Splatfest in 10 minutes fellow gamers

Splatfest in 10 minutes fellow gamers
Which team did you choose?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I played so much splat 2 my motion control broke, I'm just waiting for splat 3 at this point

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No, stop this.

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How does one break the motion controls

knights because wizards are probably more popular

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I have no idea, it just stop'ed working after a while

>like knights
>wizard witches are cuter
I can't choose

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Wizards win.

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Knights for the win.

>I N T H E N A M E O F G O D

>tfw can't wear the special splatfest gear since I don't have the Splatoon 2 amiibos

I'm gonna feel really bad if I end up in a team and I'm the only one without it, thus ruining any special squad names

How do I get the wizard hat?

Magic > Swords

Octoling Girl amiibo

is it possible to swap out the splatfest tee at all so i can take pics i really like the grey ink

Probably able to color lock the ink for when the splatfest is over, though.

Gotta masturbate before playing now

I wanna do some artwork. Splatfests tend to last 24 hrs right?

Wizard with my bf.

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Can track the time remaining here

color lock is the colorblind option, it always makes your ink blue and orange

Oh, pretty sure it just locked your current color in 1.
Also holy shit, I have had a SINGLE match against Knights in the past 30 minutes. It was a 10x battle that we won thankfully, but wew lad.

This is making want to pick knights

>Post this
>Immediately get a match against knights and lose terribly

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I've been getting my shit rekt by Knight virgins.

Me too. If I don't feel too strongly about a topic, I just want to pick the less popular side so I can get in actual team vs team matches.

Are we teaming my fellow Wizards?

Anyone wanna make a Yea Forums squad?

>beta orbiting white knights vs incel wizards
Wizard I guess

Sure I'm down, I just joined Team Knights


Only KnightChads may respond to this post

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Oh shit, give me a sec

Team Knight reporting

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Can't we all get along?

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because someone has to win (and it won't be dorks in bath robes)

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sent. Also, want to match gear/weapons?


And i just created a room if anyone wants to join


magnets lmao

Sure if I have em, but I'm partial to my bloblobber
I don't have the knight gear so I've just been using the Power Mask as a ghetto knight helmet and golden high hi-horse shoes

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We need one more for team knight


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Actually don't think I have those, but we can make it work

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fuck them witch niggas


>Make it to Wizard King with one single match against kinghts
> all other matches are from endless pushover wizards
>end the night with 2000 something clout
am mad. please advise.

Wizards wear dresses and live like neets

Knights fuck fair maidens and ride dragons

that 8

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What about Knights with Witches?

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>She enchants his gear
>He brings her rare material from magic resistant beasts

Cute, but this is forbidden


I played hundreds of hours of Splatoon 1 but for some reason I just can't get that much into Splatoon 2.
I don't know what is it about the game, maybe I got too burned up with the 1st game.

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>He brings her the raw strenght of a man to be her support
>She brings him the mesmerizing touch of a woman to be his comfort

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Wew close one

>we won that

Same. And now that I have to pay for online, I'm less willing to play. I'll probably use the 7-day trial for the very last Splatfest, but I can't imagine picking this up very often afterwards.

Is emunand on switch good yet?
I miss playing splatoon

Magic rules over muscles.

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Magic muscles

Loli muscles.

Slaughtered those magician scum


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My man

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Knight squad's kicking ass.

>going from being in danger to winning with them in danger

fuck yes. Those are the best wins

Damn is this a tough one

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Knight squad 3/4 if anyone else wants in

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Just got wrecked by a squad of Nzapper 85 that kept using ink armor.

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>lost the streak

>lost the streak
>finally won a match

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still need one?

Sure 1024-3965-0519

Good games Knight Squad, C out for the night

That'll be my last game for now. Super good games fellas. We only lost like 3 or 4 i think out of several

There's room for 2 now

Alright. Really good fucking games

Also, gear/weapon preference?

it don't matter to me

In retrospect, I should have made Pearl the taunter.

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>want to pick wizards because gandalf
>want the white ink because I've never had it before

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Be knight and skeet all over those delicious inking and octoling girls

If you wear the amiibo gear to get the set, do you use your splatfest t-shirt's ability, or the gear's ability?

