Imagine being a bigger bitch than your own son who's already a gargantuan crybaby.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nero is a faget

why is everyone in Dante's family so melodramatic all the time while Dante is always laid back and light-hearted? Did his sperm royal guard the bitch gene?

Imagine being retarded enough to ignore the other 8 DMC threads up right now to make yet another thread about your shit game

Dante, Vergil, and Nero are not bitches. Stop being a fucking moron.

Reminder that Nero spent a month, a whole month, SEETHING about being called dead weight. A WHOLE MONTH.

Honestly, if you want to dig into it, it would give vindication to Vergil's feelings. Dante grew up relaxed and felt empowered whereas Vergil was driven and powerless.

Dante lived his life with a sense that he never had to fear anything so Vergil's point of view is given validation.

Dante's crazy attitude is a front

Dante pretends to be cuh-rayzee but on the inside he is cuh-ryeeing

I'm stealing this

I want them to take that angle where someone pushes him to stop fronting and he actually says something from the heart.

Imagine being a toxic male like OP.


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Nothing to tutturu about

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Can someone post more Trish from 5?

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No way doods. Look closely, the pizza box is empty.

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How would that DLC go. V and Vergil co-op?
Would they give V an actual name then? What should it be? It can't be Gilver.

That already happened at the end of 3, though. That talk he had with Vergil was top corn, but it was from the heart.

>We are the sons of Sparda, and within each of us flows his blood, but more importantly, his SOUL! And now, my soul is saying that it wants to stop you!

Also, he had a plenty of sincere scenes in DMC1 but that was before they gave him the cuhrayzee attitude.

There is a reason he sleeps all the time. It's a sign of depression.

Is there any way to disable the DOF without it also disabling other effects/

Man, I remember when I was a NEET and used to sleep like 14 hours a day.

>Tomboy's chaining streak
Holy shit this is fucking good

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What does everyone expect of the DMC Netflix series?

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12:20 What do you guys think about how Itsuno was ready to leave Capcom unless they gave him DMC and DD?

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No weapon runs are fun as fuck

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>What do you guys think about how Itsuno was ready to leave Capcom unless they gave him DMC and DD?
Why was he going to leave? cant watch the video right now

>Dante: "FUCK YOU"

So what am I supposed to do now that I finished my playthrough? That was kind of underwhelming desu. I feel I didn't get enough time with any of the characters. Is there no sort of horde game mode?

They make Trish black and she'll somehow still remind Dante about his mother.

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If you use no weapons what do you fight with?
I assume this is for that dante no equipment trophy?

Go for SoS with live action cutscenes, it's fun

Royal Guard

Langdon didn't go into details, he just said that Itsuno was unhappy and had already turned in his resignation when Capcom asked him what he wanted to make him stay. He also didn't say what he asked for, but that DMC was at the top.


Don't blame him.
He's the last person remaining from the glory days. His surroundings probably sadden him.

The DMC5 novel has some hints that Dante feels disconnected from the people around him because of his mixed heritage. Could be something to explore.

No the casting will somehow be fine. But Vergil will be made gay, 100%. There is no way it wouldn't happen.

>DMC was at the top.

DMC is yearning to be adapted by an American comic book.

It makes me wonder where he was planning on going.

You really don't want that. Trust me.

Someone said his name is actually Gilver in the game files.

IS the DMC5 manga out yet?
Where can i read?

Literally already happened.
It was garbage.

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Only Chapter 0 is out.
Rather than a proper chapter, it's more of a "what's to come" kind of deal. Publication proper starts next month

>fujos win in the end
Not cuhrayzee bros

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Anyone got that link to the novel summaries?

How to bully fury with Dante?
t. shitter who can't royal guard

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God bless this man

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Everything in this game has remarkably nice titties, even Malphas.

Cerberus all day every day

So why did Urizen have the moves of all the other boss characters?

I just finished the game about 10 minutes ago. I need to let it settle for a bit, but god what a fucking ride. Feels good man. Kinda wish SoS had been selectable from the beginning though. Breezed through most of it aside from M19 Vergil.

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Royal Guard is good practice

Or do what I do and just use the Balrog Dive Kick and repeatedly double jump and use it as much and as fast as possible, eventually youll connect and win the trade.

Honestly as someone with depression, Dante remind me of myself. He just seems so tired and done with everything. I mean, look at the way he ghosted Patty because he didn't want to be around people.



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>signed his resignation
jesus I didnt think it was that close to dmc5 never happening

That was like the entire ending of 3

What's with her skin?

It's the angsty demon blood. That's why V the only human half isn't an angsty drama queen.

Urizen was all "m-muh power wahh I have to fight Dante wahh" and V was like "just fucking chill faget, I know"

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Some cool demon investigations. The library is going to be a major part of it. Lots of action. Hopefully.

>tears inside me
>calm me down

It's more toxic to let anger and insecurity control you so much

Just realized I don't have Scenes 7 and 8 in mission 18. What are they and how do I unlock them?

I also don't have the last two scenes in the ending. Is it tied to the style rank or a certain dificullty?

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You must be a huge Nico fan.

If Urizen didn't eat the fruit, would Vergil be dead/dying when he remerged?

As a matter of fact her theme is amazing

>I feel I didn't get enough time with any of the characters
replay on the harder difficulties. Game was designed for multiple playthroughs as you unlock more moves and get better and better at the game.

Kill Griffon first in the Griffon+Shadow fight. It's the scene with Griffon and Shadow fleeing alone instead of together

>There is a reason he sleeps all the time. It's a sign of depression.
What's he even depressed about? Dude's one of the strongest beings in the world. Could just go around and do anything he wants.

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Most likely.

Yes. I wanted Urizen 3 and Vergil to be crazy hard though. They felt fair but sorta disappointing.

why did Nero seethe so hard over being called deadweight, i mean from the prolouge untill mission 20 he still keeps bringing it up

lads how do i get better style points for dante? i keep getting high 3k and 4k with V and Nero, but I get like 3.2k with danto what do i do

Ice age(i think its called that atleast) back+forward with cerberus
Cloaks you in spinning ice 360 degrees
Can also do the capoeria sword master spin with balrog greavea but ive gotten hit while doing that a few times

Bloody Palace
apr 1

Dude has no other family and just wants to be with Vergil. Vergil is literally the only thing that makes Dante happy.

He tried to cover it up with his whole "THIS IS WHAT I LIVE FOR" line.

He's still hiding his sensitive side.

Am I the only one that thinks this manga can be really stupid and inconsistent most of the time? I mean who leaves his waifu just to go back to his mom that tried to choke him?

kek, found that hilarious desu

Served him right too, he's shit

In the novel it went a bit more in depth in that Nero respected Dante a lot as a mentor and father figure, so being the blockhead he is the dead weight comment works him hard

He's vergils kid, he inherited his butthurt.

Trickster + Balrog blow mode for ignition, kick mode to keep him in place

Because of the events of 4. He failed multiple times to save Kyrie and Credo died. The game did not do a good job of explaining it though.

>not Goddo buresu
You had one job

Lady will be uglier
Trish is black and in lesians with Lucia
Dante is incompetent without Trish or Lady
Vergil is gay

oh yea thats right, it triggers his PTSD of not being able to save Credo

This, thought it was pretty weird that so much shit was reused between the bosses with no real explanation.

The second play through is even better of course

Use only the weapons you're going to use. Spam most of their multihit moves. Keep changing. You can also use Royal Guard. It gives alot of style.

