ITT: Yea Forums screecaps
ITT: Yea Forums screecaps
Other urls found in this thread:
Only one I have
The faggot OP in that thread made it seem like the cyclops was replaced with that pink monster. When other people pointed it out his retardation, he backtracked and said he was only comparing the graphics.
Remeber that Nintendo Direct which showed that Zelda remastered?
Some faggot though that Nintendo changed the theme for a friendly one but it was like that in the original
Good times...
retards can't tell the man was having a laugh
from /vp/ but whatever
I need the one of the guy who has a shitload of Little Nicky merchandise
What's that second image?
I don't get it. How is that a get?
What a legend
google it
looks like a fucking naked lizard
Gimme your laptop
If you're gonna post a /vp/ screencap, at least post a good one.
not Yea Forums but this is the best screencap of all time
The first case of the original game, the murder victim writes the killer's name in her own blood, Leon. However, she writes it upside down because of her positioning, so it looks like the number 11037. It's an incredibly and stupidly obvious "twist" if you aren't a savage that writes in moonrunes.
>I'm trying
Every fucking time
>no eggs
nu-Yea Forums truly is real
>I'm trying
Gets me good every time
not even Yea Forums, faggot
not sure if it's from Yea Forums but is video game related
I remember when that thread went to trash, were some decent pics in there
>RP vs Meta
My most favorite.
already been posted
Kinda reminds me of this.
>le eat all the eggs mene
Summer smells like (you)
what is the context of this
there's like zero correlation between those two sentences.
The implication is that he accidentally pasted whatever he had copied to his clipboard.
i would a dolphin
>I thought it would be a brawler
Love this one
Here's the legend of Iwata the fun
Truly a classic.
Hot damn, that was one hell of a wild ride
Do you lads have the one of the guy that adopted 2 girls later of playing teaching feeling?
I have a couple
One of the most cathartic and humiliating BTFOs ever happened on Yea Forums.
All this shit is fucking r/Yea Forums tier.
to this day that "..." coupled with the stupid fucking bear face kills me
People from r/Yea Forums make these threads to trawl for oc to steal and get epic upvotes. dont fall for it.
Filling your screencap with a fuckload of reaction image posts immediately kills any humor the screencap could have had.
>all those Rapidshare links
>suddenly remember when /rs/ was still around
It's actually Yea Forums but still
do you have the post of impossible shit that happened before DMC5
I must know the context of this
imagine the one we get of this for bannerlord
yeah okay Bethesda marketing team
I wonder how much shovelware games actually make. I imagine those games often just take assets from whatever the company previously made and reskin them and maybe adjust a few things.
>Man all this summer (coloquial for newfag)
TL when
always had a surprising amount of furry porn for a website that banned furries
Yeah, just look how well the mods browbeating Yea Forums into having naruto threads worked out. Standards are a bad thing, of course, how could I have been so blind.
False equivalency, Naruto was never good.
furries go where they aren't wanted which is precisely why they're cancer
what the fuck
Excuse me what?
how? why!?
He never talks about shit being good or not, just goes on
>hurr durr we vidya all vidya welcome
and now we're swamed in fucking gacha crap and casual moviegame schlock
ironic, because these threads are made by obsessive weebs and the result of Yea Forums pushing muh secrit club and claiming that Yea Forums is still a purely anime site and non-weebs should fuck off or adapt
this is what you get
of fucking course
I'm fucking dying here
did you even read my post, I'm shitting on gachafags you through straw eating braindead mongoloid
Keep posting chubby loli
I don't want to see it again. What was that?
God bless than man
You're a fucking retard if you think that's what that post was about. Acquire reading comprehension, cancer.
At least post what the youtube video was
Id that a fucking turtle???
>it's a video game
>on a board for video games
best thread of the month that was.
>*WHIIIIIIIIRRRRR* is already one and a half years ago
Fuck me time to feel existential again
Way to ignore the rest of the post where nuclear kermit blasts the guy for conforming to neo-Yea Forums's absolutely retarded "everything that isn't perfect is absolute shit and nothing is perfect" mindset and saying absolutely retarded shit like "i've never played undertale but you're asking for trouble to post about it on good terms here". If you don't understand the fucking crux of the post, don't debate it, you nigger.
