I have never played Pokémon before

I have never played Pokémon before.
Is the series unironically worth playing or is it all nostalgia?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Only Black-White1+2 and Emerald are legit good

Emerald, Plat, HGSS and BW2 are good games.
You can avoid the rest.

Play them up to DiaPer

1 is good
2 is shit
3 is great
4 is shit
5 is great
6 is meh
7 is absolute shit

Play the mystery dungeon games, except gates, gates is shit.

if you're going to play it for the story literally just play SMT

only reason why you should ever get into pokemon is if you intend on playing it competitively or if you're completely dry of jrpgs to play.

>playing main line titles

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There's a reason Pokemon is only talked about among children and autists like /vp/, the games are really bad and Gamefreak is a terrible dev studio, if you compared a Pokemon game to an RPG released the same year Pokemon looks like shit. Play and forget about the rest.

I've been lusting for 20 years


>Is the series unironically worth playing
No, it is literally made for children.

I want Misty and Gardenia to compare tummies

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If you play either Emerald, Platinum, HGSS, or B2W2, you've basically experienced the peak of the series and you really don't need to play any others
t. Pokefag

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>2 is worse than 1


Jannie, Mods, get them outta here

Just emulate FireRed and LeafGreen for yourself and find out, retard

Please watch the XY/XYZ anime Yea Forums.

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It's all so painfully samey.
It's like Diablo with way worse combat and way more style options.
So obviously you can get into it for the technicalities, the collecting, or just the dopamine boost of winning a fight/finding cool rng content/designing a team that looks cool and stylish.

But of course you can be annoyed by the flaws. And then you're gone, because all games are the same.
Also, God forbid you picked a game with a lot of story. It always sucks ASS (japshit for children), and the amount of cutscenes is unbearable.


2 is shit, only retards like it.
All the seasons of the anime are shit.

What do they smell like?

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fuck off with your brazillian romhacks

>2 is shit, only retards like it.
sure, but there is absolutely no way that 1 is better than 2. Don't get me wrong, 2 is bad but 1 is hot garbage.


play FireRed or LeafGreen, then play Emerald, then play HeartGold or Soulsilver, then play Platinum, then play Black or White, then play Black 2 or White 2.
That's all you need, the rest are shit.

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Watch digimon

they're pretty fun games. the story isnt anything special, but if you just wanna have a pleasant experience catching and fighting pokemon, play anything from emerald-black/white2

1 is good, not the original, but the gen 3 remakes.

As someone who has played Pokemon since Yellow, I can say that is all nostalgia with a bit of having a battle mechanic usually not seen in other JRPGs. All the games are the same to the core, with improved mechanics here and there but in the end it all boils down to the same gameplay for seven (and soon to be eight) generations.

Follow this user's example as those are widely regarded as the best Pokemon games from the best generations before Game Freak turned the lazy up to eleven with the 3DS games, maybe playing BW too since B2W2 is an actual sequel instead of a third version, but other than that, don't get your expectations high.

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>Only Black-White1+2 and Emerald
Switch Emerald with Platinum and you're right.

But Sere's series is good!

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Skip HGSS, it never solved the core issues of the original GSC. Just play BW/2 and Platinum.

why is she so hot ? i need an explanation rigth now !

Yellow, Crystal, Emerald, Platinum, HGSS, BW, BW2. Play them in this order and ignore gen 6 onward.

Ash's new girlfriend is Lana, Serena is old, busted and just another contest slut.

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I only found the series fun if I had a friend playing as well. Fun to compare pokedex progress and battle. Never got into it outside a few titles.

For me, it's jessie

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Play anything between gen 1-6 first. If the series interests you enough after that then try 7 and even the Colosseum games

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It was worth playing because it was a nice throwback RPG to a time when RPGs were good. Starting with Sun and Moon it became terrible, however.

i need to cum in her so bad

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It's a terrific series to begin, but not stick with.

#1 Place to start would be a Gen 4 Re-Make of a Gen 2 limited atmosphere. Play HeartGold/SoulSilver for the Nintendo DS. If you like it, you'll end up mildly repeating that game by traveling through Kanto after beating the champion. It's 2-games-in-1 at the top of its battle mechanics, roster and aesthetics.