Fruit urizen most likely was, at some moment during the development, actually Balrog.
Check balrog concept art in the game.
Similar bonelike spikes, azure color, multiple demon eyes over the body, kickboxing punch kick motif.
I would also assume dante would get balrog as his first additional weapon, so Balrog was meant to be an early game boss.
Then they reporpused the simple balrog fight into the big bad, gave him moves from other bosses and rolled with it.

>"this moment is kakkoii, right?"
Itsuno is kawaii and redorbed


Are you asking for an in-universe reason or a gameplay reason?
For gameplay, it's an easy way to tie together the lessons you've learned throughout the game and let the player feel like they gitted gud when they're able to easily respond to the old moves, even if they don't consciously recognize the reprise.
For an in-universe reason?
and if cut content is the reason, that's just one more easy cop out

Definitely a weird part. He does have the disappointing and a bit slow Beowulf type moves. I was really expecting some crazy doppelganger bullshit with him or a huge summon like Mundus summoning a lava dragon.

I love how hungry girls are for V/Vergil now.

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Vampire manga had more potential. Don't really care about adventures of mommy's little boy.

You mean like Jojo's Bizarre Adventures?

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>that hitstun on Real Impact

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Reminder that Dante stole Beo from his older bro.

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Best track in the fucking game.

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Because he desperately needs to be the hero and Dante called him useless. He knows that being powerless puts the people he loves in danger.

They needed to spend more time on that ending. They either needed to bring Vergil in earlier or add 3 or 4 more missions. The game in the end didn't do a good job conveying how being V changed Vergil. In 3 missions they were already friends. Even if there were more scenes showing V and Nero forming a friendship. Or even a scene of him eventually confessing to Dante that he's Vergil. These are just a couple scenes that could've brought more impact to the ending.

This is weird.

You have to make griffon or shadow run away while the other is incapacitated

He threw it away.

Hello my name is Patty!

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He left it in the safe place so he could return to it and take it back.

My question is why did they spend half the budget on Mission 2

and then sold it.

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I'd probably still be playing DMC5 if I didn't die that one time and get indignant about it.

Mission 2? Didn't really feel all the special.

Should I watch the anime?

he didn't write his name on them.

Wish i could do a V only run no summons. All i need is that cane to not bounce

Ive played and beatean all the dmc games on normal, never in anything higher what shoudl I expect if i go higer ?

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Vergil dropped it and didn't bother picking it up again later, so it stands to reason he didn't want it THAT bad

Gilver is an anagram for Virgil so in that context it would be bizarre. Also in the novel, Gilver was Virgil.

He dropped them.

It's canon, so that's more of a reason than before. It's not very good, it's slow and some of the fights aren't even animated. They're all on youtube so might as well if you've got time to kill.


a more challenging experience????

He fell in a crack and Dante took them before he returned. We don't know if went back for them.

Read what you just typed again, slowly.

Well, you go through a city, the hotel, and end in a large church area where you fight goliath. It's probably the most varied area in the game.

game devs often use throwaway names for coding purposes since that's not exactly what most of the players will be seeing

>Vergil dropped it and didn't bother picking it up again later

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Frustration and the distinct sensation of sweat starting to bead all over

No bonus for the boss fight. Use royal guard for style.

is Balrog the style announcer

more fun and actually getting to experience what makes the series so great

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For the brave among us who have attempted it, I have a question about Hell and Hell. Do V's familiars die in one hit too?

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People will just whine like they did with TLJ whenever a character does something "out of character"

Read the post he's referring to:

>bothered to get back there
>"fucking hell, finall--"
>it's not here, where I left it
>see it later on dante

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>Vergil has to write his name on things or Dante will take them

I love this lore. Dante bullied him all their lives.

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Why are you spelling Vergil wrong and Gilver right while explaining Gilver is an anagram for Vergil?

>more variety in enemy placement, tougher enemies earlier on and more frequently
>remixed enemy encounters period
>bosses have addition attacks, moves and are in general more difficult
>forced to become cuhrazy instead of just mashing (more applicable to the higher you go)
You're probably not going to invest the time needed to ever achieve that autism, but you might have fun if you enjoy challenge and want to see more of the game.

Because I fucked up

>Dante names his weapon DANTE so Vergil can never steal it

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All of Vergil's files in the exe are under the "Vergil" title as they should be, but there is a "Gilver" title for some reason and I can't figure out what it is

will we ever see him again?

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i legit dont like the color pallete of the later scenarios, i swear some enemies blend in the background so hard, im looking at you fat butcher knife guys

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>Dante has his own sword formed of his own willpower
>Vergil is still using his daddy's hand-me-down mail-order katana

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>anagram for Virgil

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>Implying Vergil needs anything else

you might have missed the last two scenes by not waiting for the credits to end.
I got them even though my only prior hack and slash experience was metal gear rising and played on human difficulty

>those remixes of the DMC1 boss themes in M18

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Worked into a shoot, brother.

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>The Angel that presided 'oer my birth
>Said, "Little creature, form'd of Joy and Mirth,
>"Go love without the help of any Thing on Earth

>Im lonely. Can ANYONE please show me some kindness and love?

Never happened. Stop seething, you colossal faggot. Vergil was godtier, as always. Dante is plebbit tier anyways.

Girls are hungry for V in general

>inb4 reee tumblr

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I wonder how this game would have gotten reviewed without gold orb/red orb revivals and Devil Hunter being the standard difficulty with nothing else below. I would have really liked reading these reviews.

Platinum, I would imagine. His hero Kamiya is there and he would get to work on other amazing action games. He just wouldn't have the series he's worked on and loved, unless Platinum managed to convince Capcom to partner with them.

isn't it saying
>you are alone but you are beautiful and pure
>be brave and be kind and loving in spite of this

I skipped all these threads the past two weeks cause I didn't want to get spoiled. Can you guys hit me with some of the ebin memes I missed? I like the Griffon ones I've seen.

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>V takes the form of Vergil's lost gay love


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Yep they do
I used super costume for his missions on hell and hell because I fucking hate playing him

my favorite

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Is it possible to turn to sprint boost off again after unlocking the skill? Don't like the extra speed but need it for 100%

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Angry Alejandro would throw a fucking fit

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>Stuck on Vergil for a good 45 minutes.
>Swapping between trickster and swordmaster just doesn't cut it; try royal guard.
>Block a few of his attacks, DT into what I can only assume is a perfect release, stinger into a million stabs.
>The last fourth of his health bar is gone in a blink of the eye.
I could never beat Vergil 3 as a retarded teenager 14 years ago so this is a nice feeling even if the game is significantly easier than its predecessor. Am I just letting the time between me and the third game fog my judgement about royal guard or was it more of a challenge to use in 3? Especially considering you were stuck with it in a mission until you found a statue.

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Press square/X in the shop. You can disable every skill

lol no

his pets died

The frames for a Royal Guard are the same as in 3 but it definitely feels easier cause imperfect blocks take DT instead of health in 5

V's model, Owen, is really cool. I follow him on IG and he posts screencaps of V on his story along with his modeling shit. What a guy.

>Dante and Vergil have an excruciating duel which is interrupted and they promptly get knocked around while tired like against Jester in DMC3
>This somehow means Nero is the strongest

>Dante and Vergil start doing nothing but fighting demons and sparring in hell and are even in score
>This somehow means Vergil is a jobber

He literally says "I just wanted to be loved and protected". Vergil is so fucking repressed it's not funny. He wants power and to assert his dominance because he's a god damn pansy. He let his brother bully him. He let himself get kicked around like shit until his only mind set was "power = survival" and became obsessed.

