Ok so as a joke i changed my name (not profile name, but on the field where you can put name + country) to Brenton Tarrant. And I got this crap, what gives? Since when does valve care about names. Its not racist
Wtf valve censored my name, why?
Other urls found in this thread:
why do you think?
Was it because of "Too soon"?
you fucking retard
I don't get it..
They've changed my name a bunch but I've always been able to put it back. I'm currently on a community ban for a year so I can't change anything right now but I think them doing that is pretty fucking common. name's Treygone Martin btw
Well... when you use the name of a recent terrorist... What did you expect?
Why are you so rude? :S
what if that's just your name?
Enjoy losing everything you own
You absolute donut, what did you expect?
Almost as bad as snoy. Fuck censorship.
What does he have to do with Yea Forums - Video Games?
Is it?
No, it's not.
You know exactly what you're doing.
wouldn't be very difficult for them to check
> I am retarded underaged pls rape my face
Seems fitting
libtards and cuckservatives are trying to spread the meme of "not saying his name" and valve will censor it or else all the media will coordinate articles about them. if you dislike it, then spread the dudes shit as much as possible to piss them off.
You're a loser.
I looked up the name on steam community and there's lots of them that were called that but was replaced with random numbers.
>having steam in the first place
Toxic Yea Forumstards btfo
you just got dabbed on by BASED GABEN
Shouldn't all the based and euphoricpilled atheists of retardera be glad that he took a brave stand against religion?
Muslims are special though
they probably don't want to be held accountable for grief towards someone who is falsely linked to the shooter you dumb twat
shit was kino
You're a disgrace
anyone else take great joy in reporting /pol/tards?
whenever life has me down, i find one of the many /pol/ nazi groups and find idiots to report.
resetera wins again. Yea Forums btfo
Why risk losing your library over meme of the week?
Just shitpost here or another site, throwaway account on twitter or something
>dude shotguns 40 of their precious Muslim pets
>some incel has to change his name on Steam
>losing your library
kek you have no clue how this works
>Yea Forums is defending censorship once again
Way to go Yea Forumsesetera.
I think you need some new material there, master trole.
did you read their eula?
le funny shoot man meme
+10 brony point to xou my non-binary firend ;)
Pretty dank meme then. I wish that other euro incel had go-pro'd his slaughter.
sorry but im not non-binary. just a normal girl :)
t. overwatch player
no that game sucks
Pictures that really make you think.
based and pewdiepilled
incredibly based
Mines Osama Bin laden and I've never had it changed or removed. Based steam double standards.
i report furfag profiles more often than anyone else
the blatant degeneracy makes their profiles easy targets
shit even anime avatar profiles are usually ashamed enough of their own bs that they don't flaunt it
then you wouldn't have need to change it to that name.
it's funny, /pol/ faggots are easier to rage/bait than sjws
>do dumb shit
>make stupid post about it
based 13 year old retards