>log in
>log out
great game you got here weebs

Attached: FFXIVARR.jpg (323x433, 28K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>log in
>do dailies
>log out
>go to work
>internally bitch about not having enough time to play more
>end up picking up more shifts to work on my days off

It's my own fault for being such a workaholic; if I'm not at work I feel like I'm not being productive.

Attached: 1551919048990.gif (477x265, 2.98M)

Hey, man, it's 12.99 plus tip, okay?

I make that in 20 minutes at work

>log in
>still cannot fuck my favorite NPCs
>log off
Shit game.

Attached: 1531120708601.jpg (7811x3074, 3.7M)

Have sex

I'm trying, but the game won't let me.

i was wrong its actually 6 days now

Attached: XIV leaked dancer gameplay.webm (512x288, 2.58M)

>log in
>run ex roulette for the day
>complain to others about how bad these players are
>finish dungeon and switch to blu
>go harass role players with my spell effects
>/sh hate speech directed at lalas in limsa
>get a chuckle as other people join in
>get an angry PM from a lala player telling me to fuck off
>report them to a GM for harassment
I should join a FC, what are some things to look for so I know I'm joining a good one

>log in
>2 hours later, log off

Attached: ffxiv_03142019_135600_230.png (1920x1080, 1.18M)

use the trainer

Attached: 857fb3c413ec6a82cbeaef455a322dc319fc2a69376f9f750b7766799495ce602.jpg (1920x1080, 365K)

Post uncensored.

>log in
>realize leveling a healer first will take twice as long as a dps
>consider rolling dps first and then just leveling as healer through dungeons once all the MQ are done
>decide to play a game that actually respects my time instead
>log off

Arcanist would have unlocked Scholar (healer) and Summoner (DPS), and leveling either of those would have also leveled the other.

baste retard

In what universe do healers level slower than dps?

Think the retard is talking about going through the MSQ.

>playng an mmorpg in 2019

Attached: 1471747539845.png (300x142, 27K)

it's okay, I even said "once all the MQ are done" but I've come to expect fourteenfags on Yea Forums to lack basic reading skills, it happens every thread

Even then, healer would get a faster dungeon queue and make up for the killing 1-2 quest mobs that a quest might demand.

This fag already posted this stupid shit in an earlier thread. Just ignore him.

Attached: 1549920802478.webm (774x446, 1.87M)

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>log in to wow
>shitpost in xiv threads for 8 hours
>log out

>being a dps elitist in SUSANO
>crying on Yea Forums

Fuck off tranny

>Went through ARR as WHM/WAR
>Went through HW as AST
>Went through SB as WAR
>Unsure of what to do for ShB

What are YOU doing for ShB, Yea Forums?

Attached: 1494639716364.jpg (963x786, 391K)

>What are YOU doing for ShB
DRK with lvl roulette being run as a NIN since there's going to be a bunch of tanks for a little while at least

If DRK is fixed I'll play through it as a DRK like I did through HW and SB
I can't take anymore of dark arts spamming so I'll switch to gunbreaker if nothing changes.

Attached: 1532972641100.webm (1280x720, 1.47M)

DRK. I went through HW and SB as a HW, so I might as well keep going as DRK.

Undecided between DRK and SAM for msq. Avoiding dps roulette queues later sounds good, but DRK for THEMES is tempting.

get a cosplay girlfriend
or learn to draw so you can draw yourself fucking them like i am learning to do
or both

Either DRK or GNB I will also run every single story dungeon with NPCs

WAR. Like every other exp.

Attached: Warrior_concept_art.jpg (400x440, 42K)

This except with MNK. Punching and kicking at incredible hihg speed is great.

This is why third worlders shouldn't be allowed to play video games.

It blows my mind people still fuck that up in extreme.


You good yet? You want to be paid? I'm thinking of stealing a waifu like that futa did with Y'shtola and that Au Ra did with Alisaie.

>Tsukiyomi EX farm
>DRG leader constantly fucking up meteors
I know the hot new thing is to meme about bad SAM's, but I've never seen DRG's stop being shitters.

>implying you don't stick with WAR purely because you lack the brainpower to do anything other than press your fell cleave key five times in a row every 90 seconds while getting priority treatment due to being lumped in with real tanks

>log in
>do some quests
>shout in limsa lominsa
>shitpost on the party finder
>do some quests
>do a dungeon
>do a trial
>shitpost more
>stay on for like 6 hours shitposting
>it's like 7am
great game you got here weebs

i was going to say drk but since everyone else did i'm going to say mch just to be cool and unique

I hope they fix MCH in 5.0. I love the aesthetics, but god god damn it's wildly unfun.

Probably SAM since that's my current main

I don't think I'm good enough yet, even though friends say otherwise.
I still haven't touched on coloring, or hell I haven't even touched digital, which is an endgame once I get a better grasp at some fundamentals on paper.
Also no waifu is technically claimed since they don't exist.

How much for my character fucking your waifu?

Godspeed, user. That's gonna be one bumpy road.

Attached: ohno.jpg (481x448, 56K)

>use the trainer
I never could get that to work.

Any idea why it might fail to run at all if I have FFXIV open, or run fine if I start it before XIV but then instacrash the instant I try to hook the process?

Attached: 1548820376242.jpg (2100x3000, 1.15M)



>using NPCs
>not just making a couple out of yours and a friend's characters and doing whatever kind of art you want

This also give you the freedom to break your characters away from being tied to FFXIV at any point.

it'll be good this time, i swear

You mean like 99% of FFXIV porn? Fuck that, NPC's need more love.

I just got done getting the Tsuyu dog and that shit was ass to farm. Every 'farm' party was just as bad as clear parties.

Free since I'd be drawing to gain experience. Commission life sounds like hell.
Also I don't have a waifu.

Alright, then, user. You forced my hand. How about some Arenvald fucking Fordola for the sole purpose of procreation?

Why ex trials are so much more fun than raid boss fights in wow?
Isn't raiding the only thing wow has, why didn't blizzard put effort into it?

SAM since I have no respect for myself or others

SAM, then GUN maybe DNC if it's fun healer.

XIV has pretty great fights. The only downside to XIV's fights is that sometimes it feels really difficult to get a party that can clear the fight depending on how late you are in a patch.

Either WAR or BLM. I like PLD too, but WAR is pretty great as well, and BLM is just too fun to play.

Likely, I'll have them all leveled within the second week though, after that, it's probably gonna be gunblade and DRK just to compare all the tanks for myself.

MNK mains: how do you manage moving around around for positionals? The fucking camera keeps turning with me when I move so I hold my mouse button down to lock the camera angle but it hurts my hand after a while.

SMN if they get some cool shit. If not then I dunno.

Absolutely based taste my friend.
Sadly I'm not in the mood to draw at the current moment and just thought you were speaking hypothetically.

Attached: 1480295569644.png (322x218, 46K)

True statement. The skilled players generally have everything they want from a fight within a few weeks of the patch. The competent players can take up to a month more depending on how long they delay learning the fight and how often they try to farm it.

After about 2 months, the majority of people running the fight are all either A) Total shit, B) Just came back to the game (and are playing like shit), or C) Are playing on a toaster/AOL and literally cannot dodge ANYthing.

I was speaking hypothetically. Good luck on your future drawing endeavors.

It's always been basically impossible to clear EX fights, in my experience.
If I'd spent the amount of time I wasted on "practicing" Coil/Alex and HM/EX primals I could be fluent in Japanese or be skilled with an instrument or something by now; and the only reason I couldn't clear those things expediently was because, A. I have an unstable schedule, too unstable to join a static, and B. everyone that plays this game (who isn't in a static) is a mouthbreathing moron that shouldn't be allowed near children or heavy machinery.

Not that I'm god's gift to raiding; I'm not some autistic savant that can manage orange but I'm not Theon Greyparse either, but at least I don't step in fire and waste everyone else's time with my unwillingness and/or categorical inability to learn.

Attached: DmxBPXhVsAAkNow.png orig.png (787x1050, 508K)

Ever notice how it's always the DRK's that take swings at WAR's and PLD's while the latter two don't even acknowledge DRK players? That's insecurity if I've ever seen it. Imagine thinking that spamming dark arts takes any more brain power than using inner release or requiescat. Gonna be a yikes from me dog.

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She's cute!

Attached: 1549264076912.jpg (557x495, 45K)

I mean, there's many reasons why people do it. Years from now once FFXIV is dead or has greatly fallen in activity, you'll be easily able to take your cat or whatever characters into another mmo, a D&D campaign, or even an original world or setting you create for yourselves.

Attached: bd9b7b813ed6e910a4c5b7493e3ce2c5.png (1480x1967, 3.1M)

But user, DRK is the most complicated tank.

Attached: 1550442530722.png (623x858, 834K)

It used to be. Stormblood gutted it in the name of 'accessibility'. Here's hoping that Shadowniggers brings some of the old DRK back.

maybe if you have some kind of grandma fetish

Thanks, I'm getting there.
if you're ever curious

I disagree
Since at least HW you didn't even need static to do EX trials. Yes it could take entire day for first kill, but after you shouldn't have problems

keep at it bud. one day you'll be better than high school level.

>Come back after unsubbing for a while
>Fixing all with my hotbars since they werent saved, standing around in my unleveled DRK
>Some guy comes up to me and starts telling me he can mentor me in the dark arts
>he can teach me how to control my inner darkness
>channel my rage towards my enemies
>crawling in my skin, etc
Are all DRKs like this? They always seem to be long haired male Miqote, Au Ra, or Elezen

for the primal guys who are getting moved to crystal,what are you going to do?

