Remember how everyone started using Steam because it was such good service?
Yeah, me neither.
Remember how everyone started using Steam because it was such good service?
Yeah, me neither.
>good prices
prices are more expensive for me
>better revenue sharing
i don't care about this at all
>Good prices
>Charges more to international customers
Way to follow your own advice champ.
that's exactly what happened though
the Steam boom of the 2010-2013s happened because of extremely competitive prices that made buying games go into fashion.
>We want to bring console wars to pc
>And that's a good thing!
Fuck off. There's nothing wrong with exclusives if you produced the game yourself. Just paying them to only release on your store is fucking retarded
this, even with it's exclusives (which weren't exclusive because Orange Box), Steam didn't penetrate the normiesphere until STEAM SALES
ok then asshole
where was everyone ELSE in 2004?
with THEIR own services?
yeah, fuck you.
i don't give a shit about reviews from other assholes
i don't give a shit about prices when i can get shit from grey market sites if i wanted.
and steam has no exclusives, its all fucking multiplat shit!
What a massive fucking faggot
I don't give a literal fuck about console wars or store wars, it's just a pain in the ass having to download multiple platforms/use multiple consoles to play games when it could all easily be done on one. This is the one market where I think a monopoly from (literally who fucking cares company) would save me headaches
>b-but if it's a monopoly then we won't get good prices!
Steam's summer sale has blown everything else out of the water for years
>b-but if it's a monopoly then we won't get good games!
Most exclusives for every existing company are shit as is, look at pokemon the last of us and post 3 halo
That being said fuck epic for what they did to paragon I refuse to use them out of spite
does epic let me buy with a bank slip so i dont have to get a jew card?
so they can go fuck thenselves
Say it with me:
And botnetting user info for the Chinese
>Only way to beat Steam is to introduce cancer to the platform
I hope it gets worse, I love seeing PCfags defend the same shit they trash consolefags for.
>People still sucking steam's dick after they showed how hypocritical they are in regards to what content they allow.
I say fuck them.
>stealing our user's data is how we displace steam
>think of all that valuable data
Tiananmen Square Massacre
Notice how the only people using epic are kike publishers who want a bigger cut like ubisoft?
>good prices
I better start seeing some sick sales then
>Implying Epic won't do the same but worse
People like you are why we can't have nice things. They'll point to Steam and say "b-b-but they did it!" the way every sleezy practice gets normalized in this industry.
Nobody started using Steam because of their good service, but turns out Valve actually did add service and QOL improvements over the years despite being pretty much the one stop shop for everything and they didn't have to.
Sweet 10% off deals on their like 5 games.
r-remember us?
>good prices
Considering he LITERALLY said that the revenue is already so paperthin that they have to slap extra fees for """"developing"""" countries such as Norway and Denmark, how are better prices going to fit into that calculation?
It was the first service of its kind. It was fucking GREAT before Steam Community.
lets not also forget steam took off because, somehow, everyone else that tired to make an online store did it so fucking bad people didn't touch them for a decade or more. people are only just now kinda starting to get over gfwl from playing forza, just starting to get over uplay by playing rainbow six and and actually buying more and more ass creeds, and actually giving ea the benefit the of the doubt and trying apex, andromeda, and sims 4. not saying anyone one of these games are good only that people are getting past the memes.
>meanwhile Epic Store is banned in China
10 positive social standing points have been deposited to your account, Chang.
you know what OP? I would've disagreed with you a week ago but you're right. fuck steam and all the redditors that defend it.
Love these deepmind ai threads
Same. Great for hitting my shitpost quota.
Xinjiang Uighur Province
millions of muzzies detained
>We care about the developers at the expense of consumers
No thanks, China. Time to rev up those torrents if Epic keeps pushing this exclusivity bullshit and Valve follows suit to combat them.
>Americans pay for games
>Chinese steal them
>Sweeney inverts this and now Tencent is the one paying for games
>americans ??????
gee i wonder what i'd do instead of bend over and let that hypocrite Sweeny and the CPC have their way with me
This. as a consumer I don't give a fuck beyond who's giving me the better deal and epic has fuck all to offer.
Hey chang. Tell your fag boss he looks exactly like Winnie the Pooh
>meanwhile Epic Store is banned in China
Isn't that a good thing?
Steam gained their foothold through their own exclusives. Team Fortress Classic and Counter Strike were among the most played FPS's when Steam was released. Later exclusives like TF2, Portal, L4D, DOTA2, CSGO accelerated this growth. The sales were kind of an icing to that.
But now, Valve got greedy and apparently forgot how to make a fucking game and released some bullshit like Artifact. I hope Valve gets fucked desu to force them to get their heads out of asses.
>3-digit steam ID
With the little exception that Valve never bribed 3rd party devs in order to make them remove their games from the rest of the market.
>good prices
So why would I pay more if I would become dumb enough to use chang store.
>good prices
>gamers on EGS are more expensive than console versions
The consumer is really winning here.
Why are they so hellbent on upstaging Steam? Why not just be an alternative like GOG?
>Epic Store is banned in China
>Majority of Fortnite players are Chinese
I don’t understand it
Steam's exclusives, at launch, were Valve games. Games like Counter-Strike, Half-Life: Source, etc. It also provided a way to import your previously CD-key based games into a purely digital service. Epic's essentially single exclusive, Fortnite, is indeed only on their platform - a similar start. The difference is that Valve didn't fucking buy out any developers in order to prop up their new storefront and inflate its library. Developers willingly paid Valve for the privilege to sell on their storefront - and gave them a percentage of the revenue to boot. These developers intentionally sought out Steam as an option because it was just that - an option. Many players could still hop down to their local Best Buy or EB Games and buy a new big box release in 2004 or 2005. As a seller, why would you NOT want your product available as many places as possible? More storefronts means more possible customers. The only way to mitigate that difference is if the original seller is paid off by the storefront to be exclusive to them. This isn't a novel idea in retail - many major retailers work with vendors to offer exclusive goods and services that can't be found elsewhere. Best Buy might work with Dell to offer an exclusive laptop, for instance.
The difference is that, while you can't buy that laptop elsewhere, you can buy similar products to it elsewhere - or even at the same location, just by a different vendor. When I can't buy a video game on Steam, my options are severely limited in 2019. No longer do we live in a world where I can go to a retailer and buy a big box game. Steam WAS the only option - not through brute force, but by becoming the general community's choice for purchasing PC games. When Epic buys exclusivity rights, they're not driving competition or innovation in the industry - they're brute forcing their foot through the door to try and be relevant.
tl;dr Steam in 2004 is nothing like Epic Launcher in 2019, no matter how hard you try to force it
Because Sneed Sweeny envisions a future where Valve is only selling their own games on Steam (ala while they cover the entire rest of the PC gaming market and rake in the money.
