>Be black
>Can't use voice chat without being called a nigger
Why is it so hard for teens to just be nice?
Be black
Other urls found in this thread:
stop sounding black
I’m white and can’t use voice chat without being called nigger
Get over it
teenagers hate themselves and are at their most aggressive under anonymous
>Being afraid of words on the internet
just call them crackers or honkies, or if the devs are cucked enough to include the option, report them for "toxic behavior"
Stop sounding ghetto
t. black guy who nobody knows is black
>Bro just stop having an accent/dialect bro, it's ez, bro, lmao
>Be australlian
>Can't use voice chat as everyone is in 67p sound quality in any server other than an AU server
>Join AU server
>Everyone is too busy shitposting to play.
>raised to talk like a nigger
>get called a nigger
whats the problem
>Be black
it's an easy insult, because everyone takes insults like that personally
if you aren't black, you just get called a fag or a retard
Try being a girl, multiplayer is pretty much off limits for me.
I speak like a proper human but people can still tell im black, black people just sound different.
>Be black
tits or gtfo
bobs and vegena
I'm not sure which is more evil. Me calling you a nigger, or you having tricked me into thinking you're white.
>Join aussie server
>Be asked to say Chully Bun and Fush n Chups constantly
I'm white and get called nigger all the time. I don't even speak ebonics I just got a deep voice.
And remember to subscribe to pewdiepie *shoots up mosque*
I like when its a black on the mic because hes less likely to be soi, so less cringe to interact with.
Why is it so hard for niggers to speak in proper english and not their ebonic booga booga made up pidjin nonsense?
Some people don't like blacks, be lucky you meet people who are honest about it
also fuck niggers
>Be a human
>Can't use voice chat without being insulted by people angry at me. And when they do so they use whatever insult they think might make me the most upset, such as obvious identifiable characteristics like race
you mean the parasitic race white
That's not how biology works.
>I speak like a proper human but people can still tell im black
they can tell you are a nigger because you talk like a nigger regardless of whether you are self-aware or not. spend less time around your fellow niggers and spend more time reading the western canon.
Have you tried not smacking your lips or not acting overly dramatic to feed your genetic propensity to make people laugh at the dressed up monkey lurking deep inside you?
Shut the FUCK up science nerd. Nobody has time for that shit!
Just use a voice modulator like you're on witness protection
Be thankful you're not a tranny : )
imagine wanting to play multiplayer with other people who aren't close friends
Have you tried not being a nigger? Ultimately, responsibility rests on you to not be a darkskin coon, other people can't fix that about you, the change has to come from within.
It's harsh...
>be white
>they notice your accent
>hey user, where do you live
Kids are rough, mate.
>think you're a comedian
>tell a shitty joke
Well done sperglord.
have you tried not being black
>That's not how biology works.
Then how can I tell people are Black just by their voice?
Just brag about your bbc.
Stop using the shitty black voice.
a parasitic fuckhole that destroys multiplayer games by its sheer presence, being either mentally impared to a level of a child and/or so garbage at games that she basically plays for the other team
i'm gonna make a guild in classic wow called and no girls(female), blacks and jews will be allowed.
Maybe stop being black
Teens are not nice to ANYONE online.
You just happen to have a specific weak point they like to exploit.
Even if you was a freaking saiyan like vegeta, they would just call you a manlet until you blew yourself out again.
it's pronounced ask, not aks.
how do you know you haven't already talked to people online who are actually black but you couldn't tell
MAAAN im finna', hol up naw bich yu aint be tawkinbout genetics n shiiit fukboi! Yu be talk'n bio logy? MUH. DIK. HOMEBOI!
If it's that much of a concern just play with friends.
At least fighting games are safe from such raci-
Why is it so hard for blacks to just not commit 90% of all violent crime?
People call me autist whenever they hear me speak and 12 whenever they can't.
I'm not 12 and I haven't been 12 for over 20 years so that bothers me a bit.
Autist is correct tho.
because niggers cant afford headsets, let alone a gaming PC
but how do you know this
>report them
>they get their money stolen
that simple
You literally can hear the blackness in someone's voice in any language. Black people do sound different from white people.
Name one (1) album to which this applies.
