Release a game on Steam

>Release a game on Steam
>No contact with anybody from Valve, its all automated
>If contact with a real person is needed, you need to sent a support ticket which takes days for a canned response
>Steamworks, what devs use to upload their shit, is faulty
>Source: Ymir dev
>Give Valve 30% cut for the pleasure

>Epic Games
>Hands on support for your studio
>Open access for free to the unreal engine and support for it
>Money to grow your studio
>No endless asset flip trash for people to wade through before they even see your game
>Only 10% cut

Remember, Epic is evil and Valve is B A S E D

Attached: 3246357.jpg (795x715, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>>No endless asset flip trash for people to wade through before they even see your game
Yeah because Epic's store only has like 30 games total what a dump

But ep*c games launcher has no games, excluding fortnite

Discord is better.

>15 years of experience and infrastructure
>15 years of userbase development
>evident staying power
>catalogues decades of games
>demonstrated capability and proven success
>UI is very handy in a lot of cases
>automated and manual support functions for ticket escalation without needing to have actual people address non-issues

>.5 years of experience, limited infrastructure
>.3 games
>0 mod or aftermarket support
>Tencent owned and operated
>UI is shit and doesn't have nice features like the overlay

Pretty sure Valve renegotiated their cuts, but to be fair their level of saturation far exceeds EGS in any case. At that point it becomes a volume/cost risk. EGS has minimal exposure and most people don't want to run a dozen different launchers so they can play 5 games.

Allowing steam to have a monopoly isn't good, but it doesn't mean chink spyware is the way to go.

yeah, but what about my consumer protections

You realize that most of the people on this board are consumers, not developers and publishers, right? Consumers don't give a shit about any of this.

Epic Games could disappear tomorrow and Steam still wouldn't be a monopoly.

Let's say I'm a costumer and not a dev. What advantages do I get by using the Epic Games Store?

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>>No contact with anybody from Valve, its all automated

wrong, i have a game on steam, they contact you
they're actually really fast when it comes to answering questions, i was surprised

if you want me to provide proof I can

Post it. I want to see your game.

Epic IS evil and is pro developer, anti consumer.

Valve is pro consumer and forces devs to not be shitty.

Valve will always be based.

Attached: 38e.gif (400x272, 492K)

I'll buy your game right now.

what game I might buy it.

wtf I love China now!

Attached: 1549210139399.png (645x729, 131K)

not posting the game as that's breaking NDA technically
valve would answer support questions in like 5 hours
this was before they added steam direct though so I don't know how much it's changed

Attached: not posting game.png (1003x625, 46K)

I wonder if you can really call steam a monopoly. I mean considering the scope of what they do they're not the only entity offering their services even when you excise competition from consideration.

Basically what they do from a developer's standpoint is offer a payment system, advertising and content hosting. All of this can be done with a GoDaddy server a domain, and Fecesbook/Google ad account.

Like look at GoG for example, they don't have a client from what I understand and just release installers without DRM and are launcher-free. That's cut and dry what any developer could do without paying a cent extra to third parties.

So it's 10% now?
How long until you retards will claim they take 0%?

this is you, isn't it?

Attached: teleportals.png (615x247, 223K)

With the engine discount they're basically paying you to be on the store!

that's a nice game alright

You get less shovelware trash and devs get a better cut so they can make more better games.

It's easy to give personal support when your store hardly has any games. Come back when they have a few more

>Basically what they do from a developer's standpoint is offer a payment system, advertising and content hosting. All of this can be done with a GoDaddy server a domain, and Fecesbook/Google ad account.

They also only do the 30% charge for games that are bought within the steam website or client. You can actually generate totally valid Steam keys for your game and sell them on another site, cutting valve totally out of the loop. This is explicitly allowed! The games will still have the same Steam feature support (big picture, controllers, steamworks, etc.).

Same as buying a different console, you just get access to their "exclusives"

Remember when being on Steam meant something and now it's a garbage dump and Yea Forumstards say you should be happy you sold only 300 copies?

Attached: tayal steam.png (835x856, 132K)

Steam is not a monopoly while epic is actively trying to be one by buying up exclusivity rights, making their store the only option to buy many third-party games.

Valve has never done this and has publicly said years before Epic store was a thing that exclusivity is bad for everyone and people should always have the choice of where they want to buy something from.

Getting through greenlight never meant anything.

are people shilling DRM platforms now? how can you compare between the two?

>knows what ymir is
yea its sooo hard to find games on steam. only hit tripple AAA all stars like fucking ymir can be found with easy. Everything else is drowed in newgrounds flash games.

go watch another cuck sterling video you chinatard shill

I'm talking 2009, youngfag, when the store was heavily curated and only quality indie games like this were on Steam

Doesn't the guy who made that work at Capcom now? Looks like an improvement to me.

I don't think working at a soulless corporation is anyone's dream jo-

*gets zapped*

Oh yes, I sent my application to Capcom and I'll be working for them right away!

*thumbs up*
*winks at the camera*

Being another cog in the machine is what I've always wanted to do! Forget having my own successful game!