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As someone who has never played a pokemon game in his life, is all the art from this game so lewd? Isn't it a children's game?

Little bit of both. You should give Red a playthrough just to try it.

Gaia/Blazed glazed are really good, hardmode platinum/hgss/bw1-2 mods are god tier. This mod gives actual movesets to pokemon before you have any tms or lvls and it becomes actually hard to beat gym leaders when you have fucking thundershock against tbolt spam rotom on the opponent and have to win anyways

Gen 1 and 2 were great portable games but have been outclassed, play if you enjoy the series.
Emerald is a good game.
Platinum is a good game.
HGSS are good games.
BW2 is a good game.
Everything after gen 5 is mediocre to outright bad.

I dunno, you ask me.

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Yes, but children grow old. And formative memories last a lifetime.

It's scientifically proven and already passed as law that pokegirls are both the cutest and lewdest girls in the videogame industry.

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Everyone that was young at the time that wanted to do things to the characters are older and drawing art now.
It's not that unbelievable.

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And then at some point gamefreak started really sexualizing the characters themselves.

I haven't played one since Pearl, but up until then I don't think they're very good at all. The Pokemon have nice designs, the music is good, and it sets a good atmosphere, but everything good it does is bogged down by the mindnumbingly boring combat. It's so braindead and it takes up so much of the game that I can't see any appeal in the games other than as a way to kill time by doing something mindless and watching numbers go up. Maybe the more recent ones have been more engaging to play though.

Play Emerald, Platinum, Heart Gold/ Soul Silver, Black/White, Black 2/White 2 and forget the rest.

gamefreak designers might be better at designing girls compared to new pokemon

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no, the official art goes out of its way to make sure the females are literal sticks, all the images posted so far are just fanart shit that exaggerate features to turn on horny 14 year olds.

Ignore this guy, start with gen 1 and work your way through. Experience how the series evolved over time.

>Watching the SM Anime
I can't wait until this shitshow is over and you Tomiyasu shilling faggots wither out and die

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Don't play the games. Just walk away and pretend they don't exist. You'll just be devastated at the end, whether you start with the current games, or play the Gen 3+4 games, or whatever.

very official

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It's a copy pasted series that gets away with releasing two identical versions of each game so autists need to buy it twice to "catch them all". Gameplay consists of beefing up your starter so he can one shot every pokemon that challenges you. If that doesn't work then you use an item to revive or fully heal him. You could go the entire game without catching any pokemon, but you need some trash mons for hidden machines. Once you have played one game then congratulations you have played every game in the series.

I would recommend any other JRPG unless you find spamming tackle until the other mon dies so you level up so you can tackle harder engaging.


>seething at cartoon faces in a cartoon

>Gameplay consists of beefing up your starter so he can one shot every pokemon that challenges you. If that doesn't work then you use an item to revive or fully heal him.
I think we just described nearly every RPG

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We definitely fucking didn't. Not even close.


I honestly don't get how kids over 10 find anything of quality about Pokemon, except for maybe pokemon design and the porn that exists because of it.

I'm pretty positive the vast majority of RPGs can be bulldozed purely by grinding until your numbers are larger than anything you face

So this is an appropriate thread for this question. I've been wanting to play a Pokemon game lately, to emulate on the go on my phone. I have a little bit of nostalgia for it, but really only played FireRed.

I was thinking of going with Crystal, and I kind of want to stick to Gen. 2, just because of the manageable amount of Pokemon in it, trying to remember the mechanics, and that shred of nostalgia. I also don't have much taste for the updated, later Sprite art, and don't remember a lot of the things that changed.

Between Crystal, Emerald, and HeartGold, what should I play? What's the actual difference, especially between Crystal and HeartGold?

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It's pretty much the only competitive turn-based RPG out there. Meta consistently gets worse though.

is right you know. How the fuck do you go from this...

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>watching the ashnime

Crystal is faster and has better aesthetics. Heartgold has better everything else.

I say the best way to experience pokemon is playing
Fire Red/Leaf Green>Emerald>Platinum>Heart Gold/Soul Silver>Black/White>Black/White2.
You can also replace Fire Red/Leaf Green with the original Gameboy Red and blue if you want to see how it all started.

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And then to fucking this?

