>Normal enemies start one shotting you
>This is some how acceptable
Defend this!
Bosses is one thing, but random mobs?!
Other urls found in this thread:
>managed to beat game twice
>still hasn't gotten gud
dont get hit bitch
Abyss 300+ is going to eat you alive if you're bitching about Way of the Wise.
Buy another game already
what are you, 8 years old? Go ask your parents for some money.
If you made it that far you have the purest strain of autism imaginable.
>play game at certain level
>higher difficulty makes that skill level insufficient
Continue playing on the difficulty meant for people at your skill level?
lmao just don't get hit.
>Still getting hit
I'm 100% sure that your main weapon is the Kusarigama
I just make it a point to never play past ng+ in these games.
Nioh isn't like Dark Souls. Interesting content and gameplay changes occur at every new level of difficulty.
Things don't legitimately one hit you (outside of telegraphed super moves) until after Abyss 108. You don't get to completely avoid investing in defence then complain you die to everything, Tatenshi keeps you safe for a long, long time.
That would make sense but you don't unlock all the content until after ng+5 or whatever because of the Abyss.
This, game becomes bullshit.
Why not just respec to go full glass cannon mode and not bother with heavy armor or investing in health?
I'm pretty sure that's what he's trying to do but he doesn't have the gear or expertise to pull it off. WotW doesn't one shot you unless you're already going full offense.
Git gud biiiiiiiitch
What gear does he even need? I was thinking he should just take off his armor or switch to something that's
In order for glass cannons to work you need the cannon part, which means gear affixes. Lowering your equip weight is irrelevant because that's not going to guarantee more damage output; only increase mobility.
Alright, what the fuck am i supposed to do?
I have good gear, a 6 set bonus.
What else is expected? It's ridiculous.
If you reach new game +3 then youre expected to know the basics of dodgjng and blocking at least
The short answer is you don't have good gear. You had good gear. It's basically worthless now. You need to do some real digging to learn what affixes on gear actually improve your damage output because it's really not clear in-game.
you should know how to counter every smaller mob without getting hit by then
pump some points into HP or get the replacement technique if you want to survive a hit
So what am i looking for?
I'm not going to invest 20 minutes explaining the ins and outs of the gear affixes and what would suit your play style best because it's a waste of my time, you can find the answers yourself in youtube videos, and you'll be figure out what works with how you play since you know how you play and I don't.
Block more
Dodge more
Stop using light armor
Start learning attack patterns
Game's not hard, New Game+ just adds more numbers to the enemies stats and the gear drops.
>New Game+ just adds more numbers to the enemies stats and the gear drops
Wrong. Enemies get new moves and gear gets new bonuses.
DMC DMD mode
I just unlocked the Veteran dojo missions, is it worth respecing to make my dex and magic 15 to do the ninja and onmyo ones? My dex and magic are both at 10 for the last rank and I find the jutsu useful sometimes but I usually just let them set me up to whale on a guy in melee
Start speccing into Ninja and Magic. Get the insta-revive scroll, loads of buffing and healing talismans, and all the passive skills from the rest of the weapon trees.
>stop using light armour
Heavy Armour makes you move slower and you're wasting effect stats to decrease your weight on armour.
yeah they unlock the upper abilities
game gives you like 30 respec books and they're only 10K coins each anyways
They get one move on NG+, and the bonus stats on gear is mostly bizarre bullshit like +5000% rock damage. Nothing vastly different than before, your gameplay style will stay the same thru all your playthroughs.
I got halfway through Way of the Nioh with nothing but Axe, magic and heavy armor before realizing I was done with all the content outside the rarest of armor sets that were mostly gimmicky stuff like Unarmed damage bonuses.
The price on those goes up (to a limit but it's very high) so don't count on always being able to afford those if you respec a ton of times.
I got through Way of the Nioh using nothing but low stance kertanner the entire game. It's such a great stance.
Heavy armor sets give ridiculous damage reduction (up to 70% overall, and 100% ranged), tons of toughness which makes blocking much easier on the ki, as well as adding armor frames on hits while attacking. Stacking defensive talismans and items on top of that and you can become an unstoppable death machine.
