>game made in the 2000s'
>still kickin' after a decade
Why are there so many of them?
Game made in the 2000s'
Other urls found in this thread:
Holy shit, Longcat remastered
Because new games are all shit so people stick to the older ones.
longcat has seen some shit
I love you user remember that
left = soul
right = soulless
god i miss when memes were this pure
no irony, no sarcasm, just a long cat.
Modern games aren't made to last.
longcat is loooooooong
i miss old Yea Forums
Who would win on a 1v1 fight?
Longcat or Tacgnol?
who has the power of friendship?
Doesn't have as much impact without the light source being behind longcat
>game made in the 2000s
made by a bunch of fat sweaty, nerd virgins who live and breathe video games
>game made in the 2010s
"""made""" by a bunch of you-know-who using work time as social hour, twitter time + free food with one sweaty nerd virgin in the back doing most of the work
but is longcat longer than an xbox?
Both. Nyan Cat is on Longcat's side, and Tacnayn is on Tacgnol's.
besides tf2,wow, diablo 2, and runescape what else has lasted?
Ragnarok online
Holy crackers longcat's still alive?
I miss when /pol/tards weren't infesting literally every meme with their racism and unironic nazi beliefs.
>file name
2000s was the explosion of Xbox onto the scene and further proliferation of PS2 thanks to the fat cats deciding to add DVD playback. More games nowadays have people young enough to have grown up playing the games they're now helping to make.
Not uncommon for cats to live 20+ years. Oldest housecat was 38 when it died
The true king
Cats have nine lives, user, and Longcat probably has a few additional ones as well.
I miss destroying threads on old forums with long cat
And its owner got married by the look of it.
are you saying they are making the shitty games of today?
Longcat lives a long time.
Zoomers are by far the least original or creative generation. You all suck and are a disappointment. I haven't seen a good meme in ages
I miss when half of our memes came from the Japanese internet. There's very little crossover anymore. Longcat and ceiling cat are both from Nipland
most memes are made by the kids who grew up in the 90s
2000s memes had soul. What the hell happened
long cat is
Soul - Soulless
Because they set the standard and have been getting milked ever since.
Survivor Bias. So many games were made in the early 2000's that inevitably some of them would remain popular, but many more of them faded into obscurity.
Remember when memes We're all different pictures instead of just a deviation of wojack or pepe
Why are nu-memes so soulless?
Tacgnol remaster when?
I want to go back
We all all happier back then
I'm sorry Longcat but I have a new god now.
We all were innocent, and the internet was still young. Nowadays, everything is forced, there's no heart whenever someone accidentally births the new epic meme, it's all just autistically repost the same shitty no context pepe edit until other idiots follow you.
>You dare walk into my lair.
Limecat approves of this thread
Longcat still alive? How old is it?
What a sourpus!
Its kind of fucking sad to me how much time I spent on YTMND before discovering Yea Forums. I could have been here for the beginning but I was stuck on Goldberg's shitty website eating garbage
Cats can live to be around 20 years old. That meme is from around 2007. So yeah long cat could very well still be alive.
I think halo is a pretty good guy. eh kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything
I'm gonna saw off your arms and legs you fucking spic.
>sequel has a shitty lightning system that ruins the appeal of the game
i want to go back
the pic is from 2004
>longcat is getting old so he doesn't hold her like that anymore, in case she gets hurt
Is this the nightly ''Member old humour?'' thread?
>i only like memes that are politically correct and that III find acceptable
you're worse than reddit, youvare oprah audience tier cringe
I miss when people woulid try to combo post.
those were the days.
Post timers and Yea Forums being a much faster board make it harder now. I do miss them too though. Slowpoke combos were the fucking best.
Ironic humor and internet culture became common day affairs for everyone.
I wonder if Yea Forums will reminisce over Wojak and Pepe in 10 years.
Just remembering the good old days.
Yorick is fucking gone, guys. He's never coming back.
The serval cat is a very stretchy, stretchy cat.
I do that now. I miss when they were nothing more than Feels Guy and Sad Frog.
because older games can be emulated, or otherwise have less DRM. Ironically newer games will be short lived due to central servers being shut down, while old games live on.
>enjoi ur shitty minigames
I don't remember that one, what is it?
Ever since normalfags got a hold of memes its never been the same.
So we're all in agreement then? Cat memes are more memorable (and older) than dog memes.
>Needs politics in his memes
Wanna know how I know you're underage?
I miss pedobear.
There's a reason caturday was a thing.
>tfw no qt ghost gf
Cat memes are primordial internet. Dog memes mostly started with that forced shiba doge meme from tumblr, in like... 2011
Cute spooky butt.
This has the best console game library, you can't change my mind
>You will never go back to early Youtube and watch Pedobear .gif compilations set to Oingo Boingo
Take me back, man. This era sucks.
God, birds are great.
I wish we were as creative as we were back then. I don't got the ms paint skills but I love the soul of All the shit we have is recycled carbon copies. What' the most used?
Wojak, Pepe, sneed.
>Work with Redditor
>Tell him I prefer Yea Forums
>He's amazed, thinks I'm one of the terrible pedophile /pol/tards you hear about on the news
>Tell him absolutely not. That I've been here since 2006
>"It wasn't always like it is now"
>TBC there twice
God damn it. I miss pre-Actiblizzard.
PS1 and SNES have more soul.
Pedobear, EFG, image macros.
Who are these guys?
Man efg was a fucking legend. Those threads almost never disappointed.
>Wojak, Pepe, sneed.
zoomers can't meme for shit
>tfw combo broke a bunch of combos back in the day
Felt fucking great.
Why were the 2010's so much worse than 2000's?
whoever wins, we lose
I remember seeing this fucking thing in avatars on every goddamn forum.
Well it started with newfags pouring in from reddit, taking the OC created here and turning it into shitty templates that they would just spam over and over.
