to be friends on discord or something.
>Do well in game
>A teammate adds you and wants to play as a group
>Give the worst performance of your life for 3 games in a row
>Panic and log off with some generic excuse
>Never interact with that guy again
is this the nightly tranny thread?
Sorry i guess we can.
Do you have Steam or Discord?
Seems the best place to talk about Reimu.. maybe!
Yo what's the source of this image?
>join discord
>has in the matchmaking thread for games
everyone ignores my post and someone starts a new conversation like I was never there
I hate discord bros.
Yes my discord is Flowboat7557
public discord servers are complete shit if you werent one of the first few in there
Sure, mine is Ragun#4464
sent ;)
wtf guys why is Reimu such a bitch?
No this is for a school gaming club. I wanted to get better at games and make friends but I don't think that'll happen any time soon.
That's still a public server you meathead
10 years ago I was able to make some friends in Kongregate but after that I haven't really made any. I'm friendly with peoe in the community of a game I enjoy but I am not really a friend of anyone there.
>tfw no friends
You're not worth adding.
You don't accept anyone.
Girl or gay?
he's a gay, european, tranny stoner. the absolute worst of all degenerates.
first thing is going ahead and killing yourself in real life with a gun for being an anime tranny
second thing is playing old mmos with your fellow 35yo junkies and boomer burnouts
But how can i play games if i'm dead?
I'm american.
Kaguya is best 2hu.
you don't, nobody wants to be friends with anime retards anyway
>play USF4
>some guy sends me a friend request out of the blue after we played a couple of matches
>add him on my friends list
>he never sends any text message
>it's been like that for half a year now
Should I just remove him?
Being decent at the game and feeling empathy.
This is why Yea Forums, or this website, can't make true friends.
>Add Yea Forums user
>End up getting lewd
Every time
>Add Yea Forums user
>Don't end up getting lewd
Every time.
>add Yea Forums users
>turn into biggest bros
>add real life user
>exchange pleasantries maybe thrice, conversations rarely go further
>tfw too autistic for lewd/erp shit
I don't get it.
I met my best friend who I've hung out with in real life and have known for 10+ years just spamming pet commands in MapleStory.
>playing video games online
>for friends
This never happens unless you join a server.
Be decent to good at the game.
Don't sperg out even in a Yea Forums server.
Be yourself and act natural.
Everytime I've played with anons from Yea Forums shit always goes wrong. Everything going to shit is pretty much what I always assume will happen at this point. Two example come to mind. The first is anytime I play EYE Divine Cybermancy with anons. Some one always has to be the motherfucker to shoot some NPC in the main hub and turn dozens of immortal juggernauts against us.
The second example is when I join a server and while everyone mostly spoke english, we all had different words for shit and it got super confusing and then the chat bar just became a shitstorm over what the fuck a cantaloupe or an aubergine is.
Get gud at video games and don't be a faggot
I've actually made 2 bros from Yea Forums over the past year that i still talk to today and discuss vidya and movies with.
Met other channers through other sites that i also reguarly talk to with common interests. Everyone else though have been fucking failures.
>He didnt spec Charisma
fucking idiot lmao
you'll regret it eventually
Regret what?
>looking forward to playing Halo again
>remember all my old friends moved on from vidya years ago
What's wrong with that? it's like masturbating but better
I'll play with you co-op and mp.
This. I'm quite at it if you.....maybe fancy it?
I call everybody a nigger. If somebody calls me a nigger back, I know I can trust them.
My social skills have decayed to the point where neither of us would have much fun. I appreciate the sentiment though.
How do I make friends with cute girls online, while avoiding boys pretending to be girls? I can only be flirty with boys for so long before coming to the same conclusion each time that I'm not actually gay or bi.
We don't have to talk.
fucking virgin. get a life, you godamn neet. go get a fucking job like a chad, and grow your social skils
making friends in online games is nigh impossible nowadays thanks to "matchmaking"
when there were only custom servers it was very easy to make friends
gomen, I just use those threads to socialize and lewd with people on another anonymous board, I don't talk to people in DM
Step one, join a community not explicitly about playing games and find the members who do.
