Did you think it was a good twist?
>Hurr it was super obvious
Yes you faggot, but I'm asking if you thought it was a GOOD twist.
Did you think it was a good twist?
>Hurr it was super obvious
Yes you faggot, but I'm asking if you thought it was a GOOD twist.
Other urls found in this thread:
No. It was straight out of Kingdom Hearts.
>V is Vergil
>Urizen is Vergil
>Vergil is also Vergil
They would've probably had to rework the plot a bit but I'd preferred each of them to be a new character instead, rather than just each being more faffing over Vergil. The game was sorely lacking in secondary villains. V himself was a mixed bag gameplay wise but at least he was really unique and I'm peeved he didn't get unlockable new stuff like Nero and Dante do throughout the game. New summons maybe?
What a waste. Though I wouldn't really put it past the devs to bring V back as his own person through some contrived reason considering Nero keeps the guy's book as a memento.
>They would've probably had to rework the plot a bit
Literally the whole story is about the human vs the demon side of Vergil; it would have to be a completely new plot for it to work with them as new characters.
As a twist? No. As a story device? Yes. It was handled well. V's last words to Urizen proves that.
I felt like its fine but it shouldn't have been a twist. It just makes it feel like a wasted character. I think this game was intended as a "Vergil focused game" in which case it probably would have been smarter to not pretend like thats a big twist, as it just make Vergil's presence in the game look like an asspull. You spend a lot of time wondering about these mysterious new characters and they're all just Vergil. Its a non-mystery and isn't super interesting. Still loved the game though.
>The game was sorely lacking in secondary villains
Definitely. This game really needed an Agnes or something.
I agree. I think Vergil should've been in the background the whole game, only showing up at the end to steal the fruit in his hobo state while Dante was fighting Urizen or something. And I still think V should've been in league with Mundus or something, could've added tension between Dante and Nero in the end game if Nero and V became close before the reveal. V is very fleshed out as a character for being a one off twist, and considering how M17 Urizen visually resembles Balrog (and not having a fight with Balrog in game), I get the impression the story was changed around a lot before release.
No, it wasn't. There isn't a way around it.
And the fact that not only V but also Urizen, the summons and some of the enemies were also Vergil won't survive the test of time, people are going to make fun of this game plot forever. Please never let Bingo work again.
how can an obvious twist be considered good? The point of a twist is to make things interesting because is unexpected.
Is it just me or does V look a lot like Sparda in this shot?
> a good twist
> it was super obvious
> but I'm asking if you thought it was a GOOD twist
The sooner you guys realize that Nico, V, and even the girls didn't have any place in this game the sooner you'll come to understand how bad the story was.
was it a twist when they were so obvious about it? I do like v being vergil though.
Another user pointed this out in another thread, but V's character would have been more impactful if we'd see how his experience affected Vergil's character. If V had made a more clear friendship with Nero, and then Vergil had shown more than two sentences of not-indifference to him, and tempered his attitude towards Dante and seeking power, then it would have worked better.
What they could have done is show Vergil in the prologue, maybe have him assume that Nero was another Son of Sparda or another demon king, and take his arm anyway. Then actually show that V is horrified at Urizen's actions, and have him and Nero become pretty good friends, with V regretting taking his arm after a point. He could even have had scenes where he admires Dante's drive and skill or something. Then when V and Urizen merge, there could have been more emphasis on what was left of V and what was left of Urizen in Vergil's personality, like having him refuse to aggro Nero until Nero attacks and giving him more time to interact with Nero and Dante in general
The core concept is fine, it was a well executed twist and character development on all ends was hampered by not enough interactions for all characters involved
Not really, but he was an alright character. Shame we probably won't see him again.
No, it was dumb as fuck and a waste of best boy.
>The sooner you guys realize that Nico, V, and even the girls didn't have any place in this game the sooner you'll come to understand how bad the story was.
V being Vergil's human side is by far the most interesting aspect of the story though. If anything Nero feels like the odd one out storywise.
I spit out my drink on my keyboard, fuck you man.
user's fanfic was better than this shit
And that's exactly why it was an incredibly shit story.
Wow, that'd been neat
I have a question about those missions where you pick a character. Should I go for V on DMD for easy points, or is it easy regardless of a character?
I love him as a character but fucking hell this game
It felt right out of Kingdom Hearts, along with all the dialogue in this game. Even the voice performances were lacking compared to 3.
DMC3 was pretty anime in its story but I felt like it was told and paced much better than DMC5's. Also Vergil in 5 was pathetic compared to 3, in aesthetics, voice performance, and dialogue.
The dialogue overall in 5 just feels clumsy and almost nonsensical at times.
It was just poorly done all around, it doesn't make sense considering how long the game was in development for. Either they are lying or it had a shoe string budget, but looking at the credits doesn't make it seem that way.
I don't know what went wrong.
>but V's character would have been more impactful if we'd see how his experience affected Vergil's character.
Eh, it's not handled well but the impact on Vergil's character is definitely there.
If V hadn't impacted Vergil's consciousness in some way, he would never have thanked Nero or given him the poetry book. He probably wouldn't even have known who Nero was.
Vergil is still kind of an asshole, but the fact that he reflects on his actions with the whole "Would you have my life, and me yours?" shows that some degree of change is definitely present.
>Can't stop replaying the Vergil fights
Fuck, man. The music after you DT during the Vergil Nero fight is top tier.
please post more!
A good twist is unpredictable but makes a lot of sense in hindsight. V was predictable but he still made a lot of sense.
I liked him a lot, it was a great way to make Vergil a far more sympathetic character and have him do and say things he'd be too proud to otherwise. It's an effect way to maintain the status quo of his character while also being able to explore his inner workings.
Not really a good twist but it was okayish.
However I think that V as a character is interesting enough.
Just lacking a bit in gameplay variety. Need maybe another demon to switch to or a more in depth mechanic of some kind. It is conceptually interesting but the execution is a bit lacking.
I bet they never would have gone with it because of the implied demon rape though.
It would have been an awesome dynamic between Nero and V though, their shitty fathers both being one half of the main villain
He didn't need to change from how he was at the end of 3. That was peak Vergil, this new version of him is worse in every way.
>DMC3 was pretty anime in its story but I felt like it was told and paced much better than DMC5's. Also Vergil in 5 was pathetic compared to 3, in aesthetics, voice performance, and dialogue.
DMC5's writing is just as good/bad as DMC3, the only difference is that DMC5's story is way more convoluted and therefore not as good.
Bingo hasn't changed at all in these 12 years, DMC3's story works because it's a classic and proven tale, DMC5's story is more ambitious but as a result more flawed.
>DMC5's writing is just as good/bad as DMC3
Please stop making me sad. When I think that people are this dumb I get really unhappy.
nero is lookin like my sister there
Today I will remind them.
Was literally listening to this part when i scrolled to this.
>Please stop making me sad. When I think that people are this dumb I get really unhappy.
Sorry to break your heart, but DMC3 follows a typical red and blue oni archetype story.
