ITT: games with kino redemption/salvation arcs

ITT: games with kino redemption/salvation arcs

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Other urls found in this thread:

Why where they in a women's restroom?

There is literally zero indication of that place being a restroom.

They don't have to answer that.

why are their faces melding together

Unironically pure kino

Attached: adifferenttime.jpg (1600x1203, 162K)

what are some games where I can play as a noble delinquent

Attached: josuke bravo.jpg (548x620, 52K)

Source please

Attached: RJ243924_img_smp1[1].jpg (1500x2000, 923K)

Wait a second, did i click in the wrong board?

Attached: 1512031052979.gif (270x223, 1.16M)

if this artist just had one vanilla manga, it would make my dick so fucking hard

For anyone who wants to know what the fuck this is:

Attached: 1545968453801.jpg (480x404, 29K)

he has one with the cripple wheelchair girl iirc

Attached: 1530662976259.png (761x563, 339K)

Holy shit this is based

Don't ever post this again

Attached: burn.jpg (1242x820, 401K)

His latest one is quite vanilla

We all know what it is you fucking newfag

>he fell for the "good ending" meme

Attached: 773989081_preview_Sans-titre.png (642x640, 825K)

She literally only does vanilla nowadays. People bitched so much that they had to give in.


Why is Ghost Rider so cool?


Keep crying

someone tell me the tags so I can know whether to bother or not getting past sadpanda in this incognito browser

Newfags everyone

Attached: 1541561170436.gif (280x201, 995K)

tags: [cringe]
don't bother

It's not porn. Also, learn how to use a comma.

Some panels look... slightly out of place

Attached: hold up.jpg (263x192, 8K)

Imagine actually creating this cringe fanfiction because you couldn't handle the original ending

it really is the Japanese shadman

I'm Gonna Fix that Girl (Emergence Alternate Ending)[english]
Kill yourselves

Unironically cringe AND kino

Josuke best JoJo

>being a newfag enabler
no u

>a person's worth is determined by arbitrary factors like oldness instead of post quality
Go circlejerk your shitty oldfig meme somewhere else. Shit like this is killing the site.

Attached: disappoint.png (600x449, 349K)

>shit like this

Not /pol/

This site died a long time ago, newfag