How are you guys doing? Having a good day? If you need to vent hop in here, I'll listen. We can talk about your favorite games too, if you want.
How are you guys doing? Having a good day? If you need to vent hop in here, I'll listen...
im so happy. everythings going great with work, seeing the gf tomorrow after not seeing her for 2 weeks. i was in nyc for work
I've had quite the case of ennui lately. I don't start my next job until late next month, so I have a lot of free time. My plan was to use this time to focus on personal projects, but I've had trouble finding the focus and motivation.
Sometimes I feel like life is passing me by. I want to do things that fulfill me and help me grow as a person, you know?
I'm going through an existential crisis because of the possibility that we might not have any free will because of determinism. I'm so scared and sad and it's been eating at me for days. Help.
Still depressed. I'm at college, I've cut out the junk from my diet, taken up exercise, taken supplements, and kept going with new hobbies, but life is still grey. I'll just keep at it, you know.
It's actually pretty much guaranteed that you don't have free will. You didn't choose your personality or genes which control your decision making, meaning you have no control over anything. Just treat life like a movie and try to make it an interesting one
wish life had a surrender button
>tfw the magic of video games is gone
i can only enjoy them when high/drunk now
Ive been there, I was there for a while. Don't worry man we all go through it, Its hard to understand our reality because its an enigma. It can feel like nothing is worth it, but the meaning of us is whatever we do with our chance at life. Fate can or cant be real, and by law everything is determined because whatever choice is made is what happens, even not choosing is a choice in itself. We all have a purpose, and you do to.
I'm struggling user. Some days are good and some are awful. Today was a mixed bag. I guess my main issues are a lack of purpose and a sense of belonging. Sure playing games all day is nice, but no friends, no work, no GF, it all adds up. Plus I have to come to terms with the fact that there are many aspects of myself I'll have to keep hidden for the rest of my life in order to avoid exclusion from functioning society
Sometimes I wish I could just cut my ties and go live innawoods. Sadly society doesn't really allow for these freedoms anymore. All we can really do is find our own freedom, however big or small that might be.
>tfw go to animal crossing for escapism about having no friends
>even it reminds me
Damn, so this is the power of an Intro to Philosophy course lmfao
Seems we all ride the same boat, I cant tell you how relatable this is. So let me give you a little advice that helps me get by, just take it at your own pace. You have the time, so just try to do as much as you can do and the pieces will fall into place. I was broke and jobless a year ago but I just kept applying and eventually I found something stable, friends will follow when you find common grounds with people who you may think you share no interests with. Also, its okay to hide things about you. They are what make you, you. Look at pic related, kinda sums that up.
What do you think then?
I really appreciate the advice, but I don't know if I'll ever be entirely comfortable with my third face. I did something today that most would at best describe as amoral if not sociopathic or evil, and I'm scared about becoming a pariah for my beliefs
I fucked up and accidentally accepted some fake $100s at work so now I'm waiting to see what happens. Feels shitty
>i can cuntrol my destiny!!! im a free man!!!
Eh, out of a job for over a year, refuse to go back to my older one even if they could easily rehire me back because of stress reasons, but I'm now working on personal projects and helping on my father's business with accounting and design so I'm actually doing fine. I only want to win some money to invite a friend I haven't seen since 2017's Christmas for breakfast so we can reconnect.
I'm playing Etrian Odyssey V, Necromancer is the cutest.
You dont have to say what you did, thats not anyones business but your own. Ill admit ive done things that looking back I wish I never did, but you can't let the weight of it crush you. You did what you did, no matter how horrible. It cant be undone, there are no what ifs. The best thing you can do is realize is that we're all just human, and we fuck up all the time. You don't have to be comfortable with your third face, but if you can realize that what you did was wrong, you can turn it into a learning experience instead if something that necessarily haunts you.
You should have taken it user, it's like basics of logical thinking.
I hate my life and I'm terrible at everything I put effort into.
Done that recently, took a fake 20 so not as bad but human error happens, you arent the national treasury user, and checking the bills for authenticity can be seen as in insult to the buyer, so just stay calm and admit you fucked up but make sure you realize that accidents happen
Youre only terrible at everything youve tried so far, user. I promise you everyone is good at something, no matter its usefulness. Hope you can find that one thing youre good at, just get experimental, throw shit at the wall and see what sticks.
>muh tautologies
You can't illustrate free will in a way that satisfies determinists because they've made up their minds about their presupposed tautological explanation for human behavior and any evidence to the contrary just gets handwaved.
>dude this guy denied his flight instinct to fight out of a belief in X
>nah dude chemicals/predestination means he was always gonna do that
Arguing over free will is a pointless, unwinnable exercise where nothing new will ever cause either camp to re-evaluate. It's a textbook example of a sky-gazing useless philosopher's question.
So what youre saying is the answer to free will is maybe? I'll take it, actually.
>tfw one month since any vidya time
Real life is suffering
The answer to free will is that if it doesn't exist there's nothing you can do to escape that but if it does exist you have the agency to change your lot in life.
Even if free will doesn't exist, that doesn't change the probabilistic outcomes of certain actions. There's very little inutility in becoming healthier even if the cosmic watchmaker has decided you'll get hit by a car when you're 34.
To me it just seems like it not existing could be proof it exists,too. Just another example of those existential questions that fill you with despair because theres no yes or no.
Work's going well for me and I finally have expendable income. Rebuilding my games collection from scratch is actually bringing some joy to me. Going through old favorites while saving up for a switch for Christmas for myself.
My studies are going well too even if slowly.
And to think last year I was homeless.
Gonna go play Animal Crossing now, OP. Thanks.
I'm mostly fine. I find actually playing games to be boring as shit, so as much as I like the idea of them, I do not find them to be stimulating enough. The following game would be:
A game that would meet the aforementioned requirement would be the following: you are given n quantity of numbers, a number somewhere else indicating the number of required responses, and a time limit that starts as soon as you see the numbers. Once you press a button, the first number will disappear, the other numbers sill shift to the left, and a new number will appear at the end. After this happens for n number of times, you have to provide the first number which disappeared, at which point, whether you get it wrong or right, the first numbers disappear, and the process after that point will begin, in which you have to provide the second number which disappeared, etc.
After the time runs out, or you submit a predetermined numbers of responses, the percentage of responses you offered correctly will be calculated, and if you submitted a number of responses below this predetermined amount, the difference between that and the number of your responses will be considered incorrect, (just like a test). Based on the percentage of correct answers, (which might b user-determined), the difficulty will be increased, either by increasing the quantity of numbers you have to memorize at one time, decreasing the time limit, or the increase the total required answers. This calculation will happen immediately after the first session ends, and another session will start immediately after the first one ends.
This sounds admittedly pretty dry, (and hardly original), but it will allow for a unceasing and brutal challenge without a single second of pause. If there are any games in which there isn't a single moment of downtime, and you never have to automatic response to anything, and it's not based on prior memorization, please suggest them.
So what you're saying is that user's existential crisis is correct. Somehow I don't think that's going to help.
>Just treat life like a movie and try to make it an interesting one
You can't do that if free will doesn't exist, smart guy. This is the problem with so many determinists: they tell you free will doesn't exist, and then they offer words of "wisdom" that are only applicable if free will *does* exist.