God damn you're good with that Dynamo

Same. Splatoon 1 is a better game to me and I like the gamepad. Trying to get into Splatoon 2 and at Level 23 it’s slowly getting better

I prefer Monk

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thanks friend

I'm going all in on wizards, but I concede now that you knights will probably win due to sheer numbers that wizards will get. Almost everyone I know picked wizard and we all know the popular side almost always loses. Nevertheless, I have to side with my heart, my choctopus, and most importantly my little witch baby girl. If that means I have to suffer through endless amounts of shitty teammates and taking hours to reach Wizard King, so be it. See you guys on the battlefield.

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Ink Seller, I tell you; I'm going into battle, and I need only your strongest Ink

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How the fuck is Splatoon 1 a better game?


It's not but I definitely miss a lot of things about it. All those good maps that got left behind, no bloblobber, the plaza is way cooler than the square, it felt like I played better with gampad gyro than on Switch.

>muh gamepad
>muh map
>muh touch screen

12 matches in a row against my fellow wizards, wtf is going on?

Based and cunnypilled

Popularity curse. There's so many fucking people one side, they get matched up with each other. I doubt too many knights are fighting other knights.

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How do I git gud? I've been playing for a couple of months but I still can't get the hang of it. I've tried to play with the motion controls but it makes it worse for me.

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Didn't have a single mirror match on Team Knight when I played
I have a feeling we're gonna win 2 to 1

>Team Wizard
based. Stay bad

use motion controls again and get used to them unless they physically make you sick

You gotta use the motion controls, it's very intuitive once you get the hang of it. Practice in the single player campaign until you learn.
I've found that separated joycon with max sensitivity is the best way to play, you only have to move the right joycon to aim, much better than having to tilt an entire controller.

Of course, it happens 90% of the time. I still have zero regrets about my decision.

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Didn't know you could do that. I'll give it a try.

I got $20'd

I like the special weapons and the maps better on 1. Plaza is better. I do like on 2 how you can hurry Sheldon up and scrub slots.

Thanks Nintendo

>comm error at results screen
cool game
ggs protecc, come by /ink/ if you wanna play again sometime.

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How's your splatfest going, Yea Forums?

Not gonna lie, it ain't great.

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>choose team a week ago
>can't remember which one I chose

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This is my first splatfest since the first game, give me some tips

Team wizard because I'm still a virgin

gg, that was very fun.

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More popular team usually wins, the shifty station is typically a really fun stage we'll probably never see again once the splatfests stop.

>the shifty station is typically a really fun stage
Don't lie to him

What lie? Shifty station is usually the best map of the day, and they tend to implement cool mechanics the other maps lack. Ink geysers, containment domes, cannons, etc. It's cool as shit and I want them to be put into regular rotation.

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>Shifty station is usually the best map of the day
so many of the past stations have been outright garbage and nothing has topped the cannons.

>More popular team usually wins
Popular was losing until the new system.

>up against an entire team of miniguns with tentamissles
>get our shit pushed as we are constantly underfire from a barage of missiles

dead game

I don't even know what maps you consider good if you hate most of the stations. I loved a lot of them. The one with the ink rails you could ride around the entire fucking map was great, the mostly straight one with ink geysers all over made from really intense standoffs, the domes you had to claim before they closed shut forced confrontations and it was hilarious. I'm struggling to even think of one I didn't like. I guess the one with invisible platforms was a bit tame.

It still happens more often than not. Villains beat heroes, friends beat family, Treat beat Trick, and so on. The most important contest were full 3-0 victories, thankfully.

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>use mid-long range weapon
>end up flanking people and shooting them in the face
>use a short range weapon
>end up getting mowed down by anyone and everyone with a bit of range on me

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Demon King

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windmill was shit
invisible platforms was shit
not-saltspray was shit
tentacles was shit
bounce pads was shit
splatzones was shit

I think you're just mad, bro.

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a man redeemed

not really
haven't lost a splatfest

How was the one with invisible platforms not shit? And the tentacle one was just a worse version of the one with the domes.

Don't know how that's even related, but either way I find that hard to believe.

Okay yeah, the invisible one wasn't great. I don't remember the tentacle one at all, though, I must've missed that particular fest.