Nice ass
Longval is looooooong
Remember having fun on the internet?
Longcat and Tacgnol are in Scribblenauts. If you summon (?) them, I think they destroy each other.
...longcat's a girl?
Yes, I remember (literally) ten years ago.
Yes. I still don't miss demotivators though.
Internet metahumor proved to be too complex for the hordes of boomers and zoomers who had just started to get into the interwebs.
They're dinosaurs, that's why.
I assume all cats are girls until they piss on me
All cats are girls just like all dogs are boys
You need to go to fucking school and learn some geology or something, idiot.
Smartphones and the rise of irony. 2007 can be blamed for almost everything.
Smart phones
I sincerely hope Steve Jobs is burning in hell
>tfw Yea Forums gold account is real now
yes we all saw the that image and you are the problem
Post the toblerowned one.
And The Big Bang Theory.
Large social media sites, smartphones and politics ruined the internet
Prove me wrong
imagine it doing that to ur dick
wouldn't that be weird? haha
No I'm pretty sure I'm not considering I've been here prior to 2007 unlike you.
This was one of the first ''Yea Forums gifs'' I ever saw.
Goddamn, this shit used to entertain me for hours.
>tfw I have one
Just got so tired of captcha.
Turns out the cat was in charge after all.
I lost the game
I want to get a cat bros
>this was literally everyone's fucking avatar at one point along with that cat with shades that were reflecting space
>it's another Yea Forums pretends to have nostalgia for things they weren't even around for thread
full yikes
>worst girl poster is a retard
You grew up.
But honestly, I can't see my younger self enjoying current Yea Forums banter too much.
fixed Yea Forums
They're good and most games now suck.
I'm here to take back my job you border hopper.
heh, nice try chump
>tfw no one remembers Play Him Off Keyboard Cat
I bet a lot of kids here on Yea Forums weren alive when that meme was a thing.
Glorifying the past always make you feel older and wiser.
>it's another Yea Forums tells you about the better times you weren't around for thread
Age of Empires II.
honey that was 99
All is good. Longcat will be long for longtime.
Not so fast.
That's not fucking funny, man.
>jealous zoomer never got to experience the golden age of the Internet
A lot of it is just the same thing, with a mean political spirit instead of a comedic one.
>u mad = have sex/triggered
>cringe and based = fail and ftw
>blitterspeak in general = leetspeak/unironic internet lingo
>redditors = gaiafags/ebaumsworld
So on and so forth.
Don't shitpost with my wife you cunt
>random e celeb
>be mad at this who
>did you see what this random lefty said
Yea Forums now is better than it's ever been.
I hope and pray that Gookmoot implements something like this for April's Fools.
Forcing people to beat a level of SMB, or Mega Man or something before posting would filter out all the retard zoomers and casuals. I'd love it so much.
Always left out of everything good.
i disagree. the 2000s were the peak of unskippable handholding. most of the ps2's library aged horribly.
I can still remember when epic could be used unironically here.
>this is new, agreed
>we went from shitposting about the actual developers to some random people with opinions, this is a similar thing but a complete downgrade
>pol/tumblr eternal war leak, same with the first thing, new
I did say a lot of it, not all of it. Almost all of the new additions are fucking garbage.
imagine unironically believing this
>what does this twitter screencap have to do with video games?
>"stfu you faggot you mad onions boy?"
man, I miss when Yea Forums shat on casuals and had the embodiment of hate as a mascot
But I have Mickey Mantle face-up on the field. He allows me to discard two cards with the same suit to counter the activation of a spell or trap card. Discarding this four and jack of clubs, I negate the effects of your Solemn Judgment card.
they finally filtered onions?
why haven't you taken the gondola pill, user
It was filtered in the same week. It hit a little too close to home for mods, I guess.
Not the other user but overall I feel like your average Yea Forumsirgin is just more passionate about the things they hate to a ridiculous degree. You also had a lot of shitposting and flamewars before but now it's almost as if some people spent their entire day shitting on something.
Only Counter Trap cards can be activated in response to a Counter Trap Card because of Spell Speed Mechanics.
I believe I can speak for us as a whole that you're absolutely right.
>Now get people who can't even beat easy NES games without savestates
>Complain that game overs are artificial difficulty
>Defending P2W trash
>Eats up gachashit
I wish I could hate people to death.
I fucking hate what this website has become, but I don't have a choice. I don't have anywhere else to go, and the people who blindly hate this website unironically and just falseflag/shitpost all day on it instead of actually trying to attempt conversation would stop at nothing to see me driven off the internet and probably killed if they could get away with it. I miss a place I could just talk about my hobby without a face or identity and just be myself with complete strangers. Now everything's got some motive or is political or is being co-opted by some weirdo fucking hate group and I just want to be left alone. I never asked for any of this.
>the cat with the AK
>the stick figure fight
What are some other forumcore avatars that all plebs used at some point?
>zoomers are by far the least original or creative generation
>thinks his boomer wojak variant is hilarious
millennials have no self-awareness
>The balls are inert
Take me back
Any judge will tell you that since Mantle is the fastest baseball player ever, he is faster than all Counter Trap cards.
Reverse was banned four years ago dude.
The 2016 election and the incompetent jannys and mods have buried any hopes
gondola is the one true meme it seems
for all the humor to have devolved into post-ironic hell, it emerged from just that into a genuine, happy idea and has yet to be spoiled. Even the /wsg/ thread continues to get a decent flow of oc
I have such hope for gondola
When half of the people they talk to are falseflagging ironic teenagers who can't dare take anything seriously because it would mess with their sarcastic brooding facade that takes absolutely nothing serious and would literally kill themself before being genuinely passionate about something, it's pretty easy to see why so many people go nuts here.
Ironically, refusing to take anything on the Internet seriously ends up leading people to view the Internet with a serious light in the first place.
I miss Mayorposting, even if it wasn't named like that.