Which is correct. He's pissing in the wind trying to discuss it here. It's good advice.
If you are a fucking idiot, sure. But if you give it any actual thought, no, it isn't.
that didn't take long
better luck next time
In what way is it good advice? Tell me. Because Yea Forums shitposts about undertale? Woweee, is there a game Yea Forums doesn't shitpost about? The "advice" is useless and comes from someone who hasn't even played the game, which immediately invalidates any opinion they might have.
He doesn't share one.
So, no answer. Are you just the guy from the screencap?
>So, no answer
The same answer. You never addressed my post beyond "nuh-uh!".
You don't have any point, nigger. It's not good advice. Yea Forums shitposts about every game, halting discussion because of that is literally brainlet-tier.
I'm just gonna go ahead and point out that I refuse to play Undertale because tumblr seemed to love that shit.
What else does tumblr love?
Fucking supernatural, FNAF, stepehen universe, homestuck, garbage, shit, and poorly understood fucking foundationals of intersectional feminism.
That fucking game could be the actual fucking reincarnation of Jesus fucking Christ himself and I quite simply wouldn't fucking touch it because the people who like it fucking ruined it forever. Even if every second of it was executed flawlessly and it was a paradigm altering exemplar of blending narrative and gameplay elements, I would spend the entire time waiting for the other shoe to drop, and not enjoying the game, because I'd be thinking about people I fucking hate the whole time.
So no" I'll never touch that game. Thanks tumblerfags. You fucking suck.
So, you're just as bad as tumblr?
>wow icky
>people i don't like enjoy that thing
Here's a thought for your disease-addled brain: someone on tumblr, some detestable trans-feminist furry, is enjoying your favorite game RIGHT NOW. Stop being such an easily influenced pussy bitch roodypoo candyass.
My favorite game was my favorite game before I knew that furfags and protocommunists played it.
I had a good experience with the game before I had a bad experience with it.
My first experience with undertale was based on the people who like it. A negative experience.
You're the fucking one who's brain damaged if you don't get how this works and it doesn't work this way for you.
No, seriously, legitimately fucking brain damaged, because that's how it works for literally fucking everyone.
You have experiences, and those experiences form the basis for your opinions.
If you have a problem with this then idk, fucking kill yourself I guess? You fucking idiot?
>forms his opinions on art and entertainment based on some retarded people
>thinks I'm the brain-damaged one
Yeah, nah. You just can't let go of your childish "me vs. them" mentality, that's all. Can't even logically and emotionally process your "experiences" to become less of a bitch-ass faggot. You're like an animal.
Whatever faggot I'm not playing your stupid shitty meme game fuck off back to tumblr and die retard.
>you must be tumblr
Cool argument, bro. I'm not even trying to get you to play undertale. Just telling you - you're fucking retarded.
>My favorite game was my favorite game before I knew that furfags and protocommunists played it.
stopped reading there, imagine being so retarded that you are unable to enjoy things while ignoring its community or because a another collective likes it too, even more when we are talking about a single player game with no human interaction
Too bad im not in the screencap
gotta agree with the other user, you seem to have severe emotional trauma and damage as well as false linkage happening there.
one day you're going to see a(nother) retard you don't like eating and then starve to death.
>loli rape simulator
Dude was ostracized from the /vg/ game dev threads back then, used to post on /jp/, and eventually settled on 2x4chan's game dev threads where he's still active.
I don't want a dirty subhuman like you playing any games.
Do one of you faggots have "hurf durf feggitz get off mai vidyer"?
It's been far too long since I've seen it and that shit used to be the most reposted screencap on this goddamn board.
>including people in the screencap who ask to be included
I hope it comes back this year...
this was only posted once, but it's still my favourite.
Hold on a second...
That user had a good point. There's no real reason to bring up certain games because you will inevitably get drowned out by shitposters calling you an idiot for having contrary opinions or liking certain things.
After a certain point you just give up, because going against the grain is fucking retarded when nobody on Yea Forums values opposing viewpoints outside of being an asshole, which is what Kermit is precisely doing.