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HGSS didn't fix the issues of Crystal, that's all I'll say

are you a DBZspic?

none of this art is from the games user, it's all fanart that doesn't abide by the proportions shown in the official material

Good Pokemon games:

Fire Red / Leaf Green
Heart Gold / Soul Silver (with a proper level scaling hack i.e Draynos rom hacks)
Black 2 / White 2

The rest are either inferior versions that are now obsolete due to newer versions existing, or weren't that good in the first place. Some people argue Black and White 1 are decent, but if you don't want to play through the same region twice you might as well just stick with the superior sequels.

You couldn't go wrong with any of these choices, it all just boils down to what mechanics interest you the most since Game Freak loves adding in unique mechanics for one game before taking it way from the next.

Except you're not grinding in Pokemon, you're just playing the game normally and your one broken character overlevels. You have to put in effort NOT to overlevel. That's the opposite of most RPGs.

BW2 is the only game where this isn’t the case. It’s the one game in the series where you’re better off having 3-4 regulars while switching out the last few for HMs or whatever mon you feel like trying out.

HGSS is my favorite but BW2 is the best from a gameplay perspective cause of this, as well as having by far the most variety in the series.

At least with gen two the non-totodile starters suck so you need to find another powerhouse.

based retardbro

You give the character soul.

>1 is good
>2 is shit

based genwunner retard

2 is literally just 1 with more content and bug fixes. If you want to nitpick about level scaling, then it's also worth pointing out how broken and archaic the gen 1 is as well.
Not that it matters since both gens are objectively obsolete due to the remakes.

>and your one broken character overlevels
but there are much better pokemon than your starter throughout the game
the only way you're overlevelling one pokemon is if you're actively refusing to catch any more

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The fanart exaggerate the lewdness, but then you have shit like dawn who is like 11 who wears super miniskirt so fanartist just go wild with that.

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>introduced the split
>makes the BF playable
>more land than water
Platinum is better than rSE

Gen V has a mechanic where the moment your Pokemon is any level higher than the one you just defeated, you get less experience to begin with


I played blue and red when I was a kid
Having a high IQ, I never needed to play any of the other titles because I realized it would have just been more of the same
only low IQ kids kept playing the Pokemon titles that followed

It was a unique take one Japanese RPG where the focus was on pvp and obviously collections. It was a hit because RPGs were getting stale and this idea while not 100% new was interesting.

You fail to become the very best.

I swear, fanart has to try so hard to make Misty look attractive because she has to be the most plain and homely pokegirl.

If you want something that'll keep you busy for a while, go with Emerald. To this day it still has the best post game. The amount of shit you can do at the battle frontier is insane, and it's one of the main reasons why people shit on the remakes for not including it, and only cynically referencing it in passing.

Unless you like the retro aesthetics of Crystal more, It's hard to recommend it over Heart Gold. Heart Gold is a great remake with a lot more going for it than Crystal. Although I'd look into a difficulty hack since Heart Gold still has shitting level pacing just like Crystal does.

based elesa dabbing on lillefags

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Lillie was the most boring S/M girl anyways, Lana and Acerola have a big leg up on her.

If I want to pirate Sun and Ultra Sun to patch with some gameplay enhancing patches, where can I download them. All my old sites have been struck down.

It's all a big fat load of nostalgia. Games are too easy (even when I was a kid, sorry Yea Forums you are all fucking retarded), random encounters are ass and I never cared about collecting monsters but that's more of a personal opinion than anything. I particularly dislike the plot of every game I played (which tends to be minimal and what little there is is boring) plus the villains and most of your rivals. There are some memorable environments here and there, I think the combination of certain towns/areas and background music are the only things I can say I appreciate about this series.

>4 shit when Platinum

Just pick a main series game and you'll have gotten the experience across the board for the most part. The spin-offs can also be pretty rad.

nowhere near as bad as the official comics portray her

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Did anyone here actually say the games were hard?

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Never got why people hate the level scaling of gen 2. It doesn’t get out of hand til Kanto and that’s basically a bonus postgame region.

It’s the one region(s) with some semblance of challenge for once, without the rng bullshit of frontier. And people whine it’s too hard.