Man what a piece of shit.
So? It's still an old game that's still active.
What, did sburdo sbarde become political too?
Do the Evolution gifs.
I lost hope with FemFreq. 2016 sealed the deal.
The Megaman Zero one were he shots all the enemies.
It's not from the 2000s......
Does anyone have the slow poke post where he came back a year or two later and finished the post ??
where did the time go
>the kid playing roblox in the background totally ignoring the fucking lynx in the classroom
>that /g/ janny who did a tell all on 8fag and said how they are told explicitly by the mod's not to delete too much off-topic/shit stirring stuff cause it gets the most clicks
Unfortunately, you either adapt (or at least tolerate) the new trends or you just get lost in obscurity. At this point I always report anything with an OP pic of a wojak or a pepe on sight, along anything mentioning politics, hide it and go onmy way. I know this place is not returning to what it used to be ever again but under the piles of shit, there's still a couple of fun threads to post on. After all, where else to go to discuss vidya in this monotone, corporate internet? Reddit? Forums? Try my luck in public Discord channels? I'll stick here until the bitter end.
Yea Forums.org/flash
I hear ya user.
To be fair Spurdo is also safe, since it's nature doesn't lend itself for "people I don't like", even the motorized Americans edit is more a comical picture than an outright mocking
Is that image part of a collection?
There's no home for us anymore, user.
Don't forget about Warcraft 3. There's not really a modern game with the same kind of gameplay. Has around 5k active players on the weekend. Considering that the game is like ~15 years old, compare that to store.steampowered.com
The early 2000s was the last time people AAA games could be made without the influence of SJWs and retarded normies. Games came with manuals. It was expected that you read them. Not true today, much less is expected from the customer.
Rejoice, the Guy Holding Longcat got married!
That pixel art gif made by Paul Robertson with the guy fighting a horde of zombies.
Tacgnol was defeated user.
If you were to ask me the real reason it feels like Yea Forums and most of the rest of the Yea Forums and 4channel aren't allowed to funpost or do more than the most basic generic "talk about X and X only or fuck off" autism, I would more-so blame the rulesfags of the site who literally chased off a good deal of the original contentfags that gave us a lot of memorable moments and shitposts because they wanted Yea Forums to just be another fucking boring ass message board forum like every proboards or zetaboards forum to ever fucking exist because reasons. Often being the giant NO FUN ALLOWED FUCK OFF spergs that plague Yea Forums, /jp/ and so forth who just keep assuming everything is in black and white, and it's either force everything to the letter or just let the entire site be Yea Forums 2.0 and no possibility for middle ground ever.
After all these years, a lot of the fun was killed off because everything anons did that was 'fun' was smashed down with a banhammer because MUH RULES. Lads, this isn't fucking gamegaqs or what used to be neogaf. It's fine to let out your autism and have >fun every now and then, no one is going to stop you from doing so. Sure, anons will call you a faggot, autist, ect., but they will at least see what you are about to do first.
>Arkham HD Remaster
I was referring more to the origin of spudo as an ironic caricature, though the american spurdo variant is pretty political.
that said, even spurdo has a freshness the infinitesimal pepe and wojack edits lost long ago
>'No Fun Allowed' is what ruined Yea Forums
Spotted the newfag
Why does everything on this site have to be so fucking serious combined with the amount of false flagging now
I don't remember it always being like this.
>that paltry gif
I can say this about every gaming decade. Also my cat born 2003 died two years ago, sucks man.
>no fun allowed
Yea that's exactly why there are so many threads not about video games on here that are not deleted
Because the internet is a fucking warzone to these people, it lets them be "active" about "the problems" without actually doing anything. It's like a buzzing in your ear that will never ever go away.
haha hes fast
haha look at him go
i agree, it feels more in good fun than other american memes like the mutt. More creative at least.
>This thread
He's not wrong though, you rarely see actual OC threads because the horde of newfags invading this board will either spam them with wojaks or repeat CRINGE like a broken disc. Look at all the OC we used to have during the last generation, look at all the shitty wojaks and goldfaces that now get spammed on a daily basis. Actual OC creators don't bother anymore and the last time we actually had people having fun and creating truly original content was during last year's April's Fool.
>Yea Forums Yea Forums cultural exchange with 2ch.ru /vg/ circa 2010
>"Yea Forums, here we have two kinds of trolls. Fat trolls and skinny trolls."
>"What's the difference?"
>"There is none we have trolled you"
the internet used to be an alternate world people went to to escape. now through intigration to reality by normies who want their facebooks and online resumes and other normie things it has been dragged down to nothing but a rapid communication method for reality.
>ban phoneposters
>actually fucking moderate the board
There, I fixed Yea Forums
I'd rather Milhouse be a fucking meme than most of what we have now.
>spam them with wojaks or repeat CRINGE like a broken disc.
That's not 'no fun allowed.' That's retards having their brand of 'fun' with shitposting
I wish someone can remind me, but I remember a there being a site with more than a thousand flash videos on there being labled in sequence from 1 on up. The 1st flash was of some cat with a blunt looking high as fuck spinning around or something. Found a lot of leak spins on there too. Anyone know if that site is still around?
>Khajiit has wares if you have coin
>intigration to reality
>the Internet became the Wired but everyone's face is visible
This version of reality fucking sucks. I want Lain-sama to reset reality so we can make it better.
You nostalgia you lose
Lain made me seriously consider an hero'ing. Who knows? Maybe I'll wake up in my dream world?
add ids too
it's literally the same cat in the same room, just with a higher definition camera
milhouse will never be a meme
>this image
fuuuuuck, I already lost hard
I really miss caturday. I'm not sure if it actually was or not but it really felt like one of the turning points in internet culture where all the normalfags finally started pouring in and ruining memes
What's the first video you liked on Youtube Yea Forums?
