Will you be getting a ps5?
Will you be getting a ps5?
not at launch for sure, maybe a few years later if it has some good exclusives
why the fuck do I even need to type something this obvious?
Only if it's fully backwards compatible
only if its small and portable. i travel too much to warrant buying a console now
Yes. At launch if it has BC and isn't ridiculously expensive. Otherwise I'll pick it up down the road. I sold my PS4 awhile back but I want to play The Last of Us 2. Despite what Yea Forums thinks I really liked the first one
when ps4 gets at least 3 games i'll consider it
Depends on whether they unfuck their current policies and whether Full Backwards Compatibility means I can pop in my old copy of Brave Fencer Musashi and play or it's just PS Now streaming shit.
I got paid today and went to Best Buy to check out the consoles they had there and it's honestly kind of sad how shitty the selection is on consoles nowadays.
I wanted to get a Switch for Odyssey and Smash, but I'll probably wait for a sale.
But to answer your question, no, with how disappointing this gen was I can't see next gen being any better.
No i doubt ill get a console at all next gen. Most of the games/series i cared about this gen ended up on pc with the exception of a handful of games. I anticipate more games to be on PC next gen and i dont see a console being justifiable
After a year or so probably.
I will never buy a new sony console when it's new though.
> Bloodborne
> The Last of Us Remastered
> Ape Escape 2 in glorious HD widescreen
There you go
>it's honestly kind of sad how shitty the selection is on consoles nowadays
wdym by this?
>I want to play The Last of Us 2. Despite what Yea Forums thinks I really liked the first one
>not the same devs on staff in charge of it
>agenda shilling
fuck you,
>sony will be woke as hell by then
> Walk Simulator Remastered
Can you at least try.
Try to keep up
Not until PS5 slim comes out, and even then only if it's backwards compatible with literally ever Playstation generation before it.
I went there and it was literally almost nothing but shitty western multiplats and indie games with a few Jap games spattered in the Switch section.
The AA market really is genuinely dead on consoles.
Not to mention there were tons of advertisements for Battlefield V, Anthem, and fucking Fallout 76 of all things.
people buy digitally now I guess
> Not the same devs on staff in charge of it
This is the first I'm hearing about this. Who left and why are they important?
> agenda shilling
Having gay characters is not shilling an agenda. I'm against SJW shit but nothing in the first one or the trailers for the second has set off my SJW meter. It's literally just having a gay main character. Why is that such a problem?
Haven't bought a Playstation since the original PS3. Didn't buy a PS4, probably won't buy a PS5.
Though I might consider it if it was fully backwards compatible with my collection of original game discs.
fuck no im goin nintendo + microsoft + pc from here on out
yes, if it has full BC with the PS4 library at launch
no, if it does not
As long as it has physical copies, physical copies are the only reason I have a console, I pirate all my games on PC. Consoles are for physical copies, PC is for piracy.
ah yes, the brilliant ps4 library...
masterpieces galore
Retards like you are why we have Denuvo
looks like a modem
fuck you it has bloodborne, spiderman and multiplats
Why would I buy a console before I know what games it has?
Retards like you are why PC is digital only
All the PS4 exclusives are on YouTube anyway.
If Sony keeps doing this retarded censorship stuff no.
>paying 60 dollars for 50 cents of plastic
big yikes
Only if Sony give me as much freedom as Microsoft are giving with their play on any device program. Being locked into console hardware is fucking dumb. If they allow me to play on both PC and console (natively) when I feel like it then I'll buy one.
Everyone here has to admit consoles become outdated garbage after 2 years of release and games start to become severely gimped because of that. Putting games on PC like MS has done completely eliminates that problem but also gives you options so the console is there if you need it.
this after all is said and done only 5 games this gen came out i liked that i cant play on pc
>gravity rush 1 and 2
>Infamous second son
>red dead redemption 2
Yakuza would be on the list but 0 and 1 remake came to pc so im sure 2 remake and 6 will come. Same for RDR 2 thats almost guaranteed to get a pc release
I haven’t bought a PlayStation since 2. Maybe if they actually have games this time.
because I want to fuck ellie in the vagina. and she wont let me >:(
you mean the meme that was dropped by a dozens of developers for fucking with the game and cracked multiple times?
If Neil "I booted amy off UC4 and changed the son into a daughter" Druckman is still involved then it's still a shit team
>games start to become severely gimped because of that
No, everyone would just target low-mid end PCs instead. It'd be the same situation we have now with base and pro consoles.
>"I booted amy off UC4 and changed the son into a daughter"
Yes. It's exactly this attitude of "PC is for piracy, consoles are for buying games" that scares the publishing company suits into putting shit like Denuvo into their games and fucking up framerates for anyone who bought it legitimately
IDK about the changed the son into a daughter part but it's a well known fact that Hennig left because of creative disagreements with Druckmann. Just google Hennig Druckmann
Probably not, or I'll wait a while. I got a PS4 at launch but it collected dust once I slapped together a new PC. Not memeing I only keep it for Bloodborne and maybe one or two other games. BB is a fun game to replay every once in a while.
After the ps4? Hell no
paying $70 for a few electrons, yikes.
If it's backwards compatible and has a few decent launch titles.
Sony is letting their current success go to their head right now so they'll probably fuck it up like the PS3.
Where did I say that?
Full backwards compatibility from the entire ps series or fuck off
Maybe in 5 years when it has games
>censorship up the ass
>sabotaging crossplay
>pay for online
why would anyone? if you actually respect gaming you would not get one
based roach sauna
This. But if it is, it will be an instant preorder.