Ive grown out of playing as many games as I used to. Used to play a shit ton of action-y games but now a days im more of a slice of life type of guy. Really love persona games for their day to day content, and ive even enjoyed "playing" some visual novels.
I've been pretty lonely lately and the no gf feels have started to come back like they do every spring. Just graduated college and started my first post-grad job, so its an adjustment not being around people my age all the time. Not really sure how to meet girls or people in general in the "real world" and I spend most weekends just sitting at home.
Whether it's predestined by chemicals or god, or an expression of unencumbered volition, the exertion of your will onto the world is preferable to not exerting your will.
Bettering the objective measures of your life by increasing health, wealth, happiness, etc. is always a valid goal irrespective of whether it's your consciousness or your unconscious processes spurring you on.
I'm doing badly. There's no way for me to have the life I want in this world. I keep trying to go on a diet, but compulsive eating is the only thing that makes the voices in my head stop degrading me for even a moment, and I don't even know what purpose it'll serve to get back in shape anyway, because I'm too mentally fucked up to go out and have sex and sex is the only reason I'd ever care about being in shape. I think I just want a succubus to whisk me away from here and be a sugar mommy for me in exchange for letting her have her way with me ten times a day.
Hope the people in this thread are doing better.
There are a lot of conventions out there where people like me and you meet other likeminded people. I'm sure you can find a girl who shares your interests, just try starting convos with the most random shit, if she's wearing a shirt with an anime reference ask her about it, just something light.
I have time to play a lot of games now because I have finished my final exams, but as expected I'm not using the time to do anything. I'm just waiting for my life to pass. I actually also want to get a girlfriend to solve that problem by asking out girls I personally find attractive but due to the fact that I can't decide between 2 girls, I do nothing. I don't have the feeling that I want to ask them out because of love but just because of lust. Thus this wouldn't be a relationship which would work for a long time or even start at all even though I wish for that. I always struggle between being alone and wanting someone to love and I have the feeling that I will never get out of this circle.
>current gf is slowky starting to distance herself from me
>cant go looking for other women because im unable to cheat
>but im also unable to break up with her and move on because i love her
Fucking kill me
Just gt an email a few weeks late saying I got a job I interviewed for. Can't wait to turn in my letter of resignation on Monday at my current shit job. Really wanting to play something new on switch. Can't wait for new animal crossing, as my 3DS file got wiped during an SD card failure. I had it since October of 2013 when the 2DS launched. Quite sad.
Im sorry to hear things arent working out for you right now, im not gonna be the guy to say you can do anything you set your mind to, but even if you shoot for the moon and miss you'll still be amongst the stars. You may not get the life youre looking for but if you try you'll get something that you can look at and say youre content with. We're not all destined for superstar status, so a lot of the times we gotta find things that can make us happy consistently. Just look for those things that can make you consistently happy.
Well, I could never accept this unless I could be constantly stimulated. Frankly, one problem I would have with any game is that I can't control exactly how much I am stimulated, which isn't the case with literature, browsing websites, or even visual media, (I watch everything controlling the playback speed).
Love can be found from lust, you can lust now and grow to love. Choosing between two people is hard, but obviously a choice has to happen unless theyre down with polygamy. Just go with your heart and never look back. There will be consequences but there will also be rewards, and maybe the person you choose isnt the one for you, but life is really just trials and erros.
Ugh, I hate this feeling, I went through this a while back. You might need to it down and talk about it with her, just lay it out there. If you can't reach an accord it might be time to cut bait, but I promise those saddening and pained feelings go away, and most importantly it will get better. Be strong, brother.
Here's decent advice. Just stop caring. The gf feels are just hormones and chemicals telling you to start "caring" abput women. Enjoy it now, or if you really want a girl just improve yourself.
t. I'm 28, a virgin romanceless dude, and I'm generally content in life so far, with my videogames and anime.
>just bee yourself
God damn these normalfags invading Yea Forums lately.
I'll be 30 in a few months, I've been depressed for a while since my wife had a miscarriage .
Few things have helped me cope, I stay busy with work and been revisiting my favorite old game, Phantasy Star Online (Ephinea), and that has helped.
I used to always try to help people, regardless of what I was doing or where I was going, and now I feel cynical, always have a gun with me and expect the worst from people. I am not sure if I still believe in God and that once gave me purpose and now I just feel confused.
I really want to be a dad, more than anything. If you guys are feeling down and like PSO, join me in Ephinea later.
>le chemicals and hormones meme
Yeah you need to get laid
Sorry to hear about that, I couldnt imagine the pain you must be going through. But you cant let one bad moment define your beliefs. I know its hard to expect goodness out of others but a lot of those others want to expect it from you, too.
If you feel like you're going off the edge, seek help bro. There is no shame in needing some guidance. Life is hard and understanding yourself is more complex than it should be. Even if you don't believe in religion, take the concept of repentance and see it through. The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. You are in charge user, I believe in you.
>scientific facts
Yeah, you're a disgusting normalfag. Do you know where you are?
Can you guys spare us the internet pissing match. This ain't the place
Way to go user, I am proud of you for not giving up.
How was being homeless? What was your worst experience during that time? How did you overcome it?
Im sorry, If you truly think that way then I wont judge, I dont know what experiences youve been through to make you come to the conclusion, but if youre content in that way of living I wont insult you further.
Thanks user, I know that there are people in my life who think highly of me and that helps me understand that I am not as bad of a person as I've always let myself believe. I need to be better and move on with life.
I try to just ignore it and convince myself it doesn't matter, but the feels always come back eventually. "Stop caring" just does not seem to work in the long term, at least for me.
As long as you can take your despair and turn it into a positive learning experience I think you can come back from this horrible event better than ever. Good luck, brother.
i don't know
Youre a good person. Honestly hope you have a great night.
What's it like having friends?
It's just philosophy user. These views are just things to think about. Nothing objective.
>want to play morrowind but its archaic
>better mod it
>holy shit what a rabbit hole, better get some advice
>TES general is 100% ENB and waifus
now i have a slight headache and don't want to play anything
I moved for a job that wasnt that great, I wanted the experience to some day move on. Now I am on the other side of my country, over 1000 miles from any family. It had been almost a year and I have no friends. Always broke. My parents are aging and I am coming to grips with their eventual deaths and how I will be completely alone then. Not just coming home to an empty apartment every day, drinking, and distracting myself with games kind of alone, but the kind of alone that I will never recover from.
At any rate, Ive been playing dying light. I like it. Playing it on nightmare difficulty is fun. Thinking about playing kingdom come deliverance next. Waiting for that zombie game to come out on ps4 next.
>broke up with gf
>remained friends
>told her I still had feelings for her but the relationship wouldn't work out, she says she feels the same way
>been bragging to me about how she's been fucking some dude she just met on tinder
>saw her earlier today dressed in a sexy outfit, tons of makeup
>says she plans on "getting super drunk tonight and seeing what happens"
Where the FUCK is Bulborb? I'm not telling you SHIT about my problems unless you got a hankering for some GODDAMN Pikmin.
Sing with me.
Flowers that only ever knew the moon lite, the sun never shined on me.
And now I have neither
>implying I care about your not vidya related normalfaggot problems
Going ok, trying to get Sims 1 running on Windows 10. Managed to get the game itself running perfectly except for one problem; no sound effects or music beyond the initial loading screen. So a little puzzled and wondering what the hell needs to be done to fix that. Sims isnt the same without the sound.