This is very much a staple in japanese entertainment. It's not especially unique and it's used because it's proven and it works.
its the best part
I posted this in another thread but it took me until my third playthrough to realise that the "Thank you, Nero" was for carrying V, not because Vergil stole his arm to split himself
Maybe I'm the brainlet there though. I still think that Vergil needed some overt demonstration of change, even if it was just him smiling at the book or something. Based off DMC5 alone you would think Dante has an irrational hatred of his brother, and obviously the game is total fanservice but "play DMC1 and 3 to get it" is not really a great explanation imo
Nothing else in the story is subtle so trying to be subtle with Vergil in the last 4 cutscenes is just an odd choice
I did like V and Vergil though, even Urizen was cool in the "far end of Vergil's own personality" kind of way
no he doesn't, stop posting her user
I thought the "twist" was handled nicely, veterans were rewarded with easy to read foreshadowing, for newcomers it'd be more surprising. What surprised me more is the implication that Vergil counted on Urizen to gain power and on V to recruit Dante and co. to weaken Urizen, so V could rejoin, like the whole plot is just one gambit to resurrect in full health so he could push Dante's shit in.
Replay it or watch some cutscenes to refresh your memory. DMC3 is leagues above 5.
I don't care if it's wub wub stuff, going into DT after stunning Vergil and using Buster Arm makes me diamonds.
The bit at the end with nico was legitimately funny.
>Replay it or watch some cutscenes to refresh your memory. DMC3 is leagues above 5.
Yes, because it fucking uses a trope that's been used in japanese entertainment for literal decades.
I wish I had more, user
What tropes?
Not really, if only because Vergil's reasoning for splitting himself in two isn't that interesting. DMC has never had a story that was more than just okay, though, and DMC5 has some nice character interactions. The twist didn't excite me or bother me either way.
V as a character on the other hand annoys the fuck out of me. His voice. His awful Myspace emo character design. His gameplay style. I'm just not a fan. It's like a fifteen year old girl was transported from a Hot Topic circa 2006 and somehow got her dream prom date inserted out of her elaborate Inuyasha fanfiction and into DMC.
This guy actually gets it.
DMC3 is a very simple story but it's executed perfectly, which makes it so effective.
DMC5 is a more complex story that is good. The problems were that it tried to do a lot of the "show, don't tell" type of story-telling that 3 had, but it didn't work as well.
3 being a simple story made writing in such a way a lot more understandable. You see the character's grow and develop without having to be exposition dumped on it because the basic plot is very simple. Vergil never monologues about his motivations and grand plan, he has one off-hand remark in the entire game that effectively hints at his entire motivation.
They tried similar kinds of subtleties in 5 but it didn't work as well because of the more complex nature of the plot. Vergil's plan to split himself is somewhat confusing because they don't outright tell you how mentally deteriorated he is from the decades of being a demon slave and dying of aids. They never explain to you, in game, that the tree was something that was going to happen regardless of Urizen because it happens every 1000 years. They don't really explain that Dante feels like he has to kill Vergil so he can get Yamato and close the portals from hell, you only learn that after all the tension is gone. They never hint at how hurt Nero was by Credo's death until the very last moment when it was convenient to supplement what was happening.
I still really like the story, it's the second best for sure.
These games are objectively about the gameplay and the gameplay was solid. The story is cool and the cutscenes are flashy, the story isn't really supposed to be analysed too much as always it's by design style over substance. The only game with actual good plot and themes is 3. 5 is the best game in the series, when they add playable Vergil, trish, lady, Lucia etc it will be undeniable.
>It's like a fifteen year old girl was transported from a Hot Topic circa 2006 and somehow got her dream prom date inserted out of her elaborate Inuyasha fanfiction and into DMC.
Yeah, that's exactly what Vergil was going for.
Is this all your argument amounts to? The game had far more to it than this.
4's was better.
I don't know why anyone cares about the story when it's supposed to be anime.
Unpopular opinion:
Reviving Vergil and making him the final boss was cheap, lazy and unoriginal.
Obviously done for the fanservice.
the few seconds in beginning of Silver bullet and Legacy are best moments of the songs.
What bothers me while playing with Nero
is that he attacks with his left hand and i use right hand. I know it's autistic, but it is what it is
Yep. The game was too pussy to be original because of the wait and because of DmC
4 never had any stakes at any point. Dante being a huge goof all the time was good in 3 because he was a teen trying to be cool (and usually failing), it was also a defense mechanism he used to protect himself from the gravity of the situation he was in.
4 is just whacky Dante doing meme shit for fun, the primary antagonist is such a joke that Dante could have legit ended the game at any point in time, but chose not to so he could just fuck around and let Nero be the hero. It completely deflates any tension the game ever has at any point.
4 exists solely to introduce Nero as a character, which it does an alright job at. Outside of that it's story is largely pointless and has no stakes at any point for the player.
What is this fucking meme he never fuckin died holy shit.
Well, yeah. The entire game is transparent fanservice. The way DMC5 explores the emotional backstory of Dante and Vergil's childhood makes it feel a little more legitimate and justified than it would be otherwise.
In the way they did it yes. It was just bad all around.
>Is this all your argument amounts to? The game had far more to it than this.
You can enjoy and dissect it all you like, but DMC3's story is very much a cliche that has been done before such as in Inymusha and Trigun (and earlier than that even) and it's absolutely not unique in any way.
It's a proven popular trope and you see it a lot in japanese entertainment.
Who the fuck cares? Everything in the "story" was just a convenient explanation for the gameplay. It didn't fucking matter whatsoever, and they clearly knew that, so they just focused on having fun making them entertaining.
Yes, but I still like it because I always wanted Vergil to be happy and never thought it would happen.
And there's nothing wrong with any of that, and 4 looks cool often and has nice banter. 5 on the other hand has a lot wrong with it making it worse than 4 story wise.
Explain, me dumb
I miss when Yea Forums cared about DMC lore.
>Vergil is like 10x harder than anything else in the game
>Even after you beat him as Dante he does a last minute counter
>Nero shows up
>Most heroic remix of Devil Trigger starts playing
>Nero completely blows him up
There's plenty wrong with it. Your main antagonist is treated like a joke by the series protagonist the entire time and is only allowed to do any of his evil shit because the protagonist allows him to for fun. His fight sucks fucking ass too.
I don't
Do people actually care about the story in DMC?
To be honest with you I barely remember the plots of 1, 3 or 4.
DMC5 having a larger focus on its narrative struck me as very odd.
But yeah, it's bothering me how Trish and Lady may as well not be in the game, and they went through all the trouble of creating Nico only for her to play second fiddle to the Divinity Statue for the majority of the game.
Her only purpose in Dante's side of the story is to toss him a new gun once in a while.
What about saving Kyrie?
>Behemoths on V missions in DMD
Christ this is hell.
He is a joke.
>when the final boss theme is a remix of a regular song from the game
always kino
>Only 26 tries
I never even played DMC1 and I never will and even I know the basics of the plot.
3 and 4 I recall vividly.
>good twist
Good excuse is more accurate.
Being too pussy to develop your character isn't good writing.
V>Vergil btw
Yeah, I wish V had been his own character and he and Nero could have taken on the mantle of main characters in newer games. I figured that's what they might be doing since they interacted a lot.
It's not really a twist. The guy tried to kill Dante with Sparda.
Vergil is that 15 year old girl, stay mad.