>Even Sin Scissors were actually mannequins

WHAT? That's crazy, I almost don't believe it. Mundus, what the fuck man?

Yes, but given that Vergil isnt a role model of kindness and love, i assume that the part that instests V is the "alone" part. Aka a cry for help

It's because he MADE those boss characters so of course he has those abilities

is this contrapoints

Vergil DLC will have V's cane, Vergil's Nelo Angelo sword, and Yamato merge to make Legendary Devil Sword Vergil.
>mfw psycho siren

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Royal Block/Release has the same timing, but failing it much more unpunishing since in 3 you lost health and get stunned on some moves while in 5 you just lost DT

I legitimately don't understand how someone can be that bad at the game. Even just going up and mashing against everything, you should still get like a B with how lenient the game is.

Dante & Vergil = boomers
Nero= dead weight


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Literally the Yamato is better. Can cut open portals.

>you can get D's in this game
lowest I've ever gotten is a B for the prologue mission where I didn't know what the fuck I was doing
why are gold orb shitters so bad

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If Yamato can cut open portals, can Rebellion cut them closed?

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Favorite tracks in the game besides Cavaliere theme. I think the Nightmare remix surpasses the original honestly.


Thats rather depressing when you come to think of it. The main characters of this series are all sort of fucked in the head, and vergil definitely is among the most screwed up

yeah maybe
but V is *supposed* to be his human (read: humane and compassionate) side

They did this during Dante's Urizen 3 fight. His talk of where power truely comes from and all.

No they close automatically like a wound healing.

he sounds like a hapa virgin, go to bed tenda

Actually probably yes.

It's not happening. The guy announced it before the deal was even made and Capcom got butthurt about it.

>that line near the end of the game where Lady says Nero can't kill Vergil because someone killing their father would fuck them up for life

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> If you wanted, you could say that V was actually a human Virgil cared about. A human that was too weak to defend himself and Virgil at the time of knowing him was too weak to defend him. When he thinks of a fragility of humanity he thinks of him.
Or her.

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Really? Sauce?

What difficulty was he playing on?

Can someone give me the rundown on all the significant forms of media involving dmc outside of the games? I know about the anime and the comic from so far

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Rebellion would fit Vergil much better. It literally fuse the user with whatever source of demon power nearby
Who the fuck needs to wait for the fruit every 1000 years when they can subdue demons into devil arms and use Rebellion to power up?

imagine Vergil and Dante camping in hell and Vergil being like
>which one?
>which what?
>which are you fucking of those 2 girls that follow you
>It isnt the one that looks like mom right?

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They better bring this up if Vergil gets a DLC story. With the knowledge that Devil Arms can also reform and that Balrog says the time spent as Dante's devil arm will make him stronger, I want to see an Evolved Beowulf come back. Vergil makes a joke about Dante taking these too and then Dante just says "Nah, I've got my own" But Vergil writes his name on the bottom of the greaves anyway.

Sauce? Please say it's so.

His unwashed ass


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When is the official soundtrack coming out? I'm tired of bad rips.

Doesn't he have one as Nelo?

Vergil and Dante were separated traumatically and before that moment Dante would steal his stuff and fight over dumb shit. They were twins so they had to share everything. Vergil was a dumb nerd that couldn't fight back to he would just cry to mom. That's the last memory of his brother. It's not a surprise it turned into hate after everything he was forced to endure. They were just being brothers but Vergil took it too seriously.

>i have no name
>for i am but two days old
>jk call me vee

What would Vergil (the weapon) be like?

I think the conversation they'll have over Nero mom and why it seems like Vergil is allergic to pussy now will be a lot more awkward. Dante will just say no and then talk shit about how obnoxious women are before falling into a depression nap.

Holy shit DMD is brutal. I didn't have this much trouble on SoS but it seems like enemies are even MORE aggressive than SoS. Fucking Riots on Mission 3 all up in my shit. Had to GLORB on Artemis. Now I'm playing as V and THE BEHEMOTH KEEPS SMASHING ME WITH HIS ASS AHHHHH.

Behemoth's tongue attack is also like one hit kill on V (though I haven't maxed my second health bar yet)

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>Daughter of Mundus
Hope they would use this concept in the future.

DMC Light Novel: Volume 1 is half canon, Volume 2 entirely non canon
DMC3 Manga: canon prequel to DMC3
DMC4 Novel: Retelling of DMC4 after Bingo left Capcom, contains a few new elements that some are canon, others are not.
DMC5 Novel: Prequel novel to 5 that goes into how Dante got Balrog, how Nero met Agnus, how V met Morrison etc. Goes a bit into the prologue towards the end and provides some insight on character's thoughts during.

>but was not jk
i'm always cautious whenever a franchise introduces new characters but everyone new in this one was so good

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Vergil killed millions of people on TWO SEPARATE OCCASIONS

All just to have a salty runback on Dante

Depressing and Dante would never use it. Also it would probably just be yamato 2.0

Two katanas since he has two blades in Sin DT

>fucking seething for over a month
pretty funny, he was probably waiting to call Dante "dead weight" right back and trying to find some way to work it in, the Vergil shit was just a bonus

>Dante fuses with Sparda and Vergil can't have it ever

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>tfw no damaging vergil

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Redgrave city had like 200k inhabitants, still a dick move tho.

to be fair it actually wasn't him in 5, it was his corrupted demonic form

It was Arkham's fault in 3
It was Urizen's fault in 5


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>Dante fused with Daddy's sword and now Vergil can NEVER have it and probably won't be able to make his own devil sword

Reuben talks about it somewhere in the interview, but I forgot the timemark. You're gonna have to dig it up.

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Slice of Life featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series as he and his family and friends do devil hunting in between

I want to see Vergil awkwardly asking Nero and Kyrie when he'll have grandchildren

not even Urizen thoe, the tree was going to appear yes or yes

A "european" katana

Vergil already stated that Sparda no longer served a purpose though

"I'm taking this back"

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tfw V's summons did a suicide by cop because they didnt want to haunt Vergil anymore and give him some peace.

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That's literally just the original DMC anime.

fox and the grapes


>"Well I want yours too"
>is probably what Dante always said when they were kids fighting over toys and shit

I hope crew cut comes back if they make a DLC.

>"I've taken notes"

will pay.

found it

Lightsaber katana.

I'd take vergil as a basket saber

It's Yamato but a naginata

Mission 18 is actually insane to s rank, what the fuck.

Nico and V in the hands of a western dev would have turned out unbelievably obnoxious.

What weapons would he get? Would nico build him some to text maybe? Or would he use some old devil arms?

The 20th according to Play Asia

You know whats worse? He impregnated a girl and LEFT.

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What would Nero (the weapon) be like?

A sword made of meat that's impossibly heavy.

oh boy

Rebellion's power is to unify, Yamato's is to divide. So probably not.

>allergic to pussy
It's canon, you fucking fag. He smashed meanwhile Dante is a old fucking virgin fag, just like you.

So heavy he can't even lift it.

I'd imagine some weird fusion of Nero and Lady
>Assault rifle with Kalina Ann's grapling hook
>Different attachments/mods instead of styles/devil breakers

Gauntlets that can strech and wings

So I don't really get Red Grave. In the illusion of Dante's house when he fights Urizen, it's like all farmland and really open. In-game, like 30+ years later I guess, it's a major city with the house in the middle or something. And it's kind of vague, but the notes section implies the whole Eva thing happened in the city center and hundreds died? So what the fuck is going on?