>short red hair
>spunky attitude
>cute tummy
All a nigga needs

Reminder that Pokemon has never been hard, you were just worse at it. That said S/M did dial up the casual to 10 then LGPE cranked it to 11.

Sandshrew is what's important, so i got Silver.

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I’ve played hacks that disable battle items and give trainers serious teams and the Elite 4 ends up with a full squad of level 100s. They’re actually hard. Always wondered why we never got optional difficulty levels, most other RPGs have them.

It's worth playing a game or two, but by no means playing "the series".

I love this guy's work.
Post the squatting Misty.

Gamefreak is incompetent and Sword and Shield will probably have several cut features and even more cutscenes than USUM

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One of the BW games had a hard mode but you can only play it after beating the game.

The opposite version had an easy mode you unlock by beating the normal game, which is even more retarded.

And we will still not be allowed to skip any of them.

Let's Go and Pokemon Go have bogged down an already easy series and i don't have hope for Sword or Shield

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I don't mind the unlockable hard mode. The unlockable easy mode however makes no sense at all.

>I’ve played hacks that disable battle items

This is pretty much all you need. I have imposed myself a rule to always play Pokemon games with both Set Battle Style and no use of healing or boosting items during trainer or boss battles, it increases the difficulty quite nicely and makes the games way more challenging.

Name three (3) companies that keep cutting content like Gamefreak

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And they take more effort to get for the same result. Usually they level slower or don't become broken until late into the game. Meanwhile your starter is designed to carry you solo from start to finish. The vast majority of RPGs don't work like that.

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>Work at Best Buy
>No longer getting shipments of N3DSXL
>Have several copies of USUM ready to go for when everyone is clamping at the bit to get Pokemon for SW/SH via Pokemon Bank
I can smell the money

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I hated it because I'd end up at the Elite Four by the time my Pokemon were only barely around level 40 or so, while the Elite Four had Pokemon who didn't even reach 50 most of the time, despite being one of the final challenges. After that you're stuck with an underwhelming Kanto that is vastly underleveled compared to the Elite Four when they really should have been leveled higher than them to ensure a steady and proper challenge.

What's the fucking point of facing Brock when my Pokemon are 30 levels higher than him?

Then after that you're forced to face Red who's most likely going to be 15-20 levels higher than you, and since the level scaling of wild pokemon is a complete shitfest, you're forced to spend much longer grinding against them.

The best way to play gen 2 is to either arbitrarily gimp yourself when you reach Kanto with weaker pokemon, or just find a difficulty hack that has proper level scaling.

Soul SIlver / Heart Gold
Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire
Fire Red / Leaf Green
other than those i wouldn't recommend playing any, they're all pretty much the same
black and white at least had some story

there's also good spin offs like pokemon pinball, snap, Colosseum and ranger

the only way your starter can reliably carry you solo is if you level it to nearly max by the time you get to the end of the game
a few levels isn't really going to close the type-advantage gap

I wanna see a modern game with the aesthetics of gen 1. Trainers with whips and all.

>the virgin anime Brock
>the chad game Brock

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well anons
who would you pick for your valentine from these

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Patently false. Have you never actually played the games? Or do you just play showdown and jerk off to fanart?

>cutting features from new games so the goyim will keep begging remakes, all while you dumb down the games for wider audiences
Is Gamefreak smarter than we give them credit for?

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Honestly, no.

It’s the EXACT same basic story for every game, the most challenging it gets is occasionally swapping one Pokémon out for another and every game has this long winded tutorial that states the obvious shit.


The spin off titles are actually pretty decent. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon on the DS (not gates of infinity), Pokémon Coliseum on the GameCube and Pokémon Conquest are good fun.

Their stories are decent, the gameplay can get challenging and they bother with adding post game content.

I want to rub a Team Aqua girl's abs!

>type advantage gap
Doesn’t matter for most starters who can learn good type coverage and/or a set up move to easily sweep. Water starters with Ice Beam/Blizzard and any other powerful move in Fighting/Phychic/etc come to mind, you have good options against almost everything.

yeah i've played the games, and even as early as Gen 1 i'm not really sure how you're getting through a type-disadvantaged gym and Sabrina on one pokemon alone unless you're deliberately powerleveling


Heck yeah.
If I ever had a gym, it'd be ancient-types and I'd want all my trainers to be Hikers, Campers, Climbers, and just awesome outdoor types. Pokemon that are savage and trainers that know force works.