>every team was filled with buttsluts
recent, but gold
from /vg/
>There's no real reason to bring up certain games because you will inevitably get drowned out by shitposters calling you an idiot for having contrary opinions or liking certain things.
So what? Fuck them
Man, it's like I'm in a Clownpiece thread on /jp/. Or a fairy thread on /jp/. Or an Akyuu thread on /jp/. Or a Rumia thread on /jp/. Or a Three Fairies manga thread on /jp/.
You can't have a conversation about videogames when literally everybody who responds to you calls you a shitposter or tells you to kill yourself user. That's not how a normal conversation works.
How does it feel to be so beta you let other people control what you like?
>dont respond to underage shitposters
>respond to actual replies instead
>or just bait underage shitposters
works for me
thats the joke mr autistic
The latest Yea Forumsmeetup was freakin gnarly!!!
>i'm trying
that's cool
>meanwhile japs watching south park wondering why theres a manbearpig, a fat 8 year old boy gets raped by an orange gremlin slut, a transexual lesbian scissors, cartman gets his dick sucked multiple times etc.
satire is satire
The OP complained about the poor way the remake presents the original through just flatly carrying everything over in higher fidelity instead of reinventing it to look more natural with the better graphics we have now, and one retard completely misinterpreted this simple notion as the OP claiming that the remake replaced the cyclops boss with the pink blob, and he's been samefagging and reposting the cap he took of himself since.
>who stole whose eevee OC
>t. BOTW defender
>reddit filename
back you go
I remember talking to a guy who religiously defended DmC, as if he was a paid journo, constantly saying that the old fans hate it because they changed his hair
>tfw i work in an m&m's factory
it's not fun at all
everytime this image is posted her head gets taller and taller
Do you have to assemble each M by hand?
no they have some kind of printer that does that
So is your task just to maintain the printer?
now i mostly work in the twix section of the factory and also if you've eaten a twix in the last 5 years theres a high chance that i was the one who put it in it's box since our factory is the only one that makes them
Is there really a left twix and right twix section?
yes there is
no you fucking idiot
This is my favourite
so basically you touched every existing twix in the last 5 years?
did you forget to wash your hands sometimes?
I believe this was from /vg/
im required to wash my hands anytime i go out on the floor and we have to wear rubber gloves so we aren't directly touching the candy,but like i said i mainly put them in boxes i dont inspect them (that job is fucking awful)
These threads are the only ones making Yea Forums worthwhile.
Same humor as "Bugs... Lay off the carrots" shit.
i was on /vg/ that whole day and missed it..
thank you for your hard work and shipping tasty twix mr.twix man
Yea Forums meetup
I want to say this is a troll, but I used to have a dumbass friend who not only learned who fucking Da Vinci was from AC as well, but also genuinely asked me whether he's still alive today
kek, i know someone who works at the table talk factory, he said, "there's no love in making pies"
i've pretty much quit eating all candy since working there
>alex jones
>it was a different guy from the Infowars one
Holy shit, for a minute, I thought HE was advertising this shit.
This crop is possibly the worst fucking crop anyone ever made sincerely.
/utg/ is a gift
anyone got that screencap of user posting his credit card number?
Stop posting this shit already, my god. It’s probably fake and it’s not even funny.
How's it feel being a dirty little slut for grilled cheese user?
I’m not that same user, nice try. Sorry I don’t think a kid stroking another kid over the pants for half a grilled cheese is funny, or real.
How long has it been since you've had Grilled Cheese user? Did you ever eat it after that event?
Well obviously you wouldn't, because it reminds you of the time you whored yourself out for grilled cheese.
jesus fucking christ
Damn. I wonder where that user is now.
That’s not me. Your forced meme just isn’t funny. Really, it’s just sad.
Besides, an innocent kid jacking someone off for grilled cheese doesn’t make him a slut. He probably didn’t know what he was doing.
user, you are a slut. You jacked a guy off for fucking grilled cheese.
Did this "toady" guy get his tripcode compromised, or something?
did he at least fuck his mom and sister before they died?