Sparda sucks

Vergil should steal Dante's more useful guns instead to taunt him.

Sword hidden in a cane

I didn't hear Vergil whine, bitch or moan once, and every scene he was in, he owned it.

so in the DMC world does the government regularly cover up demon attacks and shit or are people kinda used to demon attacks as if a rare hurricane or earthquake?

why did people sit near the demonic pulsating tree and not GTFO immediately?

In almost every DMC game its never clear rather or not average people is aware of the existence of demons besides the underground elite like Arkham.

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>Or even a scene of him eventually confessing to Dante that he's Vergil

Atleast think your fanfiction through. If V had told Dante the truth then you think he would have ever let him merge with Urizen? The story of 5 is great and all you haters can go fuck yourselves.

Some sort of heavily modified M16 variant with burst fire, a grenade launcher, and a bayonet with wire a la Lady. Devil trigger stand-in summons in a tactical strike from an infested chopper/tank.

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Thanks user

The latter. 4's events are covered up as earthquakes

>The guy that canonically performed coitus with a woman to climax, impregnating her, fathering a quarter demon
>Vergil will be made gay

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How the fuck does Cavaliere's Gear system work? I don't understand what I'm looking for and when as to when to press the next button in the combo.

>nero's own version of beowulf

fuck swords

>getting this triggered
Pretty sure Vergil even said in dmc3 that shit is a waste of time. It doesn't make sense he would make an exception and then not give a fucking shit about her at all.

Is that supposed to be that one girl from the oblongs?

Normal humans don't know about demons. Governments are implied to know, and keep it under wraps for the most part.

Well, that's not a hard confirm, but still hopefully it doesn't happen.

a big ol spiked mace for maximum unga

I’ve always wondered exactly how Devil Arms worked. Especially Agni and Rudra since they seem to be demons and Devil Arms at the same time.

V is Vergil

because netflix

Poor Vergil, you just know that at one point Dante is going to spill all the shit he has bottle up to him while they are in hell and shit is going to get really sad and awkard

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Skip all the optional enemies except the hell caina after griffon
Use royalguard on them till SSS then kill them
Try to kill nightmare at SSS
It took me 5 runs to S rank it until I figured best strat is to straight merc griffon and shadow with faust
When they all go to heal you can wreck them with a pre charged red orb meteor and then during normal fight the machine gun fire on faust eats them
Uses alot of orbs though I already have over 4 million extra

Unfortunately Lady already covers the "normal person who just kills demons with guns" niche

He's a +1 to Nero missions that offers ranged support and has some bants with Nero/serves as the peanut gallery in story cutscenes.

They will claim it was rape when he was 15 and didn't know any better. He was just looking for a mommy figure to love and protect him and was taken advantage of. Thus furthering his dislike of humanity.

During his boss-fights with he will start crying to Dante how the fuck he still manages to beat him if he starts to get hurt and rambles on about power and how he's supposed to be stronger and how it isn't fair.

Does anyone else feel that the last Vergil fight is really underwhelming? I know it is a homage to DMC3 Vergil, and if you compare his tools it's about the same. However in DMC5 Dante and Nero gained so many new toys, DSD, Sin DT, Breakers, that the fight is pretty free. It is only non free if you try to big dick youtuber royal guard him. In DMC3 you're locked to one style, so if you pick trickster you lack offensive capabilities. In DMC5 with style switcher it is not an issue anymore. Even his spiral swords can be countered easily because Dante has his own summoned swords with DSD. A couple of bullet points
- In DMC3 if you overcomit during his stagger state Vergil can parry you, leaving you at negative frame advantage where you have to block, or he can just do a guaranteed upper slash
- In DMC5 in his stagger state it is just a free combo and Vergil fly backwards like a cuck. He doesn't parry you at the end anymore.
- Helm splitter is literally DmC Vorgil helmsplitter, which is now a free royal guard nut on his face. In DMC3 helm splitter is not telegraphed, he just disappear and rain down pain on you, sometimes 5-7 times.
- His only new tool is Doppelganger and cinematic aircraft divebomb. Doppelganger again is a callback to DmC, and aircraft divebomb is a free royal release/buster.
- Judgement nut end is easy to avoid, it should have been a full screen nuke that you're forced to stagger him out of, not a regular body explosion that is easy to avoid. Even Goliath the first boss has the same mechanic.

It is pretty disappointing even in DMD. If you play carefully with trickster/gerbera Vergil cannot touch you. I just hope if Vergil DLC is real, he gained more tools otherwise he'll be just as shallow as V and overshadowed by Dante and Nero.

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This my first DMC game
So their relationship is basically just "nuh-uh I'm the stronger one"? And then Nero tries to settle it and they go "shut up boy"?

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best part of the prologue is V and Nero jumping out of the demon tree, and all the humans seeing Nightmare and shit. Then the humans start getting stabbed by the tree's roots, and Nero and V just casually walk away as the massacre happens.

That was cold af. They didn't even try to save them.

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that doesnt make much since though since almost every DMC ends with a city wide destroying demon fight?

>Sanctus and his giant living statue
>vergil shattering the veil/portal and merging the demon world with normal human world in which then showed now-tangible demons attacking random people
>even in the anime the last fight is like a entire city getting fucked up by dante vs a super demon

How the fuck do they do it? seems like shitty writing.

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The novel mentions people started worshiping it and stuff
It didnt actually start succing till nero and V got out of dodge from urizen

The government covers up significant demonic events like DMC3, which was easy enough to do since demons only ever left the tower for Dante and it crumbled within a night.
DMC1 takes place in an isolated area so it doesn't need to be covered up.
Fortuna in DMC4 is so isolated that they were able to lie about things and cover it up DMC4's events as an earthquake. According to the DMC5 novel though, Nero actually told a reporter everything that happened when the rest of Fortuna's citizens wouldn't even speak about it.
DMC5 is the first event the government can't actively cover up since it's so wide spread and took place over such a long period of time.

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No, 3 is the only other game Vergil appears as an independent will in, and he's just trying to do his own thing while also fighting Dante.

If we actually get that Lady and Trish dlc I hope they improve Lady’s gameplay to actually be like what we see her do in 3.

You're underestimating the sheer stupidity of the human people.
Even irl we have flat earthers and people who are convinced that every big occurrence is some kind of jewish falseflag meant to control our brains

Low Gear is just as an attack connects, this is the worst and just moves you to the next attack. High Gear is when you see the purple lightning start up. Does more damage and is faster, pretty nice. Top Gear is just before the attack finishes, you'll have the purple go to orange sparks.

>What's he even depressed about?

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What about demon helicopter in DMC2

Do you just gun them down with the regular fire?

>that art
Holy shit I want to see the trio in a fighting game now.

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I just assume the DMC universe is the Resident Evil universe, and most huge demon events get blamed on BOWs.

I'm surprised this loop still isn't that well known, it's been around for, like, 4-5 days. You can RI after the second volcano.

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>implying they wouldn't both end up spilling their guts at each other.

They both have baggage.

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Helm Breaker in DMC3 was also a free Royal Release/Guard/Buster. I also never had an issue knowing when he was gonna use it. Vergil in DMC3 didn't have air combos so it was pretty obvious what he was in the air for. DMC5 Vergil on the other hand has his DMC4 air combos so that's why they have to telegraph Helm Breaker more clearly.