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Are the BW2 hacked versions any good?

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Dawn is literally wife material
I'm serious about this, I've had a huge crush on her since I saw the anime as a wee lad and I've yet to masturbate to a single image of her. That's how much affection I feel for this character

Brock was a BRO who put in the WORK to be a gym leader

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you'll be bored out of your mind unless you grew up with them

even i grew up with them and i can't stand them anymore, there are way better JRPGs out there.

Misty is, and always will be the best

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>S/M super casual
>Still getting rekt by Guzma
Fucker is basicly 1 shotting my entire team, while also being faster than all of them.

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Sometimes I feel like Gamefreak is some conniving company until I see interviews from them that makes me think they're a version of Sonic Team that got too lucky

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It's only good if you played it as a child

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post the original

Play Red/Blue, Gold/Silver, their remakes, Black/White and Black/White 2. Seriously, you are not missing anytjing if you skip Diamon/Pearl/Platinium and Ruby/Sappire. Avoid all the 3DS games like the plague.

Some spin-offs are great, mainly the two Colosseum games, Pinball Ruby and Sapphire and the GBC Trading Card Games.

Misty really is best pokegirl. Shield-chan is a close second.

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Don't listen to this faggot. Worst taste possible.

old game good
new game bad

i have to this day never touched a pokemon game and i am a boomer that's probably older than maybe 99% of this thread
also i like jessie the most

To paraphrase an on the nose review of Soul Silver, "I realized I did not care about the difference between a Scyther and Spinarak, and there was not much left for me." How intrinsically fun you find the differences in how Pokemon fight is the bottom line. And since the story battles are largely nothing unless you go out of your way to use bad Pokemon, you are not really playing the game to its fullest until the AI gauntlets and multiplayer after the fact. Which can be a lot of fun even with the Pokemon being wildly unbalanced, but that again asks you to be very particular about something very simple.

Sandshrew has looked great in every game, I swear.


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>The way her eyes narrow
Why do I have an erection?

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Literally what is the point of a Misty cosplay that doesn't show tummy?

IVs are a concept that I think is an interesting concept but is poorly handled by Game Freak

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>Unironically liking R&S or D&P

A man of taste

A man of equal taste

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Let me just add HG/SS to that and we're square

100% agreed, Sandshrew defines every generation. You are all men of true supremity.

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BW2 falls under the zoomer category and it's great. The cutoff for me is oras. Maybe XY is good, I can't replay it because I would lose a lot but it's a very diverse region with the available pokemon, I imagine it has good replay value.

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>likes gen 1 and gen 2, dislikes gen 3 and4, but does likes gen 5.
That's a unique taste.

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forgot girl

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Each game is the same game, play anything from 1-3 gen (when it still had soul) and stop there.

That's probably the best HG/SS fanart I've ever seen. It's the anime trio as the video game designs, at the correct ages for gym leaders and prodigy champion. Nice, post more.

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the games take too long and are not very captivating. 5 gyms is enough to get your starter to the final evolution and enough to experience everything you ever will. especially mind numbing for people like me who try to 100% all the games they play

>skipping platinum
Awful taste

Thots should be arrested for trying to cosplay Misty.

>still had soul
BW and BW2 eclipse the lesser gens with it's soul.

>Brock's bottom two gifs
You know Brock has slain every teen slits in the region with excitement and movement like that. He's not a pokemon trainer, he's a trainer slayer.

Platinium adds very little over D&P.
I rather play HG&SS.

>Huh, I have a couple more, why not.

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>2 is shit
>4 is shit
jesus dude what

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I have wayyyy too much, so I'll just compliment you for knowing what real taste is one last time.

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>Platinium adds very little over D&P.
Intentionally forgetting it had until BW2, the best Pokemon distribution, BF Frontier, more post game content than DP
It’s better than HGSS too.

Brock's a perma-virgin. You're thinking of Brockley.

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cynthia or erika, can't decide

That's just destructive, now.

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>turned into a Sandshrew/Sandslash thread
This is actually pretty okay

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Brock should be Brocksan.