I've been using steam since the orange box. It's literally never been about exclusives and always been about pricing and ease of access. 10 years ago PC games were almost always $10 cheaper than their console counter part and getting access to some games were such a pain in the ass to get and hand on that you had to result to piracy or steam. Now a days nearly most of the PCs well know and slightly obscure library is available on Steam and their sale prices are usually really good unless it's a jew publisher. Epic needs to get AAAs back to that $50 price tag for new games or else they're just gonna end up as 2nd place like GOG
>The difference is that Valve didn't fucking buy out any developers in order to prop up their new storefront and inflate its library.
What's Black Mesa Source? It used to be free until Valve put it behind a paywall
Wtf I love China now.
Yes, actually.
Oh cool, now show us where the devs of Black Mesa Source outright stated that Valve gave them money to only release the game on Steam and charge money for it.
>What's Black Mesa Source?
a community made mod that's never going to be finished that not's made by valve and was put on early access?
You typically can't sell a fan game
Cool story. When epic has a what would be considered a meme shooter game that has had an active player base for 11 years we can talk. They are really putting it all on the line for fortnite. W E W
Something that happened literally a decade later, to begin with. Secondly, trying to get money for a fan remake of an IP you don't own is always going to be muddy waters. The fact that it's for sale for the benefit of someone other than Valve at all is a testament of their good will to the community. Valve could have just as easily done what countless other companies have done - shut them down and scared the living shit out of them with bullshit threats from lawyers.
I'd really like to revisit my first phrase, though: a DECADE later. Not MONTHS into the storefront's lifespan, a la Epic. Ten fucking years.
>Better revenue sharing
Don't give a shit
Just makes me hate you
Good prices is the only thing this dipshit got right
I wonder if anyone remembers how god awefull steam was when it first came with Half-life 2. It could take like 10 minutes to launch sometimes when it booted with your computer.
They got a leg up on the rest of the competition by funneling all goldsrc players to their service. And they did it with their entire userbase kicking and screaming most of the way. Holy shit, Steam was so fucking miserable. It wasn't optimized and it slashed performance so hard for a lot of people. It made janky goldsrc games feel even jankier.
Steam was such a fucking mess, but the writing was on the wall for what they wanted to do. By 2004 or 2005, it would have taken a lot of developers banding together to offer their IPs on a joint venture to compete with Steam, but I don't believe anyone tried to do that.
>Implying valve bought out Black Mesa Source
Dumbass, they're paying a license to be able to make a profit on a project that was in development hell BECAUSE it was free. Valve never bought them. Also if you compare the mod version of BMS to the paid version is night and fucking day. You can pay a licensing fee to use the Half-Life IP if you want to, just look at Hunt Down the Freeman.
Didn't this guy shit on Microsoft for doing this with the Windows store?
But the prices are the same on Steam.
I do miss the old Steam sounds though
>The difference is that, while you can't buy that laptop elsewhere, you can buy similar products to it elsewhere - or even at the same location, just by a different vendor.
Well you can buy similar products to [insert game here] by a different developer on Steam.
If I gave shit about hypocrisy I wouldn't keep coming to Yea Forums.
I personally really appreciate what Epic is doing, they pay the devs and I get to pirate their games and they can't even bitch about it since they already got paid.
It's a win-win.
>You can pay a licensing fee to use the Half-Life IP if you want to, just look at Hunt Down the Freeman.
This is what Valve fuccbois are honestly bragging about these days lmao
nobody does. people still think life before the iphone was people banging rocks together living in caves.
Because people thought that, compared to brick and mortar stores, a 30% cut was unsustainable and Valve was retarded for even attempting digital distribution.
Another big issue is that Epic simply came too late. Steam has been the PC store since like 2011. Everyone that is a PC gamer probably already has Dota2/CSGO/insert a dozen other popular games. Only like 9% of Fortnite players use EGS and I doubt Fortnitefags care about anything on EGS besides Fortnite.
Don't forget you can just go to Steam's user boards for tech support because people wont know the difference :^)
Misinterpreting what I said doesn't you any less retarded
everyone start using steam because it came with the Orange Box, and they stayed because the games were cheap as hell
this was during a time when brick&mortar still ruled and games were $45-$60 at the store
No, we just didn't like digital shit and vastly preferred physical copies.
Most people don't give a fuck about the developer/publisher's bottom line, I know I certainly don't.
I dislike(d) Steam for incentivizing digital over physical.
Everyone started using steam because it was the only platform, and then it became a good platform over the years.
It's only in recent years with steam's mild decline that another platform has even shown up.
I don't give a shit about store wars but it does bring me pleasure that tencent is learning the lesson that money can't buy (literally) everything.
It's extremely difficult to compare media to physical products. To use the computer example, I can purchase several laptops from several different manufacturers that use the same processor, have the same amount of RAM, storage capacity, screen size, etc. They may all be different manufacturers putting it together, but deep down it's roughly the same machine. If we use movies as an example, I can also purchase and watch Commando and Predator from my local shop that sells Blu-Rays. They're both action movies, they both star Arnold Schwarzenegger, they both came out in the 80s, etc. However, if I want to watch Commando, I wouldn't buy Predator just because Commando is only sold at Best Buy and I happen to be at Target. They're two entirely different movies - you can't approximate media like you can approximate a product.
In the same vein, yes, I could purchase the first two Metro games on Steam, the first few Supergiant Games' titles, etc. But I'm not going to buy them in place of their new titles purely because they're "similar."
>But I'm not going to buy them in place of their new titles purely because they're "similar."
Right, you'd pirate them.
That's what I did.
I need more pictures of this artist!
You could, yes, but that's missing the entire point of my argument to begin with. I could have just as easily pirated the games if they were on Steam.
Right, so the whole point is that these stores need to offer me something beyond just the game, because I can just pirate that.
My main issue with the Epic store is the same issue I have with Origin, Battlenet, the Bethesda store, that Twitch thing, and any future game clients: I just want all of my games in one place. I don't like juggling a dozen different game clients with as-many different user accounts and passwords, all taking up system resources in the background. I just want to be have all my games in one list, and to be able to click on any of those games to download, update, and play it. I wouldn't care if Epic got a cut of my money instead of Valve if Epic weren't pointlessly cluttering up my library.
Threadly reminder to boycott Epic and Unreal Engine
>because it was the only platform
not it wasn't. it was the only platform that required a client at the time. there were other stores that sold digital games but they didn't need a stupid client to play and it was great while it lasted.
I don't even care about this "all in one place" shit because I'm not underageb& and had no problem with multiple launchers and shit on PC back in the mid-2000s.
My issue is that Epic is trying to buy out third party devs, and they can fuck off with that shit.