I've spent the vast majority of the my life on the internet and have no redeemable skills or friends made over this time frame.
Thanks, and I hope you have a good one too.
You're about to find out, bro. There are millions of people out there with the same interests, irl and on the net. Since youre on here you have something in common with me, which means we have stuff to talk about. Just find people who share your passions, hell join a discord or two. I promise there are people who want friends like you
Only advice I can give really is to go for OpenMW, it updates the engine and gives morrowind the much needed support for newer systems. You might be able to find a good installation guide on youtube.
I suppose I'm okay.
Biggest problem is that there's a LOT of things outside my control. Shit teammates, Shit ideologies, Shit business practices.
Sure I can be a competent player that co-ordinates with others, I can spread ideologies that DON'T lead to the destruction of civilization, and I can run smear campaigns against matchmaking and DLC.
But I am one person and the problems that I'm facing are larger than the problems one person can solve.
Be the bigger man, bro. Dont stoop down to her level, stay classy.
There have been times where ive called my mom crying 1000s of miles away because I was so homesick. Only advice I can give is to see if you can find a hobby that others participate with you. I know it feels weird to try and a little uncomfortable but some of my best friends have been found just making smalltalk at bars.
Ive never actually played Pikmin but I will say I am interested in it. Mind selling me on the game? It looks fun but im still indecisive.
surely you have decades worth of esoteric meme knowledge
Life isn't too great right now. Having a pretty big fight with gf over some dumb shit that I at least feel like she is blowing out of proportion. Favorite game is probably Ni no Kuni 1
The worst thing you can do is face a problem by yourself that is much better suited by working it out as a team. Sitting down with your mates and expressing that you want to improve could be a good option.
>that one time my older brother sent a love letter to hazel on the gamecube version and that fucking squirrel showed it to me
>he was a senior in the highschool at the time
Hm, I suppose that's correct. I'm going to try to find, or perhaps create, a team.
I never played any of them, I just like the bulborbposter that usually starts these kind of threads
WELL, what did it say nigger also that squirrel is a BITCH!
Im sorry to hear that, relationships are both amazing and shitty. Best advice I can give is to just try to sit down and reach an accord. Tell her how youre feeling, that you think its getting out of hand. If you must take some of the blame then swallow your pride and do it, but not to the point of submission, if she sees you take all the blame she'll think that she has a free pass because youll just blame yourself.
Gfs are pretty overrated. It's just a stupid standard placed by society. I've never had a gf too (I'm 31), never kissed, never been in a relationship, virgin.
And look at me, I'm well off from my IT work, I'm happily playing videogames on my own time, happily spending time with friends.
I go to work, go woth friends, and watch anime, TV, movies and videogames happily. And when the chemicals make me horny I just fap.
I never kissed, but I think sex is just physiological. It's just like fapping but with an ego boost probably because society wants you to fuck a woman. literally all there is too it.
Also I'm playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2 right now, great game.
I'll look into the games regardless, if someone is making threads like these and playing it then I must have something in common with him.
Some stupid shit about how she was the only one who understood him but he was too shy to actually do anything about it and it couldn't be so just let me tell you and let's stay friends
grew up to be a furry of course
Your control over your body is limited. You cannot sneeze on command. But you can punch, and you can run.
Your control over your thoughts is limited. You cannot instantly change your personal preferences. But you can understand, and you can train.
You don't have free will. But you have will.
Is a screwdriver worthless because it can't cut down trees? No. It has a purpose.
Work with what you have. Don't mourn what you lack.
In my last semester of classes and taking 6 courses this semester so I can finally fucking graduate already. For the last 10 weeks or so I've been doing nothing but binging on amphetamines and cranking out assignments and studying for tests for 5-6 days straight and crashing for 24-48 hours afterwards.
I'm only 2-3 weeks away from being done with this shitshow, but having to pound out 3 essays and finalize my capstone project in the next 7 days makes me want to blow my brains out. I'm so tired of this shit. I would take working manual labor over having to write another 6-page essay ever again because at least it would feel more fulfilling than gluing your ass to a chair and mind-numbingly mashing away at keyboard for 12 hours.
On the bright side, my GPA has never been better and what little I've played of DMC5 has been pretty fun.
Put down your brother, his soul is already dead.
I disagree but I have matured a little in the fact that I accept your stance on the situation. If you are content, and even happy with that life then im not going to force an ideology onto you. Though im curious, was there certain experiences you went through to reach this conclusion? I figure that youve reached this conclusion like how i reached mine, through experiences.
My gf is using my 3ds to play animal crossing now and while i've never got the appeal of what seemed like a debt simulator when I played it on gamecube the music and designs sure are cute. Also, never expected an adult human to be confused by the concept of the bottom screen being a touch screen but the top one not being one, but that's a thing, circle pad confused the shit out of her too.
oh we disowned him
There is often rain before rainbows, I promise that light will shine after the dark. After you graduate youll feel a big weight off your shoulder. There might be a little grit and grind in between but that will just make your achievements all the more worth it.
ITT: Normalfaggots
Boohoo, your life is so hard
I'm doing great career wise. Got an important and stable job in a big corporation and people are generally pretty nice to me. Its all good when I'm working. Unfortunately, when I'm home I sometimes feel really sad and lonely for a few minutes even though I'm not alone. DMC5 made me remember why I love video games. I can say I'm good overall
The music is comfy, and it finds a way to make chores interesting. Its fun to pick up for an hour or two every day. Its really all about the slow grind. You dont see the results immediately but a couple of weeks in and youll find that your town has become very comfy.
You and Michlan are the only acceptable people itt right now
full of gf having nomalfags
what happened to Yea Forums? Is it majority normalfags now?
Regardless I hope youre doing good user, even if you cant sympathize with us.
I finished Killer7 a week ago, but haven't played much of anything since then. I want to play a cute Jrpg.
I feel toxic to the people around me. I have intense depression and always drive people away with negativity.
At 25 I've only just started to come out to people. I've never been very social, or had many friends. Lately I've constructed a friendly relationship with two young transkids and a gay man. I feel unhealthily jealous of the self-confidence that they have. I feel very fragile and timid, but I project uncouth sarcasm and negativity.
I want to take Testosterone blockers again, but the last time I did, I pissed and leaked blood from my penis for 6 months. I had a lot of unforeseen medical problems.
I liked Swery65's The Missing. Favorite 2018 game.
Someone in a Tales thread said that Destiny PSX was bad. Fuck him.
I've been feeling like my mood isn't actually dependent on my quality of life at all recently. When good things happen they don't make me feel all that good, and when bad things happen I usually can't bring myself to care. A couple of years ago my dog died and I had to fake being sad because otherwise I'd look like a sociopath or something to my family.
Just detached. Like nothing's real, and it really doesn't matter if I don't make it anywhere in life.
As someone (27) who has definitely hooked up with a few chicks but never actually fucked any of them (at least not until I came), I can safely say that I agree with this sentiment.
Young and insecure people usually get all riled up about the importance of spreading your genes and continuing your lineage, but the truth is that a lot of people just really aren't cut out for raising children. It's a monumentally demanding responsibility that most people are too immature or too irresponsible to deal with properly. If that's a person's main argument for the importance of trying to have bountiful amounts of sex, then that person is just projecting the fragility of their ego onto the world.
