To the Communists: YOU made life intolerable and created villains out of ordinary people...

>To the Communists: YOU made life intolerable and created villains out of ordinary people. Now you reap your bloody harvest and be assured that this is only the beginning. You can blame the Black Sun for this, you can blame Pewdiepie, you can blame toxic masculinity... but what you do not have the courage to blame is your own poisonous policies that engineered the suicide of your civilization and how you fiddled while Rome burned.

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Go to bed, clearance

Real life is cyberpunk as fuck now.

This is the most cringeworthy LARP I've ever seen.

this guy is hilarious
is this nu-anonymous?

this. Do /pol/acks not realise that their strength is appealing to the white working class? This anime inspired nazi larping does nothing but marginalize themselves.

... isn't this practically inviting cops to come visit you?

am I living in a fucking cartoon right now

It's more insane than any satire. I refuse to believe people watch this and think
>yeah seems legit.

>All these /pol/ fags who blame the left for this shooting
You guys have literal brain rot.

>you have no one to blame but yourselves
>but we were the ones who went and killed those people
Really makes you think.... maybe they are just tardlets who cant take responsibility for their actions.

nigga, he ain't WRONG

him being awkward doesn't change that

Aye, he speaks the truth, I'm dedicating my glass of whisky to this man's words

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Are we the baddies?

Muslims say the same shit
>you have no one to blame for the terrorism but yourselves
>commits the terrorism anyway
it's a two way street

This guy is the epitome of "larping."

I hope the cops raid his mother's basement and we get bodycam footage of him crying.

It's /pol/, they literally think of Donald fucking Trump as the God Emperor of Mankind from Warhammer.

This shooting is the climax or all of this kind of posting and talking. When someone takes it seriously enough to take action.

The lines between entertainment and editorial are so blurred I don't even know what's going on.

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Fucking Jian falseflaggers

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No way this guy isn't a falseflag to make rightists look even more retarded.

Why did he kill a bunch of random people instead of the politicians who put that people in there in the first place?

Was he retarded? They'll just replace those 50 dead with 100 now

Why are there mosques in a place called Christchurch?

Evil cringe.

Same reason there's churches in Islamabad.

Globalism, the meme of 'multiculturalism' and the end of Civilization

It's no one thing. Things aren't simple anymore, and thinking that they are facilitates behavior like this.

You might not like the taste of understanding that who you believe to be your aggressors are people and they can be reasoned with.

But this guy didn't either.

You can try to sound as cool as you want, all I can think about is the first victim welcoming the shooter with "brother" before being shot.

Who is this supervillain and why do I wanna see a saturday morning cartoon starring him as the main antagonist?

Have some karma, fellow redditor.

No he's an idiot nihilist that wanted to spill blood. It's painfully obvious he's pretending to be retarded when he's a nihilist and wants to "watch it all burn" like the edgy fuck he is.

>states he wants to accelerate the conflict, hoping that NZ remove more rights
>NZ announces NZ wants to remove more rights

You sound like you guzzle cum professionally.

No muslim is my brother

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Yeah yeah, not supporting some terrorist fucks is now Reddit.

He said he wanted the US to revoke gun rights to start a civil war. I don't know if he just doesn't watch the news or realize burgers eat mass shootings for breakfast.

>He said he wanted the US to revoke gun rights to start a civil war
He also specifically mentioned NZ

Guess he was a success after all.

I don't know that kiwis are going to give as much of a shit about that as burgers.

This. The US Government basically just twiddles their thumbs for a few weeks thinking of ways to maintain the status quo while looking like they're doing something, then they all go on a vacation for a few weeks and everyone forgets anything ever happened.

Basically this, the more the elite distance themselves from the working class the more likely violence will occur in the future.

This, fucking this. Blame the idiots who want Western society to die, not the pawns who just want to find a better life.

Is this Jim Sterling's alter ego?

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It's actual, legitimate racism. People like this don't think logically or rationally. They just want to up the body count.

You do realize that the shooter thought China was the ideal society and he openly hates Trump.


Whoever wins we all lose, we all carry the weight of retards who get to represent us be it whites blacks mexicans or auspies

He's Jim Sterling if Jim Stirling wasn't such an SJW pussy.

>the pawns who just want to find a better life.
If they want a better life they need to fight for their fucking country, not run away like little pussies

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That doesn't change the fact that everytime one happens, hordes of the retards try to revoke gun rights. You really think if shillary was in there right now with the state of the senate they wouldn't be doing it already? Don't kid yourself man.

Who said anything about supporting him. Nothing in the op states support for him in any way, but just because some murdering fuck says a thing doesn't make the thing then less true because of who said it.
Unfortunately that's how things end up, it's usually the more peaceful people on every side who end up the ones hurt

He said he supports Trump as far as being a common cause for the white race or whatever. Considering that's more or less what the shooting was about I wouldn't say he hates Trump.

pure kino

Just like Obummer totally was going to after Sandy Hook, right?

He said that he disagrees with Trump's policies and praises Chinese lawmakers.
The dude is a commie falseflagger.
With a hint of white supremacy it seems.

Because the point is to electro shock the masses, and get muslims also ready to retaliate for an escalation. Also to send a message.
Plus, do you think you can easily show up into a government meeting or something and start raining bullets on them? Most of these elected in gov. have security everywhere, heavily guarded, cameras etc.
And maybe you could take down one isolated individual from the oligarchs, but that's also useless and wouldn't do anything.

why is this still up, an hour later?

This is 2 edgy for me, sad that /pol/ creates manchildren like these thinking there delusions are reality.

>I will rally the support of normal people by slaughtering dozens of normal people


God I hate the internet so fucking much
What the fuck is this


anyone has the news report of him that took the navy seal pasta he had on his manifesto seriously?

That's not what I meant by shocking the masses. This guy probably knew most people would disavow him, demonize him, hate him.
He planted a seed. Just like Breivik.

Some people believe that certain people don't belong in their home and will kill them to get them out. It's a tale as old as time.


Do you even listen to yourself? Do you not listen to what these people say, both the politicians and the media,, and how they escalate it every subsequent time squealing completely factually inaccurate bullshit to try and generate more fear or hysteria so they can escalate again and again until they can do what they've wanted to. This point in time is not sandy hook and absolutely would not have the same outcomes if those people currently had the power to do anything about it.

>Muslims attack
>apologize to all Muslims
>White person attack
>demonize all white people

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I just want this fucking idpol war to end already. Both sides pull of self-felating stunts like this that accomplishes nothing in the long run and just gets innocent people caught in the crossfire that don’t even know why they’re being killed.

Can we just talk about video games again?

When will everyone stop putting up with /pol/ shit? There has to be a group better at expressing the lonely cesspool of modern life than these half-brained Nazi death cultists

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fuck off

he is very clearly an accelerationist