Demons are apparently common enough that Lady has a really successful demon hunting business that regularly makes a profit

And 5 shows that Nero is apparently making enough from his Devil May Cry franchise that he can pay for his and Kyrie's living expenses and pay Nico while also maintaining a orphanage

It's a lot simpler then it the instructions make it seem. Basically on any attack where the enemy gets hit with a grinding multihit, you can press the attack (or swordmaster style) button for another grinding attack. The basic Y, Y, Y, combo uses it for the second hit


doesn't matter
didn't it also take place on an isolated island though.

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shotguns lmao

DSD roundtrip+ faust shooting
Exposes their core in like 5 seconds max

vergil and dante were both in Marvel vs Capcom.
they were pretty meta too especially when people discovered X-Factor3 + Vergil devil trigger 3 was.

nigger was on every fucking team. Hell dude. Im pretty sure thats where 99% of " IM MOTIVATED" quotes come from.

you can't refute this DMC2 is officially canon

>Dante likes to eat nothing but pizza and ice cream because it's stereotypical always been "depression food"
>he'd be a lazy fat fuck if he wasn't a half demon

Didn't happen

I'll try it, was it on DMD?

>DSD roundtrip
You can do this?

It's more like
>V: I need more power, so I gotta do some stupid shit
>D: I better go stop my brother doing stupid shit.

Yes. Keep hope alive!

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>Vergil has been doing nothing but gaining power and ate the Fruit containing millions of people
How the fuck did Nero even touch him? Vergil even had Devil form 2 and still lost.

Hold SM down

just hold circle in swordmaster, it shoots out multiple round trips

Really? I need to follow him.

>Helm Breaker in DMC3 was also a free Buster
I didn't know baby Nero was playable in DMC3. And no in DMC3 it is absolutely not free because you don't know whether he'll teleport behind you and do ground combo (which you have to roll away or different RG timing) or landed on you with helm breaker. Again, I just wish that the fight was slightly more remixed, because with triple sky stars and gerbera his judgement cuts are not threathening at all

Tried it, that loop is not 100% guaranteed on higher difficulties

Vergil just went toe to toe with Dante.
Same logic behind Arkham murking Dante and Vergil in 3

DMC2 is canon in the loosest way possible where things from it are only canon if it's convenient
they rearranged the order of the games specifically so they wouldn't have to address how 5 transitions into DMC2
It had less than 30 seconds in the big history of DMC video.


This shit always seems so out of character, like the writer's trying their hardest to make Dante some pitiable character when he's strong and noble despite being a total goof. A character can struggle and not be a bitch about it, and even under constant duress, there's no real reason to immediately jump straight to full blown depression.

>clearly enjoys slaying demons
>friends with Lady, Trish, Morrison, and Patty
>probably can't even get fucking drunk
>doesn't actually need money when he's shown living his rundown agency before taking a nap for a whole month
>humans don't even know he's a demon

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Yes DMD ive S ranked over half of it so far
Hold down sword master button till you get 4 spinning spectral swords behind you
You can do it while moving even because it doesnt have an animation for dante since theyre spectral
They fuck vergil in the ass to

Dante fucked him up and in the cutscene they seemed equally matched with Dante taking a nap as soon as Nero jumped in to finish the fight. If Vergil was equally tired then it's surprising he was still able to put up a half-decent fight.

how are you supposed to actually get style meter against those teleporting captains and furies in mission 10 SoS? They teleport away as soon as I hit them like once

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I want to have all the other taunts.

I made this music edit because

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Doesn't have to be gay user. His first and only best friend since his mother died because he lacked the power to protect him. Now the idea of human "weakness" terrifies him. That is now his nightmare.

Fortuna was isolated and governments around the area claim it was just an earthquake, which the locals, hating outsiders, will tell people visiting was the case.

DMC3, the tower was only around for a single night and anyone that was in that area was killed.

DMC1 and 2 were also isolated. 5 is really the first time game wise that the incident wasn't taken care of quickly and wasn't in an isolated area that could be easily written off. Before this, Sparda was always thought of as a myth, which is funny because apparently his name comes up in multiple unrelated historical texts. Sparda got around and met pretty much ALL peoples of the planet. Despite this, he became just mere legend and the idea of demons superstitious. Even Nico's mom thought so and she was married to Agnus, FUCKING AGNUS. The company they both worked for was Uroborous and Agnus' department was in charge of the research to create artificial demons, which is why he was able to make the Bianco and Alto angelo in the first place.


Oh I've done that, I just that you could actually throw it like Sparda and Rebellion.

>transitions into
transitions from, oops.
The anime definitely shows that side of him

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>Doesn't have to be gay

Doesn't have to be straight, either.

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>How the fuck did Nero even touch him?

- Hi babe, I need waifu power now
- Sure honey, just be urself
- ???
- Magically grow arm
- Magically turns into Gohan Calvo Ultra Instinct

>That Geryon fight
Christ. Even on SoS it seems to last forever.


fujos i fucking swear

Can the hair from Nero's DT model be ported onto non DT Nero?
Or is it strictly tied to the DT head/horns?

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>boss that slows time
>seems to last forever
is this what they kill ludokino?

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it wasnt millions a million people cant live in a single city.

also my headcannon was that it was blood made from HUMANS which are WEAK ya dummy. the reason Mundus got godlike power was because he ate a fruit born from countless DEMONS blood who are considerably stronger.

Its like having the collective power of 100 ants vs 100 gorilla's.
all Vergil got was a bunch of hepatitis,STD and other foul diseases probably from eating all that humans blood....eww.

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here's your american dmc comic, bro

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Is that Phantom?

Well I mean he healed up from getting stabbed by like 5 angelos in 4
Devil blood regen is a hell of a thing

Being a fujo is one thing, another is getting upset every time they post. Check yourself.

im sure its possible, but for now just use

>a million people cant live in a single city

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>Itsuno I fucking swear

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According to History of DMC, he literally died when he got shanked by all them Angelos and the Yamato brought him back to life

Why is Nico black in that pic?

>a million people cant live in a single city.

>Even his spiral swords can be countered easily because Dante has his own summoned swords with DSD

Don't even need that, almost all of Dante's guns break summoned swords easily in any variation he does. Jumping while Balrog is equipped will break them as well. Vergil was pretty much non threatening this game and the only issue I had was trying to S rank the fight because trying to combo him just doesn't work since he forces a reset, but he's too slow to re engage before my style decays. I think having ranks be a static number was a mistake. They should have had it based on mission. Vergil 3 in normal was only like 3k, wasn't he?

No. It's what they call a slog. It's a more fun fight on SoS simply because things are more dynamic, though. It's actually not too hard when you realize using lock-on and Nightmare aren't the best strategies. You'll better off just running around and using your DT meter to power up Shadow and Griffon. I don't know how much worse it is on DMD (if at all), but it's a pain in the ass.

That video is on DMD, the loop is guaranteed unless you mess up the spacing or get pushed away by another enemy. The area near walls in some levels have slightly higher elevation that can mess it up, but that's rarely an issue and you can adjust for it if you expect him to drop out.

>we went from X-Factor level 3 wesker to X-Factor level 3 Dark Phoenix to X-Factor level 3 Vergil and infinite loops.

what a absolute mess of a game that was. still fun though. Didnt even bother with infinite though considering how bad the roster was and the gem system.