Having a nice girlfriend is pretty amazing, but trying to force yourself to keep a relationship that is pointless and unfulfilling is extremely unwise. People should focus more on embracing their true, inner nature rather than relying on external influences to do it for them.
I would encourage most people on here to try to understand the differences between loneliness and solitude and how to start finding comfort in being "alone." You are born alone and you will die alone. You take nothing with you except for what you yourself has internalized.
Have had a nasty infection in my legs for over a week, hard to walk and stand. I put off the hospital hoping it would become better because I can't afford to miss a day of work.
>I feel very fragile and timid
>taking testosterone blockers
uh, i think i found your problem buddy
OP here, its getting late so I might have to stop replying so if I dont catch your message sorry. If I can offer any sort of advice to cover everyone generally it would be to find contentness. Find those things that make you happy, and strive for them. The road wont always be paved with gold but youll find that the grass does become greener. Just take everything at your own pace. Remember this too: we're all just people, trying to survive on this rock. We're in this together, every single on of us. Goodnight!
>have fun playing multiple games
>get off and instantly feel shitty because I was playing them to distract from my bf leaving
>also pretty much my only friend so I have to get new ones to avoid feeling even lonlier
>hard as fuck to do as a socially retarded neet, especially now that I'm super afraid of pissing people off and and losing them like him
>all while still being worried about him because his life was going pretty shitty when he left
I hate this
I'm waiting to graduate university so I can fuck off to Japan for the English teacher meme because it sounds like a laugh. I don't have anything I really want to do, so an excuse to live in another country sounds nice for now.
Consciousness is hastily duct-taped onto the top of a mammal that stares at each-other's asses and shits near its own water supply.
Our closest genetic neighbours can't tell believable lies, don't know how to tell time, and don't intuitively grasp the idea of a number. We are so similar to them that we can breed with them and produce fertile offspring.
Consciousness is very, very limited and is a hasty patch on top of a dumb beast.
But with that limited consciousness we've built cities, discovered geometry, conquered a continent, had a fire 100km away light up a room with electricity, put a man on the moon, and built the internet on which you now shitpost.
I don't care that it's limited. Within these limits, there is greatness.
And besides. A game that gives you all the abilities right at the start and lets you do anything you want is a boring game. Limitations give purpose. Or at least, they do for me.
You're clearly illiterate but there's a point there about the sort of person you're replying to based on the fact that he was at any point taking fucking testosterone blockers, what the fuck.
Got an email from my professor saying my report was shit on thursday and I haggled an extension to sunday at 10 pm
She gave a ton on advice on rewriting it in the email and gave the standard "you're smart and can do better, I believe in you" sthick
I did absolutely nothing today and feel like shit about it. The whole writing thing is just absolutely daunting to me, but I'm supposed to be good at it if I plan to go forward with my career. How do I just avoid distractions and do work?
I've also been helping out with making a game for about a year and a half at this point (I'm about the second most important person but there isn't really a hierarchy) but haven't really been submitting much lately. It's just a slog at this point.
In vidya news, I played f-zero x for the first time on an emulator today. It's good shit
I'm pretty sure I have anxiety. Everything I do feels like the wrong thing to be doing at any time, and I get so stressed out about it that I end up doing nothing at all, but all this does is make my problems worse. I wish I knew what to do.
Finished a 8 year relationship just a few weeks ago , she was stressed out and had no time because of her work and the fact that she doesn't know where "to go in life" , also I dropped university to take care of my grandama(she raised me , and since I'm like 10 I taked care of her , because Alzheimer) in june of last year and she died in september , I don't have any friends and I'm just in my room all day playing vidya and faping , but at this point I don't enjoy anything. (Bonus: my mom has kidney stones rn and I'm taking care of her , and this shit gives me like ptsd about my grandma and I feel like dying 24/7)
>How was being homeless?
A LOT better than I thought it would be, to be honest. Once I got away from my fucking parents I was angry a LOT less, and was happy quite a bit more often.
That level of happiness improved even more once I started renting a shitty 1-room shack on a floodplain.
I'd say my worst experience was not doing it sooner!
After about 6 years of drinking almost every day, I am now a week sober and I feel amazing. Everything is just more enjoyable and I don't feel like jumping into oncoming traffic. I just started my umpteenth playthrough of Paper Mario 64 and am actually playing Animal Crossing GCN too (same file I've had since 2001).
Life is great, user. Thanks for asking.
Weirdly the music's kinda the reason she's playing it in the first place, she was listening to some youtube clip that turned out to be a remix of the game's theme, whole reason I put it on the 3ds was because I recognized the character in the video from animal crossing.
Never remain friends user. It's a lot harder for burned bridges to set you on fire after the fact and for cut ties to strangle you. Always disavow.
3/5 of my regular playgroup stopped talking to me, ones around out of pity and hardly, still cool with the last guy at least
What I've really been struggling with lately is my adderall prescription. I need the drug to function productively, but I also abuse the shit out of it. For example, I've shown up late to work every single day this week because I started playing Nioh last weekend and would stay up until 6-8 AM even though I had to be at work at 10:30 that same morning. I'd use adderall to get through the day (albeit badly), get home fucking exhausted as shit, take another adderall and continue the cycle.
I was really only able to keep this up for about 3 days before I decided that I desperately needed to sleep and made damn sure to get at least 8 hours in the middle of the week. Sure enough, as soon as I got my bare fucking minimum of decent rest, I got right back to my Nioh + amphetamine fueled shenanigans.
This isn't as bad as it sounds, mainly because I get to work about 10-15 minutes late and nobody even bats an eye, but the REAL problem is that I am wasting my adderall, increasing my tolerance, damaging my physical and mental health, and have literally NOTHING to show for it. Playing Nioh all fucking night is not a good use of time, let alone my precious amphetamines. Sure, it's a fucking blast and I enjoy the fuck out of it, but the guilt, shame, and shitty mood that follows showing up to work late knowing that the reason I did it was because of how insanely irresponsible I am is starting to really get to me.
I need to learn how to discipline myself. My careless abuse of my medication is going to be the death of me if I don't get a fucking grip.
Also, pic related is my favorite game of all time. Don't care if it's a lame, nostalgic choice; I'll never love anything as much as I love FFVII.
i wanted to believe that what i was reading was some dude falseflagging as a tranny but with this website i'm not even sure anymore
not sure if male or female
I'm a full on faggot. Well technically bi but whatever.
well try just being yourself bro
>cute girl that doesnt seem to hate my presence
>dont know what to talk to her or if she even enjoys my company
>Choosing between two people is hard
Choose the blonde one. If they're both blonde, choose the tallest. If neither are blonde, choose whichever's hair is closest. They can't both be raven black.
>this post
Good luck user, you're definitely gonna need it.
I was complaining about depressing real life shit.
I have genetic heart issues and am at risk for a stroke even with medicine. I'm pretty queer.
Can someone recommend a cute jrpg? If you name it I probably have it.
Gee thanks chad real helpful advice there.
Fuck off unless you've got advice that'd actually help me.
I'm the guy who posted earlier about struggling with Uni. I'm also prescribed a stimulant to keep my ADHD-ridden zoomzoom brain going. Despite how I made it sound in my earlier post, I've never actually taken more than what I've been directed to by my doc for the same reasons you basically listed. Learn to take some weekend breaks off the meds, it definitely helps with unfucking your sleep schedule after bungling your brain too hard playing videogames or staying up working too late. It'll keep your tolerance low and let your body recuperate for once.