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>other team in danger whole round
>all of a sudden push and win

>three teammates decide to all go to the same location to get splatted at the same time right at the end

It was for Squids vs Octos.

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Shit, no wonder I don't remember. I had to miss most of that splatfest because I had to go out of state for work. Must've played one or two times on it, max.

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Wizard because I hate the knight gear

Doesn't Splatfest usually start aroudn 4-5 PM? Have they changed it or haven't I been paying attention?

I don't even know why I play this game anymore. I always get my ass handed to me, get angry, give up, then just play Mario kart.

Use ballpoint jet version
you get both

Where the fuck are the Rangers/Archers?

Holy shit. I just realized Splatoon makes me madder than when I play Mario Kart.

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>I get mad then play a game more likely to get me mad

>missed the race war
Sucks. The shitposting made up for the crap station

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You can dress as a wizard while on team knight

Yeah but that's gay

YOU'RE gay

I really wanted to participate in that one, too. I would have lost but it would've been worth it to defend my little octo girl. I'm sure lots of other people have moved on by now but I'll never abandon her.

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Did you celebrate?

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>beating a fully matching 4-man team with a group of randoms
Is there a better feeling?

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Does anyone else think the Knight ink looks a little... suggestive?

always vote with your pp


Same as the fairy Marina art, nonexistent.

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>only getting grouped with Japanese players
>they're fucking shit

That's a weird looking political compass.

>I just want to play Mario Kart 8 and talk about video games


>I raged once and broke my controls



Only nerds wear pointy hats, bretheren

Go Knights!

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Agent 7 for the protagonist of Splatoon 3?

I wish my team could hold on to a lead


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>salmon run during splatfest
Feels good, man.

Nips are notoriously bad at shooters, but it doesn't stop them having a boner for Spratoon.

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I don't play but the answer for me is Knights because I love plate armor

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Did you say kill the Scrapper on the other side of the map and spam "this way" by two eggs the whole round?

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what does it say I can't read nippon runes

you were saying

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No idea. She's probably just a little embarrassed that she finds her cute.

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You can't false flag me, user. I know for a fact it's a squid player every time.

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That's not a squid

Who wouldn't find Agent 8 cute though

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I want to tussle her hair

*leads the sting ray towards the group*

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I love Agent 8.

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Is it wrong that my dick gets rock hard thinking about two squid girls getting all inky with each other

Good point.

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>shitload of eggs by the fucking basket

I hate you almost as much as I hate smallfry.

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The truest of loves.

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Boy yes

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Absolutely disgusting. Boy squids/octos are non canon.

God the wizard team is garbage tonight. Nobody has any sense of teamwork.

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please help, am retard. I've seen people wearing wizard hats and shit, how do I get that?

Step one: don't be retard.

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I don’t get this.

how much coordination is require to paint

What's the map gimmick?

octo girl amiibo or NFC tags like these

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You people are mentally ill.

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Literally nothing wrong with a cute straight relationship

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There's nothing normal about a man and a woman together.

there is something entirely natural about a squid and an octo together

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No there isn't.

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>getting stomped in mirror matches
>rolling over all knights
It's encouraging, at least, but we're still probably gonna lose. I won't stop fighting until it's over, though.

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We have magic on our side, kn*ghts have zero chance of victory

I can only hope you are right, my friend.

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Your skills have now improved!

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Octo witch is the most darling thing. I switched back to default hair just for this splatfest.

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Fuck off hetshitter.

begone gay agenda

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More hairstyles for octos when?

Hopefully in a future update.

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>Agent 3 is 16 and has been fighting Octos for two whole years
>Agent 4 giving refuge to a homeless Octoling
So is it confirmed that squids don't have families or even a school system? They just spend all day shooting each other while all the other aquatic species run society?

The only thing confirmed right now is the fact we need adult squids or at least some other hint of non-splatting squid activity in 3.

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Full BotW-sized splatoon spinoff with the option to date cute octos NOW

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>want to use brushes for full witch package
>I can't brush for shit
Damn my inability to ambush fuckers.

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>that hairstyle in the bottom left
Nintendo plz

>will miss the splatfest
at least there's cute squid and octo girls dressed as knights and witches

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Which one, Yea Forums?

