Battlefront II thread

I can't believe how much I'm enjoying this game, they fixed most of the issues made most characters free and overall is super fun, its clearly different from the originals and i wish there was a galactic conquest but I have no regrets after buying it for $7.50

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Not buying your game EA shill

i only like the heroes vs villians but lose effort after realizing it's broken due to the stupid card system. fuck you

I bought it for like $5 and I regret it

You must be fucking retarded then because nubattlefront is so fundamentally flawed no amount of updates could make it worthwhile.

>I-t's ok guys they've fixed it now!

Fuck off EA shill.

You have to make this thread during the day when the children are at school. Right now you are just going to get a bunch of MU-MUH EA posters

I fire it up every now and then to play a few rounds of arcade. It's fun, but nowhere near as addicting as galactic conquest or the story of the original BF2. I wish they included some maps from the originals too: like the Jedi Temple, Felucia, Dagobah and Mustafar.

I bet they were going to do them as DLC until they discovered that people didn't want to be so actively jewed.

I'm not saying overall is better than the originals but is ton of fun

Git gud faggot

Only dlcs are new heroes and skins and you can earn to buy them with money game, all maps are free

Until you can walk around every single map with either no players or bots only I will not be happy

They better add Galactic conquest in the sequel or they can fuck right off.

>they try to change star cards to make them less less RNG based cause of loot crates
>still gives people advantages

game still sucks though

Thanks Mr EA.

Wish they would fix the shitty netcode. Also cheaters.

It's still shittier, and has less content than the 2005 version. Where are the Droidekas and Magnaguards? Where are the Galactic Marines? Kill yourself shill.

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No need to thank me Mr. retard

Pretty good, downloaded it and played 8+ hours a day for about a week and got bored. I wish they would add a 1v1 dueling mode, or even better, a fully fledged saber combat game, sort of like a fighting game. Also.... Palpatine doesn't have a saber reeeeee

yeah it's pretty fun but Yea Forums will just call you a shill

Palpatine shouldn't have had a saber at all. The prequels were a mistake.

Even with the improvements it's still pretty shitty.


There’s no strategy to this game. It’s just a clusterfuck.

I kinda like it for that. It's just a bunch of idiots shooting lasers at each other. Makes me miss Red Orchestra.

I'm trying to enjoy it as they've made significant improvements and anakin looks badass.
But I can't fucking click him fast enough in HVV apparently even though I'm on an ssd with an ethernet cable. Is there some sort of trick?
I guess I just git gud at Galactic Assault. Either way the game is really fun.

I miss them but you know they were too op for the clone virgins

So what the fuck happened to the second community transmission they were supposed do this week to finally reveal the new mode details? I'm sick and fucking tired of them constantly delaying and pushing EVERYTHING they do back without a word. Their consistency with community interaction is truly abysmal and their inability to hit a deadline is frankly baffling. They might as well not even announce anything ahead of time since they seem to just wing it regardless.

I don't care if they're OP. They should be in the game.

I've only gotten to play as Anakin twice in HvV still and only a few times in GA, but always at the end of a match or got killed instantly by bullshit.

I think you might be in the wrong place little autistic child, But don't worry close you eyes and cover you ears as i hammer this nail into your skull, hmmm kay.

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>still no decent offline
Fuck off.

I forgot this was Yea Forums - Halo.

They seriously need to find some system to fix that shit. Without the heroes, which are clearly well done and had a lot of effort put into them, it's just a generic shooter.

Offline Galactic Assault fucking when already? It's literally all I want from this shit game so I can finally just have fun with the game and be the heroes and vehicles whenever I want without scumbag players getting in my way.

You're right but most of those faggots haven't played the game, like this idiot for example

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game is fun, especially when playing with friends.

I actually have it running right now, and am very much enjoying it (even the campaign, which was solid, but the story felt rushed). But you can't deny how hard EA fucked up with it, not matter how much of a shill you are.

I just finished St𝑎r W𝑎rs: D𝑎rtℎ Pl𝑎gueis quite recently and it goes into Palpatine's training. It is mentioned that he actually secretly enjoyed a saber duel

>basing this off five minutes of goading in E6
Full retard.

You know Sith all had lightsabers right? Star Wars has grown beyond your shitty boring movies.

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It's getting added this month I believe, conquest mode.

Too bad it can't grow beyond an empire vs rebels conflict.

Was supposed to be last month.

The mouse really has ruined everything.

