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OP is Miyazaki
7 more days until souls babies get dabbed on.
Yeah I doubt that
They made it spiderman-like to appeal zoomers
You can bet anything that its casual as fuck
the irony here is too subtle, i almost thought you were serious for a sec ahah
Except people who will just go and use trainers/cheat engine. The same people on Yea Forums who tell others to "git gud"
Literally who cares how you play the game? This is like saying "anal porn is the only REAL way to enjoy porn" when people have their different preferences
How is this game not easier than souls? It seems I can disengage from any battle easily and then take out my opponents one at a time?
I'm sure this will be common.
Hopefully they don't nerf it like they did with the Angels in TRC.
Link is to music video, not working/wrong link?
you can but not with boss battles, so it's pretty useless
Git gudder
It's interesting to note that from the streamers, the Drunkard or Shinobi Hunter are the hardest bosses, and they're mini-ones, ironically.
Hes trolling, ibviously
Link ?
Holy fucking based
But its not out yet user-kun
>he doesn't know
Be honest, guys.
On a scale of one to ten (1-10), rate how:
Excited you are for this game
How Hard you think it will be (compared to other souls games or not)
What score you think it'll get
I'm really on the fence, i think they would all be 6 or 7 at most for me
Forever based
How are the environments in the game? Bloodborne-tier?
Do people honestly summon for their first playthrough?
>Excited you are for this game
I've been craving something from From. I'm pretty excited, 8/10.
>How Hard you think it will be (compared to other souls games or not)
Maybe slightly harder.
>What score you think it'll get
Seeing how the souls games and bb hover around 90 on metacritic, I'd say 9/10
>about an 8, prior to the gameinformer footage onwards it was about a 5
>A lot harder than any souls game because you can just grind out levels or summon for anything you had trouble with and here its like an action game where you just have to sit down and fully utilize what you have to win.
>probably 8.5 because its not an rpg and somehow thats a bad thing. too hard.
This fellows at the temple who have the straw cloaks and glaive things look really tough too. Juzou doesn't look too bad to me, but everyone was having trouble with him so he must be.
I wonder why they significantly reduced fall damage for this game. I fully expect people to sequence break, even after they added fog walls
very excited to pirate
About 8 on the hype meter.
I think it will be a bit harder because of the lack of attributes to over level, but all the abilities probably make up for the difficulty.
Score will be around 90~.
One streamer was getting nowhere with one of them, then another jumped in.
where is oatmeal man when you need him to make games harder because pussies can't beat it?
If co-op was the issue then just have PvP
I found an item called divine confetti that let's your attacks hit ghosts. This game is going to get wild.
They seem more well designed than what previous games mini-bosses have been, which is just PVP with the AI having specific weapons/gear.
Damn you got me there,
10 on excitement I don't play many videogames anymore this will be the first since DS3 still loyal to these devs.
I think it will be a few points harder than souls like if souls is 7/10 hard this would be 8 or 9. But difficulty is a weird thing to jundge. If it is just difficult because it requires zoomer reactions and awkward inputs on a poorly designed controller then meh not really what I call difficulty. We will see.
using 3rd party extensions on 4channel is illegal
>spider man
the dumbest shit works every time somehow
5 since I'm not really into the Japanese setting as much as From's medieval/Victorian Europe ones.
5, there will be areas/bosses everyone will hate as always but beyond that if it's that much more difficult I will be surprised.
So is being under 18 but that isn't stopping you.
Are all the Souls-like game difficult?
I played Demon's Souls, but didn't get far.
I've been playing The Surge, it was hard at first, but I got the controls down, figured out armor and weapons, and learned the gameplay, now I love it.
Thanks bro, i love that song, but I wanted a torrent
Hunters were among the most difficult enemies in Bloodborne too.
>Souls-like game
god i fucking HATE this term
You quit a game that isn't out?
Nah they are only a bit challenging at the beginning until you are used to the controls and rhythm of things
2 or 3
Looks like it might be okay, but not big on japanese settings and I'm a huge stats, armor, and weapons fag and making different builds and characters. I know fags are going around saying this makes it better and you can't brute force now, but I don't care, if I wanted to play a pure action game, I'd play DMC, which I am and it's 10/10 and that let's me have different weapons and characters.
Kinda true. I needed help with Blood Starved Beast and had to call in a dude from vg
>[YouTube] Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Official Music Video) (embed)
I didn't like this game at all, it's just a Lords of the Fallen copy paste. If you find The Surge easy right now you'll have no problem with any Dark souls
Based & Redpilled and saved
>Excited you are for this game
8.5, it looks like a great blend of ninja gaiden and Nioh
>How Hard you think it will be
generally easier than the earlier games with some elements that will put even the deepest Chalice dungeons to shame
>What score you think it'll get
It just took time to got familiar with it. I'm about 25 hours in about 2/3rds through the game.
Pretty cool a sequel is supposed to be released later this year.
i feel the same way about everything. the setting, variety of weapons and general combat flow were my favorite things about dark souls, to the point where i didnt even like bloodborne that much. as cool as this game might/probably will be, it's just not doing it for me. ghosts of tsushima looks more interesting because its going hard body on the samurai combat style, none of this grappling hook/overhead instakill takedown shit.
as far as DMC5 goes, i never even beat 4. nero is so fucking boring to play as i couldn't even force myself to get up to dante's segment. i might redownload it and force myself through it soon, though
I like the game a lot too user.
Especially the satisfaction of slicing enemy limbs off for gear which more games should copy.
frankly, only bloodborne is difficult, and that's only if you don't summon. the other games are all piss easy no matter what you do.
i shouldnt even reply to you since you have such shit taste but there are no instant kills in sekiro. stealth attacks and finishing blows merely do a set amount of damage. its only enough to oneshot weak hollow tier enemies.
Shuriken are going go be great. It's your bread and butter ninja weapon. Stagger from a distance and then quickly close the gap.
oh, thats good news. i've only seen clips of what looked like asscreed instakill moves here; shoulda figured they would only work on scrubs. i haven't been watching trailers or streams much because i'm going to end up playing this sooner or later anyway, but likely not on release. i go in as blind as possible when i can
Apparently they deal more damage to enemies who are airborne, also you get that super shuriken ability
I want to ask why you made a comparison to anal when your point is very easily understood without any comparison.
were you never on Yea Forums when any of the Souls games were coming out? Every other thread was
>what the fuck this boss is impossible
>artificial difficulty
>wow people had issues with this boss?