Thats basically what I thought from all the red herrings from the trailers. The misdirections pointed me on that direct conclusion. Not sure if Itsuno and co. did those misdirections on purpose or not. Felt like they do cause how many times they did it on the trailers but they were so focused on V/Urizen/Vergil twist that the red herrings taken at face value sounded more interesting that the actual twist themselves believing its a great twist knowing the vocal majority of the fans wants Vergil so fucking bad
It was father/son bonding time.
So was Vergil THAT kid growing up? Or Dante? I could see either one like this
I really hope he was being ironic.
that's literally nero in this game
>use DT
>every time he says "don't fuck with me"
>buster attacks similarly cringy
>DMC5 is a more complex story that is good. The problems were that it tried to do a lot of the "show, don't tell" type of story-telling that 3 had, but it didn't work as well.
"show, don't tell" doesn't apply here, because they didn't' tell or show a lot of things.
I hate that retards like you learned the phrase and try and use it as an excuse for stories nt explaining shit. That's not what it means. It means you actually see stuff happening ONSCREEN, not "oh it happened offscreen and you're just supposed to GET it, fill in the blanks in your head because the writers can't be bothered to". Retard.
I prefer this one
>4 never had any stakes
Nero is the MC and they were important to him, so yes those are high stakes.
Are you ready to take notes, Yea Forums?
like said, that's more Nero
How did you unlock everything
When they revealed his name to be V I knew he had some connection to Vergil.
Seems like maybe you could be that 15 year old girl, Fujo-chan. I'm not mad. I just find V a little annoying.
I know, I played the game. I'm saying it would have been better if V were his own character and bonded with Nero to be a new main character.
I want new characters and V was really cool. They can wank Vergil some other way.
Beating Urizen in the prologue unlocks the next difficulty
You would so readily throw away your life, child?
No, it's definitely Vergil and Itsuno. Stay mad.
>V was really cool.
I want emo faggots to leave
It would of been better if V was a Mundus vessel, where V reads about demons and the Sparda legacy, studies the art of it, and comes across Mundus who lends him his power to take out Urizen who’s Vergil. That way V has to decide if Mundus is telling the truth or not. Plus it would also show that Mundus misinterpretated Dante & Spardas final words about embracing humanity for true power, a theme that’s been in this series since 1, and figured linking up with a human meant he would gain ultimate power.
oh SHIT I forgot about that.
>main menu theme reminds me of a similar theme from a different game that I can't think of
I can't wait for it to come to me at 2am.
I wish he was demifiend instead. That would have been the deepest lore
I like Vergil, but wasting centering the entire story around him like they did was just bad. It was so boring and disappointing. I can't stress it enough. They really hyped V and Urizen up in all the trailers, and it's just Vergil. LAME
It’s the Capcom start up logo
V is unironically the best character, they should have let him fly free and be his own person! He would have been a great new addition to the story!
V is a fucking faggot, the story was completely ruined unless you like faggots.
>was it a good twist
of course not
it didn't have any particular narrative impact other than to retcon
it wasn't clever or cause any notable reaction in player or characters, so no it was a fucking terrible twist
it would've been more interesting to just bring Vergil back and not explain shit
the better twist was that Vergil just does not give a fuck about Nero, that shit was kek worthy
the V/Urizen twist is in the same vein as every plot point of Final Fantasy IV
>plays DMC
>isn't a faggot or a fujochad
Urizen best character. They put most coolest aspects of Vergil in Urizen and most boring in V.
literally what is the purpose of V
Don't respond to it.
Vergil is a fictional character.
Guess so.
>Stay mad.
What do I have to be mad about? I just V is a cringe-inducing character and not that fun to play as.
To show that there was still humanity left in Vergil.
After they merged he immediately gave up on the whole 'rule hell' thing and just wanted to fight Dante, because that's just what Vergil is like I guess.
>it would've been more interesting to just bring Vergil back and not explain shit
This. The entire story was a complete waste of time. If Vergil just popped out of nowhere and took his arm back to ffight Dante everything would have been more interesting.
V is nothing like Vergil.
That's retarded and they did a poor job with it.
I don't think it was good, but I'm more confused about why they're so afraid of creating new characters now that they have to connect them to an existing one and preemptively kill them off. Itsuno likes a lot of V fanart on Twitter so hopefully he's getting the message that it's okay to introduce new things.
Yes, he is, he's the exact same kind of smug, just less capable.
And he seems to embody Vergil's childhood memories which is why he is reading that book,it was his favorite as a child.
It was stupid
V was simultaneously the worst and best part of the game. He's super fun to play and what is there is really well executed but he is by far the most shallow character in the game. An extra summon or two would have gone a far way.
Also story wise, there were so many great directions they could have gone in with his character to really establish him with the ranks of Dante and Nero,
Maybe he's a human that gets super interested in studying demons, especially the incident at mallet island after hearing about it as a kid or something, and in his pursuit of knowledge discovers some ancient forbidden technique to summon his own.
Or maybe he made a deal with a demon (mundus?) To get the fruit from the qliphoth in exchange for the power to create his own demon summons or control over some demons in the underworld.
But instead it's just "oh yeah btw I'm Vergil too"
I enjoyed playing as V, so it's whatever.
>Urizen looks dope as fuck with the veins covering him like some armored hellish lich king
>Attacks are all generic OP Beams, timestop, meteors, laser pillars when fighting him first stage because he isn't even trying
>Urizen eats the apple and looks like a generic Castlevania mini-boss rendition of Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho, doesn't even resemble Vergil's DT or Sparda at all
>His abilities at full power are the exact same with only 2 attack spike pillar attacks and a punch
I honestly would have liked something more in line with the Tree/roots/blood theme rather than just some 12 foot tall Hiei. Vergil's human side was at least reflect of Vergil calm demeanor and autistic nature, but Urizen doesn't convey anything of Vergil's demon side other than "MUH POWER" literally. Very disappointing.
fucking casual
V also has his own manga.
I think after the backlash for DmC, they just wanted to make a fanservice game and were afraid of introducing new characters, but that sucks because V was the best and well-received in the end.
His final form has summoned sword and he also uses a lot of moves from Vergil's Beowulf moveset which look really cool.
Them being smug isn't much to go off of. Nero is smug. Dante is smug.
>he seems to embody this new thing that we are only now introduced to
That's not how it works.
V is nothing like Vergil, even after Vergil comes back this becomes even more clear because he doesn't act like him at all. Being just a little nicer doesn't cut it, sorry.
>Alright, whaddaya want?
Yea I unironically think it was a great twist and I love the story in 5.
I want you m'lady
Instead they wasted millions on Nico being in the game. Glad I didn't buy it.
>This game really needed an Agnes or something.
Well there's Malphas...
You want you to tell me which blue orb fragment I'm missing.
Please Lady, save me from this hell
>I think after the backlash for DmC, they just wanted to make a fanservice game and were afraid of introducing new characters
It's a mix of DmC and Nero getting shit on for years until DmC rolled around.
You will regret being born... useless and human.
Cursed... the moment you were brought into this world.
>Them being smug isn't much to go off of. Nero is smug. Dante is smug
He's calm smug, that's Vergil's kind of smug.
He very much reminds me of the only time we get to see Vergil act causally in 3.
