Is there any vidya character that can beat him?
Is there any vidya character that can beat him?
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Me, because I exist and he doesn't
what vidya character are you
Yes probably.
The Yea Forumsirgin
>start watching JoJo
>character designs are a bit flamboyant after the first arc but still super manly
>see shots of these Liberacci twink homolords and I dread continuing
I'm up to the Egypt arc, when does shit start looking uber gay?
Araki never mentioning him again outside of part 5
Heaven Ascension Dio
Part 4
Depends if console commands work.
Bruno dies
Narancia dies
Abbachio dies
Polnareff switches bodies with a turtle
First episode of Part 5
Part 5 is based in Italy, and Italian fashion was one of the things Araki wanted to explore by setting it there, so Part 5 is especially flamboyant.
Holy shit lads bet he is watching the dub
part 4 is the transition and part 5 is when it gets fully embraced, but I honestly embraced the twinkiness of the later parts, especially with the new universe
Araki became a much better writer, artist, etc. when he started drawing what he wanted to instead of conforming to the über-muscular dudes trope
Part 1. JoJo was always gay as fuck and you're in denial.
How was Part 1 gay? It's literally Castlevania with a Rugby playing gentleman as Simon.
The artwork in the part 5 anime looks so fucking bad, it looks like shit... And why didn't they just give Giorno his blue color palette? Pink is an eye sore.
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Madara Uchiha? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I'm not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I'm not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano'o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu. I’m also not talking about Kono Yo no Kyūseishu Futarime no Rikudō Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan (which is capable of Enton Amaterasu, Izanagi, Izanami and the Tsyukuyomi Genjutsu), his two original Rinnegan (which grant him Chikushōdō, Shuradō, Tendō, Ningendō, Jigokudō, Gakidō, Gedō, Banshō Ten’in, Chibaku Tensei, Shinra Tensei, Tengai Shinsei and Banbutsu Sōzō) and a third Tomoe Rinnegan on his forehead, capable of using Katon, Fūton, Raiton, Doton, Suiton, Mokuton, Ranton, Inton, Yōton and even Onmyōton Jutsu, equipped with his Gunbai(capable of using Uchihagaeshi) and a Shakujō because he is a master in kenjutsu and taijutsu, a perfect Susano’o (that can use Yasaka no Magatama ), control of both the Juubi and the Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA and face implanted on his chest, his four Rinbo Hengoku Clones guarding him and nine Gudōdama floating behind him AFTER he absorbed Senjutsu from the First Hokage, entered Rikudō Senjutsu Mode, cast Mugen Tsukuyomi on everybody and used Shin: Jukai Kōtan so he can use their Chakra while they are under Genjutsu.
I'm definitely NOT Talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with Shining Trapezohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after Alucard, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu and having eaten Popeye's spinach. I'm talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Legendary Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with his Shining Trapezohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after having absorbed Alucard as well as a God Hand, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit, with Kryptonian DNA implanted in him and having eaten Popeye's spinach while possessing quantum powers like Dr. Manhattan and having mastered Hokuto Shinken.
New OP and ED are kino
it's okay part 6 starts off straight because jolyn is a chronic masturbator
The OP is just okay but the ED is kino
Part 2 is where it got gay. Did you just skip it? Have you not noticed Polnareff?
Okay yeah that part was pretty homo but that was like a blip throughout the whole arc.
Gg wp anons. I deserve it, how old is the part 5 manga?
Giorno was in Florida but he didn't do anything. Araki's such a hack
I haven't caught up yet, what's the new ED?
The French guy with the Guile hair cut who tries to fuck every cutie he comes across?
Modetn Crusaders by Enigma
Is Araki gay?
He's just really into fashion bro.
>Give Diavolo/Doppio a daughter
>Don't go for thematic kino and call her Stand "Moonchild"
>Instead name it after some shitty pop-group that wound up being a flash in the pan
Traitor's Requiem sucks.
sounds like shit to me, compared to the first.
Heaven Dio canonically stomps him you faggot
>using "Heaven Dio" and "canon" in the same sentence
When i first heard this I was like, "wait a minute, didn't Enigma do that one native american chant song?"