It's easily the most versatile and mobile of the 1-H sword stances and the slight reduction in damage is irrelevant when you're able to chain multiple attacks in the same time any other stance would only be able to safely attack once. It can hit every enemy regardless of what type it is, and its moveset is so varied that you can reliably nail weak spots in several monsters to stun them. The increased attack speed also helps significantly with applying status effects like discord which are essential in later difficulties. Why anyone uses any other stance with katana baffles me.
You're free to describe why you disagree instead of acting like some sort of political NPC that can only manage to squirt one word out of your head orifice.
Nah, you're just making buzz words to try and make yourself feel like you're right. Not wasting my time on you.
You should regularly be using all your stances no matter what weapon you're using.
This is you conceding the point. Disengagement from a discussion is a failure. Your opinion is not worth uttering if you do not have the ability or willpower to back it up. All it does is convince everyone that you are wrong explicitly because you clearly did not think very much about it. You value your opinion so little you can't even describe it, and you expect people to interpret this as your opinion is so correct you don't need to? No. You're a fool who wanted to start some shit and now that you realize you would get humiliated for trying you're going to run away claiming victory when you didn't even participate.
Thanks for taking the time to write that out. Not even going to read it lmao! Thanks for the attention and (yous) kiddo.
This is where you start doing a proper build.
I recommend going for an Izanami/Izanagi's with iai quickdraw build.
That's only if you can successfully ki pulse by doing so, and the change in stance allows you to continue attacking. Otherwise simply dodging is more effective at sustaining your damage output and avoiding danger. There are very few instances where you can chain attacks long enough to justify switching stances in the middle of a combo. At least concerning the 1-H katana.
You've done nothing but convince everyone I'm right by running away.
This has to be the most autistic thing i've read all day. Imagine trying to take a moral high ground on an indian image board.
Imagine confusing intellectual high ground as moral high ground.
Am I an idiot for trying to max out Tonfa and Dual Swords? So far they seem to be the most fun weapons, but they also get me killed a lot more than everything else.
I'm doing my first play through and the game is literally turning me into a sleep deprived mess. I haven't been this hooked on a game since I first started playing ESO way back when.
I wasn't even the user you were arguing with but you must be a right barrel of laughs at a party. Chill out user, holy moly.
You think I'm trying to make people laugh? I'm not terrified of backing up my opinions. You're mistaken if you think you can shame me for doing this. If you would react any differently from me in this situation it's because you're a spineless coward. When someone says they disagree with you and they don't explain themselves you should be ridiculing them for their ignorance. They're never going to learn if you just put your tail between your legs and scuttle away.
Fluxing allows you to keep attacking with zero delay and constantly regain ki. This lets you continuously stagger ki broken yokai which is a core part of combat and is something that should happen often. Flux let you attack forever and also each stance has skills that you should access depending on the situation. You usually only ever do perfect ki pulses if you want to dispel yokai realm puddles.
Whatever makes you happy user.
You keep doing you, just don't hurt yourself or anyone else in the process.
This is almost meaningless in later difficulties where dodging is essential. Chaining attacks so much your ki needs to be recharged with a stance change almost never happens because enemies do not remain passive for that long and your stamina is not tiny. You'll be dodging a hell of a lot more than you will be chaining attacks, so changing your stance at the cost of damage output is inefficient.
Wrong i'm afraid. Re-read what i wrote.
I understood what you said perfectly. I'm very familiar with the concept. You're not acknowledging what I'm saying. Changing your stances does not increase your damage output. If it does it's because you were originally in the wrong stance. You will need to dodge a lot more than you will need to change stances, so relying on stance changes to regain stamina is inefficient. You'll be spending too much time doing nothing. This is not an opinion. It's quantifiable.
I don't think you learned the game. When a yokai is out of ki, it turns into a punching bag as long as you keep attacking it. You conserver ki and extend your chain while also gaining bonuses. Break horns or hit weak spot to instantly deplete ki.
>changing your stances does not increase your damage output
Does anyone do PvP? I stayed queued for like 20 minutes when I tried it a few nights ago.
I literally told you I beat Way of the Nioh using one stance with one weapon the entire time. You're ignoring what the game is actually like in later difficulties. I never ran out of stamina because that's one of the features of low stance. Constant attacks that don't over extend is another feature. You underestimate just how broken low stance 1-H katana actually is. It has remarkably high damage output while also being one of the fastest stance/weapon combinations in the entire game on top of having a moveset that can literally answer every situation.
You're spouting random gibberish
"Look what i did mummy!"
