It'll be $4.99 for this advertisement, sir

>it'll be $4.99 for this advertisement, sir.
What is wrong with the Payday """community"""?

Attached: pd2-vn-900.jpg (900x900, 90K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This was some sort of collaboration pack and youtube meme man and his wife were getting the costs to cover their lawsuit, which is the only reason it was a paid DLC.

(((the only reason)))

Attached: payday-2-meme-masks-crimefest-last-day-2015.png (947x366, 278K)

Yes. The only reason. They said every content update would be free except that one and they kept true to their promise.

This is old af at this point. Imagine SEETHING for this long

I still can't believe Overkill is dead. fucking idiotic death too


Attached: D0mEcImV4AA7xh8.jpg (1080x1081, 124K)

very old news and no one gave a fuck about it anyway and payday2 kinda went to shit
h3h3 stopped being cool when he stopped calling other people out as much
lets not even pretend hila contributes shit

>What is wrong with the Payday """community"""?

uh, have you played the game?
its a daycare center for children from poor families.

>shake people down for mediocre game with a billion dlcs
>call it payday

Attached: 1534548465085.png (1609x1033, 517K)

>Ha ha you're being objective and aware of the reasoning of why this is priced and not a reactionary retard
>Jew! XD

Imagine being more retarded than someone who actually played and enjoyed Payday 2, user. You should honestly be embarrassed.

>Love to the victims
Now that's just in poor taste...

All they had to do was take Payday 2 and reskin it with zombies. Instead of stealing bags of money, you steal bags of food. Instead of surviving waves of cops, you fight waves of zombies. Then you can have maps that are pure wave survival, some maps that are pure stealth, etc.
And they fucked it up super hard.

Attached: 15136613.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

Lol his beanie is big so funny

Hila's the only one with talent out of the two

Yawn. Go back to Israel already you whiney little bitch, nobody cares. Filtered

P.S. Your podcast is shit

They never were a competent company. Payday 2 was built on an engine made for fucking driving games, and the driving is fucking horrid.


Every time.

The biggest problem is that they used the same buggy ass engine that wasn't meant for FPS games

I get that the only way to have a discussion about a game on Yea Forums is to make a shitty bait thread where you intentionally act retarded and then 'pretend' to be another person discussing the game, but at this point you're taking it a bit too far. I don't even disagree with you that it was a shitty cashgrab, man.



How the fuck does that work? an engine only for driving games?

Fuck off back to leftypol, you pseudointellectual faggot.

It was developed specifically for a racing game and never really improved all that much. It's an absolute piece of shit engine and I'm baffled that LGL STILL fucking used that engine for their shitty WW2 game

Hila is the key to everything.

the only victim was michael

Am I supposed to give some sort of nuanced counter-argument to someone just being a dumbass and saying things without actual context trying to get people to react negatively? Their company's probably about to probably go under because they had no clue how to develop a game after milking Payday 2 for six years and the insider trading, I'm not defending them, but at least be truthful about your shitposting.

That's funny, considering the driving mechanic they implemented in some of the maps was fucking awful and half-assed

I refused to buy it and called the devs kikes for their "but we vaguely mentioned this dlc in a stream no one watched before we said all future dlc free." excuse

That’s not the face I make when I bait. As a matter of fact go away baitin.

I got used to it and actually got pretty decent, but it's honestly fucking awful.

If you look into it they actually sunk a fuckton of money into a new engine that they bought unfinished.
I hope the core staff on Payday 2 were able to get out and join other studios because Overkill/Starbreeze won't exist in a year

hila reminds me of extreme anal pornstar hotkinkyjo

Keep writing essays, salty faggot

>someone disproves what was in the doc
>can only respond with "did you see the documentary?"
I'm glad people are starting to see Ethan for the rat faced fuck he is

H3H3 was never good



the payday community was upset by this as well
especially since it not only doesnt come with the complete edition but on release the bow was way stronger then every other weapon