This is my favorite controller!

This is my favorite controller!

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uh oh!

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I like the vibration

the battery tho

that shit only happened to the first few controllers but it has already been fixed for years now.

It looks cool I guess.

Should I buy this one for PC or the Xbox X one?

Your favorite controller is bad and you should feel bad!

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The vibration is way too heavy.
HD rumble on switch controllers is 1000x better

xbone controller would be good if the triggers were better

l1/l2 r1/r2 are way more comfy on the ds4.

The battery life is a fucking disgrace and the lightbar is retarded. It's a bummer because the controller is pretty great in all other aspects.

you can turn off the bar on pc with inputmapper, as well as use the wireless/bluetooth.

Yikes, sorry for your loss, user.

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This has yet to happen to me, but one of my controllers has a left stick that won't read the input all the way when pressing directly forward.

Instead of moving at max speed, it only reads a half input which results in a walking speed in most games.
Does anyone know how to fix something like this? It's become too much of a hindrance for me to actively use it.

my pad from the launch is still fine.

This is mine!

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>Drains your battery
nothing personal, kid

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Xbone is 30-40 hours on AA batteries. PS4 is less than 10 but is rechargeable.

whichever you like more, both will work just fine

I prefer the ds4 personally because of the touchpad (it's useful on pc)

those thumbsticks look so slippery

don't post this bs user thanks :)

in all honesty what was the fucking point of the light

It actually is my favourite controller.

Only way to improve it would be battery life but
>playing wirelessly
I guess you could remove the light, too, but I've never been bothered by it

Nintendo's thumbsticks since the Wii have been quite sticky, actually (excluding Wii classic controller/pro), so your thumbs stick to them fairly well.
Personally not a big fan of the shiny finish, though.

based, was waiting for someone to post it

if it was plug and play on PC i'd like it more. it is still 2nd to 360 for me.

yes i know it WORKS, i mean UIs in games, no 3rd party, etc

Just turn it off.

It's just as much of a meme as the touchpad

she's very cute, OP

show it was on and connected? I dunno

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*blocks your path*

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For it to be picked up by the PS4 camera, I think.
The gyro is fine, though, so I don't know why they bothered.
Possibly, it was to make promo photos look cooler, and it came out when RGB peripherals for PC started (?) to really take off.

it is plug and play if you're using ps4 remote play

>as the touchpad

I can't even imagine how xbox fags use taunt on dmc5

You download one set of drivers and can emulate the 360 controller, but it's more comfortable and has touch screen for mouse movement
The only thing that might throw you is button prompts with 360 buttons popping up in game

you aren't meant to chew them man

This would be soo good if not for the d-pad and shoulder buttons. The see-through is cool, too.
Personally prefer symmetrical sticks, though. Symmetrical thumbs and all.

I'm not a fan of sony's default thumbsticks' material, is it better than theirs?

Pretty great too, but I like the Wii U Pro when I am gaming on other consoles or the PC. Only the Switch can take advantage of the HD rumble. 40 hours of battery life is good, but 80 are amazing.

>Personally prefer symmetrical sticks

same here, I claw often with the left hand too

>I can't even imagine how xbox fags use taunt on dmc5
t. zoomer who never touched a ds3

just use inputmapper for ds4 on pc.

how do you people break shit like this. My used 360 controller has a similar thing going on
The light gets its uses. Its basically a way to track the controller more accurately when the gyro is combined with the PS Camera. You also get some neat touches for some games, like either using different colors to indicate health, or show if you're hidden, etc. Tearaway, outside of VR, is the game I can think of that uses the light the best

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that's fair, the switch pro just feels better for me but you do you, user

I would argue that the material is better, but the shape and stiffness (or lack thereof) is worse. I like DS4's short, stiff sticks.

> ps3

does that mean it was your first console? lmao

steam does it all for you now, but UIs are usually xbox

This consistently happens to my friend's controllers. He has five and four of them are like this. I have 3 and they all work flawlessly except one I got cheap used has a loose R2 trigger.

>samefagging this hard
Fuck off.

these are great too by the way.

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works pretty well actually, it's a grippy rubber not a smooth plastic

Is not that hard, it's just a button. Even going TRICKSWORDTRICK with Dante is alright, at least for me

Oh no.

I honestly fucking love the PS4 controller as a controller for my PC. Battery life is shit and the light is annoying, but I can just use it wired and disable the light through steam.

Just went back from the store to trade a pubg x1 controller I bought for a white controller since the stick was drifting on the first and I think this is the prettiest controller Ive owned. I also had the blue x1 controller before that was super nice but dude WHITE. Cant get tired of white.

I always play with mine plugged, the X1 cord is super long. Just wanted to mention for the guy who talks about battery life. Starting to use the X1 controller on my pc really changed my perspective on pc gaming in general since I also have it on my big tv screen. For me it used to resonate with "uncomfy" and "complicated or bugged" but for instance, the X1 controller is plug and play on 99% of games even obscure jap ones and it's properly configured. Im guessing this is probably true for the DS4 too and it just shows that pc gaming has progressed but I just find the X1 controller to be perfect and it takes pc gaming to another level for the games where its appropriate to use.

I also think the dpad alone is worth taking the X1 over the DS4, much better for emulation of old games and fighting games.

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do you claw though?
I didn't mean it was actually hard to taunt ofc, but it's still more comfortable to do with the ds4 anyway


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if you need to buy an extra modification or do work on the inside to make it good, that's probably a fair indicator that isn't good

people buy those for all controllers user
I like KF's material better but I guess it's not as durable as the default ones'

Yeah but the joycon buttons, stick, and dpad are utter garbage.


Dualshock 3 is king

ive never see anyone admit they like the ds3

Not really, it would be uncomfortable to claw so I just move really fast my thumb to whatever style I need on the fly but I don't think I could ever do the crazy high level stuff with Dante even though he is my favorite to play as.

Threadly reminder.

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Its by far the best Playstation controller, but lets be honest, Sony has always been shit tier at controller design.

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Yeah I have my pro controller, but I guess I just don't like Nintendo's fetish for making 50 different controllers

I just wish it automatically turned off the track pad thing when playing a game or using an app that doesn't use it. That thing sucks the battery life down. Main flaw of the ps4 controller is the fucking battery life.

>Does anyone know how to fix something like this?
There is no fix, the left analog on all DS4s are faulty and problems will eventually arise. Mine couldn't maintain a straight line and would sort of jitter unless you blasted compressed air into it which was only a temporary fix.

Eventually I just bought a new one in the same color and returned my old one in the same box.

Then don't buy them?

Its a fucking LED, it doesn't drain shit you dumb nigger.

So there's nothing I can do about it? Are all DS4s destined to do this?

Its probably in your best interest to get a third party controller.

>Its probably in your best interest to get a third party controller.
Always hesitant to do this. Last couple of ones I've bought for other systems turned out to be utter shit tier.

Are there any "quality" third party makers?

My previous da4 had this (kind of). By charecter would stop running sometimes, but blowing air inside the stick would fix it for a couple of weeks. Google “ps4 l3 fix”

I wouldn’t say all of them are since none of my friends have ever complained about it, and you would also see a lot more people crying about this if it were actually something that happens to every controller.

But this shit is real

Hori usually makes good stuff and Sony and Nintendo get them to make controllers sometimes.

>Google “ps4 l3 fix”
That sounds like more of a problem with clicking down on the left stick.
My control reads L3 being pressed fine, it's the deadzone that's fucked on it. It reads a full forward press of the stick as a half press, and results in characters moving at about half their max speed.

what the fuck is all this caveman technology?

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