Thankfully since they already paid the devs I can just pirate their shit while they whine.
Why are digital games the same price as physical copies? That's always been bullshit
because Steam gets all the money and they want it
unless you live in "developing" countries like Norway
He forgot "not having to install yet another cancerous launcher". I will stick to GOG and torrents, thanks.
it's a strange feeling to miss actualgraphicsfag
Steam is the worst PC game client, except for all the others that have been tried.
Tim Sweeney is a programmer NOT a businessman. If Epic were a public company, the board would have fired him and replaced him with someone who isn't a retarded nerd.
That's always been the case, though. Gabe's famous quote is "piracy is a service problem," which is entirely true. Valve has strived to try and make both their storefront and their general services actually useful to their userbase, and have had well over a decade to do so. This is why the Epic Store (and most other storefronts, such as Twitch and Discord) are so bizarre. People act as though that because they're new, lacking or outright refusing to implement features Valve consideres standard is somehow excusable - purely because Steam didn't have them either in 2004. The fact of the matter is that it's 2019, and claiming that features are extraneous or even bad for players/developers just because they don't want to spend time and money implementing it is pure garbage. Compare Epic's feelings on user reviews versus Valve's major addition to their review system (yet again!) just yesterday.
On a similar topic, this is the same reason why people saying that Valve's overhaul of Steam Chat was useless are completely retarded. Many claimed that it was unnecessary because Discord exists, when the entire reason Discord exists is because other platform's clients (Steam, Skype, etc. etc. etc.) were hot garbage. The fact that people complained about legitimate improvements to a service is absolutely mind boggling.
Convenience is a strange argument. Many of my favorite games aren't launched through Steam at all - such as Minecraft, or my entire library of emulators. I agree that it's nice to only have a single program running in the background rather than several, but for many single player games, launching the launcher when necessary is hardly an issue anymore on modern PCs.
because logistics haven't changed, only the method on which goods are delivered. you don't just put a game on the internet and its magically sent to everyone for free (unless you pirating heh) you have to pay cdns to do that and paying to distribute games at a rate 4 to 7 thousand gbps 24/7/365 is not exactly what you would call cheap. then you have marketing costs which have only gotten more and more out of control.
I don't have a problem with game-specific launchers because you can still organize them. But this shit with multiple store clients just adds a lair of complication that benefits me in absolutely no way, and I don't appreciate that.
>Convenience is a strange argument.
Having to manage multiple store clients is less convenient than managing one. I do not like inconvenience, therefore I do not like managing multiple store clients.
>bitch and moan about Microsoft having their own marketplace because it brings console war shit to the PC market
>create your own launcher and bring console war shit to the PC market place but act like it's the morally right thing to do because you're "challenging" steam
>defending Hunt Down the Freeman
Microsoft was trying to do something very different than Epic - they should both be reviled, but for vastly different reasons. If Steam was a dairy farm, Epic bought land across the street and raised their own dairy farm - sometimes stealing cows from Valve's fields in the middle of the night. Microsoft not only opened their own farm down the road, but also wanted to posion all of the land and water in the entire vicinity, but raised their cattle to be immune to the poison.
...or something like that
>when you decide to try to rip off M$'s idea and make your own version of GFWL bullshit and instead everyone shits on you just like everyone always shit on Microsoft for trying to push their Windows store but you legitimately thought you had it in the bag because of fortnite zoomers and their battle royale FOTM addiction
>Want to try Spellbreak because it gameplay looks amazing
>Epic games launcher required
What do Yea Forums?
Hey he could end up subsidizing a lot of woke developers. He'll have the bloggers at least.
Remember when steam was caught twice sending your DNS history to valve? Of course you don't because everyone that sucks valves dick never played PC games before 2010.
>understands that his shitty store has to do better than steam to "displace" it
>doesn't actually do it at the start
>"5 year plan guys!"
He's like that bulb on a dimmer switch that can be turned on but can't go beyond the minimum brightness.
>first time using Steam was in 2009
>was playing PC games for years before
I don't remember that, what does that make me?
>forced to install steam to play half life 2 in 2005
>uninstall everything
>pirate half life 2 nosteam edition
>feels gud.exe
>fastforward today
>cucks legitimately """""""""""""""""""""""bought""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" steam keys and are defending it against other cucks that want them to """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""buy"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" different keys
you are all pathetic lmfao
Problem I have with most of the non-Steam launchers is they want to perform an update almost every god damn time I open them.
remember when chat didn't work for like a year straight back in 2003?
He's basically right. Exclusive games is the only way a store can hope to compete with Steam. Even if they could compete on price (they can't), Steam is so entrenched that people would pay more just to keep their library on their Steam account. No one cares about features as long as the usability is "good enough". Only way to get anyone off Steam is by having games you can't get there.
The issue is how they're getting their exclusives. Unlike console manufacturers who fund and develop their own exclusives, Epic is poaching games that are already close to being finished, sometimes games that had already sold preorders on other stores or promised to release elsewhere. Naturally people are going to be pissed about that. It just remains to be seen whether that outrage is bigger than people's desire for the games.
It should be obvious but Epic isn't really trying to compete for consumers. They know they can't offer what Steam does. They're competing for developers, filling in the demand on the seller side for a storefront with better revenue share and better curation. If consumers are unhappy about that it's up to them to prove they won't buy into it by ignoring EGS.
>The issue is how they're getting their exclusives.
Not gonna do much if all they buy are literally-what games like Metro Exodus.
>preorder/back Phoenix Point for a GOG key
>lol just kidding, you have to wait a year
>you can even refund and we'll still be fine! Thanks for the interest-free loan!
Reminder that those devs went to Epic - Epic didn't poach that game
When Steam finally blew up it was the best alternative. Other options for digital purchases were mostly crap like Direct2Drive. Exclusives, good prices, and better revenue for devs is a good way to bring people to the service, but to keep the customers and encourage them to stick with it, they need to make drastic fucking changes to their program and service, since it's the worst thing available right now.
I dunno why everyone bitches about Epic. Epic basically came out and said that they're using their Fortnite money to purchase the first couple thousand copies of the games that they snipe.
In other words, it's guilt-free piracy
too bad there's nothing on their store i want to pirate
Which one is a better game.
Get prey, shadow warrior 2 feels like the devs ran out of money during development.
Prey for sure.
Alright thanks lads
So those devs won't mind if I pirate their game? Works for me! They can just run back to Epic if they need more money, right?
Steam chat was always so fucking busted. The entire social integration with games just wasn't thoroughly tested.
You could spectate people who weren't you friends via just being in a game with them and then ACTUALLY message them until they blocked you.
