How the fuck are you supposed to beat these characters?

how the fuck are you supposed to beat these characters?

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Palu main here
Just learn to bait, all of her options have plenty of lag.

the DDD V Palutena matchup is literally impossible, I had to learn Fox exclusively for that matchup and for facing other DDD mains

Get them to a high enough percentage, then knock them off the stage

I can understand Palu and Wolf, but Lucina?

Doesn't have a lot of answers for combos or air pressure.
Trickier, but baitable.
Propose marriage, hope the other player is sufficiently distracted.


hit them off screen lo,l

How do I deal with nair, or challenging her options in general?
Am I not supposed to challenge her and just wait for an over-extension?

Play a different, better game.

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With patience.
t. Pac-main

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Just beat them bro. I never had trouble with them, but that's probably because Wario is my main.

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Get good.

Always love seeing fellow Pac-mains.

Name three


play pichu

Use the strongest character.

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With wolf you need to just get him off stage. With the other two, I don't know, they've been giving me trouble for a long time. Lucina is the absolute worst. I'm genuinely convinced she has no weaknesses as a character.

>2D animu fighters
>Not even the 3 best 2D animu fighters

not gonna lie, it feels good blowing out anime shitter's assholes with pac-man

I used to think Lucina was a fair character, but playing against her pisses me off. She gets to space as much as she wants and you can't land a hit on her, even if she whiffs.
It's not like the other top tiers like Peach or Pichu, who have clear weaknesses despite their strengths (disjoints and being light).

I just want to know how to beat her. My friend just picked her up trying to copy MKLeo and it's not even fun playing against her.

Breath of the Wild
Tales of Vesperia
Spider-Man 2

Get better taste faggot

I didn't actually know how bad the PK Fire meme was until I faced a bunch of Ness players in Elite. If it wasn't for this retarded GSP system, I'd just SD against every Ness player I find. It's completely unfun to fight against them.

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>I heard you wanted to have fun playing the game you bought for 60 dollars. It sure would be a shame I spammed leaf shield every other second of the match.

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>Play Isabelle
>Pocket their PK Fires
>Pocket their PK Thunder as they try to recover off stage

BlazBlue Chrono Phantasma, Calamity Trigger, and Continuum Shift are all fucking great.

I can only imagine Central Fiction is as good.

use fox

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I picked up olimar and it solved the problem immediately, pikmin smashes space those fires pretty well

Fuck quickplay, I can never play fun free for all matches as Kirby now because I have him in elite smash so it always instantly sticks me in 1v1 battles. In those 1v1 battles I always get stuck with sword and ikefags and get pissed off so I just switch off to my main Incineroar but now I NEVER get stuck with the swordies when I actually want to and instead the first thing I get stuck with pedro pokemon trainers with mc donalds wi fi who camp me out with Ivysaur for 10 minutes

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Can't play melee, I just bought deodorant

It's what he's designed to do, user

Always a pleasure, fellow Pac-Main

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or you can run off stage and dunk him with any other character

Ness's recovery is a joke

You disconnect

CT and CF are the only good games in the franchise.

What's next, calling someone a Pokemon Mainer for Pokemon Trainer?

>playing quick match
if you actually want to have fun fighting good players and not gsp whores who'll disconnect after one game then use battle arenas

well first you damage them until you get thier percentage around 100+%
then you connect with a strong attack, usually a Smash.

This. Fuck this Dennis the Menace looking motherfucker

>PK Fire
most of the ones in the top 1% rarely use it outside of tech chases. its that fucking Uair and the brain dead thunder juggles that grind my gears. If my main didnt hard counter the latter I would just D/C every time I saw a Ness or Lucas

That actually doesnt sound too bad, user. You might be onto something

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Have you tried pressing any buttons, OP?

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>press button
>get hit by disjoint and chained forever
good advice

I dunno man I just run in there and beat some ass

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Give me tips on how to use Ken? I play actual fighting games and just got into ultimate because everyone is playing it, not just stinkies.
Right now I'm only playing Isabelle and want to get good with Olimar, what should I take into account when playing Ken? How do you approach? How do you punish? OoS options? etc.

How do you beat these characters with Pac?

How do you deal with Lucina's disjoint and palutena and wolf'd projectiles?

You don't.

Shorthop nairs in are pretty much the standard approach, walk up tilts are great, use fadc's for tricky movement
Punish with ideal combo strings, open with tilts/jabs, extend with ck/tatsu/prox ftilt, finish with dp/fmash/dsmash/roundhouse, what you used it all based on %, weight, size, positioning, DI, etc, you'll get used to it
Honestly watch guides, it's a pretty large info dump

I use focus a ton with Lucina since she has a hard time getting through it, Palu I just play hyper aggressive and frequently crossup, Wolf still batters my ass with projectiles but I make it in eventually

Also empty hops are good for an approach, and if you start tilting on an opponents shield it's always a win for you, keep spamming that shit until they let go of shield and follow up best you can

theres only one who can defeat the tryhard character trio.....

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You mean the so called tomahawk grab (empty jump>throw)?
Jesus why do you smashfags need to call things differently? We already named all of this shit, it just makes shit confusing.


>Smash bros is not a fighting game
>why do smash fags not use fighting game terms?

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fuck off retard

Stay mad, faggot.

