DmC is not a bad name. You know why? Because it is INSTANTLY recognizable without a number. It sets the game apart by being peculiarly different.
Great title for a great game.
DmC is not a bad name. You know why? Because it is INSTANTLY recognizable without a number...
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It's the "OwO what's this" of videogame titles, and it deserves no better.
who cares about the name, the gameplay is bad.
It's unironically cringier than the rest of the series
Maybe I like cringe
Reuben has confirmed that Itsuno hates your piece of shit game. Seethe forever.
You're really reaching now huh
When typed sure. And its name isn't DmC, its DMC Devil May Cry
>dude lowercase lmao
It's a fucking horrible title and I get upset anyone refers to any other game in the series as "DmC" (e.g. DmC3, DmC5, etc). Now that I've said that I'm sure some of you faggots are gonna use it even more.
I recognise shit by the smell, doesn't mean it's good branding.
when i hear DmC i just think of the original series
unless you are saying D lower case m C
"I'll stay if you give me devil may cry and you let me do it the way I wanna do it and not the bs stuff you guys did".
Based Itsuno
DmC wouldn't even have gotten half the sales it got if it weren't because it was attached to the name Devil May Cry, you can't deny this.
Damn. That's pretty eye opening. If he hated it so much, I wonder why he referenced it? Is it spite? Did he want to prove that can he can do better than DmC? It's pretty weird that Itsuno was ready to leave Capcom. I wonder if he'd retire or go to another company.
>He was ready to leave Capcom, he wasn't happy
Wow, I didn't know it had gotten that bad. Hopefully he gets what he needs for DD2 also.
>color coded enemies
>great game
>DmC wouldn't even have gotten half the sales it got if it weren't because it was attached to the name Devil May Cry,
on the other hand, DmC wouldn't even have gotten half the hate it got if it weren't because it was attached to the name Devil May Cry. People would just dismiss it as another generic western hack and slash
>I wonder why he referenced it?
Most of the references can be taken either way. A lot of them seem to be self-deprecating in nature, like the million years one, which of course is funny because there's 3 white haired dudes fighting it out, or the message about not promoting smoking.
Then again, Reuben also mentions that Itsuno is a negotiating leader. Maybe the DmC references and leftovers were put in as a request by other team members.
Exactly, this game has no identity on its own, at least not one that could be remembered long after its release. At best people would say it's a DMC knock-off (which it essentially is).
Itsuno took it as inspiration. The bad stuff inspired him to make the bad stuff good in his own context (fuck you, not in a million years, etc.) while he also took the GOOD things DmC did (changing environments as you walk through the levels, style announcers, slow-down in the final hit).
He's not like typical Yea Forums users who hate a thing, and then everything associated with that thing is automatically BAD. He sees the good parts of bad projects and learns from them and adopts them.
This, he did the same thing with DMC3 after DMC2 was released.
Your mom can instantly recognize my penis in her face, doesn't mean it's a great penis.
idk user, my mom has told me good things about it
That's not really why it's a bad game. I think the gameplay and presentation are fun.
absolutely nothing from dmc2 remains in 3 besides literally 3 moves and most of the game is just new ideas and DMC1 fanservice
What does you even mean by this
>be Tameem
>DMC fans hate your game
>play the heel which in turn invigorates them
>demand for a proper sequel increases
>successful campaigns to buy DMC HD and DMC4 SE fuelel by shitposting and DmC hate
>DMC5 happens and puts the franchise back on the map
was Tameem an unlikely saviour all along
In a way, I guess he was. The real villain was Inafune, and if it wasn't NT that did DmC it would have been someone else.
Inafune was the root cause but it also makes you think about all the other franchises Capcom put down. Maybe it ended up being a good thing that DMC got rebooted. And also that DmC wasn't a completely bland and boring product, but something that got fans fired up in some way.
>yfw shitposters saw the screencap about people being nostalgic for DmC in the future and thought they'd be clever and replicate it
>DmC could have been made by an actual competent team that would have actually divided the fanbase and be successful enough to get be the new face of the series, dooming the original forever
>Inafune would have never left Capcom, ensuring his plans to westernize Capcom would go on as planned
>Tameem prevented this by making a hot turd
People recognize bad games just as easily as good game.
People remember Drake and the 99 dragons. That's a pile of shit like DmC.
>isn't that the comic where Vergil gets Dante's waifu pregnant and then aborts Nero?
Whatever makes you sleep at night, fag. Also, your taste is complete garbage.
>Nico smokes
>Nero starts bitching and V literally just leaves the van
Kek, it's pretty funny.
He is pretty much Nobunaga. He united everyone under a common enemy. Himself.
you faggots are still butthurt over the black hair
your opinion on the game is worthless if you haven't played special edition
Nobu was a chad though.
>BTFOd literally everyone to the point where they called him a demon
>when his enemies tried using religion as a shield, he burned down their temples with them still inside and then massacred their wives and children
>forced his enemies to build schools, hospitals, roads and a local economy once he conquered them
>your opinion on the game is worthless if you haven't played special edition
Fucking hell, user.
>game is fucking garbage to the point where DMC4's team has to go to England to salvage the game to a somewhat working state
>and then rework the combat entirely for the Special Edition while Ninja Theory watches
Of course the special edition plays better, fucking Itsuno and the team worked on the DE from the start. It was around 2012 where they had to fix the base game, months before launch. It's funny how DMCfags get called weebs but your entire defense is "why don't you guys play the reworked game done by the Japanese team"
On the other hand, you bought DmC twice so why should I listen to you when you are clearly retarded?
>checked out the Definitive Edition
>made by Capcom of Japan
To be fair to NT, and I'd really rather not be but it needs to be said, their idea and concepts for the games tone and story were going to be similar to DMC, but Capcom stepped in and told them to completely change everything. There's a piece of art in the 3142 artbook, that I've never actually seen a scan of, but it shows Donte and the girl walking down a hallway where statues of all the other Dante's with Trish next to 1 Dante and Lady and Vergil with 3 Dante are shown. It seems like they had some level of respect for the series but were ordered to take it in a completely different direction. All that being said, even if the story and characters were in tone with DMC, the gameplay would have still been shit. Their games before were bad and their games since then have been worse. They didn't take anything that Itsuno taught them. Fuck them either way, but for a moment there they tried.
Fucking Kat was an ugly piece of shit, at least design sexy ladies.
The circle button context sensitive stuff became the styles. Running on walls was a 3 trickster ability, and many of the air gun moves made it into gunslinger.
I'm not buying a 360 or PS3 just to play a mildly improved version of a game I already didn't like
inb4 Nico and 5 Trish
>you guys only hate the game because of the black hair
>by the way, don't actually play the game
>play the reworked version of the game made in Japan
>but then praise the original game made by Ninja Theory anyway