So is Epic Games fucking up PC-land with their exclusive contracts (and various other temporary/permanent problems)? Or is it fair game and everyone should stop bitching?
So is Epic Games fucking up PC-land with their exclusive contracts (and various other temporary/permanent problems)...
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The first. Consumers get absolutely no benefit from the bullshit Epic is pulling, and in many ways what they're doing negatively affects them. For instance, I usually buy new games from GMG, but Epic doesn't allow free key generation for publishers like Steam (and likely never will with their extremely low percentage take for themselves), so I actually have to pay more for my new games as a usually price-savvy customer. Epic isn't actually trying to compete by being a better service
It's a capitalist land in most place so anything is fair game unless it's illegal. Doesn't mean it's consumer friendly and having opt-in reviews and placing spyware to steal info from Steam is pretty fucking low of them. I personally won't support them, already pirated Metro Exodus and I am ready to pirate anything else.
>Epic isn't actually trying to compete by being a better service
It has nothing to do with being a better service. Developers don't want to lose 20% of a sale's profits. This is about developer rights, not consumer rights.
Exclusives are just the price to pay to beat the competition. Spoiler Valve has steam exclusives.
Don't forget how suddenly all the videogame journalist and bloggers suddenly starting attacking Steam even when they had a decade to do so while singing praises to the Epic Store.
Those are games they developed by themselves.
Blizzard and EA do the same thing but you never see people bitching about Starcraft not being on Steam because they aren't bribing third parties.
>Developers don't want to lose 20% of a sale's profits. This is about developer rights, not consumer rights.
But the devs aren't moving over because of an 88% cut, they're moving over because Epic is outright paying them to with guaranteed minimums. They will give a dev/publisher a fat sack of cash on the assumption that they would normally sell X amount of units on Steam and other storefronts, and they don't see any more cash until it sells about that amount (and it certainly won't on Epic's store). Anybody who actually believes it has anything to do with the revenue split is a dummy
It would make sense if they launched it using first party titles as the main draw. But they released it as bare bones compared to most launchers hat already exist and advertising it more for the publisher not the consumers. Also security is shite.
In the short term, yes, in the long term they can’t sustain it, so the free market will win out. That includes piracy as an option.
It’s fair game, but the consumers have an unfettered right to bitch. It’s very valuable to epic to know what people want and expect from them.
Because valve doesn't immidiately bow down and do as the journalists say.
>Those are games they developed by themselves.
Factually incorrect.
There are multiplayer games completely integrated into steam's ecosystem that are impossible to play elsewhere, third party.
>This is about developer rights
Most developers earn a fixed wage so these changes mean nothing to them. The changes benefit the publishers first and foremost.
How does a developer making more money help me?
Tell me about all the times Valve paid a developer or publisher to make their game exclusive to Steam like Epic is doing?
Because gaming journo darlings like Zoe Quinn just got paid by Epic to release her game on that store.
I think it's fair game, but if they establish a significant amount of market share, their Chinese Lord's will fuck up the PC landscape far worse than anyone here can imagine.
China is the place where they sell swords that cost thousands of dollars I side games.
Honestly I wouldn't mind the Epic Store (I can wait a year for a game; I have enough games to play in the meantime) if it wasn't owned by the Chinese.
What can you expect when the CEO of one of the country's biggest companies is arrested by espionage?
I've been working in the industry for at least 8 years, when your company does well it's able to hire more people, increase wages, and ultimately end up doing less overtime.
When 20% of profits go to a third party store platform that's 20% of money we can't spend on R&D, new ips, staff, equipment, etc.
China has been generous.
>Or is it fair game and everyone should stop bitching?
I was under the impression people were upset at switching to Epic after they had started taking preorders like in the case of metro, or after steam, gog and native linux support were promised like in the case of Phoenix Point
Not just "all exclusivity deals are equal" reductionist generalizing bullshit
1. Non-independent developers ain't seeing shit from this revenue split, this is purely lip service for the publishers
2. Supposedly it means that they have more resources with which to make more games, because clearly putting more money into a game makes it better
Oh really?