Teenage girls are the sexiest, and you can't covince me otherwise. 16 - 19 Absolute prime age for women.
>is a huge faggot and not in the good sense
fuck off faggot
who else /hard to find common interests other than video games/
You should try lewd in DM at some point user.
It's very fun and arousing, trust me.
God I sincerely wish I could just ignore that it's a man on the other side and just ERP anyways.
don't use sakura for your gay posting degenerate
I doubt I talked to you.
I enter the almost vacant room and glance over in your direction, smirking as our eyes make contact. You blush and look away embarrassed, but i know you're hungry for it. I close and lock the door behind me and glance back over at you, staring at your body and soft skin. I feel aroused already and slowly advance upon you on the otherside of the room. "No one is coming user, it's just me and you now" i say softly as i feel the blood pumping through me.
Or else?
I know, but I just don't like people outside of erp and I prefer being free to go into it or leave it as a please
enjoy your ban gaylord
That's cute, user. But you're still just a man.
you must be talking about trash.
Please do not use 2hus as a face for your degenerate behavior, thank you.
Lmao no, that place is infested with actual attention whore and 3dpd worshipping
What if you ERP as a male character with an actual woman who's ERPing as a female character?
Six hundred quintillion aids-infested boogeymen swarm you and begin to absolutely turbo-fuck the shit out of you until you're resembling a mcdonald's hot-dog patty pre-processing, a pile of pinkish goo, screeching in latin from the absolute abysmal horrid dumpstertruck whirlwnd your life has been as you contemplate your choices. You are rendered unable to die, the contingent power of the fat-rendered jism forcibly keeping blood pumping to your brain despite the fact your heart has been cut in half by a jet of liquid.
Back to where you came from, nigger faggots. If you could neck yourself on the way back, all the better.
If you had a friend who ignores you most of the time and ditches you when they have other people to do things with they aren't a friend right? Despite them claiming otherwise?
Tfw an old friend of mine used to publicly ERP as Galko on /trash/. I wonder what those lads are up to now.
your mom will die in her sleep
I dont remember it being like that but whatever
fuck trash and fuck erp
People get off to this?
>fuck trash and fuck erp
>i don't remember it being like that
/jp/niggers calling others degenerates is absolutely hilarious.
Who knows
If that's what they're doing then yes, they're not really a friend. But maybe it's not like what it seems
/jp/ make videos of themselves fucking each others while dressing as 2hu character, fuck off normalfags
It's just the introduction user. Have to set the scene before getting into the real stuff. Also it's great getting a reaction from spergs like this who take it seriously.
The real tranny discord users don't post here and if they do it's to fuck up the board not to ERP or do gay shit.
For the most part, yeah, you're being manipulated. Although you can't have a skewed vision of this either. If it's the way you're actually describing, then yeah, that's not a friend. But if you're being an overly attached person, consider the fact that you also might be the problem.
Maybe they'll shill their easter discord during Easter again this year and I can drop in with with an alt to see what everybody has been up to. Cool guys they were, even if they all were gay.
Those were actual japs not /jp/s kys tranny
>hehe trolled by ME
goodness kill yourself
You've already won half the battle by being in an online video game community with other people that chose to be in an online video game community. You usually make friends by doing something that interests you and talking to people that are also interested in that thing. So try talking to the people in that online video game based community. Perhaps you could talk about video games?
>Those were actual japs
Okay so you have no idea about /jp/ go back normalfag and take your tranny with you
Absolutely and literally nobody likes /jp/. Maybe you should stay there.
nice tranny revisionism tranny
fuck you
This is good news. Now I have confidence that /jp/ won't turn into Yea Forumseddit so soon
Tranny can you go back please, ty
Hmm, that's a good erp technique but I prefer the begging technique, it makes people cum faster and it's more hot instead of the scenario based one
You guys have a different problem: the fact that you're all a bunch of hypocritical fucks while failing to see the irony of disliking everything around you so much that you all act and react to everything in the exact same way.