>Theon Greyparse
Anyway I'm sort of in the same boat as you, I work late and can't be up the instant the server goes up to farm EX like others do, dont have time to play in the morning, and by the time I get home at night everyone competent has finished farming and its a struggle to find 7 people that don't instantly die to the first mechanic in a fight
Fuck, it's a struggle to even find 3 people that are competent, I really wanted the Rathalos mount but only managed to clear the fight 3 times, I can go through the fight untouched but every pug people will wipe even before the second phase

I really hope SE will make more fight like Proto-Ozma in the future.
By that I mean, a boss that doesn't use a predetermined set of attacks but a random pattern to keep you on your toes.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-04_16.50.59.png (834x1428, 205K)

You'll make it.

>Are all DRKs like this?
Thankfully not, no. Just really shitty RPers that're stuck in their chuuni phase despite being 22.

Nice work.

its too bad they got banned except for the one complaining

That's not exactly a "random pattern"

>7 days until big blue lion girls
I can't wait!

Attached: cat.png (461x517, 246K)

>random pattern
Poor choice of wording aside, some degree of randomization would do future boss encounters well. That, or going back to giving bosses full timelines instead of having them repeat from the top after the half way mark.

these faggots have too much money

I continue to equate XIV's EX and Savage fights with my time in marching band, because it's exactly like that. Everyone has to play their instruments (Their jobs) like a master, and at the same time preform the movements across the field (The mechanics of the fight). And then, one of the band members fucks something up and runs into to someone else or trips and falls and the director gets fucking pissed and makes you do everything over again.

Depending on the people you get, a public clear may or may not be possible, because there's little coordination and no idea how proficient everyone is, and when it only takes one person to slip up to wipe the group, it's generally frustrating. Some fights aren't too difficult though with everyone acting independently, such as Susano EX, so those are fair game.

Also, finding eight people whose schedules align is one of the hardest things in the game, I have been looking for an FC that only raids one night a week for the last year and anyone who raids so little is usually terrible at the game. I've been stuck with this other group that raids three nights a week, and while I like the people, I just don't like to commit three nights a week to six+ hours in a game.

More like...
50% OC porn
25% NPC porn
25% diaper OC porn

This is me, although I gave up on raiding long ago.
I could soloheal Turn 7 with my eyes shut, but it cockblocked me for so long people motherfuckers (mostly the other healer) just kept petrifying me and ruining everything.

And when I finally cleared it, and that WHM BiS High Allagan healer chest dropped, after 7 months of trying I was over the moon. Until that SCH cunt cat that caused us to wipe 5 times and already had upgraded Daystar looted it for vanity.
And then I was fucking done.

did you tell him to fuck off

Attached: ronsofag gtfo.webm (720x404, 2.65M)

that repetition is only in alliance raids, and it's always been there.

You can't stop us, user!

I want to FUCK my friend’s Micutie.

You wanna know how I know you've never done a single savage encounter in your life?

And to be honest, I don't think it's even that bad on some bosses, such as Cid. There's enough mechanics to keep you on your toes the whole time without it being spammy.

i used to live near a high school and every now and again you could hear the marching band practice on the football field. the guy in charge yelled at them through the pa system so you could hear it for like a few blocks away and it was just him ripping into band geeks
this doesn't really have anything to do with the thread i just remembered it because of this post and thought it was funny

I want this more than anything. I hate that boss fights just become a dance and nothing is reactive. At least when its random it feels like theres some depth to the fight and its not just another rollercoaster.

tfw my friend plays a cat with humongous eyes and a dorky, half autistic look on their face wearing the scholar's cap.
tfw he's actually male.

tfw no XIV gf to play with

All fights, including Savage and Ultimate, are 100% scripted.

At most you'll get something like O9S where there's two phases that can potentially occur in a different order, but it's the same mechanics within those phases every time.

I live out in the country, if I sit on my lawn in the morning at 6:30, I can hear the PA the old director used and he's STILL ripping on people for failure, despite it being a mile away. It's been ten years and a massive nostalgia trip every time I'm heading to work in the morning.

Don't forget O7S as well. That one was a good one because the fight could potentially branch out in multiple ways, but unfortunately little actually changed beyond which sets of mechanics happened when.

Alright you fags, I'm sick of all this shitposting. Since one thing the majority of us can agree on is that the soundtrack is great, tell me your top 5. favourite XIV songs.

Attached: Calandar 1.jpg (1280x960, 452K)

Many bosses like that die or kill you at the end of the script. That' what an enrage is. Chaos, for your example, does all 4 elements, then blows you up if he's still up at that point.

Pharus Sirus theme
Garuda theme
Others primals

>What are YOU doing for ShB, Yea Forums?
I probably won't be able to tell you until they release tooltips for job redesigns which won't be until May at least but the plan is to omintank with DRK at the forefront (for no better reasons that I really look forward to further story of Rielle and right now it's the most freeform tank). IF dancer is anywhere as fun as MoP mistweaver (which is like 1% chance at best) I'll take dancer, fuck the church. Barring that there's always scholar to fall back on as a secondary.

Everyone's just going to give primal/vocal songs.

Heroes Never Die/Heroes
Footsteps in the Snow/Oblivion

To be fair the rathalos fight is harder the ''better'' you are at xiv. Because getting ''good'' at xiv and getting the meme high parses basically comes down to how far you are willing to poopsock for this since it all comes down to practice and memorization in the end and rathalos is one of the few, if only, fights that is mostly random and forces you to pay attention to what he is doing and react appropriately. Someone who plays other games then XIV as well might actually do better here. Heck I've been wiped plenty of times by a couple of ''ultimate legend''s in this fight. Shame since the fight itself is actually quite easy.

>tell me your top 5. favourite XIV songs.
From the Ashes
From the Heavens
Voidal Manifest

I'd put Dancing Mad IV in there but that's obviously not a XIV song.

Attached: 1547129744542.jpg (2018x2048, 686K)

God is this real? How can someone be such a mong.

Yeah no appealing to muh difficulty fags is almost always the cancer that leads to an mmo's death(insert everquesttigole.jpg here)
They can only this kind of thing in niche/hard content because if they did this shit in dungeons or other casual content people would quit en masse

Attached: 1523983353376.png (884x1489, 755K)

The trick with difficulty is to have a progressive curve upwards, not to literally make everything in the game a soul crushing trek through hell. By having things your players can aspire to after they've rammed through normal content enough to be bored to tears, difficult stuff will be there to give them the challenge they now need. I wouldn't be opposed to a NG+ mode where your level is locked at max and all content is scaled to it, with an enforced minimum item level and "hardmode" bosses throughout every instance and story quest that has them.

Twilight Over Thanalan
Night in the Brume

Thing is to make that they'll have to dedicate more time and resources for the hard content which means less casual content. And honestly muh difficulty fags will never be satisfied and will always keep asking for more until the game is ruined. Just look at how many people were/are asking for more ultimate content. They want more content of something what like 5% of the playerbase cleared.
And honestly If you play this game for ''the challenge'' there are better games out there that challenge you and you shouldn't be playing mmos to begin with.

>join BA discord
>full of circlejerk faggotry, literal trannies and insufferable idiots spouting stale memes
I have only myself to blame I guess

>get banned

Attached: WOOOOOW.jpg (197x233, 7K)

>Not wanting retards to waste your time is being a tranny
gas yourself tranny

I was planning on finally joining that discord this weekend so that I can at least start farming fragments. Is it really that bad?

Ink Long Dry

I don't know any other song names

this parser parses for missed combos

The reason we didn't get the third ultimate is because they only have a handful of people who can MAKE them and they're all busy working on SHB. Ultimates are a good investment because they draw attention to the game regardless of how many people actually clear it.


>Join voice chat
>Deafen until you reach the boss
>Unmute for callouts
>Rinse and repeat until Ozma is dead

I keep wanting to get into this game but it's just so dull, or at least the early game is. I'd rather play ESO desu

If you just have to clear BA you've got no choice unfortunately. I myself don't care for it so I won't bother with it but the best you can do is is ''lay low'' so to speak and just get it done and fade out as quickly as you can. Speak as little as possible and study up on mechanics and whatnot so you don't make and accidental mistake and get ''branded''.

>being this asocial

How do you miss RoH

it means he used it out of combo

Shiva's phase 2 theme is objectively the best song in the game

Good goy.


I'm saying that 1 ultimate was already more then enough. Having people waste their time developing something only 5% will ever touch is a waste and the attention it gets mostly from people already invested in the game anyway. You're average casual doesn't give a shit about it if he even knows about it to begin with. At best they saw Mr Crappy stream it or whatever and that is it.
It's a nice concept and something people can try to work towards too if they've done everything else but seriously 1 per expansion is more then enough.

It's a balance. Everyone wants the game to cater to their desires, hardcore raiders would be fine with the game being nothing more than a chat room that only exists to match you to soul crushing enemies, story guys would be happy with nothing more than an episodic story released as often as possible, RPers want glamours, player housing, and more emotes, etc.

Everyone doesn't really fall exactly into each of those categories, but typically everyone leans some direction in the things they want that others don't care for. Without striking that balance between all the facets of the game, you risk alienating any member of your playerbase, but to develop them all simultaneously means resources that go to one aspect aren't going to the other, placing everyone in direction competition with each other for getting the content they want.