Then, why don't you implement you own store so you can earn 100% of the profits?
A closer comparison would be the discount that epic gives for using its engine.
A very different thing than a second party deal or outright paying for exclusion on a near finished game.
reminder that the only argument these brainlets have against epic is "mmmmuh exclusivity" without stopping to think that exclusivity is only bad if you have to pay for the platform
they're not even pcbros, they're kneejerk drones
Not relevant. The Epic store has exclusives just like the Steam store has exclusives, just as Sony has their exclusives, Nintendo has theirs, Xbox has their own.
Money hatting is not a controversy, it is publishing/funding.
>Enthusiasts have a problem with paid timed exclusivity (a console-tier move) which negatively impacts them in a number of ways and outright takes away choice from the consumer
>'Dude you're not a real PC gamer'
You can't fool anyone consolefag.
Because dipshit game devs don't understand the hidden costs of building and maintaining a digital distribution service.
By not having regional pricing games are far more expensive on the Epic Store. I can't chose to buy on Steam because the game isn't available there.
I'm pretty much paying Epic extra for the privilege of buying from them.
Right, because shittier data security, shittier library, publisher-decision reviews and a userbase consisting solely of bugmen and Fortnite children certainly don't enter into the equation anywhere.
I don't mind as well. I'll just pirate whatever exclusive on their store. Phoenix Point proved they can refund all their backers and still be in the clear. It's like Epic already bought my copy. They can just ask Epic for money again.
>Money hatting is not a controversy
Yeah in the shitty-ass console space except even consolefags had a problem with Microsoft buying timed exclusivity of one of the Tomb Raider games for the Xbone, so actually defending something even console-players had a problem with is not a good look
I understand where you're coming from, but if a dev puts their game on Epic, I'm not gonna buy it simple as that. If their game is good and they put it on one of the other platforms I'd be interested in getting it and they'd get their cut -20%, but it's on Epic so from me they'll get 0% of any profit from me.
We did.
In fact, many AAA developers have already.
Bethesda, Activision and EA have all left Steam already.
The nice thing about the epic game store exclusivity deal is you only pay a 10% cut and get funding in return.
steam's offer is literally "give us 30% for the privilege to publish here.
Moving the Epic Game store is profitable, and also harms steam's monopoly which is something people have been looking to do since forever.
This is literally win/win/win for the game industry, the only real losers here are the valve fanboys.
no because you can get them on the same platform. its not a good idea though. all these fucking stores are the equivalent of toolbars. It will be circumvented or abandoned if it cant be.
This. The epic launcher is free. If you can't be assed to download it then you clearly don't want the game enough
never seen such bullshit nonsense in one post
I want my wasted time reading this dumb trash back
How do I defeat the GoG and humble monopoly?
Epic is trying to jump start their store using all those fortnite bucks. they figure if they bribe enough devs they can get people using the store and make all that bribe money back eventually. it's actually pretty smart really. they know fortnite won't last forever (already dying) and they have absolutely nothing else to offer so they NEED the store to work or they are fucked
Every single bullet point is a hard fact. Which one is bullshit exactly?
>buying games
I thought you kids were called PC Master Race for a reason?
why would i install software that's going to data mine my steam account and who knows what else? fuck epic
They certainly aren't putting any money or effort into storefront features thats for sure.
>This is literally win/win/win for the game industry
Fuck the industry if it wants to piss on the actual people it's selling to. My games are more expensive (because I buy from places like GMG), I can't use my Switch controller on Epic's platform like I can for Steam, there are no user reviews on Epic's platform because they're 'toxic,' there's no game-specific forums which are genuinely useful for troubleshooting issues, and there's no goddamn cloud saves. Also Epic bullshit fucks over people who prefer to use great services like GOG since Epic pulled Phoenix Point from that place too with their exclusivity
the games le ebin launcher is offering were already free along with every other game and they will remain free
>it's not relevant becasue it dismantels my argument at it's very core
Every single fucking time.