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Sandshrew is 100%

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You missed the boat on Pokemon being good. Every single game since BW2 has been complete fucking garbage. Play the older games and don't touch anything past Gen 5. Only literal babies and furries like Pokemon now.

What exactly is the in-universe purpose of Misty dressing like this?

I fucking LOVE tummies

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Well shoot, now I have respond in kind.

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Wouldn't it be Take-shi

Thank you Fug

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salt water

god, who DIDN'T have anime misty as a waifu back then?

Gates is the weakest PMD in terms of gameplay but is still worth playing at least once if you played any of the others for story

I'm playing Gaia right now and I'm really liking it so far. This is after I tried a bunch of other romhacks that didn't really do anything for me and I'm afraid that I'm just playing the best one that has a new region right off the bat. Anyone know of any other good romhacks with a new region?

Thank you Fug

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Sandslash is of heritable amazingness, no worries for competition.

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So did Misty actually have a thing for Ash or was that all just Western 4Kids pandering to oversexualized American kids? Do her recent appearances address this at all?

giving boners to her opponent to embarrass them during battle

The amount of seed I've spilt to Misty could probably fill an Olympic sized swimming pool, and I don't even think I'm exaggerating.

Team Rocket can't keep their hands off things. She's infiltrating their ranks.

And it's not like Pokemon Mafia with a uniform wouldn't have a swimsuit uniform for Kanto's Water Gym Leader to wear!

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Thank you based fug.
Is there a legendary more based than fug?

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recent episodes are pretty much retcon so they don't matter

It would be impossible not to. Misty is the defining sex object for boys born of the 80s and 90s.

And don't tell me The Pokemon Company didn't know it.

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Just a 4kids thing.
It might have beemn teased here and there, but 4kids pushed it hard.

The virgin anime Brock
The chad anime Brock

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It's no secret that every single girl in the series would be improved with a skimpy Team Rocket uniform.

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Did they ever explain why she kept carrying Togepi around instead of just keeping it inside the pokeball? Also what happened to it?


it evolved and literally fucked off into another dimension

Hard to say. Season 1 Ash had lots of personality and he also liked girls but never saw Misty in a romantic way, it was after the Kanto season ended when he went full Pokesexual (not even Serena's kiss made him react in a believable way), so even with Misty returning in the SM anime, we'll never know.

I've said it in threads before, I can say it again: Misty is the reason I discovered masturbation before even knowing what was going on. It all came together.

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Play the mystery dungeon ones instead, they're better.


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Team Rocket knew how to keep the public from COMPLETELY despising them.

Attached: Misty Touches My Caterpie = String Shot & Harden.webm (480x360, 1.03M)

Zoom zoom

>Misty almost touches me
>I am that Caterpie

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I'll have to add just to say

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No. Pokemon is not a character based narrative like Digimon, where the kids actually grow up and develop relationships with each other, it's entirely about the Pokemon and the human characters simply serve as vehicles for the audience to experience the glorified commercial that is the Pokemon anime.

>jizz - in my pants

That's a shame. Oh well, at least there's the doujins.


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Those furry simulators had no right to be as good as they were

this is true

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What the fuck were they thinking ever removing this guy from the main cast?

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Thank you, user.

It arguably was character based in the first season, but that's more due to the fact that it wasn't even supposed to run nearly as long as it has today

I want to see someone with good art skills draw ALL the main pokegirls wearing Team Rocket uniforms. All lined up, not upset to be wearing it.

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If I played 1,2,3,4 and 7, will I like BW1+2? I was thinking about playing the games in japanese for learning

No idea.

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Girls IRL do not like showing tummy. Porn lies to us.

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It's not your fault, user, you were lied to. We all were.

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I action replayed Lyra into always wearing the Team Rocket uniform in HGSS,

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fuck off gen 3 babby

It's a big shame indeed. There's also Lana in the SM anime who has been teased twice by both her sisters and Olivia about Ash being her boyfriend, she gets incredibly flustered by the idea, but Ash doesn't even react. He has stopped being an actual character a very long time ago.

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Yet another reason 2D is vastly superior.

>kris in the classic midriff TR uniform
I never knew I wanted this so badly

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Gonna play Sun&Moon for the first time. What am I in for?

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That was a really cute scene at least.