Also don't ever take your Adderall past 6pm if you plan on going to bed by midnight. No amount of sedatives is going to ensure you a good night's rest at that point.
The biggest step is acknowledging and being aware you have an issue with your prescription use. I work in pharmacy, I regularly speak to people in all age groups who have been on controlled substances for long periods of time. It'd be a shame for you to end up like the people in their 50's and 60's I talk to who get angry at medical staff because they themself took too much of their medication or they didn't bother to contact anyone for refill but demand the pharmacy give them more right now. Also like you mentioned ramping up your body's tolerance is very dicey. Having to be increased to higher doses and heavier drugs can really fuck with your body and mind.
Try your best to resist the temptation to indulge so much. Limit your game time and set a general bedtime for yourself; I recommend to aim for trying to stop using electronics 30-60 min before you attempt to sleep. Do you like reading user? Maybe reading a bit before an bedtime window could help you get into a pattern for better adhering to a schedule.
Back in 2004, I picked up a game called World of Warcraft, and spent a lot of time playing it.
I noticed a lot of other players would complain about their gfs interrupting them, and they prioritized these females over dungeon runs.
I was never really interested in a gf because I didn't see the point, but if there are so many people who value a gf so much more highly than world of warcraft, they must be good.
So I hooked up with a random girl in my city, stayed with her for a few months.
It was boring, and not worth the effort at all.
I distinctly remember her physically pulling me away from my computer because I wanted to farm some Devilsaurs in Un'goro and she wanted sex. The sex was ok but it set my farm back at least 40 minutes, totally not worth.
Eventually the relationship ended because she found someone that actually wanted a relationship.
Felt like a dumbass for falling for the "gf" meme.
I'm sure it works properly if you find someone with whom you share an emotional connection, but just getting a random gf for the sake of having a gf is overrated and a waste of time.
Going through fight #298224 with one of my best friends. Every time we get into a big fight I usually think "This could be it." and it never is.
But there has to be a final nail in the coffin at some point. Maybe this is the one. It's even over anything important, at all.
Amphetamines are amazing, but be very careful of overdoing them because they will give you a ferocious temper and a bit of a god complex. If you already have a ferocious temper and a bit of a god complex, they will quadruple it.
sounds like literal autism
Went out for some drinks with my coworkers tonight. Haven't done anything like that in a while, had a very good time. I'll probably just play Smash or whatever when I get home till I fall asleep.
>How do I just avoid distractions and do work?
You know how you can flex your muscles in your arm and your hand moves?
And if you flex those muscles in the right order, you can write (for example) the letter A?
Do that.
Do that over and over and over until the paper's done.
BE distracted.
HAVE your thoughts wander.
But keep flexing your arm and writing letters.
You can't control your senses and you can't control your thoughts (fully). But you can control your arm, and all you need is a working arm and you've got a way to write stuff.
i just want a cute girl to sit on the couch and watch anime with, bros
You are correct. Autism is a superpower.
Hire a prostitute. This is literally what they are for.
Daniel Dennett once gave a great analogy about this.
Imagine there are two lotteries, one in which the winning number is generated when they announce the winner on TV, and the other is generated before any tickets are ever sold, and is kept locked away so nobody can know until a set time.
If the odds are the same, you shouldn't have any reason to buy one ticker over the other.
It's irrational to think one is any more "predetermined" than the other, because in every way that matters, they are the same.
We don't have free will, but the reality of the matter is the same as if we did.
Student here. I'm prescribed adderal, but I rarely take it (it's hard to keep a schedule and it makes me feel off). Does it really help me focus? Whenever I try taking it it doesn't help.
Yeah, probably best to just break it off. It's hard for me, though. I like having friends. I don't have a lot.
That depends very strongly on what's preventing your focus.
If it's because you have other thoughts bombarding your brain and overwhelming you, Adderall will make that WORSE.
If it's because you just don't have very loud/strong thoughts and your own desires don't really affect you, Adderall works perfectly.
Thanks for the guide based Sims 1 user. Meant to bump your thread but I forgot about it. Best of luck with the troubleshooting.
Thanks, guys. I used to have a much better time managing my amphetamine use back when I used to buy it from my friends because I'd have a finite amount and had to budget my use of it extremely conservatively. Once I get it prescribed, though, I basically lost all of the concern I ever had with running out of it or wasting it. Now that I have a pretty clear understanding of how tolerance works, it's made it painfully clear to me that there is literally no effective way to take this drug carelessly and expect to function productively.
I'm deeply conflicted about the fact that I need this drug to maintain my sanity, but I have accepted the reality that without it I am a literal basket case. That is why it is so important for me to learn how to manage my use of it effectively.
Fucking hell. I always thought getting a prescription would basically turn me into a superhuman genius, but all it's done is created new problems for me to deal with.
Literal autism is what makes this board great user. In fact, nornalfags are ruining this board, like they do when they invade every hobby
If you want to talk with your fellow normalfags go to reddit
Does reddit even have normalfags?
When I went there to see what the fuss was about I mostly saw paid marketers and contrarian extremists brigading on any opinion that was too mainstream for them.
My deadbeat mother lost her legs and is currently in the hospital, right on the heels of her deadbeat husband dying of a massive brainbleed before christmas, right on the heels of her having a massive stroke a month before that and being left half retarded on a bad day. Some investigation showed it was all from a hardcore meth habit with some highballing thrown in just for kicks. My grandma and I are currently living here taking care of my dementia'd up great grandma, and my mother and her husband have been living in a trailer in our driveway for the past few years. We were constantly lending them money and getting nothing but abuse in return, and just sitting there and taking it because they were family, and where are they gonna go if we kick them out, etcetera. If we had stopped to think about things for more than half a second the drug use would have been obvious but I guess we didn't want to think about it, and here we are.
Hospital is has been trying to find a skilled nursing facility for weeks but they're having a hell of a time placing her. If they can't find a place for her, she's probably going to try to come home, where we can't take care of her and I won't take care of her, and then she'll shoot up again and die. If she doesn't come back here she'll go live with some junkie friend or another, shoot up, and die. If she goes to a nursing facility of some kind she'll probably last a bit longer, but then I have no doubt she'll eventually shoot up and die.
In summary my life has been a complete trainwreck for months with no end in sight, thanks for reading my blog. I've been playing Kenshi and Final Fantasy 14, both of which I could probably psychoanalyze as being an outlet where I finally have something I can control with direct effort, as in hours in, progress made. I've also been playing dmc5 which is absolutely fucking sick holy shit.
Favorite game is MGS3 Its so fun and I wish I could go back to the days when I could play it.
I'm caught between depression about not being able to meet people (specifically qts) and not having enough time to do the things I enjoy because of school and stuff. I wish I could go back to the times when I could just chill at home and play video games and not have to worry about the problems of transitioning into adulthood. I'm graduating college and I haven't even had a girlfriend, and while this isn't necessarily a problem in itself, I have no way to meet people and its driving me insane. I have two friends who I like to spend time with, and they both have girlfriends, so hanging with them is not going to be beneficial to my quest to meet people. I think this might be the modern problem. How do we meet people? I guess thats why we have tindr, but I don't want tindr because I don't just want to hook up. I want a literal relationship with someone who I have things in common with. I wish I could go back in time and play video games. I'm so lonely and horny and desperate for affection. How do we meet people?