I've just about had it up to here with these motherfucking slant eye chinks taking our goddamn jobs, breathing all our air and shitting on the white man and everything he cherishes. Are you listening to me, Cheng? Because i'm talking to you. I'm sick and tired of your ching chong nip wong bullshit and I'm gonna take it back, I'm gonna vindicate the working class, I'm gonna vindicate the white man. This is the time for me to kill and the time for me to die, my genocide crusade beings now. MAY DER FÜHRER ANOINT MY STEEL!

Attached: 1551877874306.png (1024x813, 729K)

>heavily curated

So when you go buy something from a supermarket do you start screaming about all the "bad brands" they have for sale?

>the devs
So what about games that have a publisher? The devs aren't seeing any money.

Trick question, there is no Rape Day of the grocery aisles

>So what about games that have a publisher? The devs aren't seeing any money.

Good thing all the games being added to Epic Store are self published indies and the only big AAA exclusive is Metro Exodus, and if the pubs of that game were decent, they'd have paid the devs a bonus.

I wouldn't consider that a fair comparison, with Steam you have x number of listings per page, all with relatively small thumbnails. It's innavigable just perusing for games to play. At your given market you've got aisles dedicated and organized for familiar products that are advertised in large cans or boxes located in 3D space.

Based Chink shills

>Tencent a good boy he dindu nuffin rong

There is Rapeseed Oil.


I don't think supporting a soulless corporation backed by a shady government is anyone's beat optio-
*gets chinked*
Oh yes, I sent my application to Epic's marketing department and I'll be working for them right away!
*thumbs up*
*winks at the camera*
Being another cog in the machine is what I've always wanted to do! Forget about the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests!
*makes 50 pro-Epic threads*

Attached: Pooh-Bot.png (198x350, 109K)

>Good thing all the games being added to Epic Store are self published indies
So you're saying that only indie games will be allowed on the epic store?

Fuck consumers. Only storefronts, developers, and (((content creators))) matter, get the fuck out of here user.

No but it works both ways - if anything, you should leave Activision or 2K and try to make your own game to sell on Epic Store so you get a great deal.

Don't forget
>Epic Games
>Epic has to pay you for your game because actual customers sure as fuck won't, as they don't exist

So how does that help me, consumer?

Steam shills act like Valve dindu nuffin - so why not?

Attached: sterling steam.png (1127x211, 22K)

Epic gives out free games that get updated

Its a fair comparison, they are both stores that sell products ... the whole "curation" is bullshit as stores dont curate, they sell products.

The whole argument doesnt even stand when its applied to "indies" but not "mainstream" publishers, what it did was forcing small developers to take a contract with a publisher simply so it would be on Steam, this is why Steam eventually opened the door ... the argument there is crap there ... well shit son, what do you think FarCry is since 3? Its still on Steam.

>the whole "curation" is bullshit as stores dont curate, they sell products.

They do in fact curate. Look at Rape Day and a lot of the hentai games that got removed.

>hes never had rc cola

>cuck sterling
>complaining about the very thing that keeps him in business
if it were for low effort school projects he digs out of the 999th page of steam he'd just be a fat manchild playing with a alien toy. diabetes cant claim that retard soon enough

He makes clickbait all types of bad games - even ones not on Steam like Anthem

But he's 100% right - Steam wants to curate, and does, but still doesn't have the balls to admit they are curating.

Take note, 25 items per page with a 120x45 thumbnail, no description and a price. Hovering over it shows you a handful of user-created tags and some screenshots. There are hundreds of pages that span a decade and a half of games from countless developers, and decades worth of catalogue from pre-steam games going back to fucking Pong no doubt. Every time you flip a page it has to reload the 25 games from the list and you have to determine what looks interesting, read the tags, click the link, make a decision.

This is not comparable to strolling down an aisle in the grocery store looking for corn and deciding on what type and what brand you'll buy.
1) Corn is a familiar product
2) The brands are familiar
2.1) The brands can enforce exacting quality control
3) Corn itself is only sold in a handful of varieties

1) Games are unique from one to the next
2) There are AAA and indie developers both of which offer varying levels of expected quality
3) Games are sold in numerous varieties and combinations

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-15 Steam Search.png (972x1620, 548K)

So do private trackers, but unlike epic games, I can get games without installing Chinese malware.

>has a number of search functions
>dosent use any of them

Then you look at Epic Store - and oh look, all decently advertised, hard to miss headers and icons.

I would have never heard of Operencia if not for Epic Store

Attached: epic store.jpg (1512x1028, 128K)

>3 games
>2 not even out
wow, sure makes me want to download spyware

Great, and they have like 5 games.

You and I both know that even using them you either turn up too much or too little with very little in-between. It doesn't help that shit can be misclassified.

>Wow two games, sure makes me want to download spyware

You guys really lack any irony

Attached: Half-Life_2_cover.jpg (264x376, 18K)

The people who are complaining about Epic are consumers not devs. If you don't understand that you might need professional help. It's obvious indie devs are siding with Epic.