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BW2 probably has the most post-game content out of any mainline game and is a direct sequel to, so be sure to play both
Remember that in BW1, you've gotta use purely Unova Pokemon so you're gonna have to familiarize yourself a bit

Brock is supremo

His monstrous sexual appeal was considered inappropriate for children.

FUCK bros. Why are tummies and belly buttons so goddamn hot?

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BW and especially BW2 are really good way better than gen 6 and 7 and is the last region with soul.
It's also nice to see the region that broke Masuda.

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>He has stopped being an actual character a very long time ago.
It's a shame. I don't know what to make of the Gen 1 trio, either. I think they made Green too gay to redeem any cool factor anymore.

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FUG is already my favorite pokemon but
thank you fug

A defined tummy is like a pert ass or perky tits: proof that the girl is taking care of herself far beyond her peers.

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B/W were the best and they had best girl to boot

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red was always more of a chad than him

They could be fun if they'd let them.

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Somewhere out there, there's a world where the reverse is true. I will seek it out and bring it to this world in order to correct this cosmic mistake. This is my justice! D4C!!!

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>for some reason can't masturbate to pokemon doujins
i don't know why but it feels like i'm ruining my childhood in a way by doing it, i don't like it despite pokegirls being way too hot for a kids game

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cuz that's where babies come from

don't question
just enjoy

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Indeed. My favorite kind of tummy is one with a little pudginess. That subtle fat that starts to form at the bottom is so lewd. Would that be an indication that a woman is fertile? Or that the extra fat on her body is better for child bearing?

You know how animals presenting their bellies is a sign of vulnerability? It's a similar idea. Navels are sexy because it's the exact center of a girl's body, the part you're most easily drawn to, and the first "lewd" body part most children are going to be exposed to, leading to corruption from an early age they're also just cute

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I was like that just a few months ago but Gen 7 porn removed that barrier entirely. Fapping to Mallow porn felt amazing and from there I couldn't go back.

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I want to know what they're feeding them Unova girls.

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Coral but it's unfinished. Still worth looking at.

They're not-american, but in the pokeverse, all that travelling makes the fat go to the right places.

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Typhlosion is alright.

>that doujin where mallow and Lana's mom go to some hotspring inn as some guy's escort.

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got any favorites?

damn emulating the DS kinda sucks. i want to play some of the gen 4 games but they seem to run pretty shittily. that, and the autistic dual screen gimmick nintendo forced everywhere.

anything with gigas on the cover can't be that bad

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and suddenly I need to find some good pokegirl doujins

-Get a DS Lite
-Get Pokemon HeartGold or Soulsilver first
-Avoid Pokemon Diamond & Pearl
-Move onto Platnium
-Skip Pokemon Black & White
-Move on to the superior sequels Black2 or White2
These three entries are good solely from the fact that they have a large amount of pokemon to choose from.
Black2 & White2 are objectively the best games despite not being my favorite.

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Were they gay?

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i wish there was a good pokemon anime to watch.

I have not used Heatran much, but I really came around to him. Volcanic metal spider beast is really cool, who new.

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I miss spritework


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RIP Battle Frontier

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my favorite thing about the current season of the anime is that it shits on dbspics and other shonenshitters
shame it's starting to focus on the 2nd worst starter in the series, but nothing's perfect

Not him

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Boy if I'm waiting for the sequel with Lana. Lana's mom is also a gift, that woman begs to be lewded.

Anything with her. I made a whole imgur album during last GDQ because of all the pokeposting.

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Pokemon Go was just a lazy remake. Sword and Shield will at least be USUM tier which is still bad but not as much

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That is true

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Wait there's stuff out there with Roxanne? Source?

Thank you Fug

Thank you fug

[PilotStar (磯乃木)] ANOTHER WORLD


Rare Marley tummy

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Don't play it, you'll get bored.

Do you remember that Japanese only scene in a trailer about the first movie of an adult Misty talking with what was probably her daughter? She was talking about a boy that she used to love. And she's seen with a Pikachu which may or may not be Ash's. In the original script, this was supposed to be the ending of the movie, because it was supposed to be the grand finale of the entire anime, which was only supposed to last til Ash won the Indigo League.

It wasn't completely baseless. There were plans, but the anime became extremely successful so they dropped it. They decided to keep the status quo going as long as possible to make the anime last, and here we are.

