FoV vs Procedurally Generated

What's the main difference and which is "better" ?

Attached: giphy.gif (480x270, 3.34M)

2 different things

Ambient Occlusion vs Mouse and Keyboard

Which one should I choose?

Attached: question frog.png (231x218, 8K)

So do you fall off the world if you walk backwards?

Procedural generation randomly places or mix-matches things as the player enters within a certain distance. FoV merely makes things the player cant see despawn to save space and make it run smoother

How random is that when it decides what assets to use? It can't be too bad like spawning the same building twice in a row.

daily reminder that the next time Yea Forums has a discussion on game engines or technology this is the kind of person you're arguing with.

what the fuck is this question asking

neither, i prefer per-object motion blur

Yea Forums can barely talk mechanics in the first place

60fps vs toyota, what's the main difference

An Xbox 360 or a Ham Sandwich. What's the main difference and which is "better" ?

RTS vs the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, what's the main difference and which is "better"?

How about you Google it instead of shitting up this board like the twelve year old retard you are. There is literally a website where you can type in any question you have, without having to hope some slackjawed mongrel answers you via a taiwanese basket weaving forum.

Thinking about upgrading my rig, should I go for a 2080ti or Arthur Schopenhauer?

Well a ham sandwich won't give me a read ring of death, but now I have cancer from this food analogy so

As you can see there's still terrain being rendered behind the player node so no.

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 or SMAA, which one should I go with?

What the fuck are you talking about???

Your eyes can only see at Ford Fiesta.

kewl gif

Those are two different things OP, are you mentally retarded?

unreal engine vs the letter Q, what's the main difference and which is "better"?

Okay all jokes aside, RTX vs 800 DPI?

Help I need to know 60fps or new game+?

the letter Q