There was a pretty not well known glitch where you would flood the entire chat with @ symbols and it would crash their game. I had a friend who would play CS in ESEA (pre-client days!) looking for people in CAL Premier or Invite to add and just wait until they had a match. HLTV would be at a 2 or 3 min delay, but people would cast the match via Shoutcast at a 4 or 5 second delay. He'd wait until he'd hear the caster say someone was in a clutch situation and then crash them. A lot of people wouldn't even know what happened and would relaunch the game, rinse and repeat. Sometimes he would end up with like 3 or 4 people in a match on his friends list.
It took them over a year to fix this somehow. IDK if it was due to people not reporting it, picking up on it, or what. If you stayed off friends you wouldn't be hit by it, I guess that was viable?
This bait tho.
But really everyone is always looking for an excuse to justify stealing something.
>You could spectate people who weren't you friends via just being in a game with them and then ACTUALLY message them until they blocked you.
I meant you could add them, not spectate. There wasn't a confirm on their end before you could get some messages in, think AIM.
but Epic bought it for us :)
>always looking for an excuse to justify stealing something.
If it were any other game, I would second guess. But considering Epic has been paid enough for the phoenix point devs to stay afloat even if every backer demanded a refund, it just shows that the devs are in a good spot where piracy won't hurt their sales. Worst case, they have to come back to Epic for another cash injection. I will pirate any game that comes from Epic and I'll especially won't buy their games until they're >50% off.
Epic shills, I present you one opportunity to not only defend Epic, but destroy steam in one single swoop:
>epic wants to counteract steam's monopoly by creating competition
>instead of helping other storefronts like GOG, they literally rip games off from them and keep them exclusive to themselves
>therefore they weaken all competition and make it so only epic and steam have enough games to compete
Wasn't this supposed to increase our choices in vendors? Why isn't Epic sharing their games with GOG? And don't give me any rhetoric about how "the investors need to be pleased". I hope the investors all go bankrupt if they dare to imply that taking games away from GOG is somehow a good thing.
Dude looks like a literal cuck.
His face only shows a passive personality.
Total fucking moron who is completely out of touch with consumers. This shit Epic is doing is just going to create more pirates.
>nobody can answer
Thought so. Know your place.
Had to use the bathroom
Here's the thing: Epic offered a sweetheart deal to Cyberpunk 2077 to be exclusive to EGS and GoG (like the Division 2 deal) - GoG turned it down.
So in my opinion, GoG can go fuck itself.
>So in my opinion, GoG can go fuck itself.
Why? Wouldn't matter when CDR didn't agree to the deal.
Taking away everyone's games to sell on your shitass store is not how you build a loyal consumer base.
>good prices
No regional pricing on top of a processing fee makes that an outright lie.
>better revenue sharing
The devs getting a bigger cut is not a feature that benefits me personally.
>So in my opinion, GoG can go fuck itself.
> (formerly Good Old Games) is a digital distribution platform for video games and films. It is operated by GOG Sp. z o.o., a wholly owned subsidiary of CD Projekt based in Warsaw, Poland
GoG can sleep with the fishes with CDPR
>source: my ass
Epic are not trying to create consumer choice and never were. They are not trying to create competition in the sense of having an end product with the same function that competes on features and value. They are competing purely for market share of digital game sales. And to do that you don't have to offer a better product.
You can not buy the games if you don't like it, but that's all you can do.
that doesn't explain why you're mad about CDPR turning down Epic's offer
Should I play on hard mode or nightmare mode. I have somewhat good aim
Or because people weren't astroturfing bitchy little faglords shilling for Epic and Tencent
That whole era of instant messengers and even the internet in general was buggy
The way they are going about this and saying "displacing steam" is bad. Either way, not like I'm ever going to use Chinese software.
Pretty sure it does
GoG is either the Swiss or France in World War terms.
If GoG played ball on something like Cyberpunk 2077, I could see more leniency to GoG.
>the only way to compete is to shit all over the customers
then fuck off asshole
I don't understand what you're saying. I'm sure CDPR were perfectly willing to release Cyberpunk on EGS as well but didn't want to cut out such a huge portion of their customer base like Epic would've wanted.
why on Earth would they need to "play ball" with the lesser company.
>Paying for games
>Arguing that one screwy dist service is better than another
>Implying Epic wouldn't pay them handsomely
GoG gets their game, Epic gets to rub it in Steams face. Who doesn't win except Steamers?
>The only way to displace steam is through methods that don't benefit the consumer
Isn't CDPR (aka the makers of GOG) the ones behind Cyberpunk 2077? Why should they share it with Epic, especially when CDPR is against DRM?
What he's saying is that he's a massive faggot and destroying Valve is more important than things that benefit the consumer like a game being sold on as many stores and platforms as possible. You know, like actual competition.
>especially when CDPR is against DRM?
Then why'd they put Witcher 3 on Steam?
Valve confirmed Epic is spying on Steam.
I smell a lawsuit incoming.
In its current state I'm utterly satisfied with steam. The store is great, the prices are good (especially during sales), the cloud services works great, the game integration with servers and your friends list is phenomenal, the download speeds are great, the workshop is great. Pretty much everything is great and so long as valve remains a private company there won't be any kike shareholders to fuck everything up. The only downside to steam is that Valve has stopped making games.
I've never purchased a game from another online retailer and I don't plan on starting now.
Poaching those kickstarters is definitely going to leave actual backers pissed off
>gamer kickstarts a game
>dev sells out to china for a sack of money when the project looks like it's near release, and tells backer "lol epic store only i never promised WHEN I would deliver Steam/GOG keys your were promised"
It's shit you'd expect conman Inafune to pull
it wasnt?
What does that have to do with it? The steam API is completely optional, so it still doesn't have DRM in it. source:
CDPR by cutting out a huge portion of their sales? So far Epic has only gone for relatively small games that they can easily buy out, and The Division 2 which frankly wasn't going to break any sales records.
Cyberpunk is going to be one of the absolute biggest games sales-wise the year it comes out. Epic probably could drop enough money to make up for potential lost sales, but that would be a huge buy for them regardless. Meanwhile CDPR is basically guaranteed less sales if they ditch Steam, and why do that if they could just get more sales and not risk losing any goodwill with consumers?
People only used steam because:
1. It was the only way you could play the popular FPS of the time
2. Games were dirt cheap
3. Games were easier to get "legally" through the service
Now that those 3 things are no longer accurate, the only reason people use it is because it exists and people are lazy.
The Phoenix Point devs made a point they won't have it tied to Epic Store DRM
>Competition bad
>Despotism good
isn't that literally impossible with the way EGS works?
Then Epic doesn't owe GOG anything
Good GIF my man and Steam=BTFO
And I'm sure you have a source for that?
it's also not a literal botnet
I'd be in favor of this if they were actually funding games and not making last minute exclusivity bribes.