Are we meant to care?
Good for you. You still didn't fully utilize the combat system and could have been doing much more damage. I think low stance katana is the only weapon that has infinite quick attacks.
>using light armor
>getting hit
user, use heavy armor if you want to face tank
I spent so much time and money on upgrading my med armor and getting the divine rating high but in the end it didn't matter. Enemies would still two shot me. I'm pretty sure the defense stat is completely worthless because damage scaling is so retarded on enemies in the plus difficulties. Guess you just got to get lucky on equipment skill combinations or go glass cannon and hope for the best. Or just do a living weapon build like everyone and their mother uses.
When does gear level max out? I was hanging on to a lot of weapons to soul match as I started to level up, but the cost of soul matching a level 60 weapon to 100+ is absolutely fucking insane.
The point was that that particular stance benefits from never changing stances.
I'm not trying to make you care, retard. I'm responding to people who are acting like I'm either lying or not credible. Low stance 1-H katana stands alone and allows you to surpass what other weapon/stance combinations are able to do without needing to rely on other mechanics. This focus gives you more versatility. I would mention if there are any drawbacks to the stance but having blasted all the way through the abyss with it as well I can safely say that you can (relatively easily) overcome every challenge in the game with one weapon and one stance. Am I saying you should? No. You should play the game that makes it the most fun and engaging for you. I chose to restrict myself for my PS4 and PC playthroughs to my favorite weapon and favorite stance. The game was much more fun to me this way.
You just use damage reduction ephemeral sets
Stack firearm reduction to 100% and you become completely immune to projectiles and magic
Use the revive on death ninjitsu with instant cast speed option to never get oneshot
Actually use defensive buffs
Play smart
Gear level increases with every new difficulty. You should really only worry about fully maximizing your gear for end-game when you're descending the abyss.
Get better armor?
Do you honestly not get bored of using the same stance and same weapon throughout the entire game? I understand setting your own personal goal and everyone is different but if you did that throughout multiple NG runs i'm feeling peak levels of autism coming from that. I'm not saying that's a bad thing but the fun in the game is the amount of variation and different weapons ant utilities you can use, without it the game loses alot of its charm.
I don't get how people simultaneously praise the combat system while also explaining the highest level of play is making cheesy builds from busted gear stats that let you one hit everything
It was my first playthrough where I did all of my experimenting and trying out different weapons and stances to find out what worked and what I preferred. Subsequent playthroughs are challenge runs. That's how I enjoy multiple playthroughs if I feel like the game is worth another go. In my eyes experimenting and changing things around for a second playthrough would be doing the same thing as before and the game would lose a lot of its charm. Besides, as I've mentioned, low stance 1-H katana is so versatile that the gameplay doesn't get stale. It just gets even faster as you get more comfortable with it.
Is there a known bug with the Cat boss sticking its head in the ground and not moving for a solid 5 seconds when it's hit by a guardian spirit?
The end-game is unfortunately too difficult to reliably do anything else but cheese the meta and make a glass cannon. Eventually abyss boss damage becomes so obscene that even if you 100% spec out for maximum defense and buff yourself to high heaven you're still going to be blasted to shreds in one or two attacks if you're lucky.
why? playing NG+3 was your idea not mine
I didn't stutter. Each difficulty level changes shit like raising caps to weapon stats, billy's stats, rarity of items, new item sets, new enemy placements, enemy capabilities including buffs and stronger versions, etc. It's not Dark Souls. It doesn't just make enemies damage sponges for the sake of it. Keep your mouth shut if you gave up before Way of the Strong because you figured you beat the game. You didn't even get 20% done.
Fair enough user
what platform
if you beat the game 3 times and still can't avoid being hit, I don't really know what you are expecting. this is the challenge you asked for repeatedly
Basically. The abyss is grueling but that's the point.
Hardly. The only interesting NG+ changes is when you reach WotW+ where bosses are faster and animation cancel.
Grace sets and star skills are just more bullshit padding to incentivize you to play the grind, craft, temper/reforge, defile RNG endgame to acquire more damage to keep up with the increasing HP pools until about halfway through the abyss where they start to level off anyway and by then you're easily 1-2 shotting bosses even without buffstacking.
Doesn't change what I said. That's still a far cry from Dark Souls.
thats your problem most current gen games are dead on arrival on pc