I don't disagree that prioritizing hardcore content to the exclusion of everything else will send the game into a death spiral, but I'd also say not attracting the hardcore crowd at all can be just as harsh, since those are the people putting in the most time to the game and usually creating the content and tools you see elsewhere, attracting more players in as whole. By creating content that utilizes their skillset, you advance the game as a whole, though I'd say overall the majority of content must still be leveraged towards the average player, especially things like FFXIV's MSQ.

Speaking of the MSQ, FFXIV does do a really nice job separating the story from the more dedicated content, such as raids. Despite playing during HW, I still haven't set foot into any of its 24 mans, nor do I even know the story for it, and I've only done the first three fights of Alexander. In SB, I've generally kept up with all of it though. Compared to WoW, where when you hit max level, all that's waiting for you is more difficult dungeons and raids, or PvP if that's your thing.

The direction in that fight was awe-inspiring

Multiple Ultimates would be fine if we went back to Second Coil's format, where its "Savage" was basically on par with Ultima and Bahamut, and where the regular raids still offered a legitimate challenge.
Normal mode raids were a mistake.

Second Coil Savage was just second coil with higher damage

imagine having this shit taste

Found the saltyfag who's salty they didn't get to clear.

More than 5% of the playerbase does ultimate content though. You keep posting this asspull statistic to defend Eureka and then you never back it up with actual data.

Reminder that Eureka kept actively killing its own population and that only JP has a 10+% of their active population inside.

Attached: Eureka_Numbers_BC.png (761x353, 18K)



>reminder! only JP does [content]!
Wow surbrising and indredesting

>thinking sub-20% for casual content is good by Japan standards

You should really do the Void Ark series, it has some of the most entertaining fights in the game. Although sadly many of them have been trivialized by gear scaling.

Eureka is just made for the way that JP play the game. EU/NA should have adapted to the way they do things instead of trying to turn it into premades all the time. It's trying to shove a square peg into a circular hole.

Considering "active" is measured on that table as anyone above level 36 that's pretty good for MMO content that's supposed to go for 15 months

what about you play whatever content you want

Yeah, NA and EU players should have just adopted decades of social conditioning and mannerisms.

You know exactly why West is trying to make premades and control the crowd, don't front.

>EU/NA should have adapted to the way they do things instead of trying to turn it into premades all the time
You really can't change the culture of the entire EU/NA playerbase. They're selfish retards and you will never, EVER get anywhere in BA with a group of randoms on an NA datacenter.


>NA/EU adopting "Group Mentality" after years of their culture being about One's Self
>Implying SE wasn't shoving a game design that contradicted itself
SE was literally trying to shove a square into the circle they created

Well yeah, since the majority of players aren't active and Eureka has absolutely abysmal catchup mechanics.

If you need to grind through X-many different zones of bullshit to reach Hydratos, each previous tier should take a couple hours at most, and there shouldn't be any timegating to steamroll through it.

Attached: 1545387948900.png (393x406, 186K)

>play whenever I feel like it
>make progress every time

yea what a fuckin terrible game.

One of these days, there will be minimum item level roulette. I can only hope.

That's just for Japan user. If you take all the numbers you get around 10.9% or ~11% of the Active Population who even got to the end of Pyros.

Honestly just stop playing mmos and go play any other difficult game. These kinds of games hold no real challenge as most of it comes down to a group simon says on a larger scale where 1 mistake ruins it for everyone.
Go play some retro games or any other singe player game and crank up the difficulty and you'll have more fun and more of a challenge then in an mmo and especially in XIV

>got my tranny marble
Feels fuckin good

Attached: 1525129285243.jpg (800x894, 230K)

You are aware those numbers are just for Active Characters right?


I played the free trial for this shit and uninstalled after like 50 minutes. How can you people play it?

Well, much of the reason why people love to raid is because they want to do challenging content with a group of friends, not just by themselves. Outside of Monster Hunter, there really isn't much out there that resembles typical MMO raiding besides just playing an MMO.

Why don't you stop being butthurt about easily developed content that helps the longevity of the game during off patches just because you're bad at videogames? You can just ignore it like I ignore content that less than half as many people do (Eureka) compared to the Ultimate fights

every MMORPG ever is pure cancer at just 50 minutes in desu

Minimum ilvl isn't really doing the fights as they were though either, since almost no one was actually at the minimum ilvl at the time. Something like minimum +15 would be most accurate to what it was actually like. Still can't see them ever making a separate roulette for it though. But I would like to see some more incentives for doing min ilvl content, kind of like the increased music drop rates but more appealing. Like if doing an alliance raid at min ilvl dropped 10 copies of the minion or gave you a ticket for guaranteed piece of gear of your choice (from that raid) you could probably get a run together at least every now and then.

I have to wonder if stuff like Gordias Savage is even possible at min ilvl.

Viera Red Mage

To be honest, Eureka could've been infinitely better had it just done two things.

First, squish levels down. Make Anemos 1-5, Pagos 5-10, etc, while keeping the experience required to get to max level the same. You still spend the same time leveling, but now you're not trying to find a group of people near your level in an instance where half the people are at max level trying to farm their weapon, and assuming an even split between the other 72 people you're sharing the place with, only 6-8 will actually share your level, half of which will be following the nightmare train and the other half AFK. This would mean should you choose to go grind mobs cooperatively in a group, you can actually find a group at your level to do so with.

Second, level sync everyone in a group to the lowest person. Even though they won't get as much exp from slaying mobs below their level, they now at least get something, so you're encouraged not to just outright refuse groups on the basis that you'd be carrying everyone below you or that you'd get nothing out of killing mobs around their level. Furthermore, no level sync makes it extra difficult to group with friends, as the chance of players with different levels of activity being around the same level is so exceptionally slim as to be a complete non-factor.

With those issues fixed, it's now possible to find a group for grinding mobs like the game intended, and at least gives the system a fighting chance compared to rapid spawning NMs for experience.

MMORPG's are kind of an acquired taste.

Gordias Savage is likely not possible at minimum item level anymore because of skill pruning. Not having Delirium/Dragon Kick would make it very difficult

The level sync thing was brought up at fanfest and they said they have that feature in the works for their future timesink content.

Yep, salty solofag
Fuck off

It's not like it was my first MMO, but just about every other MMO can atleast keep me interested for a few hours.

They did add the /levelsync command somewhat recently, so I hope that was in preparation for an at least toggleable party sync in the expansion's successor to Eureka.

Which is an even stronger indictment of Eureka, since it was supposed to be the killer content that only FFXIV offered which'd make people stay subbed.

FF14 has a rough start compared to most desu.

you're probably just an mmo jumper then
trust me mmorpg's aren't for you

I guess you never played older mmos where in 50 minutes you can't even get to lvl 5.

I don't know, I did Labyrinth of the Ancients just barely squeaking into it with my iLvl50 artifact gear when the game just came out, and I was running Deltascape just at the edge of gear levels. There was a lot of failure in each, but I don't think gear was the issue, just players that were new and didn't adhere to the mechanics, like slaying the skeletons next to each other on zombie dragon or running in to exploding orbs on Alte Roit. Minimum item level, at least for those fights, simply made fights longer and gave people more time to fuck something up.

I like your idea of providing some incentive for doing the dungeon on minimum item level though. Perhaps something like Wondrous Tales having some sort of bonus for doing a random raid or two each week with a minimum would get people interested, especially if it were an award that made it slightly more likely to get a line of stickers.

What is with the FFXIV community that seems to just utterly abhor raiding as a whole? Its the only long lasting content in the damn game and one of the few things left with some kind of prestige in this game that hands pretty much everything to you. This game is literally one of those situations where "Once everyone is special no one is" since there really isn't much to make you stand out.
>B-but MMO focused on Story
That's great if the story was any good outside of the patches leading into HW and HW proper. Early Stormblood has been trash till now and ARR at the start was mediocre at best. You can't just one expansion to judge the story as a whole.

So what will we get for males in shadowbringers?
I don't play females...

That would be very helpful. I had a friend come back and start in Anemos at level one, and he's having a very rough time since there's not always people in levels 1-5 around, and you can't really follow the NM train until you get there. There's nothing I can do to aid him either since I'm level 20 and by joining his group, he gets no exp, so it's literally me following him around and healing him out of party.

I mostly play OSRS now and some ESO recently. I'm not sure if it was aesthetics or just godawful UI that set me off. I was really looking forward to trying it since people say it's pretty decent(for MMO standards)

I fucking wish I had any friends or an FC to play with.

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the game caters especially to weebs, teens who have never played an mmorpg and boomers who played older ff games
neither of those people is suited for raiding so they tend to bash on it
t. (non hardcore) raider

what server

ESO is god fucking awful though. Like legitimately fucking terrible.

>b-but my horizontal gear progression!!!

Leviathan, I don't know if I want to play with anyone from these threads though since I know almost everyone who posts her is some sort of epic memer shitposter who just wants to shit on literally everyone they play with regardless of how good they are.

I just find it odd how much this community bashes Raiding, trophy items and the like. Do they not want some kind of challenge? Would they not appreciate dungeons, primals and the like to also last as long as Raids in a meaningful manner? At this point I wonder what they expect from this game in terms of battle content.

no good, then, i'm brynhildr. my impression on levi is that they've got some decent folk, just chat around a bit.

Believe it or not, not everyone wants to do raids. People play MMOs and video games for a number of reasons, and sometimes that reason is they want to sit back, unwind, relax with a good story or content that's just challenging enough to keep them interested.

