They're laughing at you, Yea Forums. Your tinfoil hat shit is absolutely insane to normal people.
They're laughing at you, Yea Forums. Your tinfoil hat shit is absolutely insane to normal people
Damn journalist jumped on this quick. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
>Ah, the internet!
It's funny when normal people pretend they're not spying on others for marketing needs.
>Ah, the internet!
>they said they aren't doing it so they aren't doing it
I can never tell with game journos when they're sucking corporate cock and when they're just so desperate to own "the gamers" that they pretend a chinese-owned company spying on its users is some fantastical idea only a nutjob would dream up.
>ah, the internet!
Why do (((journalists))) type like this? What happened to professionalism and integrity? Everyone types like a twitter bug chaser now (and that's a good thing, heres why)
Of course they would deny the claims
I like how he's doesn't seem that phased with the fact that the Epic launcher is a big bundle of spyware and tries to make this about the China "conspiracy".
I personally think they use the data to get an advantage and potentially even to sell it to third parties, which is even worse in my eyes than some chink in china looking though your steam library.
>sure the Epic launcher scans your root certs, parses them into a neat package and sends it off to Epic
>but we shouldn't jump to conclusions if this is actually a bad thing
>game journos
Shouldn't it be the "journalists" job to try and get numerous interviews with people at the company and possibly pay somebody to take the store program stored on the computer into pieces to allow them to actually get independent opinions on it?
It seems like they just regurgitate the shit representatives say on Twitter in an attempt to "be up to date".
Is Epic paying off websites to defend their shitty launcher or are they just doing it for free?
Valve drones are just assmad they're getting destroyed by legitimate competition that they're making shit up now.
Literal braindead NPCs who cant think for themselves.
t. actual drone
We abandoned investigative journalism when it turns out it's cheaper to just make up news or make some twitter screenshots.
and all the articles attacking steam and valve and their projects
>journos actually defending the Chinese government just to "own the gamers"
Welcome to why even regular people are starting to become distrustful of what any journalist says. Big names still have some credibility but even that is wearing thin.
*blocks ur path*
>does not question Epic
>does not do any journalism whatsoever
>Steam bad because rape day
>Epic good because xenophobia bad
Dumbass do you believe everything you hear from corporations? What kind of a soulless existence that must be
fucking hate these sellout posers desu.
literally every piece of software you have on your computer that communicates to a remote server is spying on you
even paint
>Paying exorbitant sums of money to lock new releases to the Epic Store for a year
>legitimate competition
No, that's actually predatory business.
> internet in the year 2019
> believing that there are things on it that are not spying on you
> overt and huge chink involvement
> believing their product is not spying on you
> faced with factual evidence
> respond with "lol no" and mockery
Spyware confirmed.
>valve releases artifact
>it flops (fact)
>journalists report that it is a failure
You are clinically insane.
lmao, the only people getting laughed at is RPS judging by the comments