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>that expression that just screams "you pervert!"

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So how long until Nintendo adds a Splatoon section to that Universal park they are building?

I wouldn't be surprised if it's Japan exclusive, those assholes keep all the good squid merch to themselves.

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Hmm... there's something a bit off about this image.....

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Hmmmmm............. this one is even weirder but I can't quite place it.....


I used to like Marina. But after Octo expansion I like Pearl.


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9 tentacles?

Do squids understand the concept of love?

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Yes. Female squids love each other.

They are canonically thirsty.

Octos are not for lewd.

I love Callie!

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Of course

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>can't decide which team
Both of them seem so cool

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Usually when I am indecisive, I just flip a coin.

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Go for Team Knight unless you really like mirror matches

Are there a lot more wizards?

From what I've heard Wizards are getting a fuckton of mirror matches. I played on Knight last night and had no mirror matches at all.

I don't play splatoon 2 anymore however knights are a thing I like a lot... Too bad it's on the gremlin side.

Squidjump and better music.

I've played all morning and have gotten one mirror match as Knight in EU.

However, it seems Knight is mostly sub rank 10 shitters and Wizard is rank 40 and up.

That's not rank 10. That's rank 110. They all have stars.

>tfw rank 19 because I only play during splatfests

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Fite me

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Understand, understand -

good woomy
good woomy

GOOD post

splatoon relationship chart

>play splatoon quite a lot but still below level 60
>others are 100+

guess i don't play as much as i assumed

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>win every match from fan to defender
>after that losing streak starts

>Judd is a superior lifeform that wants to eat Inklings, Octolings and Crusty Sean
>Li'l Judd is a replica
How many Inklings/Octolings has he eaten?

God, choosing Wizard because I actually like wizards was a huge mistake. This has been by far the worst Splatfest I've ever played.

Every splatfest is the worst you've ever played. The next one will be worse because you will be currently playing it while this one will be in the past.

japanese version. has some differences apparently

we will never know.
someone get little judd some mental help though. poor little guy

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majority of both teams will be children who are bad at the game so either one you pick will be a miserable experience unless you team up with friends

Or team up with Yea Forums or /ink/
Knight Squad was killing it last night

>Or team up with Yea Forums or /ink/
is what I meant
maybe I should have put quotes around "friends"


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You don't understand. Even when I picked Egg in the which came first Splatfest, I was able to turn a losing streak into a King rank. Even if I played from now to the end I doubt I'll be able to get King rank because I'm losing so badly so often. It has quite literally never been this bad.

Have you tried not being a shitter

which is why you should team up with people who are more competent than the average random
there is also thisbut solo carrying is pretty tough since you have to kill everything all the time and screwing up once near the end means you lose


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Trust me, with my current losing streak, you don't want me here.

>Your team: 1800
>Their team: 2100
>For the last five matches

I assume you're wizard

wow rude

just going by what I've been reading
if wizard is doing as bad as people say, then there's going to be a lot of low power level players to match up with

If you don't pick wizard you don't belong on 4channel

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Wizard is great for the meme status but consider the fact that every other shitter is picking it because they're low IQ Harry Potter fans

>two level 12's on my team
>no matter how many kills I get, the moment the enemy respawns my teammates die instantly

hogwarts is dead

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This Shifty isn't so bad, I like that there's a big central area to fight over and two routes to the enemy side. It's no cannons, thunderdome or hooks, but it'll do.

Can any weebs ITT translate and find the differences?

I chose wizard but then realized that knights got white ink so I fucked up.

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wizards literally need to drink semen to keep themselves from losing their magical prowess

I'm at champion and I've yet to see this white ink

oh it's sort of a metal gray, not really white

Waht the heck does "smeus furny" mean?

smells funny you illiterate pleb

You'll know when you're older

>forgot to buy a piece of clothing from the store I liked at level 9
>get to level 10 and it is no longer among the selection

fuck this game

you can order it from me if you want

This isn't wizardchan

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>tfw win a 10x battle for Team Wizard and see your name on the news flash

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>Paying for online

I srsly hope you ink kids don't do this.

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Is Callie... basic?!

how would I play smash online if I didn't pay?