>Be white
>Can't use voice chat without being called a sissy
g-go fuck yourself if do this, i'll f-fuck you up...
>be male
>use mic
>"lol are you a girl?"
>"be my gf pls"
Fuck my girly voice
Its actually amazing that a black person can grow up exclusively around white people and still talk with a blackccent
>niggers can't afford headsets or gaming PCs
>they're still talking on mic in my games
Hey! the angry troll doll is back! hi midget! i would fuck your mom, but freeza blew her already!
Call them nigger back.
Vocaroo pls
>be black
>get called a nigger
>insult back
>insults grows into banter
>by the end of the night I get three new friends
The good life, honey.
>he says while he plays a white invention on another white invention which runs on a white invention
Wait, who's the parasite again.
Modern white people
>Speaking in ebonics in chat
Its your own fault nigger. If you speak clearly and articulate like a normal human being then if someone calls you a nigger you can say you're white and they have no proof you aren't just a super deep voiced white man. But ebonics and trailer trash talk well both nigger tier are different and easy to tell apart.
Middle schoolers are the worst people on the planet. I bet it sucks, try not to let it bring you down. Good luck user.
>just noticed the phone on his head
Didn't think it could get better than that
Do you have the ability to say something that isn't retarded in your life?
fuck tha police
the black album
You poor, poor thing
>talk like a hood rat
>been called a nigger
>am white
>start speaking like a """"white"""" person
>still get edge-lords acting like niggers
Teenagers will be teenagers. Grow some thicker skin, and called them pecker-wood crackas.
I'm a 30 year old man who seethes everytime he gets called underage on this website.
Black voices have a different timbre, anyone who actually spends a lot of time around blacks will be able to pick out a black voice even with no accent and perfect articulation.
don't worry, with what just happened in new zealand racism will carry a prison sentence now
he's 100% correct though
Do you not know how to read?
Genuine question.
Why do black people talk differently than normal people? Are they physically unable to talk normally?
Because hormones + anonymity = shadow the edgehog
Maybe they're talking normally and you're the weird one.
I know a black guy that talks normal, grew up in WA sate, everyone around him was super white. Must have something to do with it
That is what women and soiboys don't understand about shit talking and "toxic gaming culture"
It's all about comradery in the end. If you're not a fucking pussy.
>Be black
>Call people nigger online
Grow a spine, nigger.
>what are accents, what are languages, etc
>voice hasnt changed since i was 14
>everyone assumes im underage
at least the lord jesus blessed me with a big dick ill never use
Start smoking?
>tfw 6'1"
>230lbs of muscle
>deep bassy voice
>aesthetic face
>4.5 inch dick
Fuck midgets.
>Average body
>Average face
>Average voice
>Average dick
>At least I'm 6'3"
>shut yoooo punk aaaassss uppp
Their teeth stick out and their tongues are often swollen.
>need to save the white race
>by dying and not repopulating
I'm just confident in myself besides being 5'8, decent face, good voice, somewhat muscular but somewhat fat. Don't know if women would consider my dick big
Imagine being such a nigger that teenagers can identify your niggerness just from your voice.
Sometimes it's about sending a message to people living in societies
>use voice chat
There's your problem.
>talk like nigger
>get called nigger
fix the way you speak
We live.. in a society?
Embrace it and go full nigger.
Just be louder and more cancerous than them and say MUH DIK repeatedly..
I fucking hate women so much
Why? Because we dont touch ugly virgins like you?
Lad, you can't even fucking spell impaired, I doubt it's the women that are the problem.
Quit ebonics
>fear having anything to do with it
Everything is about sex with you people. You're a whore.
>ayo why dese broke ass cracka white bois finna know im block doe??? lmaooo das some gay ass shit
>*loudly crunches into kfc over the mic*
not him but unironically yes
No Yes
>playing Dota 2
>suggest I lane with this other player whose hero has good synergy with mine
>"No, I'm laning with him, he's my boyfriend."
>I say, "Oh great, a girl."
>other play gets on mic and tells me in the most flamboyantly gay voice he can that he's not a girl and that they love each other's cocks.
>"Oh great, a fag, even worse."
We lost that game.
announcing you are a woman is what makes you fucking unbearable
>other play gets on mic and tells me in the most flamboyantly gay voice he can that he's not a girl and that they love each other's cocks.