Here's mine
>tfw my dog died 6 years ago
it never gets any easier
here's the first one that hasn't been deleted
i regret everything
you're absolutely 1100% correct
When you think about it, it's pretty crazy that Yea Forums managed to outlive everything from that era. All those forums are dead, Myspace is gone, YTMND, livejournal, scores of random sites all faded to irrelevancy. As much as it sucks now to see the state of Yea Forums, I honestly don't think a much better result could have happened in a world with social media. That feeling of fun back then was because everyone knew the internet was separate from real life, but now it basically is our lives. People get fired for what they write on Twitter. Pop culture gets more jaded by the year. This stuff is inescapable now.
The good news? There are still a few really dedicated and good communities on Yea Forums. Japanese games are finding their footing after all those years. Emulation is way better. You have more resources at your disposal to find your interests and learn than ever before. It's no doubt things are worse, but I hope you guys don't get too down about it.
>When you realize you don't really remember what they looked like anymore
pls halp, I need it. ;_;
>tfw never had accounts at all until i went inside places like newgrounds for the games and shit
>all it took back then was a hotmail and done
>now you need an account to access even the most basic thing on every website
>you need a phone number for everything
>and a second account on other website like google or facebook
Yeah, defend this you double nigger.
I miss when fags like you didn’t bring up non existent boogie men in every thread.
I can't wait for things to come full cycle and see XDposting unironically be encouraged.
Fight fire with fire.
I can remember my dogs, but I can't really remember my mother's face.
milhouse is not a meme is a meme
See pic. Also back then bigger disconnect between internet and everyday life , before mass monetization-driven content instead of creating for fun, smartphone, social media everywhere bullshit, ads/tracking out the ass, and before everyone was perpetually offended culture.
But wont stop idiots from claiming ITS ALWAYS BEEN FOREVER THE SAME REE
I kinda missed using based when it got popular for a short while, but is the only thing i regret missing.
>not having throwaway emails for entertainment shit
Highly doubt that. Hate to break it to you, but the original longcat is dead by now.
>he thinks zoomers are the ones spamming pepe and wojak edits
I wonder what will happen to this and /f/ when they murder flash and ruin the timeline.
Where has all the time gone. What have we accomplished?
>need to make a facebook to find local vidya tournaments and clubs
>they now force you to give them a phone number for verification
>completely refuse to give my own
>keep searching until I find an app that gives you a burner number
>it actually worked
Zuckerburg can suck my cock.
>I've forgotten what all my old friend's names were
>forgotten all my old pet's personality quirks, most of their names and colors
>all the old servers I used to play on are dead or gone, as are the larger communities
>no pictures of anything
At some point it'll all be gone. Nobody will remember any of it, nor care that it was gone.
evafags should be euthanized
>gently rape him
left looks like longcat is actually kind of standing up straight due to its pose
>>the Internet became the Wired but everyone's face is visible
I don't agree. It became exactly what was predicated, a clusterfuck without privacy or reason.
I thought subscribing meant you had to pay actual money and didn't realize my mistake until the golden age was over.
nice falseflag there resetera
tacgnol lives on in our hearts
I dunno m8. I wouldn't be surprised if with how much more shitty memes get over the years, this is Milhouse's true goal: Wait the long con til everything is so shitty he becomes the golden new meme material. And then take the golden shit throne in the end.
>game made in the 2000s'
>still kickin' after a decade
They was made not as few years service like right now.
Simpler times.
You fucks shouldn't have perpetuated that "Yea Forums hates video games" meme
People took it as "Yea Forums is for off topic posts" instead of "Yea Forums is where many negative opinions are posted"
Has anyone even heard from him?
This. 2016 tipped the scales.
this is where i went before i discovered Yea Forums
Ah yes, rulefags are the reason why 90% of Yea Forums is off topic threads and furry porn dumps
because they weren't.
every generation throughout the entire history of time has said "lmao shit used to be better, now it sucks"
Your parents did it to you and said that the world is bad now and shit used to be better. It's called being your average retard with a limited amount of headspace to really encapsulate or think about the world at large.
tl;dr ur a faget
>Sign up for an account
>Input throwaway email
>Need to provide a phone number
Why would you ever mention this place to a coworker or on the job? That's how you lose said job.
>longcat is the one hitting the city
What did they mean by this?
I made a game, so I'm fine with myself desu
I bet the asshole is in this thread right now mocking us.
back in the early days when we'd call each other niggers and faggots it wasn't because we were trying to specifically antagonize the person in question, but we were doing so under the banner of everyone here being called that at one point. it was a right of passage to start a thread and be called a faggot for it, or to say something dumb and someone called you out for being a nigger.
and between the last few years a major part of that has been lost. it's no longer a sense of comradeship, but the sense of antagonizing. and the introduction of politics have just worsened that divide because it puts a significant amount of _tangable_ tribalism into their actions.
If you don't 100% agree with someone on ANY topic whatsoever, you're obviously against not just them, but their political ideologies as well. Even with something as trivial and pointless as skub vs anti-skub, getting into an argument always turns into a major personal offense that is always rationalized as a conflict of politics.
He's a long guy
moot please fucking die I hate you so much I wish you never made this godforsaken prison.
>tfw [s4s] is dead
Some google interview had the person name drop him as a "look how good we are we changed the Yea Forums guy and now he is just like us"
gamergate and the fappening set the stage for 2016.
it's been on official record (at least according to Moot anyway) that the BIGGEST influx of new traffic came from those two events, and they ALL went straight to /pol/
>Tfw all these little small websites are a thing of the past now
You can't be fucking real
>If you don't 100% agree with someone on ANY topic whatsoever, you're obviously against not just them, but their political ideologies as well.
It's almost funny how pathetic is when you tell both sides of a political argument to fuck off and they can't manage to fit you into one "team"
So you miss Yea Forums's 1901 days, do you?