Devs and publishers can get free, infinite Steam keys to sell to other retailers and on their own site with 0% of those sales going to Valve. Steam is only an apparent monopoly, but in reality it really isn't.
This. Look at Bayonetta 2 or Bloodborne. The games would not have existed if Sony and Nintendo didn't personally fund their development, taking all the risks of them possibly failing. But the games Epic are buying up are already done and have established fandoms and buyers. It's basically a cheap ploy where Epic isnt helping the development.
>Then Epic doesn't owe GOG anything
and CDPR and GOG don't owe Epic anything. There options are 1) make a lot of money and don't make anyone mad or 2) potentially make less money and potentially make people mad.
You zoomer niggs can't even fathom an era before Steam where even uninstalling a fucking game was an involved process.
The Rebbit Q&A, but we'll have to see when PP is released
>where Epic isnt helping the development.
Games are developed to the last minute and get day 1 patches these days. There's no gold master a few months before released that need to be printed and boxed
So Epic is funding them
>"CDPR, I got an offer for you! Here's a chunk of money. Release the game on *my* store exclusively, capice?"
>"What do we get out of it?"
>*stares at the clock*
>"I get to laugh at Steam."
I bet they probably said something like "we won't have denuvo, we promise" but they'll fail to take into account the epic games launcher itself.
And really, that's my biggest problem. I wouldn't hate EGS if they were like GOG. I can buy their game and never once have to install third party software. And honestly, I wish the same was true of steam too. I'd love to feel that I actually own my games, instead of renting them from an online store. That's why a majority don't have DRM in them, and I keep backups incase that changes. You gotta realize how much I hate control being wrestled away from me as a consumer.
yeah one's for chatting about games you bought off steam
and the other is for chatting while streaming games you bought off steam
As a dev exclusivity is fucking dumb
I support windows, Mac, Linux, (Steam), Xbox one and PS4 and we try for Nintendo if the console can handle it
This is dumb
>and the other is for chatting while streaming games you bought off steam
or Fortnite
>Games are developed to the last minute and get day 1 patches these days.
Ah, so Epic is paying for games to literally stay in early access forever, instead of forcing them to finish and release an actually competent product. Congrats, for all the hate on steam, Epic sure is mimicking them to the letter.
What if Epic handed you a briefcase full of $100 bills?
Tony "Epic Store" Montana did things for business as much as he did them for pride.
Because Epic? He wants the world, chico.
Epic isn't taking those chances tho. They're just stalking whatever game is on everyone's wishlist or whatever is the most anticipated title. "risks" my ass.
Not even console games are released finished you retard
This ain't the 90's or early 2000's
Posted too soon. And you just know they're trying to muscle in on FF7 Remake.
But that's what I said? You and I are 100% in agreement.
>brings console wars to PC
>now brings unfinished games as well
Bravo Epic. Your whataboutisms never cease to amaze me.
Here is why that is bad, it literally kills your brand and future profits.
You want as many people playing your game as possible to support the money machine that is developer recognition and franchise recognition.
Players is more important than money, players lead to money always.
The only thing that makes sense is you know your game is so bad that epics deal looks good to you.
>we bypassed the Steam API because we didn't want Valve doing the very thing we were trying to do illicitly
>implying Epic brought unfinished games to PC
>and not fucking Steam Greenlight and Early Access
Epic still hasn't figured out Japanese devs (because Japanese devs haven't figured out computers)
I can't wait to see who Epic gets - will it be Bandai? Square? Or in maybe the most out of nowhere field fashion, SEGA?
games on epic are 50% - 75% cheaper than any other store for me but I'm not gonna buy shit from them
I don't like how they buy up exclusives
I don't like how shady their store is
I don't like how their client is missing a ton of features
Dumbass journos keep saying shit like 'this is good, competition is good', there's competition and there's being a cockblock
It's like how there's a lot of 'competition' among ISPs in america but not at the consumer level, the ISPs just compete to have control over different areas
>Epic steals your information!
Yeah and so does everything else in the IT industry like google.
I can't believe there are actually idiots who would fall for the Chinese spying on us boogeyman.
what games do you make, user
they made unreal engine, which is used a hell of a lot more than source engine
>And you just know they're trying to muscle in on FF7 Remake.
Yeah I can see that shit not flying. Squenix seems to love having their shit on Steam.
t. wang chang zang
>saved 50 dollars 15 years ago
>proudest moment of your entire life
And people rightfully called them out for that, which is why we're in this big fiasco surrounding curation and what counts as going too far. Epic shouldn't be immune to the same scrutiny.
every single was shit so far, you need GOOD exclusives for any meaninful effect
Shhhh you can't say that - you can't bring up how Epic has infinite stacks of money from Fortnite and UE4 royalties
Honestly, Steam drones, has Valve made anything successful in the past few years?
>Steam machines? Flop
>Steam controllers? Flop
>SteamOS? Flop
>Steam Link? Flop
>Shartifact? You better believe that was a flop
>Source 2? Not even made to even be a flop
>Steam Videos? Flop
>Steam VR? Fired devs
used more, almost impressively more terrible
I love how after so many years japanese devs have been slowly but surely trusting the pc market more and more, but with this epic store that seems to be more mainstream and dudebro than steam itself (because of fortnigte) japanese devs won't even bother porting stuff
>Not even console games are released finished you retard
t. This_Is_Fine.jpg
Yeah they are just throwing money at stupid shit.
They should stay as a game company.
Their work into optimization and linux alone has justified their presence. What's epic doing to keep windows from being a monopoly?
first post underrated post
like Google, Steam/Valve basically has infinite money to just throw shit at the wall until something sticks
Epic also has those fat stacks, but instead of trying to evolve or improve gaming in some way, however unsuccessfully, they're just using it to try and horn in on territory they think rightfully belongs to them because they've got money
blind steam loyalists are underaged fags who want to feel like they're apart of the masterrace club on their $600 toasters
anyone who's been using steam since the beginning know they're not the same company they once were for the last 10 years
Steam is fine. The fact that you back a company like Epic shows how little your opinion matters. Epic, a company who has been pulling bullshit tactics and getting called out for it ( steam exodus, stealing user data ) is PR suicide for them. Its only a matter of time before they implode on themselves with their shady practices.
Literally all " trending " and main stream topics about Epic are extremely poor, and here you are trying to shitpost in their defense. You really couldn't have picked a worse time you mongoloid.
>Steam is only an apparent monopoly, but in reality it really isn't.
It's not even an "apparent" monopoly. It's just, simply, not a monopoly. My GOG library proves it.
It's a fairly small minority of Fortnite players that use PC. Fortnite is perhaps the most mainstream video game, but Steam is still more mainstream than the Epic Game Store.