Too funny to be true
>she doesnt know
Go back wherever you crawled from
>Have the n-pass and it's not using,
It actually happened.
Yeah it is.
>where are you from?
>humm... South America
>but what country?
>... Argentina
hopefully you arent mixed
To be fair, historically, human beings have no reason under any circumstance to be nice to anything or anyone around them at any given time. Conflict and pissing each other off on purpose, consciously or subconsciously, is literally encoded in our DNA and we can't do a goddamn thing about it.
>muhcree gatou haha
I’m of the opinion that school yard insults like this hit harder than calling someone a faggot or a nigger
I hate women because they are a waste of fucking time and effort. I have been in several multi-yeear long relationships and its just not worth the effort. Living without a bitch in the house fucking up all your shit is just too nice to pass up. Stay mad roastie you wont get any of my funbux.
>Try being a girl
So, is that an option?
>Make on topic reply
>People start whining about their own problems
>They're not the ones at fault
Source? im actually curious to read about this
>be white
>cant use voice chat without being called a cracka
>kid in background screaming
>dog barking
>madea nigress bitching about something
Ay y'all sup was good my homies
>lights newport
>something gets knocked over and broken
>bong hit sounds
Ay bruh brb my pitbull just ate my face
>all these people ITT that can't tell someones race from their voice
are you guys really that autistic? blacks, asians, spics, trailer trash, and whites all have completely different voices
>hopefully you arent mixed
How did you know?
>Woe is me the struggles of being a women.
Come on now. Man up.
>be white
>cant use voice chat without being called a nigger
children are so mean
>Make on topic reply
>as a woman
yeah try again, but this time grow a penis before posting please.
>Be black
>Use voice chat all the time
>Never have this problem
Maybe it's cause I've been exposed to Yea Forums since middle school, but I feel right at home in communities revolving around chan culture. I don't make it obvious but I don't care when people know. Stop being so insecure.
>try being a woman! teehee!
fuck off cunt
It is if you at least try. I've played with Swedes for years and thought they were Americans until they started speaking that pagan gibberish.
Most women don't really want to cozy up to and get creeped on by autistic manchildren
Nice blog bro
its really not that easy
a trained ear can tell 90% about a person just from hearing their voice
race, sex, political orientation, intelligence, location, etc
u rite
>Join a game in progress.
>Two black dudes having a rap battle.
>They're actually not that bad.
sounds like you're a smelly person, user. It's a funny story tho.
Dont be late picking up your welfare check, tyrone
being nice feels comfy tho. people need to get on my level and be chill and respectful
>political orientation
Bullshit. If that's true why is everybody always surprised when I go full /pol/ while drinking?
>that black guy that sounds like a white guy
>that white guy that sounds like a black guy
Why are you bothered by what random people, that don't even know you, say online?
That's what they call EVERYBODY.
>He doesn't know that there are rich upper classes comprised of white immigrants in South American countries that form the backbone of in-country support for U.S. anti-democratic interference.
Some agent of supremacy you are, cuck.
>foreigner in England
>handle lots of phone calls
>everyone under the age of 30 sounds black
Only old people and immigrants speak without a nigger accent anymore.
because as i said it takes a trained ear
most people have some degree of the 'tism which automatically means they can't do it
its the kinda shit police dogs do, humans can do it too but it has to be learned
>de_dust2 on South American server
>latino trap music bursting through my headphones
>unintelligible guy starts speaking
>another kid joins in, you can hear his whole family having dinner in the background
>mfw I have noface
What? He was black in the Japanese version right?
>I hate one sex!
>Why is it always about sex with you people?
>I bet you have lots of sex and you're a bad person for it!
Like fucking pottery every single time
>she don't give a FOOOO
That's what you think!
>50% of all murders
>13% of the population
sex =/= gender, sweetie
Damn thats some ghetto ass keyboard. Stole it from some office?
78% of the population
13% of all new births
lol white people
Nah, I think the issue is that most women are kind of empty and suck at banter.
It's why any online game that panders to women eventually becomes and empty, soulless husk that will eventually become a ghost town.
Woah, that's a pretty damning statistic. Something should be done about those people.