>There have been some MSPaint threads in the American evening hours lately
>People drawing OC character charts and redraws of other designs that popup in the thread
>They've started to have a few squatters that just complain about people enjoying dumb fun drawings
Cringe culture was a mistake.
Blame that faggot Doremi poster for spamming [s4s] nonstop with Ojamajo Doremi.
It should be a bannable offense to talk about politics outside of the politics board.
This, along with that yosho and spikeman cancer that was obviously being forced by the same guy
yea tripfags and porn posters killed it for good
I really miss drawthreads ;_;
You know these are just fetish bait right
all the mspaint threads make one design that's sexy so it gets waifu'd
Towergirls shit all over again
>Dumb seething zoomers that paste wojaks and pepes onto old content
No, I'm glad that the Reddit-era of Internet memes is long fucking dead. It was cancer even back then.
We sold out.
>tfw people even get offended by the term "drawfag" now
Used to be it was a badge of honor.
Now that's some old shit.
lazy pornbait is the lowest form of OC, even below template threads
>gamexchange fuckin' died
>galbadiahotel's owner was outed as a pedo
>the tiki lounge is ded too
>the only games I've seriously enjoyed on current gen consoles are remakes of ps1 games
I just want to have fun again, is that really so much to ask for? to enjoy myself like i did before?
Zoomers aren't millennials.
explain to me how the current era of hateful and disingenuous memes is better
They are
I'm gonna need a link
Can't seem to find the article now but I remember it being posted in one of these nostalgia threads for some depression fuel. Though now I'm seeing stuff claiming he has married a meteorologist and had twin sons now.
The internet fucked everything up, now what?
How the fuck is Longcat reddit?
I miss noko
I miss .gif avatars so fucking much.
neopets avatars still look cool as shit
Remember when this site was free spirited and anti establishment and not full of literal bootlickers?
Is that so bad?
It's you, isn't it?
Long Cat is Loooooooooooooooong
That site is around still and the counter's going up too.
>the images are all gone
Wojak was always Wojak since Krautchan. "Feels guy" was the newfag term for him which thankfully died off.
Yes actually.
>now what?
Certainly there's some merit to people drawing new things?
I miss these.
so by your logic no period of time can ever be worse than an earlier period of time, because it MUST just be nostalgia
I recognize this just by the thumbnail
I still have fun with toddposting
jesus christ take me back
i want to kill myself
May you tell me what it is please
No, it always turn into towergirls 2.0
Increased accessibility of the Internet made it easier for stupid people to get on board
I had a dumb tumblr transplant on a general the other day ask me to stop calling characterfags "x"fags because ebil homophobia
god that board is rife with ass and cancer
Post more longcat
>started playing tf2 again
>super comfy
>actually like skins and cosmetics now because they're so cheap to trade because my cheap csgo skins are worth way more than tf2 skins
Industrialization and normalization of memes I tell you.
Reminder that the #1 way to solve these issues is for as many people as possible to decentralize the internet.
Stop using social media.
Stop using EZmode commication programs like Discord and move to stuff like IRC/Teamspeak/Mumble. Alternatively, stick to only small groups of friends or guilds on Discord instead of those 100+ member shitholes based on ecelebs.
If you're a drawfag or whatever else, go back to more art/etc-focused communities like Newgrounds, or /agdg/, or even a website with a devblog or gallery you set up yourself.
Use forums.
Play on community servers instead of using matchmaking whenever possible, even if the server is empty.
Just encourage small communities in general, and encourage a lot of them.
fuck hornyfags
the pixel art of the ninja in white dancing
this is like saying vote with your wallet, even if all of us did that stuff, it wouldn't matter because the billions of normalfags who are now the internet will continue to do those things
Everyone can reminisce about the old days but I think we should all agree that 2013-2014 were the worst two fucking years to be on Yea Forums. Everyone who thought ironic shitposting and spamming their garbage shit all over the board need to have their urethras fried shut with boiling wood glue.
Imagine being this new
why am I so flat?
Does it matter? As long as there's enough people supporting smaller, fragmented communities, those communities will survive, and the older internet can stay alive. It won't be as good as before, but it's sure as fuck better than it is now.
Doremi poster is behind that too?
It's funny when it shows up out of nowhere.
>2013-2014 were the worst two fucking years to be on Yea Forums
Ruggarell was a mistake. Is that faggot still around?
the normalfags will do what they've continued to do and invade and destroy those small communities, just like they've done with this place
Pretty sure he's gone, and good riddance.
Was it on /g/? I remember it but not too clear. Something about how an HR in google brag about reforming moot.
I mean that yosho and spikeman were forced by the same person
>the normalfags will do what they've continued to do and invade and destroy those small communities, just like they've done with this place
Then you've just got to keep on trying, anonymous.
Who told you you could give up?
it's supposed to be.
but ineffective/incompotent mods, phone posting, and "coded" memes like pepe/wojack, onions, cuck, etc... are absolutely flooding the site anyway.
and don't get me wrong, it's all nu-/pol/, but more specifically it's the people who came to the site in the last 4-5 years _specifically_ for /pol/ that is responsible for it. they come to Yea Forums and turf the everloving fuck out of every single corner they can in an attempt to recruit or convert, and when they get called out or banned or have their posts removed from the board they sperg out even harder.
/pol/ before 2014 was just as bad politically as it is now, but it was much more self contained. no one outside of it's own users really gave a shit about it until new users started flooding in and plastering their shit everywhere to the point of drowning out everyone and everything that wasn't /pol/ related and throwing tantrums the moment you made something _not_ about politics. and places like stormfront, the donald, and every other non-Yea Forums politics site takes great pride in specifically doing just that. They monitor /pol/ for all the latest memes and events, then spam the everloving shit out of every single board in the name of "honoring /pol/" just to go back and blatantly brag about it on their sites. they have zero regard for Yea Forums as a whole, and even /pol/ (as they were piggybacking off of their reputation and ideologies to push their own narritive at the cost of /pol/s own reputation and standing within the Yea Forums community as a whole)
There would be if they didn't "devolve" into lazy porn threads immediately, as if that wasn't the intention from the start. Que the retard always replying with UNF THICKERRRRR
I remember when they first invented it.