>I beat it on my first try
>git gud repeated ad infinitum even if it was used appropriately
even with games like Nioh threads were filled with anons trying to prove their "gamer cred" because this place has a horrible obsession with being a casual
When Sekiro comes out it will be no different
because he got buttfucked once and they didnt use lube so it left a bad impression
Can't rightly tell, maybe a 7
88 on visuals alone because no journalist is gonna beat it.
probably a 5-7 overall, most likely a 9 or 10 compared to other Souls games
Oh and as for the score, it will get mostly 9s if the game is a masterpiece, but more likely 8s. It can't get 10s due to the Japanese score tax.
>It can't get 10s due to the Japanese score tax
Unless you are Nintendo and get a big ass bonus score instead
The Nintendo bonus offsets the Japanese score tax
yup, its so hard I literally can't play it
How about a more balanced game like Blo-
>score tax
omega alright
>this webm
>taking your eyes off of the boss
>rolling away from any attack that has no AoE
>looking away from the enemy
Japanese games automatically get docked by 1/10 to 3/30 points. 1 if it's heavily inspired by "western" aesthetics (read: Journalists are too stupid/ignorant to grasp the heavily Japanese themes like the Souls games and base this purely off visuals), 2 if it has an "anime" style and 3 if it has an anime style and attractive women.
Shitter spotted
actually the attractive women tax is separate now
Thoughts on the not-firekeeper Emma?
is she half white? what does she do if not level up your stats? teleport you?
i want to colonize her colon
Increase your healing gourd count I think
>Optional mini bosses are harder than mandatory bosses
Makes sense to me.
god im so ronrey
I like the other girl better
I wish her face was thinner so she looked younger, but the tired mommy look is good too. Hope she has a hugecrack.
What the fuck is that extendo arm bullshit? Go go gadget refund From Softwere
I hope there's a critical mode. One hit and you're dead, but perfect blocking shit lets you execute immediately. I look forward to hundreds of hours with this game but I imagine the long fights may get old after several playthroughs.
Why do we have to rescue this little faggot? I hope we can kill him
>with dick
>came comes out in about a week
>Controller decibes to break right now
>Expensive as hell to replace in here
Maybe she's how you access the skill tree or something.
>bloodborne is hard
nah you're just bad
>Starts having bloody crow flashbacks
>BL4 chalice dungeon run
never gonna do that shit ever again
Imagine falling this hard for marketing.
Are there streams?
a reminder that sekiro is a not a fucking souls clone and that it's full of easy mode shit like chain backstab cloud of blood
1/10 dark souls 3 proved from cuckware made a good game on accident with demon's souls and every game ever since got shittier and shittier
is that a shitty nintendo64 helmet or the hair lmao
Demon's Souls was cringe though
Why not whore yourself?
to be honest i would have had a lot of trouble with bsb if i dint hear one time some say "just dodge left" before i ever found it. i thought "no fucking way do i just dodge left, but boy howdy was i wrong
i was only truly fucked the first time agasint a boss at undead giant cause i actually really enjoyed doing the chalice dungeons, even without coop
Looks fair to me.
Too busy farming (You)s to feed my family in the winter.
>The Owl
Chalice dungeons were really fun desu.
Andre doesn't look so good.
nigga is that his motherfucking hair?
It's more expensive in my hellhole than in Clapistan wtf. I thought regional pricing was supposed to make games more accessible.
still too early, also why ruin the game for yourself?
Im un-derstand, what is link?
Based. How will coop zoomers ever recover from this?
except for chalice rom, fuck that pillar bullshit, i could never get close to him
also undead chain giant vs. my low level burial blade was agony, took maybe 30 tries, at least
>oh look a lever
>oh look a semi hidden room with nothing of note in it
I just wanna see the massive carp boss. I love giant lake monsters, and am curious how it plays with the sword and grappling hook combo.
>All those automated context sensitive areas
Why cant it just be manual?
Doom Eternal has the right idea
Leave it to From Soft to be constantly behind as always
>depth 6 dungeon
>pull big lever
>opens a door to a room with two of the sanic madmen in it and a giant ornate chest
>open cheset
>ritual blood (2)
I'm not letting myself get excited because I already got DMC 5 and The Division 2 this month, but I would say it's a solid 7
I think they won't make it too hard, maybe a little easier than playing Dark Souls for the first time, but basic mobs will probably be stronger
It will get 80+
DMCV and RE2 exceeded my expectations. Sekiro being the only game I'm looking forward to now, I'm all in at 10. I think it'll be as good as Bloodborne
They were HP sponges with 3-4 shot kill weapons. Trying to kill the bloody crow with my twink was a fucking nightmare. I have no idea how I did it.
Chalice Dungeons with a low level build were the hardest bullshit I ever had to put up with in any souls game
for a long time i didnt know chalice dungeons dont scale with ng+'s so when i was busy getting fucking annihilated by the basic chalice enemies for hours and hours i totally forgot how little damage the rest of the stuff in the game does, was really jarring how little damage i took when i went back to central after doing depth 3 or 4 chalices
Because how the fuck would that work properly while you are in combat? Also it would ruin the level design
To be honest, BB shouldve learned from DS2 and let you run while locked on. From soft is fucking backwards.
being good at the game you suck at is an insult now, fucking zoomers
The same way it'll work normally, only you'll choose your points instead of using preset grapple points.
And obviously don't have shit level design.
Besides, He's already flying around like a spiderman, at least give us the manual option to choose where at least.
watching a corridor fill up with red spiders filled me with a sense of dread i dont often feel from video games
Fucking spider niggers, I hated them so much.
Why play games at all when you want them to be played for you.
Spider-Man has anchor points too, thank god you aren’t a game designer. Fuck off with your shitty ideas
but to choose your points would require you to stop and aim your camera at where you want to go, witch works great for doom, but would work terribly in a game with as heavy focus on lock on like sekiro, just seeing a symbol flash on your screen knowing you could grapple to it while still locked on works so much better in that context
>gascoigne family
God I'm so glad retards like you are never able to affect game development
Like 2 or 3 times I thought that I'd manage to give one of them a good ending. Basically pushed them all to their doom.
That sure was a highlight in dungeons.
I hope it's this way.
I would love to see the backlash from redditor co-op souls lovers.
you lose nothing on death so theres no need to pussyfoot around bosses and shit so it wont be that hard at all
Game is easier than dark souls
Just gid gud faggot
You lose half your experience and all your money, mitigated by a percentage factor based on how many times you've died throughout the game.
there is no experience in the game, you lose nothing at all during death in sekiro
In addition, the more you die has an effect similar to world tendency, where NPCs start getting ill and prevents you from following their questlines.
>not bare foot
The new death penalty system is actually more punishing than the one in Souls. If you keep dying, you could potentially end up losing all your money and experience. That's not even getting into the fact that the dragonrot system could also end up fucking with your progress, further down the line.
experience for what
>no experience
You are retarded, you get XP which is used to unlock stuff in the skill trees. You get money, and XP when you kill shit.