Not a shill, they fucked up really hard in fact I was with really low expectations, sadly the devs payed the price criticized not for a bad game but rather nasty micro transactions, fortunately they removed some of these practices in the game. Unironically the maps are wonderful recreations of the star wars universe. Offline mode is needed tho

Maybe it has something to do with the manchildren like that fat faggot Plinkett who autistically screeched endlessly about the prequels which was attempting to do something new. And it did create a much better genuine galactic conflict between two superpowers.

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It's only genuine thanks to the media outside the movies, which Lucas had nothing to do with.

They're very pretty, but most are disappointing. Kashyyk and Starkiller Base are probably the best. Naboo is a massive let down, and Hoth is inferior to the map from the last game. Jakku is about even.

Needs the Scariff map and other Rogue One stuff to return.

Well the movies was what created the era. And all the good shit from outside media like books, games and even the based tv show.

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EA shill(s) itt, you see this image? I want this. Talk to your managers about this. Then tell them to give up the exclusive rights to Star Wars games and let other developers take a crack at it. EA Star Wars games are trash.

Yeah looks that way

Picture this: It is the year 2022. Some shill user makes a thread on Yea Forums. The title says "ANTHEM Thread" I can't believe how much I'm enjoying this game! They really fixed everything. Spoiler Alert: No one believes it then either.

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>expecting a new Star Wars game in Current Year+4
Oh you sweet, sweet summer child.

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General kenobi

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>No Star Wars Kinect
Bad image.


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It's enjoyable for what it is, I got bored after 50 hours or so.
also Theed during evening ran like ass on my system but every other map and daytime was perfectly smooth.

I love it, i also loved bf2015, and Oldfront 1 and 2 AND I like the 3 era movies. Enjoying stuff is awesome. AAAAAAAND I think the leveling system was better with lootboxes, all they needed to do was recude the grind drastically. The grind now is hell for any new fellow and gambling boxes incentivized variety instead of standard pics everyone uses.

>I think the leveling system was better with lootboxes
Literally how. As it is, you just have to play a few matches and you can unlock what you like.

>a few matches
This is farrrr from true.
>unlock what you like.
This is also far from untrue as many better cards are locked behind higher levels.

The lootbox system allowed you to get a blue/purple card for a class you barely use or a card you wouldnt think to use (Flash pistol/ That knockback shotgun thingy for sniper class) and gave variety. No one is gonna spend hours and hours and hours leveling up a class and use those points on the flash pistol. Only max level people who get bored and want to experiment do something like that. 95% of people will go for the upgraded grenade or whatever other card is clearly more useful.
And the grind, to unlock purple cards for more than 1 trooper, 1 starfighter, 1 hero, takes hundreds of hours. This means for hundreds of hours, if you want to play more than 1 dude, you will always be behind in some way.
It's awful. If they majorly reduced the grind, fine. As they have this weekend, but there should be perma 3xp cause the grind is retarded. Not that it matters for me, I have blue and purp for nearly everything.

Also, with the lootbox system you could still unlock what you wanted, it was just in a more roundabout way because of the crafting system they had. They just needed to make the grind easier. Then no one would give a shit if some kid paid a dollar of his moms money for a shitty box you could get in 30 minutes. They could have just made it not assblastingly obnoxious with the grinding for 5 hours for 1 shitty box.

I'm not lvl50 or anything yet, but honestly it doesn't seem that bad. You get plenty of xp for all kinds of shit. Tonnes for kills and doing well, even doing just the objectives. Heck, even for getting shot and killed.
I only recently started on the MP and got to lvl10 after a few matches. The heroes are admittedly slower, though.

or he's basing it off a wizened old space wizard who can shoot lightning from his hands having a melee weapon is fucking stupid. The same concept applies to Yoda.

Fallen Order is supposed to come out this year

>anakin is the only saber character with a guard break so most saber battles consist of staring at eachother holding block for 3 minutes until some other guy comes in and back stabs
Why is DICE so incompetent

>or he's basing it off a wizened old space wizard who can shoot lightning from his hands having a melee weapon is fucking stupid.
You're right, that is stupid that someone who was an expert dualist and is powered by the Force would use his own traditional weapon since contests of the Force can often turn into stalemate.

It's like 5 bucks, bro, pretty sure RA would rather want you to buy their 100$ brand new Deluxe Edition games instead

Sith have lightsabers too you dumbass. Thry've always had lightsabers. Revan, Nilhius and Marr all had lightsabers despite being almost force gods.