Mostly because the EGS has pretty much fuck-all beyond Fortnite, and Steam has most major releases and some of the most popular games in existence.
alot of things can happen between now and 5 years when the game actually releases. SE using UE4 with the game. You can bet Epic is going to pull all the stops like reduced license fee or some shit seeing that the game will probably sell a lot being a meme legend and all.
Companies change, the world changes. You would understand this is you ever left your room.
And they're still afloat in spite of those flops. Your point?
>You can bet Epic is going to pull all the stops like reduced license fee
Can't wait for the first big Jap game on Epic Store - the only savior of current day Steam
>And Rome is still afloat in spite of their losses. Your point?
I feel like it'll be a long time before Nips are familiar enough with the PC market to even be aware of EGS
not for me
Why would anyone willingly install malware? You're just giving your identity to Tencent to use how they like. Some chinese person is going to pretend to be you.
Literally nothing wrong with steam link and the gamepad.
I could honestly see Epic taking as low as 3% if it meant sealing the deal.
>comparing digital game store to Rome
wrote a whiny post about windows game store
there's a reason steam sales got so famous. at the time nowhere else matched them but you were underage so you don't remember
This is what I honestly see holding back Japs from possibly jumping ship. They figured out Steam, what, 2-3 years ago?
It's not a food comparison. Mad?
Prey is better but Shadow Warriors devs are based bros.
absolute fucking legend
Remember how timed-exclusives won the console wars for one side or the other? Yeah, me neither.
Adding larger revenue shares for the devs to the mix won't change customer's hearts in the slightest.
Actually, its just greed.
Around the ps3/360 era, the publishers jacked up the per unit sold price tax on devs. Instead of absorbing this, as they had in the past, they simply put it (and a small extra) onto the normal price and called it the "price of next gen". The PUT (per unit tax) is around 7$ per unit (as apposed to what was around 2-4$ per unit, excluding pre GC nintendo as they manufactured all the cartridges and the PUT was rolled into that fee).
So now, when it comes to PC games, not only do they get a higher % per unit sold simply because no brick and mortar loss (roughly the publisher gets around 10-15% max of the entire 60$ purchase), which is because they get to keep (at worst) 70% per unit sold AND have no upkeep costs (patches for xbox and psn cost between 50k-100k per certification), they are ALSO pocketing the extra 10$ per unit simply because there is no PUT for PC.
But because all other games across the systems where costing 60$, people sorta just ignored when PC went to 60$ and here we all are.
what, you don't remember when the timed Rise of the Tomb Raider exclusive won this generation for Xbone?
And buying out 3rd party games despite them being advertised on your competitions store for months!
Half Life is steam exclusive because they made the game, like, its actually their game, even Uplay owns the games it sells and advertises. Epic did not make Metro they simply bought the rights and are continuing to do this with other games. This sets a very bad precedent where platforms simply have to buy out exclusivity in order to make their platform appealing, much like consoles do. The prices arent competative, they are simply buying games for exclusivity. If the games were cheaper and had better service I would be on board, but that is not happening.
They still haven't figured out how to do decent ports in general, and Epic's stance "just ask Steam User Forums to Troubleshoot your problems >for free." Combine that with Japan not particularly liking China much anyway and you'd see a lot more DOA japanese ports with based elevens going "I'M GONNA DO IT I'M GONNA TYPE THE T WORD".
I don't think people realize the core issue of using multiple launchers, the issue is that a lot of these things fucking suck and have varying levels of functionally
Some have really god awful party systems that don't work (origin) or they have overlays that fucking break games (origin again), then some of them handle shit like moving downloads or taking screenshots or voice chat differently
It's really fucking annoying switching from client to client, having shit that works on one but not on another
deleted from my computer after finding out this shit crawls your steam files and periodicaly sends encrypted data to their servers. Fuck this shit.
It was one game and Microsoft basically gave up after it
But buying up studios a couple months ago was the smartest thing MS has done.
You forgot the biggest problem: the launchers themselves are DRM, so you can never have your library in one comprehensive place. You have to be logged in to them whenever you want to play any game. I don't think anyone would have a problem if EGS didn't require you to download their launcher.
too bad all the studios they bought were complete garbage
I would genuinely like to see this guy sliced in two.
Good service...
This guy is disgusting. He thinks Satya Nadela is doing a good job with windows 10?
I really wish this image had been made with more care and less hysteria. It has a point, but it should be calmer and clearer about what's going on. Steam and Origin also need to do things like:
>Check your geo location
>Establish a legitimate chain of permissions
>Make sure it doesn't try to mess with your game files while you are playing said game.
However, Steam (and origin) do these more efficiently, less invasively, and in a less exploitable manner. What Epic DOESN'T need to do:
>Check your geo location by plundering your location services
>Establish more than one security certificate.
>Make sure a game isn't running by diving in to the processes themselves
What they SHOULD BE DOING that are literally both easier and cheaper to do:
>Get your location by simply checking your IP
>Either establish only one security cert or simply spoof the current user like Steam/Origin
>Ask the OS for the process ID if it's not sure the game is already running
It's not a valid comparison you mong.
Its so fucking annoying having content scattered across fifty different platforms, just like what happened with movie streaming services.
Thank jehova for piracy
it's strange to live in a world where a launcher is somehow worse and more invasive than fucking Origin
remember how everyone started using epic games launcher?
me either
Yeah that's true, I remember when GFWL shutdown it was such a bitch to get some games to work even though I either had the disc or I bought them on steam
He's basically saying "fuck what the customer wants if we court enough developers they'll have no choice."
word fortnite is way better than halflife
>caring about porn this much
piss off
The original Dark souls still has trouble with that, if I recall. That's why they released a remastered version.
good steam mite finally do decent sales again
Nah, they haven't had good flash sales since they implemented refunds.
I think it's fine now that it uses steamworks but I lost my save that I had from gfwl, I have no clue if the multiplayer works right though
Fuck I miss DoD
nuke china
easy fix to all
This charade is already over, his store is a failure and has been caught illegally data mining. It's fucking malware, no one is using it, and every game on it has bombed entirely. The store will be shut down within a year, Fortnite is nearly dead as it is, and he'll probably be sued into the dirt and left to fend for himself by Tencent. He also looks like a pedo, so I wouldn't be surprised if that comes out in the next couple years and he does to prison.
Give me every game I have on my steam account and integrate the multiplayer servers with my friends that don't want to switch and have support for modding api's going back to 2003 and also a workshop equivalent and the open review system that steam has and I'll consider switching if every price is 20% or lower than steam.
>Remember how everyone started using Steam because it was such good service?