Those pants look awfully hot.
Let me make you feel more comfortable handsome.
The fact Vergil just wants to fight Dante is itself disappointing and a little boring to me. It feels more like the story recognizing that a lot of its audience would like to see Vergil fight Dante again than it makes for a natural motivation for what happens. Sibling rivalry is well and good and plays off their different personalities well, but hinging an entire plot point on "muh Pizza Kakarot" deflated the climax for me. Not that I care a shitload about DMC's story, but I feel like something better could have been done. All the childhood trauma stuff was more thoughtful and graceful than I would expect from DMC.
Nero's "Can't we all get along?" desperation is neat and all but it also doesn't work that well. It's not like the entire conflict was a grave misunderstanding or that Dante was particularly bullheaded or cruel. Vergil was a murderous dickhead. "Old douchebag" is an appropriate label. Nero doesn't have that insight at all, and it made it hard for me to give a shit about it. It seems Vergil is a changed man after his reemergence, but it's not like Nero would know anything about it either way, and Vergil was more than willing to antagonize Dante.
My biggest gripe with this entire game is that I will never hear the full version of the teased, slow paced cerberus theme remix
Jesus fucking christ there's 10 seconds of pure orgasm
Cavaliere wrecked me for longer than I'd care to admit, but fuck me is he fun to fight. Balrog best girl.
>V was a girl at some point during concept
Christ this thread reminds of how underage Yea Forums is.
Why are you all so god damn bitchy?
Then 9 minutes of pure aids.
>tfw you land a SS air taunt into Shadow's spike with V
I don't know what it is about this character, but he makes this kind of crazy set ups actually fun.
I haven't played with it too much but I found Balrog hard to get used to. Is there a particular style that works well with it? I've always been swordmaster purist, boring as that might make me.
>The fact Vergil just wants to fight Dante is itself disappointing and a little boring to me
This. I feel like they made Vergil and his conflict with Dante very shallow in this game.
Yea I literally got goosebumps soon as heard that.
This could have been pure kino
That is a 200% better design than what we got.
Imagine being this easy and having taste this shit.
Too lazy to type something up but the other guy basically nailed it. Game felt shallow especially the Vergil stuff. Despite hating V he was done well enough, only to get deleted. Then comes a more shallow and somehow weaker Vergil.
Vergil has never been entirely villainous, he want personal power, but with the vague motivation that he'll use it to protect people.
I really liked that he reverted back to his usual obsession of beating Dante, and that Dante just went along with it because they're more alike than they realize.
Nero calling them out on their bullshit was great.
It seemed to me that Vergil was naturally going to close the gate if he beat Dante since he never wanted that shit, Urizen did, and Urizen lacked what little conscience he has.
This is why V should of been a Mundus creation or vessel. Mundus had an odd thing about creating women.
It's literally black haired Trish.
big titty goth gf > autistic poetry reading faggot
My english is shit, what does Griffon say when you double jump as V and he picks you up? Something something madness? No bully please.
Some more concept art. I actually kinda like this look for Dante
except she's clearly an asian babe you faggot
Could be reused in the sequel, not as V but as another character. She looks kino.
>ugh so high maintenance!
More Girl!V
Mundus daughter just kidding that looks like its straight out bayonetta
That one looks like a guy.
D and Jacque Pott drawing when
definitely vergil
whats the timing for that? do you just mash circle or what
>didn't even get the last part right
Well shit, thanks user.
Vergil was a big nerd growing up, liking books and shit.
I guess V was kind of Vergil regressing to who he would have been before the obsession with power.
Balrog and SM go hand-in-hand. For blow mode your main damage source is fishing for stuns so you can land an RI, and in kick mode your aerial game relies on it. You only really need to switch to trickster for distance closing, since it has built in dodges which are fast and effective (in blow mode hold punch for the initial dodge and weave for more, in kick mode back+sm has i-frames). Just remember not to use Pyromania unless you're absolutely certain you can see it through.
I can hear it now
Some more concept designs for V
Sounds fun, keep it away from me.
>Vergil has never been entirely villainous
He was never pure evil, no, but he was still a right cunt.
>he'll use it to protect people
Seems more like it revolved around a deep-seated insecurity than basic heroism.
>It seemed to me that Vergil was naturally going to close the gate
Almost certainly. The point though is that, given what Dante knew, you can hardly blame him. And Vergil does nothing to clarify or prove him wrong because he has such a fight-boner. He's more than willing to antagonize Dante. Yeah, Dante himself might be a tad overzealous about fighting old douchebag, but the game gives Nero a righteous platform that doesn't feel earned because he really has no fucking idea.
>If V had made a more clear friendship with Nero, and then Vergil had shown more than two sentences of not-indifference to him, and tempered his attitude towards Dante and seeking power, then it would have worked better.
I think that's actually a great idea and it would've also helped to alleviate my main peeve with 5's story. V having more interactions with Nero could've also been used to bring up the latter still dragging the trauma from letting Credo die due to not being powerful enough (in Nero's own words) or Nero's thoughts about wanting a proper family, which leads to him wanting to save his father. Instead we got all of it condensed into literally one phone call + short introspection in mission fucking 20.
Is that actually V concept art? Post source.
god if this is what this board thinks is good V gameplay than no wonder they think he's shallow
Is that fucking Gilver?
I'm upset that Vergil didn't seem all that affected by what V had experienced before the end. Made the poetry-reading summoner seem rather pointless overall.
V could have been...... Vergil without demon powers.
Wow look at that I'm a genius.
>a tryhard double digit IQ fag implying V is anything but shallow
>Vergil is also Vergil
I call nonsense
I think that Nero did have a clue, he and V got pretty close, and right before Vergil takes off he thanks Nero, which is obviously V speaking.
Nero knew them both to some degree atleast well enough to know that the shouldn't be killing eachother when there is a hell gate opening.
It felt like the story was created purely to appeal to thing that the fans liked, rather than a story that was made to be an actual sequel.
Like they just went down a list of things fans would like to see and made sure they checked all the boxes. Even so, they could have had better writers on the job.
There's a Madfest panel that Itsuno is at going on right now
This twitter is posting pics
How do I cheese these Fury niggers? There doesn't seem to be alble to tell when exactly they attack. Funny thing is that when I first met one I perfectly royal guarded all its attacks but that was the only time that ever worked for me
>It seemed to me that Vergil was naturally going to close the gate if he beat Dante since he never wanted that shit, Urizen did, and Urizen lacked what little conscience he has.
I didn't really see that implied anywhere. I mean while there is V's regretful words backing it up, you also have to remember that he's just as one opposite extreme of Vergil like Urizen is. I mean full Vergil was completely planning on opening a portal to hell in 3, and he's the guy who initiated the split in 5 in the first place. Caring about civilian casualties is hardly on the top of his "to do" list.
Why concepts always better than what we got
Yeah also I'm tired
That long hair is pure sex. The outfit is pretty silly though, especially that one short sleeve.
>It felt like the story was created purely to appeal to thing that the fans liked,
So where were the cuhrazy cutscenes? Bro you're acting dumb right now. No one asked for Nico, V, or a demon hunter and a demon to be useless damsels. The story fucking sucked.
