Why does Yea Forums hate Touhou so much?
Why does Yea Forums hate Touhou so much?
It's the uddertell of the east.
it's because I will never be able to fuck a touhou
people who hate it are probably dumb zoomzooms who can't even beat imperishable night on lunatic
Tits too big
nobody actually talks about the games, they just be waifufaggots
imagine being a gaphag poster
>granny trying to show off her cleavage
How old are you again?
So sad. She needs breast reduction for her bad back
But I like toehoe
17, no more no less
I don't hate Touhou.
I used to be a big Touhou fan, and my first imageboard was Pooshlmer.
I don't hate Tohou.
I just like planes more.
Pew pew pew~!
Garbage fucking fetish but I love the way he draws faces.
>17 centuries
Its time to stop grandma, you're embarrassing yourself.
The games are fun. They have good music and fun characters. Gameplay-wise there's not much to talk about though so everything comes down to the story and a lot of that meat comes from fan stuff and that's usually not a good place to go even if Japan's fan versions tend to be better than other regions'.
fuck i dunno why the image was spoilered
Its always felt boring to me. Dunno how to enjoy it
>Gameplay-wise there's not much to talk about
I don't understand this. Why go to a board about video games if you can't actually talk about video games? What's the point? Is this why people talk about games as if they're movies?
Not to be a jerk. It's not about your specifically but the sentiment in general.
>tfw still no giant radioactive hell raven gf
so like every other game here
sorry she's taken
All he said was there wasn't much to talk about the gameplay. That doesn't mean he isn't talking about the game still. If you want to talk about the mechanics then reply to someone else
the people posting in this thread are probably /jp/sie refugees who are sick of people circlejerking about how often they shit on the floor or piss in bottles on a daily basis and want to circlejerk about waifus instead
>dating a literal retard
Look, I know we like to talkshit even about horrible things from time to time but thats fucked bro
What fetish?
>a literal retard
This is the series with Kokoro and Koishi
who cares
China loving degenerates
They are nice girls with pure hearts, dont be mean.
Imagine being Yukari
>You’re not canonically the strongest character in your series
>You aren’t even close to being at the top
>There is a huge subsection of characters above you that live on the moon
>Despite having the all Youkai on your side, and your best friend, whose ability is literally killing who ever she want, you still lose a war to 2 moon people
>A fucking clown based off of someone named Funny Valentine with her Friend from Danganronpa, as well as 2 unarmed astronauts has terrorized those moon people you got humilated by
>ZUN also flatout makes a better you in every way for powerlevels
>Even among your own subset of people from Gensokyo, you still are not the strongest and get beat out by a giant sky lizard
>You are also an old hag and completely insecure about it
Like in all seriousness, is there a being in fiction that is as pathetic or as much of a waste of oxygen as Yukari Yuckolms? I almost feel bad for bullying her, but she’s such a pathetic organism that having pity implies she could have done better.
speak for yourself, I love 2hu
Nothing wrong with wanting to give China some love.
>Not liking Ballbusting
*ahem* FUCK lunarians!
Cirno is pretty cool
Go to sleep daiyousei
I like touhou, never played the games but I have fapped to the porn quite a lot
I love Yuugi! And I have made 2 fumos of her as well!
Reimu is such a healthy girl
udders is right goddamm
You make them?
because touhou fans are most autistic posters on Yea Forums
I don't know if your brain is wired wrong and you enjoy life threatening pain or are just a memeing retard pretending to enjoy shit you've never experienced but fuck you, fuck your friends, fuck your family, fuck your likes, fuck your house, fuck your internet, fuck your studies, fuck your country, fuck your state and most of all fuck your fat old man ugly bastard fucking cock juggling thundercunt of a waifu you failed waste of space and resources.
I would love a Nutcracker solder drawn in his style.