Devil May Cry is officially an odd jobs company that does mercenary work/supernatural detective stuff/demon hunting with a password, so Nero is probably mostly just being a mobile handyman officially most of the time. Lady is Lady, whose both part of DMC and solo.

fucking TUCSON has a million people in it, user

Nyc has 8million people
La has 4million
Houstan has 2 million

Where is V's other hand in this. I've never seen it from the other side. Is he actually hugging him?

Spoilers below:
He didn't truly want to kill him, only test his strength. The time he spent with him as V is still at the forefront of his mind.

>autistic vergil /ss/

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>also my headcannon was that it was blood made from HUMANS which are WEAK ya dummy.
Demons in DMC get their power from human blood dignus, that's why the tree is such a big deal since it collects and condenses it into an even more powerful state.

It is guaranteed for some reason in the Void, but not in real time mission.

it's okay, Vergil was specifically made to be a little bottom bitch and that's why he's always the one getting fucked in the dmc porn

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>you'll never call Nero out to your house to do plumbing work

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No, Vergil is great!

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s..shut up!

holy shit. It never occurred to me how overpopulated this chunk of rock is getting

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Yeah we're overdue for a population reduction soon.

Just so you know, you can definitely tell when Vergil is teleporting for a Helm Breaker or not in 3. A Helm Breaker has the trick trails going vertically. Anything else has trick trails going horizontally. Helm Breaker is super easy to react to(and my reactions aren't even that great), and it's pretty much a free royal guard unless he has summoned swords up.

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So before he got his demon arm ripped off, how did Nero explain that he's a plumber/gardener/mechanic to the client when he has a glowing, pulsating, clawed right hand

How the actual fuck do you S rank mission 18 on SoS?

I cant seem to even break 5k even while getting S on Shadow and Griffon

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>Demons get power from human blood just like how humans get power from demon blood
>Sparda was the most powerful demon of all time
Really makes you think.

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Power armor = Vanquish gameplay

Its mostly china and africa thats population is exploding to retarded levels
Big cities are degenerate though and not how people are meant to live

Can anyone explain the revive system?
Doing mission 5 on DMD and keep dying to Geryon, and I use red orbs to revive (since I think gold orbs and checkpoints give you a 0.9x multiplier?) And despite S ranking battles I still end up with an A. I feel like I misunderstand the revive system and shouldn't use red orbs. Should I just restart the missions?

Dante was already tired from fighting Urizen. He is much stronger then Vergil

It's a skin condition. Alternatively, a glove and putting down his sleeves.

That's probably actually canon, gay or not. And when he tells Dante this shit he's just going to sit their making the most judgemental face.
>"So she didn't try to kill you or betray you... you just didn't enjoy the sex?"
>*Dante.exe has stopped working*

I'm imaging him with a drain snake arm and all other sorts of handy household arsenals.

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According to her files in DMC5, the reason why Lady is so successful compared to Nero and especially Dante is pretty much all she ever does is hunt demons. She's obsessed with it, and doesn't have any hobbies outside of a heavy drinking habit according to one of Morison's memos.
Coupled with her dialogue from the end of chapter 18 killing Arkham pretty much fucked up her psyche forever

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I've never seen this mentioned before.

how the fuck are they surviving over there in hell completely deprived of humans then? why does every demon non stop bag on humans for being weak and worthless like Urizen and Cerberus?

Reviving is a crutch for plebs that you shouldnt be relying on

using a checkpoint once is just 1.0 your style points
it remembers your health and DT so it's not like the DMC3 checkpoints

You don't get 1.2x multiplier if you continues, but don't get 0.9x gold orb penalty.

You're not only judged on the geryon fight, V's first room in mission 5 has a pretty high style requirement also. Make sure you get >5000 points on every room to guarantee S rank.

Clearing mission with no damage (which is really doable as V if you play conservative) gives you x2 multiplier bonus and pretty much guarantee S rank even if you B rank every single encounter

remove asia from the map

It's mentioned explicit by Trish sometime in DMC5
>how the fuck are they surviving over there in hell completely deprived of humans then?
they get power from it, not their existence.
>why does every demon non stop bag on humans for being weak and worthless like Urizen and Cerberus?
Just because human blood strengthens them doesn't mean that human blood automatically makes humans strong. They're still weak as shit.

>Dante comes out of it and decides that he needs to show his brother a good time.
>Sets him up with a call girl

Needless to say, it doesnt go well.

Oh shit I'm sorry

I think I prefer vital stars to the red orb system. For any given fight the red orb system might be more punishing because of how their costs increase with each use in a fight, but I liked being able to find vital stars and I like how you had to use them *before* dying. And having a set number of vital stars that carried with you from mission to mission put in a little more long-term thinking.

Demons still have a lot of power on their own, while humans are weak and powerless. Most demons are too stupid to use magic or anything though, so it mostly manifests as physicality.

>Yamato brought him back to life
Is there hope for Nero's nigger to come back?
How about granddaddy?

>Dante was already tired from fighting Urizen. He is much stronger then Vergil
He got BTFO pretty easily when Vergil revived in the beginning of mission 18, told him to get stronk and heal up. I'm pretty sure in between missions, in Nico van's the guys just gobble up some green and purple orbs.

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Is there a Nero mod with Dante hair or Dante without facial hair, yet?

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>TFW you realize Itsuno has probably seen the uncensored picture where V has Nero's dick on his lips and is covered in Nero's cum since he follows the artist.
why is itsuno so fucking BASED?

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Im indifferent since I never used items

>Nero mod with Dante hair
>Dante without facial hair
there is a version but it was placed on Vergil instead and he retains some shadow

A lot of people are stuck on this one it feels.

Reminder that Nero could whip DMC1 Dante's ass and dab on DMC3 Vergil and Dante at the same time without even trying and without using a DT due to power scaling.

>Sparda had a wife
>Nero gets a DT at the thought of knocking up Kyrie
>human babes give you strength
Holy shit I think I'm onto something you guys.

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>Reload checkpoint
>Any breakers I used/lost aren't reloaded
What's the point?

wait what the hell is this? are they making Nero figures?

Why was Vergil strong when he was just the combo of two basically dead dudes?

>Mission 10
>gives dick all style
>boss of that level lasts for less than a minute so you can't even rack it up there
at least you can cheese chapter 8's retarded style requirements just by fighting Urizen for as long as possible

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It's punishment for not just replaying the whole mission. I think it's shitty still though


You get 0.9x if you use double or triple continue IIRC though.

You want Dicaprio or Cobain?

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This makes sense. Otherwise why would Dante detoured, come back from the depth of Qlipoth after defeating King Cerberus to the van, to pick up Kalina Ann 2. He should've just chase after vergil directly.

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Dunno what to tell you then, it's how I deal with every Fury as Dante and I've never had an issue on DMD outside of my own input errors. Are you playing with an uncapped framerate? That could be a possible cause of inconsistencies, I'm playing on 60FPS locked.

His demon power was waning after getting cucked by Moondus. Eating the fruit gold orb'ed his demon side. His human side has always stayed at the same power level.

I don't either, and I've generally avoided the red orb revive system too, but I think the vital star idea was a more interesting one.

I doubt it. Dude cant be all that better after another boss fight and an hour

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Is that today? Impressive if so.

What does Vergil think about his son being raised by the joke of a brother he is determined to kill?

he's /ourfujo/

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You can cheese mission 10 requirements by farming rank with royalguard.