Nope, got it at a local Circuit City's going out of business sale almost a decade ago.
I like it, ergonomic keyboards get a bad rap.
Try having a vagina sweaty
I dont encounter any black people online because I don't play low IQ games like fighting games or FPS
>paul wall sounds black
>tyler creator sounds white
>180 lbs of regular body type with some tone
>deep voice
>chad face
>7 3/4 inch dick with girth
I’d call it 8 but the precise measurement gets a better reaction. Pro tip: most women can’t handle it and it isn’t even gigantic, so work on your skills and don’t worry about size (pull them as close as possible, make it personal, go the deep, passionate route since you’re not gonna dominate with that size)
sorry you're too fucking stupid you can't find the mute button.
>Fake Australian accent
>Obviously fake because it sounds too stereotypical
>No one one the internet knows what race or nationality I am because it hides my real accent well enough
I've been doing this for ten years and ever "internet friend" I've made thinks I'm either Russian and from Spain.
is a sweaty vagina really a hindrance?
name a high IQ online game you play
>kind of empty and suck at banter.
So how long have you been on Yea Forums
Straight Outta Compton only had one song about selling dope and it was a warning.
What games do you play user?
Women need men to do everything for them, why mute someone being annoying when you can beg the devs/admins to ban them.
If you were white they'd call you a fag. It's like that for everyone.
I'll be nice to you black bro.
Ironically, despite being almost nothing but zoomers spouting nigger, Yea Forums is better at banter than most women.
That said, I know women who browse Yea Forums (and also places like lolcow) and they're just as annoying and autistic.
But maybe it's because they're all white, I don't know what it is but every white woman nowadays seems to be an enormous bitch.
It's not about what the women feel, I've got enough power and skill to make them cum multiple times. The problem is how it looks. Shit looks embarrassing, I gotta make sure the girl definitely wants to fuck and isn't on the fence about it at all before I pull down my pants.
>Stop being insecure
A negro with self-esteem is a powerful thing.
idk, I've been playing multi games for more than a decade at this point. The idea of allowing myself to be offended just doesn't mean with my experience at this point.
I get more annoyed when people hide behind buzzwords instead of articulating what they think though, makes Yea Forums grating st times.
>He doesn't know the nazis escaped WWII and set up white ethnic german communities in argentina and chile
Same bro. Luckily i have a small qt girlfriend.
>Where are you from user?
>New York
>No no, I mean where are you FROM?
I honestly don't know how to respond to this so I just start naming off different states until they give up. I genuinely don't know anyone in my family who wasn't born in the United States so I'm not sure what answer they are expecting from me.
Yeah. A trained ear, which most people don't have. Of course, I can tell when a British person speaking is black from their subtle throaty, hoarse voice, but not sounding like some hood rat or fresh off the boat Bruno is very possible. There's plenty of evidence of it.
I tell these people if they want to know my ethnicity they should ask for that because I was born and raised in NYC.
Cringe and cringepilled.
>Now it's white women he hates, just for how they are. No externalized fixation here, no no
i heard jim jones set up a pretty nice community of a master race. maybe you could copy him
Damn bro, I don’t know that feel. I’m bigger than that flaccid and get the “oh shit” bug eyed reaction when my pants get pulled down.
Don’t get embarrassed though. I know that sounds stupid but if you let it be an active deterrent it’ll only mess with your head. And lmao, if a girl definitely wants to fuck then there’s no problem, just be confident since you already know what you can do. Don’t make it about you.
But yeah they definitely won’t brag about your size to their girlfriends
Sorry m8, I just call it like I see it.
I think everyone aside from white men (because they're kind of delusional when it comes to women) thinks white women are kind of bitchy.
It's why I don't associate with them much, they usually try to be "one of the guys" by being aggressive and bitchy instead of just being a normal person and enjoying some banter.
White women really have a problem with overcompensating, and for some reason they think we don't notice that, which is odd.
Though I also see it in western Asian women, so maybe it's just a modern American woman thing.
More like stop BEING black
Jonestown was full of black people lmao
Honkies is the best, crackers is almost self-denigrating considering its origin.
I don't know what elicits the behavior, though. I never (knowingly) called a black person a nigger because frankly I never intended to offend someone over their race. I do sure love screaming nigger and faggot and honky though. It's the phonetic impact I think.