How do you know if a girl likes you?
The concept of a normalfag is pretty much moot when it comes to people who frequently browse and post on discussion boards as they are usually weirdos, eccentrics, and nerds. In fact, I'd say that when people say "normalfag" on Yea Forums, really what they mean is a person who doesn't have autism.
she tries to talk with you a lot
You won't know until you either ask or try to engage in physical intimacy. The girl herself isn't sure if she likes you unless you do something like this.
Do you know who her dealer is? Buy a big hit from him and sneak it to your mom in the hospital. That will solve this problem.
>people who frequently browse and post on discussion boards as they are usually weirdos, eccentrics, and nerds.
I fucking wish. Do you know how many people on this shithole website think that girlfriends and crossdressing can fix low self esteem?
Wierdos and eccentrics my ass. We have people who think becoming a normalfag is the solution to their problems and that if they could be MORE normal they'd somehow be less sad.
... But I get where you're coming from. Reddit is worse with the people who aspire to be normal.
When you tell her "no thanks" she gets disappointed or pissed off. Happens all the time.
remember that there is no unsolvable problem in this world. you can always simply die
If I die now I won't get to see shadowbringers in a few months or bloody palace on april 1st. I'm a man with priorities.
This one I've heard before and is part of what has me thinking about her like this, and she does talk to me a lot, but sometimes she seems a bit disinterested or doesn't follow up on things, so I can't tell if she likes talking to me or just does it when she's bored and there's nobody else to talk to. Man, why am I so autistic.
>pity dated ugly best friend because i was scared of being alone even though I wasn’t into her at all
>her entire friend group pretty much just kept me around because they didn’t want to make her sad and used me to throw a party for new years and made her hate me
>constantly anxious about whether the friends I still have actually like me or if they’re just using me
>fucked up sleep schedule and diet, i either get none or binge both
>bright red acne scars and chubby cheeks kill my self confidence
>keep having fucked up dreams that mess with my head
>can’t sit down and do my coursework because I’m a fucking idiot who’s a month behind and I don’t even know where to start
At least I’m getting better at drawing thick anime bitches.
True. I'd mostly like to live until WW3 starts just so I can see shit burn.
I mean in all likelihood WW3 won't fix anything and the world will somehow be even MORE crippled by money-as-debt, usury, fractional reserve lending, and bankers wars after it than before. But still, be nice to replace the "crisis" of climate change and female representation with an actual crisis for once.
Post your artwork my man. Love a thick anime bitch.
>bloody palace
very important
Controlled substance prescriptions often resolve one issue but create one or two more. I cannot stress enough to try your absolute best to only take it as prescribed/as needed. I'm presuming you are in your 20's so you have a long future ahead of you, don't let a medication make your road more hazardous than it needs to be.
Damn dude that's heavy. Hang in there.
>but sometimes she seems a bit disinterested or doesn't follow up on things
This is how normalfags communicate. They do not have a line of thought that they follow, instead they try to make shit up or comprehend what's happening in real-time.
You could just ask her.
Oh also I’ve been distracting myself by playing Earthbound again. I lost my save after the spooky town.
I would but I don’t want to be an attention whore and have my art tied to my stressed out rants
Leave home.
Normalfag is normal people who think exactly the same, and always infuse their "great social lives" with their gfs and whatnot, bragging on an anonympus imageboard instead of talking about the hobby. They are camcer because:
1.) their normalfag mindet (hating "weird", thinking only of sex and gfs, always thinking of what society thinks of them, etc) contributes nothing to the discussion, their lack of autism makes for zero entertainment, like talking to a NPC.
2.) their "LOOK I HAD A GF !!!" triggers lonely faggots, and faggots who are permavirgins hence triggering /soc/ shitposting
normalfags dont belong on Yea Forums
>I don’t want to be an attention whore
C'mon, someone's asking. This is how you grow. We're already in a blogthread.
>have my art tied to my stressed out rants
Not like all the other internet artists aren't already doing this. But you do what makes you comfortable.
There is a small house to the north. A path leads south and away from here towards a dirt road. To the east, the grass in the lawn grows wild, and there is a large pile of leaves starting to form.
There is a welcome mat here.
People texting each other frequently is not a clear indication of romantic interest. It sets the stage, but nothing else.
If you like her and you two are comfortable talking with each other, then ask her out. Don't get discouraged if she's apprehensive about it at first- if she actually likes you then she'll eventually agree to a date with you.
If she makes excuses or flakes on you every single time you try to ask her out, then it's pretty safe to assume that she isn't interested.
I want to earn money by drawing but I just waste away days with fapping and video games instead of learning how to draw.
Feels bad man.
Rip user
I don't want to earn money, I just want to be able to draw.
Maybe we're alternate variants of each other. You pretty much described me except I have a daughter - who I'm coaxing back to sleep right now - but my wife recently got raped by a coworker. So that's horrible.
In the spring, there was a tree.
In the summer, a second was growing.
In autumn, two trees stood tall.
But in winter, one fell.
I'd argue that if a discussion is genuinely interesting then even normalfags will chime in and try to contribute in a relevant fashion. The reason there is so much shitposting on Yea Forums is because the majority of new releases lately are so bad that they turn into a fucking fiasco.
If you actually think that only autists or degenerates are capable of having a focused discussion about interests/hobbies, then it's not the normalfags that are the cancer- it's you.
Well then as her husband it is your duty to rape that co-worker's wife to settle the score.
>wife got raped by a coworker
What in the absolute fuck? Why haven't you snuck into his house and extracted his teeth with a hammer yet?
I've spent the last 2 hours reorganising my games on my shelf as my parents have shuffled things in my room around since I've been at university. It made me realise; I have enough games to last me the rest of my life, but I have no friends.
'cause 'es me fav playa and me fantasy soccer score'll go down if 'e comes to 'arm ya nonce.
>but my wife recently got raped by a coworker.
Let him have a terrible accident where he loses a leg or an arm.
That sounds a bit risky. What if there's no accident? Personally I'd just maim the guy and make it look like an accident to eliminate the risk.
I'm beginning to feel like I understand Robin Williams' suicide a bit more. I have a wife, a kid, a house, a car, a career, still in touch with my friends from high school, but despite winning at "America: the Game" and achieving the dream from all conventional angles I still feel a deep loneliness. It's on-again, off-again and I'm pretty confident I'm not suffering from outright depression or suicidal thoughts, but there is some sort of deep absence in my life, and I'm pretty sure it's a strange mix of friend/homeland. Probably the closest I come to filling that hole is talking to anonymous posters here and on another forum, but it's frustrating to me that it's not a real person, or someone nearby that I can meet face-to-face. Politics are shit right now and not being able to speak honestly and freely anywhere but online anonymously is really unhealthy for me & a lot of other people I imagine.
Amyways, I look at Robin Williams and his success and admiration from strangers, his loving daughter, and I get it. I can wrap my head around why he'd kill himself despite having a great life. The loneliness is really strange and hard to solve. Thank god for taiwanese basket-weaving communities and MMOs I guess.
>start practicing drawing
>end up just getting mad at myself for drawing like a child and quitting
i just want to be able to draw cute girls
the ideas are all there but putting it through my hand and onto paper is just fucking impossible
Decided to go back to school at 22, about halfway through the semester so far. Finally moved out of my parent's house and into a one bedroom apartment too.