Koishi's legs are so damn hot
>not smashfags
imagine cumming inside her while she falls asleep watching TV
well by make, i mean i did the thing just about everyone does for custom fumos, that being take a pre-existing fumo and change it into another character
ill eventually make a third yuugi in her kimono, as it stands yuugi1 is the one on the left, and uses the hair from the flan fumo, and yuugi2 has hair made by me
Your wife gets plowed by superior oni cock every single night when she gets blackout drunk user.
Imagine being a fairyfag.
you're implying that yuugi (or suika/kasen for that matter) can get blackout drunk
also fuck off with your cuck fantasies!
>sleep all day
>thoroughly taken care of by her pets
>can just sic Reimu on anything remotely important
>occasionally do some keikaku bullshit
>has influence on both Gensokyo and the outside world
In the meantime Kasen has to babysit retard Reimu and nobody gives a damn about Okina
I like the music. I dislike the weightless, floaty visual style of the games. Most of the bullets don't feel like they have any mass to them.
You know what was cool? Murasa Minamitsu in this bit at 10:38.
Imagine getting a titfuck from Yukari
>and your best friend, whose ability is literally killing who ever she want,
Uh who?
But I don't?
fuck chinese
I don't hate it. In fact, Mamizou is my waifu
I just wish she was in more games
I don't remember these girls from Netoge. Different shows?
Gensokyo has some interesting fauna.
I can actually.
holy fuck
awoo indeed
He didn't deserve to die.
I don't hate Touhou
I literally have no idea what it is aside from hearing the name
Is this fully translated yet?
Mmmh... I'm getting there... Feels so good
no, japs continue to update every era game, and the autists on 8ch /hgg/ continue to bicker and have autist shitfits instead of translating. as it currently stands, tohok is the most translated still, then megaten and tw, check back in 10 years and the answer MAY be yes
More hags.
Series of fun bullet hells that's often overshadowed by the stupidly loud and often secondary fanbase.
Known for having good music, a vast and diverse cast of almost entirely female characters take heavy influence from Japanese mythology, lore that's far better than it has any right to be, somewhat stilted dialogue thanks to being tough to translate, and art that looks like it was drawn by a drunk japanese programmer because the entire game was made by a single, drunk japanese programmer.
the fuck does that mean
Goddamn I love big breasts
I wish my country wasn't full of chestlets
No. Patchouli, Kaguro, Youmu, Suika, Shinmyomaru, Mima, Sakuya, succubus, and I think Yuuka are translated but its because they dont have that much unique dialogue so they're more or less done.
Others that have dialogue but arent complete or even started are Reimu, Ruukuto, the three fairies, Ran, Tenshi, Iku, Satori, Meiling, Mystia, Mokou, green preistess whos name I forget, Momiji, Netori, Kasen, bird that reverses actions when she speaks, Seija, Seiga, and a few more that I know I've forgotten.
Just download the Translation Aggregation in the infinity chan era thread that unlocks the usual 50 character limit and its usually fine. Sure you're relying on google translate if you have to use it but you should be more than able to understand the jumbled sentence structure to get what was actually said.
stop looking at other touhous
wtf is her problem?
Left: Suzunoki Rin from Bakuon!!
Right: Claire Harvey from Hundred
The games are fun, the music is good, and the porn is amazing. What is there to hate?
the cancerous fanbase
the vast majority of the cancer jumped ship to either fgo or im@s
Yukari is canon flat loli though
post the yuugi one
sauce pls
Yuyuko can manipulate Death itself without limitations. But she would never ever use it and in fact was so terrified she had such an ability she killed herself. And even then the Yama were so terrified of letting someone with this ability into the afterlife they wiped her memories and condemned her to purgatory instead.
She's too nice and would refuse to ever use her power to harm another, even if Yukari asked her to.
its LITERALLY in the fucking filename you DENSE MOTHERFUCKER
All that's left now are JCs, music otaku, lorefags, and about 50% of the remaining doujinshi circles.
More like Yukari is canon nonexisting thoughtform tulpa made up by Maribel.
I love Reisen!
sauce pls
Groundhog Day
It's frustrating because you're so close, yet so far.