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It isn't easy, but the most important thing to do is to force them to play at your pace.

Lucina and Wolf can be sort of zoned out a bit and N-air out of shield if they get too close. You really need to create a percent deficit before engaging with Bell because they both pull out amazing damage and knockback when you make 1 mistake

Palutena is bit more difficult. While you set up, she can easily pressure you with B and side B, and her N-air can usually beat out yours. Abuse her chipping at the hydrant to get easy jab or f-tilt launches for it. And be ready to shield her side b. You can go in a bit more for F air combos since her punish game isnt as strong as the other 2.

Pressuring with Bell and Galaxian is your best bet.

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>git good with Ganon

based character

you cant really get a bad match up when playing game and watch, hes good for almost any situation, best pairs are with lucas/ness, fox (if they spam neutral b start of the fight and you bucket it) and characters with easy to predict projectiles, and characters such as lucario, samus, and mewtwo are fucked aswell if they arent crafty with throwing charge shots

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You fuck off. Why even argue that it's a fighting game when you don't even try to make it pass as one? That way you'd at least get SOME the FGC to recognize it as one, but you go around calling recovery end lag and retarded shit like that, it pisses me off.
Anyways, when you mean doing empty short hops, you mean contiditioning the opponent into thinking you will do short hop nair and hitting them with a grab right?

Wolf is only going to keep going down the tier lists.

It's already starting since Wolf can never actually win a major. Even Zero dropped him.

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>playing against G&W
>they spam their recovery move in neutral like its Fox's melee shine
>cant contest them at all as they float around
I still havent lost to one but god damn does it make me mad to have to watch and respect their fucking slow ass decent

I don't argue with retards like you about whether it's a fighting game or not
It's not necessarily a grab out of an empty hop, it's honestly better to follow up with a few uptilts to see how long they want to shield since if you get a few in you can heavy uptilt into roundhouse > inazuma for an easy shield break

>Using a racist character

What's so special about his Up B that commands so much respect?

I know suffering, which is DK vs Ness matchup.

his ability to cancel it into anything alongside him being too high up to rush him before he can react. Not even fox is fast enough

Neat. I'll have to go give it a try.

utilt is safe on block then? Is shield breaking a viable strategy with Ken?

oh yeah! he is racist! resetera said so!

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>not having a pocket DDD for the matchup

very yes
I break shields really often, and the worst case scenario is they realize how much the roundhouse fucked their shield, drop shield before inazuma and take the hit
It really discourages shielding too which feeds into shorthop nairs working out

It was in smash 4 as well, only reason people give a shit now it's cause the move actually works now.

Stop crying about it and shield, respect the move.

They really fucking need a quickplay that doesn't involve GSP. I'm in Elite with Ridley but I have no desire to play that shit because it's just the same annoying bullshit. Either the characters are just unfun to play against even if beatable, or they're unstoppable gods who again are unfun to play against. Obviously everyone in Elite is going to want to use the easier to use current tippy toppest "tier" character that their epic twitch/youtube Smash pro told them about. Lack of a proper random just smash shit mode is mind boggling. I know you can just make an arena but you either wait ten+ minutes just watching others play or you make a 1v1 which doesn't really fill up too often or quickly.


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Why is it racist to reference not only an actual real point in history, but also a group of people? Native Americans wear feathers. It's more racist, in my mind, to try and erase a peoples culture and past than to make note of it.

>Zero put Ridley in low tier
Was it autism?

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you dont even need to be elite for the GSP system to turn everyone into faggots. Even at pathetically low numbers people are playing like tryhard faggots

Just quit the game an d say it doesn't take any skill. Thats what all the cool kids do.

Jesus fucking christ how the hell do you play Sonic in this one. I just can't get any results with him

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just press buttons dude

>get matched with an insanely good Fox
>end up getting farmed but don't want to leave because it's good experience
>end up tanking from 4m to 3.5m gsp
>every game is now with laggy ganons until I make it back to 4m
very cool

Is Lucina honestly that big of an issue for you guys?
I match up against her and stomp her so often I can't even register what the issue could be. Are you all exclusively playing Heavies?
She loses against most medium fighters.
Palutena you just need to always be on top of and Wolf is just a decent match.

I play DDD who's disjoints usually net me free wins from FE fags since there are only like 3 other characters that can contest their hitboxes. Usually they are the least skilled opponents I see so I assume the characters must be carrying their asses super hard

same way you play any rushdown character

>Shit character is bad against good character
color me surprised


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Every fucking week its a different character with you retards.

This. You can easily nail 50% on practically everyone just with a well-thrown Galaxian, catching it, throwing it again, and a fair or two. Galaxian is great.

Based as fuck

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Please stop bringing up Palutena it's getting harder to control. I don't want to end up dead like that other user

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all Goddess mains must hang

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Is he really that bad? I mean I'm no pro but he seems ok. Could use maybe more weight, an extra jump. Or is this that sorta "if they aren't top tier then they're low tier" mind set?

>Is Lucina honestly that big of an issue for you guys?
According to literally every top player in the world yes, she's absurdly good and takes 0 skill to play

60 or 70 if you can combo hydrant into it.
It's all about conditioning them

Zero's opinion can eat shit because fuck 4s Brokenetta.

>how the fuck are you supposed to beat it to these characters

I also like using the dumbass trampoline to make their approaches more predictable.