You can't talk about forum core without mentioning userbars.
>tfw lost a friend yesterday over a fucking political argument
>it's entirely internet-related
i just want things to go back to the way they were
someone take me off this planet
Userbars were the best.
>tfw lost a friend yesterday over a fucking political argument
Great friend you have there.
Zoomers will probably only get one of these things.
what a great human if he looses his shit over politics
>when knowing Photoshop gave you special privileges because everyone wanted their special signature or userbar
Say whatever you want, but custom signatures were the shit.
>this whole thread
It's legitimately starting to depress me. I just want to fucking go back, it all felt so care free back then. Everything on the internet wasn't just a super serious shitfest with everything being to antagonize someone or something.
>tfw lost a friend yesterday over a fucking political argument
This shit really gets me. Why the fuck do people:
a) take politics personally
b) not know how to agree to disagree
I blame tumblr and the culture of making the personal political.
Also, I noticed people stopped using this.
Hey, does anyone know where I can find a list or the right search words to find games, especially ps2 games, with bonuses and shit for previous save games, like in LEGO Star Wars II?
What do we get now?
Was Grafics Cat the last of the great cat memes?
obviously it's not PC and obviously people will take offense to it because it all started as somewhat of an attack against people.
but in reality it became more of a self-referential term of endearment. those of us who were around from the start were eventually told to "lurk moar fag" when posting, and called a fag when starting our own threads on whatever board, and from that continued usage it became a self identifier. Because we were all called fags at one point we became fags. If you're from the US you're an Amerifag, if you're into JRPGs you're a JRPGfag, if you're a liberal you're a leftyfag, etc... and from that we took it as a consistent way to outline ourselves in the lack of personal profiles or effects barring tripfags who always were and always will be scum.
and same deal with nigger. you would inevitably be called a nigger for saying or doing something stupid. so when someone does or says something stupid that you agree or identify with, they're obviously a nigger, but so are you, and by default they become "my nigger".
and _that_ is a core concept that was lost over the last few years. Partially because the terms that caused this evolution had become so internalized that we just assumed everyone understood them right off the bat, and partially because newer users (especially from 2013-2014 onwards) just took them as attacks right off the bat and instead of just accepting it as an initiaion right, they became immediately combative of the idea and specifically pushed the idea that we're all fags and niggers back into the realm of a hard coded insult. And thanks to other faults of the time (like the extreme targeting and infiltration of /pol/ by non-Yea Forums users in the name of spreading their message) it became that much easier for the implied meaning of those terms of endearment to be lost
As I said some posts ago, no other choice but to adapt. That and always remember the golden rule: Do not post yourself in the internet. I'll have my professional e-mail accounts for work related things or Facebook when I needed it back during college to organize with classmates, but I'm keeping my personal internet life always private. Let the retards and newfags plaster their real name and willingly lose their privacy if they want so, they'll never know better.
Why don't we get crossovers from moonland anymore?
i just want to go back where web browsers didnt take fucking 4 gigs of memory to keep two web pages open
We're never going to be able to go back.
The only way I see a community like the old internet emerging is if we ever manage to get scifi-tier "Full Dive" VR.
Tribalism. Us versus them.
Things have gotten a lot worse recently because political parties now have a tendency to cut all contact with somebody they see as betraying the group. Nobody wants to have a meeting of minds anymore, too much is at stake.
I miss being 15 and spending all nights on Yea Forums and other gaming forums.
This shit isn't fun anymore. I want to go back.
Japanese memes aren't usually comprehensible to english speakers
Gachi is the biggest cross-cultural meme but western gachi is alot different to the earlier Japanese stuff, which was alot wierder
humanity and civilization are a failed experiment, the only thing left to do is encourage antivaxfags to contribute to the plague that will put us out of or collective misery
that's the entire reason i learned photoshop.
i wanted to be hot shit on some backwater forum that is now dead, so i pirated photoshop and learned from basic youtube tutorials how to make signatures and userbars. and it worked. i became one of the most popular users and eventually a mod
Modcat himself was the last of the great cat memes.
don't be sad.
be glad that you got rid of an absolute fucking retard who is willing to put some dumbass political ideology over a tangible personal relationship.
>14-15 years old spending whole nights on /x/ before it was only schizos, reading NOPE threads and watching creepy youtube videos
it was good while it lasted
>games only you've played
Back when almost nobody knew from where Chen was from, but she was still very popular
>downloading photoshop via 38 rapidshare links so you can make a signature for your gaming/emulation forum
Is there a better sentence to describe 00s internet?
>Mentor gets a fate worse than death
If you check his linkedin he is currently living the dream in Japan.
>tfw i just want to make my dream game and a flipphone with actual decent smartphone capabilities
>tfw neither would ever sell in this day and age
Longcat has something to fight for. something to protect. Longcat all the way.
RIP bkub Chen. She died doing what she loved. Don't bother asking her what it was though.
>flipphone with actual decent smartphone capabilities
japan has these
Was it honking?
The old internet is quickly fading into a memory, but you can still find some enclaves of it here and there. Communities for small games still have that old internet spirit.
Post the oldest youtube video you remember
She exceeded the limits of honking.
I said "decent" for a reason, user. All of the Jap android flipphones are underpowered as fuck and only run android because it's easier than making a new OS specifically for a phone these days.
They are cool as fuck looking, though.
Because nobody here lurks 2chan anymore.
>searching through old playlists
>almost everything has been removed from the site
To the day, I still can't watch this video without it being muted. Also, RIP old youtube, I'll always remember when this video was always at the top watched.