Are you fucking retarded that never happens faggot
>relates everything back to sex/physical attractiveness
being a woman must be a shallow, vapid existence
>report them for "toxic behavior"
>Playing multiplayer games that don't have community servers
Jim Jones was a multikulti socialist aspiring for a utopian society. I wish I could slap the stupid out of you.
What fag games do you play where people scream slurs? Overwatch, CoD, and LoL? Low IQ games attract /pol/fags
Stay mad incel.
I play Rising Storm 2 and call people gooks while spraying my on every heavily-contested point.
And people laugh and enjoy themselves and have a good time.
It's why I love community servers, because it actually feels like, y'know, a community.
I also say this as someone who's black.
12) His ass
lmao these replies are why black guys get our woman, nice job cucks
>real Aussie accent
>but its mixed with Scottish because of my parents
>people have asked me if I'm American
ya know what, i'm not that user, but i'll bite, why give a word such a power, why let it affect you because that's what you're doing letting it affect you
Most rational adults realize that one you get older name calling only has an effect when the person being name called actually gives a shit, most whites don't give a shit no matter WHAT fuckin name you call them, they don't go off getting their day ruined by the shit
Just let shit go, live knowing who you are and that words are just fucking sounds with attached meanings, intangible
Remember to subscribe to pewdiepie
Serious question, do white guys think women won't fuck you if you say mean things about them?
I see this a lot and I need to know if it's genuine or just trolling.
Don't bother. His kind doesn't understand fun beyond a short pump of dopamine from yet another ranked victory.
So we're talking about...TV? Some loser girl/s in highschool you've got some feelings of resentment towards? Have you thought about how this mentality would prevent any cool interesting women from having a minute in their lives to spend on you?
No, I'm talking about women I interact with in my daily life, especially any woman on the internet who plays games.
But yea, mainly the white ones.
You're even doing it right now, as we speak.
It's really weird, and I think white women do this so much because white guys just don't notice.
A community server is a community
A match made system is a heavily policed city
I would take your situation any day than hear transexuals explain to other players the proper pronouns they prefer to be called. I don't like where my human rights are going user.
Why do Black people sound so thick?
You mean your mom?
>be a white guy
>get on voice chat
>everyone think's you're black
I don't even speak in ebonics
Are you trying to imply that my mom is white?
Because she also dislikes white women and has actually made a lot of the same observations.
teens are waaaaaaaaaaay the fuck nicer than 20-30+ year olds.
But they mic spam too much is only problem with them.
Mostly implying that you're a pathetic incel
>Socialized, typically romantically successful men don't seem to notice this horrible flaw in the women who won't love me
Oh good, looks like my filter got whatever that shitpsot was.
>be black
>use mic
>all white boys disconnect in fear and all white girls add me to friends
>being scared of shitposts
I bet u're white
Stop larping, incel
No, I think it's just that white guys have been socially pussy-whipped.
It's also why whenever you have a group of friends the white guy is always the most likely to throw a bitchfit when someone says something mean about women.
They'll even shoot up mosques in the name of random white women.
What's doing wrong, user?
But shooting up mosques is based.
Yea, blowing random womens' brains out is pretty based.
talk like a nigger
get called a nigger
Act like a tantrum throwing virgin
get called an incel
>Years back during the XBOXHUGE days
>playing Halo 2 online
>headset and mic on
>people notice my spic accent
>get asked: "are you wearing a sombrero?"
>respond: "not right now"
>they all laugh and we continue playing normally
Mind you, I'm a fucking social outcast online.
>Be black
>Use voice chat and was never called a nigger
Just have a buttery smooth deep voice and speak properly.
>be black
>speak fine
>But stutter a lot
>Tfw have a faggy tenor voice
>Have had multiple random people mainly guys say I have a nice voice
Make it stop god dammit.
Black people have denser bones and muscle mass, this manifests by making their voices sound deeper.
>MFW I'll never have a good enough voice. to enterain people
Damn shame.
yeah boy, stop being virgin manchild
God I know that feel.
