Post your gamer lair

post your gamer lair

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user that's a wood shed.

wait is JPeterson a weeb?
explains a lot except his success

It's shooped

Unironically cool

I'd let him list me on his flight plan

no i'm pretty sure its legit. when you see that room he says "welcome to the underworld, bucko."

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I thought that was Lahey from the thumbnail

Professional here, you can tell by the pixels its not shooped

>Jordan "why wasn't I born a Jew?" Peterson

this is now a real battlestation thread

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Who takes a PS4 when going to visit their grandparents?

0/10, looks like a soulless AirBnB rental or some shit. Gaming while laying back on that couch or while sitting up straight would both be uncomforable and at a weird angle.

would move furniture/break some for kindling

I can't imagine how disgusting the inside of that PC must be.

guy has natural ventilation all around him
doubt there's anything in that PC that's not in yours


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>a grown man lives here

How come furniture has to be so expensive, Yea Forums?

sawdust and rat shit, that's probably not in my PC

How old is your house? The floors are nice but that huge crack in the wall is concerning.

Is that carpet?

is this real?

Very ghetto, and yet very comfy.
Your hands must be cold, mate.

My humble gaming space.

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>having to look up constantly to watch television

What the fuck is wrong with you people.

I've come to hate TVs for games. It seems like they're always so far away and I can't see fucking shit on the screen.
Good fucking luck reading a minimap.

Are you a midget?

My gamer lair is very unminimalist. How do you guys fix up all the wires? Usually I just remove them, and use it when needed

Don't wanna, but have to ask; What am I looking at here?
I wager it's several years worth of jizz solidified on the carpet?

yep the picture is taken from my actual height pov.
Fuck of name fag.

Yeah especially if you put your tv up at a fucking 45 degree angle and then have to crane your neck up just to look at it. Shit gives me a fucking headaches every time and in 10 minutes I’m done playing because I just don’t want to sit there staring up at soemthing like a turkey in the rain.

you would be correct. there's other spots on the carpet in my room too, but this is the biggest because it's at my computer desk.

That ain't you. Give us a timestamp

>>having to look up constantly to watch television
found the manlet

What's wrong with that though? It isn't as uncomfortable as you think it is.

I see your shit opinions carry through to everything. Why don't you go stand in front of a tornado?


>Console on wood furniture
>Another console on top of PS4

No wonder, people break their consoles.

Don't forget spiders.

Did you just take your cat to the vet before this picture was taken?

I take it you like foxes.


I have never seen a tornado in my life.
And there's nothing wrong with TVs that are placed a little high. It's actually very comfy, because when seated, or laying on the bed its just right for your perspective, and doesnt hurt your neck at all.

They're cute!

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People meme on this all the time but it looks really comfy and I'm a bit jealous

He let one mount him one time.