I've played with people who consider MMOs to be completely lacking in challenge because they consider static fights against NPCs to be wholly lacking in the challenge their looking for, instead opting for games that pit you against players. While I don't agree with their assessment, I still think it's a valid one, just as I think people who aren't interested in raiding aren't without merit either.

Not really
Was interested from the start
I guess only ones who complain are people who prefer mindless Korean grind like Tera and Ff11 or people who play f2p games like eso

I think you don't get the point: the majority of ffxiv players doesn't give a fuck about gear and fights overall, they have other priorities like RPing, crafting, decorating their houses, glamour or just semi-afk chatting with their FC mates

>grind a few hours a day before work for two months
>level 58
>go to a new area
>get rekt by a mob of the same level
>exit game
>lose all desire to log back in again

All this time, I'm nowhere close to the endgame, and it just keeps getting more and more painful

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>Do they not want some kind of challenge?
No, they don't. Challenge scares the shit out of this playerbase. If you ever want to lose some hope, go on reddit and try to find the almost daily 'dungeon anxiety' thread.

If you think you're ''good'' at video games because you're ''good at XIV you are one sad little retard. It's because I've played plenty of other games for the challenge and whatnot that I said what I did in my post retard. FFXIV is all about memorization and repetition, not actual skill or anything. And it isn't hard in the slightest compared to actual video games. Don't believe me? How many times have you though ''if only I could clone myself 3/7 times I could clear this easily''?

The irony of calling me a salty solofag when you are the one whining for more extreme content which only a select few people will get to play and much less will get to clear.

>today I tanked my first dungeon!
>it's a lv70 WAR straight out of HoH with i400 welfare gear
>proceeds to get hundreds of upvotes
every time

The question is though what do they want out of battle content? Are they seriously just going to sub for a few measly story quests every 3-4 months? At that point are you not just better off looking for a good single player game? And what other relaxing content, while valid, how much of it even lasts long? Majority of content tends to die off fast, especially if it only has glamour as a reward.
Then at that point can't you argue to just play SecondLife? None of the hassles of MMO gates and more to the point of being fashionable and house decorators.

i think it's a combination of the story focus (even if it's not that great) and the fact that you don't need alts gets people attached to their characters in a way other mmos don't, and that's what keeps people hanging around even if they're just using it as a chatroom

Generally speaking, it's tough to find someone that meshes with you anywhere, not just here. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't.

I've been looking for FCs or linkshells in game for around a month by asking around in group finder dungeons, but haven't borne much fruit. I enjoy playing with any player that's actually active for the most part, even terrible ones, because I'm always excited to see them improve. I tried to offer some words of encouragement to this horrible healer I had in a leveling dungeon the other day (They couldn't heal through Bardam's Mettle's final boss, we spent 30 minutes wiping to it), but I just got told off by the other guy playing with her, probably just a kneejerk reaction to what he thought was sarcasm.

The hardest part of raiding is finding other people who aren't totally braindead (Ultimate fights notwithstanding, but that shit is for poopsockers anyway).
When I see someone with raid gear at this point the only thing that runs through my head is "wow I wish I had as much free time as that dude, or as many friends who also play XIV". Raiding is actually fun if you're making progress, but all it takes is one guy to stumble and fuck up your game of 8-man jumprope and if there's a 50% shot everyone in your party is a stumblefuck there's a 1/128 chance of you winning.

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I have dungeon anxiety because I hate wasting peoples time. I hate the idea that I am the only one learning and everyone else has done content a thousand times and I might fuck up and ruin it for everyone. If it was just me by myself I would grind my dick off on a fight and learn it but I don't want to waste peoples time.

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Most of these raider babies forget it's an mmo and people want to socialize too. I only play this game with a friend most of the time because it's just too boring for me otherwise.

There's nothing to be anxious about dude. Dungeons are made for literal retards to be able to get through. There's nothing in them you haven't seen a million times already, and even if you fuck up you're not going to die.

The dripfeed of skills is way too slow, like, I hear people saying "oh you don't have time to learn your new skills if you're levelling in potd" but I found myself with plenty of time to pick up what shit did.

Though I guess I shouldn't use myself as a marker as I've been playing mmo's for like 15 years, and mythic raided.

This is literally how I feel and envy. I think raiding in WoW ruined me for life when it comes to playing with shit players, like content generally isn't that hard but somehow people just keep fucking up the most obvious shit.

Only spergs give a shit in leveling dungeons.

I'm more confused by people who are in love with the idea of treating a game like it's a job, showing up on time and working at content like it's a shift roster, then somehow deriving pride from this.

Raiding isn't fun.

I am talking raiding and extreme primals. Dungeons I can generally do completely fine.

Me too, user. Thank goodness I have a friend to help me with the story dungeons.

Having a single raid night a week is just a nice bit of stability to have, you wouldn't call playing football one night a week at the same time a job would you? that's how I always approached raiding.

>Then at that point can't you argue to just play SecondLife? None of the hassles of MMO gates and more to the point of being fashionable and house decorators.
Same could be said about people only playing for raids and challenge. If you only play for that why bother with an mmo?

Then it's not dungeon anxiety.

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I mean, they give bonuses out specifically so that people don't get mad about it going slower.

Well shit I will go kill myself then for making that mistake, sorry.

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In my experience statics are THAT rigid only when new content has been released, once everything is killed they become way more flexible and you basically just try to bloat your logs

Personally the way I look at it is the raid that's hard that I want to log in for once a week or twice if we're pushing super hard, gives some extra context to all the small things I'm doing when I play around it, like this stuff might give me something to help out, etc. It's like the anchor of a patch cycle.

That's just how I feel about em at any rate.

You have to learn how to not care user.

Or do what I did and boost up an alt so you can learn fights on a character you're not attached to.

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>play this game with a friend most of the time because it's just too boring for me otherwise
The same can be said about most modern games though, the MP aspect of MMOs has long since been gone so youre paying multiple fees to play a game to talk to a friend when you could get a B2P game and get the same effect. If a game is boring solo then it failed its job.
The sense is only created due to the lack of SE’s design to further push their players creating a horrible scale for skill. Nothing in this should require “shift” like schedules. Also rigid schedules tend to be statis or groups of friends who tend to plan things out for other games anyways.

>dungeon anxiety
How is this a thing? If you don't know what to do just look up the strat and boom you're good t go. The age of blind play is over so there is no reason to have this ''dungeon anxiety''.

Did you ever join a club or some other extracurricular activity while in high school or university? Raiding is basically the same thing.
Just think about it like a school band meeting together twice a week to rehearse and practice as a group.

got a free 30 days but can't even log in because of this stupid one time password bs.

>It's because I've played plenty of other games for the challenge
Nah, you haven't. Unless you mean """challenging""" games like Souls.
>. FFXIV is all about memorization and repetition, not actual skill or anything
And how do you know this when you've never touched hardcore content? You're just bad at the game and lashing out at people who aren't because you're butthurt.

Like I posted earlier, I mixed up dungeon anxiety with that I have

retard, you can leave it blank

>more extreme content which only a select few people will get to play and much less will get to clear.
Well it's twice as popular as Eureka already, so I guess that means Eureka is an even bigger waste. What kind of content do you do in this game user, besides sit AFK in Limsa and get passed up by level 1 ERP alts?

I can only explain about why I play the game in any good detail, but I'll give it a shot.

FFXIV and MMOs in general have always been about "The Grand Show," or however the French described opera back in the day. It has a little bit of everything I like, and the way it comes together keeps me interested more than any single aspect of it. I liked stepping into a world with interesting lore, impressive locales, good characters, the works. That's a sort of impression beyond the sterile numbers of the mechanical side, and the part that makes everything have meaning. I'd compare it to WoW, where lore was really the final straw that broke the camel's back that stopped me from enjoying the game back towards the end of WotLK.

At the same time though, I like the mechanical aspect as well. I like doing difficult fights, I enjoy watching myself improve with practice, and as base as it sounds, I like to wave my dick around when I complete something challenging that few else have done. To that end, I've got a reason to try and parse high, to struggle harder to stop messing up on little things even though we're still completing content when I do, and generally always be moving forward and improving.

I like that my character at least somewhat stands out in relation to everyone else, that even though I don't RP, I like to imagine their backstory and what reasons me and my FC have for adventuring together. It might sound like something childish that you grew out of after you hit your teens, but deep down, I still enjoy pretending with my buddies that we're going out to save the world or what have you.

The only thing I really miss, that hasn't been in any MMO in a long while, is the mechanical side of character design. Everything's been funneled into a specific function due to raids, and it disappointments the unique, off the wall ways you could play in old MMOs, even if they just had a niche use, aren't really a thing anymore.

Whats his end game?

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Given Raids are the long lasting content of any patch in this game they tend to be the only reason to play the MMO once you exhausted all the other shortlived content.
>wanting to raid means you shouldn’t play MMOs
user Raids in games at this point have been synonymous with MMOs and MMO-lites. One expects to find raid content in said genre, though the dev team could do a better job on expanding further on other types of content to push their longevity. Raids are less replaceable when compared to cosmetics in the MMO sense since even FPS games bank on the dress up customization players love.

>Doing Haukke as a 29 Gladiator a few weeks ago
>Healer was AST with everything at 70
>Wouldn't cast any healing on me until health was double digits
>4 deaths
>Keep dwelling on it to decide who was at fault
I mean I'm 99% percent sure it was the healer, but it just stuck with me and made me not want to play tanks for a while.

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i have dungeon anxiety entirely because "the age of blind play is over"---it's no longer acceptable for someone to not know a dungeon, there's an expectation that you've looked over a guide. i just wanna play, man, i don't want to have to research everything i'm doing.

