On average, how many hours a day do you play videogames?
What's your longest videogame binge?
On average, how many hours a day do you play videogames?
im a neet for 5 years now and i sit at the pc for like 12+ hours every single day
i play wow and lol but i like to idle in it and make progres while not even playing the game while genuinly browsing Yea Forums and talking about it like im doing right now
i listen to nightcore and xkito music on youtube aswell while playing females exclusivly and fapping to traps
you may call me based
what do you do for money?
remember to stand up to take a break once and awhile.
I was gonna say what the fuck do you think this is some kind of real addiction? and then I read this and I hope this guy is not for real
although I'm sure there's tons of lurkers just ready to write an even worst post
This guy can’t be for real.
I was talking with a normalfag friend of mine and he said "lol I played Black Ops 4 for 6 hours today", to which I just said "Wow haha". Meanwhile I usually play games for 8-10 hours everyday.
>you call me based
Only underaged newfags who desperately want to fit in somewhere do. it
But I'm sure you don't mind
Of course he doesn't mind.
When he's posting the same stale meme pic 30 times a day he's obviously starving for attention
That quote was written by a man who has never been truly hungry.
Sating genuine hunger is the most satisfying feeling in the world, only a man made fat and weak and enabled by a cushiony society would make such a retarded statement.
3 if I didn't work, 2 or less if I did.
39 hours
Your statement sounds like it comes from someone who never suffered the worst pain imaginable
See ? I can do the same. Sure shopenhaur was some pessimistic guy, but the prey will objective always suffer more than the hunter will be satisfied
But you probably don't even understand the statement
Prove that the prey objectively suffers more
I hardly played much vidya after marathoning KH3 early last yeat
I can never binge an entire day for just vidya like I used as a child and teen. But I am looking foward to the day where I'll be in my 80 or 90's and hopefully old age doesnt ruined my reflexes to play all the vidya I want.
I remember when I was 15.
Common sense
There proved you wrong
What do you want me to do now, google pain and dopamine statistics ?
Why don't you prove the opposite ?
This cuckold is who you’re defending, so I guess it makes sense both you and he would have such sadsack beliefs.
I seriously hope that once my career takes off literally, with all the regulatory time off that I am required to have, I'll be able to play so much vidya again
I used to eat adderall and/or meth and play for days straight. When Red Orchestra 2 came out I played for like literally 4 days straight.
I dunno how korean fags fall over dead. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
25 hours a day / 8 days a week.
Some gooks just do nothing but play vidya after work because they have no lives
admittedly I wouldn't mind visiting Korea and going to those internet cafes for shits and giggles and with some booze
Hours a day? How about hours per week.
I barely get shit done because I'm so tired and aching from work. I am a fat piece of shit who eats like shit and feels like shit, so there is that.