If the talkworld guys are here, please never let your game be ruined. I'm not even able to play it, and I can't that the thought of it being tainted.
we just need to kill gen z and start over
Not like Yea Forums has any reason to. I know /jp/ and Yea Forums do still.
That hits me the hardest. They were fun videos and I liked and favourited them so I could watch them again later, not to see them removed because Sony Entertainment foudn a way to take down another unrelated video.
He has a long lifespan too.
>still no EBA2
>Summer break
>Playing JRPGs on my PS2
>Watching anime
>Listening to animu music and nightcore
>Lowkey weeb before it was a mainstream ironic thing
>Spending a bunch of time on gaming forums, Yea Forums and Yea Forums
>Think I'm hot shit for even going on Yea Forums
>Still too scared to use Yea Forums
>Spend entire fucking nights arguing with people over trivial shit
>Internet is serious business
>Laugh at simple meme humour
>That was epic for the win
>Watch the sun come up
>Go to bed at 11AM
>No responsibilities
>No bills to pay
>No job to be done
>No problems
Being a stupid teenager really was the best time. Despite being angsty and thinking things were shitty, there were no worries and I could actually enjoy things.
when i was 15 i browsed retrojunk. those were the days.
>those nights in the soku plug dj room listening to touhou McDonald remixes
This was the best kind of shitposting.
I remember those fucking Worlds threads on /x/ years ago, that shit was fun as hell
their Yea Forums is so slow I wonder if that Todd Howard shit post is still there.
I remember someone I knew posted the first three Angry "Nintendo" Nerd videos on MySpace. I had no idea what Youtube was. Jame's shit was the first thing from the site I ever saw.
when the fuck did people start saying "based" unironically? occasionally I see it used ironically like epic used to be but it seems like people actually use it seriously now, what the hell is going on
Is Worlds even still up? The mystery's mostly gone so it isn't really worth going back to check it out. I do think it'd be pretty interesting if Yea Forums were to hold an expedition into Second Life or some shit and see if there's any old, weird shit people left behind to gawk at.
God yes. I only fucking wish, man
I miss Toribash threads.
>the first time I watched Akuma vs Chameleon was when I was 17
>It was been almost 13 years
>still one of the best sprite battles ever made
Shame he didn't do more, they were fucking gorgeous.
Pretty sure it's still up, I'm sure someone would've made a thread about it somewhere if it shut down suddenly
>it seems like people actually use it seriously now
It's a recent thing, but "based and redpilled" have become so overused it's devolved into being used in a solely ironic capacity.
Peak /x/ stuff.
Ten years ago when Yea Forums started saying it in relation to lil b whose music died as it should, but the phrase has surprising staying power.
It's not that fucking simple, dude.
Post/talk about the best threads you can remember, any board is good.
They were the weirdest shit. I still remember seeing a schedule posted in the starting lobby for different events that were supposed to take place like trivia, bingo, karaoke etc. and being weirded out since I realized they likely haven't taken place since just after the server started all those years ago.
"The game industry is choking itself to death" explains man who nearly choked to death on own cum
prove it bitch
early Yea Forumsingo was pretty fun, it got a lot worse over time, especially with the "destroy item" slots, but there have been some good ones, even recently, it's always nice when people pull off some crazy shit for them
Right after Final Fantasy 14 originally came out and got a 4.0 score. Someone made a thread celebrating how 8 could no longer be the worst FF (this was back when everyone hated 8) and some mod put the Triple Triad music in the thread.
could you imagine if Sonic '06 was Sonic '18
>A shitposting board died by shitposting
>introduction of the xbox360/ps4
wasn't that 2004?
I wish someone had a screencap of this Animal Crossing thread where someone ended a post with "I'll alpaca my bags and leave". I was in that thread while on the bus and I almost burst in laughter.
Protonmail only requires you to solve a captcha
theres also cock.li
I didnt need this boomer feel.
I thought people started using it as a substitute when "bro" got co-opted by the other parts of the Internet. Even bro was originally used ironically.
I miss /can/.
>political argument
which one of you sided with the shooter?
old """""humour"""""
Because every adult that told you being online 24/7 would rot your brain was right and now they're all doing it too
The guy holding the longcat got married between the images.
Deepest lore.
I knew this site was truly doomed when Yea Forums trolling idiots into watching MLP had actually got out of control and flooded the rest of Yea Forums for months.
maybe instead of just being sad and commiserating with other sad oldfags you can play vidya with them and build a lasting relationship with people who you can share old memes with and maintain a piece of that part of Yea Forums that you love
this is so badly photoshopped
>Futaba still resurrects some of these old memes once in a while
>Hotpocketeers would ban you for posting Cockmongler or Happy Nigra on 4channel
>or Yea Forums pass users would tell you to go to /pol/
i remember derailing a thread on Yea Forums a few years ago by replying to someone's post with a sticky note that had a hand-drawn version of that one popular fuck you madoka reaction image on it
that's probably better than having your phone show you old photos randomly and feeling your soul try to escape you when you see a time when you were cuddling with a pet that is no longer waiting for you at home, especially when you're going through a ridiculously bad moment.
i straight up fluked a whole semester at college because my phone kept showing me photos of my cat that was my best friend for 15 years a week after she died. It's best to forget, than to associate something you loved and that loved you back with despair.
There used to need to be effort placed in, since stuff lasted longer. You'll never see anything new on /f/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /gif/, or Yea Forums anymore except porn.
Why bother? It'll be gone into the depths of page 10 in literal seconds. It's just easier to post cutout things with pre-made faces like gondola, pepe, wojak, ect.