> not how people are meant to live

I mean its relatively nuanced.
give it a few thousand years of evolution and you'll a generation that thinks the exact opposite?

best thing about humans is that we are adaptable. Give or take a few generations and the caveman inside will get used to it then youll be thinking the exact opposite.

> a small remote community? you're insane! humans aren't meant to live like that!"

also you reminded me of that song by Switchfoot that I used to listen to when I was teen.

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All Dante did in the van was have a strawberry sundae. That was all he needed to beat Vergil.

Why doesn't Dante split into human and demon when he's stabbed by Yamato?
It can't be a location thing since the Rebellion woke Dantes devil trigger in 3 on the tower.

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The boss in mission 10 doesn't count as far as I know. Only 3 out of 7 mandatory rooms count. The 3rd room where you get the spinning lizard intro, the 5th room with fire hellbat intro, and the last room with angelo army. I got an S rank by playing it safe in the non-mandatory room and just nuke it with SDT to get the no damage bonus, and just play the urizen mission like gears of war, shooting him from afar with Kalina ann

Yea but he demon side got ass blasted to hell by Dante. The fruit apparently did nothing. None of it makes any sense, Urizen was stronger a first then Dante got sin dt, then urizen powered up but was still weaker anyways. Then somehow dead demon + dead human made someone we should be afraid of? The shit is stupid. We already rekt vergils ass in 2 different games and then they try to hype him up as a threat again. I just kinda laughed

>I've never had an issue on DMD outside of my own input errors. Are you playing with an uncapped framerate? That could be a possible cause of inconsistencies, I'm playing on 60FPS locked.
Yes I'm playing uncapped. This is pretty interestingd development, will try it now


The user's intent user

pasta breaker? more like clog breaker

>went from chad to the guy that gets pushed into lockers
That's a weird version of JUST

Jesus fuck Does V's DT not heal him anymore in DMD or have I just never noticed before?

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FUCK. but i need it

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He’s going to work hard fixing him but he’ll have no problem once the grandchildren start to come

it never healed him

Vergil chanted some words and shit when he did the split. The bigger mystery is why Vergil's voice isn't distorted as he's doing the split.

It never heals him.

This would look perfect if only it wasn't so fucky with the hairline

It never healed him, but it does make enemies drop green and white orbs.

There's some Koto stautes and Sentinel 1/12th's coming out also.

I'm more shocked that people thought it didn't mess her up. She started evil laughing right after doing it that the first time I played, I thought she was going to end up completely cracking. Girl was never going to be able to go back to a normal life, even if she was able to kill every single demon.

When THE FUCK is the full OST coming out?

never healed him directly, you're shit out of luck on boss fights. But for regular enemies, if Nightmare kills them you're more likely to get green orb drops for healing.

V kinda looks like some poor dude from a reserve.
like a emo Caucasian John Redcorn that has to walk to the corner store to get his dad some cigs.

tell me more

I guess I just never noticed on the earlier difficulties but fuck does it make an impact on DMD, I got absolutely shit on by Nidhog cuz I went in with virtually no health and ended needing to restart the mission.

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>urizen powered up but was still weaker anyways
He surrendered his humanity, it's that simple. Didn't you watch the shakesperean agnus cutscene? They even discuss this in the bossfight. Also Vergil technically "won" mission 19, since his death animation is just him teleporting away and then slash you

At least he can read his Skyrim novel in peace

how much are those?

DMD is so delicious in this game.

4 days until full OST album comes out. give it a week and well have a torrent of it. speaking of music, flac or wav?

Nidhogg gives me trouble in general. On DH he's no problem, but on SoS I died a couple times. Geryon is less difficult for me.

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Left looks like a fucking loser.
Right doesn't look too awful, but it's still bad.

But yeah, the hairline difference is weird. Is dante's hairline receding? Or does Nero just have a caveman's hairline?



>all this for some shitty fruit?

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>DMC4 Dante v. Dagon
>"Insult me one more time, and I'll make you suffer more than you thought possible!"
>"HA. I'd actually like to see you try that."
Damn bros...

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I see, thanks lads, seems like the go to way for V missions at the least in DMD and Hell and Hell will be fuck style rank just don't get hit for that 2.0x bonus

>proto v
i'm having "savior kyrie" flashbacks now
we will never know what was v's story before "vergizen"

>Vergil chanted some words and shit when he did the split.
That was just another Blake poem.

There are more to come

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I don't like this image because Dante would probably take that money to buy his pizza even if he has to suck your dick.

I don't know about Koto's since I don't buy statues, but Sentinel's is going to be around $100.

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>artemis screams and you die in one hit
>if you revive even once say goodbye to S rank
hell and hell is really really frustrating

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Maybe it was never distorted and it only sounded like it was during Nero's flashback because Nero couldn't properly remember it from the shock of the whole thing and falling unconscious.

Every single time Dante talks in DMC5 its a heavy, exhausted sigh.

He just sounds so tired. .

>seems like the go to way for V missions at the least in DMD and Hell and Hell will be fuck style rank just don't get hit for that 2.0x bonus
You also get some bonus on regular encounter if you finish it with no damage. Getting no damage on the bosses are pretty tough but doable. Just aim for not getting hit and even if you do get hit, you'll likely still get that s rank

wait until Mission 4. Your familiars die in one hit.

Nigga just got done with a big sleep and the first thing he as to do is kick his brother's ass again.

Those are the break off points for the sections. First and last fights of sections are what you need to worry about. First fights set the baseline for your style that all other fights in that section will average into. So a higher first fight, means easier time maintaining a high average. Last fights of a section are typically much harder and have a higher number of enemies or have an enemy that gives lots of style points, which is why mission 10 is so frustrating. On DH, the Chaos intro only gives you 2 of them and barely any time for you to get to SSS before killing either. Worse is that the first fight is just against some trash Empusa, so you'll start with a base of about 2800 and end the section maybe at 3100 if you are lucky. Even with my farming with Guards, I had a first section of 3800 and bumpped up to 4200 just barely and that was pretty much the same across all the sections.

it's just Reuben trying to sound older than DMC3 Dante. He's been doing it in the anime and DMC4.

Follow these instructions to fuck up the teleporting fire tentacle skeleton priest captain:

>Equip Cerberus
>Air Trick toward the teleporting fuck
>When you appear in front of him, do ONE normal AIR ATTACK while holding down the attack button to charge electricity
>The single hit will stun it
>When you land, release the button while pressing lock on and holding forward still, to do the electric revolver
>This move will knock it down and stun it for a long time, allowing you to combo the fuck out of it and kill with with real impact or something

That's how I've been doing it. The problem is dealing with the mooks so they won't fuck up your style before you kill the damn thing. As for the Fury fucks, you can just passively normal guard with RG and do the auto-counter, or block normally and go for a royal release if you're good. Those fucks only get stunned sometimes and even then, you can't combo them for too long since they will teleport away automatically after some hits and start their edgy teleport walk loops all over again. Hope the tips help, user.

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now who's going to turn this idea into a doujin?

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>Also Vergil technically "won" mission 19, since his death animation is just him teleporting away and then slash you
Yea for some reason he is strong now with a DT = to Sin DT. Whatever, DMC story telling has really gone to shit in the last 2 games anyways.

>tfw no DMC/Hellboy crossover

>daddy's sword wakes you up
>"wakey wakey son, it's time to kick your brother's ass again"
>your exercise routine gets interrupted by a flying chicken
>no ice cream in sight

I wish they made all of this more clear. Some missions feel brutal to s rank. 12 is difficult on DMD and you also have to live through Urizen if you do manage.