Nothing about the story is good
Virgil was the Virgin Chad while Dante was the Chad Virgin.
Chris Angel?
After I gushed about it my buddy compared it to playing Ciri later in Wild Hunt.
It's fucking accurate.
Gross. I'm glad they went with the cute V concept we got instead.
Jesus fuck Nero
post good V gameplay
Rate my Dante, no bully.
I keep replaying his stages over and over trying to understand style switching in battle easier. I close my eyes sometimes and force myself to muscle memory and listen to sounds of moves to get better
I don't get it, I don't see the difference.
I really wish Itsuno was going to fulfill his original vision for this game. It feels like the plot was cut out and they pasted something back in to try to salvage it by making it all about vergil
There's also the History Of DMC video in the gallery if you're too bad a vidya to play DMC1, 3, and 4.
I don't think he wanted to plunge the earth into the underworld in 3, he just didn't really care for collateral damage, which he very much is to blame for.
But in 5 he split himself in two, without doing anything else bad, except dismember his son a bit, the evil shit didn't start until after he became Urizen. And even then the rest of him (V) did everything he could to stop it.
But note how he doesn't even question closing the portal after the fight, he clearly intended to do so anyway, but he was spoiling for a fight with Dante as usual.
>thought I'd stick with 2 weapons loadout like DMC3 since I can customize
>try to see what happens if I carry all the weapons
>actually start gitting gud at it
Road to donguri styling here I come
How to S rank the first mission for Dante? It's literally impossible because enemies die too fast each fight. Tips appreciated
Because it's mostly audio you spastic, the words are there for a reason.
Dem cheekbones tho
With enough fan-demand you can bet Itsuno will find some plot-device to make Vergil man-birth V again without losing his mind.
>want to disable the DOF in the .ini because it removes the shitty blocky effect in cutscenes
>but it also removes other effects like Cerberus's elements and such things
fucking hell
I love V but this design needs to be used at some point in the future.
Now this would have been all kinds of crazy. Imagine if Vergil thought of his human side in association with his mother, THIS is what V would have looked like. THAT would have been a shocker, no one would have guessed that V was Vergil's human side.
Wow, V had a lot of different designs. They clearly put a lot of work into him. Just makes it all the more retarded that they wasted him.
In the coding for the game, Vs name is actually called Gilver
>waifufags creaming over this uglyfuck design
Thank God Itsuno doesn't care about them.
Mission 18 is obscenely difficult and it's honestly just bad design. Spend almost 22 hours on that one alone.
I'm not familiar with Itsuno's original vision for the story. Can you elaborate further?
>Moondust lurking in the shadows
Nigga this shit BETTER be in DMC6
>eat super special rule hell power fruit
>even after regaining humanity power boost still get cucked by nero and still dead even power with dante
>you cannot kill me
>get killed
>fag defending a fag
u wot
I'm starting my PS4 DMD mode run and I've been playing Human mode on PC.
But I cant taunt when using my PS4 controller on PC. I know the game doesnt support PS4 icons, but can anyone else still taunt using a PS4 controller?
Whats the point of playing if I cant MAX-ACT my air taunt?
I wish we had more Vergil screentime. All his autism banter is godtier Holy shit
Jump cancel the revolvers' last knockback hit, it helps a lot when styling on Anetora and Juddeca
I'm really sick of people treating Itsuno as if he was anything other than a hack. He has a good team but he's shit tier.
how do i use the air stinger with cavalier r
You can taunt with it what do you mean
back forward attack
for the plebs that want to farm gold orbs, just keep doing Mission 13 co-op. it's 5 minutes tops and they will ALWAYS give you style rating, especially if you play as V since everybody else chooses Nero and Dante
To be fair, Vergil could still fight, he even says so himself, and he and Dante knock the fuck out of Nero at the end too.
I think its more of a 'we are at the same level' kind of fight rather than a straight up defeat.
Also I was under the assumption that all the Qliphoth related shit went away. I mean Urizen was keeping the tree standing and when he reverted back the tree fell apart, it makes sense that the fruit powers went away too, but maybe that's just me assuming to much.
The taunt button is the big middle button on PS4. But it doesnt register on my PC copy. I looked at the button list and its not on there.
I never used a DS4, but the game only officially supports Xbox One controllers. So my guess is that you need to go into Steam controller settings and have the touchpad click register as the Xbox One's back button or whatever the fuck they call it now.
It's just weird how much harder than Vergil the mission is.
if thats what you think it is, then theres no reason to post it
Did this motherfucker wait the whole fucking game to call Dante dead weight because he got upset about being called that?
LMAO he really is Virgin's son
Look at that last statement again and maybe rethink it.
Here's a better image, bud
It's actually the Share Button.
I mean. Mundus also ate the fruit and lost. The fruit seems overrated.
is jump cancelling divekick multiple times back?
Eh it's not like eating the fruit would give every demon the same powerlevel.
Urizen was stronger than Mundus way before eating the fruit.
Wait, Cavaliere R has different moveset than the regular? I thought it was only a skin
Does anything other than DT protect you if you get caught by the empusa queen grab?
It was never gone, just much harder in 4
Well, it clearly involved Balrog as a fight-able boss at the very least
I was not the one posting some, so back up your claim rather than hide in your ivory tower. If nothing else it should be good gameplay and something to inspire others.
That was so lame, he seemed so resentful about it and Dante didnt give a shit.
yea i know it was in 4 just wanted to know if it was back in this
havent seen vids of anyone doing it
I am pretty much Dante and Vergil are even despite Vergil eating the sniwflake fruit, because Dante absorbed Sparda and we all know how retardedly stronk Sparda was.
>think vergil looks ugly as shit in pics
>actually go to meet him in game
>see him moving
>dat voice
>suddenly deeply attracted and all revulsion is erased
I agree
have you considered not getting caught?
I just hope we get V resurrected someday, he was cool.
A byproduct of realistic faces is realistic ugly in-betweens. Everyone looks better in motion because almost all human beings do.
Vergil would have been the final even if it was Power autist demon Vergil though
....sonovabitch. Thanks user. MAX-ACTing my taunt right now.
I hope they redesign Sparda's demon form, maybe this big bug form is his Sin DT and he has a more humanoid DT too.
>Obviously done for the fanservice.
Just like 99% of this game
To be honest he is hot even in pics like this one .
yeah but i didn't just think he looked "better" i wanted to legitimately fuck him
Royal Guard abuse. You need to get a Very high style rank in certain fights. The first of the segment, so that your average doesn't dip below at least an A. If you can do all three segments with an S rank for style, then you should have plenty enough to get an S for Urizen. The fights seem to be the first, obviously, then the fight in the long hall and then the fight where the Hell bats are introduced and ends with the Empusa Queen.
Get up to SSS and then Honeycomb and Dance Macabre to get as much style points as you can. Enemies will give a set amount per hit you deal to them, as well as a big amount when killed, this amount is increased depending on rank. So you'll want to kill the big enemies of the pack with as high a style as you can. The final encounter before Urizen can be considered the actual 'boss' of the level and gives the largest style points. Use SDT here, get everything to about half health, then use judgement once you have an S, you should get up to SSS and everything will die at the same time, giving you at least 5k style points.
mission 18 is 100% the hardest mission in the game. not close either.