I find exclusive cancer, but the main problem is trying to get games who had already promised to come in multiple stores like Steam or GoG.
>Bethesda, Activision and EA have all left Steam already
literally all of those companies have games on Steam
Steam is a monopoly is the same sense that microsoft windows is a monopoly.
You don't HAVE to get a windows operating system, but...
>Steam is a monopoly is the same sense that microsoft windows is a monopoly.
Funny you say that since Steam actually tries to provide an avenue for people who want to use Linux for vidya with Proton (which is also open-source so you don't even need Steam to run it). What's Epic done for people who want to play on anything that isn't Windows?
because they don't think they need to if they can force enough people to use their store with key games. it's going to fail of course but it's pretty obvious that's their plan
In my experience (I work on the IT department for a bank) solely having a payment platform requires a considerable investment in both resources and manpower.
>Firewalls and other security measures
>Teleco infrastructure that must be available 7x24x365
>All the security measures demanded by your country's government regulatory entities and the audits they do regularly
>Developers making patches and improving security constantly (money-handling platforms are the most attacked platforms in the world)
Valve's 30% is not unreasonable given how you can just take out the above from the equation and just focusing on developing your game. Meanwhile companies like EA, Bethesda or Blizzard have their own stores because they're already have the required infrastructure.
>We implemented our own payment platform
>But we' still use a third party payment platform
Nah, you're a lying shit.
>What's Epic done for people who want to play on anything that isn't Windows?
I mean, really not important to the point at hand but the Epic Game Store is what; 5 months old?
How long did it take for Steam to support linux and mac?
I still bide by the motto "Never Pay more than 20 bucks for a video game."
I break this rule only rarely. that being said I bought F76 and the season pass.
Reminder you should pirate all Epic store exclusives because Epic paying the devs guaranteed minimums means that Epic's already bought your copy of the game for you!
>Epic Game Store is what; 5 months old?
>How long did it take for Steam to support linux and mac?
Why exactly is Epic competing with the Steam of the 2000s and not the Steam of now?
Epic won't make you big indie dev cuck, they don't want to help no names
>I don't believe you.
I honestly don't care, my point stands whether you believe me or not.
don't like it don't buy it, how is this a problem
Activision is publishing Sekiro on steam
I thought it was 12%?
>Moving the Epic Game store is profitable, and also harms steam's monopoly which is something people have been looking to do since forever.
Steam does not have a monopoly considering you just purported Bethesda, Activision, and EA already left
>This is literally win/win/win for the game industry, the only real losers here are the valve fanboys.
And 3rd party Stores
and any Linux fanboy that was going to play games on SteamPlay or native linux as is the case with Phoenix Point
Arguments made by a liar have no value.
>bought fo76
Bait or retarded
>"Never Pay more than 20 bucks for a video game."
user you should stick with the proper version
It's fair game but not good game
>Steam has a monopoly
>Yet Bethesda, EA, and Activision are all able to leave and sell their own vidya
Interesting claim you've made user
Then properly refute his claims, """indie dev""".
Epic doesn't allow any third party resellers?
>i won the argument because I said so, fuck details.
I made that fucking meme you filthy casual.
It's fair game in the sense that it is legal but it doesn't mean that it is right or people can't rightfully complain about bad policies from Epic. I dislike a lot of things Valve has done personally but after seeing the shit Epic pull, I realized that we could have it a lot worse if Steam was not where it is.
I think it's the only way you're going to establish a competing store. It's annoying to have multiple clients but it was already going this way with Origin, Bethesda Launcher, Uplay, etc.
This is doubly concerning considering Ubisoft were always extremely lax about key sites.
>Epic doesn't allow any third party resellers?