Things sound positive on paper, but I'm slowly beginning to hate myself even more and I think I'm becoming an alcoholic. I'm struggling to meet anyone on campus too because I'm a very shy person and it doesn't help that I'm in only non-major classes. Not helping at all that I cope with my stress through eating and video games so I've also put 10lbs on in the past month alone. If I didn't own a dog right now I'd probably have killed myself at this point.
look at the shit art on that new block pushing puzzle game Yea Forums loves; even shitters become successful!
The only friend you need is yourself, user. Collecting friends is about as empty of a pursuit as collecting games. What ultimately matters is that you grow enough to actualize your destiny.
>do my annual playthrough of dead space 1 + 2
>decide to play 3 out of curiosity (always just heard its bad)
>its actually ok, but it is kind of baffling in some parts
Are you me? We're even the same age. I find it hard to meet people on campus because a lot of them don't want to be interacted with, or, in the case of my classes, people are just arrogant assholes who take the things that you talk to them about and then spread it to everyone. I want a dog. What breed is yours friend?
I had to talk out a miscarriage with a rival on WoW. Opposite faction, never talked other than the forums, RealID friended him and we met in a pandaren inn and sat our characters down and had a real heart-to-heart. He was a great listener. Really strange that it worked out that way but you take comfort where you can find it.
I already went to the job site and bludgeoned him with a large metal hook from a mechanical hoist. I told him I would keep beating him until he agreed to get in his car, leave the city that day, and not come back ever again.
I was basically obligated to do so because the cops told my wife that when he said, "I'm gonna have to rape you in the back office if you keep avoiding me," he was just joking around.
Why do you want to learn how to draw, user? It might just be that you admire artwork but don't actually give enough of a shit to spend the time learning how to do it yourself.
She's a boxer mix. This is the only picture I have of her at the moment.
And yeah, it seems as though everyone in my classes just wishes I wasn't there when I try to talk. I'm pretty sure it's me projecting negative feelings, since I go out of my way to avoid bringing up autistic stuff, but I just can't seem to connect with anybody as a result.
Man, that is some wildly fucked up shit. Was there not enough evidence for him to get arrested?
>the only friend you need is yourself
My mom tells me that. The truth is I'm a guy who can appreciate his own company, but for me just sitting down with someone and talking about general things no matter how menial is important to me. The problem is every friend I've made has left me. Some turned to drugs, one committed suicide, and the others dropped out of uni and haven't messaged me since, probably due to guilt/shame
Today I've been playing a whole ton of Smash Bruddas and Baba is You, thanks to Yea Forums shilling threads, just switching off between the two from time to time. It's been pretty nice, just switching when one game gets too exhausting. Smash getting too heated? Play some Baba to unwind. Baba getting too peaceful? Play some Smash. It's been nice.
A couple of days ago I got back from a week long business trip. I don't know what's fucking gotten into me, but after a week of not jerking it, I feel like I've been possessed by a fucking sex demon. It's fucking miserable. I've been horny non-stop for the past three days, and it's gotten to the point where I'm constantly getting nose bleeds, especially when I'm doing the deed, I've literally ripped skin on the tip of my penis, gay porn memes aside, and sometimes I just ejaculate a bit of blood from my urethra when I orgasm. It bleeds whenever I jerk it and it fucking hurts.
But for some reason, the pain just turns me on harder. I don't know if I've been possessed by the soul of some porn star or I'm being haunted by a ghost succubus or some shit, but I literally cannot stop being horny. I feel the need to jerk it every couple of hours or so, and I can't fucking stop it. It hurts but at the same time feels just so fucking good. My teenage self fucking wishes he could have this much of a sex drive, but I'm not even doing anything different. I'm still a virgin and I'm still just beating my meat the same way I have been for over a fucking decade now. I don't know what's going on and I both want to stop it yet keep masturbating at the same time. Please help
Do you have free health care? If yes go to hospital. If no jerk off until you bleed to death
In my experience, everyone in the university setting is pretty much scared shitless of looking like an imbecile. Most of the people there aren't that much different from you and probably feel the same way about you and everyone else.
Your problem is that you are hoping to find someone who you can have a "connection" with, which is extremely rare. The people who seem to get along with everyone and have lots of friends are just charismatic individuals who don't give a shit about forming connections, but rather about having people to communicate with at any level, be it a deep connection or a basic, surface-level acquaintance.
I remember when I first started college I was also depressed about not making a ton of new friends, but that's only because I was memed into believing college would be this wonderful place where friends and lovers alike are discovered as soon as you get there.
It doesn't work like that. It never has and it never will. Some people are just fortunate enough to discover people like that along their path. In your case, you may have to wait a bit longer than the people that you envy.
You need to focus less on trying to make friends and more on trying to learn what you need to learn in order to become a competent and autonomous person. Once you have reached that point, friends and acquaintances will fall into your lap so naturally that you won't even notice it happening.
The cops stalled and didn't want to talk to her or go to the location. She kept everything as it was and finally mentally prepared herself for the horribly invasive rape kit tests. They avoided answering or calling back for so long that someone else finally told us it was too late. They just blatantly didn't care. They went out of their way to avoid helping, so she gave up. She didn't want to go through more of what caused her to leave home and cross states to get away from her dad when the cops didn't care that he punched her in the face.
They also immediately thought I was making her say he did it for some reason. They insisted on only ever talking to her without me present. I was clearly more suspicious to them than a guy who locks someone in a work closet and rapes them. And leaves himself signed in on a messenger on the work computer where he's talking to someone and insulting my wife while saying he could have her basically whenever.
Stories like this are always a reminder to me that no matter what kind of a person you are- good, bad, or whatever- sometimes life just shits on you.
You're really generous for only bashing him in a bit with the hook. I would've gouged one of his eyes out.
I'm also in university. I give up on making friends since a year ago. I have some friends in the past and they were good to me but they eventually left me (or I left them) once hs or cc was over. My mum says I'll never get a friend since I'm too naive/idealistic in friendship. She's probably right and it hurts user. Wish we can have friendship robot like Doraemon soon.
>almost thirty
>Job going no where
>No good aspects in life
Just end me
I do appreciate this advice, and I know once I get into the workplace the connections start whether I want it or not, since the few people I still talk to other than this website have come from jobs I've worked in the past.
The problem is I crave daily social interaction and don't get any and I feel like that's a lot of the reason I feel so down all the time. Posting here and on other social media is only so fulfilling.
I have a terrible migraine tonight. I've thrown up about 5 times in the past two hours.
I was in your shoes. Cut ties. It hurts but the loneliness is better. Grow stronger, live, and move on. There are better things out there. Also, fact: if she already is fucking another dude after breaking up and admits to having feelings for you, she's a child. Move on, user.
I have a friend who calls me up every now and then to talk about what's going on in his life and such. I hate talking on the phone with people and I especially hate the fact that he would rather call me than text me. I have found that he only calls me to have one-sided conversations about his troubles and it irritates me to no end, mostly because he is a fucking dumbass who deliberately puts himself in stupid situations.
I've decided to avoid talking with him unless it's through text message. Having to hear him bitch and moan about how much he hates his life is fucking unbearable, and he's manipulated me at least once or twice before into picking up the phone and having a pointless conversation with him.
That level of desperation is pitifully off-putting and is usually a sign of extreme immaturity in a person over the age of 25. I just hope you aren't doing shit like that to cope with your loneliness, user.