So rebind it
He looks ugly as shit at all times, you guys are insane and faggots.
I thought the same thing, saw screens of him before the game came out and thought the character was ruined. Tried to keep an open mind, played the game, first time I saw him I wasn't sure, but by the end I was completely sold.
Vergil remains my biggest vidya crush.
Nothing wrong with Urizen The Demon King aka Nefarious Usurper being harder than Vergil
>ywn get double teamed by the sparda bros
>yfw upgrading V's abilities also makes the fights against Bird, Cat and Goo harder.
Mission 18 is the V summons as boss fights mission, user.
>only ever managed to do this once
Christ. I can't even royal guard his first phase without fucking up. Plus all the attempts to block fighter jet Vergil.
Nope, not the case, I didn't get Shadow Combo B, but he still tries to bite me. His even goes off three times.
How can one man be so blind
oh fuk im sorry
>Fight me dante
>tfw didn't even upgrade them because it wasn't necessary
You disgust me.
Nah, I'm tired of DMC wanking Vergil off all the time.
Hold the fuck up, did a mod just spoiler OP's image?
Bowie Vergil Never.
I love how he was before but you are the one who's got shit taste
Is the sound that plays when you pick up a blue/gold/purple orb the same one as the sound in Dead Rising 3 when you craft a combo weapon? It's been a few years since I played DR3 but they sound really similar.
And you, me.
He looks like a fucking beaner, he looks awful.
His first form design also a lot cooler and menacing than this blue bodybuilder with eyes all over his body
wish i could wank off vergil all the time
I dunno but DMC fans certainly are the most smug and hostile fans in all of video games.
I think everyone was scared and skeptical at the beginning but holy shit, I was replaying the cutscenes earlier and I was like, damn he is good-looking.
Then you obviously haven't had experience with many video game fanbases
>Face model is a Slav
>looks like a beaner
>Japanese writing
What the fuck do you think?
I like it
They weren't always like this, it got bad after DmC was out for a while.
He's not wrong you faggot.
Shit, meant for .
Love both to be honest.
>>looks like a beaner
Your mind has been tainted by shitposts.
There's no saving you.
>face model looks literally nothing like him
Stop samefagging
Nobody is going to value your opinion if you just keep generalizing, user. Use your words, go into detail.
Excuse you
>I'm upset that Vergil didn't seem all that affected by what V had experienced before the end. Made the poetry-reading summoner seem rather pointless overall.
He definitely was affected. Otherwise he wouldn't thank Nero and question why he and Dante fights.
Vergil very much learned from his human side.
You are crazy dude, he looks great.
Not many others are as openly hostile to anything they perceive as a threat or as prone to gatekeeping.
>Nobody is going to value your opinion if you just keep generalizing
Where the fuck do you think you are
You may have face blindness, user. Same lips, same chin, even the eyebrows are the same.
>I dunno but DMC fans certainly are the most smug and hostile fans in all of video games.
Dunno bout that, could look around and find even more smug fags round the clock, only reason they are smug is because new game
Fuck he looks jacked
>fat face
>that forehead
>those squinty eyes
>fat lips
>that chin
Even that hair is something you'd see on a beaner, pic related. Only thing white about him is his skin.
I can't believe people are defending how he looks. Literally every character misses beats on how they should look, Vergil is easily the worst though
sounds like you were told to git gud too many times and it upset you
don't ever hang out with dark souls fans
nice headcanon
The game (and series as a whole) is the same cliche belts and zippers anime garbage that every other Japanese game is. For fuck sake the ending in this is typical power of frienship I'll do my best nonsense.
You're just not motivated enough.
>everyone who calls me out for being retarded is a samefag
Nice try, prosopagnosia-kun
Blowhards blinded by rose tinted glasses. DMCfans has a very serious case of it for some reason.
Is there a mod for Trish's face yet?
Wow, this is truly fucking stupid.
Holy shit Nero's chin.
they look pretty similar, only difference is that since the person whos doing the mocap has such a giant fucking impact on the way the character looks so he has Dan's gigachad chin
He looks a lot like him actually.
God damn.
Face capture is getting so incredibly detailed. That little smirk on dante's face is so convincing.
That's not Super Smash Bros
for people already in HoH and/or doing no damage runs on DMD and up such are you robots or do you just practice for hours? I'd like to think I'm decent at DMC but I could never manage no damage runs on the higher difficulties. I can't play perfect all the time
>choosing purposely awful-looking angle that no one would look good at
He's sexy get over it
This level of denial is over 9000, user you have to do something for yourself.
It just has one extra attack.
As mush as I like , Dan's Verg has something in him, I dunno. Some kind of attractive as fuck charisma which is hard to describe.
>discussing wether vergil is sexy or not
>still wondering if he's powerful or not
Urizen's fruit was probably more powerful since he meme'd the tree into the human world with Yamato, allowing it to condense more blood.
>. He's super fun to play
Yeah until a fucking repeat on higher difficulties
then he drops down hard despite being novel due to Nero and Dante just benefitting more or getting more stuff in general
To be fair it's not like the fear for a new character being poorly recieved meant that they had to do the twist.
They could just easily write them out once their story is done. Lucia's mostly just refered, if V survived and was poorly recieved, he just would've went to Lucia tier.
Hell Nero still got pushed to being front billing despite being harshly recieved.
Same features? No, even if they were the same they're practically twice the size. It leads to a massive difference.
Since you actually suffer from face blindless, I'll help you out.
No. He literally does not look like he has white features in the game. You can disagree with me but you're the kind of retards who will look back at yourselves and feel shame at how stupid you were in the past.
They adjusted all of the models after scanning them, often making them look worse. You might be right but there's more to it than that.
He looks more manly.
And coupled with his kind of high nasally voice yet contrasted by his incredibly calm, confident, deadly demeanor it really sells it.
>no white features
are you retarded?
So much. I also like that they kept his darkcircles too. It may be weird to say that but it reminds me of his former concepts.
I agree. When that came out is created this humungous victim complex toward game journos that sustained it for like six years. They started getting openly spiteful toward other similar more successful properties in their despperation for a new game which drove in waves of the usual meme spouting secondaries who all then offered convenient glowing reappraisals of more contentious entries in the series. It's not uncommon to come into these threads and readily admit to not playing any of the games at all yet still act as if DmC was a huge flop and insult to the series with faults at every level ignoring how cliche and trite the base series is.
It's the only similar picture I had to that beaner. I was only looking for a picture of a beaner because that's what every image I see of Vergil reminds me of.
>literally no argument to objective facts
He looks like a beaner, deal with it.
You're drunk and suffering from prosopagnosia, go home, user.
Literal shitpost-induced brain rot.
I'd tell you to go see a doctor but you're far beyond salvation.
>Hurr it was super obvious
>Yes you faggot, but I'm asking if you thought it was a GOOD twist.
A GOOD twist is one that is clever in a way that it's not obvious.
Of course it can't be 100% unexpected because if it was, with 0 hints, clues, or general doubts toward it being a possibility, then it wouldnt make sense storytelling wise, even if plot wise it might make sense.