Turns out they did, wtf, doesn't even sound like the same group.
Either retarded or b8
I remember I actually spoiling myself on Part 5 as I was too scarred to know if Mista, I guess even Araki knew it would be absolutely haram to kill him off.
She still has one my favorite assault shout outs though.
spice girl is kino you fucking pleb. bet you only started reading after you watched the 2012 anime.
>was just reading this thread
>go on youtube
>first recommended video is moonchild by king crimson
>I've never looked up king crimson on youtube before
Alright, I have finally decided to read this bullshit. What sites/translations do I use to read this shit?
The park reviewer from Legoland.
sailor moon
Manly as fuck
>watching JoJo
you're already beyond help, faggot
>look at me im a contrarian
"Jojo's Colored Adventure" on Mangadex. The group does the only good TL work.
Insecure fags need no apply
if you already enjoy jojo you shouldn't give a single fuck about homo-erotic imagery
the show it's much more than that and you know it.
>muh contrarian boogeyman
Im telling you that watching the shit tier anime was a mistake, retard. not like I expect you to have enough brain cells to read the manga or anything though
Dont, we have enough knuckle-draggers in the fanbase
>pic related is finally playable in 4K
>healthbar issue still there
Part 4 is when Araki started experimenting, part 5 it gets pretty bad, part 6 is an unholy abomination, and then he starts to figure out how to make his new style work in part 7.
Giorno is unfortunately a mary sue, no matter how well his character is written, he just asspulls everything.
Part 5 is my favorite part, but giorno just feels like something to convey the story. Everyone around him has at least twice the amount of presence and personality
Jolene has the opposite problem in part 6 tho.
Read the manga
>no matter how well his character is written, he just asspulls everything
Damn, just like Joseph and Jotaro then?
If he is, he's seriously behind. The dub is 2/3rds of the way through Part 4 right now, he alien episode airs tomorrow night.
By definition Bruno is the mary sue of part 5 because of how he detracts from the actual main character
cool retard spacing post though
It has been out for 22+ years
>retard spacing
Not him btw
You're too afraid to call it "reddit spacing" because you know it's bullshit as well and people would call you out
But think about it, you've reached the point where you instinctively hate anyone who starts a new paragraph for readability purposes.
Think about it
There's homoerotic shit right off the bat you dumbass, there's no getting out now.
careful, your antenna is showing faggot
>hurdur ur 2 afrade 2 cal i t leddit spasin
>hurr maek mah posst luk gud bruh
fucking retarded, looks like shit, makes you come off as a low functioning child
>ending if one of the best we have gotten in fucking years
too fucking good
you aren't writing an essay you autistic faggot, its an anonymous image board post
>Read the manga
isn't a paragraph either
So how about that Traitors Requiem?
>He read the manga?
I definitely deserved it then
keep up the good fight against the secondaries, my fellow leddit friend. take this upboat XD
>retard spacing
>HackxHack image
cringe and moodypilled
Quit before you start thinking of making stand-kin art and other MLP tier shit jojo spergs get into. XD look i just made spongebob a stand. Oh GoD HeLp, tHE AuTiSm ViRuS iS SpReAdINg
Thanks user, appreciate it.
Well now I'll make sure to do it for sure just to spite faggots like you.
I literally had to make a Reddit account to personally check what the fuck this formatting shit meant and I found out you faggots can't even understand the system you shitpost about
>reading Jojo out of spite
you won't make it through anyway, retard
>had to make a Reddit account
>trying to act elitist
>over being a jojo fan
Sorry user but despite what you may believe no one actually gives a fuck if you say you read jojo before the anime aired.
>babby's first anime
I can't help but think Araki's take on super powers is more overwrought and ridiculous than the same fighting manga he tried to lampoon.
Well yeah, that's part of the appeal. Jojo at least attempts to not be power level bullshit, even though it becomes that though during key fights.
The moment I got a post with more than 4 lines I'm allowed to do whatever I want with them you retard
People won't even bother reading your shit if looks like a cluster of words, you need a smart way to organize your post that isn't a fucking walltext
Having an empty space between single phrases is retarded, not having an empty space between paragraphs is retarded as well
I didn't though, the anime is just absolute dog shit
Narancia really likes when other men watch him pee.