Begging is hot as fuck, but it definitely has to be established.
clean it the fuck up jannies
Which one is begging though?
Are you saying that people enjoy having anons beg for sex from them?
What do you mean by this? Begging for permission to cum?
where do you even start with all this touhou stuff if you wanna try to get into it
I've always been slightly interested from a distance, always just looking at it
I think I know who're you specifically talking about. I was a member of that discord until I got too clingy to that nigger's cock for my own good
you play the games.
Start at Touhou 7, it's the most newcomer-friendly game. 6 was the first one on PC but it's missing some QoL stuff that make 7 better in my opinion.
No no no, like a first person perspective instead of descripting something like it isn't happening to you, making your interlocutor really think that you want it, instead of writing something like "then I open my lips and say" you just say it and beg/say what you wish you could do "right now"
One person does the begging but it end up with both people just saying what they wish to do to the other person, kind of like cybersex before ERP was a thing
fairy wars is a great start for new shitters.
If you guys are going to just be gay, go to /trash/. They unironically have a bunch of gay-internet meet up threads there daily.
Poor little Nutter, is that you? Everybody seemed pretty attached to him, though.
Fuck that place, it's shit
I wish I knew, maybe I would be a happier person and play multiplayer games more. I have played almost all MMOs by myself and have had Tabletop Simulator for a long time and never played it once.
So essentially;
"I'm cumming! I'm cumming inside you balls deep!"
"As i start to cum balls deep inside you .... etc etc"
Do they really? I just want to play vidya with others and then occasionally send them nudes and ERP or some shit. Thanks user!
Yes and no,I do both of those as the girl I guess I did not explain myself well, I'm esl, I would post example if I could
I just want to talk about lonliness in video games and this thread of just fucking meme shit.
Normie here. I thought your version of "begging" was literally the only way people did lewd shit on discord/skype. I didnt think ERP was literally just pretending to be other people.
So you speak in both 1st and 3rd person when ERPing? I get you.
This is amateur as fuck yo. You have to write much more than that, with more intimate detail.
What's the appeal of ERP when you can just fap to porn? Is it just a closet homosexual thing?
Reported. You faggots always ruin everything with your gay anime erp shit, stop this degeneracy you don't need any friends you just looking for a dick, try search in trash where you belong to.
I would, but that's to be saved for DMs
Both of your example are 1st person, I never did 3rd person erp
It's like masturbating but better? don't pretend that you and your friends aren't degenerate that talk and share porn anyway, it's the same as that
What you just said is a bannable offence btw.
I recommend checking out the rules in future.
Nah, I actually don't feel comfortable revealing, I wasn't around for long due to anxiety and attention issues, but I was a good boy for big black daddy dick for a while. I still fucking jackoff to his trash threads RP despite the bad feelings he brings up. I just wanna be a good boy for a good master again /blog
Oh shit yeah my bad.
I meant you use both types of 1st person. Descriptive and vocal.
Some people enjoy the ability to interact with their lewd stuff, and if you have a weird, niche fetish, it can be a chance to play it out.
Just report and sage user, the garbage will disappear soon
I should have ERP'd with Peepgirl or Suki when I had the chance. They were the best at acting like girls.
Stay in fucking trash you faggots take your shit back with you what the fuck is wrong with you there's already a board for your literal garbage
I don't know what's more sad.
People in this thread talking about ERP and being trannies or the people that stay in the thread that claim to hate it and do nothing but whine. You're all as bad as each other and just as sad and pathetic.
You go back in time to before /vg/ existed.
Doing lewd shit with another person is a turn on within itself. If a hot girl wanted to trade nudes and say sexy shit to you, I'm sure you wouldn't refuse.
I just want to talk about what the OP wanted to talk about but can't since epic ERP memers are here.
I know and don't care. These tranny mods with their stupid rules can kill yourself, fucking niggers ruined Yea Forums too. But right now you, faggots, ruin it right here. Sage.
It's nice to be able to provide relief for someone.
t. electionnigger
>do nothing but whine
That serves a purpose brainlet.
