Who is the greatest Zelda one off NPC? Midna? Kass? Tingle?

Who is the greatest Zelda one off NPC? Midna? Kass? Tingle?

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Your mom

Definitely not Kass, he's fat and ugly.




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>one off NPC
Not only has he been in several Zelda games, he also has starred in 3 of his own games, the latest of which is one of the best point & click adventures released in the last 10 years.


Although her original owner is the better ride.

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i unironically enjoyed really enjoyed this game

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Midna is a dom
Kass is a sub
Tingle is voyeur

Correct answer. One of the few final bosses in Zelda I enjoyed, almost entirely because of the theme music.

I love Kass!

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Kass' sexual preferences are none of your business and are solely between me, his husband, and him!

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The old alchemist from OoT

The lady in the red dress from Zelda II who invites you into her house to "recover your strength".

Where's Kassfag?


4 posts above yours.

I like going all dirtydirector and smash the old ladies in their buttholes to recover magic then just heal myself.

>me, his husband, and him
So it's an open marriage?

Haha, after posting it, I thought that someone might misinterpret it like that.

No, silly. I'm his husband, I was trying to address myself as his husband by saying "me, his husband."

It's not an open relationship, sorry.

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and funny

This is why you should use parentheses for parenthetical statements instead of commas.

Yup. It was my mistake, I'm not the best writer. I'm not ESL, but I've always struggled with english.

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Best boy.

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