Nope, and they likely never will. Epic only taking 12% per sale means them making 0% from generated keys sold to third-party sellers will fuck them hard in terms of revenue. Some games sell enormous amounts from the third-party sites. You can actually check a nice rough estimate yourself by looking at Steam reviews. Valve splits reviews between people who bought directly from Steam and those who bought from elsewhere. As an example, Ace Combat 7's reviews on Steam are 27% non-Steam purchases
What is his claim exactly? That despite having our own platform we still want to ship on the Epic Game Store being bullshit?
Here's some fun math:
I'm going to make 10 dollars selling my game.
I can either give 3 dollars to steam, or I can give 1 dollar to epic, they will give me 3 dollars in return, and I will only lose one dollar in sales from people to refuse to use anything other than steam.
I just made more money going on epic, than launching on steam or our own store.
It doesnt
Unless you own some of the game developer/publisher stock
If you had your own platform you wouldn't need to lose that dollar. Publishing on the Epic Store wouldn't make sense.
Therefore, you're bullshitting.
I mean, if you really liked a game and wanted a sequel, a developer making more money directly benefits you, but let's ignore such semantic issues.
>playing rtx games on OS that dont support those features
Reminder Valve drones thought Apex would kill Fortnite
Now Apex isn't even in the top 5 lmao
I'm going to ask you to re-read the post.
The Epic Game Store is giving people a lump-sum of money of top of a better sales cut.
That is more profitable than getting 100% of profits.
>on top of a better sales cut.
That's goddamn irrelevant and you know it. Nobody actually gives a shit about the cut because these games will never hit those guaranteed minimums selling on the Epic Game Store
>Indie developer with 0$ on bank want to sell game
>cant sell it on bethersta store
>cant sell ot on ea store
>cant sell it on bn store
>only option left is steam
>has to deal with their fees and regulation since its the only digital market available
>muh exclusives
So how else are you supposed to compete as a gaming store? Have better features than Steam? Noone will give a shit because Steam is where all the nerds have 99% of their games. They'll prefer to buy everything there, no matter what features you have. Buying exclusives is the only way.
What Epic's doing is ambitious and reasonable, too bad they underestimated the cultism around Steam.
>implying you sell the same or more when caged to epic's platform
It's very much like the tech craze of silicon valley. As a developer you can either make a good product and then hope people realize it and focus on your userbase, thus generating sales through quality which is what most people on steam will do. OR you can alternatively build hype for your product and ignore quality entirely, and get "invested" in by someone like Epic who will pay you a shitload for either exclusivity or as a way to generate hype to their platform.
Devs aren't going to Epic because they have a better cut, they're going to Epic because just like Discord they're willing to bankroll their product purely based on hype or marketing power. You can release a game that sells 0 copies and still make fat stacks because your exclusivity deal with Epic is 1,000,000+ bucks.
>>only option left is steam
What about GOG, or Humble Bundle or
>these games will never hit those guaranteed minimums selling on the Epic Game Store
well the original. and by that I mean made that quote in a thread and someone memed it for us.
They are not directly giving out a lump sum. The deal devs for games like for Phoenix Point took was a minimum sales guarantee where Epic paid them the difference if it didn't reach a certain amount of sales, but still effectively money hatting devs and becoming the indie welfare company when no game has bragged about outstanding sales
I'm glad there's finally a worthwhile competitor for Steam, which had a near-monopoly on PC. Too bad Epic Games is funded by the Chinese and their control over damn near everything is becoming really worrying.
Except you can sell your game through your own website and having someone like PayPal handle the payment.
You don't need Steam to sell a game.
Or discord.
also why exactly can't they sell it on Uplay again? I don't understand the limitation on your premise
>What about GOG
Dead, effectively. Been in the game for 10 years and hasn't done shit.
>like a game
>comunity love game
>developers got rich
>developers sold out
>game ip its bought for x company
>company shutdown game
I would, but apparently Epic doesn't want to give out sales data (even though the guy in charge of the Epic Games Store said Valve had a "moral obligation" to provide an API that allowed rough analysis of sale data). The fact that neither Epic nor any company they has bought exclusivity for has been bragging about their sales numbers should be telling
>That's goddamn irrelevant and you know it. Nobody actually gives a shit about the cut because these games will never hit those guaranteed minimums selling on the Epic Game Store
The Epic Game Store has already forced valve to reducing high-yield unit profits from 30% to 21%.