But one that does make sense, leaving hints that are not hidden, but subtle enough to be almost entirely ignored or forgotten, while also piecing well together once the twist is revealed, that would be a GOOD twist.
a super obvious twist isn't and cant be a GOOD twist
Are you the same retard that says DMC 4 Lady is better than DMC 5 Lady?
how important are S ranks to you Yea Forums?
Capcom royall fucked up every character in the past 2 games except Ada. There's no argument that you can make proving me wrong because I have pictures to prove it.
Oh my god you are literally crazy, google Maxim Nazarov and compare him to Vergil and you will see that you are wrong. If different people are calling you out on this there is a reason. You may not like how he is but don't try to justify it by shitty comparison who doesn't even make any sens.
sorry didnt meant to quote you
>that chin
>that face width
He got bog'd like Lady.
Your theory is weird, he has white skin and a pointed Caucasian nose. Don't really see how he looks "mexican" at all
Nero's concept art feels like they were going for a Arnold or Stallone vibe with him
Wow look at these shots with vastly differing lighting, expressions and makeup.
Really showed me, autist
Holy shit you do uses the same images everytime lmao
How do you do the ex taunt? Skills says lock-on + taunt but it just does the normal taunt for me. Does it have to be at a certain style rank?
Some anons said there was a Lucia render that got cut, any proof of that?
I don't really care for those.
>ignoring how cliche and trite the base series is.
I thought that's the whole reason they loved it
Are you the same Because if that's the case damn, you are persistent I can admit that.
>It's a cherry picked blurred imagery of facial expressions mid-motion versus professionally photographed actors/models use in their portfolio websites episode
How do I switch the channel again?
There is literally nothing wrong with Vergil and Claire.
I'm saying something that's against the shill or fanboy narrative, obviously people are going to attack. I'm not wrong though and I have proven it. Keep denying it all you want you're only making a fool out of yourself.
The facial features he has exude beans.
No way this is not a b8
Well, at least he looks decent in DMCV, unlike poor Nero.
How's your style switching coming Yea Forums? I got a Dante combo that uses 3/4 of his styles, 3/4 of his melee weps, and 3/4 of his guns.
How old is Dante supposed to be in this anyway?
42-43. Same as Reuben
Ok so you are same fag who is shitposting those same pics in former threads as well. God you have a problem.
>would've put bogil to shame
It's funny if they went with this look for him on E3, instead of being confused with Donte, they'd just draw a complete blank on who the fuck this guy who sounded like ichigo was
You're seething harder than Nero when he was called dead weight.
>power of frienship
I don't think you've played the game. I'll stop replying to you now, you bring nothing of value to this thread.
I hope they change his actor because his performance sucked ass in this one
>attack the character instead of the argument
Looks like I win. Sad.
Nero doesn't look bad, he just doesn't look like Nero.
or if youre like me and cant get enough of that tits devils never cry remix (or those slow zoom shots of arkham/mundus/savior just when the music builds)
it probably took an intern like 45 minutes to slap together between monster chug sessions but it was the perfect bit of hype to get me diving in once i launched the game
On capcom facial shit, was the latest RE 3D movie using RE6 chris rather than kekfield from 7
It's R3 and taunt, not lock-on.
>Looks like I win
Vergil, is that you? In any case, whatever helps you sleep at night.
True, but then you remember them making fun of the shitty dialogue and shit like the sniper abortion in DmC (some borderline pretending to be offended by it) as if the writing and characters in the main series is any better. Funny how they're completely silent when a lot of those elements have made it to 5.
But you don't have an argument. Your only "points" are predicated on the fact that you're literally autistic and faceblind.
I thought he was perfectly fine
I do miss DMC1 Dante though.
Probably will never hear those DAAH stingers ever again.
>Changing Reuben
Lmao literally have a lifetime contract for being Dante va just like Dan for Vergil
>exude beans
I'm more ashamed at myself for knowing what this idiot means
What the fuck are you talking about. If he was ugly everyone would have said it. And if you were right the same would have happened. But you are out of your mind, you make weird mexican comparison that doesn't make any sens. Vergil and his model looks alike I don't know why you have a problem with it. Oh and by the way, you didn't prove shit, you did make yourself look quite stupid though.
>not posting a patrician version
He's a fucking stuntman, of course he can't act.
No, that's you trying to shitpost your way out of facts. You're just trying hard to defend a complete blunder on Crapcom's part.
Everyone DID say it you retard, Vergil looks like fucking shit.
You have no argument, you're just coming off as an average angsty teen who thinks he's smarter than everyone else in the room at best, and a baiting shitposter at worst. You have no idea what an argument looks like, you've been given one several times over from different posters and have dodged every single one, which obviously will make many think you're too stupid to be genuine and so are more likely to shitpost back.
You're not just blind, but an egocentric moron.
>Funny how they're completely silent when a lot of those elements have made it to 5.
With dialogue not really, you see people justifying fuck you or glossing over swears.
If you mean the aesthetic stuff like slowdowns or enemy intros or vergil's fight aping off of NT's one in terms of doppelganger, then sure, I see what you mean.
Even then what else that was in DmC writing wise made it into 5 then? I'm not good at spotting shit
The absolute state of this paranoid schizophrenic. It's you who don't have arguments that's why you are attacked.
loving every chuckle my dude. keep going this is really funny
Yeah alright mate
Dont reply to Barry dumdum, he literally uses the same images everytime. He will soon post the one who says dmc5 Lady is jew and dmc4 Lady is superior
>You have no argument
I've posted accurate comparisons showing that
A. His model doesn't look like him
B. He has beaner features
C. He looks like shit
You're just refusing to acknowledge them because you're an autistic fanboy.
Yep, facts.
>Everyone DID say it you retard
In your butt head?
Dante won't be in the next game :)
If he will be in it, they'll change his age to justify his new young actor who can actually act :)
This is just the tip of the iceburg.
You could just stop replying to him if its bait
>accurate comparisons
He just keeps going.
Genuine autism
>implying reuben, dan, and JYB aren't fucking perfect in their roles
>He will soon post the one who says dmc5 Lady is jew and dmc4 Lady is superior
He's not wrong about that, I'll give him that.
Sure thing pal
hey its mundus but also a jojo character
Leon needs to impregnate lady already, she is on her third cat.
Who is everyone my dude? it's 2 or 3 people shitposting the same way you are doing it, and have been doing it since a few threads now. Most people on the fandom do not have a problem with Vergil you are crazy.
Holy shit is this autism
this actually goes against you since its full of DmC shitposting and people calling these posts retarded
I'll screencap my prediction and prove you wrong in 2026
what if v is litterally verg but not when he isnt thinking about POWER
Why does Dan hate that line anyway?
>dmc4 gremlin lady
>superior to anything
Even Google thinks he's a mutt.
You lot are pathetic lol.
Sure thing pal
Probably the line that made him lose his Dante audition to Reuben.
That's literally mundus in the back
I'm sure this will be fun
>M12 Verizon on DMD
luv to spam SDT and Real Impact for the faintest bit of damage
These threads fucking suck at not taking whatever's perceived as bait. Every fucking time
Hell, where the hell's a fishing rod weapon going to appear
>Itsuno is doing a panel
Did he say anything about my boy? Will he return?