Hey, dipshit OP. You have four fucking epic threads in the catalog already.

i dont know that. the search functions perfectly suitable 9 times out of 10. i dont get why you contrarians insist like finding something on steam is some herculean effort. if its worth buying it'll turn up pretty easily. anything that gets buried is the same dreck you claim to have to sift through

And as a consumer who supports indie devs and indie games that aren't the holy trinity of shit that Yea Forums loves (Darkest Dungeon, Binding of Isaac, FTL), I want to see good indies and games get the best deal possible and not go out of business

No, I'm not installing chinese spyware in my computer.
Fuck off.

>dude steam is spyware just like eppikk
>also that somehow would make epic being spying chinks ok
fuck off retard. The Tiananmen Square Massacre The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution The Great Leap Forward Winnie the Pooh

Attached: 1546375598301.png (1400x586, 692K)

user, i don't have to buy or look at shovelware trash on steam.

So you navigated to a page where all games are presented as minimalistic as possible and you are completely ignoring the store front page and discovery queue.

Great post, my man. Maybe if you weren't so dishonest about everything people would take EGS more seriously.

>and you are completely ignoring the store front page and discovery queue.

Where most indie games get buried if they're not big names.

>discovery queue
Yeah lemme just take 8 hours out of my day so I can wait for all those pages to load. Storefront is fine sometimes, but if I want to play something novel but not new, that doesn't have a discount, I'm almost guaranteed to be SOL.

Find the Unreal Gold Edition on Steam without typing it in directly. It's an FPS game with online multiplayer and a singleplayer campaign. It also has online co-op. Now you have 3 pages of varying levels of shit, right? And Unreal Gold isn't listed, is it? Oh you used the wrong tag, right? It's listed FPS not first-person. Oh looks like you were too specific, it's still not listed. Try some more permutations.

You know what tags they have it listed under? Singleplayer and multiplayer. Everything else is user defined in a non-standard format.

It's sub-optimal but passable. It's fine.

I don't care about developer experience I'm not a developer

Yeah discovery queve is awful, though the idea was good.

>without typing it
why. why? what a fucking insane qualifier. do you just not have a keyboard? you made this post. wtf

fuck chinks

Attached: 1552019957407.png (720x589, 58K)

Are you fucking retarded? It's a reproducible experiment against the storefront. Unreal Gold meets all those qualifiers but is not displayed when searching for them. There are very likely other examples of this. That is to say that when I'm looking for a specific feature-set a game that has it may not be displayed as a product of the store's search algorithm.


>Find the Unreal Gold Edition on Steam
Took me 5 seconds to find it with the search bar
>without typing it in directly
Go fuck yourself, it's there for a reason.

pic related, literally you

Attached: 1515465725129.jpg (1218x1015, 212K)

>indie devs are siding with Epic.
Only some of them are, not all indie devs are retarded. Many of the pro Epic indie developers are the walk-simulator type of people who believe that their 200k (paid random artist on Deviant art for assests) RPGMaker game is going to sell 20 million copies because of their godly writing.
Why do you want curation in a digital store? It's just a store, Steam is and was never a "recommend me games platform". And there are tons of negatives to curation, ironically I think that a lot ofindie developers that complain about curation wouldn't even get in a curated Steam Store.
If you want to find new games just use a game database or reviewers you trust. Not everything needs to be centralized. I am always shocked by the amount of newfags that aren't able to properly use a search engine.

I consider myself a pretty advanced user and can use the search engine shit fine, but I'm still surprised at what I haven't seen on Steam in the new releases or the upcoming releases sections

So imagine casuals who can't figure it out

> but I'm still surprised at what I haven't seen on Steam in the new releases or the upcoming releases sections
Not surprising considering Steam releases hundreds of games per month. But there isn't any issue with finding a specific game or specific type of game. Steam isn't there to recomend you games, they aren't IGN.

It's not surprising to see indie devs cozy up to Epic, along with game journalists as well considering the amount of money they fling around.

Yeah no, it is within the storefronts best interest to sell games to people that are interested in them

>#NintendoSwitch community is a blessing! #BlossomTales is now a turnaround story: Humble indie dev @castlepixel can stay in business and continue making games. Love y’all! 3 months #Switch revenues surpass #Steam lifetime revenues 20 times!

A Switch port saved a studio from bankruptcy - that hasn't happened since 2009-2010 when Steam was still curated

>Valve is pro consumer

Attached: 1538788916688.png (1280x800, 750K)

>buy game on epic store
>card stolen
>data mined and resold
>rootkit installed

>download game from pirate bay
>no botnet
>no lost credit cards
>no data reselling

buyfags are literally retarded

Attached: 1415138232991.gif (217x217, 1.46M)

The best part is epic compensates the dev if they don't get a minimum amount of sales, meaning there isn't even a moral argument against pirating all games on epic's store

>valve isnt pro consumer
gonna have to try harder chink

>Pirate everything on epic
>Epic goes under because they can't afford to pay millions in sales insurance
I rather enjoy this plan, user

Epic is based for devs not consumers


you forgot how they fuck over their users

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