>Frustration: The Affliction
tits or gtfo
>someone calls out your accent down to the exact region
>Be actor
>Throw out either voices relevant to the game setting or character voices people will enjoy
>They actually do, and sometimes get motivated to do it too
>Run around in game like Red Dead with a bunch of cowboys with southern/western accents
It works on Yea Forums too sometimes. I miss the Dutchposting.
>try raid leading
>Stuttering like mad and getting stuck on what I need to explain
question for you black anons
Do you like blacked porn?
Speak like Idris Alba, black without sounding like a hood rat.
Practice your public speaking and focus on the essentials. If you can't do it off the top of your head, write down notes for yourself and follow the bullet points. As long as you are clear, you can achieve it. Do your best, and remember to have faith.
No, NTR is shit.
Unless it's a teen girl cucking her boyfriend with her little brother, doubly so if it's non-consensual.
Black user here.
Blacked porn is probably the worst thing that has happened.
>b-but muh dick
Blacked porn are literally made for white cucks.
Do you know what my hell is
>Try looking for porn with anything black
>Muh dick my big dick
They don't treat them like human
post vocaroo
>no NTR where the mom steals the girl from the dude
No its awful. You do know that shit is made for white guys who love to see white girls get fucked by black guys right?
>be a lurker from 2007
>make post
>people call me reddit
>have literally never browsed reddit
absolute mindless retards
It's sad. Every website has really adopted a hivemind. I see the same behavior on each service, be it Yea Forums, Twitter or wherever else. Everyone wants to fit in so badly that they stop being individuals. user of all things is the last thing that should be uniform.
Fine, most people are closet racists against negroids around the globe and a safe way to vent about it is to call them niggers online, which is safe from any physical retaliation. That said, go front flip off a tall cliff.
You have to go back
>it's just bants bro
Just because you don't take it seriously doesn't mean the other guy feels the same.
Imagine being this much of a delusional coward. This isnt the 1800s anymore, and not everyone thinks like an old woman, as you do.
literal hivemind lmao
Race won't matter if your culture or personality is either friendly or simply doesn't cause issues. Anyone who won't give you a fair shot is a shitbag. Keep moving forward.
lurk moar
how long is your penis?
Ideally you should try sounding less retarded. I know plenty of black dudes that don't talk like nigs and you wouldn't know they were black unless you saw them. Stop lumping together retarded people with black people.
Who gives a fuck about the other guy being a pussy?
If he can't handle the bantz he's free to mute me or fuck off.
Only because it pisses you faggots off tremendously.
>Get in voice chat
>Guy from Eastern Europe talks about going to the store to buy a keyboard and having to fight a guy
>It's genuinely entertaining thanks to his broken English
>He adds me on Steam
Wrong skin color
Based and docpilled
As an actual esl teacher this is both cute and accurate.
I think fucking kids is a good thing.
This post reminded me of a fun fact: I had no idea what the fuck reddit/tumblr/9gag even were until I came to Yea Forums. Posters like this moron have been ruining the site for ages. And they're most likely coming from those sites themselves.
White as cum, but I hate these weird AF-WM cuck videos that have been growing as of late. Makes me feel gross. I just prefer some good ole genuine no bad intentions romping. Though it might have to do with the fact that when I was 12 a black girl tried doing that with me to her former black boyfriend. It just felt so fake and I felt bad for the dude. But boy was she relentless, she kept at for the whole year and would occasionally check up on me. I'm starting to think she just liked me after a while. I gotta thank her for getting me into yandere. She was bat shit insane and I fucking loved it.
It's kind of the truth otherwise we wouldn't have shit movements like blacklivesmatter. Get a hold of reality faggot.
Try traveling outside your trailer park.
>didn't pick up on the hints a qt black girl was giving me in highschool
>missed out on /k/ as fuck black range buddy because too autismo to explain that I didn't own guns because I was still living with antifun parents
I don't even know any black people anymore
Not that user, but it is a racial slur, so it is a lot more provocative than being called a dummy or name-calling. Not that I personally give a shit about being called a nigger on the internet, even though I'm black.
Having been with white, black, latina and asian women, I have this to say: people are people.
>Be black
>Sound so not black because I take after my father that people don't expect me to be black and my mother's side of the family makes it a point to mention how 'proper' and 'intelligently' I speak
I mean, should I feel bad?
>Feeling bad Because you speak English instead of Ebonics.