>full witch set
>always lead and create a path at the beginning while cheering "this way"
>always results in an early big push that secures victory by taking the center
God I love this splatfest
judge by yourself

Attached: japsplatfests.jpg (1080x1302, 205K)

20 dollars a year is nothing to play Splatoon 2 online
Plus Tetris 99 is legit


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>Its a Cum VS Blood Splatfest

Knights will win, Magician scum will DIE

Wow you can't even think up an original post to bump a thread? Kill yourself squiddo

Hopes ?
Expectations ?

Attached: S2_Sheldon's_Picks_Promo.jpg (1280x720, 271K)

It will come in a full 5.0 patch alongside more octo hairstyles
Japan exclusive

wall/point sensor rush sploosh
wall/point sensor rush sploosh

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>being this poor
LMAO @ ur life

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I'm here to slay

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and i love you Calliefriend!

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Running out of things to say about Agent 8 at the start of a thread on /ink/

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>wake up
>thread is still here
I would like to take this opportunity to once again tell the world how much I love my octo daughter, and I will make her queen.

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hey user, whats it like on /ink/ lately? last i was on there it was nothing but RP shit

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eight admiring but marina and agent 3
kinda cute really

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Y'know the usual. Some talk about the gameplay, some shitposts here and there, plus some fanart, usually when the thread is near the bottom, and also some people making their own head canons about the lore whether serious or not.

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so it's not all RP shit anymore? i might need to check it out again

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Getting up there as wizard is easier than I had anticipated. I've only lost to knights once or twice.

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It's noticeable but it isn't like the super majority

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gotcha, it annoyed me when it was like 90% RP and OCtism

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Team Wizard are actually the worst fucking Team I’ve ever seen and that’s fucking saying a lot! Fuck you faggots!

user, you can't just post heart attacks like that while I'm trying to rank up.

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Cute cephs should help you play though

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>Honor and duty while risking your life on the frontlines in the coolest outfit possible when you COULD just as well just have a comfortable noble life somewhere safe
>A bookworm who usually only gains substantial knowledge and power after they turn 60 because they are on the spectrum and obsessed by the arcane, usually not for the greater good


I can't play if I'm fucking dead.

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I just picked Wizard cause it has the better outfit

Will Agent 4 ever find love?



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I don't think it's guaranteed by any means

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perhaps in splatoon 3 they can find love with the new agent

Okay, I'm a bit confused. Shouldn't these two be switched around?

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They're on different sides and Marie's the bigger nerd, after all.

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Squid Expansion for Splatoon 2 with Agent 4 pls

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There's even more than one person that drew it. I guess people just like the contrast?

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Poor Agent 4. She deserves the love of another femInkling.

They probably just went with their hair colours.

i'd get it just to see agent 4 happy

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>Hardcore cynic picking the most grounded class
>Happy muffin picking the most fantastical class
Makes sense.

if you asked me when I was a kid to be either a wizard or knight, I'd instantly choose wizard. magic is more whimsical

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I guess that makes sense. I just really wanted to see eager knight recruit Callie and devoted magic user Marie. It feels right to me.

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Marie & Pearl vs Callie & Marina.

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dammit user, why couldn't you have callie and pearl as a team, i'd choose it in a heartbeat

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hybridchads report in

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I couldn't pick.

You dumbass, they aren't even close to best girls. I'm messing, if she's your favorite she's best.

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that was surprisingly nice user

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That last splatfest taught me even if I did win unanimously, they're still all lovely girls who deserve love. Above all things, you gotta do it for her.

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How about Callie & Marie & Pearl vs Marina?

>if the enemy team has a splatling or octobrush it's a guaranteed loss because my teammates will always walk into them
Splatfest shitters are not good for my blood pressure. This is why we need ranked modes.

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The answer was obvious.

after post splatoon 2 launch i'm always worried about the shit callie fans will get

as much as i love OTH they dont beat out SS for me

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I haven't seen a lot shit flinging recently, it has died down

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Yes, Agent 8 is living with her now.

>too many Wizard Mirror Fights
>too many getting spawncamped by Knight

2000 Shitter with 400/999 signing out.
Enough for tonight

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it definitely has which im very thankful for, there's always this lingering worry though

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But Agent 3 and Agent 8 are a couple. Is 8 cheating on 3 with 4?