These exclusivity deals has caused serious financial damage to Valve and serious gains for ALL developers.
Discord, like GoG, has no effective exclusives.
Discord has a horror game but I honestly can't remember it's name. It ain't no Fortnite.
Please have sex before you shoot up a mosque.
If they had better features and used the 12% cut to make new games cheaper compared to Steam people would move naturally
>watching games indicates what the most played game is
> and other such sites lets any fucker sell a game
Why do you keep using the monopoly buzzword? Or is it because you have no actual argument because games aren't required to be sold on steam
>The Epic Game Store has already forced valve to reducing high-yield unit profits from 30% to 21%.
I thought it was 20%, as it went from 25 to 20 based on $5 million and $10 million in sales.
the real question is how can epic use this against the consumer?
It's not even a good competitor because Epic doesn't even compete, they only buy up exclusivity, they don't actually focus on providing better features like say GOG with DRM free copies.
>"Steam has a monopoly"
>Yet you can sell a video game on your own website and use Paypal or something to allow purchases
I don't think people know what a monopoly actually is. Steam is a market leader, not a monopoly.
I could be off by 1%.
Either way, everyone is celebrating the launch of the Epic Game Store, including developers who will never use it.
If the 30% cut was really that necessary, why did they change it only when feeling the pressure of competition?
>Devs make a sequel of a game I like
If only it were so simple. Sonic Adventure 3 When?
I was saying Discord is a place that dev could sell their game, Discord not having effective exclusives doesn't factor into that. the point is steam isn't the only option
A little bit of column A and a little bit of column B.
A launcher having exclusives is nothing new or exciting, but when we get to situations like the recent Phoenix Point one the bitching is definitely justified due it resulting in the Devs basically outright telling people who supported them to fuck off. furthermore are the concerns how how the launcher actually functions and does, that behaviour coupled with the "low" cut basically screams that it is a "trap", especially when people start to argue that "The devs make more money" is supposed to be a reason for the consumer when they just could said "they give out free games", we have all seen the image, and i doubt that Gravytrain will continue forever.
That said, Steam is no angel either and has long since grown complacent, the actual issue is that this is making bad situation (of being forced to have seven billion launchers installed because everyone been trying this for years.) worse.
You can sell it on microsoft store.
Fair game would be, offer the same games Steam, GoG, etc but cheaper.
Doesn't hep that Epic Store its bare-bones, it's just a fortinite launcher with just some extra games
You're right, Artifact is a massive success afterall
>Discord not having effective exclusives doesn't factor into that.
It does, which is why Steam drones were celebrating the "death" of Fortnite in favor of Apex because they thought it would save the Steam store.
>Fair game would be, offer the same games Steam, GoG, etc but cheaper.
Steam doesn't let you do that.
GOG does DRM free copies and nobody fucking bought their games.
Getting exclusives makes people go out and use the platform.
There's plenty of games exclusive to Steam as well.
why not during?
Are we even talking about the same thing anymore?
How can they pay for steam fees if they have 0$ in the bank?
How can they put their game on Steam, but not put it on Discord, GoG, Humble, etc simultaneously? You do realize 3rd party games are regularly on multiple digital storefronts, it doesn't have to be exclusive to steam. That is not a monopoly
>There's plenty of games exclusive to Steam as well.
Valve never paid any publisher to make their games exclusive. They can (and should) put their games everywhere
And pray tell how does Steam prevent them from doing that when Valve doesn't pay third parties for exclusivity? They are free to choose whatever stores they sell games on
>There's plenty of games exclusive to Steam as well
Again, Valve games are exclusive to Steam, nobody begrudges Epic for having Fortnite be exclusive, its when they bribe third party devs when development is almost finished for exclusivity. You're just being disingenuous with what Epic is doing
What? There are a fair amount of games that have DRM-free launchers, and exclusive steam launcher versions
They don't let you sell at a different price on different stores.