It's the AST's fault. They were probably used to having regen.

I hate jap ui's
so unintuitive and that awful font as well.

I had groups in the past that simply don't have the fortitude for raiding. Someone fucks up, and two wipes into the night, they want to call it and come back again later (read: never). They pretend to be kings, they tell themselves they could do it if they wanted to, but when push comes to shove, they're terrified to keep trying in case they never make it.

I'd rather have braindead fuckers who at least keep at it, because most of the time, something will eventually click and they'll improve. Average players who've got an inflated ego though just because they farm easy content endlessly are beyond hope though, and worse, they drag down everyone else near them, and call anyone outperforming them a tryhard poopsocker.

If the tank dies without standing in AoEs or gaining a stupid amount of vuln stacks, it's the healer's fault.

A good healer will adjust to how much damage the tank is taking and prevent them from dying, though you should be rotating defensive cooldowns as often as possible to help them out.

That being said, it is true that the last HP is the only one that matters. As long as the healer isn't letting you die, they're not doing anything wrong.

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man i tell you I just started playing like 2 weeks ago and the retards who run haukke manor are fucking retards

I have over 2k houra on this game and I still feel a bit of anxiety when tanking dungeons because I usually pull everything I can at once and I've had healers ask me many times if I was on a rush or something (even though I basically never die). when that happens I slow down and I start wondering if I'm going too slow for the rest of the party

not sure if I'm fucking blind but I can't find b rank elite hunt in heavensward map, they just don't appear some times

i ran haukke earlier with a tank that had less hp than our healer and had a ton of trouble keeping aggro. fun times, thank god for manaward.

MP management sucks ass as AST when everyone and their mom is constantly taking damage. Shit sucks ass.

B ranks are always up on the map.

Get off your high horse man its pathetic I've played plenty of shit besides your meme souls games. I've seen plenty of stories here about people who decide to play other games with their xiv friend only to discover they suck ass at anything other than XIV.
Because the truth is that you know that if you can't poopsock something you can't clear it. That is all your ''skill'' in XIV amounts to. Actual video games require good reflexes and sharp judgement. I played plenyy of games requiring this an pic related is just something I could show quickly as I can't show all the retro games I've played as easily.
Big fish in a small pond that's all you are.

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Probably someone killing it in an area you haven't checked, and it respawns in one you have.

Don't be anxious about that, every tank should be doing that.

You do the first big pull as usual for every party, then adjust the following pulls depending on how the first one goes.

Healer let you die? Healer wasn't DPSing? DPS aren't AoEing? At that point, single pulls will probably be just as fast as trying to force big pulls on players that can't handle them.

Lightspeed -> Lucid Dreaming -> COpp gets rid of any mana issues AST has. If LS and Lucid aren't enough in pre-60 content, something else is going wrong.

!! retard !!

Oh wow, a racing game. Neat. Those are fucking easy, even harder ones like Wipeout, and they're also heavily reliant on memorization which according to you is a huge detriment. It's alright dude, you don't have to feel bad that you happen to suck ass at one particular game, stop being a salty nigger and blaming the game instead of yourself though. You're sounding like a retarded games journalist



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Here is a real shocker, i DON'T play this game every single day. I stop playing/play less when there is little content just as yoshi-p wants you to. Baffeling how someones life could be more then playing XIV right?

I like playing tank but I feel like I have to know what to do every single fight for every single dungeon or the group suffers for it I'm coming back after a couple years so relearning everything and the new stuff takes time. Then theres the trials with all of their mechanics.

True people are overgeared now, but I've had wipes to lowish level stuff because people forget mechanics

>bragging with Racing games
>thinking this proves any point you made
Just kill yourself senpai, youre not making things better

Right, I'm sure you only idle in limsa once every two days.

It's posts like these that make me hate this place sometimes since a good quality voice of reason often gets completely drowned out by shit.

>not taking him up on that offer and having fun goofing around pretending to be super dark and edgy
You people need to dislodge those sticks up your asses and realize you're playing a videogame.

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Whatever new healer they have, if it's fun. If not then probably AST.

I mained blm throughout the entirety of stormblood, I'm kinda curious about the new mnk and I might make the switch if it turns out decent since I also wanted to play a faster job
otherwise I'm sticking to blm

I was master in SC2 and B+ before I stopped playing ICCUP broodwar. The idea that MMO raiding is just an endurance trail is bollocks. Almost every hardcore activity is a huge amount of memorisation and repetition until you have the muscle memory to do it without thinking. You can not be a top FPS player without having a nearly encyclopedic knowledge of every map and gun in the game, and having the muscle memory to aim for the right parts of the body without needing to think. The skillsets are very similar, information processing, ability to learn, willingness to learn, patience to grind out the games to build all that knowledge and muscle memory. It's like playing in instrument.

>ARR - SMN then BRD
>SB - SAM into MCH into fucking nothing, can't pick a job
>ShB - Probably MCH or DNC

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Raids are the short lived content. Community can potentially entertain itself for years. A raid only lasts for as long as it is uncleared.

Well, my all time favorite song is Lakshmi's Theme. Nothing else has come close.

Doing things like playing football or in a band actually cultivates life skills though. I've never played a video game for the sake of "prestige". And I've never been in a social club where your attendance is more or less mandatory.

At this point raids just feel like a vestigial organ from an older generation that is functionally useless but just refuses to die off entirely. Despite a smaller and smaller percentage of MMO populations doing them, they're somehow always the focus of discussion and the people that do them are constantly complaining about not having enough. It's like they are just there as a holdover to try and satisfy that group that grew up on older MMOs that were specifically designed to waste your time, and now they have a disorder where they can't enjoy a game unless it gives them a carrot to chase for 6-12 hours every day.

What part of MMO raiding isn't done better by other genres at this point? I can't really believe the reasons of challenge or cooperation, even your average team shooter offers more of both of those things than an MMO. Even if it's just loot, every game has loot now. Most of them have RPG progression systems to keep you going endlessly. The only real difference seems to be "validation", the sense that you did something that other players couldn't and getting some reward that lets you show that off. That's fine to some extent but expecting entire games based around it is not just unrealistic it's kind of pathetic.

Every game needs challenge to some extent or it's not fun, but it needn't be the ultimate purpose of the game. An MMO's basic premise is an interactive shared world with roleplaying elements and that's what people come for, that's what sets it apart from other genres. Stuff like dungeons and character progression are all just excuses to play together in the virtual fantasy world, not ends in and of themselves. The myth that MMOs = Raiding should die.

SCH since ARR because it's always broken and I need to carry the idiots in my party as hard as I possibly can.

If it somehow ends up being mediocre in ShB, I will play AST until the next patch where they buff the shit out of it because people complained on the OF.

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But that's a different amount of time for everyone. The guys that are clearing shit right away are doing prep for weeks on that shit to go in and blitz it down, the casual people will have a few months of content to work towards while the next patch builds up and the hardcore guys go back to preparing for the next one. And then when the gear scaling lets people trivialise it, then it becomes a glamfarm. (well, if it drops a mount or pet or something people will do it for that too)

So basically you're a normal fag and your "social" life prevents you from being able to raid, so you're mad because of the fox and the grapes.

>Hating on Wipeout
T. PC only retards who will never get to play great games because of some mistaken ''brand loyalism''
Try actually playing the game and clearing everything on elite before you dismiss it as lol racing games. I had infintly more fun with the challenge in that game then I ever had in XIV. If I lost it was my fault and my fault alone which made victory all that sweeter.
But wether you think it's hard or not personally was not my point. I just showed proof that I played other games then XIV and ally ou could was move goalposts and say lol racing games.
Just go back to wow already.

While I more of a wipeout guy, I would love to play another f zero, not they'll ever make one unfortunately.

That's still a few months, not years. People can derive entertainment from just interacting for far longer than any raid content could last, no matter how casual. Raiding is only a small piece of the MMO component of an MMORPG. Many seem to forget the RPG part, that stands for Role-Playing Game.

Oh, so you're a brand loyalist child

they should call it wipeyourass, because the game is doodoo lol

t. salty retard who can't clear extremes let alone savage and blames everyone but the common denominator (himself) for his mistakes.


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>And I've never been in a social club where your attendance is more or less mandatory.

I mean, then you've never gotten to the point where the clubs is like "okay now we gotta srs bznz for a bit" because that happens. And the main reason there's always a "mandatory" for turning up, is that no one wants to be the raider on the bench waiting for someone to not turn up, that's shit.

Raiding in an MMO cobines a series of things that don't exist elsewhere really, teamwork, having to push and optimise yourself while doing the bosses mechanics, and most importantly, bringing other things you've done outside the raid into it. Taking all that time you spent crafting or making money, etc, into the raid provides a bit more context for doing those things, it gives a sense of "We've worked up to this" You've spent the time getting your potions, food buffs, etc, now is the time to make use of all the "numbers get bigger" you've done.

A lynchpin is a small part too. Interaction, roleplaying, etc, is all huge as well, yeah, but even if you don't do raiding, the fact that it's always there, always a possibility. Adds some context.

>it's another "muh raid tranny vs muh casual faggot" episode

>It's like playing in instrument
Yes except in mmo's the entire concert is cancelled if the guy next to you plays 1 wrong note. With any of the games you mentioned most of the failing you could ever do would be your own fault so you could always improve. In MMOs you could do everything perfect and still fail. And while you could say the same of other mp games you can mostly pick up the slack of others in them but in mmo's this is most often not the case. The idea of 1 guy making a mistake and wiping everyone is a mostly mmo only one.