Every single person that I've met who found erp weird or hated it could be turned with a few 2d pics of their fetish and talking lewdly about how you want to service them
Fair enough user, not your fault.
I'm referring to people like this clown that have nothing better to do with their time.
Cute boy
Cute boy (male)
How the fuck do I find people to ERP with on discord. /trash/ doesn't have shit and now I'm all bothered and want to be a slut
This sounds gay. If I'm interacting with someone, I can't read their text as anything but male. You guys are all definitely gay, right?
Add anons in this thread?
Some anons above already linked stuff, though not for erp not sure.
Why's it always gotta be boys that want to be sluts.
Heh I could give a few sites and place to go but I don't want normalfags
i mean i like a good slut only if they trade pics and are cute ;)) plus i rather just fap over voice
Can we delete this thread and start a new one for other depressed anons?
Jesus Christ, what an abortion of a thread. I sincerely hope all of you get banned
I don't think it was for ERP and I don't want to bother someone about it
Because it just feels nice to provide
how do I stop being so hateful, bros?
I can't make friends like this.
I just want a "girl" friend who would tease me with lewd talk from time to time
or tease me because they thought I was cute or something and liked seeing my reactions
Just act friendly, speak up. Be noticed. Be the one.
Fuck off, I'd rather suck juicey warm meatrods like the faggot whore I am than blog with beta arcanines.
I am only hateful because my friends made me this way with their hatefulness. I genuinely just want to be happy and kick back with other like minded people who just want to play vidya and aren't complete trash or are tryhards who shit on everyone else.
Learn to be cute, idk, what I learned from everyone who post their steam/discord on Yea Forums is that they are all douchebags
Mods will hand out 3 day bannerinos for posting Discords in ERP threads, not worth it for the paltry nut from an esl shitposter.
Talking about politics, saying you hate the orange man and that your wife is abusive
I wish you luck in your journey, user. I don't want to lead on anybody, so I tend to not ERP with other guys. Although my cock getting praised always feels good.
Find others who are equally as hateful as you and join together to hate on something else.
user i cum a lot so get ready
wtf is an esl?
>just want to play vidya and aren't complete trash or are tryhards who shit on everyone else.
Lmao basically you are a complete retard
You either try your hardest or you are trash
God dammit, why are self admitted sluts so sexy.
I'll be your friend!! Pie#7215
Someone smarter than a burgerfag
Make sure you pin me down by the wrists, sweetie. I wanna feel your lovely testicles throb against my nostrils after your pulverize my gullet with cock
Do you like big cocks?
No but I feel like I might have one
What does it feel like to take a cock up the arse /v?
Das okay dude, I understand. I'm a ditzy, effeminate gay boy, so I get it. Shame I won't get to tease you since this thread is probably about to get axed.
It's fun
slut i'll make sure you are more than just pin downed but tied up begging and moaning for daddy
It feels like a pressure inside you, with every thrust bringing a more exciting sense of pleasure when someone's manhood fills you.
Sweetie, baby, you should be careful with your personal info like that.
Not him but why?
What would happen if I post mine?
some slut loving it
i wonder what its like to be mating pressed
ha ha
I appreciate your worries but I dont mind putting my info out here like that!! I want some new friends!
God i wish i could do this with someone.
probably taking a shit but backwards?
I might bother you; sending you DMs about how I really, really need to nuzzle my face into your shaft and have you use my mouth as your personal sex toy. Hell, I might even send lewds. The mods might give you a temp ban too.
I dont
Mmm, that would be wonderful, Daddy. Bounded and roped around my wrists and ankles while I sloppily gag on your hot cock, facefucking me so hard my gay makeup starts running across my red face! Choke me harder, Daddy! Anything to be a good boy again!
if u want cummies
I really want to ERP with a guy pretending to be a girl. IN particular, someone from Yea Forums.
I could and do ERP with actual women but it's just not the same. I can't explain it, but it is what it is.
B-but why would you want to do that? You don't even know me user...
new Yea Forums banner
>meet four guys in real life
>they all have small dicks and just want to bottom
Still don't know sadly.