Don't worry, just forget and move on.

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i'll keep trying friend

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Averting eyes + red faced Callie is best Callie.

while i'd say any callie is best callie i'd have to agree for that pic

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got the best callie right here

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why is her eyemask almost nonexistent user?

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It's just covered in my cum.

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I wish I had a lot money so I could commission a lot of Callie art

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callie is pure and not for lewding, just cuddling and cheek pinching

>real hair
i don't know how to feel

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Spin off when?

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>Ok, fine.I'll hear you out

maybe she really wasn't

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You know it would not surprise me if Nintendo made a Splatoon spinoff this console gen.

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>ywn show your new octo friend the best music inkopolis has to offer

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you're the best kind of calliefriend

she's gullible enough to fall for BS like octavio saying he's changed

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>tfw you want the oct but can't have the oct because your fren already dating the oct

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Why is Marina so fucking sexual. Holy fuck.

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me on the left

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>Knights vs Wizards
>not teaming up and having the Wizards cover the Knights whilst they lead the first charge
>or the Knights protecting the wizards whilst they charge powerful magic

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I'm here for brown squid.

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but what if oct do dis

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Then you'd have to give into the moment and ask forgiveness later.

>chose wizard because I like zapping niggas
>every below level 20 moron also picked wizard
>when it's not a mirror match where I score the highest it's a versus knight team where everybody gets blown the fuck out but I'm still scoring the highest on turf and KOs.
>had one instance where I had triple the KOs of my teammates combined.

This is the first Splatfest I had to quit in disgust for awhile due to being stuck with idiots non-stop. Even when being on other losing sides I've never been blown out this hard before.

I've honestly decided to sit this splatfest out because I can't fucking choose. Both choices are equally good in eyes.

Why does it feel like roller players are either braindead monkeys or merciless killing machines that use it like a sniper rifle?

a rational decision

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Team Wizard is full of sad, loser nerds who fell for the brains over brawn meme and think that they are intellectually superior despite being next to subhuman. You deserve it.

jk user I hope your next splatfest goes better

you're playing with the same players who go to pic related in freelance

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>mfw a double-digit IQ knightpleb existed near me

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I just scanned my octoling amiibos to get my knight gear for the crusade.
Why do they speak like Rolf from Ed Edd n Eddy?
Are all octolings supposed to speak like that in universe?

Attached: Rolf_transparent.png (283x500, 125K)

Marina barely knew how to speak Inkling either when she first met Pearl. Cut poor Agent 8 some slack.

go read a book nerd while i spear some octopussy with my 12 inch spear

sometimes i wish i could be a girl so i could have spent my childhood cuddling with fellow lesbians on weekends and not be judged for it

Yeah. They lived underground until recently and many were literally brainwashed.

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3's gotta be careful or she'll lose her girlfriend to 4.

How will Knights ever recovery?

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Why isn't the Agent 8 oufit unlockable?

I'm not gonna lie, Splatoon is one of things I gravitate towards whenever I want to feel calm, away from stupid bullshit in real life and on the internet

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Does online play still need a sub or did Nintendo finally back down? I don't want to dust off my switch if the sub jewing is still in effect

too lewd

You're going back to the sewers Oct*ling

You never know, but Agent 3 clearly needs someone to care for her stinky butt

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Paid. Think you get a week free, though.

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for me its more talking about splatoon that calms me down, actually playing it makes me mad

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The atmosphere, a lot of stuff feels cheap and stupid in 2

>three of them couldn't even be bothered to dress for the occasion

The Black Knight always wins! I'm invincible!

Attached: Black Knight.jpg (340x412, 25K)

You're a looney.

none because i don't own splatoon 2 or a switch

if you thought about it for 2 seconds you could figure out that the image is not canon since it contradicts the game.

Maybe they could all care for one another at the same time. They can call themselves Agent 15.

It's not too late, splatfests will continue until the summer I think


>not playing splatoon 2 and mario odyssey the two greatest games this gen
>missing out on free online play and playing splatoon 2 all day and night because you're a NEET

Attached: cnight.png (362x229, 85K)

what're you gonna do, bleed on me to death?