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Lightning doesn't deflect blaster bolts retard.

it's not about EU lore. It's about aesthetics.
>citing SWTOR horseshit

The last time I played this
>Heavy was nerfed into fucking oblivion
>Officers were still 200hp self healing gigachads that killed everybody in one hit with their bullshit Warhammer 40k burst pistols
>hero point cost got nerfed tremendously and limits were removed, resulting in every Galactic Conquest game turning into Heroes vs Villains within thirty seconds
>the Resistance announcer's voice """actor""" still has a job

This is my current "go to" game when everything else is boring. Already passed my 360 hours from the first one. New game mode and lightsaber changes come out on the 26th with new reinforcement class as well.
For those of you who still play the game: What do you expect to see in the new roadmap they plan to release this month, and what are you hoping to see?

Even just Vader would have proved him wrong.

It's from the movies themselves, dipshit.

Keep an eye out for double and triple xp weekend events, it makes leveling heroes in HvV much faster and more bearable.

To be fair the AI in this game is fucking braindead.

>Palpatine with lightsaber in the movies
Kill yourself retard.

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>and what are you hoping to see?

Anakin fucking off.

I preordered and i feel no joy what so ever when i play.

Pretty sure the lightsaber combat changes aren't coming this month. No mention of it on the community calendar for this month or the community transmission the other day.

As for for what I hope to see, large scale offline modes and lots of additions and refinements to arcade mode in general. I would also love to get some new guns or at least attachments for the default guns, especially since I prefer them on the assault class. And Drop Zone mode from BF1 would be great. A few more heroes would be neat, maybe, but I'd say the game has already gone too far in the direction of unbalanced bullshit because of the heroes we already have and it isn't getting better each time they add a new one so it isn't necessarily for the best if they add yet more. And speaking of heroes, I want a new version of HvV that does away with the target system. Maybe a capture the flat type mode or just a hero deathmatch with higher player counts so every character is in play at once.

What I actually expect? Fuck all. Maybe a couple more heroes at best (probably Mace Windu and Jango Fett), some more skins, maybe one more large map, and probably some kind of Episode IX tie in before they drop developing it entirely (if they even keep working on it that long).

>probably Mace Windu and Jango Fett

i want qui gon instead

>no droidekas
the fuck were they thinking?

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Star Fighters are fun as fuck, hugging debris fields and dropping fetts tactical nuke is the best

>>Palpatine with lightsaber in the movies
yes, and it was stupid

I know this feel. This game often makes me angry, frustrated, and miserable to play because of all the issues and ways it rewards scummy play and punishes most everyone else. So many exploiters and cheaters.

Pretty sure they just can't find a way to get Droidekas to actually function in the engine.

they complained about them being too hard to animate and going up stairs despite the ps2 games doing it just fine

It plays better for consolebabies imo I own both. EA doesnt do jack shit about cheaters I have learned over the years. BF2015 was infeeeested, the same dudes every night for months. And I gave up on BF2017 the moment I encountered them. On PS4, its super casual and far less exploiting bullshit. So long as you can handle a shittier controller instead of the butter silky smoother mousey movement.

i hate anakin and the fucking imbalanced heroes and dice fucking around nerfing and buffing and doing vice versa to each hero each update. I'm normally number 1 in heroes vs villains best the updates are giving shitty players and anakin bullshit advantages. kylo's freeze hardly ever works on anakin.

that mode is dead isnt it?

Not on weeb station, all modes have people. On PC everything was dead like 2 years ago except GA.

also obi wan even at level 40 is weak as fuck since last update

Dude. Buy Jedi Academy for 5 dollars, and get the Movie Battles 2 mod FOR FREE. You will not regret it. I seriously feel bad for any Yea Forumstard that is a big star wars fan, missing out on the best possible multiplayer experience.

Yes, it made the story about psychic samurai and laser moons seem way too silly.

it just looked fucking dumb. Yoda and Palpatine both.

did they remove the grind for heroes?
did they remove star cards?

if both are yes, i may buy your game

still very active? i got the jedi knight series bundle last winter sale but i havent jumped into academy yet


thanks for saving me money

Before Anakin, HvV as the dark side was fun. I used to get like 35 kills as General Grievous every match. Now he's practically worthless in the face of Anakin. And the whole "Anakin is supposed to level the playing field against OP dark side characters" thing didn't really work since all the old light side heroes are all still boring trash to play as (aside from Han for me at least, he's good and I enjoy him). So now matches are just boring and trivial for the light side unless you're Anakin instead of being a guaranteed loss and are just outright awful and a mostly guaranteed loss as the dark side, which is the side with the actual fun to play heroes and thus makes the entire mode horrible.