Play good
which is pretty demanding for Yea Forumseddit
i skip ERP i rather just lewd some boy over mic and get him to call me daddy as he cums for me
Noo!! Dont speak for me! I just want friends! And maybe lewd...
Stop it you're getting me hard just thinking about being dominated.
That's the exciting part isn't it? Your just some total stranger and I'm this horny fem dude who has a oral fetish and a desire to please people. Someone to talk about how I would love to just press my tongue against yours and use the saliva that dripped down to massage your shaft with. Fuck I am horny jesus.
How the fuck do you "be cute"? Just spam anime emotes and act like an anime caricature?
Fem dude you say? W-well that makes this easy than user, I am not interested in boys so... I would not find it exciting at all!
sorry it's easy to make you horny lil slut, add me ;)
Be happy, enjoy life, stop saying vulgar words and avoid conflict and drama
I'm actually blocking that app for NoFap sorry :c
Which user are you?
I want to please you Daddy!
Don't forget to use the exclamation point for every other sentence for cutie emphasis!
You disgust me,you esl nigger
daddy is waiting !
This is why you don't have friends user
Add people, make light conversation, find common ground/interests and go from there. If it doesn't work out, oh well, there's millions of people online.
Don't take it personally if someone doesn't respond either to your in-game messages or friend request, some of us just want to play the game in our own world and avoid social interaction whilst completely zoning out.
Probably going to regret this but...
No I meant to spoiler that
Huh. Wow. I can't believe you posted it; what are you, some kind of pervert?
I imagine some form of therapy might help, wouldn't know, I've just come to terms with my bitter attitude at this point and focus on enjoying what video games I can. Near enough all friends are temporary anyway.
what's wrong are you shy or something, that's cute
N-no... Just was feeling brave and curious..
I heard a lot of crazy stories about posting discords on Yea Forums today.
N-no as I said here!
I am not!
Tfw you added a few anons but you have to start every conversation
Tfw weeks pass and they still haven't started a conversation once
Start with 1 and play the rest of the games in release order. Release order will never fail you. Just know that 1 is the only game that uses the "Arkanoid with boss fights" style of gameplay and the rest are shmups.
Ill be friends with any of you if you want.
Always happy to make friends with a JoJo fan.
who wants a drunk e-bf
i just want to forget someone i've liked for four years who treats me like shit yet i can't leave or i'll feel alone
I don't want you for a bf, but I do want to make you happy dude. I'm sorry it's like that for you.
eh it's alright
i'm sitting here with a bottle of rum while someoen i dedicated four years of my life to loving spends all their time with someone else, i basically don't exist at this point
all i can do is drink, it makes me feel just depressed instead of anxious and depression is easier to deal with than anxiety
this is the second time this has happened to me ahahaahahahahasqhahhahahahaswffbwqerasdgre
Gotta stop that bad behavior senpai. Move on and forgive yourself and others, being depressed and alcoholic is a mistake for any relationship much less an intimate one.
Oh snap, so you haven't actually split? Was your last relationship just like this?
tfw no gf
Only if you let me use that mouth of yours like an onahole daily. Something about that damn catboy gets me going.
Tfw hate jews too much to make friends
my dad was an alcoholic, my sister is an alcoholic, i'm bound for it too
at least i'm not abusive like they were. all i do is drink and cry
we've never been together but he always made promises to me that we'd meet because he'd never date someonme he hadnt' met
he's completely changed in the last year and he's basically completely cut me off romantically, and he rarely talks to me
he told me a lot of stuff for years and i always trusted him but it turned out it was always lies
>new Yea Forums banner
Give discord
My head hurts and it's 2 am so I might not talk tonight but I'll get to you tomorrow and talk like crazy with you if you want
Can't promise romance but I've been told I'm a great listener and understanding a lot so I might be able to help regardless
You won't listen but try to stop drinking and crying. Work on improving that mindset, you can find someone else. Believe me, you can find another person I've been there before multiple times. Nothing ever ends.
Electronic sports league
ah fuck it who cares i dont normally post discord but here goes
Abbacchio#7667 for anyone who wants to play any videogames
i'm always available.