>And even then the Yama were so terrified of letting someone with this ability into the afterlife they wiped her memories and condemned her to purgatory instead.
Is wrong.
>After becoming a ghost, she thoroughly forgot everything about the time she was alive, and started to enjoy being able to invoke death.
>The reason Yuyuko can neither reincarnate nor vanish is because of the seal on the Saigyou Ayakashi.
>Impressed by her unwillingness to hold grudges and her ability to control spirits, she was appointed by the Yama to manage the souls of the dead. In return, she was permitted eternal residence in the Netherworld.
Don't like the game flow. You are really railroaded, and while they're visually pretty, the attacks don't have the kind of weight that makes them satisfying.
I do not enjoy playing the games or watching other people play them. The music and girls are fine.
But I feel the same way about Pokemon, and I once liked Pokemon. I guess it's just seeing something flawed be popular. I feel resentment that it's not better.
>You are really railroaded
That is how the genre works you absolute autist.
the stomach bulge is what makes it
>She's too nice and would refuse to ever use her power
Not quite
Thanks Mac.
_unny _unny
Source pls
>You are really railroaded
No shit user, it's an arcade SHMUP for the PC. None of the attacks have much weight because for the most part everyone's shitting light or paper at each other and danmaku in-canon isn't lethal to begin with.
read thread pls
Funny bunny?
Posting this mouse!
I know, same as turn-based RPGs involve waiting, card games involve luck, and MOBAs involve relying on strangers. Just because it's core to the category doesn't mean I don't hate it.
>danmaku in-canon isn't lethal to begin with
It could still be punchy.
Soft girl.
>It could still be punchy.
Marisa's flamethrower in 14 felt great to use.
She needs someone to tell her shes not fat.
I LOVE this cute rat!
How many people itt have actually 1cc'd at least one game on normal?
Lunatic 1cc on every mainline game but LoLK, UFO, and HRtP.
Can't even do it on easy desu.
pcb and eosd on normal
the two easiest ones since im bad
1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, and 16
I think I beat the first few stages of EOSD on easy. At the very least I recall beating Cirno. but fuck that took a little while.
>Impressed by her unwillingness to hold grudges and her ability to control spirits, she was appointed by the Yama to manage the souls of the dead. In return, she was permitted eternal residence in the Netherworld.
Totally not because they were terrified of letting someone who could destroy them upon a whim and setting her up as a princess in a isolated dimension where she could be contained and kept pacified was sheer coincidence.
Also she enjoys being able to manipulate(soothe and pacify) ghosts as head of the Netherworld, NOT using her ultimate ability to manipulate death without exception. She's literally never used it. She would never harm anyone.
It'd sure be nice to see Seija around once in a while as a background character. She kinda fucked off after ISC.
6/7/8/11/13, and I did it on Hard a couple times for 8. And a few Last Words I guess. I used to be pretty decent but I've lost my touch.
Touhou rule 34 is the best.
Don't bully ZUN's art
Asking here in case this 2hu thread makes it to the end. Does anyone recognise what the first song is in this video?
I recognise it as ZUN's song Kid's festival innocent treasures. But I can't find this exact cover or rendition of the song. I've searched for a while now but being an EOP makes saucing touhou music a real hassle.
How much of a womanlet is Marisa
approximately 132 centimeters
At first I thought ZUN's artstyle was jank as fuck, and did so for the longest time. Still do actually, but I have no idea when, but I;ve come to unironically enjoy his artstyle whenever I see it. It just wouldn't be touhou without it. Early Windows era artstyle was his peak though.
>nobody posted the best 2hu yet
For shame.
that's worse than imagine, more like imaginlet
Small ones are cute too, though.
She is so nice she wanted to resurrect whatever poor girl was sealed under the tree after reading about it without even realizing it was herself. PCB was just her trying to do a good deed for a complete stranger for kindness sake.
Mokou pleases old men for money. ohohohohohoho~
How do you feel about the fact that Mokou is slowly slipping in the polls and that bootleg Mokou is rising? pic unrelated
She's about a head taller than an average fairy and goes up to about Rinnosuke's dick when standing on her tippy toes.
