why are girls so rare at the fighting game community?
Why are girls so rare at the fighting game community?
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Why doesn't anyone in the fighting game community bathe?
God I wish I was that chair.
Because they can't make money from streaming if they're playing fighting games.
I think I see my pop bottle underneath that chair.
what is that face the guy is making
because me go peepee poopoo when losing match
>Oh my god, a fucking hot girl is sitting next to me. Alright alright play it cool, everyone is watching. What's a normal expression? Is this normal?
There were a group of girls who tried to bully me in high-school and by some stroke of luck all of them were also half-decent Marvel 2 players and would try to beat me everytime I went to the local arcade. Shit was weird
I wish I was the girl
Being on the spectrum is more common in men, and you need to be on the spectrum to want to practice fighting games enough to git gud.
Because the fgc is 95% male. 100% chance you will be harrassed by some autist, perv, and/or poverty. It's just not safe. The 5% female are sluts or attention whores. Just look at Sherry, fucking every dude that gives her attention.
I'm pretty sure fighting games the genre with the biggest female cast ou there
isn't that what gamer girls want? play as a girl and ''kick ass'' ?
she's cute :(
More realistically girls just fucking suck dick at games.
Girls only join communitys to be the center of attention, not to actually contribute.
Its why shes cosplaying.
Because a true gamer girl is an oddity and the recent boom is just girls in the porn industry trying to get into your vidya money.
Cosplay your self and interact
There are a bunch at low level, but also a few at high level. I'd say the situation is actually better than in other games, because the girls who are good at fighting games are genuinely good. FGC is pretty no-nonsense.
>tfw no Diospyros gf
he has a face of ´´concentrate, DO NOT look at the tits´´
what am I looking at here?
looks like a blood vessel bursting but what the fuck do i know
kek obese nigglet, asian women belong to the whit eman
can you get any trashier than this
maybe you two can arrange something
Iris decided it wants to grow
Most girls can't handle the banter
>that dude's shirt
filthy casual
I miss it bros
But is she mains Rainbow Mika as well? That would be perfect.
You really want waves of beta males oogling and messing your girlfriend 24/7? Cosplayers are massive attention/standard whores.
I don't care. Nobody ever got pregnant from being looked at.
>Met cute cosplay girl at my work that was interested in me
>Fucked it up because she heard I had a internet girlfriend from another co-worker and decided to go for someone else at work (I was in the process of breaking up with E-gf)
>I was in the process of breaking up
>in the process
"Hello dear. I'm breaking up with you"
How long does that take
that's right get fucked fuck off normalfaggot kill yourself
They should separate the women tournaments from the men, just like actual sports then.
Did they bully your dick too?
It was a complicated situation because we were together for a long time and were in the middle of planning out a trip to universal together, but out of the blue she became very distant and then openly admitted to cheating on me. Shits fucked
What the fuck???
>openly admitted to cheating on me. Shits fucked
why didn't you just burn that bridge right there and refund the fucking tickets
Absolute retard, ditch the thot.
This is why you never enter a relationship with a woman where you don't have direct control over her. They both need and enjoy being controlled by men. If you don't control them they'll find someone who will.
lol retard
I eventually did refund the tickets but the break up took awhile because I was a pussy bitch and held on to her much longer than I should have because feelings were asphyxiating me.
This was quite a long time ago though and I'm with someone new and I'm happy so it's all good.
Not necessarily. My gf cosplays, but she doesn't do it to try to make money and hence doesn't run pages for it or do super revealing cosplays. She does it entirely as a hobby. Nerd girls did cosplay before it became profitable to do.
>Coworkers tell other people your business.
this pisses me the fuck off. This is why I don't even talk to my coworkers. They're always watching me and wanting to know what I'm doing. Fuck off.
Because girls don't play videogames, women are normies by default and electronic devices with lights attracts boys mainly.
Because of stinky day.
>Gets a fucking internet girlfriend
>She straights up fucking cheats on you and admits it
>Still drags out the process of breaking up
Holy fucking shit.
we all miss him
There aren't enough women playing games at a high skill ceiling to justify doing that.
>Not breaking up with her right then and there. How long does a break up actually take?
Legit what the FUCK was he thinking?
It's funny cause I know a completely insane girl who gets off on manipulating and hurting betas like you online. She's pretty cute, but totally insane, and a channer as well.
Always nice to see some Aizen/Bleach connoiseurs in Yea Forums, never dissapoints.
Yeah E-girlfriends suck.
my Ex wouldn't stop sharing articles about how college girls should be allowed to carry guns on campus.
...while I was going to college.
I wish I was.
Why do blacks love Asian women so much?
I've noticed that women that are either redpilled and or jaded and shit that browse Yea Forums ALWAYS have token mental issues.
I know a girl that goes on Yea Forums and shit like /k/ and /ck/ and is right winged as fuck but she's like fucked with emotional clingy issues with her BF
Based roast slut
If I was anywhere near good looking, I would avoid the FGC like the plague too.
Hook me up, I can get off on hurting her too
>tfw we will probably never get Kubo'ed ever again
At least we had that refresher with Burn the Witch.
Fuck incels
That's only the Smash bros community.
Most people don't even like Smash Bros community after Melee players threw a fit about Evo hosting melee this year.
It doesn't have to be a high skill ceiling. Of course women aren't as good. That's the point of doing such a thing. It could still be interesting.
This is my fetish.jpg
>Getting bullied on a Ugandan pottery app
They can't compete.
Same why there are almost no women in chess championships.