I feel like you've put too much faith into someone who didn't want to really commit in the first place. I'm sorry user.
Just post steams if you actually want a chance at games & friends. Posting discord is just gonna get you on your knees sucking dicks while anons create cum tributes on your avatar.
yea thats prolly exactly it but if that was the thing he shouldve just shut me down immediately
Sent you a request.
Maybe he liked the attention or maybe he was afraid of hurting your feelings. Sometimes we do things for dumb reasons or no reason at all. The important thing to take from this is re-evaluating how you read into romantic feelings with others, to find the right relationship for you that won't end with you being hurt.
No excuses gayboi. The world won't cater to you by magically making this guy remove you. Whatever his intentions are he's a toxic obstacle in your life and you need to block him and move on.
its hard because im an autism, we can play a game together and joke and talk about the game. but if we're not doing anything together i don't want to talk or anything.
do you know theres people sitting in voicechats all together when they're not even doing anything together, they're just chatting, can you believe these people???
what the fuck
Just log off or whatever
hey man how are you
English secondary language i believe
I wish I had autism so I could be lonely without feeling sad.
I just woke up from a vivid bad dream where my friend left me to play games with someone else and then erped with the person. It wasnt very nice
Maybe you should ERP with ur friend
Aren't we already friends, user?
i just wanna move on but i feel liek i need that push
its so hard being independent everyone tralks like its so easy
am i just that fucked up bros
what do you guys even wanna talk about, i find myself having nothing to talk about with strangers online.
I wish I had more friends who are into Nintendo games and cute male boyos from vidya. I just want people to talk with and play stuff.
i don't even know how to make friends in real life, people are never interested in me and i often say dumb stuff. stopped hurting a few years ago when i realized i'm happier without friends and worrying about that stuff.
You'll suffer either way, either from cutting off your "friend" completely or staying and letting him occupy your life. Damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of situation, and literally everyone has those moments now and then, especially if you're trying to grow yourself
>tfw no bf
You've already posted this?
Or did I?
Do you play Stardew Valley on the Switch?
anyone want to be friends in ffxiv?
How long did it take for it to stop hurting?
Sadly no, I bought it recently on Steam tho.
I mostly play Splatoon 2, Smash and I'm waiting for Animal Crossing.
What's the point of posting this all the time? Are you really that starved for attention?
Depends would you make for a good pet?
no, faggot
Why do these threads only exist at this time of the day?
I can't make any friends because of my monotone autistic robot bitch voice.
post vocaroo
What games do you play? I always wanted to befriend a robot!
Talk in mic, make jokes, play in the same community server, the usual basically. If you can't make friends or aren't a memorable person, you won't make it.
>friend thread devolves into avatar fagging, gay posting or some other form of gay shit
I just want to chill with some buds, is that too much to ask for?
How's it going, bud?
Don't you fucking dare use Erika for gay ERP shitposts.
>tfw people don't want to shoot the shit in irc and just talk when playing games
Come on dude, that's what clans were made for. A merry group of fuckers hanging out.
That's what happens when you open your friend threads with an image of an anime girl
>tfw have a thick accent so making friends is easier
Talking funny works, try it
What are you going to do about it, huh?
Now I'm curious, post your voice.
Do people invite you for videogames?
I add and invite people for game sessions left and right. We enjoy hour long fighting game sessions. But literally no one ever invites me back for more games.
Just start a conversation with that friend you have on discord/LINE/steam/twitter dms, some are as anxious as you and won't hesitate to reply when that chance drops.
I would love to have more friends to talk about doujin music but the DS discord is too autistic, so I stick with the ones I have.
The main problem for me has been finding friends in my city that are not retarded weebs or entry level shit, so I don't get to verbal shitpost that often.
>be yuro
>play on american servers
>people are way more talkative
>accent always gives me away
>they roast my ass
>everytime i try to say something they just start laughing
Then stop playing with burgers.
Thanks for the thread Yea Forums.
Made some new user friends today.
Who would have thought.
I'm happy for you.