Mind you, she's in her early 20s now.
For comparison, she could give a fully-grown adult male a standing blowjob without even trying. She's one of the few 2hus who gets taller in fanworks.
1cc chart time?
is there a tier beyond imagine?
>Early Windows era artstyle was his peak though.
Glad you share my objectively superior taste.
She hasn't hit her growth spurt yet!
Didn't he change the software or something from MoF onwards?
>puberty finally hits Marisa
>she gets shorter
>Mokou is slowly slipping in the polls
It's only one rank down anyways.
bless you yuyuanon
I don't, but they're 6/10s that get treated like 10/10s, and I haven't met one touhou fan that wasn't a fucking sperg
God I fucking love the touhou charachter drawn with huge breasts.
>she gets shorter
She's making me hit a growth spurt.
Isn't Marisa 10 years old or something. Of course she's kid-sized.
Like Reimu has any right to gloat. She's a country hick that doesn't understand technology and she's in Hell anyway so guess who has the last laugh?
Evolution, being shorter allows her to dodge danmaku better
canonically shes 20, during her first appearance shes about 13-14
By me!
I've just finished Luna Nights. I wish it was a bit more open, but damn if the fundamentals aren't solid as hell.
>canonically she's 20
Holy fucking shit dude
It happens, honest
No, you don't!
She's the same age as Reimu, so somewhere in her early 20s. That being said, ZUN said that the characters don't really age, so it doesn't really matter. She's already an independent woman anyway. Lives in her own house out on the outskirts of the Magic Forest, refuses to take over the family store, etc.
Good post
It's all a farce. I played video games to feel like I have it under control, but I really just wanted to be loved. Love... I've never even known the unconditional love of my mother.
Please... I've worked so hard for you...
Why are you always angry? Why don't you ever praise me?
That look you always have, so stressed and sorrowful...
Why can't I remember an instance your comforting, soothing voice?
It's not my fault you say... It's dad's fault... But I look just like him...
I've hurt myself... Got in another fight...
My head's all busted... I'm bleeding out...
Mommy... Why...
Why did you never breastfeed me...
Yes I do
How is Crimson Slasher so good?
Not when you are still posting garbage like that.
I want to suck on reimus reimoos!
>blond haired blue eyed aryan ubermensch shorter than run-of-the-mill nipponese priestess
land of fantasy indeed
Reminder that Hollow Song of Birds just released and is absolutely god-tier. Free fangame that surpasses the main series. Get your secondary tiddy-spamming ass out of here and DL it. It's even absolute babby difficulty as it vomits resources at you while having a stupidly long death bomb timer so you secondary fucks can actually enjoy it and probably manage normal 1cc on your first try.
Preach it.
Question for you animeheads, what's the name of pic related? Reverse image search turns up nothing.
She's pretty based in FS though
She's half-Japanese, user.
Gensokyo has a disproportionately high number of foreigners compared to the rest of Japan.
Hobgoblins, chupacabras, vampires, Greek goddesses making conjugal visits, etc.
touhou isnt an anime, fuck off cunt
Best Onee-san and Best Girl, that's what her name is.
touhou is one of my favorite series and i enjoy the gameplay a fuck ton but im super shit at it and have only ever "beat" eosd on easy. how do i get good?
Because you're a pleb who can only clear with homing shots.
Teach me master
Woah epic dude haha
Nagato from KanColle
Check out Methonium's doujin of her!
Hold shift, for focused movement!
>nothing this artist did was as good as this
a crime
Seething Slasher more like
Big titty Touhous are peak culture. Prove me wrong.
stop moving so much
hold shift
use bombs
move more
Speak for yourself, I love 2hu
The anime is called Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai.
The character is Momoyo Kawakami. Terrible anime, but hey.
I'm going to make a controversial statement here: Radiohead without scat would be a lot better.