Sure. But it still made a lot of sense canonically. It was just executed poorly.

They nerfed him because the Anakin update made him way stronger than he was before and also had a glitch that made him basically unkillable.

star c ards are still here and you have to buy the newly added heroes. grievous, dooku etc. the older ones that used to have to be unlocked like vader are automatically yours now.

That's not the point. I want to explore the maps without someone yelling at me

so im paying 7.50 plus more for the content i actually want, that should have been in the game to begin with

>it still made a lot of sense canonically
just because something has "canonical" backing (not like Lucas ever acknowledged the EU) does not make it not fucking stupid. The Jedi and Sith worked better when they were more mysterious and not a bunch of guys wearing uniforms and all carrying their standard-issue fight sticks for when they need to fight another guy.

The prequels kickstarted the obsession in Star Wars with popping a lightsaber every 30 seconds, and it only brought the franchise down.

No, not with real money. Ingame credits.

No I agree. That really annoys me as well. I suspect they didn't because the maps are all really shallow. Endor, for example, feels really big when you first play it, but after a little bit you realize it's incredibly shallow. Being able to explore it at will would likely accelerate that process.

Jedi as spacecops was pretty fun tho. They should make pre prequels next. More spacecop adventures.

It's never been about the price, it's about sending a message

Well you can go QQ in your luddite hole, grandpa.

Nah, it's all free now. They caved like bitches for their perfidy.

if by fun you mean stupid, sure

Meant to mention

Rey is great on the lightside though. I'm almost always number 1 as her, but since that Anakin fuck...

Stupid things can be fun, like spinning in a chair while holding a chainsaw

>Well you can go QQ in your luddite hole, grandpa.
I don't have to, Disney blew up all the horseshit in the EU for me and left us all to slap each other in the face in the rubble they left behind

They literally have access to the original CGI animations and a massive amount of reference footage. There's no excuse.

>aside from Han for me at least, he's good and I enjoy him



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Just make them roll up the stairs who cares, i just wanted to play droidekas

Lol no, Obi wan was just a good lightside hero to play, now he's pathetic and clunky, can barely block.

bossk is my fave

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I love chopping and slicing you Bossks up with my lightsaber. You guys are annoying but easy to kill.

Just tried Yoda for the first time in HvV, and hot damn he's OP.

Again, this is just from the prequels. And they still didn't erase the "Legends" from existence.

it blew up any justification you had by appealing to Revan or whoever to say "well it has canonical backing!" as if it had any canoncial backing before the fucking prequels gave everyone a lightsaber.

No. I'm serious. The Anakin update that buffed him unintentionally broke him, his damage reduction while using push stayed active and made him invincible. So they nerfed him when they fixed it.

Also, the blocking problems are a bug that has existed in the game for a long, long time and applies to all saber users not just him.

do any of you guys use mods? some of the visual enhancing ones look really nice.

>The Anakin update that buffed him unintentionally broke him

I was talking about before the Anakin update. I usually got to number 1 in several Heroes Vs. Villains games, but after the first Anakin update, he went to shit seemingly.

got to number 1 with Obi Wan* (he used to be fun and a good light side choice)

The games literally 5 bucks and the games still fun as fuck especially with a friend. They update it every month and its on dedicated servers.

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I wasn't the one appealing to Reven. I was sticking with pure canon, which the prequels and the OT are.

i played this for a few months after release, recently played again after over a year
i mostly play GA so cant really comment on other gamemodes

>most maps are still absolute clusterfuck with big chokepoints in most of them, they sorely need more flanking routes
>other team still wins like 90%+ of the games on some maps like clones on kamino, resistance on jakku and rebels on mos eisley
>some heroes are still absolute bonkers, especially anakin is fucking stupid with 90% damage reduction out of his ass
>starfighters are really tough to take down from the ground, basically you need to fight them with a starfighter of your own
>4 heroes per team is too much, if the players are decent and all 4 heroes are camping one enclosed space where the objective is its literally impossible to capture
>if you want to get high level cards on heroes you're practically forced to play the hero exclusive modes, the xp gain is really slow in GA
>while the new progression system is decent, some of us who spent crafting parts on epic level cards got buttfucked hard in progression, one epic card is worth like 20 skill points in parts
>scaling on starfighter cards seems stupid as fuck, the benefit usually doubles when going from level 3 to 4 and you have shit like 5/10/20/40% reductions, literally 8x increase
>republic and rebels could really use some kind of decent ground vehicles to fight the AAT's and AT-ST's
>you still get a huge "PLEASE RAPE MY FACE" tag if you pick up an ion disruptor, making objective playing suck ass
>assault and specialist special abilities still kinda overlap, both of them are meant for fast rushing/flanking and rapidly taking enemies down, i'd like either one of them reworked
>supercharged sentry way overnerfed, might as well not exist now