>Doing things like playing football or in a band actually cultivates life skills though. I've never played a video game for the sake of "prestige".

I think that line of thinking is just a holdover from another time. Are you telling me four guys in a bowling league are cultivating life skills instead of just showing up and trying to score higher than everyone else for shits and giggles? A video game can just be another avenue that people get together and practice, no different than ballerinas showing up to dance classes or musicians playing a technical piece.

In my point of view, this is a flaw of the audience that simply doesn't relate a video game to being an activity that should take practice. Something difficult comes out that requires teamwork, and instead of recognizing it as such, people simply complain it's too hard and unfun because they can't do it successfully the moment they step in the door with the skills they have. Imagine someone expecting them to handle the Cowboys with their junior varsity team and then complaining that football is too difficult and should cater more towards a casual playerbase.

Just stop bothering using logic on him, he's just some salty retard who's fucking terrible at the game and refuses to admit that he's not a godlike player just because he got a platinum in a racing game and beat Dark Souls III while only summoning other players 10 times.

>The idea of 1 guy making a mistake and wiping everyone is a mostly mmo only one.

No it happens in high end games all the time. If you fuck up and get killed stupidly in a high level CS game, you've pretty much lost the round immediately. The notion that you can pick up the slack only works when you can assume some sporadic MP skill level, if it's fairly consistent as it is at the high end, then you fucking up can lose you the game instantly. Someone getting ganked in a stupid way in dota has lost people hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Nigger 1 guy fucking up and wiping the team is in literally any team-based or cooperative game that isn't casual garbage. Hell even casualized garbage like KF2 still wipes you from one mistake in high end content.

It's a small part still and majority of people don't raid seriously. I don't even know why are you persisting on having this conversation, a lot of people are either unwilling to put up with the stresses of having to work their ass off for something nebulous in a videogame or simply cannot handle it physically or mechanically (your hand-eye coordination and reflexes tend to tank once you pass twenties). If you want to raid and be hardcore, sure, be my guest, but don't go on pretending that people don't like raiding for inconceivable reasons.

Because you're shititng on people who raid because you're bad, you're not saying people shouldn't *have* to raid, you're literally saying raids shouldn't exist because you're bad at them.

I promise you that I genuinely have no interest in spending my evenings fighting the same boss for 4 hours because my teammate doesn't know his left from his right, for the sake of prestige in a video game. In fact I'd rather do almost anything else.

Nice projection I am an idiort though

Don't make me boot it up and show my extreme and savage clears. Not that it would matter since you would move the goalposts again anyway.

I never said there were inconceivable reasons people didn't want to raid.I said that raids serve a purpose even to people that don't do them when they're current content. And they do, it being there always means they could dip their hand into it, which changes the way that "numbers get bigger" works within the context of the game.

i've met plenty of decent people from these very threads user a lot of them tend to be on primal too

I never said such a thing. If anything it's the raidfags that are always shitting on everyone else for not being "xxhardcoreraiderz" and always demand that games change into raiding endgame simulators to cater to their unique needs, like it happened to fucking Everquest.

As you advance in skill in multiplayer games, team skill and synergy becomes a bigger factor. I know at least in DotA, a single fuckup can spell doom for a team because fighting 4:5 on otherwise equal footing is a losing proposition. Even in a game like Mechwarrior, not having everyone putting their whole tonnage on the frontline to provide as much "meat" to chew through as possible results in losses, usually exponentially more, as firepower is more concentrated on less targets.

About the only game I can think of that lets you compensate for lesser skill of teamates directly is probably the genre of arena shooters, and even that's up for debate since people working together as a team usually are able to achieve more than those individuals alone, but the individual is still incredibly powerful on his own.

It's not all black and white like that. For both a live musical performance and raiding here, you can afford to make a mistake or two as long as you are able to recover from it or cover it up well enough. If someone in your section has a fuck up with their instrument in the middle of a piece, then the whole section will make up for him and continue to perform in such a way that it doesn't sound like one part of the orchestra is suddenly weaker.
Similarly, as long as it happens at the right time, you can have one or even multiple deaths in a raid, and still manage to beat the enrage so long as everyone has been picked up in time. We're human and so we go to live performances with an expectation that there might be one screw up here and there, and the same with this game's raids where even in Ultimates there's room for a couple of mess ups.

I have never met a raider who thinks an MMO should only be raids. The raiding community usually wants like, 3-4 raids a year that they can spend a couple months on.

I'm the kinda guy that runs LRM's on assaults and there's nothing you can do about it.

Of course you don't, because you have no friends and you lack the skills required to clear the fights in the first place. Stop pretending you're superior for being bad at a game and take responsibility for your own fuckups, faggot.

>The idea of 1 guy making a mistake and wiping everyone is a mostly mmo only one.

If you choose the wrong ability in a single player, turn based or tactical game you could lose.

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any primal bros want to do anything i've been busy all day and only now found the time to play

7 days.

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>I never said such a thing

>Don't make me boot it up and show my extreme and savage clears
Go ahead, show me, retard. You wouldn't be whining about the fights being too hard if you could actually clear them.

I understand that the A1 is awful and use it anyway, even though it costs the team games with me doing sub-100 damage. It's all worth it though when something dumb like highlands shows up and I rack up 1500 unfocused damage. Sometimes, you just want to fire dual LRM20s for a minute straight at assaults charging across the field.

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Not him but he probably has more friends than you if he's not playing this game 24/7 like you.

Wasn't me, buddy.

But I have 7 other friends to enjoy raid content with, meanwhile he doesn't even know how fucking clubs work. Fuck off, he's a fucking casual making excuses for his shit. No different than all the retards that complained about an easy ARPG (Souls) being "artificial difficulty" because they were too retarded to read tooltips
Then stop picking up other people's arguments without reading the reply chain, dipshit.

>queue up for titan
>someone waves to me when they see me queue up and asks what i've queued for, offering to queue with me
>say it's late and dequeue, then sign off
i think i just realized how much of an autist i am. i was just wishing i had people to talk to in-game, and then i just alt-f4'd that situation.

i think he thought i was a girl or was overzealous about helping new players, i should remove the leaf

WAR: press 1-2-3 fell cleave
PLD: press 1-2-3 Holy Spirit
DRK: press 1-da-2-da-3 bloodspiller and press that TBN to eat tank buster

I agree... DRK... is the next level..

I want to breed m'naago.

I'm actually primarily a medium player and run my splat griffin in which I can get 1k damage and only 1 kill, but seriously, fuck the meta, fuck the clan mechs, fuck the clanfags, fuck powercreep. I wanna play lore friendly mechs that boost a wide variety of weapon mounts and run mixed louadouts instead of boating pulse lasers. Fucking metafaggots ruin everything wherever they touch it and fucking devs cater to them, because they will blow hundreds just to get their epic new 2% more heat efficient clan mech release.

Attached: Dougram.png (500x500, 145K)

DRK at least has sort of a priority system going on and is technically the least braindead tank job. It's still braindead though.

Saying souls is easy is equally disingenuous though. They're not back breakingly difficult or anything, but they are solidly challenging.

Demons souls was the best souls tho

You're being a loud mouthed child right now, I can come and go in an anonymous conversation whenever I please and everything I said made sense, you confused sperg.

They're punishing enough that you can't breeze through them easily on a first playthrough, but by no means difficult unless you gimp yourself heavily.
Then don't get butthurt when people assume you're continuing a conversation and not just bursting in autistically with completely unrelated posts that have nothing to do with the discussion, faggot.

>in the blood of inncents...heh

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Go ahead and move the goalposts again fucking HRT chugging scum. You are noting special and this game is nothing specail anyone could be a ''pro raider'' if they had the time and autism to poopsock this game or almost any mmo in general.
Just fucking kill yourself and unsubscribe.

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I play pulse, but I at least do it on my own terms in an Urbanmech. It's amazing just how tough that little trashcan is, a few times I've gone toe to toe with heavies and managed to core them with focus fire and spinning my torso, though I'm not in too good shape afterwards.

My favorite though is any sort of fire support with missiles coupled with some backup weapons, but missiles are ass. I've done splatcats, I've done madcats, nothing really compares to direct fire weapons even with someone to NARC for you. I do agree, I wish they'd make varied loadout mechs more viable, but the game heavily favors specialization or laservomit.

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I definitely wouldn't want to raid with you even if you performed perfectly, because that'd mean spending time with someone I don't like and fuck that shit. Beating up a loot pinata while being stuck with a dozen of autists whose guts you hate is not my idea of a good time.

wew lad, you got me, 9/10 bait.

>that fucking UI

I would. I hate knowing that my future time is already spoken for. It's why I do not have any active friends because I do not want to dedicate more time than the present to any one task. If I decide tomorrow that I don't want to play football ever again I do not want the social pressure of a "game" night weighing me down. I want to decide what I do with my time no matter what, no future engagements beyond those strictly necessary for life such as a job.

based CET bro

That's fine, I wouldn't want to raid with some moron who has to cut into conversations with irrelevant bullshit and blames everyone but himself for his fuckups either.

this comic is fucking legendary

Most people tend to pick a weapon they like and want to use that, if you're happy to jump between weapons then sure, but I wouldn't call wanting to use the weapon you find the most fun, but might not be great against some bosses gimping yourself.

And now hopefully you understand while few people want to raid.