>that punk kid now has an exploding robot arm and won't stop whining about Dead Weight you off-handedly mentioned so he wouldn't kill your dumbass brother

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my problem with hell and hell is that it provides no reward for style, and only cares about survival. 2.2x bonus means you could average a C rank and get an S mission rank, so you have to play the game like a retard.

And V's familiars die in one hit, so eventually you'll just want to kill yourself. Wait until the double Fury room on Mission 12. IT'S NOT WORTH THE ACHIEVEMENT, JUST PRACTICE ON DMD AND WAIT FOR BLOODY PALACE

damn, thanks for the tips friend. it kinda reminds me of how I always dealt with alto angelos in 4, get behind, prop shredder then real impact to kill

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When Dante and Vergil fight they go all out and are completely exhausted by the end of it. A old bald man dressed in a clown suit can 1v2 Dante and Vergil easily if they're tired

Use Cavaliere’s helm breaker move. It flattened them and they don’t teleport, make sure to not knock them back after that

So Sparda?

The mission isnt hard at all but getting any kind of style is a nightmare, no pun intended.

They die so fucking fast.

it's rough on any difficulty even if they don't die fast

>A old bald man dressed in a clown suit can 1v2 Dante and Vergil easily if they're tired
Damn it 47

>Those coats

it was pretty obviously cuz that was the demo level. def one of the best missions. was disappointed that goliath was the only boss with crazy set pieces going on during the fight, except for gilgamesh who just one giant set piece

best way to deal with Sin Scissors safely? They are fucking me over on Hell and Hell mission 3 where you fight 2 at once

I like that summons die in one hit, it gives you practice to also dodge out with your summons which proves to be really beneficial in playing DMD.

Riding on nightmare's back makes you invincible, so the HnH strats for V is abuse him as much as you can. When there's only one enemy left, you can toy with him by BTFO him with Shadow and Griffon, let him revive, farm DT, and BTFO him again. Pretty annoying cheese tactic for sure, but it let me through the V sections

Overture seems to be pretty good at breaking their scissors, at least on DMD.

Helter Skelter or critical hit

I hate them so much I tested this shit for hours.

Hopefully you can perfect that tactic in some way, maybe do it with other weapons or something. Of all the testing I did, that air hit+lightning revolver stun was the quickest way to get them down quick but it counts on not having the others hitting you in the dick, so yeah.

Even worse, bosses count as their own section. The end of mission rank you see is JUST for the boss. The reason you want high section rankings is because those determine your base line style going into the boss and it seems like it is only about letter grade for those.

So B is 500, A is 1k, while S is 1.5k. On DH, 3 S rank sections means a guaranteed S rank against the boss no matter what. It's why you can have nothing but Bs on sections, but absolutely destroy the boss and be fine.

I don't like the coats very much either, but I just want some fucking 1/12 DMC figures already fuck. What sucks is that they'll probably just do Dante and Nero and that's it. I want everyone.

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Fuck, mission 10 and 12 are brutal to get S rank on SoS mode. Its like they dont want you to ever be touched by the enemy.

This doesn't make sense much sense to me.

>Just because human blood strengthens them doesn't mean that human blood automatically makes humans strong. They're still weak as shit.
You assume humans are weak. Okay yeah their bodies lack the physical ability of a demon. But humans possess something that demons don't

He basically ripped himself in half like he was opening a portal. It has to be cast and the sword has to accept the user. Do you think every time Vergil swings the yamato portals to hell open up. Image if he was trying to just use the sword itself and it kept sending him through portals. Use your head.

What form of power is that?

>DMC1 Dante meets Hellboy
>Bayonetta tease

>Helter Skelter
How exactly are you supposed to use that? I've tried it before, doesn't seem to do anything special but it does seem to have quite a bit of recovery at the end and fucks me up. If you mean "use it to abuse the multiple hits to get a parry", I think Rawhide does a much better job. It's active forever, covers you up completely and the recovery isn't half bad.

The fruit is what gave Vergil his Sin DT.

Alright, DMD isn't as balls to the wall as I initially thought. That first Empusa Queen made me afraid of the difficulty but it ain't so bad. Bosses are actually challenging now. I just wish reloading the checkpoint was faster.

? What is it that demons lack?

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It is very weird, but it's the only thing that is making senses to me so far. I've got to experiment with it more, doing Mission 1 and killing while style isn't displayed at all and letting the roots hit me to drop ranking. The problem is that Qlipoth roots give stupid large style no matter what that I am unsure if you can even get a B on the lower difficulties.

This smile conveys not joy, but crushing despair

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Helter Skelter is for breaking guards. It even works against Urizen. You can also add buster knuckle to it.

Bigger question is why didn't Dante split when he stabbed himself with Rebellion's hilt? Wasn't the whole point of him doing that to split himself in order to get his pure demon to clash with Urizen?

Helter Skelter shits on anything that would normally deflect your attack.

So does it murder the Urizen crystal?

Yeah mission 10 especially because the end boss is Urizen's annoying crystal, and they spawn a lot of annoying projectile enemies like the fire hellbats and baphomets.

>mash circle
>mash square
As cool as it is, I really wish some of Nero's devil breakers weren't this simple when you have ones like punchline which are fucking nuts.

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>he doesn't know the truth about humans and demons

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not him but Cavaliere has a helm breaker? what do you press?

Do I have to charge it up? Because I tried it out earlier by spamming it in the face of those scissors things and it did nothing before I got slapped out of it during recovery and it broke up.

From what Dante says, and what the Sparda document says, what Rebellion does has something to do with revenge.

It does 40% on DMD, which is better than almost anything else considering you cannot buster grab the crystal

Forward+attack in mid air

The ability to rape something so hard it becomes subservient to you

You are tapping it, right?

>That first Empusa Queen made me afraid of the difficulty but it ain't so bad
DMD scales the HP, Empusa Queen and Angelo commander already have tons of HP so it is pretty annoying but thankfully they're pretty much punching bags.

I think I was but I'm not sure. I expected one continuous drilling motion but Nero was just restarting the animation every 2 seconds. Maybe I was too slow, idk, I was tired. I'll try it out tomorrow.

Fuck off

Doing some more testing, it's also very strange, but I think the only section that counts for mission 10 is the final section. I've looked at not only my own, but others videos and their final results and the angelo fight are the exact same number. Every time. It must be because they don't count Urizen in that fight as an actual boss, but since they didn't make the Angelo their own section, it couldn't take the average of all the fights. THIS is why people have so much fucking trouble with the damn thing. Just perform well at the third section and you'll S rank the mission just fine.

we get vergil's ex color by beating heaven or hell right?

I got it when I S ranked mission 20 on SoS.

Shit so Helter Skelter is actually useful. I got rid of it because it was fucking useless when I tried it, but on higher difficulties it may actually be worth using.
Yeah it took me forever to kill that cunt, plus the damage output is much higher than in SoS. I thought every enemy would wreck my ass.

Did that post hit too close to home, user?

I'm pretty sure all of M10 is just one big act and the boss doesn't count. The number you start with at the Angelo fight still depends on the very first fight I'm almost confident.

Oh ok that's easier than I thought thanks

Has anyone tried it against Vergil's guard yet? Because it absolutely demolished Urizen's shield in the prologue for me.

He's fucking his not'mom, surely he can be a bit happy about that.

>that root in mission 9
that's bullshit