MODS CHANGE cucks to KEKS when in all caps because they suck
>girls find video games boring and/or nerdy
>fighting games are a niche video game genre
>have to get over the initial hurdle of realising you are terrible and need hundreds of hours just to become competent
>have to have the innate autistic passion to actually want to do this
>have to then autistically practise combos, oki and memorisation for hundreds of hours just to go 0-2 at your local
>99% of fighting game players only play online
>the 1% who attend tourneys at usually autistic retards
>0.01% actually are well-adjusted adults
gee, i wonder why OP
Most people don't play fighting games because they're too technical and require too much training/learning for little pay-off
They also say that about STEM jobs
Tits not big enough
who bitch this is
and the family tree of the guy you replied to
of which he is not in that 0.01% lmao
Fighting Games literally have the most diverse communities
Asians, Niggers, Mexicans, Women, Trannies, everything is there. Compare that to literally any other e-sport where their scenes are dominated by either Swedes, Koreans, or Chinese
red flag
>bare skin in contact with public seating
Why does this not bother people more? Especially fucking public transit.
I'd still lick them, to be utterly desu
same can be said for all hobbies, women are just that fucking boring
It's too hard and too much work for them.
Black people just smell bad.
I was friends with a number of girls in the fighting game community. But most of them weren't good. One of them even flat out said to me:
If you're the type that doesn't get salty at losing then you won't be good at fighting games; fighting games require that personality that makes you angry to keep playing and get better. Most girls are just too easy going so they don't care about losing... hence they don't get better
That quote sticks with me as I feel it's true.
They play 3d fighters
STEM skills are transferable between many applications in real life and can help you make a good living. Fighting game skills are a waste of time for the majority of people and are useless outside of going to tournaments.
i see more whites in that photo than blacks
Day de only bitches wat wont talk back
Back to ribbit faggot
t. seething roastie
That has nothing to do with smell though. There can be 50 neutral smelling people in a room and 1 really smelly one, and the smelly one still stinks the place up. Trust me, I know, I downed 2 cans of baked beans before going clubbing one night and people's faces were priceless when I dropped the bombs in the crowded as fuck place.
preach it, brother
I hate all of that.
Buddy of mine did this. His girlfriend of approximately 5000 years decided to go to Japan to 'study', then stayed to 'study' some more, then one day she called off the wedding over Facebook. So she could marry some dickless wonder and become a permanent resident.
sorry to hear that about you
>ugly ass twinks
Why fucking bother if you aren't going to put the time into it to make yourself look better
This thread has truly open my eyes to a whole new world.
At least I have one woman
They are simply incapable of being good enough to compete. Prove me wrong. Every "woman" who ever ranked well in a tournament has been a tranny.
Where's she from?
the few chicks who do show up to fighting game tourneys always end up drowning in the pools. like that once cute japanese chick who plays tekken, tanukana or something? total qt, but never gonna make it.
its a shame that the genre is on the decline, since there will certainly be at least a few percent more female players in the coming decades, what with all the esports marketing and shit, but i don't really see it translating to more women in the FGC. they'll probably stick to more accessible, well known bullshit like overwatch, fortnite, and whatever the next zoomer craze ends up being.
Just saying if as many females were into it as guys, maybe you'd see stronger female players.
I came here for this. Post moar
theyre rare at any competitive hobby or event because theyre simply not physiologically capable of competing against men in anything.
>the genre is on the decline
why do you fuck heads keep repeating this? every fucking fighting game thread has you barfing out 'THE GENRE IS DYING' yet we have a ton of new games coming out
Girls are communal don't like anything to do with fighting unless they are forced to at a young age. Boys will naturally beat the shit out of each other because of their high test driving them to come out on top.
>if more females played fighting games, there would be better female players
wow, what a fucking revelation
i wonder how EVO will smell now
no more shittons of melee attendees, so not as bad a smell........
Women don't have competitive spirits. Although there are a lot of girls looking for attention at fighting game events, there are very few contenders
Yeah. It's not some biological or mental barrier exclusive to the gender. It's just interest.
Girls have terrible reflexes and will never ever be good at fighting games.
based northerner
Dunno, i saw few playing tekken.
We just don't know
The lack of interest stems from biological and mental differences, though. i won't say women have straight up barriers holding them back, but i really don't think they are mentally wired to love beating the shit out of other people - competitively or not - like men do.
Females biologically hate confrontation, and have less muscle mass, so interest is directly tied to gender
10/10 would love to get me too'd for looking at her cleavage.
Would you want to show up and participate regularly in events where you get hit on poorly by people you aren't attracted to? Keep in mind these people are EXTREMELY autistic too
>Females biologically hate confrontation
High skill, low spectacle genre that requires autism to reach any respectable standard.
Women and shitters in general can't play fighting games because there's nothing to blame for playing like garbage except yourself. No teammates, no controls, nothing except your own lack of skill. This is why the most common excuse is "my buttons/the lag," since they're the easiest things to put fault onto.
Also, nobody tells these faggots that you're supposed to get your ass kicked the first time you fight against someone who actually knows how to play. Casuals will never truly get into fighting games, no matter how casualized they may get, because being really good requires a level of practice and autism that most simply don't want to deal with.
If as many females were into it as males I'd be glad, because I'd be guaranteed to finish top half of every tournament I entered.
It's true. Women fight through sneaky, underhanded tactics that don't involve direct confrontation.
>There can be 50 neutral smelling people in a room and 1 really smelly one, and the smelly one still stinks the place up.
Too bad that doesn't apply here since all fighter players are smelly animals that don't shower ever
As in they won't walk up to someone and size them up, they'll get what they want more discreetly or by shrieking so others come to their aid
you've never worked retail
them bitches don't hate confrontation, they just avoid when they obviously have no chance of manipulating anything into a win
Not gonna lie. How the fuck do you ask a girl like that out without being called creep or a sexual harraser?
you mean women hate physical confrontation but not direct confrontation have you never in your life met an angry middle aged woman? never had a naggy wife/mother in law?