Well, most people aren't fucking retards like you are, so that doesn't really apply.

watch out guys, this nigga got carried through susano and thinks its relevant to anything at all, despite bitching about savage clears

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>moving the goalposts
You claimed I didn't clear Extremes and savage I show proof I did clear extremes and you still dismiss it. Well now it's your turn fuctard show me your clears what you can't haha. Fucking underage tranny scum get cancer and die.

You would have to go well out of your way to pick an actively bad weapon in basically any Souls game. Most of the really awful weapons in Dark Souls are hard to find like the whip or very obviously not viable like the broken swords or the base dagger, or a player with a brain will quickly learn that they're situational tools like the bandit's knife.

I can understand that, but me personally, I don't mind budgeting one night a week for the next month or so for a game or whatever. If I do get bored, I wouldn't instantly drop either, just wait a few weeks while a replacement is found to take my spot.

I do have some issue with groups that raid upwards of three days a week though. After a while, it does become a second job, I've got family to do stuff with. They can keep at it over there.


you do realize savage and extreme are completely different things right

You showed proof of year old content on extreme. Where's savage. Titles.

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My favorite light is Commando because it looks like a VOTOMS, but I used to main lights before myself. Splat is fun because I like shotgunning people, it's just that sometimes half my missiles doesn't even register despite having Artemis. Fire supports are still great and NARC ravens are everyone's best buds, but you're kind of locked into a Cougar or Archer if you want to do it and stay "relevant". At least they still work.

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Are you going to watch the fanfest, Eurobros?

Are you going to stop samefagging and show proof of your clears yet mister pro raider?

Yeah but again that was not the point. He said I had neither so I showed proof I had extremes and then the goalposts were promptly moved, like you are doing now.

I'm fine with having content that utilizes your built-up progress. I don't see why that content needs to be the primary focus of the game and designed to take months of coordinated and scheduled play, because of a small group of people who get off on exclusivity and/or believe the game has failed them if they literally ever don't feel like logging in even after years of daily play.

It's fine having some "prestige" content but it never needs to be the entire point of the game, but that's what raiders constantly ask for despite knowing they're a minority. It is baffling to me that there are people who play XIV purely to raidlog. They don't seem to enjoy themselves.


You said "don't make me post my extreme and savage clears"
You posted outdated extreme clears, not post savage clears, you're the one who brought it up.

Yeah the "savage" was the operative term there buddy.

Attached: proof of transition.png (585x253, 113K)

so you have zero savage clears, alright. i can stop responding now that you've made it clear you have zero value in the easiest videogame on the market

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I cleared it on release though. For fucks sake What do you expect of a returning player. Where are your savage titles? Why did I do this I got baited by a bunch of trannies.

>giant machines participate in a shootout using giant machine guns at the 100-200 m range

mecha is so stupid

People raidlog once they've done everything else though. They don't just want to raidlog.

It's the same guy who keeps posting in threads lately about how Rath EX is the hardest fight in the game and how he's a badass because he doesn't die to it but he saw UWU raiders die to it once.

They're not that giant.

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>b-b-but i did it on release!

so where's your savage clear

how do you lose aggro with grit on

I'd say those bending over backwards to appease the likes of you with their performance are the retards, but what do I know.

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>cropped image
Show me the log that shows the timestamp like i did coward. Big words but still you hide like the garbage you are.

But I'm only an asshole to retards, so nobody in my group gives a shit because they aren't retarded spergs that say stupid shit to justify being bad at a tranny game.

It means your version is outdated, or your offsets are wrong.
I'd try to just redownload it.

go back to /xivg/

Why the fuck would you play a game you don't like and involve other people in it as well? Is there something wrong with your head?

Minimum level gear on tank and very good gear on dps. Was just running 4.5 dungeon on my alt to catch it up. Memeheveal to dpsing couldn't keep agroo away from BLM the entire fight. I have shit gear he had great gear.

not even him but do you see the fucking macro telling you youre a faggot, faggot.

Naive, user.

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I don't know what's more pathetic, UWU raiders dying to rathalos, the guy posting about it or you for even recognizing said guy.

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God those callout are adorable

Jesus what is that texture

the nearest wall, just some random cliff face that I shoved my face in

I do enjoy the game though, I'm just making fun of you for being an uptight sperglord who has no friends.

People can buy clears. Or it could have been a D/C or just a guy not giving a shit about easy mode content. And it's pretty easy to recognize people who shitpost the same stupid shit over and over, just look at Barry or Barneyfag.


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I think you're talking about yourself right now, seeing how insistent you were on claiming that anyone who doesn't raid or doesn't like raiding in a "tranny game" is a retard. And if you like a tranny game, what does that say about you, tranny?

oh man hows uwu going on mnk, im doing it on sch, just passed predation and wanna die

I must be unlucky then since I rarely see an XIV thread that isn't deleted/moved/autosaged.

There's usually one every few hours after the last one dies.

Imagine having a cute lala lass bouncing on your "lever"

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normal modes really were a mistake. if you werent good enough to clear the raid you shouldnt get to see the story. youtube exists. just like how if i dont level crafters or play x minigames i shouldnt complain about not getting whatever glamour gear or random gold saucer mounts wihout doing shit. raids werent even that hard back then either, if anything the first 2 floors of raids WERE the normal modes back in 2.x

It's really fun but we just found a tank for it two weeks ago so we're only on Ifrit enrage so far. The fight syncs up really well on MNK as long as my group holds DPS on Garuda until just before her enrage so that ROF is back up for Ifrit.

I am glad this thread reinforces why I have anxiety doing savages and extremes for the first time. There is literally nothing that can make you people happy.

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imagine having krile and tataru all to yourself?

>being a crowd pleaser
Make yourself happy, fuck them.

i want an elezen wife

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hell yeah, good luck! make sure to have everyone save their reopeners for ifrit, dont blow big cds at the end of garuda. Also good luck when you get to titan, the awakening process for that is fucking gay, and still takes up most of my groups time for whatever reason.

>quit the game because they ruined SMN, came back recently and played BLM
>Probably still going to play BLM unless they unfuck summoner

No, I'm just calling you a retard, for butting into a conversation and then acting indignant when people assume you're carrying the conversation and not starting an unrelated one while randomly replying to people.

on that same note, hold reopeners for titan too, because that fights uptime is so fucking stupid.


You are literally a dumbass. Healer levels faster than DPS since the dawn of fucking MMO's.

Remember to do your fashion report!

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Yeah thank god SE will never do this, unless they want to see their game die out within days. Don't forget this is an mmoRPG not and massive multiplayer raiding game. Locking out story in an rpg is inexcusable. the crafter and mgp thing is reasonable but holy fuck the story thing is not.

You've admitted to liking a tranny game, no getting out of that one.

Obviously, pally rotation is Rage of Halone, Rage of Halone...and Rage of Halone

Right now we're just trying to focus on seeing as much of the fight as possible so we're not holding anything on Ifrit right now, but once we get him down consistently we'll probably start doing it.

and fight or flight. Have to buff those rage of halones

theres story locked behind crafters and jobs i choose not to level too. if you choose to not learn a raid you shouldnt get to see it. plain and simple.

Cease at once, user

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I agree. These people are mentally ill. Their lives revolve around XIV that is why they can go off the deep end like that and not bat an eye.

Why are you even in this thread then, tranny?

I gotcha, was in the same boat when we were in that position. Good luck with your clears though!

Bruh just stop. You're just digging yourself deeper into the casual hole.

you told me to cease but you're flashing your lalafells bare crotch? im getting mixed signals...

i want a miqo'te wife

You're the tranny, you like tranny games and act like the gatekeeper of tranny game content.

Don't reply to me with a falseflag, you are just as bad as them.

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A bunch of asshats. If I see a trash tank pull 3 times and wipe depending how much progress is done also I just leave.

Why? She's having a good time and so am I

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I'm not gatekeeping though, I'm calling you a retard for posting a non-sequitur then exploding with rage when people assume you're continuing the conversation you just butted into.

You know I'm honestly impressed you take the time to crop out the cat bitch. How many times have you done this already(assuming it's the same guy doing this)?

And the information sources. It's really a work of autism.


Yeah no you don't

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As a PLD I feel violated

Is this guy even still playing?

well what else am i supposed to show then user?

What trainer is this? I've just been using TexTools mods but they look kinda ass. Especially the tits.

>Have to choose between g*rmans and fr**ch
Better keep them both on 1 datacenter.

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Doesn't seem like it.

Since that user refuses posting uncensored, it most likely looks like shit aswell, so don't bother

The french are spreading to louisoix and zodiark though.

Play on NA, spare yourself the pain.

With germans you could expecty some of them to know english but the french are famously stubborn in refusing to speak anything other then french so you might want to stay/go to light instead. That and lots of shitters will transfer and flock to chaos because the ''raid'' servers are there.

I'm on Levi too, if you wanna do something together I'm up for it.

This is really sad... He didn't even finish SB... Not sure why seeing that makes me sad..

>most of the classes become unplayable because of latency
Well at least if he's on PC there are vpns out there that could solve this I believe.

He's probably just a kid who decided to play Fortnite instead.

Im sorry, but as a Ley Lines junkie every ms of ping is precious to me. How can i step out of the murderous AoE at the last moment on NA?

cuz ur dump rofl

I appreciate the sentiment but it's fine, you don't need to force yourself to play with an user here. I mostly just wanted to vent my frustrations.