She will be destined for pure suffering won't she?
Shut the fuck up already
Yes, there is experience. There are no stats or traditional "leveling" but each timeyou fill a bar with EXPERIENCE, you get a skill point to spend on one of three or four skill trees. Onea skill point is "banked" it can't be lost, but prior to that, should you die, you lose half of the accumulated experience in the bar. Just look at ANY recent gameplay video.
>there is no experience in the game
There is, filling the experience bar by killing enemies gives you a new skill point. You also get money from killing enemies. Dying over and over results in losing more and more each time.
Points to be spent on skill trees instead of stats. Due your homework, son. You sound like a moron.
>no cute feet to look at
fuck you from i need distractions from the doom and gloom in the form of delicate toes
im considering cancelling my preorder
For the skill tree. You don't get Souls which is for both buying shit in the store and also leveling up. You get money, and XP. Money is for buying shit, like extra uses of your prosthetic abilities. XP is for the skill tree only.
Depends on how gud you are. Just don’t die and she wont get a horrible disease killing her :)
Absolutely nothing wrong with summoning on later playthroughs. And doing a co-op build where you do nothing but help other players is fucking great, one of my greatest memories of the series is doing that around launch of DaS3. So many fucking summons for pontiff.
are you fucking insane or have you been living under your own ass for the past week
I meant "do" of course. I'm very drunk.
Can't wait for the porn.
>people are still falling for the xp loss on death meme
from confirmed theres no xp loss on death at all
>tfw when she ends up dying from dragonrot and it's all your fault
I'm starting to think this for some reason. Wouldn't be surprised ifl the early streamers are paid to hype up the difficulty.
Seriously, this Dragonrot shit will have me playing at my best.
Say no more
Every time some retard tries to post a gif or webm to make the game look bad, they just make it look more irresistible.
Also, check em gay boys.
I beat Amygdala, idk how to finish the rest tho
still can't beat Kos either
confirmed on what? theres literally a chance to lose 70% of gained xp and money on death in the game that can be observed, what re you talking about
Uhh I can level 3 exceed effortlessly, I think I can handle Sekrio.
>wearing sandals
>using those old timey Japanese socks
They're cute
Surge is good in terms of difficulty but the problem is that it doesn't have enough variety in builds to make it worth more than a couple playthroughs. Also the hitbox and camera issues on the assembly boss were so nuts it brought things to a screeching halt
I'm guessing you're an ign reviewer
oh you think you're a cheeky fuckin cunt, arent ya
about from confirming you lose no experience on death
Watch literally any gameplay video that has come out in the last week.
well i know you lose money but i could have fuggin sworn you lose something else when you die, aside from he dragonrot stuff
Eh Dark Souls 3 is probably the most difficult.
no switch no buy
>why is she using appropriate period wear
Really you fucking eta?
Reminder that the people who make these Dark Souls games, actually program DS games with co-op in mind. I mean, they do make the games you know. So in Sekiro there is no summoning, no co-op, you best believe THEY KNOW THE GAME THAT THEY THEMSELVES ARE MAKING and have taken that into consideration when designing it. That picture you posted is the most surface level, r/showerthoughts, "woke" post I think I've ever read. You're smarter than this, c'mon.
The switch can barely run Dark Souls 1, would you really want to play this at a silky smooth 10fps and 480p?
I can't imagine living life being as slow as you guys
Imagine this shit in VR
thoughts about what they mean?
i suppose it would be but rolling has so many fucking i frames and you can do it so many fucking times i cant call it the hardest
i will say it has the most consistently difficult bosses out of any souls game, they can usually be all over the place but aside form like, one or two all of ds3's bosses can kick your ass
>only bloodborne is difficult
Not really, I'd say any game that was your first in the series is the difficult one. If you struggle with anything past that, you're probably just bad.
ya ill bet
my fetish>historical accuracy
Let's not exaggerate here.
More like 368p.
Pvpfags do.
If the progression from Demon's Souls to Dark Souls 3 is any indication, and I think that it most certainly is, this game will be the easiest one yet. Now if it's because we all now have 4 or 5 games worth of this combat style under our belts and the games aren't as esoteric, or if FromSoft just makes a quantifiably easier game, I'll leave that one to the philosophers, but bottom line, should be easier.
literally impossible to tell if it's a low resolution with the switch screens technoogy
>immortal severance is literally the COMMIT SUDOKU ending
Nice. I'm sure it'll be reserved for shitters that couldn't GIT GUD
i only feel sorry for souls fans who never got good at parrying, even if they beat all the games
Yeah I was thinking more the bosses really which had some crazy difficulty spikes. Some of them were insane and then there was shit like the final boss where I beat it first try.
Could also mean that you don’t die/resurrect at all
That little "DUNN" noise after a successful parry is a pure dopamine release. I've never heard a more exquisite sound in all of gaming.
Are you talking about summon babies? I know a lot of the community will be bitching about the parry/jump/dodge mechanics just like they failed to figure out the hyperarmor meta and fast evasive meta of dark souls 3. Everything has to hit hard and slow otherwise it's broken and not real souls.
i hate this meme man. the games are tough but fair and largely reliant on pattern memorization
Can't wait to play the same game for the 6th time.
9/10 I can't wait.
Not counting DLC, BB was much easier than 1 or 3.
I'll give you that Ludwig killed me more than any other boss in the series though.
I can't wait for a new soulslike from fromsoft too, but sekiro will do in the meantime.
>riposte sound in Demon's Souls
more scripted shit than assassins creed.
Reminder that Dark Souls was not meant to be remotely hard and half of the things people praise about it were on accident. People praise how the skeletons “turn you away from the catacombs”, even though pinwheel is very clearly supposed to be an early game boss, people still usually do it after O&S, when you should really go there pretty after the gargoyles, maybe even before.
thats how its been for a lot of from games. That cainhurst fucker is the hardest enemy in bloodborne if you don't cheese him (I always cheesed him).
This. The first you play one is usually always the hardest since you have to readjust from other action games that some random pleb enemy can chunk your HP down if you get careless.
i play a lot od ds1 so i know that one the best, do you think its more satisfying to parry the poison club giants or the berineike knights (massive ormored guys with the maces)? i say berineike just cause of seeing the mace smack into the ground and make a massive noise even as im parrying feels so fucking good, even if i can riposte them
It's the game I've been most hyped in 2 years at least.
Torrent when ?
When I played DS Remastered, I did everything else in the game before I did the Catacombs. I got to Pinwheel, hit him once, and 60% of his health bar depleted. It was then that I knew I should have done this sooner. But, saying that, I'm still not sure if you're supposed to beat Pinwheel early game, and then leave, and do Tomb of Giants later. It seems stupid to have to do it that way.