Epic joke
Yeah, that was totally me, the guy from the screen cap
If that was me, why would I reply to it in the first place? That’d just incriminate me
>i-it's not me I swear
Yeah okay grilled cheese slut
Imagine being controlled by Tumblr
Yikes of the highest order
I was just about to post that user. I remember that fucking thread.
This is the fucking definition of forced.
I really miss talking about games, like we did in the old days. What happened? Where do I go now?
A different thread you drama queen
>thwomps invade the Pokémon world because they want to live in a world that's organized in squares
That's genuinely creative though, in a funny kind of way. Too bad that dude grew so embarrassed with that story he probably never gave writing a try again
you can say that but to recognize an individual gay blowjob is impressive
That makes 0 sense.
I don't get it
why is that meant to be funny or capworthy
why the fuck is this so funny
Imagine deploying a massive gay nigger from orbit by a drop pod to fuck the shit out of this faggot. As the naked atomic faggot nigga crashes through the roof at supersonic velocity, thrashes the house while trying to reach the OP then proceeds to impale him on his gigashlong and fuck him so hard the nigga destroys furniture, walls and demolishes the building entirely using OP on a dick as a wrecking ball.
>naked lizard
What world do they live in
>Metal Gear Flex
>letting a fanbase cuck you out of enjoying something
this absolutely true though
saying it is fun tells you absolutely nothing
you want to know WHY it is fun
not really, I also recognize bulges and gay blowjobs on photoshopped images but I never flaunt with my abilities
>you will never return to a time before cuckposting
get fucked steve
>saying it is fun tells you absolutely nothing
It's a general notion that there is something that person enjoys about the game, but they aren't able to put it into words. To say "saying something is fun says nothing" is completely ridiculous.
Wait, is that even possible? I thought Chrom just marries some faceless woman if he doesn't get S-Rank by the time skip.
It's his own fault for not marrying Tharja.
I don t get it
He marries the girl with the highest support points.
This can also include FemRobin, so you could possibly get Chrom'd, if you're not careful.
I think he marries the one he has the highest support with regardless of whether it's S or not. Pretty sure I've read stories of people playing as femrobin and getting shanghaied into marrying him
only nintendo cultists will find this good or funny
where's the "bloodborne is good but not good" one?
God Dangan Ronpa is such a shit game and it's fans truly are all mouth breathing, dribbling retards.
A bit disappointed that the screencapper didn't include the Simple Jack comparisons but it's a damn good screencap nonetheless.
Cum rations.jpg
oh my sides
Anyone got the cap from when Yea Forums went full contrarian and said horror games dont need to be scary?
>it's not legal to own niggers like this anymore user
this caught me off guard.
I feel both proud and ashamed for being one of the people directly responsible for ruining Recette.
Pretty much confirmed to be fake but funny nonetheless
>the hands
goddamn that got me
Every time man.
You should use your power for good
I want to believe this is fake, my god.
Do /vg/ posts count?
They are hugging him from the afterlife
How the fuck am I supposed to read this clusterfuck? Christ, nu-Yea Forums screenshots are trash.
I refuse to believe no one has posted the Johnny Cage song one
>Yea Forums is still a purely anime site and non-weebs should fuck off or adapt
But that's true.
If you don't like it, back to reddshit, tumblr or Gaia with you, faggot.
Did he just stop playing his console for 4 years?
Huh, does this guy have a blog where he posts progress reports or a download for the game, or is he already in prison?
Childhood is idolizing reactionposters
Adulthood is realizing buzzword user makes more sense
I really hope this isn't true, my nose is burning.
And this eventually led to kermit going nuclear on Melee 2 times
come on, he put in some effort replying to his own post that many times, throw the man a bone
this is the fucking best, if he's just fucking with them then he's doing a damn convincing job
I really hope he didn't, this is goty material.
pretty uncanny seeing my decade old post there
>When someone takes the bait
He was back in /agdg/ in December but he vanished after a few weeks
He's definitely still working on it
>He's definitely still working on it
And I wouldn't have it any other way. Fuck those faggots at /vg/ for telling him to fuck off just because the topic of his game. I've played/fapped to/seen worse.
