Those hips

>those hips

Attached: asdasd.jpg (3840x2160, 1.22M)

>those feet

Attached: 1486857325148.png (400x400, 330K)

I play about 40 hours of Dota a week and never knew that Sylvan Vedette cosmetic existed.

for me, it's enchantress

Attached: deer cutie.jpg (4237x3000, 906K)


There isn't much reason to play WR these days.

Mars players get really salty when I play her. Can't reduce PURE DAMAGE NIGGER.

More like W I D E ranger



Never played this shit, should I?

Just know you won't have fun until you actually get a base level understanding on what is going on.

it's fun, but kind of hard to get into

Attached: 5ff1532bbd4e9062.png (400x236, 87K)

start by watching admiralbulldog streams

And then once you understand the game, you'll have fun for maybe a few hours and then you will hate yourself every time you boot up the game.

SingSing is better.

play league.
it has better skins

I quit LoL when Zyra came out and I have never regret my decision.

>playing LoP in 2019
lmaoing @ ur life, desu

Attached: 11NonNonBiyoriShinkansen_smug.png (720x648, 378K)

No, you should'nt, shit's worse than heroin.

Is DoTA a good Boomer game?

Attached: DrpfZvfV4AEmpV4.jpg (399x399, 25K)

2k hours here left before that patch everyone complained about, don't it's complete garbage, definitely worst multiplayer genere

I've played a long time and I'm high rank, I wouldn't recommend someone start it now as its a it late in the life cycle. Also I can't recommend from an addiction and time consuming standpoint, it will take all your free time because it's both so good and so hard, you won't know all heroes and spells for 500 hours, and won't feel confident in doing something until 1000 hours, after that it depends how naturally good you are to learn quicker than others

Download dota and then immediately only play SWAT Reborn for classic WC3 times

Dont fucking do it man

I don't see any hips
I see tree trunks

the fucks currency is py6

>no cosmetic applies to her thighs and feet
visual update when

It varies as the game might not appeal to you to begin with, but the only way of actually figuring out is actually playing it. The problem is unless you understand Dota 2's mechanics, systems, and how they interact with each other, you're going to have a bad fucking time. There are tutorials online (i.e. PurgeGamers) that help but it will take a few hours to learn how the game works as well as just getting good. Only play it if you want a competitive game with a lot of depth that is addictive as heroin and are willing to dedicate a large amount of time to it.

6.78-6.85 is a golden age of doto.
Prove me wrong.

Hoo hoo ha ha meta.