People don't want to wait anymore. They want it now, because that's the environment that suffuses the games, TV, and internet now.
i'm not gonna read all this shit to see if anyone had the same take, but memes did not get particularly worse over time, the problem is that they have taken over as the dominant form of humor (for lack of a better term) of the internet to the near exclusion of any other type
the essential core of any meme is "an image or phrase i recognize". previously, you could make actual jokes by using memes in unexpected or creative ways, but somewhere along the line "i recognize this image" became the joke itself. the problem is that just recognizing something isn't funny
anyway thank you for reading my sincere post, i promise i will never make another one
what the fuck is the song with the squidward meme around 4:24
i recognize it like it's yesterday but i don't know the name
I took pictures of my dog with my 3ds's 3d camera each year so this wouldn't happen again
I love my studio. We're all working on something we love and everyone is definitely doing their equal share. Game will be out on steam later this year. My only regret is it'll be early access
I can't make a distinction between 2013 Yea Forums and current day Yea Forums.
Everything after 2010 seems mushed together because life since then has been going on fast-forward. I still feel like 20, but I'm 28. I'm seriously worried I'm gonna wake up soon and be 40.
Zoomers are the instant gratification generation. They have no memories of playing games that were difficult to master. Or if they played them, they played those games with save states.
It's resulted in a generation which is perennially lazy and adverse to putting in any effort. Now I know every generation has old grouches which accuse youth of doing the same thing, but I feel we have finally crossed the threshold and gone too far due to the radical brain re-wiring caused by the internet.
By zoomers I mean people born 1995 or later.
Go to bed, Lee
holy ffrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccckkkk how did I forget this
I still go back on the archived site from time to time, had such a crush on Mindy when I was 8
I'm so glad Harmony came back in force this year.
April Fool's 2018 was also the biggest event Yea Forums ever had. Even m00t blasting that godawful Row Row remix had less traffic abpout it. I'll give hiroshimoot credit for that.
Post game faggot
Elasto Mania is still the only perfect game.
We're in 2019 and Tetris is still the only other game that comes close to it.
I remember one of the thinly veiled dragon porn threads that used to be on Yea Forums where I got into an argument with another user on whether a particular dragon was holding a feather duster or a flashlight. It sounds super autistic but we got into a light hearted argument that lasted the whole thread and it was entertaining. The thread even reached bump limit somehow.
Lower IQ.
Wi-Fi is literally melting kids brains today as they grow up with their iPhone/iPad rested on their chest with local 5G.
We were lucky to experience the bridge from offline to online while the internet was an interesting thing to explore, but it is just a necessity now to be taken for granted for.
I've posted a couple of times on Yea Forums, really need to make some updated webms.
The game is basically tony hawk mixed with wave race and conkers bad fur day. You play a cast of animals doing sick tricks on skateboats dealing drugs and gentrifying the countryside (murdering raccoons)
I refuse to believe brony started as trolling
>dealing drugs and gentrifying the countryside (murdering raccoons)
reported to polygon
I went back some months ago, it's empty save for a few odd people idling in the main lobby.
Those old ass dumb flash games we used to play together always had really fun threads.
I miss them so much. No one ever wants to play games anymore and if you try to start a thread with some link, you're accused of being a shill then the thread 404s.
>All those faggots EXPOSED by thinking Harmony was some pony shit
It's alright they're objectively inferior species, we have statistics to prove it. Why else would they choose to live in garbage?
fuck me, i can't believe i found it on my old hardrive
doesn't seem like the archive saved the full thread though because i distinctly remember getting a reply with another poorly-drawn reaction image back
I'm glad shit's pretty much dead at this point, probably the first genuinely cancerous community that send this site towards a cursed fate.
holy fuck, user. I thought I was the only one who remembered this game.
Based Finns.
This actually looks pretty nice. Will keep my eye on it.
Thanks user. I'm legally obligated to tell you to wishlist it.
All you fucks complain about losing the past but you're the ones who lost it. I bet you didn't know that the guy who animated Galo Sengen still animates music videos.
Too many people. Any board that gets big enough just becomes META and Yea Forums 2.0. Go to a different Yea Forums or a less popular board and it's not so shitty. More people anything = shittier quality everything
>You'll never watch Code Geass with Yea Forums for the first time again
Remember to accept the Chink exclusivity buyout, user.
Good luck user, I hope it sells well
Bruv, those fucks did best parts of Pop Team Epic last year.
The Street Fighter threads before it devolved into porn.
This game also goes by the name Action Supercross for some reason.
Not that user but you'd have to be fucking stupid to believe that's a fucking flashlight.
I emailed some guys at discord and at epic and got ignored by both.
I already finished most of the networking and I'm using steams relay servers so I guess I'm in too deep anyways.
I'm very glad that they and bkub are still around.
Fuck you, faggot. It's not my fault time is linear.
anime shit
touhou occasionally
Japan seems a lot more repressed than they used to. Nothing interesting happens on their side of the net anymore. They used to push the envelope
if you put me on the spot i would say it's not the zoomers that are responsible for this, especially not on this website. nostalgia makes you remember things as funnier/better than they were before, and when you combine that with the weird gatekeepy shit of "if you don't remember this meme, you don't belong here" put a huge emphasis on memes themselves instead of the jokes around them. do that for long enough and you start to think the memes are the funny part
anyway who here remembers this epic meme, lakedog. i'm definitely not pretending this was a meme back in the day to trick people, it was a real meme twelve years ago and if you don't remember it you should leave
Don't take the chink dollar. Outside of AAA games, they don't want you, and any non-AAA games don't get any attention.
GoG is a better option if you had some media behind you, but Steam will do a decent job of advertising small indie games.
That was part of what made the argument amusing
Actually most threads before /vg/ was made had potential to be okay, happening was the final nail though to force the sale of Yea Forums.
Will Yea Forums ever be good again?
if not where can i go?
>he hasn't figured out 1D time yet
>tfw my comment from 10 years ago is still there
Have a good night Yea Forums, this was a nice thread.
OP here. You're all going to hate my next thread.
Goodnight, user
Thank you for the thread anons. One of the few threads that was actually good all the way through, it's a nice change.
I wish you all good health and happiness
Night, Yea Forums.