I was forced to due to non-Valve games REQUIRING the fucking thing
Fuck Steam and Fuck DRM
>too young to actually have experienced the butthurt about the always online predecessor
Kill yourself immediately you baiting underage faggot.
Steam had more than a decade to get where it is now and still has a lot of shit to deal with. Ebin on the other hand goes back to 2003. They either have no more advanced knowledge, they just don't want to learn from others or they are just such business cunts, that they actively show their zero fucks about customers.
Even that cunt's 3 points are contradictory.
I just wont buy anything from it and just get the free games they give out every two weeks.
>Even that cunt's 3 points are contradictory.
>Games you can ONLY play on this platform
>games that are more affordable than other games on other platforms
>different breakdown of costs between platform holder / software publisher
How are they contradictory?
this is getting to console war levels of shitposting
I hope these threads end up getting banned, insectoids
>there are people out there that don't remember the miserable days of visiting random office stores to see if they had the game you wanted
>the awful days of garbage games being more common because PC magazines could never review them all
>the awful days of support forums and mod pages that died constantly
>serial keys
>shelf full of cd cases
>having to change CDs every time you wanted to play something different
Fuck what a nightmare.
If I remember correctly there was a thing you had to do to transfer your save. I've still got mine.
Except nobody is unironically vouching for Epic. People are just doing it to stir easy shit.
Don't forget requiring 5 discs to install one game.
I unironically vouch for Epic, though I am still a heavy Steam user
>there are people here ITT who defend epic games and their store.
yikes dude, you're probably a jew, one of devs who sold for exclusivity or a fucking Chinese dog
I can see Epic courting some AAA games because of their massive financial resources while also getting a lot of exclusive indie games because unlike Steam, Epic is a cleaner, more curated, less competitive marketplace. Still never gonna use it though, lol.
It's funny how Epic shills care more for Artifact than actual Pcbros.
>shelf full of cd cases
>having to change CDs every time you wanted to play something different
Now that you say it, actually maiming a game to completion or boredom brings me feelings of nostalgia. Instead of playing this and that and dropping a playtrough here and there.
There's really only one guy really driving this shit, and he's a glow in the dark nigga, who has argued his way through 7 bump limit posts in a single day. There are some normies who use it and are OK with it, but they're not sucking the thing like it's a chocolate cock.
They certainly care more about it than artifact players.
i agree there may be some of that, just to shitpost, but I've seen a ton of threads that are legit shilling, with posters asking stupid questions, to bump again and again
on the contrary, threads were Epic gets exposed for being garbage, die in 60-70 replies
Ignoring me huh? >Chocolate cock
A Valve cuck would obsess over nigger dick huh?
>Ignoring me huh?
ignoring what? who are you?
>be a preachy faggot about Microshits walled garden
>do the exact same shit with your faggot store
What did he mean by this?
>wanted to play satisfactory real bad since the reveal
>epic bought them out and its an epic store exclusive
>dont want a literal botnet data mining program on my computer
Guess I'll never get to play it.
Time to pirate bro
>reddit users fuckign payed money to give this post saying that they fucking steal your information an award
A guy who pays black men to fuck his wife is less cucked then this.
Probably a bunch of devs in the ruse
Unreal engine is such garbage though...
I say you are a retard.
kill yourselfve non-freedomland trannies
displace them from their monopoly, not from the leading position
I hope that is what he meant, if not, lol
Why is this shitthread still up but the thread about Steam censor reviews is gone? Shill much?
Yes, you are indeed a shill. Go make a thread if you want one.
Read the rest if you want.
It's actually quite easy to see when he's around. There's no coincidence that we've got 3 epic threads/fuck steam threads in the catalog, and 6 more in the arctives in the past few hours.
Mods sometimes delete or autosage his shit, but there is some legit shit to discuss about the topic, and modding is never evenly distributed..
anything that stops the chinks from review bombing otherwise good games because they don't include moonrunes is ok in my book
I did and it got quite a few replies but the shillmoderators delete it, now fuck off shill.
>Yeah but the Devs!!!
I don't care.
what are regional taxes?
>stops the chinks from review bombing
Too bad it mainly stops honkies from review bombing since you honkies are major contributors and you honkies whine the most :^)
ok I don't really care about that either
at least they're not deleting user reviews outright like a certain movie score aggregator
It's already been posted at least twice in this thread namefag faggot go be whiny bitch somewhere else.
To be honest I don't really care either.
STFU you whinybitch. This whole thread is whining, you too.
>extremely competitive prices
Fuck that, 90% off isn't competitive, it was just fucking ridiculous. Epic can't do anything close to that today. Neither can steam though I guess. 80% is about the highest I've seen in years.
Epic isn't going to beat steam in discounts unless steam just stops doing them.
He's just copying portions off of Chris Sanders. Poor chinamen artist.
>please don't sue us
This doesn't mean anything unless you're telling actual chinese people. As much as idiots like yourself like to think chinks are shilling Epic on Yea Forums, they're really not.
EULA doesn't mean anything if a court of law judges it to be against consumer rights.
>Remember how everyone started using Steam because it was such good service?
That’s literally what happened though you fucking retard
Ruin has come to our platform
Whatever you say, Zhao.
>dev literally says to backers "fuck you, you can even not buy i got my money"
>surprised that people want to pirate his shit just in spite
imagine having a life this sad to keep this pics on your pc to whip out at every chance you got
>want to make store that concurs steam
>can't be even bothered to make cloud saves and only thing it does is buy out exclusives
Nice "competition", I think they could have just made insane sales with this money and people would flock to it instead of making out of themselves hate target with buying exclusives
Imagine being fiercely loyal to a corporation like Valve.
Imagine all the grease built up within your skin folds.
>best way to beat steam is to shit things up for everybody
Well he's not wrong.
Being fiercely loyal is a typical human behaviour though
Being fiercely hostile is a sign of schizophrenia
If someone gave me a platform that allows me to merge all the games from other platforms I'll gladly switch.
Fortnite's banned in China too.
>Being fiercely loyal is a typical human behaviour though
>he actually admits being fiercely loyal to valve
Hahahaha fucking hell, what a stupid idiot.
I didn't though, you illiterate imongoloid. Have fun wasting time telling people you hate something, I guess, who am I to judge you.
>Not pirating Epic Store games
Payback for pulling Metro from Steam, hope you choke on it.
If a game is free on the epic store, does that make it okay to pirate it from a moralfag perspective?
No, U$0.5 is deposited to you Donald. Technically Epic Store is not really banned, just many games on Epic Store are "regional blocked" in China, and the prices of Epic Stores in China/East Asia region are still in "U$ dollars", so nobody really use Epic Store in China except Fortnite players, many people never even heard of it.