It's in the TOS you agree to when you start selling your game. I don't know if they enforce it but it's there.
because Steam had a near monopoly on PC gaming. If your PC game wasn't on Steam, PC gamers wouldn't even know it existed unless it's some AAA EA/Ubisoft game.
If Epic will pay you for putting your game on their store, what's keeping RPG maker assets flippers from rushing to the Epic Store? Not only you get a bigger cut, but you're even being paid for putting your game there.
Hell, I can see a lot of legit indie developers doing it: use Tencent's money to finish your game, make it exclusive for one year and then release it on Steam, said release being the "real" one.
It's already forcing Valve to make developer friendly changes to Steam.
Epic curates their store. They're not going to take any junk you throw at them.
Left 4 Dead and Portal. Also that one ASSFAGGOTS game come to think of it.
And can you provide a source that their TOS requires exclusivity?
>Left 4 Dead and Portal. Also that one ASSFAGGOTS game come to think of it.
Valve paid themselves to make their own games exclusive to their store?
>PC gamers wouldn't even know it existed unless it's some AAA EA/Ubisoft game
There is something named "marketing" that every individual who wanted to sell something to others did since the dawn of time.
Isn't one of your biggest complains about Steam the fact that it doesn't get any exposure on it? Now you're telling me the opposite.
>be an established successful indie or fuck off
They don't require exclusivity. They require the prices to be the same. And the source is my own brain because I've read the contract and released many games.
>Epic curates their store.
Man I remember everyone bitching to high hell that Steam was the worst when they curated everything. Now that anyone can release games and don't require a publisher apparently now it's the worst
Do they? I'm gonna need a source on that.
No they bought out developers to make the games for them, which is effectively the same thing as bribe a developer for exclusivity.
Again, I don't see any actual source or proof, especially when I see GMG and other legitimate sites offer far lower prices than steam.
>they bought out developers to make the games for them, which is effectively the same thing as bribe a developer for exclusivity.
Valve bankrolled the entirety of development of both games (and your mention of Portal is hilarious since the prototype was made by 3 college students and they sure as shit weren't going to make Portal themselves). That's miles away from paying for nearly-finished games to become exclusive to your storefront
No it's not you shit nugget, they hired talent and funded them to make a game. As opposed to Epic shoving money up a publisher's ass to make it exclusive.
>Doesn't hep that Steam is bare-bones, it's just a Counter Strike launcher with just some extra games
Oof, how Steam drones who weren't old enough to remember the shit had 0 features - no cloud, no achievements, etc
I meant to say that Epic does have effective exclusives - you already saw the sperging from Steam drones about Metro Exodus
Why people are so desperate to convince others to use the epic launcher?
>They can (and should) put their games everywhere
What if those others don't have the features they use on Steam like GoG?
Except why does that matter now, 16 years later? Why should Epic, who have billions to spend, be allowed to get away with a shitty client that makes 2003-era Steam look good? Why should it be fine that they ignore nearly two decades of advancements and features purely because they're starting now?
Why do Steam niggers?
>Oof, how Steam drones who weren't old enough to remember the shit had 0 features - no cloud, no achievements, etc
It's almost as if standards have gone up since 2004
it's 100% fair and it's gonna be 100% hilarious when Epic implodes
invisible hand is gonna bitch slap em
Yeah, and epic is not competing with steam from over a decade ago, they are competing with steam now. Do you have any better argument to defend your shit launcher with beyond screaming about steam over a decade ago? Then again given the audience Epic has I can't image you were even around when steam first launched.