Not everyone is as autistic about a videogame as you, user.

I'm back. The game started going easy on me after about 20 losses and put me against the shitters instead of just with them. I got King after a couple short win streaks and promptly quit.

Cleanse these godless maggots

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>sir knight
It's written in the imageboards. gg wizards

judd is from an experiment with a cloning machine. someone plugged it off and on again and now there's a second judd before the first one expired

would you play it anons?

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N64 splatoon? Would it have Goldeneye controls?

something like that, and you get a room you can customize which i seriously want in splatoon 3

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Medieval fantasy Splatoon when?

I don't think it would work too well, Splatoon is very unique in that it was designed specifically for the Wii U

What do you guys think about the Mecha Gear?

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Agent 8 is the cutest foreign adopted daughteer.

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It works just fine on the Switch.

HB makes the best MGs

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japan has shit taste

Gimme my personal customizable room/hub, you fucking hacks. You tease me in 1 and don't even follow through in 2.

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splatoon has many spin-off possibilities

Nothing better than winding down after a hard day's work with a few comfy games of Turf War or Salmon Run.

And then immediately get salty when God has put all the paste-eating retards in your squad. AGAIN.

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Splatoon has many possibilities. I wish Nintendo would keep striking whilst the iron is hot.

What are those retards doing that peeves you so?

Something like "I was so cool, I was the coolest part of the trailer"

Not carrying me hard enough, obviously.

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I'm throwing in pro for knights rn. ama

half the people playing are throwing without even realizing it
so what

Fun translation facts: in the Japanese version, Octolings speak perfectly normal Japanese, but it's written in Katakana instead of Hiragana like the rest of the game. This was confermed by Nogami to be a stand in for Octarian, and Hiragana likewise represents Inkling. That would imply Inkling and Octarian are mutually understandable, at least for the spoken language. This obviously doesn't translate at all into English so NoA had to pick between the goofy accent or just having them speak normal English.

Reminder, hug the slug.

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customizable rooms would be so damn comfy

Japanese is weird. Why do they have like 5 different alphabets?

>when you're a jaded X rank veteran and stomp squad after squad in regular Splatfest mode and that one low-level newbie squib that was in your team all the time sends you a friend request and you accept and then later you end up in the same team again and he excitedly booyahs and squidbags at you at every opportunity

warms even my heart a little

Attached: 1497891590915.jpg (490x640, 51K)

>finally beat Splatoon
>buy Splat2n at a great price
>someone gifts me free Nintendo family membership
>still haven't played a single minute of Splat2n
I am a disappointment

Well gets started then! And just play salmon run and clamz. They are the only fun modes.

I hate clamz so fucking much, it would be fun if it weren't full of retards who think aerospray is a good weapon for it

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>implying tower isn't the most fun
Always be pushing the payload.

my personal ranking is tower > splatzones > rainmaker >>>>>>>>> clamblitz

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I agree with your personal ranking user

you have great taste then user

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Gonna pirate the amiibo and go Wizard.
Might even change to a Weemo.

Clams > Tower > Rainmaker > Turf War > Zones

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fuck i forgot about turf war

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I fucking love squids. Why the fuck aren't they real?

Wizards are gay nerds that need to be bullied

What was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of my little girl becoming queen.

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if its a woomy or veemo bullying me then i wouldn't mind changing teams

Defeat those normie Knights reeeeeeeee

Queen of the Sewers

Knights vs Wizards is the wrong question since Wizards can be Knights and vice versa. The real question is Knights vs Rangers, because that is exclusive in build and equipment.

Queen of my heart.

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Aw shit this still alive?
Wizard bros where we droppin?

Attached: 230972.png (618x522, 60K)

Wherever I can cut the enemies of wizard kind with my sword

Out of the race, fag.

>what does it say
it's hard to find a good english equivalent but it says in all my life that's the coolest instant upgrade/transformation
i just got here. i can translate other stuff if you need

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oh shit we hit bump limit, it was good talking with you anons

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Anything to talk about her.

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cute daughterfu

>Splatoon thread hits bump limit without waifu/lewd spam
Good thread. Good luck in the splatfest anons


>had a mirror match as knight
Wow, that was weird

So long, frend

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