This is scary. Can this occur regularly?
What were all these deleted posts
painfully unfunny
Anybody got that one about the guy who pirated his Switch?
that one was proven fake because that horseshit reactiin image didn't exist in 2011
because the character didn't have wings then
Thanks user
BUMP and requesting this one too.
Go back to Emma posting.
Relevant cap
Man I remember this one. I’m still waiting for my fuckin pizza.
Fake as fuck
I remember arguing with a guy on Youtube who said that only DmC had lock-on and DMC4 doesn't.
And thank you, I was looking for this picture
all smashfags must fucking hang
does anyone have the one about how one user took the boots of this one guy in skyrim and forged that guy's son's soul into his father's boots?
Realist VS the Frog Sperg
that dumbass completely blew it out of proportion. a succinct and accurate statement didn't deserve this level of autism.
still funny though
>roleplayer and Min-Max fags faceoff
What am I watching?
Dumb Sandwich Slut, you should stop talking.
shit i missed it, what was it?
try archive sites like fireden
like if he didn´t start playing right after hearing they die like HAHAHAH YOU CANNOT CONTROL ME NOW.
anyone got the full one
smashfags really are retarded if they can't recognize this obvious of a scripter
The funny thing is he was right, cringe for all those fags making fun of him
Oh man that was somehing
How do you not get that joke, are you braindead?
Based and redpilled
You guys want some rare 404-type stuff?
Yo homestuck started from Yea Forums culture my guy
>Yea Forums
>that get
Got me good.
From 404, sorry for the poor quality.
It's a good game, you're missing out.
this nigga a coyote
have these people not heard of winston churchill?
Bessie Braddock MP: “Winston, you are drunk, and what’s more you are disgustingly drunk.”
WSC: “Bessie, my dear, you are ugly, and what’s more, you are disgustingly ugly. But tomorrow
I shall be sober and you will still be disgustingly ugly.”
Fake, there's no way he would suddenly not play on the PS2 for 4 years if he was obsessed enough about playing it that his mom used it as a dangling carrot.
i'm an autist so gonna do this this april fools
That's fucked or a great bait
>Hahaha Le edgy post, do I fit guise?
I know this is bait, but unironically if two people you loved died I think you wouldn't even want to get on Yea Forums anymore. Life would already be too much of a drag to even exist without them.
>Capture the Pantsu
>King of the Kotatsu
this gave me a good chuckle in the last >that kid thread
He's right tho, vaginas are disgusting
my old sargeant said: "stop when it is spitting blood and cartillage" guess that user never heard that advice.
sadness but also sadness
I made a cap in that same thread.
It's a reference to a Mexican show. It was funny, but not screencap worthy.
what do you think?
only if you don't drink enough water, or eat too much carbohydrates
>naked lizard
What's wrong with it?, lizards don't wear clothes, fucking retards.
>laugh at a few of the posts
>start feeling lgihtheaded
>sudden pain in my chest
>heart starts beating faster to the point it's moving my shirt
>it also feels like someone is squeezing it
Shit you're going to kill me, it calmed down but it still feels tight fuck.
See a doctor. That ain't right.
A pregnant mother shark getting dissected after being frozen for over a month.
It's night time, but it went back to normal, still feels a little tight.
I'll do fine if you post less funny shit.
Wrong guy also breath in and out.
not Yea Forums, but definitely Yea Forums level autism
It's kinda frustrating though, if you think about it, how someone can insult your girlfriend on the internet, and you suddenly find yourself in this weird situation where you have two options. Option A: get into an argument you cannot possibly win, because the other guy is just a troll anyway. Option B: do nothing, but then your girlfriend gets angry for not defending her.
I've found myself in a similar situation before, and i went with option B and told her to stop browsing stupid websites full of trolls, but of course she still got mad at me..
not if you don't keep your cheeks to long apart and don't shove things up your butt
Also is your left or right arm working properly? You could be having a heart attack or even a stroke.
Autism, no wonders this was your favorite
>thinking he's not serious
you're on Yea Forums (well the worst board), having passionate sex with your little sister should be common.