Oh no, you'll have to wait 1 year for all the best features Steam has - the horror
>6+ months to have a shopping cart
What the fuck
Why do people always froth at the mouth to fight passionately for things that are actually bad for them
Valve niggers pretend Steam is run by good people who are just trying to make an honest buck
There are five groups trying to convince people on Yea Forums to use the Epic store:
1. Trolls and contrarians.
2. Bitter Half Life fans who want revenge against Valve, even if it fucks up the entire PC ecosystem
3. Depressed shitposters (the so-called "doomers") who want Valve to go down for the sin of being the most successful digital store even if it fucks up the entire PC ecosystem (the majority of Pro-Epic posters)
4. Paid Tencent marketers.
5. People that want Valve to have some competition so the company is forced to improve (the minority of Pro-Epic posters)
>Why do people always froth at the mouth to fight passionately for things that are actually bad for them
Contrarianism, trolling and good old fashioned viral marketing
>basic features still not in the launcher right now
>doesn't realize people also hate epic's exclusivity contracts as well which isn't changing
could you be any more blatant?
>Why do people always froth at the mouth to fight passionately for things that are actually bad for them
I don't know why there are Steam fanboys either.
Cause steam is convenient?
Because shit house indie devs are trying to convince potential customers that their needs (bigger cut, etc) outweigh all else.
The problem is, why should we give a shit?
>shit house indie devs
They won't even be allowed on Epic's store. The only indies Epic's allowed on their storefront were already devs of very successful titles who likely didn't need huge financial backing, leaving actual unknown indies in the dust (while also Epic claimed they were helping indies)
You know I don't need all those added features that Steam has over Epic, but I also don't need traitors giving my credit card and personal information to the Chinese government.
Yea Forumsalve drones lmao. Exposed as the biggest pussies of gaming
Always do the opposite of what Jim Sterling says.
The opt-in review alone has made sure I will never go to Epic story. I'm getting really sick to my stomach of every industry trying to move into a direction where they just clamp our mouths open so they can shovel in mountains of shit because they don't want us to be able to let people call out bullshit or bad products.
Fair game and everyone is still allowed to bitch, that's how freedom works
Funny how all this seem to start when steam implemented easy refunds (credit where it's due, Origin did it first).
1 Artifact card has been deposited to your account
Defend this, Steam drones
what is that about EPIC leaving the pc Gaming in 2000 elaborate
>Defend this, Steam drones
Why would I? Considering negative reviews for DRM as 'off-topic' is a bad thing
Epic completely abandoned the PC in the mid-to-late 2000s, stating that they've dropped the PC because 'everyone's a pirate.' This really started with Gears of War 2 and I think this was their justification for it being only on the 360. So while Epic was abandoning the PC as a dead platform like many other publishers at the time, Valve was trying to bring it back to relevancy
Around the time Epic was making Gears of War, they went from being a PC centric company with titles like Unreal to one focused on console. Gears of War 1 only got a pc release one year later while the rest were xbox exclusive. I think they had an infamous line where they said something like pc gaming was finished or something but don't quote me on that. In any case they did essentially abandon the PC market then.
>i dont read past headlines
This proves Discord Store is better than both.
thanks kinds anons
>The Epic store has exclusives just like the Steam store has exclusives,
Yes, and it also has exclusives unlike Steam in that Epic is paying publishers to make their games exclusive to Epic. Steam has N E V E R done that.
Imagine defending a platform that's worse for the consumer and is partially owned by the chinese goverment.
there was an industry wide exodus of western developers from PC to Xbox, which is what damn near killed PC gaming in the 00s. many of the great PC franchises went to console to die, like thief and deus ex. while absolute trash games like elder scrolls prospered. there's a reason why people say ms did irreversible damage to the industry, though to be more accurate, it was microsoft's audience, the same that normalized paying for online play
I keep seeing this buzzword but so far I haven't seen any actual competition. Valve improves their platform while Epic throws petty cash at devs while trying to catch up from 15 years ago. The only thing I see happening from this tactic of moneyhatting is Valve pulling the same shit as Epic instead of lowering cuts. Good thing Valve are smart enough not to pull that shit. Theres no reason for a dev currently to only release on Epic store since nobody uses or wants it.