>"user why don't you ever come out in the water? Put the game down and take the hat off! We're at the beach so act like it!"

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Holy shit, that's right...


The core battling mechanics are fine, but everything around it is subpar at best, they need people with more ambition behind the projects, hell something as simple as better battle transitions and visuals would go along way.
Since its a turn based game locking it at 30 for better visuals would be fine so use the extra horse power to maybe do something like on the spot battles with no transitions, flashy hud and visual effects for attacks, and top of the line camera angles

I want to see Misty and May rub their flat tummies together.

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That's specific.

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okay here i come

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I never played a simgle pokemon game, but I want to fuck Haruka. Are the games worth playing?

I want to see them play the Pocky game with their belly buttons

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i'm more of a navel pero kind of person
it's not done enough

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Personally, I'm more of a hip and legman.

Reverse image search it, sorry for the master filename.

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imagine if your hands were trapped between their tummies while they grinded

Thank you fug

Annnnnd it's gone.

Bah, that said.

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>It's also nice to see the region that broke Masuda.
>Masuda made gen 5 the way it was because he thought people would like it
>Everyone hated it
>Now everyone shits on masuda despite him making the games all the contrarians shit themselves over

You have 2 choices you either play Emerald one of the best games where she is a semi-major character or you play Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire the worst remake in the franchise where she is pretty much your girlfriend.
The choice is yours.
Don't do that

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Everyone hates Masuda and his bitch ass because he's now too obsessed with the smartphone generation to give actual content to the actual fans who have stuck with the franchise since Red/Green. He deserves no sympathy.

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>Literally two generations later and amourfags can't get over the fact that their ship was the same "tease with ash a bit and then immediately erase from existance forever"

Going off of all the comments he's made he's certainly retarded but you'd think they'd like the guy who made the only pokemon game they seem to like.

well, they sometimes like platinum and hgss too

Thank you Fug.


>>Everyone hated it
No, Japan loved and still loves Unova, it was the rest of the world mad they couldn't catch Pikachu and Charizard.

Scotchan will win the Ash bowl screencap this.

How would you do Shield-chan navel pero?

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>No, Japan loved and still loves Unova
You have a source for this other than it having some decent girls and the only real bishounen in the franchise?

I actually never knew about the Gen 5 hatred until many years later. Hell, the games had been released just after /tr/ had been created and everyone in the board had an absolute blast with the generation.

Honestly, seeing Pikachu in the trailer already put my hopes down, but at least there's apparently a leaked image of the two new Eeveevolutions so I'm happy about that. That's the only kind of Kanto pandering I'm accepting.

dunno why, ash is a shit character
just make him into ashley forever and hand ashley over to rival-san

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Not even the rest of the world, the angriest backlash was from burgers that didn't even keep up with the franchise anymore but had their childhood literally raped in front of their eyes

Amen to that. Took them long enough to bring back the best girl.
It just goes to show how shit the XY anime was that they skipped out on Ashley.

BW/BW2 were the best selling Pokemon games in Japan, inversely LGPE didn't do as great. Kanto pandering exists entirely to placate westerners.

Don't be asking for proof when you damn well know nobody will be able to respond you accurately, other than replying with the recent Valentine's poll where N and Elesa won.

>had their childhood literally raped in front of their eyes

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Which game has the most Pokemon you can catch?

Social media using burgerclaps that keep obsessing over a series that they don't play anymore screeching about ICE CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM
Maybe you've run into some of them here

if you want maximum number of pokemon your best bet is for one of the hacks

Platinum has a massive Pokedex with lots of Pokemon from all generations available, closing at the 400 iirc. Then BW has it's huge 156 new Pokemon dex, while B2W2 combines that with returning Pokemon. I think XY is the biggest dex so far, but only because they loaded every route with way too many Pokemon per area.

Nostalgiafaggotry from posers and normalfags, which came at the worst possible time with the rise of the geek culture past 2007.

>He thinks the people that don't like gen 5 are the ones that screamed about vanilluxe

HG/SS allow you to catch almost everything with the safari zone.


Remember when Misty picked up a part time job serving drinks at the beach in nothing but bikini bottoms and a shirt?

My penis remembers.

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