Yeah you're right, the catacombs are totally easier than the parish/forest. Kill yourself retard.
DaS1 can't remotely be called hard when you can walk around with so much Estus with the kindling feature.
Shura - Chaos ending
Purification - Law ending
Immortal Severance - Neutral ending
Dragon's Homecoming - secret True ending
Logarius? He's a full boss though.
if you make it to the tomb of the giants fiorst bonfire without the lordvessel you may as well just reset your fucking save file
do people actually think this way about the games? I can't definitively say a single game is harder than any other, there are just parts of each game that are tougher. Like the Tower of Latria in DeS or (for me) the Nightmare of Mensis in Bloodborne
Dark Souls 1 isn't hard, easily the easiest of the series alongside DeS.
Anyone who argues otherwise is brain dead.
pinwhell is the easiest boss as far as health goes, hes piss weak and is the easiest way to get both rite of kindling and gravelord sword at sl1 within the first twenty minutes of the game
he probably means bloody crow
Only souls where I could not parry effectively was 2. Except for lore, fuck that entire game.
Demon's Souls is easier. There's so much broken shit in that game. Magic alone makes the game feel like a cinematic experience at times. Even if you go all melee and no shield, there's only maybe three bosses that pose any real threat.
catacombs are blocked by orange wall until you beat O&S. i found out many things are blocked arbitrarily on my blind playthrough.
only cause they made the disgusting mistake of tieing the first parry frame to whatever the middle of the parry animation is, which changed constantly and never made sense, fuck that garbage it is borderline useless
Ah, that cunt. He's only difficult because the fight is unfair and his ridiculous HP pool. Sekiro mini bosses actually look fair, really they're just regular bosses with less development time put into them.
doesnt even seem like less development, they all have a unique and varied set of moves as well as an area to fight them in, the only thing that is different is that you could run away if you wanted to
armored knight fight looks amazing in the dark hallway
The fact that I still recognize the link on sight... have I been here too long?
Who cares
oh no no no
>could run away
Shit eating grin.jpg
I played the demo on a convention a while back and it's just bullshit. There's a difference between a game being challenging and it being bullshit like that. I fail to see the appeal.
>the only thing that is different is that you could run away if you wanted to
If you mean running away from minibosses, you can't. A fog wall is in place until you kill the miniboss, and bars progression to the next area.
Source? The only fog walls we've seen is one related to the monks I believe and the ogre, neither of which are mini bosses.
You don't know what bullshit is.
But they are you dum dum
I can't browse these threads after today since spoilers are going to become more rampant in the coming week but I wanna say that i'm glad I got to share these past few weeks with you guys, even the retards who acted like it was the end of the world that they weren't getting their way
The Chained Ogre is a mini-boss.
I know there are fog walls at least after the ogre and the shinobi hunter dude in the Hirata Estate level. BUT there's no fog wall before them, meaning you can run away form them, but can't run past them. So you have to kill them to progress further.
Redpill me on Activision's involvement with this game.
they get money for funding the project and they helped make the tutorials
They helped develop the gameplay
Their role was advising From on how to make it more accessible for casual players, and integrate microtransactions into gameplay.
There used to be no fog wall, but based on the previous preview of that area players could just run past and avoid mini-bosses entirely. Makes sense because you are way more mobile, but it shows that they have to force some encounters on you in a hamfisted way with fog walls
I played solo in BB when I didn’t have a job and summoned in DS3 when I had a job
The Surge is pure kino
I've always played through in co-op with friends. But I'm also not one of the people to telling others to gitgud or talking shit. I've played through plenty of game that are difficult to where I have nothing to prove. I enjoy the game and talking about lore with Yea Forumsros.
Activision=publish in west
Fromsoft=publish independently in east
With this kind of publishing deal, Sekiro is officially not an Activision IP. There is no involvement of them in the creative process beyond the usual quality control. Miyazaki stated that everything past the title screen is under From's control.
no summon no buy
>stolen valor
Good stuff.
I feel like Bloodstarved beast was my biggest wall in all of the souls games I've played. I actually had an easier time with BSB than I didnt against Moon Blade Horse.
>Their role was advising From on how to make it more accessible for casual players
>from adds more tutorials
>ends up making the rest of the game even more punishing than Souls
I can't wait to see on all the threads with all the seething casuals on here on the 22nd.
Reverse those... easier time with MoonBlade Horse than BSB. I'm retarded.
Win me over with one Sekiro gameplay video.
So far what little I've seen makes the game look mediocre as fuck.
Previews exist, user.
Call me casual but I'd prefer there be no fog walls since it limits how you want to play. You get prayer beads and increase your health from them, what if I wanted to do a low health play through. Plus this game is all about mobility and freedom so the change just feels janky now.
it's not anyone here's job to impress you faggot. The game looks cool, swords clashing going SHING SHING and it's got like 6 buttons to press instead of just 4. you can jump
I dont know if one video will do it to be honest. The combat seems like several steps up from Dark Souls and is much more of an action game than Souls is.
Ludwig 2 should have been harder.
Fuck you
>boss picture.jpg and ARTIFICIAL DIFFICULTY/LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE threads will be a thing in your lifetime again
I swear shitting all over the shitters that make these threads will be almost as enjoyable as playing Sekiro.
Maybe I'm retarded because I had a harder time with Ludwig 1 than I did with 2. I remember telling my friends "all I need to do is get him to the second phase and I stand a chance."
Going back to Dark Souls after all the Sekiro videos is painful, even Dark Souls 3/BB are too slow and all the rolling/dodging is lame.
Nioh is keeping me occupied for now but the level design and monster variety is terrible.
>cant provide any media that makes the game stand out
Based. Can't wait to see you guys spend threads rationalizing your purchases.
Good response.
Thankfully I have DMC to entertain me right now along with getting my friend into MonHun GenUlt. I'm really looking forward to Sekiro though, it looks so God damn good. I've been trying to keep myself from watching things but as soon as I get into the YouTube rabbit hole theres no escape. What skill tree do you see yourself using most?
What do you think will be the "farming for blood vials" bitching of Sekiro?
I wouldn’t if I had friends.
google "sekiro gameplay" retard there's a ton of stuff out there. i dont have to justify a purchase equivalent of 2.5 hours of work
Whatever the little cross things you use as shuriken and power your not-devil breaker.