Playing it is your only option. Force yourself to not use continues and play at least on normal as you won't get better on Easy. I've been playing for around 7 years off and on now and just managed to get my first EoSD Hard 1cc.
The Shoot the Bullet styled games are suprisingly good for training as they are just constant difficult patterns, but you would probably find them nearly impossible if you normally play Easy.
Satori rises
How did Radiohead make this and that one where Aya and Reisen double team Nazirin and then went on to make BIG TANUKI BALLS
Terrible anime, amazing VN. Fucking animeonlyfags.
Why bother? shmups arent worth it. Youre just wasting your life not having fun trying to memorize patterns and retain muscle memory. You made the right choice by walking away.
You're right, his artwork also got kind of worse and the subject material is literally 1 good book for every 3 bad ones, at least Sexsphere was pretty consistently good, but he has some weird obsession with Tomoko and Konata and I'm fucking sick of them
Top tier taste.
>nothing this artist did was as good as this
>what is the Yuyuko spitroast, Mokou/Kaguya and Yuugi stomach bulge one
>Cookie on Yea Forums
>Force yourself to not use continues
try to actually finish using continues and just go from there
No matter how many times I fap to, or see pictures of Reimu with big boobs it always feels a bit weird to see.
Marisa and Mami!
but i havent walked away, i just cant beat one
the farthest ive gotten on normal is stage 5 on lolk
>the Kasen/Seiga image isn't the hottest shit
Not that controversial at all, really. Radiohead is one of those weird artists who would be god tier if they just toned down on the weird shit, like Niku Ringo.
>not Futa
If only it had been the same as the Guya and Moco one.
How can Reimu be fat when she literally depends on Marisa coming over to cook food for her everyday to survive since she's really fucking lazy and also really fucking poor?
based boobhu lovers
thoughts on cookie?
What is Marisa thinking in this scenario?
I legitimately wanted to know, that might be hard to believe though but it's the truth.
Oh no flan is peeing on me again!
I started playing for the girls but at the end I realized I only like the music. It's fucking great though.
Reimu in casual clothes reminds us all that she's really just a regular girl who needs to be taught how to love before she goes off the deep end.
yurikino unappreciated by /u/
Please stop posting big booby reimu I already fapped
what the fuck user that was kawaii as fuck
I don't entirely understand the concept of the voice actors being considered their own seperate characters, but damn if it doesn't make for good shit
>that dithering
>Please stop posting big booby reimu I already fapped
Fine then I'll post other big tittied touhous
>before she goes off the deep end
You're several years too late, user. She already murdered a dude for becoming a youkai and for telling her the truth.
>regular girl
She's a murderous secret agent of a luddite surveilance state user
>before she goes off the deep end
Are you underestimating her bloodlust?
RIP best boy. He did nothing wrong.
Justice for Fortune Teller when?
Is it Clown cunny time?
More big tiddied touhous?
After I'm done with her the only thing she'll be lusting for is cock.
>Not fat assed toehoes
You could just bribe her with food, alcohol, or 10000 yen bills.
Does she take Visa SmartCards
>not fat bellied two whos
Next Touhou game FT comes back, kills Reimu, and replaces her as the main character. Mark my words.
She'd ask you
>What the FUCK is a Visa?
And then grab the card and throw it into her donation box anyway, then sticking her hand out for you to give her money.
You have to understand user, Reimu's a stone age cunt who doesn't understand electronics.
>That one that will always make me like diamonds.
>Who is Letty
>big titted touhous
anyone have any other pics of UDK?
I wish more artists played with Yukari's gap abilities.
Who are you quoting?
Someone probably said that at one point
Oh now you've done it, you disgraced my cute and flat wife. You better delete that shit now friendo
These touhous have some big touhous
It's a good thing to say, Letty is definitely a fatty.
>Japanese Undertale
>Touhoufags are even worse than Undertalefags
Holy shit this is some low quality ERP-tier posting in this thread. Yea Forums would improve 100x if everybody in this thread got permabanned.
Hell, I won't even mind if that includes me as long as it actually happens.
>thread on auto-sage