Just B ur self.
>resorting to "lol redneck"
That's gonna be a yikes from me
>knew girl liked me
>first day of 11th grade and decided to be a funny man for the first time because I showed up late
>someone ran after me after class to tell me she loved me
>felt like it was a prank and didn't trust that someone actually loved me
>said I didn't believe it and walked away
>destined to be permavirgin
What countries have you traveled to, Cletus?
Take the compliment. Just be you.
Dont feel bad about your voice, and dont make others feel bad about their voice.
Spain, Africa, Japan, US, Dominican Republic, Australia. I travel a lot for my job. Do you have one of those?
>No, NTR is shit.
>Unless it's a teen girl cucking her boyfriend with her little brother, doubly so if it's non-consensual.
Not so based. It's only not shit if it's a woman or girl cucking another woman or girl and stealing their man. Especially if it's a sister stealing her brother. ESPECIALLY especially if it's non-con. At first.
Getting off on a guy getting cucked and emotionally devastated is shit-tier and gayer than trap porn.
lmao, sure buddy. You traveled to the country of Africa, nice try Cletus.
Thanks m'dudes. Now, how do I get over my fear of talking during games?
iktf. A girl I liked (as a friend because I didn't think I had a chance) once drew a heart with our names plus each other on the blackboard. Still don't believe it though because she denied liking me when asked beforehand.
Have I been doing NTR wrong this whole time? I think you were supposed to get off from the idea of fucking some other dude's girl.
This post is dense with wisdom.
I take that as a no then?
We know we just don't say anything Jake.
>Especially if it's a sister stealing her brother. ESPECIALLY especially if it's non-con. At first.
I won't lie user, this is pretty patrician tier.
And I know exactly which series of doujins you're referring to.
Practice by singing, ScatMan John suffered from stuttering but you couldn't tell when he sang
You have not been to Japan, why do you faggots always lie like this?
Adding to this.
>Can't even look at porn with black dudes in it without thinking that there's an overarching theme of cuckoldry because the gamut of porn involving black men revolves around that
>relate more to faceless nobodies and literally anyone not black because of it
Cucks ruin everything.
The only way you are going to get over your fear of talking in video games is to talk more. Try to play one of those chatroom games like VRChat (you dont need a VR headset for it).
unironically I have sympathy for you, all memes aside
>Try being a girl
You first.
Damn. At least your white.
Why won't you neck yourself already, nigger?
I'm mute and I can't use the voice chat but I still get called a nigger
Can we change the kfc meme to churches chicken or some shit? Is it only a regional chicken place? It’s way better than kfc and there’s hit tier biscuits
Not that user but I have heard of times where teams completely throw a game because they heard a woman in voice chat.
I imagine myself but as a grill with a girl voice being unable to share bants without continuous retarded pretense
t I know because I'm one of those guys that instantly says MY QUEEN LET ME BUY YOUR SWEATY SOCKS etc. I feel bad but its so hilarious and do it anyway
Nah, you're an anomaly. The express purpose of NTR is to evoke feelings of jealousy and rage and empathy in the reader for the guy being NTR'd.
It's literally the opposite.
Your supposed to self insert as the girl
Just imagine some autist screaming at you on mic about how no one cares that you're a girl and proceeds to throw the match just because you're a girl.
Get that gay shit outta here.
talk like a normal human being then
>tfw black and don't sound black
>have to prove my identity every time a white person thinks I'm just "trolling"
This should be a fucking banner.
>anybody insults me in voice chat
>wait until a lul in the game sounds and make a false alert "hey can you hear that?" etc.
>scream into the microphone
The only noncuck IR hentai I can think of was that one K-on! doujin by Hakueki Shoubou, and it was shit. Quite literally shit, scat and everything, but it had Mugi falling in love with a black dude that didn't treat her like shit. Ride or die animu couple, right there.
Would've been better if it was Ritsu.
explain chris rock then
checkmate atheist
>black people just sound different.
they also can't float in a pool easily, which is why biology puts all the blacks winning track & field at the olympics but there are zero jamals or darions winning olympic swimming events.
Send them a pic of your dick. Only blacks have bbc the size of a coke bottle. All black guys have fucked white women while almost 40% of white men are incel virgins.