Spirit emblems probably
>already made up my mind about this game
>waste your time linking me shit that I'll just say looks like shit so I can shitpost more
fuck off, faggot
>Skill trees replace the RPG stat leveling
>Unlockable combat arts
>Two weapons
>Prosthetics that have a range of utilities (e.g. Hyperarmour axe, flame vent), obtained from the world and levels
>A confirmed combat art shows that it compliments with certain prosthetics to provide an even wider array of attacks
>Dodges have the narrowest i-frames yet in a From game
>You can jump vertically now, no need to run
>Timing deflects, instead of blocking
>Only parrying mechanism is the mikiri, which is only for thrust attacks
>No stamina
>Posture bar: fully filling up the posture meter by attacking and deflecting allows you to strike a critical that removes all their health, they have multiple revives though
>This applies to you aswell
>Timed deflects do posture damage to enemy, however the posture damage is very little, you inflict significantly more posture damage by attacking and performing mikiri (when appropriate)
>This means you can't just stand and deflect
>Perilous attacks like horizontal swipes cannot be blocked, perfect blocked or dodged through, only jumped over
>Posture bar can deplete over time
>You obtain a revive (gained from killing sufficient amount of enemies), so you can come back to life after dying
>Dying induces a world tendency equivalent in Sekiro called dragonrot, an illness that spreads to friendly NPCs in the hub
>More you die, the less chance of "unseen aid" from these NPCs and will eventually lock you out of dialogue, lose chance to obtain useful items/bars progression
>It is said to kill, expect NPCs to die and affect the narrative
>Multiple (4) endings
>World design is their biggest one yet, opens up significantly, early on. Expect it be like DaS1 level design
>There will be multiple mini bosses before a true boss
You seem to get A LOT of them from enemies, to encourage you to use the prosthetic tools. AND you can actually just buy them at the Sculptor's Idols.
Been trying to keep myself relatively spoiler free apart from the first area and boss they revealed, so I don't know much about the skill trees or anything much really.
>6 days
Miserable Guy that doesn't like real girls upon discovering all women are whores.jpg
>Two weapons
but last week you said it was 1 weapon, samefag shitposter. I see you were wrong about something again.
i dont like it says which ones are applicable, i want to experiment all of them to find out on my own
1 is harder, more erratic and aggressive. 2 only has that deceptive backward double slash and the kamehameha, but if you get hit by that you deserve to die.
>Two weapons
I'm not shitposting.
Kusabimaru which we get initially, and Fushigiri later on.
Because Doom is divided into segmented levels, whereas Sekiro will be set into an interconnected world.
There has to be limitations on how much freedom you give to your player for where they can go with their grappling hook, otherwise, a crafty player will find a way to sequence break the entire fucking game by using this hook.
Oh god, some of those blood vial threads were pure gold. I love how the OP in those would always make it obvious that they were just trying to tank through the damage with them, instead of only using them sparingly after failing a dodge and not being able to take advantage of the regain system in time. Running out of blood vials was From's way of telling you that you were playing the game wrong, still not sure how they couldn't grasp that?
Wow, if only all Sekirodrones had brains like you (or any brain)
Sounds easier but with lots of replayability and finely crafted combat pacing. I'll pick it up.
>>All those automated context sensitive areas
>Why cant it just be manual?
>Doom Eternal has the right idea
Ledge grabbing is automatic in Doom and manual in Sekiro.
>cloud of blood
This is the only thing that baffles me about Sekiro. Why does the explosions of blood look like red mist? Bloodborne had visceral attacks that caused beautiful blood explosions, but in Sekiro the blood just looks terrible.
imagine what this dude smells like, my god
>Running out of blood vials was From's way of telling you that you were playing the game wrong
I mean I guess? But really you should just tell people who bitch about that to keep playing because after like 5-10 hours you will never want for vials or bullets again
Because it isn't blood, it's a Ninjutsu smoke technique made to look like a blood explosion.
The fact that some people don't use 4chanX still baffles me.
no he means killing the enemies really does just look like red mist, its like something out of monty python
Oh yeah, Spider-Man invented grappling hooks.
no joke dry anal is probably the hardest difficulty of level 1 fucking
Do you honestly think most people care about the challenge? No, they just want to beat the fucking game so that they can see all the content. That's why most people summon on their first playthrough. Hell, my cousin died like once or twice in Anor Londo and texted me asking me to help him get through the level.
And you should be grateful that so many people do actually want to summon, because the covenant system in these games means that some items can only efficiently be acquired by helping people out. There is no fucking way I'm gonna farm for shit like Sunlight Medals by killing maggots in Demon Ruins and hoping that I'll get good RNG from their low percentage drop rates. Fuck that shit.
thank you for recommending me to this, its so much better than vanilla
I honestly wonder what it is about Souls threads that attract these kinds of people. You see tons of other challenging games getting released but they all seem more civilized and reasonable. Like, I don't ever remember Super Meat Boy getting annoying threads like that. Sure there are people that complain about so-and-so sections being too hard, but it's always done so in a non-bait kind of way.
>after like 5-10 hours you will never want for vials or bullets again
I think that's giving people that couldn't even beat Gascoigne too much credit.
This website is almost unusable without it.
I smell fantastic. My daytime scent is a finely crafted mixture of light citrus with a wood accord and a lavender undertone.
You see, I actually have standards. I don't blindly buy games because MUH EPIC SAMURAI ACTION and I know better than to trust From as I played release DaS2.
Those aren't automated context areas. It's more like Assassin's Creed' climbing mechanic. There are plenty of areas where you can climb and you can pick which path you take.
But fast shitty damage feels bad compared to winding up and smashing out a gorillion damage
>There is no fucking way I'm gonna farm for shit like Sunlight Medals by killing maggots in Demon Ruins and hoping that I'll get good RNG from their low percentage drop rates. Fuck that shit.
I'm a solofag and some of the covenant grinds in these games made me feel like slitting my wrists.
>all that typing
just watch gameplay videos i don't get how you're this dumb, you smelly faggot
you sound like you smell and act like a fag
>Running out of blood vials was From's way of telling you that you were playing the game wrong, still not sure how they couldn't grasp that?
Exactly. Blood Vials become trivial as you progress through the game. There's a Depth 2 (or maybe it was 3, I forgot since it's been 2 years since I've touched BB) Loran chalice dungeon that has room filled with super easy enemies that is super close to a lamp that you can farm for blood echoes. You can get like 100K+ blood echoes very easily. Later on, there is an Isz chalice filled with tons of dumb little aliens that you can farm for 300K+ blood echoes very easily by mashing R1 on those little faggots all day. Once you unlock these chalices, you'll never ever even run out of blood vials.
The "threat" of losing blood vials just becomes nonexistent after that. And at that point, if you want to spam Blood Vials all day and play tanky, it's fine.
Footfags deserve death, reee etc
Bamco's shitty promotional material for the "Prepare to Die" edition and years of tabloid journos pushing the "dark souls difficulty" meme on any game that is remotely difficult culminated into the tryhard fanbase you see today.