No dignity.
You can keep arguing for the retarded way you "format" your posts, but it still makes you look like a dumb fuck kid and you'll be treated that way
So was it called Clash, or The Clash? If it's the former, then why the fuck was it censored anyways?
>I'm up to the Egypt arc, when does shit start looking uber gay?
Since Part 1
youre right, it fucking blows. worst OP of the season and the worst jojo OP of all time.
t. liked chase
t. hated Chase
This. Its been super gay since forever and its simply been a meme that has been propagated by sub Yea Forums faggots.
Why is Abbachio so hot?
By fucking autistic apes like you, unironically unable to even understand the very shit you're memeing?
Just repeating a concept you heard before to oblivion, without ever questioning yourself about its meaning
Which is very ironic considering this shit comes from a way to shit on redditors
I'm starting to get into this. Is Dio just an asshole or what? What's his problem?
this whole
>throwing a tantrum because I wanna space my posts like an autistic pig
thing isn't helping your case, user
chase was the worst op prior to this one
He's actually gay for jojo by the end, don't worry.
Yes. He's trying to steal Jonathan's life out from under him because of ambition.
Honestly, the first three episodes of Part 1 are some damn good stuff. Shame that the other six episodes are just standard shonen on fast forward.
There is literally no video game character who can defeat Gold Experience Requiem.
The World over Heaven did and that's not even leaving GER's own franchise.
My OC stand could. You should check it out on my deviant art. Just search for jojogernaut.
>Ending is actually better than opening
dang dind't see that coming
the whole
>going apeshit whenever someone adds a space between two lines
thing isn't helping yours either
How? Did they just ignore the Everything Proof Shield when he did so?
Alright, favorite underrated stands? Can be ability or design wise.
Jail House Lock always seemed really cool to me both for its design and ability. The design isn't amazing but the weird stitch patterns, weird arms, and visible brain for a head make it stand out as one of the more unique humanoid designs to me. it's ability though is one of the scariest in the series to me though. The idea of not being able to hold more then three thoughts under any circumstances is literally the thing of horrors in my mind. Obviously a lot of the more physical based stands like Metallica are scary for obvious reasons but Jail House Lock sounds like a quick descent into insanity.
I only play with 50% health on both sides. ASB works with 50% health. I sometimes give enemy Dios 100%.
>being this new
See how you didn't put any retarded unnecessary spaces in that post?
keep it up
That shit is about as canon as Allah.
Eyes of Heaven is shit and not canon, The World Over Heaven is proof that Araki has no influence over whatever nips are constructing additional material for Jojo
he gives the seal of approval, collects a check, and goes back to part 8
>mary sue
Someday you Zoomers will learn to like things "unironically," as you say. Maybe.
I think it would be easier to say that Eyes of Heaven is just stupid as hell, and despite the love letter references to the manga, it plays like shit and literally ends like Part 3, except it looks like Hurricane Katrina blew threw the entirety of the series and also Joylne is there.
Chase is amazing. Do you not listen to rock?
So if I remember correctly, this is some Final Fantasy II bullshit where Dio's soul split and his good side conquered heaven?
This. You just don't get it. Right, fellow stand users?
he probably listens to only mumble rap
Jojo is pretty much the only good anime since the 80's. Your taste is monumentally bad.
Starts in part 4 with people being noticeably more twinkish (though it does surround mainly kids, so it's understandable), really comes full swing in part 5.
Ironically, part 5 is pretty god damn masculine with the shit some of the main characters pull off, doubly so when they look so fucking gay while doing it.
Come on user he can't be THAT much of a retard.
That is one of the most retarded things I've ever read on Yea Forums
I listen to a fair amount of rock, but it doesn't match the tone of the anime at all. CNBT and Great Days were better at mixing the music with the subject matter, chase didn't fit in at all.
Who cares lol, after all in part 6 araki resets the world and killes off jotaro.
Can paused time be reversed?
Catch the Rainbow; it's a simple mask even by ordinary standards and that's what I appreciates about it.
Enigma, if only for the practical applications of being able to store objects in slips of folded paper. Think about it man.