>ScatMan John suffered from stuttering but you couldn't tell when he sang
That entire scatman song is a fucking 3 minute stutter. SKEEBA-DEEBA-BEE BOP BOP BO-DO DO
Only if the white guy is a willing cuck and and participates in a non-demeaning manner to the point where it's more bi than cuck porn.
>tfw black and only have a statistically above average penis
Sometimes I feel like a failure. Then I realize it's a fetish to white cucks but that doesn't stop me from not feeling good enough.
Paint yourself white, maybe it will help.
>be asian
>use voice chat without a care in the world
None of my vidya pals have any idea because it's NOT VIDEO GAMES
>Haha you misspelled a word so your opinion is discarded
I'm not that guy, but you deserve the rope.
Talk like an actual human being instead of talking nigger speak.
>tfw 5'9
>100kgs of "muscle"
>slighly nasally voice voice
>school shooter face
>9 inch dick
>Yea Forums faggots see /pol/ make fun of Las Vegas shooting victims
>Yea Forums faggots see /pol/ make fun of two blonde getting decapitated on video by a muslim
>Yea Forums faggots see /pol/ make fun of a shooter killing people
>its not even the right /pol/ they target
lol, what a bunch of tools for suppressing free speech. I don't even get the implications, are they saying no one ever committed terrorism and this psycho would be okay with muslim, but Yea Forums shitposting and news link made him want to kill them all. LOL.
What does this have to do with this topic? Nothing its shit, not vidya and race bait.
I just want everyone to have a good time together...
Good for you man, ain't even mad.
Bi-sex ain't my thing but happy-bi-funtime is a shitton better than 'lol pathetic sissy cuck your family gets pimped by thugs!' Especially if the guy looks feminine.
This but BLEACHED is unironically great
Play games with better Demographics. Shooters are always populated with edgelord teens. Play something that takes skill, like a fighting game, and you will be playing with mostly chill people
Also, sorry for all the negativity you must endure. Yea Forums is a tire fire, but there are lots of us who cringe at edgy racism
>playing co-op in re5 Mercs
>finish mines with a full combo
>I jump on mic and say GG dude
>hear rustling from player 2
>"Uh girls can play games too"
>I respond with "okay?"
>she then proceeds to tell me she has 3 kids and makes time to play games
>her PSN was was something like cheezykraks or some shit(she was British) so fuck if I could tell what gender she was before talking
Those exist as well.
Nigger detected
cope negro
lol imagine having this saved
>Play something that takes skill, like a fighting game, and you will be playing with mostly furfags and faggots*
>Yea Forums is a tire fire, but there are lots of us who cringe at edgy racism
Then go seethe elsewhere, subhuman
Imagine being born black or brown.
>born with skin color that identifies you as coming from a shithole and retarded place
>known for being slaves
>places you built and come from are all poor as shit, Africa didn't even have the wheel until Europeans came with guns
>everything about you is mug racism muh slavery muh I'm a failure because of everyone else
Imagine being born knowing that you are a member of a lesser race, living in a country made by your betters. Imagine knowing your people never did shit in all of human history. Imagine knowing that Europeans conquered the whole world. Yikes, if I was non-white, I'd be doing terrorism and demographic replacement too. Only bad thing is that once whites die off, which they will, humanity will never progress.
Incels detected. Go back to pol and jerk off to your shooting you fucking human debris. Whiteness WILL one day end and it will all be beautiful brown skin Bay Bay
This should have been the first fucking post. This place is a joke.
Same here. I’m black and stumble over my words all the time.
>yeah we went that restaurant just the other night
>that’s what I want say and what is replayed in my head
>instead it comes out as:
> yeah we went to the night went to just the restaurant!
One of my instructors said that this is due to my brain operating a little too fast for my mouth to keep up with. As a result, I have to talk slower than most people and pay attention to every word I utter.
I don’t even play multiplayer games that requires a mic because they’re going to know that I’m a retard so why even bother.
>angry paragraph of bitching
Roastie detected. Go back to resetera and dilate to molesting kids you fucking pedophile. Degeneracy WILL one day end and they will swing side by side on then
I escape that shit by only playing single player games and local multiplayer with my mates. Public lobbies are trash.
uncle tom