But that doesn't meaning challenging games aren't worth being excited for.
If you indeed are a solofag, then just use Cheat Engine. There is no shame in using CE to give yourself the amount of covenant items or other rare drops you want. You shouldn't have to be at the mercy of RNG just to be able to level up your covenant.
Using MMO-tier RNG loot droprates is always bad design no matter what.
The sound cody's perfectly timed command grab in v trigger 2 makes, from street fighter 5
>Excited you are for this game
6/10, will pirate and play through once.
>How Hard you think it will be (compared to other souls games or not)
Much easier than any other soulsborne game.
>What score you think it'll get
10/10, game journalists will love the new "difficulty"
Yep. Even as far back as the first console release for Dark Souls 1, they used a website called
Just look at the description in this video from 7 years ago.
>use Cheat Engine
Kind of hard to do that on PS4.
Do we know how much of the game is stealth? Everything else looks interesting but the stealth looks like bamham shit and it's making me hesitant on buying the game.
>zoomers desperate to be part of the played-a-From-game-on-release club start chimping out
I'm glad I started with DaS. Even the BBfags were more tolerable than the Sekirodrones.
underrated post
and yet you and so many others have no problem shitting on the game when you havent played even a fucking second of it
youre not better than anyone here
i bought Demon's Souls pre-owned for $40 back in like 2010 dude, i'm not obsessed with anything, if you don't understand why you're a huge, terrible-smelling faggot, you should read this post that you conveniently ignored:
>Excited you are for this game
10/10, because this is From Software's first no-frills character action game. This game might give me the Ninja Gaiden 3 I've always wanted but never got. And no, Ninja Gaiden 3 doesn't exist. It's a figment of your imagination. Neither does that thing called Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z. That doesn't exist either.
>How Hard you think it will be (compared to other souls games or not)
I mean, the fact that it's a singleplayer game without co-op already makes it harder, since you can't just summon people to steamroll through bosses and levels for you. The fact that "leveling" will be reserved for powering up skills like in a character action game instead of making your stats stronger like in a RPG also means that you can't just make an overpowered character and faceroll enemies that way.
The only way it can be easier is if the tools or skill upgrades they give us are broken or overpowered. Like, you know how in Metroid Zero Mission the upgrades you get turn the alien space pirates from the most scariest enemies you can find to just complete and utter jokes? That's what I mean. I hope it's not like that in Sekiro.
>What score you think it'll get
9 and 10, easily. Journalists are too scared of giving FROM Software games anything lower than that. Even Dark Souls 2 got high scores. Of course, there probably will be that one or two journalists out there that deliberately give it a lower score to pontificate about the "toxicity" of hardcore gamer culture being exclusionary or some retarded shit like that.
I ignored that post because it is wrong. I genuinely wanted reasons to buy this game and sold me on it. Now it's just Sekirodrones acting persecuted as always instead of defending the game.
Its not forced at all, except apparently the snake sequence which I don't know if its mandatory to go through that way or not. Stealth seems like one of those mechanics that lets the game be more approachable to the masses, but not a I-Win button against the mini bosses and actual bosses
I thought the point was that you let someone beat the boss for you and then you beat the boss for other people
you're completely incoherent, nobody knows what you're talking about user
>because this is From Software's first no-frills character action game
Nah, they already made Otogi and Ninja Blade. Ninja Blade was pretty bad though.
>Sekiro is not more like Assassin's Creed than Assassin's Creed nowadays
Based, fuck Ubi for killing AC and turning it into TW3 electric boogaloo.
What did they mean by this?
It now has a proper tutorial.
Read the article, they were talking about the tutorial.
this looks cool desu
Based, absolutely based
1. Not a soulsborne fan myself. It's not that they're "too hard" or anything. They ARE hard but I don't really enjoy the games.
others dont matter since I dont follow. You asked for honesty, there is mine.
>No stamina
This is the best. I fucking hate stamina systems in games. I hated it in Monster Hunter, I hated it in Diablo 2, I hated it Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia and I hated it in all Souls games.
Stamina bars are only second to cooldown systems in things in I hate in combat-related mechanics.
This nigga isn't wrong. Fuck you people, I've played the online parts of these games, you haven't. I've gotten hate mail after invading a dude where he says he's trying to summon his friend, or to stop killing said friend, because he needs help cheesing a boss with an overleveled character buddy. There are people out there that got the games only because they knew someone else that beat them many times, and played co-op with those people so they could breeze through a game.
We can argue all day and night about how people play or why, but the statement was made: why the fuck would you PAY money for a game to have someone else beat it for you? It's literally pointless and a borderline insult to games as a hobby. I personally know THREE motherfuckers who absolutely refused to play alone and flat out quit if we couldn't connect for co-op, and one of them got lost at the starting areas of Bloodborne even though you literally go straight and that's it. Do NOT fucking underestimate how retarded people are and how they latch on to games as nothing more than a social thing for imaginary social gamer points.
Will this game cure my vidya depression after kh3
it's perfectly fine to use games as a social gathering tool. that's why smash bros sells millions of copies, because it's fun to play video games with friends. whether or not you think it's valid as a motive to play a game or not doesn't matter, because plenty of people do it and feel satisfaction with their choice. their money was well spent so long as they get to experience something with their friends.
now, mind you, if your motive to playing a game is to conquer a challenge, and that challenge is made trivial with friends, of course using co op is a bit of a cop out. but not everyone buys games with the goal of conquering a challenge. some buy games just for the social aspect.
>Tomb of Giants
is literally closed until you get the Lordvessel you absolute retard
isn't that why people got mad at the battlefield devs?
>he never had close friend to play DS in coop with
>but not everyone buys games with the goal of conquering a challenge. some buy games just for the social aspect.
This. Some just buy it to see what the fuss is all about. And in that case, why would they care about challenge if they don't like it? If someone bought a game to understand the hype, but didn't end up liking the challenge, but at the same time still wanted to get their money's worth, then they'll understandably summon others to get them through the game and help them see all the content the game has to offer.
>no online features at all
not gonna lie, seems like a torrent
Is it out already?
Agreed, why would you every Summon to ruin your first experience? Co-op is exclusively to gank invaderniggers.
when is the review embargo up
I'm tempted to preorder
6 more days.
No review copies are getting sent out.
Summoning makes it harder because it adds a layer of unpredictability on top of disproportionate scaling. At least on the actually difficult shit.
That scaling shit only applies to the bosses. Regular enemies aren't effected.
>another of these webms meant to game looks bad somehow
That's the reason you Yea Forumsgotts can't solve any math riddles, you are completely braindead
Who the fuck summons at anything other than bosses?
the ONLY based stonetoss comic
Her face reminds me of the wife who falls in love with Tom Cruise in The Last Samurai.