I know he was good, he was one of my light side mains before. He and Dooku are made for proper dueling and when you fully understood those mechanics and how to do it, they are basically unstoppable. I guess I haven't played in like a week or so though so I don't how he feels after the most recent patch because never getting to play Anakin has been pissing me off too much.

I've owned it for quite a while, but never really sunk any time into it. I'm not going to lie though, the videos I've seen of people playing it do make it sort of look like fun, especially the Clone Wars shit.

>so I don't how he feels after the most recent patch because never getting to play Anakin has been pissing me off too much.

I'm already level 40 as Anakin. You have to play full game and then when the next map switches immediately hit x(continue) and move your toggle stick to him and select him fast. Usually also, a lot of people have already left the previous game by then, so the lobby will only have like 1 or 2 other people you'd be competing against to select him.

Also, seemingly, whenever I get in number 1 or number 2 in the previous match, I seem to load into the lobby faster, and can select him before others.

it makes me so fucking sad that i cant get a match for that on pc, that's the only mode I like

I'm also talking about Heroes Vs. Villains, I don't play Galactic Assault. Maybe rarely.

Do you an SSD or Pro/X console? I'm just on base PS4 and that strategy never really seems to work for me.

Really? I have the first model of PS4 sold. I bought it back in 2012 or whenever the year was PS4 first came out.

May also have to do with your internet connection. You can also change the PING EA site that you connect to for servers for best reception/connection in the gameplay EA account options. I connect to EA Virginia ping site since I live near Buffalo.

now imagine paying $60 for it on release

I paid $80 for the deluxe edition, which I even preordered. The only 3 games I have done that for this entire gen were Battlefront 1 and 2 and RDR2

you're a special kind of stupid, aren't you

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Lucky, you got the Rey pre-order outfit.

I can't even fucking buy that with credits.

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Is it multiplayer only?

last time i checked the offline mode sucked ass and the campaign is pretty barebones and like 5 hours long
its definitely 95% a multiplayer game

No. It has a full single player campaign and offline arcode mode with bots (not that great though, currently still lacking the main mode everyone wants for it)

It would be fun but half the time players are officers so they can farm points to become heroes. No one plays the objectives. Gunplay is terrible and there are no new weapons

honestly enemy team should only have the indicator where the ion disruptor is if its either dropped in the ground OR a specialist has spotted the player carrying it
picking it up is just asking to get blasted

true sith used swords till the fallen jedi niggers ruined that

I think the hero systems needs an overhaul in Assault mode. It get it, everyone wants to be a hero but that gets distracting because once you have heroes on the field, it stops playing like a battlefield title and turns into something else.

4 heroes/team is too much imo
should be 3 or maybe even 2

heroes should never have moved to player control and should have always been ai like the original battlefront or regulated to hero mode/custom games. it detracts from the entire reason why battlefront is good. battlefront should be about two armies colliding. not 4 nerds metagaming as hard as they can to get an 80 kill streak with ebin vader

I wish I knew what it felt like to get an big killstreak like that as a hero in galactic assault. Even just once ;_;

Play Anakin

Just checked, and I have it somehow. Despite buying it just recently. Same with Kylo Ren.

Agreed. I don't get how they could make such a step backwards from the previous game with the same shit.
Plus, heroes are OP, they cut out some of the more interesting ones, and the lightsabre fucks are even more OP than that.

>game has saber lunging
>misses even a perfectly still target half the time while leaving you exposed

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Ok cool I'll check it out.

All these years and updates, no new classes or weapons. They don't care, they're catering to the hero casuals

I doubt we'll see new proper classes, since they made jetpack and heavies hero units, which is a shame. But surely we'll get new weapons and shit if they add in a new DLC era.

I'm extremely assblasted about no new weapons

Don't forget the dearth of vehicles to be assblasted about. But at least you can control the heavies like the MT and AT-AT

I got it for 5 bucks during the latest sale.
The SP campaign is pretty boring.
MP is just an alright rooty shooty.
I'd say for 5 bucks I got what I paid for. I bought the 1st on release, got burned hard so I learned my lesson.