So you Westerners keep blaming this Epic shitstorm drama to Chinese as scapegoat is just stupid and ridiculous, as I always say. Epic Store is NOT controlled by Chinese nor Tencent. Tencent has its own platform call "Wegame" which is only usable in China and has nothing to do with Epic Store.
Origin literally has all of those, and it still isn't popular.
They just aren't enough.
Moralfags do not have a perspective.
Lads, /rog/ is back:
Why did that option escape my mind?
Why, I, the consumer would care about the revenue sharing? Devs getting more money doesn't make want to buy their games more.
Formosa Taiwan
I can't pirate Satisfactory because the pirated version still requires the epic game store to work.
devs get paid the same amount no matter what unless they are indie, its publishers that funded said games that get paid and decide if they wish to pursue further investment
their prices are awful and are unreasonable everywhere but america. I can assure you they will have across the board worse sales than steam
dumb little gamer doesn't understand how markets work cute
I have never used Steam or paid for a digitally distributed game. I tried to get people to boycott Valve into bankruptcy after they launched Steam but no one listened. Only brainwashed casuals use Steam or pay for digital distribution.
I've been pirating ever since PC went digital only, the only games I buy are the rare DRM free physical release PC gets and sometimes I buy a physical copy off of eBay of an old game I pirated if I like it enough.
This is the perfect opportunity to start demanding DRM free physical releases on PC but all you idiots are too busy praising le gaben
>literally admitting the Epic endgame of pursuing exclusive cancer splitting up the PC market
Get fucked, Sweeney.
>good prices
>better revenue sharing
But you have no users that use it like people use Steam, it's just a Fortnite launcher.
>This is the perfect opportunity to start demanding DRM free physical releases on PC
it'll never happen because thankfully most people aren't as retarded as you are
So Epic is doing a pretty shit job at it then
The price of a digitally distributed game should be $0 and not a cent more. Games are more expensive than ever because of digital distribution when you take into consideration you don't get a physical copy or manual, DLC and micro transactions exist, games are intentionally released unfinished or unplayable without a patch, etc. It should be illegal to charge for digital distribution and piracy should be legal.
with the revenue guarantee thing that epic is providing, your copy is already paid for, you're free to pirate
If you make people hate your platform it wont matter what exclusives you offer. Have you ever installed an EA Origin based game? Neither have I.
>PC games
>exclusives based on game launcher
Also lmao on that good prices bullshit. If a game is on steam you can go look up third party key sellers and save a meaty 20-30% even if it's a game that just came out like DMC5 on greenmangaming is right now. I actually got to grab MGSV with Ground Zeroes for five fucking dollars on humble bundle some years back, it was still a recent game at the time too and I got to have it for far less than what people expect to pay even on pc. This isn't even counting steam's own sales where the discounts go beyond 80% for even mainstream AAA games on their list.
Epic doesn't allow key resellers, you are boned and must submit to their price if you wish to buy the game, and if you live in some country other than America that fucking faggot Timmy will hit you with an extra buyer's fee tax slapped on top of whatever you need to pay because 'this is the only way to do business while taking our 12% revenue cut'.
How about you fuck off with your chink shit ? The same fucking shit happened to German streaming services. Fuck off with this bullshit that only fucks over the customer.
You need two fucking hands to count all of steam's competitors, many of which are big ass corporations like EA and Amazon (yes you can actually buy and download digital games off Amazon it's fucking weird), and this is just counting the currently alive ones. Valve has about as much a monopoly on digital game distribution as Sony does in televisions.
This whole thing about Steam being a monopoly and Epic being here to stop them screams of a forced narrative made to market Epic as being the """"""good guys"""""" in a fight over what amounts to people's wallets.
>good prices
Where are they? Sales are non-existent.
Why is there even a need to beat Steam in the first place? It's all on fucking pc, shit don't make any sense.
>voip service vs streaming service
>console wars to pc
But you don't have to buy Epic Games hardware to buy games on their store.
Are you retarded?
They have a bunch of loophole workarounds, I believe internet cafes are exempt to these kind of video game bans for example.
Point to me the other launchers I can play L4D or TF2 from. We've had steam exclusive titles ever since HL2, why are people acting like this is some new thing?
Not to mention, transfer fees get dumped on the consumer and prices are all fucked for different regions which on top of the fees make the games more expensive.
Chinese scum are greedier than the Egyptian slaves of old
>The free market is supreme and unassailable as long as they're doing what I like
Lesson 1. consumer demand is the foundation of any free market enterprise. If your store is measurably lesser, built on the back of a meme game, and you get by on weaseling away exclusives( only at the last minute of course, because being associated with you is a massive red flag and would lower expectations) then you deserve to fail
>Black Mesa Source
A fan game based on half life that happened way fucking after 20fucking04 that the devs are paying valve to use their intellectual property in order to sell the fan game for a profit. Learn to read you nigger
Honestly time and age aren't really too big a factor in this case, it's just that as an overall store it doesn't offer anything different from Steam, in some respects it offers even less. The only things separating the two from a consumer standpoint are the bells and whistles attached to them, something Epic severely lacks unless you count behind the scenes spyware, and the games that are exclusive to each storefront.
Look at GoG, these days they more or less have the same catalog as Steam but GoG offers and focuses on different facets. The most obvious is that rather than a launcher they provide DRM free installers. They also build their catalog around old games that may not be available anymore, and for the ones that don't run well on modern hardware they also customize the installers with patches and fixes to work around this. They also used to ensure equal pricing between countries so if one game cost more in another country than in the US they would pay the difference themselves and let the customer buy it at the US price; it's only very recently that they had to stop providing that since they're losing too much money.
GoG was able to become a number 2 because it didn't try to 'take down' steam, it instead co-existed with steam and offered what steam didn't provide.
Maybe before thinking of any of that, fix your damn platform.
the epic store is absolute shit and not gonna "displace" anything.
I want kikes out of video game industry already.
>Wasn't this supposed to increase our choices in vendors?
>When we already have like 12 of them
>Which isn't even counting the various key resellers for them
They will. There's an icon that shows you if a poster owns the game
Play on hard, the game is super nor about the combat anyways and all the difficulty change will do is make you take an extra trip or two down to the fab machine to make a medkit.
His argument doesn't even make sense. How does the steam API take data? Isn't it's entire purpose to give you data?
That's because EA is constrained by where they are located. Epic is Chinese, they don't care and their government encourages shitty insect behavior.
But all the trannies are in the anglosphere you mutt.
Only on PlayStation™
(Also available on PC)
Valve games are exclusive to steam because they fucking own it ie exclusivity based on first party no different from Battlenet or league of legends game launcher
Epic is making exclusives by either buying them or forcing devs to make them exclusive if they want to release on epic launcher ie exclusives based on launcher akin to Sony timed exclusives