People who want to get through levels without any effort?
this game is gone get nerfed in the first week.
unironic 8.5
but im not hyping it up like some insectoid or expecting a masterpiece. i jsut want intense fights and cool bosses. and lets see what more it has to offer.
I liked playing a little bit of co op with my friend, but other than that I agree with this change. How does this affect PVP though?
Since they first announced weebsouls my only thought was how will moonlight greatsword be worked into this game?
5/10, with no replayability due to trying other builds and weapons or online, it will get old fast
That's why I got DMC and will get this on a sale.
Well only nito is closed off, you could go through all of the dark bits if you really felt like it, just good luck getting out afterwards
Demon's is the easiest one by far you retard.
You literally can buy 198 fullheals and cast them in a microsecond.
And the 90% bosses are gimmicks that require near zero mechanical skill once you figure out the trick.
With the exception of Sekiro, almost all the good releases of the year will be after the summer. Fucking sucks.
At least I'll have 3 weeks off work to play Sekino.
This game isn't going to sell well. I'm a Soulsborne fan and this sounds too hard, to the point where it won't be fun, just annoying. So I'm not buying. They're further alienating an already niche fanbase with this.
>Oh wow the game is EASIER. Heh, you can't sate a hardcore gamer like ME with a game that's EASY MODE. What were they THINKING?
Why is the game being easier a turning point for some of you absolute faggots? You can't enjoy a good game because the last games were a little bit harder? How two dimensional is your thought process?
Excitement: 9/10
Difficulty: more difficult than soulsborne
Metacritic score: 92
It's really lame how small Nito's closed off area actually is, they should've just closed off the Tomb after Pinwheel and have it be his post-lordvessesel area.
Would also keep new players that go there from struggling with the area only to be blueballed by a gate and having to go back all the way to Firelink on foot.
Easy = boring
I actually like to figure out enemies, bosses and what mechanics work on what instead of just mashing buttons and winning without thinking.
>I'm a Soulsborne fan
Not a souls game.
They said it's not going to be in as it's not same universe not a soul game
The Owl will have it.
It's still hard you bumbling ape, it's just not as difficult.
What’s it’s like to lack a brain?
I always felt like it would be a peaceful experience but it doesn’t look like that for you, im sorry
4chanX + OneeChan masterrace
Make a STR build with the beast cutter, use chain mode and you'll stunlock then kill 5+ spiders at once.
Key is not to attack to late and get stunlock yourself or to early and missing most of them.
Once you find the perfect range this weapon feels like a cheat code.
I give it about 3/10, Im done with the open world bullshit games.
Not catacombs, it's tomb of the giants that is blocked off. All the areas that lead to the four lordsouls are as well.
Except the abyss and four kings, can do that at the start of the game for kaathe and his covenant
>single player only
give me ONE reason why I shouldn't just pirate the shit out of this?
That's only because they have juiced stats and cheaty AI
I don't expect Sekiro to differ much in that regard.
Yes because I'm not a faggot who plays game for epeen points, co-op is part of the game and neglecting having fun with other people for bragging rights that no one cares about is retarded
To encourage you to use the verticality of levels
All the games had a proper tutorial though
I am pretty sure the red hooded guy on top of the roof won't give you the key to the seal until you acquire the lordvessel which blocks you off from the four kings
lmao get good fag
It's a better game than what most other studios have put out in years and should be held up by the community as a shining example.
Tooltips on the ground doesn't make a proper tutorial.
How the is that not a proper tutorial? Do you seriously need a fucking voiceover to understand something? if you're literally too fucking stupid to be able to read, no tutorial can help you.
>They said it's not going to be in as it's not same universe not a soul game
That doesn't make any sense though. The Moonlight sword shows up in a lot of From games (Armored Core, Otogi, King's Field). If they really said this, does that mean that Armored Core and Souls are in the same universe?
actually yes. first spider man or the second, some of those
Are you really that stupid? Instead of explaining what backstabs are on the ground, have a pop up when you approach the enemy describing it, instead of explaining what an Ashen flask does on the ground, have a pop up appear when you pick it up like every other fucking game. Are you so retarded that you're unable to grasp the difference between what I said and a useless tooltip on the floor that you need to strawman the other extreme?
Why is everyone JCD suddenly?
Try killing that guy next time
so im assuming a controller will still be the way to go.
JC became a Fortnite meme for some reason. Most of the people you see with JC avatars now, are zoomers that have never played Deus Ex. I wish I was joking about that.
>have a pop up when you approach the enemy describing it,
So literally the same as a message on the ground behind the enemy.
Why the fuck do you need constant popups covering your screen? that would be fucking obnixous when going through the tutorial after the first time.
>literally so fucking stupid that you have to have instructions shoved in your face
wew lad, try just killing yourself.
Honestly Sekiro would have been a great 7/10 game 10 years ago, now its just getting overhyped because of Froms reputation.
>So literally the same as a message on the ground behind the enemy.
Have you watched people try to play Dark Souls on YouTube or Twitch? They run past tutorial signs and then can't figure out basic mechanics, that's why Sekiro has a forced tutorial system.
most people have not actually played it they just know the memes
kek i'm a goody-two-shoes fag. I didn't even consider that.
During E3 : 9/10
Now : 6/10
pvpfag here, no thats gay
Stamina in monster Hunter is probably the way it's done best. Only certain actions take stamina, and the best part is attacking doesnt.
I can agree with that. At least, if you don't like the stamina system, you can farm Dash Juice to make stamina a non-issue.
True, or have a healslut horn user in your pocket.
sudoku urself polycuck shill
i have always played all darksouls games and bloodborne oflline. cant stand playing online
Is Sekiro the Dark Souls of Dark Soul games?
It's the dark souls of nioh
why not just use tomorrow style?
any advantage I don't see on oneechan?
It's single player. Just download a trainer.
Very exited. I think on one hand it will be hard for me personally (never liked needing to parry) but its already a given that it will be easier on the other because you get a free second life when you die.
Would love to buy the game, but 13 hours aren't enough
But the game isn't even released yet.
You described Dark Souls perfectly, retard.
This. They've taken the luring mechanic from Souls and made it so that you can go up to a higher height and use stealth to take them out individually instead of cautiously stepping forward then backwards to do so.
It's around 40/50
Bloodborne is same universe as darksouls?
>scale of 1-10
>How Hard you think it will be?
