ITT: Pokémon reps that are more deserving than incineroar to be in smash

ITT: Pokémon reps that are more deserving than incineroar to be in smash

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Inceniroar is fun though.

Regigigas is cooler

Any Pokémon really, it'd be quicker to list Pokémon that don't deserve to be in Smash more than Incineroar. I think it pretty much boils down to other failed shillmons with horrible designs: The Gen 7 starters ( And most starters, really ), Zoroark or Lycanroc's Ultra Sun/Moon form are examples.

You start.

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Wouldn't mind Crush Gripping some cunts with this colossal lad but I don't think the it'd look quite right to shrink it down.
Would Slow Start be implemented as a mechanic of some sort? Getting stronger the longer it stays alive? Reverse stale-move negation?

too big

How the actual fuck do they choose this faggot over geno or a digi rep like they must be self aware?

Daily reminder that Regigigas is always, and forever will be a shit Pokemon.

While I'd welcome your rebuttal to this, I don't have the time to wait for it.

He’s only shit in the video game


Think about it.

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He'd be pretty cool as the Hugo of Pokken.

It's a travesty how fucked Regigigas is with its ability. Its stat total isn't exactly leaps and bounds ahead of other Legendaries, so why cripple it so hard?


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same shit all the time with chad roar haters. find some nice liquids under the sink. The more colorful the better and just drink em up.

Isn't Regigigas too big? Also I feel like Sakurai would try to put his Slow Start ability in the game, maybe it could work like Regigigas sucks until he reaches 60 damage, where he then becomes a monster in speed, defense, and attack, along with him having a Drain Punch attack

Or just make the regi trio playable like Pokémon trainer where regigigas is in the background

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I just wish there was less traditionally humanoid shaped Pokemon reps and more actual monster reps. More things like Ivysaur, less stuff like Lucario and Incineroar.

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Slow start*

>I just wish there was less traditionally humanoid shaped Pokemon reps and more actual monster reps
This. Give me something like Tyranitar or Aggron.

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I can't think of a less relevant legendary

B a s e d

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Sadly, I could actually see this having worked when you consider it's ability to change shape and abilities based on it's number of cells, it could have had an interesting move-set. Maybe if XY had actually gotten a third Z game, but unfortunately, it was not to be.

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