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Nice phone post

Nah man, I'm not forcing myself.
My FC stopped playing since 3 or 4 months ago so I had to skip this tier of raid, I finished completely the hydatos relics I wanted, got my Ozma mount from BA and I got all the dogs from every SB trials, so I really got nothing to do and I'm just looking forward for any kind of activity I can do.
So yeah if you need help with anything I'll gladly join you.

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not him but do you wanna help me with trials and leveling roulette real quick?

Yeah with pleasure.

i set up a pf since im not on levi the pass is 1111

How have Mhiggers survived this long?

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Got conquered by Garlemald.

should i start playin xiv?

there's a free trial so why not


Free trial up to level 35, with no content restrictions. So you can level every single job/class up to 35 before paying a dime.

nice what class you lads recommend

anything beside tanks otherwise I'll quit if I'm queued with your for a dungeon

I like Pugilist/Monk because it's fast, but none of the jobs are particularly thrilling before level 50 so pick which weapon you think is the coolest.

the one that looks coolest to you as long as it's not gladiator/paladin

Also you can play every job on one character and switch any time you want so don't worry too much about it.

Whatever you want, honestly at low level all of it will feel rather boring.

I kind of want to tank knowing that you feel that way, but in all seriousness is tanking hard if xiv? why would you quit?
I like monk classes, so i'l probably go for what you said, that or some sort of spellcaster for cool effects and big numbers.
is gladiator/paladin a tank class a heal class?
im confused are they really hard to tank as?
oh i see.

Literal Chad Champion, not bound by the arbitrary game mechanics of combos and social pressure to do well. He probably has more fun than any of us faggots.

DRK, BLM or whatever abbreviation they settled on for gunbreaker

>is gladiator/paladin a tank class a heal class?
And no. Tank is easy unless you're pants on head retarded.

>I like monk classes
Welcome brother

Attached: 1545885726472.jpg (1200x912, 342K)

He stopped playing though.

it's a tank, it's easy but it's boring as fuck until the mid sixties

Is WoW classic going to overshadowed this expansion?

this is how a proper tank plays the game, as you can see it's pretty easy

depend if they release male viera or not, but probably.

Why should I give a fuck about this character?

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You can play every jobs on one character so picking your first class only give you your starting city.
ARC(Archer) Ranged DPS turn into BRD(Bard) a Ranged DPS support at lvl 30
LNC(Lancer) Melee DPS turn into DRG(Dragoon) at lvl 30
CNJ(Conjurer) Healer turn into WHM(White Mage) at lvl30

PGL(Pugiliste) Melee DPS turn into MNK(Monk) at lvl 30
GLA(Gladiator) Tank turn into PLD(Paladin) at lvl 30
THM(Thaumaturge) Magic DPS turn into BLM(Black Mage) at lvl 30

MRD(Marauder) Tank turn into WAR(Warrior) at lvl 30
ACN(Arcanist) Magic DPS with a pet this one is special because at level 30 it turn into 2 Job instead of 1, SMN(Summoner) which is a Magic DPS with a pet and SCH(Scholar) which is a healer with a pet (who heal instead of attacking)

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Wrong game. He's from XI.

Because he and his brother are the main driving force of the vanilla game and the first two expansions. inb4 someone tries to tell me CoP doesn't canonically begin because of Eald'narche's fuckery with the crystal line at the end of RotZ, just because they let you start it at any time And he looks pretty cool.

I forgot to add about ACN, the nice thing about it is that, if you choose SMN instead of SCH for example, since they are both from ACN, everytime you gain a level on SMN, SCH will level up too and vice versa.

Other way around. Blizzard so desperately wants to block ShB they're releasing Classic, Patch 8.2 and Hearthstone expansion around the same time.

So Tanking is easy but really boring, until late game, I thought that webm of that guy spamming 1 skill was a joke.

There's something really sublime about punching things fast.

Thank for this user, this is a lot of useful information.
I'm guessing the picture is true to reality as well,

No, tanking is fun. It's just PLD takes longer than WAR to get fun because it's the designed to be the brainlet 3 button tank.

>There's something really sublime about punching things fast.
The central mechanic of Monk in this game is building and then maintaining a buff that increases your attack speed. Later on you get a buff that temporarily lowers that speed just so you have time to fit in rapid uppercuts between your attacks. It's pretty damn fun.

Ah shame

>gameplay is so slow it makes me feel sleepy
>hundreds of fetch quests
Im sorry this shit just sucks. Is it all boomers playing this?

>I thought that webm of that guy spamming 1 skill was a joke.
It is a "joke", this game use a combo system, so spamming the same move over again and again is completely useless.
That guy is just retarded.

>I'm guessing the picture is true to reality as well


The only thing I'm looking forward to in ShB is the _______OST_____

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>Everyone answers this question

Holy shit do you people even read other replies before you post? At least fucking make an effort to hide how much of an absolute NPC you subhumans are

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I'm looking at AST or WHM since those are my mains right now. I just hate my AST glamour. I think AST artifact gear is awful and a lot of the generic healer gear doesn't really suit it imo. Not to mention I generally dislike a lot of new mage gear since they keep using that damn butt cap still. They're just trying to fit square pegs into circle holes. May as well just use the gear from ARR since those were purpose built with that butt cape skeleton.


>New expansion and DRK seems to be in the highlight
>Wonder why people want to experience it as the main class
Who's the NPC again?

Still you, pic related

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Her vagina bone looks off.

I never really felt like FCs worked for me
I'd join and then never say anything, wasn't compelled to talk to these people, then end up leaving after 2-3 weeks
maybe I'm just anti-social

>I just don't like to commit three nights a week to six+ hours in a game.
I imagine this is the minimum for most groups, but if your group is competent and consistent, you'll end up clearing the whole raid tier between 4-6 months. After which you just take a break from raiding and quit the static. I know that's my plan. I'm enjoying things but I also will need to make room in my schedule for other stuff so I won't be able to raid so often. Then maybe I'll try again in a year when I wanna come back and stick around for another 6 months. Who says Yoshida's formula is bad. Shit, I can plan 2 years ahead with it.

>Log in
>press buttons
>log out

Attached: 1522526845782.gif (360x360, 2.51M)

Because doing ballbustingly hard shit with 7 other retarded chucklefucks for nothing more than epeen sucks ass

>havent even cleared m/f as bard yet
>barely blue on omega
>friends want to drag me into ucob
im gonna strongly regret this they're all really high parsing players too

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Is rape ok?

>Ifrit is pure dps and dots
>Garuda is delayed damage
>Titan lets you tank a bit

Sounds fun.


Consistency > dps.

>ballbustingly hard

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I'll give it a try then

Raiding is the only part of the game that's actually fun

I mean shit, how much can I slack even? Panto 2 scared the shit out of me when I was pugging that shit and I was too chicken to do the missle baits. Really do want to get better though, but it feels like I skipped two steps before even feeling worthy to step in UCOB of all things. Ain't even starting on ultima weapon either.

Attached: 1550988704977.png (1280x720, 746K)

You're probably going to shit yourself as soon as Nael comes down.

Just look at the ucob bard clear videos and think for yourself if you're able to do it.
Panto 2 is easy compared to some shit in the ucob.

I'm kinda wondering if I should commission the guy who did the portrait for the Nest videos...

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tbqh I see a lot of damn sprout these days. of course, they're rarer and rarer the higher up level the content is, but still, I'm surprised.

How do I avoid getting bullied by my gf that I live with if I want to mod my game

Attached: 22vbtjL.jpg (740x600, 81K)

Get better mods because those ones are shit

"i wouldn't want to stare at a guys ass all day"
Works everytime, user

We both play, playing as a cute girl isn't the issue, lewdish modding is

Remove thot, acquire waifu.

You have shit taste in mods is the issue.

Most of them are pretty shit. There are some interesting outfits you can mod in, but the modders pick fairly weird base armors to mod over, so while you may look pretty good on your screen, everyone else sees you in a fucking clown suit. While modding is still pretty niche, enough people do it that anyone that sees you show up in their party wearing random low level gear glamours will assume you're playing some freaky mods with your tits out and a 12 inch dick hanging out of your skirt.

Unless that's what you were planning to do. More power to you then, I guess.

Suggest better high-cut one-piece swimsuits then

Oh, so you are one of those guys of The Cult of the Productivity... It sucks to be you.

>Not porting the mods to non clownsuits yourself or waiting for ports of non clownsuits
Yikes my dude.

Intergrate it into your sex life?

Rage of Halone has a combo potency of 270 and I keep comboing with it repeatedly, it's how you play!

>doing all the modders work for them

Yikes my dude. Might as well just cut out the middle man in that case.

>You can use the trainer to force your character to make the pose where her hands are tied behind her back

Attached: 1530975524851.png (720x720, 435K)

>all the work
It takes like a minute to port

Painted Foothills (Dravanian Forelands)
Corpse Hall (Odin)
A Light in the Storm (Pharos Sirius)
Rise (Alexander Prime)
Scars of Batlle (The Lost City of Amdapor)

>Female gender exclusive race AND another race with girls


I can't wait for Yea Forums players to hook up with cross world visiting next month

You know what I wish some bored modder would do? Mod tail holes into all the armors. All the major ones, anyway. Some of the old 1.0 armors that got carried over have them, but none of the new ones do. "Too much work" seems to be the watchword at SE. But while after 6 years I've grown accustomed to the tail clipping, that doesn't mean I like it.

Sadly, I don't have the skills to do it myself, so it'll probably never get done.

I can't wait for Ishgard housing to open up so all the NPCs can race to transfer their houses there, allowing me to finally get that large plot in Mist I've been wanting to get for ages.