It will be harder than most souls games at first because everyone will be getting used to the combat but afterwards it will be as hard as any other dark souls game
between 85-94. i can already feel game journos complaining about small bs
>On a scale of one to ten (1-10), rate how: Excited you are for this game
About 8/10. I was really excited for DMC5 so I completely skipped the months of hyping up Sekiro and realize now there's only less than a week until release so I'm quite happy that I don't feel like I have had to wait for so long
>How Hard you think it will be (compared to other souls games or not)
For me, just as easy and maybe even easier. This is because of deflect and how the combat revolves around deflect and posture. I have played many games with timed parry or block mechanics and I'm adequately skilled at it. Nothing I've seen in Sekiro so far looks very hard to deflect and I doubt the timing to get perfect deflects will be Royal Guard hard.
What score you think it'll get
Probably 90+ on metacritic even though it should really be mid 80's.
Daily Reminder that Demon's Souls is set 8 cycles after the events of Dark Souls 1, Allant being the then ruler of what becomes known as Boletaria, the grey fog and the "demon's" is the dragon state returning.
Bloodborne is set well after Demon's Souls in the same lands, Pthumeria is old Boletaria ascended another bunch of cycles and built ontop of
Next major fromsoft game will be sci fi souls, likely the next armored core game is also the next souls game
>that webm
>supposed to be a negative
wut? Brainlet-tier post.
>sci fi souls
I will never understand why people want this, sci fi doesn't fit the formula at all
Is there going to be a hub like majula or firelink?
>the assembly boss
I feel like the one garbage boss is just part of the genre.
How many shitters will complain about Dragonrot post release?
It'll be Warframe-esque.
Im concerned that the review embargo falls off when the game releases. I hope its because From wants to prevent more spoilers from leaking
I don't know what that is but I hate it.
They wouldn't let anything bad happen to her, would they?
The more you die the more a disease spreads affecting and possibly killing NPCs because you sucked too hard at your ninja duties.
>From has embraced the "git gud" meme
I like it.
What a fag
finished 1 and 3 with no summons
how much of a scrub do you have to be
While this is true, summoning let's you completely exploit the boss AI to the point where the inflated hp does not matter at all.
so it's like world tendency
Is it already out?
repent zoomer
Hell nah nigger fighting cowboy said it's completely next level difficulty. People will quit because they cannot master the deflect mechanic. Threads like this are giving me a huge stiffy dude I'm so excited
Based and soulpilled.
World tendency made enemies harder and some rare enemies spawned, so not really.
Poor Henryk. He stayed loyal to Gascoigne even when he went mad.
world tendency only happened in human form
How many times are you going to post this embarrassment.
Reminder that if you didnt play it on a console, you didnt beat dark souls
So with it being a SP only game, should I go PC or PS4? Will PC optimization be that much better bc I really like having physical copies and a reason to use my playstation.
As someone who is poor and is getting it on PS4, why would anyone with a proper gaymen PC not get it on PC?
A lot of people will assume this is a shitpost, but it's true. Unpatched Dark Souls is the hardest version of Dark Souls 1, as long you don't abuse iron flesh. People on PC have never experienced the true version of Dark Souls 1.
Cant he just play candy crush?
How would grappling hook make the combat itself any easier? The combat is insanely hard and unavoidable
>what is world tendency in DeS
Its autistic but I feel like Soulsborne games are made for playstation and I like to be consistent in my collection. I typically buy games on ps4 if they arent drastically different in optimization and dont have worthwhile mods on pc.
Pvp with this complex combat would never work with FromSoft net code. Laggy deflects everywhere.
meh. if I hear it's good I'll pirate it. thats about the extent of my excitement. I'm not a consumer cuck like most of you and modern games are mostly shit.
only happened in human form so not really
fuck Yea Forums
No, it doesn't. That only happens if you do the red mist ninjutsu technique.
She clearly has her own agenda in all game events.
>Excited you are for this game? 10
>How Hard you think it will be (compared to other souls games or not) Probably moderately harder
>What score you think it'll get? I am thinking somewhere between 8.5 to 9.0; I wouldn't be surprised if all the reviewers complained about how hard it is, and why there isn't an easy mode
I have a good gaming PC but for some reason I prefer playing soulsborne games on ps4
Her master might be Dogen, the legendary apothecary/monk/person, who's mentioned in the description of the several items in-game.
Do we know what Terror does?
It's not Frenzy 2.0, right?
You can do that without making it nonsensical, you know. Instead of having the hook only connect with arbitrary floaty orbs, have it only stick in wood, and only have wood be positioned in a way that doesn't allow useful grappling when you don't want the player going out of bounds.
This isn't open world dumbass. It's non-linear but labyrinthine like DS1
>all the upcoming doujinshi with him and his “captors”
What the actual fuck. Now i'm confused, i don't know if i hate it or like it even better than before.
harder than any other souls game
it will get a 9.5
What. Your score will go down if it's harder?
This webm really made me FEEL like Batman
yeah that, and the constantly spawning shadow niggers
>pic related
Holy shit. I hate this meme.
>Implying beating any of the Souls games in an achievement.
I beat them all solo. First time I tried online co-op was in fucking 2018. So what? It was fun replaying the game with a friend. Sure it was easier but doing it solo wasn't really a challenge. It's a game of patience, not skill.
This isn't Counter-Strike.
It's a meme for a reason. The games are hard if you actually force yourself to not use the wikis or ask others about stuff. It's actually really easy to miss a pyromancer NPC and be fucked because you never knew you could even upgrade your pyromancy flame.
Those threads are so pointless
We all know the game is not gonna be impossible. Few weeks and people will learn op strats, some glitches, routs, how to beat bosses.
People would just to whatever mechanics are in the game. Some players will leave, because they would get tired of dying constantly. Others will finish the game regardless. You know the drill.
Considering how the Dark Souls Remaster turned out.
>A Demon's Souls Remaster not done by From...
God no. I rather get a new PC and emulate it. Or just play it on my PS3.
Other people learning the game won't affect you. Just go in blind to get the most pure experience. I'm playing DS3 for the first time now. I feel like I've really ruined it for myself because I'm looking up where the NPCs are, and because Ive used cheat engine to max my stats and acquire endgame gear.
there is nothing to check, unfortunately
>A chance to git gud in something new
Try Nioh.
Nioh sucks
Sekiro is truly the perfect game for me. I really liked the katana mechanics in DS3 and after playing it, despite having overall lukewarm feeling about DS3, I've been hungry to play as a katana-wielding samurai again since then.
Looks dead inside
>no early copies yet
Is this a record?
Majuro is the most comfy location in sark souls. Fight me. Then rank top 3.
2. Ash lake
3. Drangelic castle entrance = Arnór Londo = ds1 kiln
1. Irithyll
2. Drangelic Castle
3. Undead Parish
you can turn it off in the settings actually.
but you havnt played it yet