MS also promoted the concept of cutting up expansions and selling them in pieces as a way to make more money. They sold this idea to companys like EA and Ubisoft and you know what happens later. Fuck them
Are dumb or retard? Devs and publishers are NOT your friends or family. Devs and publishers are people trying to sale you a product/service and you are his customer idiot.
This image is cringe and is just the typical political cartoon of "HE DUMB"
And you guys complain about Stonetoss?
I swear you anti-valve shitposters act very oblivious to all the problems and act like its ok to pull cancerous shit as long as Valve suffers.
Yes because fuck Valve - even though I like using Steam.
It is easy to understand, those who defend epic store want steam to have competition, nothing else, the problem is how bad the store itself is, other stores that had the operating months of epic already surpass it.
>Valve has steam exclusives
thirdparty exclusives like epic?
Then those people are retarded. The only way, literally the only way, to compete with bought exclusives is to buy them first.
And I guarantee the moment Valve starts pulling the same shit as Epic these defenders will jump down their throat over it with no regard to the blatant hypocrisy.
They have a full year road map of improving the store. Quit bellyaching.
>quit complaining about buying exclusives
>quit complaining about the launcher being spyware that datamines steam data and god knows what else without permission
>quit complaining, they have no features and one of the most bloated launchers but they promised to add basic features in the future
I can't see how anyone can defend this shit
I believe in competition.
When EA gave out free games? I didn't collect them
When Epic gave out free games? I collected them - why? Because they're actual competition.
The absolute state of that. They've yet to get "features" that even fucking Ubishit have had for 3 years.
Don't forget fucking origin has more features at launch than epic's store. EA also didn't lock third party games they had no hand in to their store.
>By not letting any store compete and monopolize where you can buy games because you bribed third party devs
Also the way you seem to keep reposting that image and keep vehemently defend epic makes me legitimately unironically think you are shilling. I believe in actual competition that results in lower prices for games and better features like DRM copies, not this shit from Epic which offers absolutely nothing.
uPlay and Origin don't have user reviews, Epic Store will
Gonna bitch more?
But it doesn't have user reviews though, does it?
>Opt in review system
>Still doesn't match a system Steam has had in ages
>Still isn't even out yet
>Actually thinks barely beating uPlay and Origin in one feature is noteworthy
Anything else to shill about the store?
*DRM free copies
Yea Forums=btfo
>Borderlands 3 is going to be Epic Store exclusive on PC
Fucking Randy
That's the best part: The kind of retard that would buy Borderlands 3 would use EGS to play it - because they're looter addicts
Yikes, what a fucking abhorent post. You managed to type almost NOTHING that was actually correct in all those lines.
Damn, the bugman epic shill just never responded to this
>Borderlands 3 is going to be a battle royale
I'm a third party here, and yes, you lost the argument and you're absolutely retarded.
Later, pal.
discord is pretty fresh, and seems to be helping small developers, which is good. Every other platform aside from steam is pure cancer.
They're trying to infect the PC gaming market with the PS4 and other consoles monetization system.
>There are genuine, living and breathing human beings that look at the current state of streaming and console faggotry exclusivity bullshit and think to themselves
>"Man, that seems great. I really hope that happens to my hobby too!"
If you somehow think this will evolve into a better market for the consumer and not the absolute fucking degeneracy that is buying ten different subscriptions because every fucking service is just abusing IP law rather than competing on the merits of their service than I genuinely hope you die in your sleep. Go look at the current state of anime streaming and feel the despair of needing every cunt and his mother's service if you want to watch a show """"legit"""". Even console exclusives pale in comparison to the future that awaits us all if this shit continues to spread.
>This is about developer rights, not consumer rights.
But I'm not a developer, I'm a consumer. I don't care if my games are made in a sweatshop if it means I don't need to run a chink botnet that resells my credit card info.
Based doesn't care about other humans poster