Quad S SDT to destroy the crystal and for no other reason
I've seen people actually do this on Yea Forums. Like dredge up posts from like 5 years prior because they think the person they're arguing with might be the same person.
they were right
You have a problem dude, seek some help, your arguments aren't even ones. There are litteral jokes, please stop embarassing yourself.
Are you using ds4windows the unofficial program and drivers?
>female mundus
I hate it when the concept art's better than what we get. It always happens
He's over 10 years younger here
Wow, 4 looks like shit
>even google thinks
Imagine being so retarded that you're using google stupid as fuck search algorithms to prove a point
But he got to voice his cooler twin brother.
Fucking THIS. All these newfags acting like Vergil wasn't fujo bait in DMC3
What makes the Vergil always trying to beat Dante angle so neat is that Vergil is obsessed with strengthening himself but no matter what he does, be it acquire Force Edge, turn into a full demon, or acquire the fruit of 100,000 virgins, he always comes up short compared to a guy who sits around eating cold pizza with the lights out. It must infuriate Vergil.
Can't beat 3 Lady and her DSL.
Hell you can't beat 3 in a lot of things
goes along with the saying that the devil is a woman
It would've been a whyboner. Besides V is cool and weird, I'm sure he'll become his own character somehow in the next game. Who knows what they'll do with Mundus.
Vergil killed millions
So is Dante
Keep telling yourself that.
Smarter than you lol.
What makes it so neat is that it shows his time as Nelo Angelo actually affected his psyche
Fok u
I still prefer DMC3 Lady to both tho
I always think it's an interesting discussion what people's different expectations are of a character as they exit previous gen graphics. I'll absolutely give people the benefit of the doubt until the last moment, even in this cesspool.
Am I glad he did. The two are perfectly cast. I was also pretty impressed with Dan's Urizen, for a while threw me for a loop and made me think maybe it wasn't him.
Bring back Mocha Queen
>It would've been a whyboner.
>Implying I don't want that
DMC4 Lady always was and always will be a disgusting potato face
Do you think the fact that their fights were essentially 'even' by the end of the game is an indication of something for the future?
>I'm sure he'll become his own character somehow in the next game
Oh, I see Vfujos are still in denial
My dear dude, you really gave a good laugh but please I'm serious seek some help.
He already did it before, who cares until he does it a third time
looks cute
Why else would Nero have Vergil's book
Not too too bad. Would recommend customizing your load outs. Limit yourself to about 2 weps/guns and familiarize yourself with changing between them and getting a feel for when the opportune moments present themselves. Slowly work in more devil arms/guns over time.
It's honestly not that low a chance. There's a fair bit of stuff pointing towards dmc2 in this game. Ladies' Night might include her.
To read and memorize.
>I was also pretty impressed with Dan's Urizen
Wait he also voiced Urizen?
I could not tell at all
But I agree he was perfect as Vergil.
>Foolishness Dante Foolishness
>You will not forget this devil's power, (DT disortion) You are not worthy as my opponent.
So good
>>Wait he also voiced Urizen?
>>I could not tell at all
There was fucking recordings from anons high-pitching Urizen's voices which is how the Urizen=Vergil theory popped up
>when your inventory is 375/375 full and one book weights exactly 1
just sin devil trigger, shit was ez
People said the same about Vergil for years, though. They even handwaved no pun intended Nero's arm and DT coming back. They broke Rebellion despite its trait was that it was unbreakable. If the fans and devs want V back, they'll find a way. This in no shape or form a franchise where lore takes priority.
>super obvious
>half the board thought he was mundus
I thought he was Vergil from the beginning, but the hints were so vague and diluted with seemingly unrelated stuff like the tattoos and his demons being DMC1 bosses that him being Mundus or another homunculus made by him would have been equally "obvious".
Vergil isn't a fucking placeholder which is also a part of another character. He's gone. Get over it.
The modding scene is hilarious
>n-noo my boy will come back to matter what
Stupid fujos
He's a boss in a singular game who explodes, is brought back in a prequel, somehow has a son who doesn't make sense chronologically, somehow reconstitutes himself AND escapes Hell with zero explanation, and proceeds with a convoluted plan to restore his health.
I don't even care if V returns but this must be your first DMC game.
Moment you hear "I split myself in two" for crimson cloud, I started getting warning signs.
Not to mention initial leak called him V(ergil) and likewise with a composer interview
Dante's Abilities say 85% complete. I have bought everything I can. What's up?
Have you beat SoS yet?
I only got into the series like 2 week as ago.
>The second they gave Nero his buster back he goes back to being a braindead PoS character.
Why though?
No. Well I guess I have work to do.
I would have liked it more if V was Nero's mom and Urizen was either a new character or a corrupted Vergil who lost his humanity, and V was just looking to get Vergil back without knowing Nero was actually her son until Dante or Trish told her that.
Making her some kind of demon summoner would explain how she met Vergil and she being her own character would make it easier to bring her back in the next game.
Even (you) can't be that delusional, Vfujo.
oh sorry
>if V was Nero's mom
Bad opinion
Fuck I want it now too.
>give a character way more options and abilites with a new skill ceiling on EVERY attack he does with the devil punch
Fuck off, you meme blithering retard. If anything I'm a Vergilfujo.
No matter what you do, you cannot take away the mindless unga from Nero.
That's, like his thing
did anyone get rid of the butt and boob censors
It will pass.
You can just do that by changing a setting in the .ini but it also disables lots of other effects in cutscenes, like the elements on Cerberus for instance
Like day 3
No worries.
My fault for being a bandwagoning newfag.
You're trying, but it's just not working. Truth is funnier than fiction, you know? You can try again though, before the thread falls off.
That's exactly what's implied.
>Mundus reborn as women with hair power.
I think it a good idea for DMC6.
Try what? I'm just worrying about your mental health.
Mundus and Dante Clone for dual antagonists in DMC6 when
Just looks like you're neglecting yours in the process, user.
Note all the eyes on Balrog (weapon) and Urizen. They both have eyes on the hands, feet and pauldrons as well as the same kinda shape.
It's pretty clear that urizen's final form has a lot of similarities with the balrog weapon
There, there, not need to be salty over the death of your fav.
Does that mean Artemis was gonna be Balrog because she has lots of eyes?
Does that mean Goliath was gonna be Balrog because he has lots of eyes?
It's just a running motif dude
>we eventually get balrog concept art for DMC5
>it's just urizen 3 on fire
Vergil is a chuuni
>being so eager to regurgitate the same joke that doesn't even apply that you start making typos
Just when I was starting to enjoy the bants. Oh well. Godspeed, retard-kun.
>lil bro steals his cool thing
>makes it out of his own body with some additions
>Dante Stealing Beo
>When Dante beats Beo and vergil kill steals
I think there is a lot of story telling potential in V with what he is now. You could tell a whole story in regards to Vergil taking that form. Why did he envision his humanity that way? The pets were his nightmares as he was Nelo Angelo. So is V also a nightmare?
If you wanted, you could say that V was actually a human Virgil cared about. A human that was too weak to defend himself and Virgil at the time of knowing him was too weak to defend him. When he thinks of a fragility of humanity he thinks of him. But maybe he also represents the good parts of humanity as well. Hell, you could make a DLC around this concept to play with V again but with different summons and more variety.