Chase is shit and anyone who defend it is an autistic deaf with no musical taste at all.
>doesn't match the tone of the anime at all
Yeah sure, because you seem to have such a great grasp on that
too retarded, didn't read
>Name one video game character
Stay mad DiGiorno.
>but it doesn't match the tone of the anime at all
Lyrics literally feel like they are all about what is going on and it happens in the darkest part of DiU. Great Days made less sense actually.
(lyrics to chase)
It seems like my most important things are about to be snatched away
by the demons which are muddled into my everyday life
If it's tranquility, it's long since been destroyed
Being casual, and then unconcerned-
It's been stolen without me noticing
If I'm going to get it back, the time is now
With the sharpness of a piercing arrow,
these colliding hearts are beautiful
No matter where, I'll chase you
I'll always chase you
I'm chasing you
There's nowhere to run
Run, and I'll chase you
Tomorrow, too, I'll chase you
I'm gonna beat you up
The outcome is determined by my tenacity
So I chase you
I don't even give a fuck about OP, I just wish dumb fags would stop bringing up that disappointing mess of a game forever
It sucks because araki while he likes the super gay designs it's lead people to adapt it in a completely different way
Did I use more than four lines/three phrases you fucking sperg?
I know you aren't paid to write actually readable shit on a daily basis and you sure as hell know jackshit about the laziness of your average Internet user, but holy shit try following the conversation at least
You like Spice Girls faggot.
There were no spaces in that post, retard
>n-no u...
fucking pathetic
hahah so much win XD
>STILL throwing a tantrum over his retarded need to space his posts like he's writing a letter
cmon retard, time to get over it
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Johnny Joestar? Let alone defeat him. And I'm not talking about Johnny Joestar with Tusk Act 1. I'm not talking about Johnny Joestar with both Tusk Act 1 and Act 2 either. Nor am I talking about Johnny Joestar with Tusk Act 1, Act 2, Act 3. Hell, I'm not even talking about Johnny Joestar with Tusk Act 1, Act 2, Act 3, and Act 4 (with the the assistance of Slow Dancer and a visual example of the Golden Spiral), equipped with his herbal tea, a pistol from an alternate world, bug bites, all corpse parts, support from Gyro Zeppeli, with Scan and Ballbreaker implanted in him so he has full control of the spin and they can perform an infinite spiral rotation.
I want to fuck Sailor Moon so bad.
「Great Days」is the best OP
A rock but with stand powers.
yes but at least Im not spacing my posts like a retard
you know like this, it would be really retarded if I spaced my posts like this
it would make me look like Im an underageB& who just got his first writing lesson in elementary school
wouldn't it, retard?
are you finished with your fit?
I agree, anyone who spaces their posts like they're writing a novel on Yea Forums is a beta and should be shot
the whole point was to look as retarded
as possible
like you
Would GER beat Tusk Act 4?
I'll never get over the way you autist took over our site
at the point you can't even write decently without triggering someone
Yes, GER would make it so Johnny never even shot
Goddammit Ronnie, stop being topical
At Least Noone Types Like This.
>I'll never get over the way you autist took over our site
>OUR site
More like, anyone that ever uses spaces at all
Great Days is the definition of a meme song.
Do you genuinely believe that makes your post more readable, you utter brainlet?
its time to get over it user, this is a reddit-lite site now
soon all of you "oldfags" will be ousted
cringy and virginal post
I don't know who (You) are and where are you from, but you sure as hell are a foreigner
It's written on your forehead
>Retards arguing about spacing
>battle you could read in a few minutes stretched into two full episodes
why do they do this?
Araki hates faggots, though.
>muh seekrit klub
what a thread
But jojo is DBZ levels of trash and can't be posted about there.
>read in a few minutes
you are over-estimating the average shounen fan
2016, amirite?
>go to Yea Forums
>ctrl+F Jojo
>5 results
>at least 4 are separate threads
>not Stand Proud
2019, amirite?
Made ya check.
Jojo threads only have any meaning when a new Jojolion chapter comes out. Literally everything else has been talked about 10+ years ago regarding earlier parts.
Funny, Jojo was considered sacred on Yea Forums before the anime aired.
ok fag