How do the old God of War games compare to other hack and slash games like DMC and Bayonetta? Never played them but I would imagine the combat is not as good, but the games may have other redeeming qualities. I have played nuGOW and thought that one was great
How do the old God of War games compare to other hack and slash games like DMC and Bayonetta...
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they're basic button mashers. Have some QTEs and some basic puzzles to break things up. They're competent but shallow thrills. You'll have had your fill after one of these, and if you must play one then play the second one.
They're fantastic, best series in the genre.
Can you explain?
God of War 1-3 compares most strongly to Kingdom Hearts. Both are stylish games that give you a lot of options but lack the challenge to really make those options necessary. Both focus on cinematic setpieces and mowing down large swathes of enemies with little effort and looking cool doing it.
God of War 2 is a really, really well made game and by far the best of the original trilogy
simple but fun
God of war isn't a button mashing "crazy" fest like the other trash. Play it on God Mode, you have to use timing, dodges, and positioning really well to be effective. The level designs and exploration are far superior without being tedious or slowing down the pacing.
And even aesthetically the gow series is superior. Dmc and bayo are cringey and goofy.
God of War 3 is the only one that matches games like DMC and Bayonetta in terms of complexity, the first two are just regular sixth gen action adventure games but with slightly deeper combat.
So what'd you guys think of this scene? I cried
manly kino
Well, one of the devs on GoW1 said on camera that DMC had better combat than their game after having won a GOTY award or some such.
This. They're actually the hardest games of this genre. If you like the new one, you'll love the old ones.
Not nearly as good combat wise, but the edginess/setpieces are alot of fun.
Elitists will tell you they are shit but honestly, as someone who is a big fan of DMC and NG I think they are really fun.
Combat has some interesting quirks like the universal grab system, collisions and ring outs.
The games have a massive sense of scale to them and the fantastic music only helps to elevate it.
The story, despite being simple, is pretty fun and compelling. Particularly in the first one.
They're fine for what they are. Play them on hard though. Normal makes the game very braindead combat wise.
>God of war isn't a button mashing "crazy" fest like the other trash.
severely lacking some self-awareness there, my dude. You are right about God Mode but anything outside of that difficulty is button mash through and through. This applies to all three of the series OP mentioned
This is true. But I still find myself replaying GoW2 more than 3, I like the campaign in 2 a lot more. Kinda the same deal with my relationship with DMC4, in which I almost never touched the campaign of 4 and just stayed on Bloody Palace, meanwhile to this day I still love going through the campaign of 1 and 3
I only played the first PS2 game. It's pretty alright I guess, but you shouldn't think of them as DMC games. Even the devs don't really consider them as such
>Dmc and bayo are cringey and goofy
not that your wrong, but you could say the same on either of those games hardest difficulty. I personally prefer god of war because I'm not into the whole "style" mechanic, I'd rather win a hard fight than stylishly win an easy one.
i beat 1 twice, one on ps2 and HD edition. i barely got into 2. i bought the hd as i didn't play 2, and the other ones.
Aged better than DMC games of the same time period imo with the simple gameplay and big flashy set pieces which are still impressive these days suprisingly
GoW 3 = nuGoW > GoW2 >>>>>>>> GoW
nuGoW and gow3 have different strengths and weakness, nuGoW doesn't have anything as flashy as most of the shit in GoW 3 but on the other hand the combat is more refined and skill based and the story is miles ahead.
GoW1 is the most ps2-era shit I've ever played, only GoW game I started and never finished
The combat is overall not as complicated or deep, but they're different types of games at the end of the day.
GoW1+2 had a lot of "puzzle fights," where the goal wasn't necessarily just murdering every dude in the room. Things like tossing enemies into traps, or pushing something through a gauntlet of enemies. These kind of fights are what elevated the relatively shallow combat to a really fun and engaging game. GoW3 was far too short and didn't have as many of these unfortunately.
None of the games get nearly as fast paced but its a solid H&S. The best gameplay is probably 2 and 3. Its more of an area combat, you can single 1 or 2 guys out of a group but your going for long combos and max damage on as many dudes as possible. The bosses really change the flow because now its focused on one or two big guys. Plus the games look pretty great and the story's stupid fun
>i have nothing to hide anymore
>didn't tell atreus he killed his wife/daughter
Ghost of Sparda is criminally underrated. That was a game made out of pure love
>Playing on my cousin's PS2 when I was 10
>God of war 2
>Fight the colossus, pull its hands into a building so that you can blow its eye out
I've been a huge fan of god of war ever since. Shame the series will never hit PC, but emulation has come a long way
Do not play one above normal, that game has serious balancing issues
He's shitposting.
The first game's story is still one of my favourites. Part of me wishes they hadn't continued them, and didn't let Kratos spiral into a parody of himself. He was full of rage, sure, but in the 1st game he could also be quite remorseful.
The sequels sorely lack moments like these
So... just like DMC and Bayonetta.
I agree user. It’s why ghost of Sparda is my 2nd favorite, because we got moments like 1 again.
Pretty fun games. They're not trying to be stylish or anything but the combat flows well and the puzzles help break up the action nicely. Give them a try. GoW2 is a masterpiece.
Definitely. Ghost of Sparda is the cut-off point for me. I don't dislike the other games, far from it, but they really lost track of the greek tragedy angle. The latter games' stories were mostly an excuse to kill more and more gods, and while they made for cool set pieces, the plot and characters suffered for it.
Also did we both just say Ghost of Sparda, I think we've had a little too DMC here
God of War 2 in god mod was fucking insane. Amazing boss battles too.
GoW games are head and shoulders above the competition. It's a damn shame what happened to the series with Dad of War
>Hating on dad of boi because it took the series in a new direction
That's what reboots do, user. And I daresay it did the job well. The game is solid and well liked
i used to actually like the series. i played through both psp games. played some of 1 and 2. beat 3 and ascension. i liked them all. but my opinion on the series drastically changed after i became a weeb. so i hate them all now. not even joking.
The level design is superior in GoW but I like the combat a bit better in DMC. GoW has solid combat though none the less. I like both series.
They are good games and I really recommend you play them. I hate nu-GoW but I love these and I love DMC. They are way different the GoW 4 though so be warned.
Has better boss battles but DMC and Bayonetta have more responsive controls and more interactivity.
It sacrificed its roots as an action game for a slowed down, dumbed down RPG that focused on story over gameplay. Likely one of the worst things you co do to a video game when rebooting
I couldnt finish cause i played it like 2 weeks ago and wanted to play other shit, but I beat 1 and 2 on the hardest difficulty.
They are so fucking good. 3 is the worse in weapons but maybe the best in other aspects.
Nu GoW was good, but not great like thr others. The first 3 have masculine magic. New GoW doesnt do anything great, just everything good. But nugow has an extremely well told story. The story isnt crazy like the others, but its well done
Definitely not goty tho
The fuck is wrong with you?
Meant to say couldnt finish playing 3
>I havent even played them but here's my opinion
Fucking retarded tripfags
>Literally said I played the first game only
Read, user
I read it fine. You haven't played them. Kill yourself faggot.