Are you taking any meds for migraines? If not then you may want to start if it gets so bad that you start vomiting.
Should have permanently capped his knee or ankle hell you could have castrated him.
Nothing like that. For me it's either text messages or meeting face to face. The way I cope with my loneliness is to go onto chatting apps and try to start up a conversation with a total stranger, to varied results
He's not your friend, you clearly hate him and don't care about trying to help with his troubles. Awful quick to label, blame, and put down others, aren't you. Sociopath.
>Live in Canada
>Keep hearing about my friends either dealing with abusive living situations or, in particular in the US, coming close to poverty due to healthcare
>Know I can't really do anything about it due to distance
I don't have any medicine for them. I don't usually get migraines, so I have never seen a doctor for them. And it's not like I could see one this time of night. I only took advil. I guess I'm feeling a little better two and a half hours later.
>Load up Animal Crossing after two years
>Town is mostly deserted, apart from a few villages i never liked and weeds are everywhere
I started going to a clinic because I can't focus on anything except video games or other fun things, and every time I'm told it's anxiety/depression. But none of the meds have affected me in any way at all, and none of the advice from my psych has helped, and I've felt it's from ADD since that's what other anons have told me when I described my symptoms. But I'm constantly bombarded by other thoughts, just about life, death, things in my past, things around me, annoying sounds, lights, things I have to do, etc. just all the time. It's like everything around me and everything in my mind is competing for attention every second of the day. Would adderall help this or make it worse? The ONLY thing that has ever helped me focus has been weed, when it doesn't just make me paranoid.
You guys ever feel so stressed that you choose to not desire or look for a girlfriend for like 10 years?
Why do I barely care about this? Im hetero as fuck, I just feel like having a girlfriend would be so much upkeep. But that probably isn't true? But maybe it is? I've literally had zero GF for my entire life and what's most distressing about this is that I don't care about what I'm missing. This is bothering me BECAUSE I'm just watching myself let life pass me by, but I still have no real desire for a GF, outside of being able to have had that experience.
It's hard to not see myself as a victim due to the fact that my life was sidetracked for about 4 years when I got leukemia and also had my right side of my body paralysed, but I feel like I don't victimize myself too much, but maybe I use it as an excuse to not get out there? I still can't walk so well, and I can't safely use a car yet, but I'm doing exercise almost every day. I just saw a chiropractor earlier today and now I'm waiting for my general doctor to approve of me getting some back and groin X-rays.
There's just so much shit to do and things to stress me out, it's too much to imagine what it would take to not only find but even maintain a relationship with a GF at all.
The healthcare system here is fucked, and anyone who says otherwise hasn't taken a good enough look at it.
The problem is we let these big companies be in charge of insurance, which allowed doctors to charge more, which let the insurance companies charge more etc. etc.
The problem now is those insurance companies are big companies and you can't just get rid of them and make public healthcare available or you'd be eliminating hundreds of thousands of jobs. You also can't make it affordable to everybody because both private hospitals and the insurance companies don't want to because it means significantly less income for them. It's another one of those political situations where there's no right answer.
You're probably right about that. Hanging out with him at first was fine, but after a while a lot of his mannerisms, comments, and behaviors started to irritate me relentlessly. I thought maybe it was just me being unreasonable, but I've decided that's not the case.
He's just a desperate parasite that I made the mistake of hanging out with more than once. He's latched onto me tightly for emotional support despite the fact that I have none to give. All I have for what he does is utter disdain, and I highly doubt that's going to change any time soon.
The little faggot needs to grow the fuck up and quit acting like the victim of some insidious drama. Men who act like this make me fucking sick, and that's why I've decided to avoid him. Maybe then he can find some other poor sap to sink his fangs into.
If you don't want a GF, why do you feel like you are doing something wrong by not getting one?
the edgelord in me just says that we should do what they did in Mr. Robot. I imagine it's a bit harder to do that in real life though, just due to the sheer amount of loose ends you would need to cover.
FOMO I guess? I feel like I should want one, and I do, but not badly enough to actually do anything about it. I just feel weak and powerless when it comes to actually putting in the work when so many other areas of my life need my attention before anything like that does.
Being busy and distracted sucks.
just be yourself dude
8:13 am, cloudy weather, woke up an hour ago, my head hurts a little. I just want to sleep for the rest of the day. Listening to old Serbian folk music to ''raise my spirit''.
I struggled with that too when I moved out of state for college. My freshman year was one of the darkest years of my life. (19, new city, 300 miles away from closest friend/relative) Campus services were shit, my grades were poor and I never found anyone as trustworthy as the guys I grew up with.
After several roommates and a few years of uni, I eventually decided I was happier alone. Know where you stand, be polite, and don't rely on other people. Get stronger, keep the things you love close by, and be realistic. I mean that in the most positive way possible. Things will always work out as long as you keep trying.
t. accounting+art double major, walking oxymoron
I've been out of work for six months now, unemployment pay is out, and I'm having to cope with the fact that I might not be able to find work in my chosen field in my current region. I recently bought several acres from my aunts of the land where my grandparents lived, and to continue to afford to live there, I will probably be stuck getting a low paying job with no prospects if something doesn't open up soon, or I will have to move to a large city and get an apartment, though the pay there is much better.
On top of that, I don't really have any friends IRL, and my online friends aren't playing much anymore, so I spend most of my days and nights staring at a computer screen playing video games, eating ramen noodles, and not going out to meet people because I'm trying to keep my saving intact. I haven't had a steady girlfriend in seven years, and without a job, I have no ability to attract anyone as it's a giant red flag that my life isn't in order.
Video games are now failing to dull the pain of my failure as the truth creeps in more and more. I'm occupying my time with MMOs since they provide a semblance of structure, but even that isn't really doing it for me much. I recently registered a business name and will attempt to work locally and support myself through contract labor, but the last time I did that, I only managed around $8-12k per year.
I'm also exceptionally mad at my last place of work, I quit because they treated their employees like shit but paid well to keep everyone around. While I don't care about my own predicament, the abuse the supervisors laid out on us eventually led to a friend of mine committing suicide, and the parties responsible will never be held accountable for it. Most of all though, I blame myself, because while I worked there, I always told him, "We may be miserable, but at least we're miserable together!" And then I left him to the wolves.
Hey OP.
Take it easy.
If you cut off ties from someone, stop thinking about him and move on.
As for being afraid of pissing people off, my advice would be to find a way to get past the mentality that other people's opinion matters. Most people you only meet once and that's not enough time to make an impact. It's meme advice but the best thing to do is be yourself, act like you, say what you want to because regardless of how you act a majority of people won't remember you the next day.
Your favorite video game is shit. My favorite video game is your least favorite video game.
fuck you
my favorite video game is your least favorite video game
i feel nothing, but i suppose this isn't terrible
>tfw at the point of loneliness that you're seriously considering just going gay
trying to come to terms that i may be bi-polar. suffered a lot of family deaths the past few years as well as plain losing friends and loved ones due to my outbursts. the most recent ones were bad, i was with someone for about a year, and looking back on what i said i have no doubt theres something wrong with me. now im all alone but i do what i can to keep myself company and get through the day. it could always be worse than it is now. been playing yakuza kiwami cause its fun and i like getting lost in the world of it, as well as DMC5 even though im not that good at it.